St Margaret's Episcopal Church

St. Margaret’s Church is a joyful community, grounded in the love of Christ that welcomes ALL!


Welcome and thanks for joining with us this morning!


Mark your calendars and spread the word: Animal Blessings at St Margaret's on Sunday, October 6 at 12:30 PM in the Church Garden

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/30/2024

Love in Action by Fr Tommy Dillon, Rector

On Tuesday, I witnessed a beautiful outpouring of love and community embodying the Spirit of God in our church parking lot. One of the cherished members of the water aerobics class (WOW - Women of the Water and Fr Tommy) I attend at the YMCA recently underwent surgery. Knowing how much she means to us, we came together in a simple but powerful act of kindness. On Wednesday at 9 am, cars filled with our class members lined up in the St. Margaret's parking lot. We formed a procession and drove up her circular driveway in the house next to the empty lot adjacent to our church, each stopping to deliver food, balloons, gifts, and flowers. I gave her a handmade cross made by Michael Weber with the wood from our former altar rail in the church before our new church was built. Her daughter received these tokens of love as she stood on the front porch, overwhelmed with emotion.

As I watched this unfold, I couldn't help but feel God's presence in our midst. This is what the Spirit of Love looks like in action—a community coming together, lifting one another up, and spreading joy in times of need. It’s a reminder that we are never alone and that God’s love is often revealed in the care and compassion we show each other.


Monthly Playground Meet up takes place this Sunday, September 1 after the 10:30 AM Eucharist in the playground behind the church!

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/29/2024

Today, handrails were installed on each side of the altar at Saint Margaret's. We are doing our best to make the liturgical space more accessible and safer to people of all abilities. 


Today, Maggie’s group made it to Pedro Taco 🌮 for fellowship! 


25 August 2024


Sunday 25 August 2024



Grey Bearden Fennie is here!
Grey was born on Friday morning at 4:11 AM at Women's Hospital.

Congratulations to the proud parents
Rachel and Adryan Fennie and proud grandparents Elizabeth Whitley and Paul Allman.

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name
welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me
but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:37 (NIV)


What's happening this Fall with La Mesa Latino ministry at Saint Margaret’s, and how can you help

The upcoming cycle of La Mesa ESL classes will run from September 8th through December 15th for 15 weeks of classes. Classes will be on Sundays from 6-7:30 pm and include a free dinner afterward for students and volunteers. We are currently seeking additional volunteers to help with food and to assist with and facilitate classes (we can provide some training). We are also seeking meal donations (which would mean providing food for 50-60 people) and cash donations for food. Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to volunteer and/or donate. We will do special activities on October 27th (Day of the Dead), during Thanksgiving week (date TBA), on December 8th (a mass for the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe), and on December 18th (a celebration of Las Posadas). Everyone in St. Margaret's community is welcome to join us for these celebrations!

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/22/2024

From Fr Tommy: On Wednesday the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana gathered with our bishop at our beautiful cathedral in New Orleans for a day of prayer, fellowship, and deep conversation. Part of the day we shared in the sacred work of confronting racial and cultural biases and explored how to preach faithfully in these challenging times. I’m so grateful for my colleagues in ministry. In moments like these, I’m reminded of the power of community and the strength we find in walking this journey together as deacons and priests with our bishop.


An invitation from our friends at St. James Episcopal Church in downtown Baton Rouge 

On Friday, September 6 from 6-9pm, we’ll be hosting Choirs Uncorked, an evening of food, wine, and entertainment. Members of our choirs will sing jazz & Broadway standards, accompanied by the LSU Chamber Jazz Ensemble. Food will be British-inspired fare like sliced-beef crostini and shepherd’s pie tarts.

There will also be a silent auction and a wine pull. Some of the silent auction items include an apartment in Paris for 4 nights, a home in Taos, NM, a mountain cabin retreat in Brevard, NC, art, and so much more! The wine pull is like a wine lottery, where you pay a set amount and get a mystery bottle – could be standard fare or could be something really high-end!

Proceeds will help our choirs in their journey to Worcester Cathedral in July of 2025, where they will sing as choir-in-residence in that historic place.

Tickets can be purchased here:

Sacred Ground: A film based dialogue series on race and faith - St. Margaret's Episcopal Church Baton Rouge 08/20/2024

Sacred Ground: A Dialogue on Race and Faith - Join now!

Sacred Ground: A film based dialogue series on race and faith - St. Margaret's Episcopal Church Baton Rouge St Margaret's will offer an eleven-month Sacred Ground Course beginning Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and ending with the final ses...


Welcome and thanks for joining us!

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/17/2024

Members of the La Mesa leadership team had a retreat at the historic Church of the Nativity in Rosedale, Louisiana on Saturday with lunch at La Salvadoreña!
We thank the people of Nativity for your hospitality!


5 Wishes Presentation on Sunday, September 8 at St Margaret's

Join us for the upcoming FIVE WISHES presentation at Saint Margaret’s on September 8th at 12:00 PM. Becky Williams, the Pastoral Care Facilitator and Director of Health Ministries at St. Luke’s in Baton Rouge, will be leading this important session on end-of-life care. With her extensive experience and compassionate guidance, Becky will help us navigate these crucial conversations.

