UC Berkeley L&S Advising

The UC Berkeley College of Letters and Science Office of Undergraduate Advising provides academic advising to undergraduate students at UC Berkeley.


Do you have an incomplete grade from a previous semester? Sometimes finishing an incomplete while staying on top of your current classes can be hard to juggle. The L&S Mentors provide individualized support for students that are tackling incomplete grades. ⁠

Sign up for this mentoring sequence to:⁠
✏️ Make a specialized plan with a mentor⁠
💬 Have check ins with your mentor and discuss your progress⁠
🏆️ Wrap up and submit your complete work to your instructor⁠

To register, visit the link: https://lsmentors.berkeley.edu/mentoring-sessions/tackling-incompletes

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 02/02/2023

in this spring 🌻⁠ Belonging at Cal ~ a community group hosted by the L&S Mentors. ⁠

If you're looking for mentorship and a greater sense of community with like-minded peers, join this group! Each meeting will focus on demystifying the college experience from a minority perspective and support skill building in the following areas:⁠

🗣️ Communicating with professors and GSIs⁠
💪🏽 Self-advocating for your needs⁠
⏱️ Managing your time between work, school, and personal life⁠
💙 Understanding feelings associated with imposter syndrome⁠

FIRST SESSION: Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 12 pm. ⁠

Additional meetings will be on March 8, April 5, and May 3. 12 - 1 pm in Dwinelle 1229A. ⁠

🌟 Visit the link to register and get more details about the community group! ⁠https://lsmentors.berkeley.edu/mentoring-sessions/belonging-cal

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 01/20/2023

📌 Here are the Spring 2023 enrollment deadlines for L&S students! ⁠

JAN 27: Deadline to drop Early Drop Deadline courses. (This is also the last day to drop a course without a $10 fee)⁠

(not pictured) FEB 3: last day to add a course without a $5 fee⁠

FEB 8: Deadline to add/swap/change units for courses AND drop non-EDD courses⁠

MAR 24: Deadline to change grading options⁠

APRIL 28: Deadline to submit a late change of class schedule petition.⁠

Visit the link for more details on the important spring deadlines: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 01/18/2023

Considering graduate school? 🎓 Get course scheduling advice and tips to prepare for graduate school, including pre-med and pre-law advice at these upcoming spring events co-facilitated by and L&S Advising:⁠

FEB 1: Pre-Masters/PhD Planning Session⁠

FEB 21: Pre-Law Summit Day 1: Is law school right for me?⁠

FEB 27: Pre-Law Summit Day 2: Taking action in the application process⁠

MAR 8: Premedical and Health Careers Planning Session⁠

APRIL 5: Pre-Masters/PhD Planning Sessions⁠

🔗 For event details and registration, go to: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/pre-professional-graduate-programs-advising-and-events


Now Hiring! 🌟⁠
Apply to be an L&S Peer Adviser for the 2023-24 academic year. Peer advisers provide information on college policy and procedures to students at the Virtual Front Desk and our office located in Dwinelle Hall. ⁠

💵 Earn $17/hour or academic credit⁠
📌 Applications are due Friday, January 20th, 2023 at 11:59 pm⁠

Visit the link for full job description and application instructions: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/apply-be-ls-peer-adviser


[POLICY UPDATE] Please read ⬇️⁠
The Executive Committee of the College of Letters & Science has approved a deadline extension for P/NP grading options. ⁠

L&S undergraduate students can request to change their grading option from letter grade to P/NP. ⁠

⏰ The new deadline is Sunday, Dec. 11th, 2022 at 11:59 pm PT. ⁠

✅ Passed (P) grades from this term (Fall 2022) will be allowed to fulfill L&S Essential Skills requirements: Reading & Composition, Quantitative Reasoning, and Foreign Language.⁠

🔗 If you plan to submit a request to change your grading option to P/NP, be sure to read the full details at: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/fall2022

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 11/16/2022

Holly Hani Pilling had never tried research before Cal. But they had a “crazy idea” to build a mind controlled glove to help people with paralysis. That’s when they discovered Cal’s Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP). They had a go, and haven’t stopped since. ⁠

