5G Aware

5G Aware

Ensuring only safe, tested mobile technology is used in New Zealand, for the health of our people and our environment.


SORRY ANOTHER VENUE CHANGE, the council doesn't want us meeting up. New venue: this one won't cancel guaranteed.
1218 Centre Road. Henley.
See you at 6pm




Great event happening this Friday night 6-9pm in Dunedin. Come along meet the community.

Mandate of Non-Consent 20/10/2021

A LAWFUL SOLUTION TO NO 💉, NO JOB! Protect yourself and your family with A Mandate of Non-Consent.

Mandate of Non-Consent To protect ourselves and our family members we must formally, and properly issue our statement of non-consent. Until we formally take these steps it is presumed that we have consented to how we are currently being governed.


Meeting with Dunedin City Council today at 2pm
to present our health
concerns around 5G


QUEENSTOWN PROTESTS 5G - Well done guys thanks for your time and effort.👍

5G ‘questioners’ air their concerns 28/01/2020

DUNEDIN QUESTIONS 5G ROLLOUT. Well done Dunedin Team. Their message - "We are not opposed to technology, but we must ensure we are making informed community decisions. We would like to invoke the Precautionary Principle to protect the health, safety and well-being of the community and environment. There has been no independent testing of this technology." The group also made presentations to three Dunedin community boards on Thursday 23 January 2020; Portobello, Brighton, and Middlemarch, requesting a pause on 5G pending independent scientific research into its safety.

5G ‘questioners’ air their concerns A group of 10 gathered in the Octagon on Saturday to question the rollout of 5G in Dunedin. Part of a nationwide day of protest against 5G network...

The End of Private Vehicle Ownership 24/01/2020

The End of Private Vehicle Ownership While many people imagine the convenience and accessibility that self-driving cars will offer in the near future, we forget that like many luxuries, this will come at the cost of privacy and freedo…

5G Free ~ Global Day of Protest Jan 25th 2020 23/01/2020

This song was born from the on-going dismissal of our concerns, OUR government ministers, ignoring our requests, and refusing to meet with international experts. We won't give up, and we will be heard.

It's essential we join forces this Saturday 25th January, Octagon, Dunedin 4pm we can't leave it up to everyone else, we need people power, we need numbers to get attention, raise awareness and be heard. We all have other things we'd like to be doing, but this is important, it's time to collectively take a stand with our brothers and sisters all over the world. Let's do this!! ❤️

5G Free ~ Global Day of Protest Jan 25th 2020 This song was born from the on-going dismissal of our concerns, OUR government ministers, ignoring our requests, and refusing to meet with international expe...

Your deep-reading brain is the perfect antidote to screens — and here's how to engage it 06/01/2020

Are you finding it hard to read deeply, or even remember what you've read, after a year of scanning and skimming quickly through digital content? You are not alone —

Skimming has become the new normal way of reading, something we have adapted to as a way of dealing with the enormous volumes of information we are presented with every day.

Our reading brain is becoming wired more for speed and less for processes like comprehension, understanding and committing information to our long-term memories.

Your deep-reading brain is the perfect antidote to screens — and here's how to engage it Are you finding it hard to read deeply and even remember what you've read after a year of scanning digital screens? You're not alone — but you should be able to fix it.

Why Kiwis Can't Say NO to Cell Phone Towers in NZ! 06/01/2020

THIS WILL SHOCK YOU - MORE CORRUPTION FROM OUR GOVERNMENT, our Government truly are puppets of the Global Corporations that control New Zealand. We need to educate our family and friends and with a united voice insist our Government begins to work for us, the NZ people and not corporations whose sole focus is profit at all costs.
This video explains why in New Zealand telcos like 2degrees, Spark, and Vodafone can install mobile phone towers just meters from our homes and schools, and we have no legal recourse to object? This is a question that was succinctly answered by Russel Norman back in 2010, and the reason will probably shock you!

Why Kiwis Can't Say NO to Cell Phone Towers in NZ! Why is it that in New Zealand telcos like 2degrees, Spark, and Vodafone can install mobile phone towers just meters from our homes and schools, and we have n...

Sue Grey & Joe Rifici: How to Stop the 5G Deployment in NZ 06/01/2020

Thank you Sue Grey, 5G-Free New Zealand, and Joe Rifici, from 5G Free Nelson for producing such an insightful video.
Please share this video with your family and friends, we need our communities to understand the dangers 5G presents and get behind the 5G Free Movement in NZ.

