Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.

Plants need some basic requirements in order to live, thrives and to become healthy too.

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Plant This Succulent to Combat Climate Change 11/10/2021

Plant This Succulent to Combat Climate Change In an interview with NBC-7 evening news, succulent expert and author Debra Lee Baldwin explains why succulents are better at carbon sequestration than thin-l...


Applicable to the collectors or growing Cacti and succulents who are in the tropics...

Soil as well must be rocky mixture/gritty mixture.

Grow Lighting Masterclass with Professor Erik Runkle of Michigan State University 25/09/2021

Grow Lighting Masterclass with Professor Erik Runkle of Michigan State University Professor Erik Runkle is a grow lighting expert in the horticultural department of Michigan state university and shares with us the latest research in Hortic...

Photobiology Simplified with Dr Bruce Bugbee 25/09/2021

Photobiology Simplified with Dr Bruce Bugbee Dr. Bruce Bugbee explains in simple terms how the different colors of light can have a powerful effect on plant photosynthesis and morphology, such as shape,...


Inilunsad ng Institute of Plant Breeding o IPB ng University of the Philippines Los Baños (IPB-UPLB) ang dalawang proyektong makapagde-debelop ng mga bagong barayti ng gumamela at hoya sa bansa. 💙

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲:

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 31/03/2021

The Camouflage Plants

These plants are terrestrial meaning they are growing direct from soil with having enough level of humidity continuously.

-Deiffenbachia sp. 'Reflector'
-Aglaonema sp./(A. pictum x A. rotundum) 'Red Army'
-Adelonema speariae
-Adelonema wallisii
-Aglaonema pictum 'Tricolour'
-Caladium praetermissum 'Hilo Beauty'
-Schismatoglottis scortechinii

Tips: Do not expose in direct sunlight/heat/underwatering/overwatering/ over fertilize.

Well: humid area with bright filtered light/ Bright indirect sunlight. Put some moss to hold little moisture.


-Aroideana 38E No. 1, International Aroid Society, Inc.

-The Genera of Araceae, International Aroid Society, Inc.


A new species in Aroid (Araceae) family.

Strictly No Poaching.
Plants that are endangered or rare MUST live in their own habitat, because you cannot revive if that plant/s die, and a great loss for their counts. Plant/s live and thrive with the help of certain conditions to their habitat and microorganisms as well therefore the chance it will die is higher once it is replaced somewhere. Rare plants should buy in legit seller runs in authorized processes.


NEW SPECIES | Amorphophallus calcicolus,a new species from the forest over karst of Bohol

Tamayo et al. 2021. Amorphophallus calcicolus (Thomsonieae, Araceae), a new species from the Bohol island, Central Visayas, Philippines. Phytotaxa 489 (2).

in its NEWS SPECIES series aims to inspire biologists and future taxonomists. This page advocates for biodiversity awareness and conservation and does not promote illegal collection and practices harmful to the balance of the environment.

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 22/03/2021

Adelonema /clade/

Abstract—Previous studies have shown Homalomena as traditionally defined to be polyphyletic, with Neotropical species phylogenetically
distinct from Asian species. This study of 29 accessions of 10 Neotropical taxa, and a total of 135 accessions representing 92 taxa of
Homalomena, Furtadoa, and Philodendron for nuclear ITS and plastid matK regions, supports resurrection of the genus Adelonema for Neotropical
species currently assigned to Homalomena. Adelonema is here delimited as a Neotropical genus of 16 species divided into two new sections: sect.
Adelonema and sect. Curmeria, based on morphologically supported molecular results. ---ResearchGate.

According to the comments in International Aroid Society Aroid Quasi Forum one botanist said--- 'Adelonema is the 'new' name for the Neotropical species of Homalomena; these resolve as sister (related) to Philodendron. Adelonema+Philodendron is sister(related) to (now wholly Asian) Homalomena.' and 'Nauheimer, Metzler & Renner [New Phytologist 195(4): 938–950] have a dated tree which places Adelomena basal to a Philodendron+Homalomena+Furtadoa clade. ---Boyce, P.C.'

Adelonema wallisii.
Adelonema palidinervia.
Adelonema yanamonoensis
Adelonema peltata.

Clade: a group of organisms believed to have evolved from a common ancestor, according to the principles of cladistics.

