Warrior Equine

Warrior Equine

Certified Equine Gestalt Coach. Reach out. We are ready for you!



I am very strategic about who I allow in my ear and this is why my daily non negotiables are non negotiable.

To keep my mindset fresh and renewed each day.
Each day is a new day.

There has been a deep dive to come to know who I am wholly -all parts- good and sometimes not so good.
Who I am and where my strength comes from.

There is a continuation daily, solidifying and renewing my mind.

This way, I can clearly move forward in what is in alignment with my own unique truth.

This way I can vibrate on the frequency I want to with the people that I want to vibrate with on that frequency. Got it?

I can hear better what the message is when I take the time to listen.

There is a choice.

Even if it is something that we were handed in life. Something that we were given that we didn’t choose, there is still a choice to choose.

If we are staying stuck and stagnant in frustration, anger or doubt while curiosity and awareness are available to us and we are not finishing the cycle all the way back to peace, joy and freedom, then we are making the choice to stay in it.
In the guilt. In the overwhelm. In the doubt. In the fear. In the denial and avoidance. Etc, etc.

There is a choice to now do our part to move towards peace. Not always easy but simple.

If what you are looking for is not your current reality then, in the split second decisions that you get presented with, choose what aligns with what you want. Where you want to be. You may not know how but you cannot have seen it.

get in agreement with what you know. Deep in your soul.

Align with what moves you towards more of what you want.

Is it more peace, more freedom, more joy, more love, to be heard, to be understood, to be a part of a mission, to find your purpose again, to locate your team?

No excuses. No quit. It is out here for you!

Vibrating on the same frequency with the people that are on that current frequency with you in this given moment is where flow happens!

Where conversation flows or no words are needed.

When you know you are with your people. Speaking without speaking.

It’s Tribal Frequency.

A beacon to your team so they know where to find you. There is alignment here.

The perspective you have depends on the tribal frequency that you are currently vibrating on.

Open minded and open hearted
Or closed and guarded.

The choice is yours. Obvs.

You are in charge of your part of your life.
God laid out the plan. We still need to do our part.

It’s a choice to renew your mind everyday. To be in inquiry in the continuing daily solidarity of peace.

You have a part in creating your day.

From here, where the peace and freedom are, is a calm that comes in knowing who you are and who your team is. From this place you can make good clear decisions that lead to more joy, more love and more peace because you know freedom.

You’ve touched it, felt it, seen it, tasted it, experienced it and have been fully immersed in it and now you want more of it. Continually moving towards more of it.


When people become aware of who they are at their Original Design the strategies that no longer serve them fall away.

The strategy of fear in the inquiry of, in the lack of trust-for ourselves and others- in the self doubt, in the fear of rejection that we mask as “I know all of it” and/or “I am tough and I don’t need you,” Show no weakness, in the fear of uncertainty- in the not knowing how or where it’s going, they all fall away when we choose to buckle up and pursue freedom again.

There becomes no need for the strategies that our mind created anymore. They once kept us safe and now we no longer need them.


You look back and realize in an aha moment of awareness that they have fallen away and where they once were, there is now space for more joy and more freedom.

When people become aware of who they are at Their Original Design the world will change.

There is nothing missing inside of you. It’s coming to the knowing, reconciliation and teamwork of all of these parts that make up who we are.

Let go of the struggle and move toward what brings you more joy and more freedom.

Let’s go! It’s time.

If compromise is dulling your instincts, you may need a good hard reset.

You weren’t meant for the ‘B’ team.

Rise up.

Warrior Equine

The horses and I are ready for you. We assist you in the location of your team, purpose, mission and move towards more freedom and more joy.

*Now booking for July appts. In person in Montana-one on ones, groups as well as a few spaces left for sessions via Zoom.
Reach out to get on my schedule.*

Photos from Warrior Equine's post 05/26/2024

There is a spirit of freedom among us.

Bringing a revival, bringing a renewing.
Breakthrough is here.

Healthy-body, mind and spirit.

