
health:latch offers full lactation support, education, and CO2 laser treatment of lip, tongue and buccal ties for infants 4 days old - 3 months old.

health:latch offers exam, diagnosis, and laser treatment of tongue and lip tie release for infants and toddlers.


🎉✨ Exciting news, healthcare leaders! ✨🎉 I hope this post finds you all in good health and high spirits.

I launched a new online masterclass titled 🎯 'No More Phony Business.' ( It's been meticulously and visually designed to address some common challenges in our healthcare businesses - such as inefficient communication, team burnout, and repetitive administrative processes.

Here's a quick snapshot of what you can expect:
1️⃣ Communication Masterclass: Learn strategies to optimize communication flow within your teams. Reduce misunderstandings, enhance collaboration, and boost overall productivity.

2️⃣ Admin Simplification: Let's cut through the paperwork together. We’ll provide practical ways to streamline and automate your administrative processes, freeing up more time for patient care.

3️⃣ Team Burnout Prevention: We address the serious issue of burnout and equip you with practical tools and strategies to foster a happy, healthy, high-performing team.

The journey to a more efficient healthcare practice begins with a single step, and 'No More Phony Business' might be the step you've been waiting for.

If this sounds like something that would benefit you or someone you know, I invite you to join us. Please have a look at the link I've attached for more information. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing some of you in the masterclass! 🌟

(Note: Could you let me know if this post is inappropriate here? This class could benefit many in this group, and I mean no disrespect.


Let’s talk solid-food readiness! Sweet Mila is a little over 5 months and is now demonstrating all solid-food readiness cues! Ability to hold neck and trunk with minimal support ✔️curiosity and motivation✔️lip closure around spoons and cups✔️bringing items to midline/to her mouth✔️decreased sucking reflex and increased munching reflex✔️
Today we trialed dry spoons, empty cups, and high chair supports to get her all ready for her first bites at home.
Baby led weaning? Spoon feeding? Combo? What’s best for oral motor development is a beautiful combination to ensure our babies are learning lateralization, mastication, lip seal, and prompt/proper swallowing propulsion. Got questions?! Comment below 💕❤️


Fed is BEST! Here at health:latch we support ALL feeding goals. Whether that is exclusive breastfeeding, exclusive bottle feeding, or a combination. Here you can see baby Vera learning how to take a bottle after 4 weeks of exclusive breastfeeding! Curious about feeding positions, ni**le shapes, flow rates, and how to avoid bottle preference? Message us now!

Timeline photos 02/16/2022

Fun fact (although you may already know this one 😉): Babies grow out of most things.

Teeth, clothes, crying through the know the drill.

One thing that they may not grow out of (if it goes unaddressed), however, is oral restrictions.

In fact, if oral or airway issues such as these go unaddressed, long-term effects can be seen on:

🍼 functional

🍼 structural

🍼 and behavioral levels!

If you notice that your child has been having difficulty chewing food, swallowing, latching, or symptoms of the like, it might be time to get educated!

Check out this link to find tons of resources on oral/airway health as well as next steps for getting your child the care they deserve!

Timeline photos 02/14/2022

Just stopping by to remind ALL parents that:

Your concerns are real.

Your concerns are valid.

Your concerns are worthy of addressing.

Let health:latch be the one to help you do just that.

Follow this link to start a conversation with a health:latch team member today OR head to the LEARN tab and get insights on your child's symptoms using our FREE Intuition Builder!



❤️💕 VALENTINE’S DAY CONTEST ALERT!💕❤️ join us for our FIRST ever Instagram contest! Prize: BOX OF DIAPERS & AMAZON GIFT CARD.
How to enter? 1. Post a photo of your child in a Valentine’s Day themed outfit 2. Tag us in the photo 3. Follow and and message us when all steps are complete! The WINNER will be randomly selected on FEBRUARY 14th!!! Good luck!!!!

Timeline photos 02/07/2022

Fact: Parental intuition is something you're born with.

Also fact: Parental intuition can be nurtured and strengthened with the right resources.

If you have a gut feeling that something may be wrong with your child's feeding, sleeping, or speech and need a little extra reassurance, we have just what you need!

⭐ Head here to take our FREE intuition builder! ⭐

This quick and easy resource will give you deeper insights into you and your little one's symptoms, as well as a short video with personalized advice from Dr. Thomas!


