Tamara Thebert, MFT Berkeley Women's Psychotherapy

Tamara T. Thebert, MA, MFT, psychospiritualcounseling.net 510-995-6499

Heart Practices for Women ~ Teachings & Meditations on Four Immeasurables 08/20/2024

Namaste Everyone,

I am offering an ONLINE, donation-based class on Heart Practices for Women ~ Teachings and Meditations on the Four Immeasurables.

4 Sundays @ 11am PST, 90-minute sessions [Sept 1, 8, 15, and 22]

***This is a LIVE online class. Recordings will not be sent to participants. Limited to 25 participants. Registration is required for participation.***

This class is for women of all paths or no path. You do not have to be a Buddhist to practice with us. All levels of experience with Buddhism, mindfulness, and/or meditation welcome.

You will learn to intentionally cultivate wholesome heart qualities of loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity through the teachings and practices of the Four Immeasurables or the Brahmavihārās. These heart practices are considered immeasurable because if you practice them, they will grow every day until they embrace all beings in the entire universe. You will also learn how to bring compassionate awareness to difficult thoughts, emotions, and habits that may arise when attempting to cultivate these heart qualities.

The class includes talks, meditations, Q&R (questions and responses), optional sharing, and dedication of merit.

Pre-registered on Eventbrite is required. Looking forward to meeting you!

Heart Practices for Women ~ Teachings & Meditations on Four Immeasurables Learn ways to cuItivate loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity through Buddhist Heart Practices called the Four Immeasurables.

Heart Practices for Women ~ Meditation Daylong on the Four Immeasurables 07/31/2024

*** UPDATE: This is now open to all women.***

Namaste Everyone,

On Sunday, September 1st, I am offering a donation-based, in-person daylong retreat on heart practices (loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity) at the Berkeley Shambhala Center. If you and/or someone you know might be interested, you can share this link to reserve a spot: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/heart-practices-for-women-meditation-daylong-on-the-four-immeasurables-registration-984559412707?aff=oddtdtcreator

The class will includes talks, meditations, mindful movement, opportunities for reflective journaling (writing or drawing to integrate experience), Q&R (questions and responses), optional sharing, and dedication of merit.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Please note: This daylong is for le****ns. I am planning one for q***r women and nonbinary folks who feel nurtured in women's spaces for later in September or October, just as soon as I find a space. If you are interested in that one, please send me your email!

Heart Practices for Women ~ Meditation Daylong on the Four Immeasurables Learn ways to cuItivate loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity through Buddhist Heart Practices called the Four Immeasurables.


I have an opening in my practice. I specialize in helping women recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, anxiety, and distress while attending to the important relationships in their lives. Psychodynamic. Mindfulness. Buddhist Psychology. Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma treatment. Particular love working with 18-28 year olds, counterculture folks, q***r folks, artists, and those who are navigating two or more cultures. $180. I slide to $120 for those in need. Can provide superbills for PPO. If you know anyone that would benefit from working with me, you can send her/them here: https://psychospiritualcounseling.net or [email protected] or 510-995-6499.

Rewilding A Forest | Artist and Poet Maria "Vildhjärta" Westerberg 06/13/2024

I love this short film.

Rewilding A Forest | Artist and Poet Maria "Vildhjärta" Westerberg This film is part of a series called "Something Beautiful for the World”, which is a collaboration between Reflections of Life, Campfire Stories and Happen F...

Photos from Inner Science Institute's post 03/13/2024

It's that time of the year again! Registration is now open for Core Skills for the Relational Therapist and I am teaching with Deborah Yarock, MFT again! If you are an emerging psychology professional, clinician, counselor, pre-professional, we'd love to tell you about it.

