紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei

Welcome to the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office's official page! We encourage feedback on the page and look forward to hearing from you.


Kia ora and welcome to the official page of the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO) in Taipei. The NZCIO was established in 1993 and represents the interests of New Zealand in Taiwan under the auspices of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce. We are working to promote New Zealand's economic and cultural links with T

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 30/08/2024

🇳🇿✨由 21 個成員組成的亞太經合會(APEC)吸引了紐西蘭專家來到台灣!最近就有 2 位紐西蘭嘉賓來訪,好奇她們在台灣做了哪些交流嗎?🤔

🎓來自紐西蘭教育部的 Katrina Sutich 在台北的 APEC 產學合作工作坊上擔任主講嘉賓;🦜保育部門的 Mandy Leathers 也現身 APEC 圓桌會議上暢談海鳥保育,分享她的實務經驗。這些精彩會議不僅讓我們更深入探索 APEC 的多樣議題,也讓紐西蘭和台北的區域夥伴面對面交流、分享雙方的觀點。這樣的互動,是不是很有意思呢?🌏🤝

🇳🇿The 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (better known as APEC) brings New Zealanders to Taiwan for a variety of reasons. 🇳🇿

🌏This week Katrina Sutich from the New Zealand Ministry of Education was in Taipei as keynote speaker at an APEC Workshop on industry-academia collaboration, while Mandy Leathers from the Department of Conservation spoke at an APEC Roundtable on seabird conservation. 🦜 These meetings, featuring two of APEC’s many themes, provided opportunities to share New Zealand perspectives with regional counterparts right here in Taipei. 🤝

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 20/08/2024






🌏✨ Yesterday NZCIO Deputy Director Renee Bates visited Penghu to celebrate the signing of an MoU between Taiwan’s National Penghu Senior Maritime and Fisheries Vocational School and New Zealand’s Whakatane High School!
This MOU is a bridge connecting the young minds of Taiwan and New Zealand across the vast Pacific. It represents a shared commitment to collaboration, cultural exchange, and the pursuit of knowledge that will empower the next generation of global leaders. 🌐💡
We are excited to see the opportunities that this partnership will bring!

Whakatāne High School - Te Kura Tuarua ō Te Mānuka Tūtahi

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 12/08/2024

🇳🇿 歡慶! 紐西蘭代表隊在巴黎奧運的總獎牌榜上位居第11名!🥳

紐西蘭運動員共奪下10面金牌 🥇,創下歷史新高,加上7面銀牌 🥈 和3面銅牌 🥉,總共獲得20面獎牌!

🚣‍♂️🏄‍♂️🚴‍♀️ 獨木舟、划船、帆船和自行車是我們的強項。尤其是女子高爾夫選手 Lydia Ko 奪得金牌 ⛳️,女子橄欖球七人制隊伍黑蕨隊(Black Ferns)🏉 更是成功蟬聯第二次金牌!


#巴黎奧運 #奧運 #紐西蘭隊

🇳🇿 What an outstanding result! New Zealand has finished #11 on the medal table at the Paris Olympics! 🥳

The 10 gold medals 🥇 won by Kiwi athletes is the highest ever, with 7 silver 🥈 and 3 bronze medals 🥉 making a total of 20.

🚣‍♂️🏄‍♂️🚴‍♀️ Canoeing, rowing, sailing, and cycling were our top sports. Check out the stand-out performances by Lydia Ko (gold, women’s golf) ⛳️ and the Black Ferns (women’s rugby sevens) 🏉.

