Viviana Lahrs: YOGA

Practice Yoga with me online. Gentle and Therapeutic:
*Classes *Private *Corporate *Events Viviana teaches Yoga through the eyes of a massage therapist.

You’ll learn how to listen to your body and respond with yoga poses to release the tension, relax the mind, and bring your energy to the frequency you want it. Each class is tailored to your mind-body-spirit needs in the moment. Her standard group classes are Restorative and Gentle, incorporating yoga styles from around the world including Hatha, Japanese, and Tibeten. Schedule classes for your company’s employees, group retreat, or book yourself a private session package.


Want to practice Yoga at home? Starting April 15th, the online live class recordings will now also be available for two days.

Join us LIVE on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday’s at 8am Pacific Time. Or watch the recording on your own time.

The classes are small, gentle, and therapeutic. Open up and stretch what is stiff or stagnant. Deepen your breath and range of motion. Let go of stress and tension. A great way to start the day.

Visit my website or comment “Online” below and I”ll send you instructions to register.


Want to practice Yoga at home? Starting April 15th, the online live class recordings will now also be available for two days.

Join us LIVE on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday’s at 8am-9am Pacific Time. Or watch the recording on your own time.

The classes are small, gentle, and therapeutic. Open up and stretch what is stiff or stagnant. Deepen your breath and range of motion. Let go of stress and tension. A great way to start the day.

Visit my website or comment “Online” below and I”ll send you instructions to register.


Today’s class feedback was super sweet. Thank you dear students, this made my day!

Student No. 1: “Tuesday is my FAVORITE Day! You know why? Because it’s when I take your class!”

Student No. 2: “I just started taking Yoga classes for the first time and your class is a delight!” They went on to explain the other class they tried was too fast and made them dizzy.

I teach with the intention of keeping the class at an accessible level and pace for everyone. Yoga that allows for really tuning into your breath, your body, and this moment. The slowing down allows for you to relax and notice what’s happening within you, make adjustments, and helps prevent injury and increase healing and peace within.

Sound good? Check out my bio for classes and follow me for videos. If you’d like to be on my newsletter list, comment with “newsletter.”

See you on the mat,


Shoulders. It's one of the most common requests I get in my classes.
Here are three exercises to try that will open all around the shoulders.

#1: Variation on Childs Pose (2 Blocks or books needed)
[Focus- arm to shoulder connection, triceps, and biceps]
Start with Child's Pose - knees apart - toes together - hips heavy towards the heels - arms relaxed. Now bring fingertips together, slowly bend the elbows until the hands are above the head, option to keep bringing hands back until thumbs touch your back. Hold and breathe for at least 20 secs. Come up, grab your blocks. Set the blocks in front of you just below your elbows, head to the floor. Repeat as above.

#2: Simple Shoulder Stretch. [Focus- back of shoulders]
Start in a comfortable standing or seated position. Bring one arm across the chest, drop the shoulders, turn the head away from the arm and breath. Hold here for at least 20 seconds. Switch arms.

#3: Shoulder and Chest Rocking/ side bends. [Focus- lower shoulders, armpits, chest]
Start in a comfortable standing or seated position. Raise one arm up, bend elbow, opposite hand reaches to hold the other side. Rock slowly with a side bend, keeping the chest open. Come back to center, release both arms up and float the hands down. The slow lowering down helps to relax the neck and shoulders. Take a couple of shoulder rolls then repeat to the other side.

Looking for more gentle stretches?
Follow me and Check bio for classes



When the pandemic hit I had a physical yoga studio in Berkeley. With shelter in place, literally overnight, I pivoted to an online yoga studio. And, as with so many of us, there was so much to pivot in life. I’m happy to see that for me, and what seems for many, we’ve settled into the new normal... hopefully mostly for the better.

I still teach weekly online classes and you’ll find me teaching in-person at the Downtown Berkeley YMCA. You may know that I also came back to being a residential real estate agent. Continuing to practice and teach Yoga as well is such a wonderful way to stay balanced, healthy, and connected to community.

My online classes are small, interactive, gentle yet powerful and healing. A combination of easy flow and warm-ups, core work, and deep stretches.

I often have students that are middle-aged to seniors, athletes that need to work out their tightness or sore spots, students recovering from an injury or surgery, or people just wanting a yoga class that is a slower pace.

I’ve just revamped my website and booking system, inviting in new students, or old friends to check it out and try a class.

And remember, class is online- you can join me from anywhere around the world! It’s always a pleasure to practice with community and be a supportive guide to my student’s wellbeing.

Curious to see more about my Yoga offerings? Ready to get back to Yoga or try it for the first time? You’ll find my website link in my Bio.



I’m 65, it’s the first time I’m doing this [Yoga]… and I’m hooked! I could not touch my toes… now I can!
~ Yoga Student


Here’s a great shoulder stretch 💪🏼

Start at table top: Hands under shoulders, knees under hips.

Sweep one arm up, opening the chest then slide that arm under the opposite arm, palm up.

Rest your head on the floor. If that is difficult you can use a block to support your shoulder.