Source: > International Aroid Society, Inc.

Book: The Genera of Araceae


Things to know about Araceae (Aroid), A best to regard for successful growth---Mimic.

Most of the genera and related species names or included varieties from Araceae are tropics which means they are thriving from the landscape of forest/jungle. Most of them spend their lives being a terrestrials (crawler/bulb/upright stem) which means they lived at forest floor throughout their lives, climbers (Hemiepiphyte) which means they have fast production of very long stem that have each node per grow point and shortening of internodes as they get older from floor and finally attached to their support---already stable from tree, they search for tree way up high into the canopy, some they can change their forms (fenestration/ pinnately lobed) as they get their support/tree and sufficient light. Some are epiphytes (like orchids and air plants) which means they grow from tree at the very beginning, some have thick and adventurous roots that reach down from the tree to the floor (soil) or they go down but it never touches the ground if the environment is already very humid. Always remember a successful plant parents mimic the environment of their plants in order for them to be healthy, every plant has different necessities from type/mixture of soil/soilless, water and chemical regulation and intensity of light.

Best to Regard in Caring an Aroid.

As much as possible half soil or soilless mixture (wood chips/chunks, coco peat/fiber, pumice, moss or rice hull).

They like consistent moisture from soil and air. Not too much or too little.

Do not put under blazing sun, morning sunlight from 8-10, onward from that time must be filtered. Give some rest from shade in the afternoon. Newly repotted should be put under shade for about a week.

Water as much as possible from rain or filtered ---salt toxicity.

Fertilize once the plant is stable, the right amount in application should know about.

Aroids have special characteristics from roots, stems, leaves to flowers that indicate where they originally lived. We should regard what makes them feel like 'HOME'.


The Genera of Araceae

Others from Editorials and Archive pdf files.

Thank You!
Maraming Salamat Po.


Basic Urban Gardening 101 from Plantideas.ENCAO

As a plant parent you should know how to take care of your plant/s and make them consistent healthy--- thriving. However, as a beginner as well we have few knowledge about them and there's a great chance of unfortunate happening. As we want that plant, we keep on buying but still losing....Plants have different necessities. Here are the tips to grow them better.

Ecological Classification of Plants.

Mesophyte- the moderate plants. Not too dry nor wet.
Water: moderate.
Sun: partial shade- full sun.
Soil: loam (with pieces of wood/barks or rocks).
E.g. (Dracaena/Sansevieria)

Epiphyte/Hemiepiphyte- the anchor plants. Tree-loving.
Water: moderate.
Sun: partial shade- full sun.
Soil: pieces of wood and coco cube/fiber/dried moss (as much as possible soilless, some need poles or support).
E.g. (Bromeliad, Orchid, some Aroids)

Hygrophyte/Pteridophyte- the humid-loving plants. Humidity.
Water- little more.
Sun- shaded- full sun.
Soil- loam.
(Fern, Calathea, Fittonia)

Xenophyte- the drought tolerant plants. Dry but maintained.
Water- less
Sun: partial shade- full sun.
Soil: gritty (as much as possible soilless: pieces of wood/barks, coco fiber/peat and rocks).
E.g. (Echeverias, Cacti)

Litophyte: the rock plants. Rocks with maintenance.
It depends if plants are both Litophyte and either of the following Epiphyte- or Xenophyte-.

Note: Rare Plants is not a Thing, in terms of Ecological Disturbance sadly part for us. Strictly No Poaching.


Books and Journals:
1) The Genera of Araceae.
2) The Cactus Family.
3) Xenophilia. different Editorials (9-19).

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 23/02/2021

Chlorosis vs Variegation

Chlorosis is not a good stuff that show off to your plants, you might think that's a variegation because of as it is unfurling a leaf is yellow and then continuously expanding to specific area. You guess, not correct! because variegation is white as in the first place and turns light yellow and never spreads until the whole leaf turn into not very nice looking one--- yellow and mushy, soon it will wilt. Variegation maybe splash or dots and those are stable marking in your plants and do not spread. See chlorosis reference below. Care tips?

Check your Soil- it should be gritty soil mix, do not use loam soil or just soil alone, put some pumice, stones (not pebbles), rice hulls, dried moss either coco fiber/cube/peat.