“My main research project is called the ExoGlove project. I am the neuroscience lead for that project. We’re trying to develop a neural-integrated soft-robotic exoskeleton glove for people with hand paralysis. So in layman’s terms, it’s a mind controlled glove for paralysis rehabilitation. The ExoGlove project which we worked on last year won an award for the hardware prototype at the Fung Institute end of year showcase where Fung Fellows and Masters of Engineering students show their projects. We won an all around stand out award in the health and tech track, and then this year, we won grant funding from the Jacobs Institute to continue our research and to purchase neural-integration technology. In my dorm room, I have an EEG set on the desk, and I’ve worked everyday this week trying to 3D print an EEG cap to start reading brainwave data from people as part of my research project.”⁠

Q: What advice would you give to an L&S student who may be considering research?

“I’d say do it. Do URAP (Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program) for one semester. You get to dip your toe in the water to see if it’s for you. That’s how I did it. Number two, I would follow OURS - Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships. They post some opportunities. Number three, also check your department for opportunities. That’s my advice to break into research.”

Q: Are there any challenges you have faced while doing research at Cal? If so, how did you find support and overcome them?

“Cal is a very large place. It feels like you’re on your own for a lot of things, but the truth is that you are not. There’s always mentors, there’s always community members, and students who’ve got your back.There’s someone who has done what you’re trying to do. Or someone who’s begun paving a way for you to do what you want to do here. So I suggest, look for help everywhere, including the unexpected place. Try to find mentors who you can reliably go to, and go to them all the time. And realize that it’s okay to have failures, problems and roadblocks.”

Q: Are there any aspects of your personal identity that have influenced your experience in research?

“I’m extremely underrepresented in all fields. I just have a really unique identity and place in this world. I’m British-Iranian-American, so culturally, I’m very distinct. On top of that, I am q***r and transgender, and it’s extremely rare that I find people with those identities out and proudly in my fields of research or anywhere really in research.”

Q: What advice would you give to students based on that experience?

A: Pave your own way. Blaze your own trail. Berkeley’s a home of trailblazers. If I can do it, you can do it. I’m a 19-year old community college transfer student and if I’m able to purchase and build neural technology in my room with a background in psychology and communications, you can do whatever it is you put your mind to here.”

Visit the link for more ways that you can Discover and Connect on campus. 🐻🌟⁠ https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/discover-research


At the L&S Advising Office, we love meeting with students and we see hundreds each week. Still, we know it can be difficult to get an appointment, especially at particular times during the semester. Read the full article to get the scoop on the best times to book an appointment and how to use our other advising resources.⁠

🔗 Full article is available at: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/5-tips-getting-advising-during-busy-times

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 08/30/2022

🛑 [Save this post] Here's your reminder of the fall 2022 enrollment deadlines for L&S students! ⁠

SEP 2: Deadline to drop Early Drop Deadline courses. (This is also the last day to drop a course without a $10 fee)⁠

SEP 14: Deadline to add/swap/change units for courses AND drop non-EDD courses⁠

OCT 28: Deadline to change grading options⁠

DEC 2: Deadline to submit a late change of class schedule petition.⁠

Visit our website for more details on the important fall deadlines! ⁠https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/


Converting quarter system to semester system 🤯 ⁠
Do you have transfer credit from a quarter system school? Here's how the units convert:⁠

➗ Divide quarter system units by 1.5 = Semester system units⁠
Example: 24 quarter units / 1.5 = 16 semester units⁠

For more videos like this, subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/lscollegeadvisers

Timeline photos 07/13/2022

Calling all social butterflies 🦋 The L&S Advising Communications Team is looking for an Outreach & Engagement specialist to join our team this year!

This is a great opportunity for a student that is passionate about proactively recruiting L&S students to share their stories and perspectives for digital content on our channels. If you equity-minded, a natural connecter, and interested in interviewing students on camera, we want to meet you!

📌Job description and application details: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/apply-work-outreach-and-engagement-specialist-ls-advising

Image description:
In bold, yellow text: Now Hiring. Below that it reads, Digital Content Creator: Outreach & Engagement. $22/hr, 10-15 hours per week, 2022-23 academic year. Apply at lsadvising.berkeley.edu


HOW TO: Figure which L&S degree requirements your high school exam scores (AP, IB, etc.) fulfill

1. Go to the Degree Requirements page: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/degree-requirements
2. Click on the requirement (ex. Reading & Composition)
3. Click on the High School Exam Score section
4. Repeat for each requirement (Quantitative Reasoning, Foreign Language)

Q: What about breadth?
A: High school exam scores cannot be used to satisfy seven-course breadth!