Hold here for about 30 seconds breathing deeply into the space between your shoulder blades. Switch and do the other side.

How did it go? Here’s to happy shoulders.

Follow me for more! Online classes available.


Filled up with gratitude after teaching at the Y. It’s been five years since I first started teaching yoga here. What has changed over these years is that I’ve grown more comfortable in my own practice, in myself, and my teaching. It’s been a joy to come back to teaching in person and to hear from the students the joy and impact of yoga is for them!

If you’d like to join my in person classes, you’ll find me every Tuesday and Wednesday at noon at the Downtown Berkeley YMCA.

Otherwise you can always follow my social posts here or take an online class!

Contact me with any questions!

Viviana Lahrs - YouTube 02/15/2023

I've finally got my YouTube Channel up and running!
Subscribe, if YouTube is your thing. 🙏

For me, it's an act of self love today.

Viviana Lahrs - YouTube Viviana Lahrs is a Certified Yoga Instructor from Berkeley, California: Viviana teaches Gentle Therapeutic yoga that is designed to fit your body-mind-spirit...


Enjoyed a valentines tea time this afternoon! Happy love day to all. May you love and be loved.


This morning’s full moon set! Gorgeous pink clouds in the foreground 💕

🌕 The full moon is a good time to remember all that you have manifested, put into action, or completed in this last month. As we celebrate wins- little to big ones it can help to bring in gratitude and keep the mind focused on what we have indeed accomplished or already have in our lives. In this present moment, notice this, even in the midst of what the future might bring- it can help ease anxiety or fears.

As the moon wanes now towards the new… it’s a time of letting go… what can you let go of now to make room for the next moon’s manifestations?


“To be silent the whole day, see no newspaper, hear no radio, listen to no gossip, be thoroughly and completely lazy, thoroughly and completely indifferent to the fate of the world is the finest medicine a man can give himself.”
~Henry Miller

Stillness is also a practice!


Winter Self Care Tips 😍❄️☃️🫖🍵🧤🧘‍♀️


Holiday Gift Idea 🌟🎄🧘‍♀️🧘💌
New Gift Cards Available:
-Customizable online gift cards - choose a design
-Purchase any amount - can be used for online yoga classes, private yoga or coaching
-Print or email the gift card

Buy a Gift Card here:

** If you have any questions about gift cards, contact me! I can set up for you by phone or email as well.


YOGA with Viviana: Winter Update -

Honoring Winter…

Winter is like the sunset of the year. A time of celebrating the beautiful light as darkness comes. It’s a time of reflecting on what we’ve experienced. We know the full brightness of the morning will return again soon, and prepare by resting. So in winter, it’s a good time to listen to the body’s natural desire to rest more - more active times requiring more energy will return soon again in the Spring. (Tips in the article)

Photos from Viviana Lahrs: YOGA's post 11/23/2022

Last week’s vacation in Puerto Vallarta was lovely. This was the last night there, sunset on the beach watching the waves and birds. My post earlier that day was Eagle Arms… Here’s the full Eagle pose, a bit more challenging on the sand! Lol

Video of the sunset and waves in comments 😍

Join me for online classes, visit


Shoulder and upper back stretch Quickie!
Need a stretch break? Eagle arms are a wonderful way to get into the deltoids, rotator cuff muscles, and upper back.

Start with the beginner version. Stacking bent arms in front of you, give your self a hug, reaching finger tips towards your shoulder blades. Lift arms parallel to the ground. Hold and breath. Switch.

Advanced: Bend arms and loop one arm under the other, bring hands to touch the best you can. Elbows are lifted away from the chest.
and hold each side for about 20-30 seconds. Enjoy!
(Enjoy the view from my hotel room in Puerto Vallarta)
Want more? Follow me here or book an online class! 🌎

Photos from Viviana Lahrs: YOGA's post 11/09/2022

One of my favorite places to teach Yoga! I’m back teaching IN-person classes at the Downtown Berkeley YMCA. Tuesdays and Wednesdays at noon : Yoga Flow and Stretch.

It’s such a lovely large open space. Gorgeous wood floors, super high ceilings and windows. And new Big Ass Fans - the actual brand name of these ceiling fans 😅

Come join us! (Note: On vacation Nov 15-29, check the Berkeley Y for the sub schedule)

Berkeley YMCA


Autumn Newsletter is out -
Fall is a time of “letting go.”

Just as the trees are starting to drop their leaves, preparing for winter, it’s a time for us of turning inwards and may find more emotions of grief and sadness… Or you may feel the need to let go of other things that might not be serving you. We can also feel it in our bodies as the skin is starting to get drier, or or feeling dehydrated. Yoga can be a great part of supporting you during these shifts… opening the lungs and intestines - both organs that regulate letting go-within the body in different ways, both physically and emotionally. Within and beyond letting go, is making room and space for the new!

Autumn Tips.

Drink more water

Get more rest


Talk to a friend or therapist

Practice Yoga poses that open the lungs and intestines (Tree Pose is a great one).

For the full Newsletter, Read here:

Have a great week!