Roll on LA 2028! 🌟

Sport New Zealand The NZ Team

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 08/08/2024

🌿 與台北的朋友們一同慶祝原住民族的文化傳統!🌿

紐西蘭商工辦事處的馬嘉博代表 非常高興能受邀參加台北市政府舉辦的台灣原住民族日慶祝活動——「山河海食紀KITA南島食客」。那真是一場精采饗宴,充滿了新潮呈現的傳統原住民美食!🍽️🎉

#原住民日 #台灣原民文化遺產 #毛利傳統 #文化交流 #紐西蘭商工辦事處

🌿 Celebrating Indigenous Heritage with Our Friends in Taipei! 🌿

NZCIO Director Mark Pearson was thrilled to be invited to Taipei City Government’s celebration for Taiwan Indigenous Day, “Kita Mountain, Sea, and River Food Chronicles.” What a feast it was, filled with innovative renditions of traditional indigenous food! 🍽️

We are privileged to celebrate the wonderful traditions of the Taiwanese indigenous people with our friends here. It's truly a pleasure to see how Taiwan treasures their indigenous heritage, just as we New Zealanders do with the Māori traditions. 🌏🤝✨


🌺 慶祝台灣原住民族文化! 🌺
近日幾位台灣原住民族藝術家在紐西蘭開設了名為「無中心,無界限」(Without centre, without limits)的藝術展覽。其中一件特別的作品,由魯凱族藝術家Eleng Luluan創作的「沒有人是他者」("Nobody Is Other"),反映了她在紐西蘭的生活經驗以及氣候變遷對地球的深遠影響。她與其他台灣的參展者,包括Lafin Sawmah、Eleng Luluan、Akac Orat、Malay Makakazuwa等藝術家的傑出作品,呈現了台灣原住民族和紐西蘭毛利人的文化融合,也象徵了兩個族群共有的祖魂。

#台灣原住民族日 #文化遺產 #原住民族藝術 #台灣紐西蘭 #文化交流

🌺 Celebrating Taiwan Indigenous Heritage! 🌺
In New Zealand several indigenous Taiwanese artists are participating in an exhibition called “Without centre, without limits”. In one standout piece, "Nobody Is Other" by Rukai artist Eleng Luluan, reflects her experiences in New Zealand and the devastating impact of climate change on the region. Her work, along with the contributions from Lafin Sawmah, Akac Orat, and Malay Makakazuwa, demonstrates a beautiful fusion of Taiwanese and Maori cultures, symbolizing the shared heritage of our indigenous peoples.

展覽傳送門➡️ See the information for the exhibition here➡️

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 30/07/2024



Whāngārā Mai Tawhiti Kapa Haka傳統毛利戰舞(Haka)團隊為我們的運動員帶來了震撼人心的壯麗表演,包括特別為此次比賽創作的特別戰舞 Pou Tangata。

我們祝福所有紐西蘭運動員順利奪冠,台灣為你們加油。Kei runga noa atu koutou — 你們真棒!

#巴黎奧運 #紐西蘭 #毛利戰舞 #紐西蘭商工辦事處

🎉 New Zealand Team Welcomed in Paris! 🇳🇿

This past weekend, our incredible New Zealand Team was warmly welcomed with a ceremony at NZ House in Paris. The Whāngārā Mai Tawhiti Kapa Haka group greeted our athletes with a powerful and heartfelt performance, including Pou Tangata, a haka created especially for the occasion.

We wish all our Kiwi athletes the very best as we continue cheering you on from Taiwan. Kei runga noa atu koutou — you’re awesome!


Typhoon Gaemi is expected to make landfall in Taiwan on 24 July 2024. You should expect strong winds, heavy rain and storm surges during this time.

Up to date information on Typhoon Gaemi can be found on the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau website: https://www.cwa.gov.tw/V8/C/

We also recommend you stay informed of developments by monitoring local media.

We advise New Zealanders in Taiwan to follow the advice of local authorities at all times and seek suitable shelter. Visitors and tourists staying in travel accommodation should follow the guidance of hotel/resort management. It is considered sensible practice not to venture outdoors during a typhoon and remain well away from the sea and rivers.

Please ensure you keep your family and friends in New Zealand informed of your safety and well-being, including after the typhoon has passed.

In you require emergency assistance, local emergency services can be contacted via the following numbers: fire and ambulance (119) and police (110).