Sue Grey & Joe Rifici: How to Stop the 5G Deployment in NZ Joe Rifici of 5G Free Nelson and lawyer Sue Grey sat down together to discuss the question on everyone's mind: what can we do to halt the 5G deployment under...

5G Problems and Solutions - Jerry Day on The Corbett Report 29/12/2019


5G Problems and Solutions - Jerry Day on The Corbett Report SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=34513 Jerry Day of EMFHelpCenter.com joins us today for an information-packed presentation on the status...


TELECOM WORKERS ARE DESTROYING CELL TOWERS. Main stream media isn't reporting these act as 5G cell towers are being destroyed by frustrated Telecom Workers that are trying to warn the public of the 5G dangers. They are harmful to health causing brain and cellular damage.

BREAKING: TELECOM WORKERS DESTROY CELL TOWERS TO WARN PUBLIC OF 5G DANGERS ⚠️ To find out if the death towers in your area are operating above bio-initiative safety standards check out the emf-390 ➡️ http://stfnreport.com/product/em...

AV10 - John Smith - Common Law Courts 27/12/2019

COMMON LAW COURTS, A LAWFUL REMEDY FOR THE PEOPLE. Could this be a way we can take back control of the 5G rollout. Common Law Courts are established by the people to provide lawful remedy for the people. When a government fails to hear us, or fails to recognise and provide lawful remedies for us it is our duty to overthrow such government and reinstate a new lawful Government. Sue Grey lawyer, 1080 and 5G activist announced that the Outdoors Party will create policy around Common Law Courts.

AV10 - John Smith - Common Law Courts A Lawful Remedy for the People : John Smith explains why there is a need for the Common Law Court. Natural law principles are the foundation for the Common L...

The hidden military use of 5G technology 22/12/2019

5G TO BE USED FOR WARFARE Excerpt: It will increase the lethality of killer drones and war robots, giving them the ability to identify, track and strike people based on facial recognition and other characteristics. The 5G network, being a high-tech warfare instrument, will automatically also become the target of cyber attacks and war actions carried out with new generation weapons.

Check out the attached pdf summary at eh bottom of this article. Defense Applications of 5G Network Technology https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/geopolitics/the-hidden-military-use-of-5g-technology/

The hidden military use of 5G technology The operation organised by the "Five Eyes" against Huawei aims exclusively to ensure that 5G technology in the West will not be controlled by a Chinese company. As a Pentagon report attests, this civilian technology is primarily used for military purposes.

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World 18/12/2019

FEELING EVEN MORE CURIOUS? Check out the 5G Global Map.If you are traveling this holiday season you may want to check out the coverage in your area.

Ookla 5G Map - Tracking 5G Network Rollouts Around the World See the latest 5G rollouts across the world with our interactive 5G map. We’re tracking 5G cellular networks so you don’t have to. The Ookla 5G map will be updated with new cities as we see results.


You can go to Vodafone's Network Coverage maps to see if 5G is live. Below is Queenstown's 5G areas highlighted in purple. https://www.vodafone.co.nz/network/coverage/

Photos from 5G Aware's post 17/12/2019

REBUTTAL OF PRIME MINISTER'S CHIEF SCIENCE ADVISOR'S STATEMENTS ON THE SAFETY OF 5G. On 2 December, 2019, the nzherald.co.nz published an article on 5G. Professor Juliet Gerrard, NZ Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor, provided information to the public on the safety of 5G. This information was misleading and factually incorrect. Andrew Lewis has provided a highly accurate, point by point rebuttal to the article. Please free free to use these pages if you are meeting with your local council to discuss your communities health concerns regarding 5G. All links to the facts and scientific documents are noted on these pages. I can email you the hyperlinked pdf file if required.

All hyperlinks in the document are below:

International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection disclaims any responsibility for information they provide to Governments.

Deutsche Bank replaces 18,000 jobs with robots

Low frequency microwaves damage cell reproduction

Human skin acts as an antenna to microwaves

Microwave frequencies open the blood brain barrier

US Naval Research in 1971 learned Electromagnetic Radiation causes; headaches, insomnia, restlessness awake and asleep, cranial nerve damage, heart issues, seizures, convulsions.https://rense.com/general96/Navy-Microwave-and-RF-Effects-Brief-1971.pdf

Non thermal effects on birds and bees, disrupt navigation, inability of bees to locate hive.

Privacy concerns over police's new 'state of the art' facial recognition system 16/12/2019

NZ POLICE WILL HAVE FACIAL RECOGNITION SYSTEMS IN MID 2020. NZ Police has enlisted the services of an American company to design a "state of the art" facial recognition system. Using CCTV camera footage, fi****ms license holders photos, plus with the LED Street lights ability to have cameras - we are about to be living in and "Orwellian" Surveillance State. Communist China here we come.