For the past several decades, it's been all too common to address children's cavities with a quick "fill and drill" attitude. 🦷

Although this may bring pain relief to the child with the cavity, this technique isn't solving the problem at its root. 🙅‍♀️

In fact, Early Childhood Cavities (ECC) could be indicative of more serious issues — like an oral restriction or mouth breathing — which can cause long-term issues like:

- airway & breathing problems
- speech delays & difficulties
- trouble with sleeping properly
- feeding & eating difficulties
- behavioral & mental health issues
- and more

That being said, we have good news: There are ways to both treat AND prevent the problems associated with ECC!

Learn more by heading here:

Timeline photos 01/31/2022

What does it mean to TRUST your intuition? 🤔

It's listening to that little voice inside when others tell you that “nothing is wrong with you” or that your child will “grow out of it” — but your instincts tell you differently.

We’re here to assure you that your intuition is telling you something. Now is the time to TRUST it & learn more!

Take one of our 💙 FREE intuition builders 💛 to learn more about you or your child's symptoms, and receive a custom video assessment from Dr. Thomas.

Visit to learn more & take the intuition builder! ☝️


Have you seen the new & improved yet? 👀

We recently launched a BRAND NEW website for our tongue tie & airway health clinic located in Bellevue, Washington. 💛

Meet the team, discover educational resources, and take our FREE intuition builder while you're there.

Check it out at!


Big hugs and thank you to our customer journey partner and especially McKenzie Bergenback. I know you had something to do with these cool mindfulness cards. It matches our values perfectly


.midwives thank you 🙏🏼 for thinking of our team this holiday season. We appreciate and honor the work you do for so many. Happy Holidays!! 🥰🙌🙏🏼👍


The VALUE of DOING IT TOGETHER: After thousands of FEEDING STORIES it is very clear that the value (and the positive outcome from that value) is only created where all the lines cross.

When we work together, this is where the value for our patients is created. There is NOBODY that understands lactation, tension, vagus nerve, tongue tie, oral function, digestion, tummy time, suck, swallow, and on, and on, and on. We must do it as a team. And it is when teams work together that we create VALUE. So it is all about connection.

This connection is based on the following four things: COORDINATION, TRUST, PERMISSION/PRIVILEGE TO SERVE each other and finally the GENEROSITY TO SHARE the ideas/findings we discover. Why? Because all of us are smarter than any of us.

So as a professional in this new connection healthcare vertical, how many of these four things are you doing on a daily basis? Because the institutions that are growing, the leaders in this vertical and those providing the best care and outcomes for their patients are right in the center of all of this.
•latch we generally see babies 0 - 3 months and it is clear that time is of the essence. Everyday that goes by without connecting our families with other talent providers that can help, is a loss for the families that we serve. Everything that we do on day one of life, 5 days from now, and until “graduation” is all about community.

The VALUE of any network (Metcalfe’s Law) is the square of the power of the people in the network. If you are standing on the side lines, we need YOU! Build your network, connect regularly and your patients will thank you for it


.healthlatch we created a worldwide platform for providers helping patients/families of all ages struggling with suck, swallow, oral dysfunction, oral tethers, feeding, and airway issues. You can direct people to the LEARN section to help them understand their struggles and build their INTUITION. Click on this link in our bio to build a FREE professional profile so you can go live immediately. ( Or just use your camera and point it at the QR Code in the photo. Radically kind, Dr. Thomas


Thank you to the for inviting my team to speak this year in Atlanta, GA. .latch is teaming up with the talented Jenn Ainsworth, MS, OTR/L, NTMTC and Kristin Horwath, PT, DPT, CNT, NTMTC from of America (Winter Park, FL)We will share our mutual passions - youngest of humans - BABIES.

We will take the audience visually through the lens of the trends we are seeing in dyads we are honored to serve

We will honor one of the GOATs in our profession for his forward thinking regarding the past, present and future for babies with an uncoordinated or dysfunctional suck

Looking forward to seeing all my favorite people in Atlanta, GA.


Happy birthday to one of the best! A humble smart innovator who is always looking for ways to better herself and those around her. You are intelligent in all things you pursue, down-to-earth when it comes to people's needs and concerns, empathetic without judgement or preconceptions about others' experiences. And most importantly an awesome mom. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration both personally and professionally!

The best way to start off a Monday is to have another year of life with an all-around awesome human on Earth like YOU!!! You are one out of 10 billion people but there's no better example than yourself to show the world how we should live every single moment. Family first!