First Year Students 🐻: You submitted your GBA final assignment and received a grade of "Complete". Now What? Here's some tips to prepare for enrollment day:

1. Review your GBA adviser's feedback!
2. Think about the changes you want to make to your schedule.
3. Review the "Enrollment Course" in bCourses to learn how to enroll.
4. On Enrollment Day, log in to CalCentral when your enrollment time begins and enroll!

You've got this! 💛💙

For more videos like this, subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/lscollegeadvisers

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 06/15/2022

Looking for ways to get more involved and make an impact at Cal? Valerie V. Ekko, Psychology & Art Practice ‘23, is making an impact through research, volunteering, and the arts:

“Arriving at Cal was exhilarating. Being surrounded by brilliant people who are relentlessly dedicated to their crafts is both overwhelming and energizing. I changed majors three times since transferring to Cal, not due to being irresolute but instead in order to pinpoint exactly where I should best focus my energies… Along the way I looked for opportunities that interested me and I could see myself working with long-term…”

“As a result, I’m currently a lab manager for the Whitney Perception Lab, a Research Assistant for the Walker Center for Human Sleep Science, as well as a Research Assistant for the Risk Resilience Research Lab. Along with these incredible research experiences, I’ve also been a part of the Fung Fellowship, received the Spark Grant from the Jacobs Innovation Catalyst program, and even got involved with making a film for Science at Cal! Outside of research and arts, I also volunteer with the Berkeley Free Clinic and work with many local science, arts, and healthcare outreach events… Currently, I’m working on a novel research project via L&S SURF with my mentor, Dr. Skeem from the Risk Resilience Research Lab and finishing up the film project with Science at Cal. This fall, I'm excited to host a neuroscience-themed art show by partnering with organizations in Berkeley, creating a medical interpretation program at the Berkeley Free Clinic, and of course, applying for grad school!”

“Some advice for thriving at Cal: There is no need to settle for a direct path. Never be afraid to apply, the worst they can say is no… never be afraid to walk away from something that isn't working out, make room for the next person's journey… Don't forget to take the time to really celebrate the successes- be proud of what you have accomplished!”

Visit https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/discover-connect for more ways that you can Discover and Connect on campus. 🐻🌟

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 06/13/2022

NEW FIRST YEAR STUDENTS: Working on your GBA final assignment and need some support with planning your fall schedule? Don’t miss these upcoming webinars on a range of topics including Major-Specific Schedule Planning, L&S Degree Requirements, and Study Abroad. You can sign up for as many webinars as you would like! We recommend attending at least one webinar during GBA. 🐻

Visit https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/golden-bear-advising-2022-webinars for more details and to register!

Unable to attend? Recordings of webinars will be posted to the L&S Advising YouTube within 3-6 business days.

Timeline photos 06/04/2022

Heading into your sophomore year? Check out these resources to help you plan and maximize your remaining years at Cal!

☀️ A FREE 8 week, online program this summer just for rising sophomores

✅ A 1 unit, P/NP course you can add to your fall schedule to build a clearer picture of yourself, your resources, your major, and your career plans.

📫 A newsletter full of information and opportunities for L&S sophomores.

Visit the link to learn more about these 3 resources: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/sophomore-success-resources-your-second-year

Image description: Text in the image reads: "New article post: Sophomore Success: Resources for your second year. Here's three resources to help you get the most out of the second stage in your undergraduate journey."