Hallelujah! Stir it up!

Feel it. It’s present. Stand firm.
Witness it. Put it on. Persistently. Carry it with you.

It may take a while. Hang on tightly. Stay in faith. No matter how long it takes!

Breathe and rest your souls.

We will see our breakthroughs. No matter how long it takes!

Declare it and Stand firm.

Back up is on the way!


We do not become healers.
We came as healers. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories
we and our ancestors actually lived. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become writers.. dancers.. musicians.. helpers.. peacemakers. We came as such. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not learn to love in this sense.
We came as Love. We are Love.
Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.

-Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

We are


THE DEVIL WHISPERS “You can’t withstand the storm.”
THE WARRIOR REPLIES “I am the storm.”

The threat isn’t imminent.
Some time has passed, but your body is still running in a full sprint of survival.

Possibly stagnant, standing still, but using up all of your energy working overtime.

On high alert, more than easily set off because you have to defend to survive.

You know something is off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.

What is it?

When will it be over?

When will it be gone?

Stay with it.

Through to the awareness all the way to the peace that is waiting for you on the other side of this.

When you can enter that memory without the overwhelming need to panic.
Without the need to recruit all of your resources to defend and to run.
When someone can speak of a similar situation with similar circumstances, and
the need to run or to fight back does not arise in your body, this is a huge win.

This is a success of paramount victory.

You are winning the battle.

From this place of calm and non-reactionary, peace is being defined for us.
Through experience we are being shown where to go to find freedom from it all.

As an Equine Gestaltist, the horses and I have the keys that lead you to places of peace and victory.

Guiding you in returning to a state of calm. Where you can ignite your joy and revive your freedom.

We do this through unconditional love.

Horses hold no judgment, and remember it no more whatever it is.

It is done.

Follow your curiosity to awareness which leads straight to the answers you already hold inside.

Helping you to see clear and to breathe fully in and fully out.

Loosening the reins.

Back to the Original Design, and then letting your Original Design shine!

‘Til your longing soul is satisfied.

You are fully equipped and fully qualified.

Trust the process.

You are the Warrior.

Rise up.

At Warrior Nation the horses and I are guiding you to be ready so you don’t have to get ready, creating a team, highlighting resonation, creating curiosity, solidifying the awareness and creating clarity.
We are Igniting joy and reviving freedom through unconditional love.
All the way Back to the Original Design.
There is a warrior in all of us.
We are Warrior Nation.

If you could reach freedom from the searching, the wondering of, when and who, and return to peace, would you want to find out?

The horses and I offering transformative experiences that ignite the return of the inner warrior to reclaim their seat at the table to evoke deep healing and the path back to our original design. Book a discovery call with me today and find out.

TikTok · Jennifer Field170 05/15/2024

Live like someone left the gate open!

TikTok · Jennifer Field170 Check out Jennifer Field170’s video.

Photos from Warrior Equine's post 05/13/2024

Medina, Texas

Where retreat participants returned to and stepped into their power.

Where Ignited joy that is our God given given gift was remembered.

Where healing released passion and purpose.


Where there was confirmation that they knew they were in the right place.

Where fears started to emerge and show themselves, and sticking with it, getting curious and following it all the way to the other side won.


All the way to peace and revived freedom.

Where we had each others backs.

Where we came together in power, standing in solidarity of a letting go of what we weren’t quite aware was holding us back, standing together in in grief and a returning to our divine power.

Solidifying who we know we are and who we are Originally Designed to be.

Free so that our Original Designs can shine brightly.

Coming back home.

There was beautiful nurturance.

There was a vision for what our futures will look like.

There was faith moving mountains.

There was laughter, tears, deep friendships made and lifechanging experiences.

There was safety, confidentiality and freedom to speak and be heard. All the way to the end.

There were horse hugs.
There was breathing and rejuvenation.

A move from survival to freedom.


We named what it was, taking back our power.

There was learning that we need to take care of ourselves as well. Not just others always. So we can pour from a full, powerful, and loving cup.