New Zealanders requiring consular assistance can contact the New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and between 9am and 12.30pm on Friday on +886 2 2720 5228 or email [email protected]. For after hours consular assistance please call +64 9 920 2020.

Photos from 數位發展部moda(Ministry of Digital Affairs)'s post 17/07/2024


NZCIO was pleased to attend the launch of the Presidential Hackathon International Track 2024. The international track is currently inviting global participants to develop innovative digital solutions for a net-zero future! For more information, please see the Ministry of Digital Affairs’ post below.

See the post here ➡️



Director Mark Pearson was delighted to meet Minister of the Environment Peng Chi-ming recently to discuss the global challenge of climate change. New Zealand and Taiwan have opportunities to work together in areas like geothermal energy and low-carbon agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. International cooperation will be essential for us to achieve our ambitious shared goal of Net Zero 2050.

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 05/07/2024

熱烈歡迎來自台灣各地的九支合唱團,參加7月10日至20日在紐西蘭奧克蘭舉行的2024世界合唱大賽。這場為期兩週的音樂盛會,將有來自世界各地超過11,000名歌手齊聚紐西蘭最大的城市,參與比賽、研討會、表演以及音樂會。希望他們有個美好的時光! 加油!

A warm welcome to nine choirs from across Taiwan who are participating in the 2024 World Choir Games being held in Auckland, New Zealand from 10 to 20 July. This two week feast of music will see more than 11,000 singers from all around the world gather in New Zealand’s largest city for competitions, workshops, performances and concerts. We hope they have an amazing time! 加油!

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 03/07/2024

馬嘉博代表近期拜會原住民族委員會新任主委曾智勇Ljaucu Zingrur,祝賀他上任。馬代表對原住民族委員會長期以來致力於毛利和台灣原住民之間的交流表示欣喜,這是紐西蘭與台灣關係的核心部分。我們期待有更多的訪問和交流,分享跨太平洋的文化與認可。

Director Mark Pearson met recently with the new Minister for the CIP Ljaucu Zingrur and congratulated him on his appointment. Director welcomed CIP’s long-standing commitment to exchanges between Māori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, which is a core part of the NZ-TW relationship. We look forward to more visits and exchanges to share culture and understanding across the Pacific.



紐西蘭商工辦事處於6月28日休假為Matariki (毛利新年),7月1日上午9點恢復正常上下班時間。

如果您是紐西蘭公民且需要緊急協助,請撥打紐西蘭緊急領事協助專線 +64 99 20 20 20。

本辦事處不能提供文件的驗證,任何儀式的見證服務,也不能核發緊急旅行文件。如果您急需出國,可以在線上緊急申請換發護照,http://xn--www-cs6et69d1h6a.passports.govt.nz/ 或是撥打 +64 4 463 9360和紐西蘭護照組聯絡。

本辦事處不能核發審理紐西蘭簽證,簽證問題請撥打紐西蘭簽證申請中心,電話 (02) 7752 4745。

大多數的申請事項和相關資訊的取得都可經由網路直接連結相關政府部門,請您直接上紐西蘭政府的網站查詢及聯絡,網址是 www.govt.nz 。您也可以在紐西蘭商工辦事處官網 www.nzcio.com 查詢相關資訊。

Kia ora,

The New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO) is closed on 28 June for Matariki (Māori New Year). The office will re-open on Monday 1 July at 9am.

If you are a New Zealander in distress, please call the Consular Emergency Assistance number on +64 99 20 20 20.

Please note NZCIO is unable to provide notarization for documents or witness services and cannot issue Emergency Travel Documents or passports. If you need to renew your passport to travel in a hurry, you can apply for an urgent passport online by visiting www.passports.govt.nz or call +64 4 463 9360 for information.

NZCIO cannot issue New Zealand Visas. For visa enquiry, please contact New Zealand Visa Application Centre on (02) 7752 4745.


🌈 🌏 我們大力支持 LGBTIA+ 社群的人權!