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 05/25/2022

Looking for ways to get more involved and make an impact at Cal? Sam Greenberg, Political Economy & Urban Studies ‘22, is passionate about urban planning and co-founded Telegraph for People, “a student advocacy organization fighting to make Telegraph Avenue car-free in Southside”

“I have been passionate about urban planning for multiple years now, and a window of opportunity presented itself to radically change a street I care about. Brandon Yung and I co-founded Telegraph for People in the fall to use the Southside Complete Streets Project as an opportunity to get students engaged in urban planning activism, and it's worked out beautifully. We had to organize very rapidly, but after forming in October 2021 we got dozens of students and other community members to attend public meetings and push to make Telegraph Avenue car-free. In fact, in February 2022 we got Berkeley City Council to unanimously approve an item to have the City start exploring a car-free Telegraph. This was a huge win. Simultaneously, our team planned a highly successful rally and occupation of Telegraph Avenue that we held on March 12th, where students and other community members took over the street, covered it in chalk, danced, and rallied for safe & sustainable streets.”

Visit https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/discover-connect for more ways that you can Discover and Connect on campus. 🐻🌟

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 05/18/2022

Looking for ways to get more involved and make an impact at Cal? Julie Vu, Political Economy ‘22, is making an impact through a mentor role with the Starting Point Mentorship Program and by facilitating workshops with Student Support Services:

“I mentored four prospective community college students every semester through one-on-one weekly meetings. I guided them through the available college resources and shared my experiences as a transfer student. In addition, I joined the Student Support Services (SSS) my second semester at Cal… Overall, SPMP and SSS are the two organizations that played significant roles in my transfer experience. I am proud of the work that my teammates and I do. We are leaders who represent the transfer student body and historically underrepresented students at Cal”.

Julie’s own experiences as a first generation and transfer student encouraged her to support other students with similar experiences. She encourages others who are seeking to make an impact to hone in on their passions:

“A piece of advice I would give to other students who would like to make an impact is to put themselves out there and step out of their comfort zone. Find something they are passionate about and use that motivation to make a difference in the community. It is essential to build strong relationships with the people you work with because they will be your support system”.

Visit https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/discover-connect for more ways that you can Discover and Connect on campus. 🐻🌟

Timeline photos 05/06/2022

How will you make your mark on the world? 🌎 If you're looking to make an impact, take a Berkeley Changemaker course!

🔎 Berkeley Changemaker courses are designed to help students clarify the impact they want to make in the world and understand how to make that happen.

🧬 Changemaking is baked into the DNA of UC Berkeley; it's the reason so many decide to come here. The Berkeley Changemaker courses help students of every major, background, and discipline connect to that spirit of making a difference.

Tap the link to learn more about Berkeley Changemaker courses! https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/make-impact-berkeley-changemaker


“I truly do believe that community is the food that nourishes our soul and that keeps us going as we’re pursuing the things that we’re most passionate about.”

Sara Noelani Olsen, Society & Environment with a Public Policy Minor ‘22, is the PEACE chair for APASD [], the Asian Pacific American Student Development office. APASD focuses on facilitating self-reflection, developing holistic wellness, providing political education, cultivating community, and encouraging collective action.

Watch the video to find out about how Sara got involved with APASD and how she supports her community within her role!

Keep an eye out for more upcoming videos about Community at Cal - a series that showcases students talking about what community means to them, how they found their community, and advice they have for other students looking to find their own places of belonging on campus.

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 04/29/2022

Heading into your sophomore year and feeling like you could use some extra support with:⁠
💡 Making decisions about major and career?⁠
✅ Assessing your degree progress and next steps?⁠
🎒 Accessing campus resources to help you reach your potential?⁠

Register for Sophomore Rising, a FREE, online summer bCourse designed for 3rd and 4th semester students!⁠

Get access to:⁠
🔹 A FREE guided, 8-week program⁠
🔹 Learning activities and materials to support your planning⁠
🔹 A community of other sophomores and advisers to support you⁠

Visit the link to register! https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/sophomore-rising-online-summer-program

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 04/22/2022

Looking for ways to get more involved and make an impact at Cal? Fanta Jimissa, intended Public Health ‘24, is making an impact through her role as the K-12 Recruitment Coordinator with .