Now we are better equipped to fulfill our purpose.

We were grounded and created strong boundaries that the enemy cannot cross.

There was borrowed benefit and strong women.

There was learning to be. No push, no pull.
That we are enough exactly as we are.

There was a snapshot taken in our minds to carry forward into our everyday life of the experience of joy.

There was a neutralizing of judgement and an understanding of ourselves and others and how we operate in the world.
Creating understanding and compassion.

There were action steps.


There were aha moments.

There was celebration and calm.

There was head to heart horse connection.

There were lessons taught to us by one of the most powerful healers on the earth.
Thank God for horses.

Life is a journey and you are deserving.
Liberate what is holding you back and what may have been hiding for a long time.

You are fully equipped and totally qualified. You are not missing any parts.

Let go. Find your joy then pour fuel on it to ignite it!

We are finding our team in this game changing community and Reviving our Freedom.

This is just the beginning.

Like someone left the gate open!
Go for it!

Alejandra Garrison Laurie Rock


Breathwork at The Return Retreat in Medina, Texas 2024💛☀️


The Return Retreat in Medina, Texas 2024

Photos from Warrior Equine's post 04/30/2024


This is where the past and the future become one.

These growing peas that we pulled out of the field to check on the stage of growth sparked a great and deep feeling inside of me and brought me to a place in my history that I want to share.

These peas in their entirety with the root, the smell of the fresh dirt, the stem and the leaves smell like home.

The smell connects me immediately to family, history, roots, and freshness.

To generations of fortitude. To generations of forward thinkers continuing the strong pull towards a future that is nurturing the way of life that got us here and that are working toward keeping it alive.

This is precious, powerful, necessary and deeply rooted.

Weathering the seasons, staying deeply rooted in our surroundings, working together like this root system to empower the other roots.

Feeding eachother, nurturing and offering needed nutrients.

The roots entwined in each other for the greater good and ultimate growth. The stem supporting and leaning on its neighbour to keep the mission alive.

All together as one unit.

So when it seems like nothing is happening, trust, hope, have faith lean on and know that a lot is happening below the surface that we may not see yet.

Lean on your neighbour.

This plant exudes faith, hope, history and the future.

There is celebration in this root that was once a seed and is now popped out of the ground with a stem and leaves and is growing towards the sun.

I was reminded and want to pass on to you to remember to celebrate what we can’t yet see.

It’s coming!

Look up with hope and stay faithful while you go about it.




You are more than what you may appear to be. You are more than the one part of you that may be showing up right now.

An awareness of all of these parts that we hold inside of ourselves and the systems that we are a part of leads us to wholeness.
And with this awareness comes good mental health.

Raise your awareness.

We weren’t born angry.

Something got ahold of you. Rooted itself in you. There is a root.

These roots can be just outside of our awareness.
Just outside of our peripheral.
These roots can lead to guilt and the guilt can turn into shame leading to more anger leading to more shame leading to more guilt and shame resulting in a terrible cycle that we can’t get out of or finish because we haven’t yet reached awareness.

So peace stays elusive to us.

Anger is a feeling that seizes us in our body and immediately impels us to want to take angry action. - revised from Dallas Willard

Anger is doing damage to our bodies and to our relationships, and to our lives.

To be free you need to face it.
Peace = Power
There is strong energy in peace.

You make mistakes, I make mistakes. We all do. It’s called being human.

It can feel so unfamiliar -like - foreign - to let go of the hardness.

Using self compassion intentionally, forgiving intentionally can loosen the clench and allow breathing out.

You must master it, no one can do it for you. Recognize it, choose to put a stop to it.

Peaceful is possible. Peaceful is powerful.

Stay hopeful! Today is the day!

Expectancy -Live in it- where you are right now does not have to be where you remain!

Anyone can decide to be hopeful. You can decide today to be done. To be done with the negative, done with the control that these roots are having on you. Be done today. It can change your state, it can change your family, it can change your environment.