This month and every month we strongly support the human rights of those in the LGBTIA+ community.

🌈 🌏

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 18/06/2024


循環經濟是台灣的優勢之一 – 不僅僅是廢棄物回收,而是重新思考產品和服務的整體生命週期。懷卡托大學Āmiomio Aotearoa循環經濟研究小組的專家們上週來台灣實地學習台灣領先世界的作法 ,以及紐西蘭該如何減少廢棄物和排放量。讓我們繼續一起努力,創造淨零未來!

For New Zealand climate change is a shared challenge for the global community, and like Taiwan we’re committed to reach carbon net-zero by 2050. On 12 June NZCIO and Taiwan’s Climate Change Administration hosted an online workshop to share our experiences with net-zero policies, carbon markets, indigenous approaches to climate change, and the circular economy. We discovered that there is much for New Zealand and Taiwan to share as we continue down the path to 2050.

Circular Economy is one of Taiwan’s strengths – not just waste recycling, but re-thinking the whole lifecycle of products and services. Experts from the Āmiomio Aotearoa circular economy research group at Waikato University spent last week on the ground in Taiwan learning about its world leading approach, and the lessons for New Zealand as we try to reduce waste and emissions. Let’s keep working together for a net-zero future!



如果您是紐西蘭公民且需要緊急協助,請撥打紐西蘭緊急領事協助專線 +64 99 20 20 20。

本辦事處不能提供文件的驗證,任何儀式的見證服務,也不能核發緊急旅行文件。如果您急需出國,可以在線上緊急申請換發護照,http://xn--www-cs6et69d1h6a.passports.govt.nz/ 或是撥打 +64 4 463 9360和紐西蘭護照組聯絡。

本辦事處不能核發審理紐西蘭簽證,簽證問題請撥打紐西蘭簽證申請中心,電話 (02) 7752 4745。

大多數的申請事項和相關資訊的取得都可經由網路直接連結相關政府部門,請您直接上紐西蘭政府的網站查詢及聯絡,網址是 www.govt.nz 。您也可以在紐西蘭商工辦事處官網 www.nzcio.com 查詢相關資訊。

Kia ora,
The New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO) is closed on 10 June for Dragon Boat Festival. The office will re-open on Tuesday 11 June at 9am.

If you are a New Zealander in distress, please call the Consular Emergency Assistance number on +64 99 20 20 20.

Please note NZCIO is unable to witness or notarise any documents and cannot issue Emergency Travel Documents or passports. If you need to renew your passport to travel in a hurry, you can apply for an urgent passport online by visiting www.passports.govt.nz or call +64 4 463 9360 for information.

NZCIO cannot issue New Zealand Visas. For visa enquiry, please contact New Zealand Visa Application Centre on (02) 7752 4745.

Most government services can be accessed online. Please visit the NZ Government website (www.govt.nz) which will direct you to the agencies that offer services. Or please visit the NZCIO website (www.nzcio.com) to access more information.


您還有更多關於紐西蘭的問題嗎? 大部分的答案都可以在紐西蘭政府的網站找到囉!

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 06/06/2024

紐西蘭商工辦事處經濟組組長安均,近日出席了紐西蘭觀光局和紐西蘭航空與旅遊業者的活動,介紹造訪紐西蘭鮮為人知的一面。 紐西蘭的冬天,你可以滑雪,賞星星,健行,甚至在大自然中泡溫泉。快開始你的紐西蘭避暑計劃吧!

Winter in New Zealand is the perfect season to escape Taiwan’s summer heat! NZCIO’s Section Head Economic, Portia Allen, recently spoke at a Tourism New Zealand and Air New Zealand event for Taiwanese travel agents to highlight this different side of visiting New Zealand. During New Zealand’s winter you can go skiing, stargazing, hiking, and even soak in hot tubs surrounded by nature. When are you planning your New Zealand winter escape?



Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 29/05/2024



Yadram Kawac 🎉🎉恭喜獲得6月1日門票2張!!