Check the Plant/s- use gritty soil or soilless materials (no soil). Do not over water or underwater for a long period of time, and use filtered water or rain water more often, put some extra efforts. Do not over fertilize, put some fertilizer for stable plants (not newly repotted). Fertilize every 3-5 months.

Do not spray the plant/s often, is it tropical plants? If not, then do not spray.

Do not expose in sun directly from 10am onwards, morning sun preferable. Filtered light.

For all Care tips and ideas you wanted to know:

Source: and>Google Image>Picture

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 14/02/2021

Today is a special day, most of you
want flowers for a gift. However, as an aroid-er this is not a typical flower you know about, some of these flowers could be gigantic--- larger than the size of us. Mostly of these flowers attract weird insects--- 'scavenger' to pollinate them. Some of these flowers produce heat called as 'thermogenesis' to make their perfume more alluring for more flying scavenger insect. These flowers contains Spathe instead of petals, their inflorescence know for having Spadix instead of Stamen or Pistil. You know them?

---Happy Valentine's Day ♥️---

Amorphophallus Titanum
Orontium aquaticum
Pothos macrocephalus
Anthurium flavolineatum
Dracontium changuango
Lasia spinona
Podolasia stipitata
Taccarum weddellianum
Gorgonidium vermicidum
Synandrospadix vermitoxicus
Zomicarpella amazonica
Amorphophallus aphyllus
Dracunculus vulgaris
Arisaema ovale


Book: The Genera of Araceae

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 13/02/2021

Scindapsus spp.

This amazing type of genus in aroid family makes nature looks an abstract painter with a striking wonders and purpose of their presence in particular place, it is like a Rhaphidophora spp. that when they got nice pole or support they start to be like ladder and their leaves get flat to its support or what we call shingling, the way it climb in tree way up to the canopy. They are look same to Monstera sp. because of convergent evolution the way they shingle in tropics, however, note that Monstera genus famous to its fenestration in becoming mature one. It is more complex like my Epipremnum spp. before.

If you want Care tips and more information about them check out those by scrolling to our page. Just give yourself a little time. Thank you!

"This beautiful scindapsus cultivar from Fairchild Botanical Gardens looks as if it were painted with a brush. The fact that it shingles makes it even cooler! This is the first time I have sold one of these guys." Scindapsus pictus 'Painted Lady' from NSE Tropicals.

"The Shingle Plant is an herbaceous creeping vine in the Arum family, Araceae. It gets its name from the “shingling” behavior exhibited by its young leaves, in which it lies flat against the surface of a tree. As it grows, it changes its leaf shape and growth habit. ... Leaves often have natural holes in the blades."

Source: NSE

Book: The Genera of Araceae

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 27/01/2021

Euphorbia is not a Cactus....
Some of genera(plural of genus)/species of two different family (Euphorbiaceae vs. Cactaceae) look the same because of convergent evolution however, they are not related completely, these are the tips to spot between family of Euphorbia and Cactus.

Euphorbia have big bract/s (mostly consist of two) in flower while Cactus have petal/s.

Euphorbia have single or double spines in ar**le while in cactus are groups every ar**le.

All Euphorbia (spurge) contains latex while in cacti (plural) are some.

Ferocactus latispinus vs.
Euphorbia ferox

Want to know more about?



Merry Christmas, plant lovers!

Sending love & gratitude to everyone!
Thank you for supporting our page since September!

Plant Ideas: ENCAO

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 18/11/2020

How to Identify these plants:

Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' (Peace lily) vs
Dieffenbachia sp. (Elephant Ear)

Their leaves and flowers are look the same that is why it is confusing to determine if it's Deiffenbachia sp. or Spathiphyllum sp. But take notes that there are still details how they differ from each other.

parlatorei/ D. longispatha/ D. killipii and other related spp.

-Long and thick stem
-Long, thick and pointy tip of leaf
-Very thick petiole, and thick midrib of leaf.
-Thick and short petiole attached to flower
-Different spathe from Spathiphyllum sp.

Spathiphyllum sp. 'Sensation'

-Very short stem
(acaulescent) but long petiole
-flower with different spathe from Dieffenbachia spp.
-long leaf size too but many lines along the midrib
-Thin and long petiole attached to flower
(International Aroid Society)

Book: The Genera of Araceae


Effects of mineral nutrient deficiencies on leaf development, visual symptoms and shoot–root ratio of Spathiphyllum.