Seriously, get those eyes 👀 checked. You are going to need them for the next 40 years.


This makes our hearts happy and DEFIANTLY JOYFUL!! The ultimate combination of our two favorite things - babies and golf. Dr. Thomas is a bad but loyal golfer. This made our year when this amazing family selfie was text to .latch after we checked in months after their visit

We were humbled by this personal touch and we love when families let us play in their foursomes


The word PASSIVE applied to anything in life - especially infant feeding - is not really great. It is by definition “accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.”

At health:latch, we ACTIVELY stand up to educate and promote the health and well-being each individual family that chooses us for their feeding journey.

Our families often hear that their healthcare team wants to take a “conservative” or a “wait and see” approach regarding infant feeding because of a positive response on a growth curve. That if a human is “growing” a conservative or PASSIVE path is preferred over an ACTIVE one.

Being radically kind, we like to break things into simple concepts. There are only two kinds of feeders - PASSIVE feeders and ACTIVE feeders. Parents with newborns need data points to figure this out if their baby is PASSIVE or ACTIVE. No physical exam or points on a graph over time can determine this.

If an ongoing breastfeeding relationship is the goal, only a series of BEFORE and AFTER WEIGHTED FEEDS from a talented lactation consultant can show us this trend in the feeding pattern of infants. It is this trend that reveals the if a baby is a PASSIVE or and ACTIVE feeder.

We need to stop focusing on tongue ties and focus on feeding patterns. If there is a PASSIVE trend in feeding then tongue tie could be on the differential diagnosis for this disrupted feeding pattern. Theses data points (over a period of time) will reveal the truth behind the “growth” of a baby. Are we growing in a PASSIVE or compensated pattern or are we growing in an ACTIVE pattern.

Why is this so important on DAY 5, MONTH 3, YEAR 1, and as a toddler, child, tween, teen and adult? Because this initial pattern will determine the healthy growth and development of the mid face, the way we accept the world and ultimately the airway.

IN SUMMARY: The lactation consultant the first professional that can answer the question - Is my baby a PASSIVE or and ACTIVE feeder?


In the classic poem “The Missing Piece” by Shal Silverstein, the pie-shaped missing piece tells the circle that it can belong to someone else and still be itself

Looking back as I pivoted my career now several times - from general dentist, to pediatric dentistry, to health:latch (serving all ages), to now focusing the health:latch spotlight on whole-body concepts for babies 0 to 3 months old - find myself oddly relating to this poem

Only through the systematic process of moving closer to the source of the problem do we found a better understanding and meaning. Answers to questions that surfaced nearly 22 years ago when I began my educational and now professional career. The journey to find the “missing piece” led me to twist and turn my career until I too could make better sense and become a piece inside the whole circle

Yet, in this children’s poem even when the missing piece takes its place inside the circle, it still realized it retained an independent identity

We health:latch encourage the followers of .latch to join us over on .healthlatch (and as we take one last turn on a winding road to find the truth in life’s poem

We are close - at least that is what my intuition is telling me


Are you an IBCLC or know of an amazing one? ❤️

In case you missed it over in the health:latch circle, in honor of this week, we're giving away FREE circle memberships to all IBCLCs around the world!!

➡️ Today is the LAST DAY to claim your FREE circle profile! ⬅️

Sign up here & complete your profile using the promo code IBCLC2021:

We’re so grateful for all of the IBCLC heroes who help Mom and baby during one of the most critical moments in both of their lives. 👩👶

They are often the first ones who identify what’s causing Mom to have an ⭐especially⭐ difficult time during breastfeeding.

The likely culprit: an oral restriction like tongue, lip or buccal tie.

And what happens at this point can literally affect a child’s entire future: their growth, airway development, mental wellness and so much more.

IBCLCs are the ADVOCATES for millions of Moms around the world, and we want to help support them here in the circle.