紐西蘭電子音樂人 Lady Shaka將於6月1日與來自四大洲的音樂家齊聚台北,一起在光球電子音樂祭上表演。音樂祭的觀眾將可欣賞到她獨特的毛利和太平洋節奏的融合。

目前有兩張門票可以贈送給粉絲。您想要參加抽獎嗎? 只需要按讚、追蹤我們,並在下方留言 [Lady Shaka]。 我們將於5月22日星期三中午12:00後抽出一名得獎者。祝好運!!

On 1 June Aotearoa New Zealand’s own Lady Shaka will perform at GLOWBALL Festival, which brings together musicians from four continents in Taipei. Festival goers will get to enjoy her unique Māori and Pacific fusion beats. We have two tickets to give away to our followers. To go in the draw just like/follow NZCIO, and write “Lady Shaka” in the comment section below. We will draw the winner on Wednesday 22 May after 12 noon. Good luck!

#光球 #光球音樂祭


有關打工度假的資訊,可以上紐西蘭移民局的網站查詢~~~ 今年的打工度假開放日期是5月28日上午10點 (紐西蘭時間),不要錯過喔!!

Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 09/05/2024

我們期待明年能有更多紐西蘭運動員來參與這個運動會! 你會參加哪一項運動呢?

Congratulations to Taipei City and New Taipei City on launching the 2025 World Masters Games! Deputy Director Renee Bates attended today’s press launch hosted by Mayors Chiang Wan-an and Hou Yu-ih, with a special guest appearance by Lin Yu-mao, who at 103 years old today holds the Guinness World record for oldest male badminton player. What an inspiration! We look forward to seeing many New Zealand athletes participating in the Games next year! Which sport will you play?




Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 26/04/2024

Ka maumahara tonu tatou ki a ratou – 我們會銘記他們

Ka maumahara tonu tatou ki a ratou – we will remember them. On ANZAC Day New Zealanders and Australians around the world remember the sacrifices made by all those who served and fought with our defence forces. NZCIO and the Australian Office held an ANZAC memorial service in Taipei, recognising our veterans, and remembering those affected by conflicts around the world, both past and present.




很高興紐西蘭人權專家 Rosalyn Noona來台出席本週台灣「消除一切形式種族歧視公約」審查。互相切磋是在這個領域進步的好方法。

Great to see New Zealand human rights expert Rosalyn Noonan taking part in this week’s review of Taiwan’s policies on the elimination of racial discrimination. Learning from each other is great way to make progress in this important area.


Photos from 紐西蘭商工辦事處 New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office Taipei's post 23/04/2024

恭喜來自羅托魯瓦的毛利體育暨文化團體上週完成到南投、台南及金山的參訪,分享他們的文化並與台灣建立連結。他們傳統的毛利kapa haka (戰舞) 表演吸引了許多觀眾,他們的籃球友誼賽雖然打得很辛苦,卻非常有趣! 讓我們一起來看看他們的照片。 大家也可以在公共電視看到他們 – 請參閱此連結

Congratulations to the Māori sports and cultural group from Rotorua which visited Nantou, Tainan and Jinshan last week on a mission to share their culture and build connections with Taiwan. Their traditional Māori kapa haka performances drew crowds and their friendly basketball games were tough but great fun! Take a look at the photos. The group were even featured on Taiwan Plus television – see the link here

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Videos (show all)

Go New Zealand Go!#NewZealand#olympics2024 #紐西蘭 #巴黎奧運
紐西蘭在海上旅行方面的零排放處於領先地位!從美洲杯帆船賽到造船技術,我們不斷突破,創造更快、更乾淨的方式在水上移動 🚤 看看這三個致力於實現零排放、改變我們出行方式並提高績效的組織。Aotearoa New Zealand is leadi...
Aotearoa Net Zero
FIFA 2023年國際足總女子世界盃
Pride Month



9F, No. 1, Songzhi Road, Xinyi District

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:30

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