Fanta initially learned about the Black Recruitment & Retention Center (BRRC) after attending Senior Weekend, an event for incoming students of color hosted by bridges Multicultural Resource Center (). Her positive experience with BRRC encouraged her to commit to Berkeley, and she decided to get involved with BRRC:

“My work within the Black Recruitment and Retention Center (BRRC) makes an impact by supporting students in their pursuit of higher education and helping Black students on campus connect with each other. As the K-12 Recruitment Coordinator this year, I have had the chance to host programs that help low-income students learn about college and what it's like to be a Black student at Cal”

Fanta’s advice to other students seeking to make an impact is to: “...Believe in your abilities. You are so much more powerful and resourceful than you know”. 🐻🌟

Tap the link in bio for more ways that you can Discover and Connect on campus. (https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/discover-connect)

Virtual-Only Appointments for April 21, 2022 | L&S Advising 04/21/2022

Due to campus shelter in place orders, all in-person advising appointments for April 21, 2022 will be rescheduled or offered virtually. See more details here: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/virtual-only-appointments-april-21-2022

Virtual-Only Appointments for April 21, 2022 | L&S Advising 4/21/22: Due to campus shelter in place orders, all appointments will be offered virtually or rescheduled. Find more information here.

Timeline photos 04/15/2022

RRR week is just 2 weeks away 🤯
If your study planning could use an upgrade, check out these four steps approved by PhD student and L&S Mentor, Patricia de Nobrega Gomes.

Click the link to read the article: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/4-steps-study-plan-pro-0


“The biggest kind of education tool we use is we’re going to go in and we’re gonna do the thing. It’s not just about talking about food systems change. It’s about living it and being it.”

Naomi Primero, Cognitive Science ‘18, is the Alumni Board Representative at the Berkeley Student Food Collective, a grocery store that is dedicated to providing fresh, local, healthy, environmentally sustainable, and ethically produced food at affordable prices to the Berkeley campus and surrounding communities.

Continue watching to learn more about how you can be involved in creating impactful changes outside of the classroom!

Keep an eye out for more upcoming videos about getting involved, finding community, and making an impact at Cal.

Timeline photos 04/08/2022

🎓Do your post-college plans include graduate school? ⁠
Find out what graduate programs are looking for and things you can start doing now to help you prepare. ⁠

Click the link for the full article: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/3-things-maphd-programs-are-looking

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 04/04/2022

“Take classes that you find meaningful, and you'll start noticing a pattern about what kinds of things motivate you academically.”

Riya Berry, Data Science and ISF, ’22, shares how she’s combining coursework in two majors to study educational inequality:

What was hard about choosing a major? What helped you decide?
✏️It was really challenging to figure out which course of study would allow me to pursue what I'm most interested in, and to narrow down what exactly that was. I realized that I was really interested in learning more about educational inequality and policy, but I wanted to get various frameworks and insights from different disciplines to learn about the issue rather than only majoring in one discipline.
I was also interested in learning a quantitative skill that I could use to analyze policies and real-world problems. In that sense, it was extremely challenging finding one major that encapsulated all of my interests.

Did you use any resources or take any steps to help you narrow down your major interests?
✏️I think talking to older UC Berkeley students has been a wonderful resource. I was also part of the L&S Dean's Leadership Team, which was a group of students that advised the L&S college on how to conduct meaningful outreach and engagement with potential/current L&S humanities students. It was great to meet people studying a variety of majors and disciplines, and hear more about their diverse research interests! Lastly, doing research via URAP was a great way to narrow down what majors I was most interested in academically, as it allowed me to see what skillsets mapped to what applied work.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your major(s)?
✏️The most rewarding thing about Data Science is being able to see all the meaningful applications. My first summer, I used Data Science and Statistics to research social determinants of incarceration and recidivism in Virginia as a Research Fellow for the University of Virginia. The summer of my junior year, I worked with the San Francisco Department of Education. In summary, I loved using the data science principles I had learned at Berkeley to work on meaningful projects with tangible impact.

The most rewarding aspect of ISF has been cultivating my own path to explore my interests. Through ISF, I've been able to take some of the most interesting courses in a variety of departments. I'm excited to explore more interdisciplinary threads and nexuses for my senior thesis.

What are your post-college goals?
✏️I'm looking to become a data scientist at a think-tank, social impact centered organization, or research institute. I want to leverage data science and statistical frameworks to solve meaningful issues in the realm of education, healthcare, poverty, and inequity. I'd like to get an advanced degree in an interdisciplinary data science program, perhaps even a PhD.