Check out what one of the therapists in our last cohort said about her experience: “I’m writing from the midpoint of the Core Skills 6-month certificate program and I can already say this is the most transformational CE program I’ve ever done. If you’re looking for warm and gentle support and thought-provoking subject matter as you deepen and expand your understanding of your inner world as a therapist-this is the program for you! I’ve been licensed for ten years and this has given me new ways to look at myself in relationship to my clients that will continue to benefit us both.” ~ C.Z., LMFT

More info here: https://www.innerscience.net/core-skills-for-the-relational-therapist-certificate-program/

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for Awakening Therapists - 5 CEs 02/13/2024

I will be teaching Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for Mental Health Clinicians, Psychology Professionals, and Pre-Professionals and you are invited! 5 CEs available for California Clinicians. By Dana/Donation. 5 Tuesdays @ 3pm, starting March 5th:

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation for Awakening Therapists - 5 CEs Learn to bring kind attention to difficult sensations and emotions that arise in your work with clients in this donation-based online class.


Looking forward to teaching this sliding-scale certificate program with Deborah Yarock, MFT again! We are getting great feedback: “I’m writing from the midpoint of the Core Skills 6-month certificate program and I can already say this is the most transformational CE program I’ve ever done. If you’re looking for warm and gentle support and thought-provoking subject matter as you deepen and expand your understanding of your inner world as a therapist-this is the program for you! I’ve been licensed for ten years and this has given me new ways to look at myself in relationship to my clients that will continue to benefit us both.”
~ C.Z., LMFT

“I’m writing from the midpoint of the Core Skills 6-month certificate program and I can already say this is the most transformational CE program I’ve ever done. If you’re looking for warm and gentle support and thought-provoking subject matter as you deepen and expand your understanding of your inner world as a therapist-this is the program for you! I’ve been licensed for ten years and this has given me new ways to look at myself in relationship to my clients that will continue to benefit us both.”
~ C.Z., LMFT

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR SPRING SEMESTER! Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program
24 CEs - Hybrid (Multimedia Self-Study + Monthly Interactive Video Consultation Groups. Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program for Early Career Mental Health Professionals and Pre-Professionals

Take your skills to the next level with this foundational, 6-month online certificate program for early career psychology professionals. With a nuanced focus on inner development and the interactive process, our training will give you unique opportunities to deepen and refine your clinical skills.

Click here for more details: https://mailchi.mp/innerscience.net/we-invite-you


I have an opening in my practice. I specialize in helping women recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, anxiety, and distress while attending to the important relationships in their lives. Psychodynamic. Mindfulness. Buddhist Psychology. Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma treatment. Particular love working with 18-28 year olds, counterculture folks, q***r folks, artists, and those who are navigating two or more cultures. $180. I slide to $120 for those in need. Can provide superbills for PPO. If you know anyone that would benefit from working with me, you can send her here: https://psychospiritualcounseling.net or [email protected] or 510-995-6499.


I want to take a pause with you to acknowledge what is happening in our hearts as a result of the escalating violence in Israel and the profoundly devastating effect it is having on both the Israelis and Palestinians. For some, this news may activate trauma triggers. For extra support for your heart and nervous system, I offer these resources in the comments. May you and all those you call beloved be free from suffering and the root of all suffering.


Hi folks,

My colleague and I are offering a certificate program to build skills and support you with the difficulties that arise in relational therapy with more skillfulness, including strong reactions, countertransference, projections, self-judgment, and perceived inadequacies. Although we are marketing this program to early career clinicians, all clinicians are welcome to experience our inside-out approach to learning.

Would love to have you in our courses and programs! See below.

Are you an early career psychology clinician looking for more community, support, and engagement as you continue to deepen your skills?

We are now registering for FALL COHORT for our Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program. 24 CEs in California. CAMFT Approved. Certificate offered for all locations.

In the spirit of making this program accessible, we are now offering flexible sliding scale payment options starting at $79/month for 6 months.

Depth-Oriented Program. Emphasize Your Inner Development and Polish Your Relational Skills in a Supportive, Sensitive, and Encouraging Community.

Core Curriculum. Experiential Exercises. Vignettes and Case Studies. Infographics. Monthly Group Video Consultations with Seasoned Clinicians. Supplemental Readings and Videos. Private Facebook Group and More!


