
Counselling, coaching, and therapy services in Ljubljana, Slovenia or online. Languages: English, Slovene, Croatian/Serbian.


Vloga hvaležnosti pri duševnem zdravju in dobrem počutju

V našem hitrem svetu je lahko zlahka spregledati majhne, pozitivne trenutke, ki se dogajajo vsak dan. Vendar pa raziskave kažejo, da lahko spodbujanje hvaležnosti znatno izboljša naše duševno zdravje in splošno počutje.

Hvaležnost nam pomaga preusmeriti pozornost s tistega, kar nam manjka, na cenjenje tistega, kar že imamo. Ta preprosta praksa lahko:

✨ Zmanjša stres in tesnobo
✨ Poveča razpoloženje in čustveno odpornost
✨ Izboljša odnose in socialne povezave
✨ Spodbuja boljše spanje in telesno zdravje

V Vesi spodbujam stranke, da vključijo hvaležnost v svoje vsakdanje rutine. Ne glede na to, ali skozi pisanje dnevnika, čuječnost ali preprosto trenutek za razmislek, lahko praksa hvaležnosti bistveno spremeni, kako se počutimo in kako sodelujemo s svetom.

Vzemite si trenutek danes in prepoznajte dobro v svojem življenju. Za kaj ste hvaležni? Bi delili v komentarjih spodaj!

Ne pozabite, duševno zdravje je potovanje in ne destinacija. In majhni koraki, kot je ta, lahko vodijo do pomembnih trajnih pozitivnih sprememb.

Vesa Counselling, coaching, and therapy services in Ljubljana, Slovenia or online. Languages: English, Slo


Empower Your Relationships with Healthy Boundaries!

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed, drained, or taken advantage of in your relationships? Building and maintaining healthy boundaries could be the key to fostering stronger connections and safeguarding your mental well-being.

At Vesa, I understand the vital role that boundaries play in nurturing healthy relationships. Whether it's with family, friends, or colleagues, setting clear boundaries can lead to improved communication, increased respect, and enhanced emotional health.

Here are a few essential tips for establishing healthy boundaries:

1. **Know Your Limits**: Take the time to identify what you are comfortable with and what crosses the line for you in your relationships.

2. **Communicate Openly**: Express your boundaries clearly and assertively to others. Effective communication is essential for setting and maintaining boundaries.

3. **Practice Self-Care**: Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that replenish your energy and nurture your well-being.

4. **Respect Others' Boundaries**: Just as you expect others to respect your boundaries, be mindful of respecting the boundaries of those around you.

5. **Seek Support**: If you're struggling to establish boundaries or maintain them, don't hesitate to seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or therapist.

Remember, I am here to support you on your journey to building healthier relationships and enhancing your mental well-being. Take the first step towards empowerment today!

📞 Call 068137877 to schedule a consultation and start prioritizing your mental health. Together, let's create a life filled with healthier, more fulfilling relationships.


Pogovorimo se o Anksioznosti!

Ali vas anksioznost ovira v vašem vsakdanjem življenju? Niste sami. Tukaj sem, da vam pomagam pri premagovanju izzivov anksioznih motenj s sočutjem in strokovnostjo.

Anksioznost se lahko kaže v različnih oblikah, od generalizirane anksioznosti do napadov panike, in pomembno je, da jo učinkovito in pravočasno naslovimo. Moja izobrazba in izkušnje so me specializirale za zagotavljanje personalizirane podpore, da vam pomagam razumeti osnovne vzroke vaše anksioznosti in razviti praktične strategije za obvladovanje le-te.

Pridružite se mi na poti do večje umirjenosti in odpornosti. Skupaj bomo raziskovali:
Razumevanje dinamike anksioznih motenj
Gradnjo mehanizmov obvladovanja, prilagojenih vašim edinstvenim potrebam
Kultiviranje tehnik zavedanja in sproščanja
Raziskovanje možnosti terapije, ki so najbolj primerne za vas

Naredite prvi korak proti svetlejšemu, bolj uravnoteženemu življenju. Obrnite se na nas danes na 068 137 877, da se dogovorite za zaupen posvet. Vaše dobro počutje je moja prednostna naloga in sem tu, da vas podprem na vsakem koraku.

Sodelujmo skupaj pri premagovanju anksioznosti, da bo življenje polno miru in novih možnosti. Zaslužite si to.


Pomembno: Self care za optimalno duševno zdravje !

Kaj ste naredili zase danes? Ali ste že spet preložili na jutri?

Kot psihologinja, ki je ljubeče predana duševnemu ravnovesju, ne morem dovolj poudariti pomembnosti skbi zase pri ohranjanju zdravega uma. Poglejmo znanstvene temelje za to ključno prakso:

Perspektiva nevroznanosti: Raziskave kažejo, da self care aktivnosti, kot so meditacija, telesna vadba in zadostna količina spanja, neposredno vplivajo na strukturo in delovanje možganov. Spodbujajo nevroplastičnost - zmožnost prilagajanja možganov, kar vodi v izboljšano kognitivno delovanje in čustveno uravnavanje.

Gradnja odpornosti: Dajanje prednosti self care neguje psihološko odpornost, kar nas opremi za lažje spoprijemanje s izzivi življenja. Študije kažejo, da so posamezniki, ki vlagajo v self care, manj dovzetni za tesnobo in depresijo, zaradi izboljšanih mehanizmov spoprijemanja.

Povečanje kognitivnih sposobnosti: Samozdravje ni le razkošje, temveč naložba v kognitivne sposobnosti. Odmori, tehnike sproščanja in hobiji obnavljajo mentalne vire, kar vodi v boljšo osredotočenost, povečano ustvarjalnost in izboljšane veščine reševanja problemov.