It can change your future present moments.

Your body knows. It knows where it’s hidden while you defect and run from it. Your body will or is currently hollering at you, chucking pebbles at you. Telling you it’s time.
Keeping it buried while you try to outrun it is stealing your joy. It can seep into the world around you into your relationships.

Get it out!

There is freedom here!

Finishing the cycle, closing the circle that’s been left open for things and people to get into and trigger you, finishing the cycle of awareness leads to peace. Equaling freedom!

It’s not always easy but totally possible!
Stand your ground. I am on your side.

Moving from reactionary to responsive
Moving from anger to love
It’s a move toward freedom.
To not have these roots holding you back from all of the awesomeness waiting for you!

It’s the freedom to choose.

It’s the knowing of all parts of yourself, knowing who you are with a deep beautiful confidence.
All parts.

It’s knowing who you are at your Original Design.
It’s yours.
You are stronger than you know!

It’s the moment you holler “That’s it I’m done!”
A moment of truth.
The truth is….. we can control ourselves if we really want to.
Use the downdraft of the storm and launch higher. Above it all.
Fight for your freedom.
It will pass.
Hold your peace!

I have not arrived but I am definitely on my way and I am choosing to offer comfort to all that I can along the way.

Courage calls to courage
This is the beacon of how you know you are among your tribe. Your fellow eagles.

The sun is shining. Something has shifted!

Reach out to join our retreats, groups, personal one on ones and Zoom sessions.

Next retreat is in Medina, Tx just outside the cowboy capital of the world. May 3,4 and 5, 2024.


You are more than what you may appear to be. You are more than the one part of you that may be showing up right now.

An awareness of all of these parts that we hold inside of ourselves and the systems that we are a part of leads us to wholeness.
And with this awareness comes good mental health.

Raise your awareness.

We weren’t born angry.

Something got ahold of you. Rooted itself in you. There is a root.

These roots can be just outside of our awareness.
Just outside of our peripheral.
These roots can lead to guilt and the guilt can turn into shame leading to more anger leading to more shame leading to more guilt and shame resulting in a terrible cycle that we can’t get out of or finish because we haven’t yet reached awareness.

So peace stays elusive to us.

Anger is a feeling that seizes us in our body and immediately impels us to want to take angry action. - revised from Dallas Willard

Anger is doing damage to our bodies and to our relationships, and to our lives.

To be free you need to face it.
Peace = Power
There is strong energy in peace.

You make mistakes, I make mistakes. We all do. It’s called being human.

It can feel so unfamiliar -like - foreign - to let go of the hardness.

Using self compassion intentionally, forgiving intentionally can loosen the clench and allow breathing out.

You must master it, no one can do it for you. Recognize it, choose to put a stop to it.

Peaceful is possible. Peaceful is powerful.

Stay hopeful! Today is the day!

Expectancy -Live in it- where you are right now does not have to be where you remain!

Anyone can decide to be hopeful. You can decide today to be done. To be done with the negative, done with the control that these roots are having on you. Be done today. It can change your state, it can change your family, it can change your environment.

It can change your future present moments.

Your body knows. It knows where it’s hidden while you defect and run from it. Your body will or is currently hollering at you, chucking pebbles at you. Telling you it’s time.
Keeping it buried while you try to outrun it is stealing your joy. It can seep into the world around you into your relationships.

Get it out!

There is freedom here!

Finishing the cycle, closing the circle that’s been left open for things and people to get into and trigger you, finishing the cycle of awareness leads to peace. Equaling freedom!

It’s not always easy but totally possible!
Stand your ground. I am on your side.

Moving from reactionary to responsive
Moving from anger to love
It’s a move toward freedom.
To not have these roots holding you back from all of the awesomeness waiting for you!

It’s the freedom to choose.

It’s the knowing of all parts of yourself, knowing who you are with a deep beautiful confidence.
All parts.

It’s knowing who you are at your Original Design.
It’s yours.
You are stronger than you know!