Hope you are having a fantastic Pride Month! I want to let you know that this mixed heritage le***an has two openings! I work with specifically with women and specialize in helping you recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, anxiety, and distress while attending to the important relationships in their lives. I have been seeing clients since 2007. Love working with 18-30 year-olds, especially those who are navigating two or more cultures, sexuality, and/or gender identity. Psychodynamic. Mindfulness. Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma treatment. Can provide superbills for PPO. If you know anyone that would benefit from working with me, you can send her/them here: https://psychospiritualcounseling.net



When approach our turbulent feelings, we can try to understand what happens as the emotions build up. Although this typically happens in a split second, if we can bring the buildup into our awareness, we it can help us to prevent potentially de­structive emotions and actions.

In this article, Daniel Coleman talks about how becoming aware of the gap between the provo­cation of an emotion and our reaction can give rise to making changes in our responses to difficult emotions.



Hi Everyone, My name is Tamara and I am a mixed heritage le***an specializing in helping women recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, anxiety, and distress while attending to the important relationships in their lives. I have been seeing clients since 2007. Love working with 18-28 year-olds, especially those who are navigating two or more cultures, sexuality, and/or gender identity. Psychodynamic. Mindfulness. Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma treatment. Can provide superbills for PPO. If you know anyone that would benefit from working with me, you can send her/them here: https://psychospiritualcounseling.net


Join us for Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program for Early Career Psychology Clinicians and Pre-professionals. Registration is open until March 27th. 24 CEs in California. CAMFT Approved.

Watch our webinar video for more information and to find out if it’s a good fit for you:

Polish Your Skills in this Depth-Oriented Program that Emphasizes Your Inner Development and Connects you with a Supportive, Sensitive, and Encouraging Community!


Here are some helpful phrases to try on and see how it lands in your body. What shifts do you notice in your sensations? Emotions?


Spring Cohort Time! What a journey and gift it's been to co-create Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program for early career professionals with Deborah Yarock, MFT through Inner Science Institute! We did our very best to anticipate the needs of folks who are within the first 10 years of practice. I am so proud of our curriculum and excited to share it with our colleagues.

If you know any early career psychology clinician looking for more community, support, and engagement as they continue to deepen their skills, send them our way! Those who register by March 13th get the 20% Off Early Bird Discount!

Depth-Oriented Program. Emphasize Your Inner Development and Polish Your Relational Skills in a Supportive, Sensitive, and Encouraging Community.

Core Skills for the Relational Therapist Certificate Program for Early Career Psychology Clinicians and Pre-professionals. 24 CEs in California. CAMFT Approved.

Core Curriculum. Experiential Exercises. Vignettes and Case Studies. Infographics. Bi-Monthly Group Video Consultations with Seasoned Clinicians. Supplemental Readings and Videos. Private Facebook Group and More!



May you be kind to yourself, unconditionally. 💕

Self-compassion phrases to support you in any moment. 🙏🏽🪷🪴🗣

• May I be free from fear
• May I treat myself with kindness
• May I love myself just as I am
• May I know my own goodness
• May I give myself the compassion that I need



in the midst
of every difficult,
and everyday
way, you try to
make your
onward way,

sitting down
at the edge
of everything
that has made you
too tired
to take
another step,

there’s that
caught sight,
now here,
now gone

of a half imagined
wavering light
just among
the trees

just a gleam
or a wisp
of white gold
in the dying sun

a strange kind
of beckoning,
just about
to lead you on,

an ache
so intimately
as it is,
all of the
daily doings
and habits
you have
so lovingly
as sins,

but now,
in the precious last
of the failing light,
the place you
should have gone
all those years ago
is still, it seems,
to invite you again,

simpler this time,
not too far away,

touchable now,
and within reach

just a single step
on the other side
of what you will always
come to call
in the end,

Beckoning Sunset
Photo © David Whyte
Garza, Nosara, Costa Rica
January 10th 2023

in ‘Still Possible’
Many Rivers Press January 2022

Walking beneath the trees, in the dappled tropical light this morning, book in hand, and on my way to the ocean, I began to memorize this poem: a process which almost always leads to a little revision. So here is an ever so slightly revised version of a poem I wrote for a very close friend going through that process of hesitation, which as a friend you know is just a prelude to a momentous self-forgiveness and to their moving on. As an extra bonus, the piece just happened to marry very well with the sunset I glimpsed last night. DW


Welcome to my Practice!