Negovanje čustvenega zdravja: Sodelovanje v self care praksah spodbuja čustveno blagostanje z izboljšano samozavedanje in regulacijo. Z gojenjem radosti in izpolnjenosti se naučimo učinkovito upravljati z negativnimi čustvi, kar vodi v bolj izpolnjujoče življenje.

Poklicni vpliv: Za strokovnjake za duševno zdravje self care praksa ni izbira - je nuja! S prednostjo našega dobrega počutja zagotavljamo, da lahko zagotovimo optimalno podporo našim strankam, obenem pa varujemo lastno duševno zdravje in preprečujemo izgorelost.

Ste pripravljeni na potovanje do duševnega ravnovesja? Stopite v stik z DDurdica Strunjas Kurtdanes, da odkrijete prilagojene strategije skrbi zase, prilagojene vašim potrebam.
Čakam vas!

Vesa Counselling, coaching, and therapy services in Ljubljana, Slovenia or online. Languages: English, Slo


🌿 "Every moment is a fresh beginning." - T.S. Eliot 🌿

In the tapestry of life, T.S. Eliot's words remind us of a simple yet profound truth: that every moment offers us the chance for renewal and transformation.

As a psychologist, I witness firsthand the power of embracing new beginnings in the lives of my clients as well as in my own. Each session is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the capacity for growth and healing.

But the journey of self-discovery and growth is not without its challenges. It requires courage to confront the past, vulnerability to explore the unknown, and perseverance to navigate the complexities of change.

Yet, it is within these moments of discomfort that true growth occurs. It is when we dare to venture beyond our comfort zone that we discover the full extent of our potential.

So let us heed the wisdom of T.S. Eliot and embrace each moment as a fresh beginning. Let us embrace the opportunity for growth, the possibility of change, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

And let us embark on this journey together, supporting and empowering one another every step of the way.


⚖️Finding Balance: Nurturing Mental Wellness⚖️

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of the crucial element that contributes to our overall well-being – BALANCE.
Balance is the key to maintaining mental and emotional health. Just as a tightrope walker relies on equilibrium to traverse the high wire, finding balance in our lives is essential for navigating the ups and downs.
Striking a balance between work, relationships, self-care, and personal growth is not just a luxury; it's a necessity for a fulfilling life. When one area overshadows the rest, it can lead to stress, burnout, and a sense of emptiness.

Here are a few tips to cultivate balance:

Self-awareness: Take time to reflect on your priorities and values. What truly matters to you? Knowing yourself is the first step towards creating a balanced life.

Set boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary. Establishing healthy boundaries allows you to allocate time and energy to what truly matters without spreading yourself too thin.

Mindful practices: Incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your routine. Whether it's meditation, deep breathing, or simply enjoying a quiet moment, these practices can help restore equilibrium.

Connect with others: Building and maintaining meaningful relationships contribute significantly to our overall well-being. Cultivate connections with friends, family, and your community.

Embrace imperfection: It's okay not to have everything figured out. Embrace the journey, learn from the challenges, and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Let's make a conscious effort to bring balance into our lives, fostering mental wellness and resilience.
If you need help on this journey, message me and I will be happy to help! ♥️


Give the Gift of Healing this Christmas! ❤️🎄
Treat yourself or surprise your loved ones with the transformative power of counselling sessions!
We all know someone who could use a gentle help or guidance, whether it's managing stress, improving relationships, or finding inner peace.
Perfect for anyone seeking a positive change in the new year!
One session: 70 EUR.
New Year, New Start pack of five sessions: 300 EUR.
Call/Message me for more details!


🌟 Prioritizing Mental Health: The First Step to a Happier Life! 🌟

Hey there, friends! Today, I want to talk about something incredibly important - our mental health. 🧠💖

In a world that often glorifies hustle and constant productivity, it's easy to overlook the significance of taking care of our emotional well-being. But the truth is, mental health is the foundation upon which our entire lives are built. 🏡

As a firm believer in the power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I've seen firsthand how it can transform lives. CBT is not just about managing mental health challenges; it's a roadmap to a more fulfilling, balanced, and joyful existence. 🌈

Here are a few reasons why investing in your mental health is a game-changer:

1️⃣ Improved Relationships: Strong mental health enhances your ability to connect with others, communicate effectively, and build meaningful relationships.

2️⃣ Increased Resilience: CBT equips you with the tools to bounce back from life's challenges, making you more resilient in the face of adversity.

3️⃣ Enhanced Productivity: When your mind is clear and focused, you can achieve your goals more efficiently and make better decisions.

4️⃣ Happiness and Fulfillment: CBT helps you identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, leading to greater life satisfaction.

5️⃣ Stress Reduction: Learning how to manage stress is essential for your overall well-being, and CBT provides effective stress-reduction techniques.

Remember, seeking help and support for your mental health is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's a courageous step toward a brighter future. 🌟

If you're ready to invest in your mental health journey, I'm here to help. At Vesa, I specialize in CBT, a proven method that empowers you to take control of your thoughts and emotions. Together, we'll work towards a happier, healthier you. 💪🤝

Don't hesitate to reach out to me at 068 137 877 to start your transformative journey towards mental well-being. Let's make mental health a priority and embark on this path together. 💚


My passion is finally taking shape and my doors are finally open!
Counselling, coaching, and therapy rooted in empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact in the lives of my clients.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



Cvetkova 29

Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 20:00
Thursday 16:00 - 20:00
Friday 16:00 - 20:00

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Sem psihosocialna svetovalka ki nudi pomoč otrokom, ter staršem in odraslim, ki se znajdejo v stiski. Stran kjer svetujemo, jočemo in se učimo ❤️.