Photos from Viviana Lahrs: YOGA's post 10/24/2022

Witnessing the beautiful change of season and tree colors in up-state New York…. Had to be with the trees in Tree Pose 🌳🍂🙏🏼


I've just reached 200 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each one of you. 🙏🤗🎉


First in-person Yoga Classes since 2020!

NEW:Berkeley YMCA
Tues and Wed


Every Day is Indigenous Peoples Day 🙏🏼

Honoring the people and their ancestors of the land we live on. It’s a hard thing to sit with, all the suffering and loss of Native Americans, their land, people, and culture. May more people know, remember, learn, and respect this unfortunate truth of how America was built.


Made my first IG Reel for Yoga yesterday. This is a super simple and quick neck stretch:

Try this 3 minute Neck Stretch - Quickie
- Sit on floor or chair. Legs balanced.
- Follow your range of motion and don’t forget to breathe!
1. Turn your head to one side and let the eyes gaze over the shoulder. Slowly release and return to the center. Repeat to other side.
2. Drop chin to chest. Relax the back of your neck. Allow the head to roll from ear to shoulder and slowly to center, both sides.
3. Clasp hands and hold the neck with fingers under the base of your skull. Support you neck with your hands as you make slow full circles in both directions.

Who do you know that could use this? Please like and Share! ❤️

Want to try more? Book an online Yoga class with Viviana or link in profile.


Every moment is about holding on and letting go. Breathing in and breathing out. What we decide to keep and what to release.

Photos from Viviana Lahrs: YOGA's post 09/12/2022

It’s time for an update. I hope you and yours are doing well! As most of you know I’ve been focusing on growing my real estate business since 2021. What some of you don’t know is that I still teach Yoga Online. It’s kept me healthy and balanced in all ways through my adult life, and even more so through the pandemic and all the changes it brought. It’s a joy to share my Yoga practice with community! Some of you may know me through my offerings with Heart Source. That was a labor of love from 2016-2020. And, I’m no longer with Heart Source. You can now find my classes here:

🌸 Sign Up for Yoga classes at my website

I look forward to seeing you on the mat!
Online Class Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @ 8am PST



Yoga makes all the difference in my life. It’s great to hear from happy and healthy clients too!

When COVID hit, I closed my studio and literally switched to online classes overnight. It was a very touching thing to still be able to keep connecting and practice with yoga clients. I offer online classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday PST - join from any location! Classes are gentle and therapeutic:: focus on stretching, letting go stress and pain, and gaining more range of motion and balance.

Prenatal Yoga - First Class Free - up to 100% off 04/25/2020

Prenatal Yoga - First Class Free - up to 100% off Apr 24, 2020 - 2:30 PM ~ Apr 28, 2020 - 3:00 PM - For first time students only, first class free! Check out our new online classes. A wonderful way to gently stretch, ease pain, relieve stress... While preparing your body and mind for birth... Connect with you, your baby, and other moms!

Free first class - up to 100% off 04/24/2020

Free first class - up to 100% off Apr 24, 2020 - 2:30 PM ~ Apr 26, 2020 - 3:00 PM - For first time students only, first class free! Check out our new online classes. A wonderful way to gently stretch, open up, and let go.


To become a mom... it is an act of becoming. So many changes. Your body, mind, spirit, relationships... Life is forever different and changing in a whole new layer. It can also be an isolating experience for some. Postpartum support is unfortunately a need often not met.

Do you know a New Mom who could use a time and place to connect with her self, her body, her spirit and connect with other new parents?

I am offering a Postpartum Yoga Connect class starting this Friday at Heart Source. Fridays at 10:30am to noon.

This Mom's Group Meets Yoga allows for plenty of time to connect, share, get support, move, and rest. All ages of children and fathers are welcome, and all that it takes to raise and care for a baby... Diaper changes, nursing, snacking!

Know someone who could use this? Please share

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Videos (show all)

Join me for a five minute wake up practice. This is a great way to start your day, longer yoga practice, a quick stretch...
Got tight shoulders?
Here’s a great shoulder stretch 💪🏼“THREAD THE NEEDLE”Start at table top: Hands under shoulders, knees under hips.Sweep o...
Do you need a good upper body stretch? Try this for a quick break.The “seaweed”:Set cross legs breathe as you lift your ...
Do you need a quick lower back release? Try these two simple stretches:  Start by sitting on the floor, knees bent and f...
Winter can be hard! Are you feeling some depression, heavy in the heart, or simply stagnated. Feeling this way is normal...
As we come into the winter season, it’s important to remember to rest and hydrate. Here are some tips for keeping the bo...
Here is an easy way to bring in focus and energy to benefit the body mind and spirit. This is my favorite mudra for self...
Shoulder and upper back stretch Quickie!Need a stretch break? Eagle arms are a wonderful way to get into the deltoids, r...
Do you have tight shoulders? This is one of my favorite shoulder stretches. Grab a strap it can be a yoga strap, belt, s...
Got hip or lower back stiffness? Do you sit or stand a lot? Try these quick stretches for some relief! 1. Hip Circles: S...



Berkeley, CA

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