"Self-compassion is not a form of positive thinking that somehow seeks to replace negativity or deny its existence. Instead, it holds the negative in a caring manner and thereby allows us to open to the full spectrum of our unfolding, ever-changing lives with authenticity." 🌈


This reminder is so helpful so we can continue to care for other people. It is also helpful for remembering how to show care for ourselves!

Some people try to control others or situations and can think that their actions are helpful. In actuality, having these behaviors can be damaging and harm a relationship.

Though people that have these behaviors can stem from anxiety, a personality disorder, or been taught this early in life (learned behavior), it's okay to notify that person when they overstep their boundaries.

If you frequently deal with someone that is trying to control you, work on implementing healthy boundaries. Let that person know that they can't control how you show up in the world or demand that you behave a certain way.

What they can do is support you and be open to discuss differences in opinion to reach a solution that works for both parties. Setting clear boundaries about what is acceptable makes it easier for both parties when communicating and can strengthen the relationship ❤️

10 Tips for Living More Mindfully 09/15/2022

10 Tips for Living more Mindfully

10 Tips for Living More Mindfully Former monk, Andy Puddicombe, lends tools to support your meditation practice.


Spread the word! I have an opening in my practice. I specialize in helping women recognize & amplify inner resources to recover from trauma, anxiety, and distress while attending to the important relationships in their lives. I have been seeing clients since 2007. Psychodynamic. Mindfulness. Neurobiologically-Informed Trauma treatment. $160. Can provide monthly superbills. If you know anyone that would benefit from working with me, you can send her here: https://psychospiritualcounseling.net


Beautiful poem to start the day.

Let the sword
that pierces your pride
cut so deeply

And trace its blade
in and down
to the most humble wound
that has too long been defended
by your reactions

Stay there
as you weep out the poison
of hiding

and enter the wellspring
you once thought a wound
that gushes self understanding
and forgiveness

Stay there and experience
as your deepest shames
given to light
become your flags of honor

in the great victory
of no longer having
to reject yourself

It is in that heroic lack
of hiding your hurt
that you let God’s grace
into your heart

You are changing the world
through changing your patterns

by feeling your pain
all the way through
to the point where it blooms

You are remaking the past now

with your courage
to no longer store pain
that inevitably ferments
into an arsenal

You are melting those guns
into shovels
and with them
you are turning the soil
that will grow a new world.


You can find my books, Susceptible to Light and Let Us Dance on Amazon or signed copies from Waucoma Bookstore

Art: Mara Friedman
Image shared from The Cosmic Dancer



"It's OK" LIVE - Nightbirde 06/29/2022

It's alright to be lost sometimes.


"It's OK" LIVE - Nightbirde " It's OK" Lyrics:I moved to California in the summer timeI changed my name thinking that it would change my mindI thought that all my problems they would st...


“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Power


Are you going through a tough time tonight? Please know that you are not alone. You are always surrounded by love. 💜

Voice to Voice, Heart to Heart

About 25 years ago, I created something luscious called The Inspiration Line. It's at 415 546 3742.

I record a message on a phone line and people call in from all over the world to listen and leave messages. Sometimes I sing or read poetry. It's spontaneously spoken- whatever it is. You are welcome to just listen or leave me a message at the end.

It is my privilege to listen to what feels like the collective consciousness and respond creatively with my books, art, products and programs. There's a lot of synchronicity and serendipity that goes on with the Inspiration Line, and it's an introverts dream- no person will suddenly pick up- yet it feels very intimate too.It's one of my ways to share more love and you are welcome to call, 25 hours a day :-) 415 546 3742.

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Welcome to my Practice!


Berkeley, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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