Help us SPREAD THE LOVE & give back to lactation consultants for all they do! ❤️

✨Claim your FREE IBCLC membership in the circle 🙌
✨Tag your favorite IBCLCs below so they know 👇
✨Share this post!➡️

Discussion with Dr ‘JT’, James Thomas, founder of @circle.healthlatch 02/24/2021

WOW! 🤩 We were blown away by all of the amazing energy & insights that came out of last night's IG Live session! Thanks again, Dr. Giselle, for having us on to chat all about how moms can tap into their INTUITION to help their babies THRIVE. ❤️

Did you miss us live? No worries, we've got you covered! Check out the full replay over on Instagram here:

🌟 Drop us a comment and let us know what your biggest takeaway was from this dynamic duo! 👇

Discussion with Dr ‘JT’, James Thomas, founder of @circle.healthlatch


DON'T MISS IT! Join us ⭐TODAY⭐ at 4:30pm PST (7:30pm EST) for an Instagram LIVE on the Milk Matters Physical Therapy page!

Dr. James Thomas will be chatting with Dr. Giselle Tadros about how to follow your INTUITION & be an ADVOCATE to help your baby thrive 💕

Tune in LIVE over on Instagram here:

MOMS! 👩💖 Join us TOMORROW (Tuesday, Feb. 23) for a special Instagram Live session with Dr. Giselle Tadros of Milk Matters Physical Therapy!

We'll be chatting all things babies, including how to help your child THRIVE by listening to your INTUITION & being an ADVOCATE for your little one. 👶

Tune in LIVE tomorrow at 4:30pm PST / 7:30pm EST over on the Milk Matters IG page here:


MOMS! 👩💖 Join our very own Dr. Thomas for a special Instagram Live session with Dr. Giselle Tadros of Milk Matters Physical Therapy!

We'll be chatting all things babies, including how to help your child THRIVE by listening to your INTUITION & being an ADVOCATE for your little one. 👶

Tune in LIVE tomorrow at 4:30pm PST / 7:30pm EST over on the Milk Matters IG page here:


Enough said. Happy Valentines Day


House is all clean and ready to accept in the New Year. Luck, love, friendship and traditions

Wishing all of you the best year imaginable. Full of being

Photos from healthlatch's post 02/09/2021

Join us TODAY, Feb. 9 @ 10am PST (1pm EST), for an Instagram takeover on the Pumpin Pal IG account! Dr. Thomas will be joining renowned lactation consultant Tracy Corey, RN, IBCLC, of Nurturing Expressions to talk all things newborns & tongue ties!

Send us a DM with your questions about babies, breastfeeding & tongue tie ahead of time!

We'll be answering them LIVE TODAY on Instagram here:


Happy Birthday to the creator of the tool

Peter’s drive for perfection while focusing on safety has allowed for the proper care of so many under his leadership

Kind, generous and caring he gives of his time to educate our health community about lasers and the endless possibilities

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Bellevue?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

A niche healthcare practice located in Bellevue, WA, health:latch was founded in 2017 by Dr. James Thomas, a pediatric dentist with over a decade of clinical experience in Washington and a passion for positive health outcomes. As the founder and owner of NW Pediatric Dentistry – later rebranded to Everyone By One – Dr. Thomas pursued a mission to encourage families to visit the dentist by Age One. Throughout his career, he continued to push early intervention and preventative, outcome-based pediatric dentistry. With this goal in mind, Dr. Thomas searched for earlier interventions with infants and children and became interested in tongue tie release for newborns who were unable to form a lip seal and proper tongue position during breastfeeding, a growing concern among nursing mothers. The more of these children he saw in his practice, the more convinced he became that enhancing the duration along with quality of breastfeeding would improve overall health outcomes for the baby and its family. Furthermore, with additional research, he saw improvements in breathing, airway formation, speech, and sleep habits.

In April 2016, realizing he couldn’t continue to grow Everyone By One and focus on serving infants and children struggling with oral restrictions, he sold his pediatric dental practices in order to found health:latch, a practice that has one sole purpose: to help babies and their families thrive. After extensive research and continuing education, he has created a research-based, team approach that integrates modern laser technology and old-fashioned customer service. Today, with a network of like-minded pediatric medical professionals, health:latch prides itself on partnering with parents to educate, diagnose, treat, and support families with any challenges related to tongue-tie, beginning with breastfeeding.

Videos (show all)

🎉✨ Exciting news, healthcare leaders! ✨🎉 I hope this post finds you all in good health and high spirits.I launched a new...
Let’s talk solid-food readiness! Sweet Mila is a little over 5 months and is now demonstrating all solid-food readiness ...
Have you seen the new & improved yet? 👀We recently launched a BRAND NEW website for our tongue tie & air...




1200 112th Avenue NE, Suite C250
Bellevue, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm

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