Plant ID.?? Care tips??
Comment nyo po dito.👇
Thank you!
We have new account on Instagram too, follow and like to keep updated: .encao

Source: Pinterest

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 14/11/2020

How to Identify these plants:

Ferns are very impressive plants for your collection, yet some of them are easy to care and some are not. As a horticulturist, I learned some of them are easy to propagate and pest resistant, some epiphytic and on ground, some of them mostly like in full sun to partial shade, humid, well draining and fertile soil (organic matter).

Here are the different ferns you want to know.

1) Rabbit's foot Fern
2) Crocodile Fern
3) Bird's nest Fern 'Crissie'
4) Bird's nest Fern 'Manila'
5) Cobra Fern
6) Heart Fern
7) Asplenium x Kenzoi Fern
8) Maidenhair Fern

Other fern in Philippines

-Asplenium nidus
'Bird's nest Fern'
-Boston Fern
-Aglaomorpha spp. (Pakpak lawin)
-Monarch Fern
(Wart Fern)
-M. scolopendria 'VP003'
(Twisted fern)
-Fishtail fern

Not actually ferns but they called.

Asparagus Fern
Foxtail Fern

International Fern Societies

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 12/11/2020

How to Identify these plants:

Philodendron plowmonii vs Philodendron mamei vs
Philodendron pastazanum vs Philodendron sodiroi

Philodendron plowmonii

It has silver streaks on big round green leaves. It is a creeper and will not climb.
The petioles possess an ornate ruffled edge which is both undulated (waved) and sharply "D" shaped when cut as a cross section.
The petioles are broadly convex (curved outward) on the adaxial (upper) surface and are both undulated (wavy) and winged, They are medium green in color while being only slightly glossy and slightly streaked abaxially (on the upper surface).
The petioles are also undulated near the apex or upper end nearest the leaf blade and are often tinged with a reddish purple as can be seen in several of our photos.

Philodendron mamei

If the underside of a leaf blade is examined the lower surface (abaxial) will be seen to be much paler in color and only slightly glossy. The mid-rib at the blade's center is flat on the upper surface but is convex on the underside. The primary lateral leaf veins of Philodendron mamei cataphyll, Philodendron mamei are sunken on the adaxial (upper) surface but are convex on the underside while the minor veins are only moderately visible on the underside.

P. mamei 'Silver Cloud'
(Go to comment section)

Philodendron pastazanum

It used to go by theme Philodendron mcdowellii. The big heart shaped leaf has lighter contrast veining and absolutely looks great as a clump. Very easy to grow.
This plant is a crawler meaning that the main stem or rhizome is growing vertically and not horizontally. The petioles are growing vertically from the stem and carry the leaves.

Philodendron sodiroi

The leaves of Philodendron sodori are so silvery they nearly sparkle! This is a beatiful climbing species that really stands out! In a sea full of green leaves, this French Guiana native really steals the show.

(vs. Philodendron brandtianum, go to comment section)

These plants mistakenly called as Homalomena philipinensis and related spp., Schimaglottis spp. and Philodendron gloriosum (must not to be, be aware to their scientific names)
International Aroid Society

Book: The Genera of Araceae

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 04/11/2020

How to Identify these plants:

Syngonium spp. and varieties (cultivars or hybrids)

Syngonium podophyllum

HABIT: root-climbing or shortly creeping, evergreen herbs, internodes short to elongate, green. LEAVES: numerous. PETIOLE: sheath long. BLADE: at maturity cordate, oblong-cordate, lanceolate, sagittate, trifid to trisect, pedatifid to pedatisect, rarely pinnatifid, when juvenile entire, ovate to sagittate or cordate-sagittate or hastate; basal ribs usually well-developed, primary lateral veins pinnate, usually forming a submarginal collective vein, 1–2 distinct marginal veins also present, or sometimes primaries long
arcuate and running into margin (e.g. S. schottianum), secondary laterals ± parallel to primaries, higher order venation reticulate to transverse-reticulate.

Popular variegated: Syngonium podophyllum albo variegata

Syngonium podophyllum ‘albo-variegata’ – sometimes known as Nepthytis, or “arrowhead plant”. The variegation on these plants is insanely carriage with no to leaves being identical. Great for low to intermediate lighting conditions and always a show-stopper.