FIVE WISHES is a legal advanced directive designed to help adults plan their care at the end of life. It addresses essential topics such as:

• WHO will make your health care decisions?
• WHAT kind of medical treatment do you want?
• HOW comfortable do you want to be?
• HOW do you want people to treat you?
• WHAT do you want your loved ones to know?

This program is free, but we ask that you register by clicking to reserve your seat and meal. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity!

For questions, please contact Ann Dartez at [email protected]. More information is also available at


St Margaret's will offer an eleven-month Sacred Ground Course beginning Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and ending with the final session on Sunday, July 13, 2025.

What is Sacred Ground?
Sacred Ground is an 11-session course, a film- and readings-based dialogue series where participants walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The series is built around a robust online curriculum of documentary films and readings focusing on Indigenous, Black, LatinX, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories addressing the impact of these histories on all our lives today. Provides various theologians’ perspective about these histories, including what today’s Christians should be doing. Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This course can accommodate up to 16 participants who will meet for 11 monthly sessions after the 10:00 a.m. service from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Library on the second Sunday of the month to discuss the assigned materials and their own experiences.

To register for Sacred Ground email Molly Ann Phillips, [email protected]. Registration will end on Sunday, September 11, 2024. The course will be facilitated by Cheryl Duplechain, Keith Duplechain, Jenny Hastings, and Molly Ann Phillips.

Where can I find more information about the Episcopal Church's Sacred Ground course? You can learn more at (link is, which includes a video by Bishop Curry.

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/11/2024

Today, we blessed the backpacks and gave backpack tags to all the young people and adults who are going back to school as students, teachers, or administrators. Have a great year.


Good morning and welcome to St. Margaret's 10 am service


Finding God in the Water: A Reflection on the Women of the Water (and a Few Men) by the Rev. Tommy Dillon, Rector

As an Episcopal priest, I've always believed that the presence of God can be found in the most unexpected places. For me, one of those places is the local YMCA pool, where a remarkable group known as the "Women of the Water (and a Few Men)" gathers every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for water aerobics. But it's not just the exercise that draws them together—it's the sense of community, love, and support that permeates their time together in the water.

When I first got to know this group, I quickly realized that their water aerobics class was about far more than keeping fit. Yes, they move and groove in the water, but it's the way they move through life together that truly inspires me. We are all from different political backgrounds, racial identities, classes, religious beliefs, and sexualities. Yet, despite our differences, we have found common ground in this pool, creating a space that feels sacred to me.

It's not uncommon for the chatter during class to get so lively that Liz, our fearless leader and a retired school teacher, has to gently remind us, "You need to move your bodies, not just your mouths!" But even she knows that the conversations and laughter we share are just as vital as the workout itself—if not more so.

One morning, I was reminded of this in a particularly memorable way. A vulture began circling above us during class, prompting one of the women to look up and shout, "We might be old, but we're not dead yet!" The laughter that erupted echoed across the pool, and I couldn’t help but see the humor and resilience of God in that moment. It was a lighthearted reminder that we are all still very much alive and kicking—both in and out of the water.

What moves me most about the Women of the Water (and a Few Men) is the way they live out their faith, even if it's not always expressed in traditional terms. This group prays for one another, organizes food drives, and supports some of our ministries at St. Margaret’s, where I serve as priest, just a block away from the YMCA. They have rallied around each other during times of joy and sorrow, embodying the love and support that I see as central to the Gospel.

Recently, when the husband of one of our group members passed away, the community stepped up in a way that left me profoundly moved. They helped plan the funeral, raised funds for flowers and to our La Mesa Latino Ministry at St. Margaret’s, and even provided all the desserts for the luncheon. They washed tablecloths after the meal and were there every step of the way, showing up in ways that mattered most.

Though the deceased wasn’t a member of St. Margaret’s, he attended many of our events and was embraced by our church community. I had the honor of walking with his family from illness to hospice, from prayers with his body to the funeral and burial. Over 20 members of our water aerobics group attended the funeral, showing that this community extends beyond the pool, beyond the church, and into every facet of life.

In this diverse group, I see the kingdom of God brought to life. We come from different walks of life, with varying beliefs and backgrounds, but in the water, none of that matters. We are united by something deeper—a commitment to one another and to the journey we share.

These folks give me hope. They remind me that the Church is not confined to a building or a set of doctrines. It is found in the relationships we nurture, the care we show one another, and the love we share in the most ordinary moments of life—even in a YMCA pool. This community has shown me that God is present in all of us, and that gives me hope for the world.


This Sunday: Blessing of the Backpacks and School Year Kickoff August 11 at 10 AM

Join us Sunday, August 11, as we come together as a community to bless and support our children and youth as well as teachers and administrators for the upcoming school year.

Starting a new school year can be both exciting and challenging for our young ones, and as a church family, we want to ensure they feel supported and encouraged throughout their academic journey. The blessing ceremony will be a beautiful moment where we ask for God's guidance, protection, and wisdom upon each student as they embark on this new chapter.