Privacy concerns over police's new 'state of the art' facial recognition system The technology will identify suspects from CCTV, but critics say the public should've been consulted.


While checking out the Dunedin City Council website to see if they had a United Nations Global Agenda, a One World Government policy, that might explain why they are installing a total surveillance system using the LED Streetlights that will become part of the 5G platform.
I discovered that the Dunedin City Council are members of the Global Covenant of Mayors – The Compact of Mayors.
It looks like our City Council has been hoodwinked, or maybe they have willingly complied to the propaganda being used on the people to sell this total surveillance and control system to our City, it goes by the name of “Climate Change Action”

Our local towns and cities mayors and councillors have signed up to this climate emergency agenda and to a global governance pact which includes total global surveillance and control of our city. The services offered by these controlling corporations is huge, everything from installing streetlights to waste management, emergency services, hospital management, city construction the list is extensive. Parent company: Ferrovial; Broadspectrum, Telsena, Microsoft

By installing these LED streetlights and the highly complex, information gathering, and reporting software, known as Smart City Solutions (Urban IQ). Telensa is developing a new generation of light pole sensor devices featuring smartphone Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, enabling detailed real-time insights to be affordably derived for the first time.

These multi-sensor pods harness new developments in camera and radar imaging from the automotive industry, combined with AI technology from the latest smartphones. They create a new opportunity to understand in fine detail how our streets really work. There are no privacy implications, as no video is stored, and no personal data is collected......???

DO WE BELIEVE THE ABOVE STATEMENT - REMEMBER FACEBOOK?? Scroll to the bottom of this page to see their system operating - https://www.telensa.com/solutions/

Check out this article - More than 4,000 Smart Streetlights which use FACIAL RECOGNITION and can record video and audio raise concerns in San Diego - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7477829/Smart-Streetlights-use-FACIAL-RECOGNITION-raise-concerns-San-Diego.html?fbclid=IwAR1DB7c83Xgaudtr4fnsMWc8mCimS99tRA4Rvw__B7l1EvC0kVp8jeC79TU

This system is a gateway to SMART applications that monitor and gather data on; traffic, air quality, weather, foot traffic and much, much more. This is designed to be a plug n’ play system so you can plug in cameras, audio devices and more to the system.

These SMART city control systems send all information to a globally centralised management system, this centralised management system is accessible by the Global Government or The Compact of Mayors. This full data collection and reporting is part of the compliancy required by the Global Covenant of Mayors.

These LED Streetlights and data gathering systems are financed by these global corporations as it states ‘to enable CAPITAL FLOWS into cities to support city governments to take action, they will be held responsible for the action and the ASSOCIATED INVESTMENTS’

Another frightening thing about the LED Streetlights is they have dipole antennas, when coupled with 5G millimetre wave technology, they became radar scanners. So they can image the interior of buildings.
If there is a router or cellphone inside the home or workplace the LED streetlights can use the router or cellphone in the building to 3D map the entire space.

It’s called 'though-the-wall technology' and results in high resolution 3D holographic rendering. It’s like looking through a window into a room it’s that realistic.

Science paper attached -Full article: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/33897/

What Is 5G Animation 14/12/2019

Stop 5G Australia's video is going viral as Aussie's start to wake up to the dangers of 5G. This campaign is designed to educate and encourage people to sign and share their petition and help stop the Australia wide 5G rollout. They want their Government to prove they have truly independent, impartial testing that shows this technology is safe.

What Is 5G Animation Want to know why people are so concerned about the 5G rollout that’s underway right now in Australia and around the world? This little animation explains why...

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley 14/12/2019

An interesting 15 min TEDx Talk. A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our strange attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction holds.

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction m...


It seems that they are rolling out 5G simultaneously all over the world. UK, America, Australia and New Zealand.


CHCH MAYOR, LIANNE DALZIEL, REACTS TO 5G ACTIVIST LIKE A HIGHLY TENSIONED, WIRE RAT TRAP! Christchurch Resident, Mike Mora, did an outstanding 5 minute presentation on the dangers of 5G and Wi-Fi radiation to the Christchurch City Council on 12 December 2019. Well presented, scientifically accurate and very well researched. We applaud you, and thank you Mike for taking the time to speak up on this highly controversial, and very political, hot topic.
Sadly the Christchurch mayor cut Mike's presentation off with all the care and compassion of a highly tensioned wire rat trap.
Her corporate masters would have been very, very proud!

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