Syngonium podophyllum 'Batik'
(go to comment section)

Other Syngonium spp.

Syngonium angustatum
Syngonium wendlandii
Syngonium rayii
Syngonium auritum
Syngonium erythrophyllum
Syngonium neglectum
Syngonium chiapense
Syngonium macrophyllum
Book reference:
The Genera of Araceae

Plant one on me:
S. podophyllum albo variegata 'Marble':

Plant one on me
S. erythrophyllum:

Plant one on me:
S. chiapense:

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 02/11/2020

⭕DD PLANTS: Shapeshifters

Begonia species (spp.) are amazing plants, it is very interesting because of their different characteristics (especially their leaves). They are tropical plants who wants part shade or filter light (bright indirect sunlight-medium light). Moist but not soggy the soil---well draining.

Here are the samples of amazing begonia species (spp.).

-Begonia ferox
-Begonia baik
-Begonia bipinnatifida
-Begonia 'Black Mamba'
-Begonia sikkimensis U614
-Begonia x erythrophylla 'Bunchii'
-Begonia ningmingensis var. bella
For Philippines: Begonia palawanensis Merr.
( and

-Begonia luzonensis

For Philippines other Begonia spp. related: (
--No Poaching--
Begonia baik and B. padawanensis spp. nov. (Begoniaceae) from sandstone areas in Sarawak.

American Begonia Society:


Book of Aroid🌱💓🆔.
It contains different Genera from Araceae. Full of information from research, care tips until detailed classification (different fields of science relating to plant and its environment).
If you are curious to what aroid(araceae) is? then check this out! Have a nice reading🌱💓.

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 30/10/2020

⭕DD PLANTS: Skeletons

Philodendron tortum vs Philodendron elegans vs Philodendron polypodioides

Philodendron tortum

Really a neat climbing Philodendron. The new leaves come out in a corkscrew and open up into a really unusual spidery leaf. A must for any collection.

--most distinctive claw-like structure at the leaf base, while the mature plants became very compact, some hardly showing any internode spaces, all with a very obvious "claw".

Philodendron elegans

A multi-lobed Philodendron from Colombia and Brazil, Philodendron elegans was described to science in 1913 and is a member of Philodendron section Polytomium. Philodendron elegans is an epiphytic vine that sprawls across the ground or may grow erect to climb the nearest tree.

Philodendron elegans is an unusual epiphytic Philodendron elegans, due to the shape of the leaf which some collectors refer to as a "skeleton key". However, there are other Philodendron species with a similar growth form including Philodendron radiatum and Philodendron tortum.


Is just an abberant P.
pedatum. Look to leaf base, P. tortum much looks palm than P. polypodioides.
(Go to comment)

Related Confusion:

P. mayoi vs P. radiatum vs P. lacerum

Other pinnately lobed leaf.
References:> InternationalAroidSociety,Inc.

Plant one on me>Propagation>NSETropicals:

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 29/10/2020

⭕DD PLANTS: Shadow

Philodendron hederaceum 'micans' vs Philodendron 'El Choco Red' vs Philodendron luxurians
vs Philodendron melanochrysum vs Philodendron gigas

Philodendron hederaceum 'micans'

Philodendron ‘micans’ – A staple in every houseplant collection! This is truly one of the most stunning varieties of vining philodendron with beautify dark foliage with a beautiful shimmer. This is an easy growing plant that does great in bright indirect lighting.

Philodendron 'El Choco Red'

This velvety aroid also has an irridescent sheen to the leaves. Incredible! Said to be from the Choco area of Columbia.
Young leaves are red on the back, but they lose this almost entirely as they mature.

Philodendron luxurians

This tiger striped, velvety aroid also has an irridescent sheen to the leaves. Incredible! Said to be from the Choco area of Colombia.
P. luxurians perfers low light and a well draining soil. It has a creeping habit similar to P. gloriosum and it crawls along the ground.

Philodendron melanochrysum

Many collectors acquire this plant as a small vine with very small leaves A strong climber, the species has leaves that are velutinous which look and feel like velvet. Like numerous other Philodendron sp. the leaves change shape and elongate as the plant climbs.