Not only will our children and youth and teachers receive a heartfelt blessing, but they will also be presented with a unique backpack tag. This tag will serve as a reminder that they are loved and cherished by our church community. It will be a constant symbol of our commitment to pray for them, uplift them, and be a source of encouragement throughout the school year.

We invite all families to join us for this special event, whether your child is starting elementary school, middle school, high school, or even college. This is an opportunity for us to come together, celebrate the academic achievements of our young ones, and pray for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11, and plan to join us in this uplifting and meaningful event. Let us gather as a church family to bless our children and youth, providing them with the strength and confidence they need to excel academically, grow spiritually, and make a positive impact in their schools and communities.

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/08/2024

Congratulations to Sister Dorothy Byrd, who became a novice today at the annual gathering of the Anglican Order of Preachers, also known as the Dominicans at Christ Church Cathedral in New Orleans. St Margaret’s provided the lunch for all the brothers and sisters today.  Bishop Duckworth welcomed the brothers and sisters to The Diocese of Louisiana.


"1946" Tour stops in BR this Saturday!

1946 the film is hosting a free conference in Baton Rouge on August 10 at 6 PM. To find our more and to register go to

Location of event is given after you register for the event.

Did you know that the word “homosexual” was not in the Bible until 1946?

1946 is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible in 1946. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. Featuring commentary from prominent scholars as well as opposing pastors, including the personal stories of the film’s creators, 1946 is at once challenging, enlightening, and inspiring.

Photos from St Margaret's Episcopal Church's post 08/06/2024

We give thanks for all who participated in the music ministry fundraiser at Bistro Byronz and Pizza Byronz on Monday night. Both restaurants were FULL of St. Margaret's people and our friends. We thank Maria, Imani, and Lucas for providing live music that made the evening truly special. Your support and presence mean the world to us!



MONDAY, AUGUST 5 from 5PM until 8:30PM


Join us for an evening of delicious food and delightful music to support St. Margaret's Music Ministry at both Bistro Byronz and Pizza Byronz Willow Grove

Dine-In: 20% of food sales (excluding alcohol) from in-house diners will be donated.
Pick-Up Orders: 10% of food sales from pick-up orders will be donated.

To participate, diners must state that they are part of the fundraiser and complete a comment card.


Reservations are recommended. Enjoy live music performed by some of our talented music leaders throughout the evening.


August 4, 2024


Blessing of the Backpacks and School Year Kickoff August 11 at 10 AM

Join us Sunday, August 11, as we come together as a community to bless and support our children and youth as well as teachers and administrators for the upcoming school year.

Starting a new school year can be both exciting and challenging for our young ones, and as a church family, we want to ensure they feel supported and encouraged throughout their academic journey. The blessing ceremony will be a beautiful moment where we ask for God's guidance, protection, and wisdom upon each student as they embark on this new chapter.

Not only will our children and youth and teachers receive a heartfelt blessing, but they will also be presented with a unique backpack tag. This tag will serve as a reminder that they are loved and cherished by our church community. It will be a constant symbol of our commitment to pray for them, uplift them, and be a source of encouragement throughout the school year.

We invite all families to join us for this special event, whether your child is starting elementary school, middle school, high school, or even college. This is an opportunity for us to come together, celebrate the academic achievements of our young ones, and pray for a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

Please mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11, and plan to join us in this uplifting and meaningful event. Let us gather as a church family to bless our children and youth, providing them with the strength and confidence they need to excel academically, grow spiritually, and make a positive impact in their schools and communities.


In Loving Memory of Lucille Johnson

Dear Parishioners,

It is with heavy hearts that we extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends of our beloved St. Margaret's parishioner, Lucille Johnson, who died on Tuesday afternoon at home.

Let us come together to honor Lucille's life, to offer comfort to one another, and to celebrate the love and light she brought into our lives.

As we gather, let us hold onto the hope and promise of eternal life, trusting in God's mercy and grace.

Love and peace,

Fr Tommy

Funeral Arrangements for Lucille Johnson
Monday, August 5
Location: St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
12663 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70810


12:30 PM - 2 PM

Requiem Eucharist:
2 PM in the church

Following the Eucharist at Resthaven Cemetery

In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in her memory to the St. Margaret's Altar Guild. Lucille has been a faithful member of the altar guild for many years.

"Rest eternal grant to Lucille, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace."


This Sunday is "First Sunday Playground Meet-up". Our young folks and their guardians are invited to join together on the church playground following the 10 am Mass on Sunday, August 4. You are invited to bring a lunch from home, have the children dressed for play!

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Videos (show all)

St Margaret's 10AM
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 10 am Sunday Service
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 10 am Sunday Service
St Margaret's 10AM Service
August 11, 2024
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 10 am Sunday Service
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 10 am Sunday Service
St. Margaret's Sunday Service
Sermon July 7, 2024The Rev Dan Hopkins, Assisting PriestSt. Margaret'sSermon based on Mark 6:1-13
June 23, 2024
St Margaret's 10AM Service
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church 10 am Sunday Service



12663 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA

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