Better English

Customised English courses with a Cambridge certified trainer Cursurile includ simulări pentru examene.

Better English ofera cursuri personalizate de limba engleza, concepute si furnizate prin metoda Active Learning, axate pe comunicare, interactivitate, imbunatatirea rapida si vizibila a vocabularului cursantului, simuland situatii reale de viata, intr-o maniera antrenanta si dinamica, bazata pe tehnici si materiale moderne, eficiente. Cursuri:

1) Engleza generală / General English
Cursuri dedicat


Indeed, feedback is a gift, and giving feedback is an art. The way you deliver it makes all the difference.



One-to-one IELTS preparation course, perfectly tailored to the student's needs.

Your IELTS trainer,
Camelia Martincu


Have a productive week, everyone!


Yes, I do! 💯

Your IELTS Trainer,
Camelia Martincu


Learning English requires a considerable investment of time, effort and commitment. But it’s well worth it, as a good level of English opens a door to another life, one full of opportunities!

Bring your English and we'll build on it together!
Your enthusiastic English trainer,
Camelia Martincu


Ever felt like that? Remember: every new word and phrase you learn helps you express more of your inner universe. Keep expanding your vocabulary and practicing — each step brings your thoughts closer to being fully understood.


Bring your English and we'll build on it together!


May your life be full of love, joy and blessings!


Hello May! ☀️🌸

Camelia Martincu


How meaningful are your interactions?


As an English trainer, helping my students achieve their dreams of studying abroad or immigrating is incredibly rewarding and a top priority for me.

Excited to be here, at the conference, with the IELTS team, talking about the latest test trends. Always eager to enhance my expertise in this essential exam, making sure I provide the best guidance and support every step of the way!

IELTS - the test that sets the standard.
Opening doors, creating opportunities

Better English

Photos from Better English's post 16/04/2024

Conference time again!

As an English trainer, I consider professional development not just a choice, but a responsibility to my clients and my craft. It is very important for me to stay on top of the latest research and keep up with emerging trends in the English training field.
The IATEFL conference is the place where professionals from across the industry meet yearly and exchange good practices, keeping up to date with everything that is new in our field.
Yes, it is an investment – both in terms of time and resources. But it's an investment I gladly make, in order to make sure that I offer the best language training solutions for my students.

Stay tuned for updates and insights from the conference!
Better English


Passion fuels proficiency. Dive into your English learning journey with enthusiasm and watch your skills flourish!


Better English conversation classes are designed for people who are already at least at B1 level, but still want to improve their English. They are focused entirely on what YOU want to say. During these sessions you’ll share stories and experiences and take part in intelligent discussions with like-minded people – and I will help you find the exactly right words for you.

Bring your English and we'll build on it together!

Your enthusiastic English trainer,
Camelia Martincu


Embrace the journey of lifelong learning. It's not about where you start, but the willingness to grow and evolve.


Language skills need to be practised. Like muscles, the more you use them, the stronger they get. 🙂

Your enthusiastic English trainer,
Camelia Martincu


Don't let excuses hold you back from achieving your goals.

Photos from Better English's post 14/03/2024

In aprilie incepem un nou curs de conversatie Better English!

Detalii si inscrieri:


Happy 8th of March, ladies!
Reach for the light,
Keep going,
Keep growing,
Dare to be,
Dare to BLOOM!


Why I recommend journaling and handwriting to all of my students ?

As an English language trainer, I wholeheartedly advocate for the practice of journaling among my students. Writing helps consolidate English learning and with a diary, you can choose to focus on specific areas you need. It also provides a link between accuracy and fluency, as you’re writing your thoughts in spoken-English style, but you have time to think about the language you’re using. At the same time, this practice allows you to organize your thoughts, reflect on your experiences, and gain clarity on your emotions. It's a personal space where you can sort through the complexities of daily life, while enhancing memory retention and improving your language skills over time.

Do you keep a diary? If you do, try to write it in English. Gradually, you will improve your writing skill and you will track your own progress.

Your English trainer,
Camelia Martincu



Learning vocabulary doesn't have to be boring, and my enthusiastic students prove just that! 😊


Bringing Better English vibes to your company's office lounge! 📚 ✏️ ☕️ 💡
Whether it's a brainstorming session or a coffee break, these mugs bring a dash of inspiration to every moment.
Have a productive week, everyone!

Your enthusiastic English trainer,
Camelia Martincu

IELTS on Paper vs Computer: Which is best for me? | Take IELTS 29/01/2024

Which IELTS is better? Computer or Paper based? Are they very different? I get this question a LOT! So here's a nice article on the various points to consider when making your decision.

IELTS on Paper vs Computer: Which is best for me? | Take IELTS IELTS on paper vs computer: Explore the differences between the IELTS on computer and IELTS on paper test and determine which is best for you.


Pentru ca din ce in ce mai multa lume isi doreste o reconversie profesionala in IT, iar limba engleza vorbita fluent este o cerinta cheie in acest sens, si pentru ca primesc iar si iar aceasta intrebare...

Camelia Martincu

IN CAT TIMP POT INVATA ENGLEZA? O limba straina vorbita fluent a devenit de mult timp un „must have” in randul candidatilor recrutati de companii. Daca in trecut un nivel bun de limba engleza era un plus pe un CV, acum, lipsa acestuia te scoate automat din competitie. Sunt convinsa ca multi dintre


But it's never too late to start working out!


Have you made your new year resolutions list? Is learning English on it? 📚 📖 📕 📝 📒 🖌

Your enthusiastic English trainer,
Camelia Martincu

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Centrul BETTER ENGLISH ofera de peste 12 ani cursuri personalizate de limba engleza pentru adulti si adolescenti, fiind infiintat de Camelia Martincu, profesor de limba engleza, care, d**a terminarea Facultatii de Litere si a unui Master in Traduceri si Interpretariat la Universitatea Al. I. Cuza din Iasi, a ales sa isi continue formarea profesionala si in Anglia, la Londra si Cambridge, unde a urmat cursuri intensive acreditate de Universitatea Cambridge.

Misiunea BETTER ENGLISH este aceea de a schimba mentalitatea in ceea ce priveste predarea si invatarea limbii engleze. O limba straina nu este o disciplina de studiu, ca istoria sau geografia. Este o competenta, o ablitate, un instrument de comunicare, iar parcurgerea monotona a unui manual sau lucratul compulsiv de fise de gramatica nu conduc la rezultate eficiente.

Invatarea unei limbi straine inseamna in primul rand dezvoltarea abilitatilor de comunicare in limba respectiva. De aceea cursurile BETTER ENGLISH sunt interactive, axate pe conversatie si dezvoltarea abilitatilor soft, prin activitati atent concepute si alese, centrate pe cursant. Si pentru a putea acorda atentie maxima fiecarui participant la curs, lucram in grupe restranse de maximum 4 persoane.

Bring your English and we’ll build on it together!

Videos (show all)

Playing with idioms ☺️❤️ ✏️📚#betterenglish #morethanenglish #learnenglish #cursurienglezaiasi #vocabulary #havingfun
Back in business, back to exciting new learning experiences.Your enthusiastic English trainer,Camelia Martincu www.bette...
START INSCRIERI CURS ENGLEZA - GRUPA NIVEL PRE-INTERMEDIATE ✓ Cursuri interactive, axate pe conversatie si dezvoltarea a...
Start inscrieri curs engleza - grupe noi din mai✓ Cursuri interactive, axate pe conversatie si dezvoltarea abilitatilor ...
Curs engleza - grupe noi din 17 mai
Better English - 2017 - a fantastic year!




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