It’s the moment you holler “That’s it I’m done!”
A moment of truth.
The truth is….. we can control ourselves if we really want to.
Use the downdraft of the storm and launch higher. Above it all.
Fight for your freedom.
It will pass.
Hold your peace!

I have not arrived but I am definitely on my way and I am choosing to offer comfort to all that I can along the way.

Courage calls to courage
This is the beacon of how you know you are among your tribe. Your fellow eagles.

The sun is shining. Something has shifted!

Reach out to join our retreats, groups, personal one on ones and Zoom sessions.

Next retreat is in Medina, Tx just outside the cowboy capital of the world. May 3,4 and 5, 2024.


The horses and I are ready for you. Come join us!



It’s like a farmer putting more and more seed or fertilizer into the ground when it’s not needed or not maximizing on the inputs that have been put into the ground, what was planted, and therefore will get diminishing returns.

More and more and more and more, thinking more has to be better. Ok, it must need more still and therefore putting in more until all of a sudden, overload.

The biggest amount of input you put in initially is the biggest bang for your buck. At some point more input isn’t needed anymore. You can put too much in, in an attempt to reach a ‘ maximum amount ‘and it can prevent you from ‘harvesting the crop’ and then it becomes a negative return.

You are literally missing out on your returns while you are passing by the amazing inputs you already have and what is happening below the surface!

We don’t need more knowledge we need community and conversation with our community that is having the conversation you want to be having!

Share your inputs to reap what you want to sow!

So, when you’ve reached your ‘maximum amount,’ you wait.

You wait And you protect your inputs that are there and the magic that is happening below the surface while you are waiting.

You may not necessarily see the results of your input and protection yet, but know it’s happening. Below the surface massive shifts are being made and things are literally growing.

While you stay hopeful and trusting that you will see it. That you will literally hold it in your hand.
Billions of interactions are happening, that you can’t see yet, to get the maximum ‘harvest.’

They are lining up while you wait expectantly.

You may need a little bit of guidance along the way, especially if you don’t know what direction to go. However, too much is overwhelming and can create chaos because everyone is going to have a different opinion.
A trusted leader who is willing to stand strong and convicted in the trench with you, is highly valuable on the path and in the wait!
One who is paving the path out in front to open the conversation and paving the way out front for you to move forward to the wholeness that you are with psychological safety and bold conviction.

Input- Information -Advice-Guidance

Sometimes you need to trust and know the input is there to grow what you want. That is is there to grow what you have in mind, in your dreams. All while remaining diligent continue to trust that the inputs you have planted will grow!

Sometimes you don’t need more knowledge or noise, because you have all that you need inside of you.
What keeps you looking for more, wondering who has it and if it’s even for you, can be answered by boldly jumping across the gap.
Because, it is for you! It is for all of us.

Take the leap sister. I will jump with you.

Trust, with patience and expectancy that today is the day for greatness!

We don’t need anymore input we need a safe and sacred space for conversation and community. To realize what we have sown can be harvested.

Warrior Nation is a community offering transformative experiences that ignite the return of the inner warrior to reclaim their seat at the table to evoke deep healing and the path back to our Original Design.

Join us at Warrior Nation. In person for a one on one session with me and our Equine partners, on Zoom, in one of our safe and sacred groups with great borrowed benefit, or at one of our transformational retreats-‘The Return.’


Reach out. 406-679-5159

The horses and I are ready!



I can remember many times when I was doing what I was doing, going about it, and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, there was a stirring inside of me.

Sometimes I would stop in my tracks and wonder where is that coming from, am I getting sick, why do I feel nauseous, why does my head hurt all of a sudden, why is my heart heavy?

Sometimes I would wonder some more and sometimes I would completely pass it off as whatever, it’ll pass and if not, oh well, I’ll deal with it later or “if” it comes back.

All full well knowing in the back of my mind that it was coming back.

And it kept coming back.

I would ignore it for whatever reason.
Survival, fear, overwhelm, rejection, doubt.