Philodendron gigas

(Note: juvenile leaf of P. gigas is much darker and will grow bigger before it matures(heart shaped leaf)
Endemic to Panama, Philodendron gigas is a hemiepiphytic Philodendron sp. The incredibly beautiful sub-coriaceous (less than leathery) leaves range from olive green to dark green and are both elongated, triangular, ovate or narrowly ovate and velutinous (velvety) in appearance. The petiole is "D" shaped instead of round. (Go to comment section).

---They are velvety plants that need more maintinance and specific conditions.

Plant one on me: Philodendron hederaceum 'micans': Care tips.

Philodendron 'El Choco Red': Heartshapedleaf:

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 28/10/2020

⭕DD PLANTS: Flesh & Veins

Philodendron verrucosum vs Philodendron subhastatum vs Philodendron atabapoense

Philodendron verrucosum

With its irridescent velvety leaves, there is just nothing better. The back of the leaf (underside) has a red flame pattern while the front looks like crushed velvet.
The scientific term velutinous indicates the leaf blade has its surface covered with a fine and dense silky pubescence (hair) thus making the blade appear velvety.
The underside of the leaf blade is stained purple red.

Philodendron subhastatum

Philodendron subhastatum is a beautful easy to grow aroid. The most striking characteristic is the red undersides of the leaves.

(Note: P. subhastatum is narrower than P. verrucosum leaf shape.)

Homotypic or nomenclatural synonyms are synonyms that come about when a name is somehow incorrect or when a species is moved from one genus to another. Philodendron subhastatum K. Krause.

Philodendron atabapoense

It was something of a source of confusion a few years back. Being called everything from “santa leopoldina II” to superbum. The leaves are extremely variable having bright red backs when juvenile and fading to green as it climbs.

(Note: much narrower to the two species included.)

Aroid expert Leland Miyano also explained, "the juvenile leaves of Philodendron atabapoense can be very glaucous or grey-green on the adaxial or upper surface,of the blade in the right often has this feature in shade or sun, but with increased light, it is even more pronounced."

Photos from Plant Ideas: Easy Name Classification of Aroid and others.'s post 25/10/2020

⭕DD PLANTS: Creatures

P. squamiferum vs P. bipennifolium vs P. 'Aurea'(Gold Violin) vs P. pedatum vs P. 'Florida--' hybrids vs P. 'Golden Dragon'

Philodendron squamiferum

And to add to the interest, the petioles (commonly known as stems) of the Philodendron are a bright red covered with long bristly scales that are often referred to as "hairs".

Philodendron bipennifolium

You can observe morphogenesis with a variety of leaf shapes on a single juvenile plant. Every leaf shape is growing up the same piece of cork! If allowed to climb a tree, the leaves will continue to morph.

P. bipennifolium 'Aurea' (Gold Violin) - Yellow-lime colored new leaves.

Philodendron pedatum

The leaves of our specimen of Philodendron pedatum, which came from Windy Aubrey in Hawaii, are still juvenile but the lobes will eventually become much narrower as the blades mature.
-the petioles are green.

Philodendron 'Florida Ghost' vs Philodendron 'Florida Beauty' Variegata vs 'Florida Alba Beauty'

'Florida Ghost' new leaves are bright white, fading to lime green as the leaves mature while 'Florida Beauty' Variegata leaves are variegated/splashes.
-both of them the petioles are red. 'Florida Alba Beauty' have very mosaic pattern of variegation and bristly scales (hairy), petioles are red too.

Philodendron 'Golden Dragon'

Leaves are like head of a dragon.
The foliage tends to be key shaped when small but will produce leaves 1 to 2 feet long and 8 inches wide or more as it matures.

Take note: all of them are multi-lobed --- look similar but different to one another, they are all climbers type.

Plant one on me: 'Florida Alba Beauty':

Plant one on me: 'Golden Dragon':

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Manila, 1552

*Animal Welfare org, not a shelter. *CNVR program (Catch-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) *Adopt Don't Shop

Philippine Tourette Syndrome Association PTSA Philippine Tourette Syndrome Association PTSA

Advocacy and support group for Filipinos with TS and their families / The first and only (SEC Registered) TS organization in the Philippines

VIDES Philippines Volunteers Foundation Inc. VIDES Philippines Volunteers Foundation Inc.
V. Mapa Extension
Manila, 1016

A dynamic group of socially-oriented individuals working in solidarity with the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco for the promotion of social justice & peace.