Looking back, is there any advice you would give your younger self about choosing a major? Would you have approached any aspect of your major journey differently?
✏️I'd tell myself to relax, that you have lots of time to figure things out. L&S at Berkeley is wonderfully structured in that it gives you lots of time to explore and still graduate with a degree. Take classes that you find meaningful, and you'll start noticing a pattern about what kinds of things motivate you academically. I'd also encourage myself to not be afraid to double-major; it's extremely rewarding, and definitely not hard to manage if you put your mind to it!

Timeline photos 03/31/2022

When it comes to mapping out your time at Cal, summers offer a lot of possibility.

Tap the link to read all about 'em. ⁠https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/news/what-do-your-summer

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 03/14/2022

"Ultimately, taking the leap of faith to try something new was the best choice I have made on my academic journey thus far.”⁠

Cassandra Branch, American Studies, ’23, shares how she stumbled upon her major: ⁠

What was hard about choosing a major? What helped you decide?⁠
✏️I have always been afraid of risks. I'm a creature of habit, and somebody who does not often venture off the beaten path. After years of studying English, the thought of trying a new way of engaging with academia and the world at large felt terrifying. It was only after realizing that I was no longer fulfilled by the subject I spent years devoting myself to that I knew I needed a change. I spoke extensively with my academic advisor, Professor Palmer, who assuaged my fears and promised me that this major was well suited for my varying interests. Ultimately, taking the leap of faith to try something new was the best choice I have made on my academic journey thus far. ⁠

What’s the most rewarding thing about your major?⁠
✏️ American Studies is truly an interdisciplinary experience, in that I am able to study whatever I please, no matter the department. I have been able to indulge in my love of history, gender studies, and creative writing all while working towards my degree. On top of the incredible breadth of classes, the professors are also an absolute delight. I truly feel that American Studies has allowed me to meet an exceptional community of scholars. ⁠

[continued in comments] ⁠

Photos from UC Berkeley L&S Advising's post 03/14/2022

“Ultimately, taking the leap of faith to try something new was the best choice I have made on my academic journey thus far.”

Cassandra Branch, American Studies, ’23, shares how she stumbled upon her major:

What was hard about choosing a major? What helped you decide?

✏️I have always been afraid of risks. I'm a creature of habit, and somebody who does not often venture off the beaten path. After years of studying English, the thought of trying a new way of engaging with academia and the world at large felt terrifying. It was only after realizing that I was no longer fulfilled by the subject I spent years devoting myself to that I knew I needed a change. I spoke extensively with my academic advisor, Professor Palmer, who assuaged my fears and promised me that this major was well suited for my varying interests. Ultimately, taking the leap of faith to try something new was the best choice I have made on my academic journey thus far.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your major?
✏️ American Studies is truly an interdisciplinary experience, in that I am able to study whatever I please, no matter the department. I have been able to indulge in my love of history, gender studies, and creative writing all while working towards my degree. On top of the incredible breadth of classes, the professors are also an absolute delight. I truly feel that American Studies has allowed me to meet an exceptional community of scholars.

[continued in comments]

Why did you decide to pursue this major?
✏️ My first semester, I took an American Studies class on "Love" that changed my life. Never before had I realized that a field of study could apply so directly to my life, or to the lives of others. After years of burying my head in classic literature, and engaging in esoteric discussions about "theme" or "plot" for much of my schooling, American Studies felt like a tall glass of cold water. I felt as if I was able to take all of my analytic skills and implement them back into meaningful work that had real world consequences. I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my time in academia engaging in classes like that first one, and never looked back.

What are your post-college goals?
✏️ I plan on pursuing a PhD in American Studies, publishing creative fiction, and finally having an apartment big enough for a cat.

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Our Story

The Office of Undergraduate Advising is here to help students get the most out of their liberal arts degree at Berkeley. Among other services, we assist students with deciding on majors and developing graduation plans; providing support and strategies for academic difficulty; and connecting students with academic enrichment programs across campus and the world. To view our full range of services: https://lsadvising.berkeley.edu/

Videos (show all)

L&S GBA Live Q&A
L&S GBA Live Q&A
What does it mean to “shop & drop”?
Who are major advisers?
A Digital Message to the Class of 2020
Student Perspectives: Prioritizing Interests
Transfers Ask Seniors: Finals Advice
An APR Tutorial for Bears



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