Maybe some time would pass before it came back, maybe it was instantaneous, maybe it just stayed, HOWEVER, no matter how much I avoided acknowledging it, it kept catching me off guard.

UNTIL, I decided to get curious. I intuitively knew there was more to these sensations.
So I stayed curious.

I knew there was more. I could feel it.

So I decided to take action.

Was I afraid? Yep.

Was I uncertain of the outcome? Yep.

Was I sure there was more out there than this current feeling I was having and I knew I wanted it? OH YEAH!

So I chose to recruit my courage and commit to the action of awareness. And man was there release in the awareness gained!

I found responses instead of overreactions when similar situations that would have previously triggered me arose. These responses instead of overreactions became solidified and a beautiful peace during chaos emerged.

Now when the stirring arises, I pay attention, I get curious. There is a gift in it!

Don’t hold it inside your body. Release it. Let it out. Free yourself.

I am thankful for the opportunity to expand my awareness, to re expand my comfort zone, to ignite some joy, to revive some freedom and combine this with community -
To celebrate and connect with some of the greatest people!!?
I mean yes please!

Adventure, connection, celebration, deep learning through horses and humans.

Decide to fully take on the challenge. Your freedom is worth fighting for.

Your Original Design is there waiting for your awareness and return.
Make a move toward more joy, more peace, more love, and more freedom.

Let Your Original Design Shine!

The horses and I can assist you in your search.

Reach out to get on my calendar for an in person private session in Montana, a zoom session, groups or retreats.

The next retreat coming up is May 3, 4 and 5, 2024 in Medina,Texas. Join us for ‘The Return’ to courage, purpose, mission and freedom.


What I was reminded of and is solidifying in my Spirit today;

Warriors overflow with hope.

Hope flows out of Warriors to share and light up the rest of the world.

It’s a love offering of hope.

This is a revival of ignited joy and revived freedom.

There are gifts inside of us that need to be released.

The world needs our individual unique and special gifts.

We do this together as a unit. You are not alone.

The courage to release these gifts is a sign and an offering of permission to others to release their unique gifts to the world.

To take a stand for what is true.

Meditate on it Warriors.

The world needs your unique Original Design.

All parts functioning well together.

Engage in the fight Warrior!

Let your Oroginal Design Shine!!

Hope is a powerful force.

Look up.

Get your hopes up!

Allow the stirring inside of you to become an expected knowing that freedom is on the other side of the storm.

You get to choose to revive the hope that is in you.

Hope is the anchor of our souls.

Engage in the fight Warrior.

We win. No one gets to take it from us.

Warrior Equine Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.
Reach out. We are ready for you!


Gestalt addresses the whole person — it sees no flaws in your design and holds you capable to solve your problems and reach your goals. It encompasses body, mind, and spirit as a synergistic trilogy. And when you add horses, you level up the entire experience!

Photo cred to my friend Colleen Moulett 💛

Warrior Equine Certified Equine Gestalt Coach.
Reach out. We are ready for you!


Horses heal. There are millions of exchanges between a horse and a human that go beyond the human eye.
The healing power of the horses will be assisting us at our Texas Retreat coming up in Medina May 3,4,5, 2024.

Warrior Nation is a community offering transformative experiences that ignite the return of the inner warrior to reclaim their seat at the table to evoke deep healing and the path back to our original design.

Resulting in more joy and more freedom.

A place to come out of the silence.
And get with that vibrational tone of team again.

Where the language is the
Reminding you of who you are.

This is an invitation to join a tribe of like minded people, a ripple effect of goodness, power, clarity, joy and freedom. Led by a highly trained, highly passionate Equine Gestaltist and a sacred, confidential, powerful container for lasting change.

Join us in Medina.
Go here to secure your spot.


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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Breathwork at the Return Retreat Medina.
The Return Retreat
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1540 Lake Elmo Drive STE 6
Billings, 59105

Providing Parent Coordination, Court Involved Therapy, Reunification Therapy, Coparenting Education and Coaching to families of Yellowstone County.