Hummingbird Rancho

Family farm located in Boise, ID - we raise chickens, quail, geese, cows, fruit trees, and more!


Okay guys!! Check out this photo and DM me if you’re interested in the half dozen hatching eggs I have available! 💚🥚
ALSO… ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Don’t have an incubator? These chicks specifically available tomorrow! 💚🐣

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 03/13/2024

Memories. Sometimes they make you happy and sometimes they’re just so bittersweet. 💔
I woke up this morning and these photos popped up on my memories. The first one is Plumette. She was my very first Silkie that I purchased from the Meridian Feed Mill when I still barely knew what I was doing. The second is Fleur Delacour, my very first Mille Fleur, also purchased from MFM. Both were lost to the dog attack last Fall and it just breaks my heart every time I think about it. 😢
The third photo is of Baby Tidley. He’s my OG Whiting True Blue Roo and the very first breed I ever reproduced after the local breeder from whom I purchased decided she was no longer going to breed. And bless his heart, he’s still with me having individually produced the most offspring pure and crosses of any of my Roos to date. 👏🏻👏🏻
It made me think about my chicken keeping journey over the past 4 years and how far I’ve come. The happy and the sad, the magical and the most difficult, but most importantly how much I’ve learned and am still learning all the time. It’s a huge responsibility to care for these animals and know their lives are in your hands. Some years are difficult in terms of loss and this year has been no different, but it’s also been the hardest in terms of growing pains. Trying to find the delicate balance between what’s enough to sustain the business side while not being overwhelming. Factor in the unseasonably warm Winter and the mud that’s resulted in all that rain and moisture and it’s just a recipe for disaster. The mud this year is seriously pushing the limits of equilibrium and I’m not sure how much more we can or want to take. To be continued…


Taking a poll… Would any of my local peeps be interested in seedlings if offered at our Hummingbird Rancho Farm Stand? Here are just a few examples. Leave a comment! 🪴❤️

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 03/09/2024

GUYYYS!! There are still some Fibro Mix Easter Eggers and Rancho Green Chicks available Meridian Feed Mill today! If you want to add a variety of color to your egg basket you need some of these! 🌈🥚possibility of ANY of these colors out of these flocks! 🥰

Photos from Meridian Feed Mill's post 03/02/2024

There are still chicks available!!! I adore my Salmon Favorelles and the Blue Australorps are GORGEOUS!! 🥰


Amber Langdon
Kayli Lewis
Athena Maldonado
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to EVERYONE who commented and shared their stories!! I am so grateful for wonderful clients like all of you! 🙏🏻🥰


Day 7
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.
~Herman Melville
Every year I choose a word to focus on and use as a part of my goals for that year. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years! I usually begin thinking about my word for the upcoming year around late Fall while I’m also assessing how the current year is wrapping up. It often takes several weeks or more for the perfect word to ‘find me’, but my word for this year actually came almost instantly by late October.
In February I turned 50 and Bryan and the kids planned an amazing birthday surprise that included my brothers, other family, and many of my closest friends. It was a most wonderful time because I was able to connect with almost ALL of my people together for the first time, really in more than 3 years! It was wonderful! While I hoped those kinds of get-togethers would continue to happen more often, as the year progressed they still just didn’t happen. Months passed by, people were always busy, it just wasn’t a priority for any of us like it once was. So it was no surprise when the word ‘connect’ found its way into my mind as I pondered what I wanted 2024 to look like. It was solidified for me after teaching a wreath class to a large group of women where I was reminded not only of how much I loved and missed doing that, but how important it was to stay connected to people. This is something I’m planning to continue, and in fact I taught another class this weekend. It was amazing to have so many people interested in something that I could offer to them that would be useful in their daily lives, and I was again reminded of the value in creating community. It is what feeds my soul and I’m so happy to be able to help people. I will be offering more classes and other opportunities to connect as the year goes on. Some things will be free and informational, while others may have a small fee but you may leave with something more tangible. Hopefully I can get the next couple of months of classes planned out so they can be part of your year too!


Day 6
“Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality.” ~John Maxwell

Ever since Covid things have been different. At first, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. 2022 was a rather difficult time for me. The farm was growing, but I struggled with Bryan being gone so much for work. Bella had just moved to Nebraska, Marissa was just newly married, Lexie moved out, and Dirty Curty was in college and living 1/2 the week in Ontario. My friends with whom I had lived in the same neighborhood were acting like I moved to Siberia. My brothers, who all finally lived closer than they ever had, hardly came over and I actually saw them less than when they lived further away. My mom was terrified to leave the house, and my step dad didn’t even see the new farm for almost 2 years after we moved in! I felt actually very isolated and alone. At the peak of my despair, I realized, that people were using Covid as an excuse. The world, including my own personal one were more disconnected than ever! This was not something I was used to at all & I hated it. As I continued to struggle last year, and after a very hurtful friend’shift’ (more on this later) I tried to lower my expectations of people and figure out how to remediate the situation myself. Instead of being angry and blaming others what could I do to make things better and feel more connected? How could I facilitate better relationships and reconnections? Often turning the focus outward forces us to see things in a less selfish way and can change our perspective for the better. It enables us to see how we can be part of the solution instead of wallowing in our own self-pity, which is extremely unhealthy. Sometimes this first step can push you down a path you never even knew existed, or maybe might have been lost for a while. ❤️
To be continued…

🎨 original mixed media art - Lori Simpson

Photos from Meridian Feed Mill's post 02/09/2024

GUYYYYS!!! I’m teaching a fermeting class this weekend at Meridian Feed Mill!! Come check it out and I’m giving away a few goodies from my farm if you’re there! 🥰


Day 3
The Oxygen Mask Theory 🆘🫀

Did you know that when the heart is deprived of oxygen, muscle cells of the heart begin to suffer damage and start to die?

This past year included its fair share of rough patches, as most years do. My work has been particularly busy and stressful, Bryan being gone so much and my son working way more outside of the farm has left me alone to take care of a lot of the things required to manage the farm, which in turn has left me in a deficit position both physically and emotionally.

One of first things the paramedics do when a patient is complaining of chest pain is to immediately give them oxygen, this is to try to prevent irreversible damage to the heart.

It’s so difficult to remember to take care of oneself, but I realize how important it is to apply what I like to call the ‘oxygen mask theory’. This includes employing methods of self-care. It means sometimes saying no, or even taking a sick day from work to just ‘reset’. It means doing something for YOU, something that brings you joy instead of doing everything for everyone else.

This week I was part of a seed swap and I wanted to do something unique, something a little ‘extra’. I made my plan and executed it, feeling very happy that I got to be creative again. Honestly it filled my cup and although I was still doing something for someone else, I was really doing something that made me genuinely happy, while also using my unique and special talents. It just fed my soul. Stay tuned for part 2 of this little story tomorrow! ❤️

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 02/03/2024

Day 2
Did you know that February is Women’s Heart Month?

Coincidentally this month marks 22 years ago that my beautiful Mama, Ramona almost died from a major heart attack, the first and only she’s ever had, however recently she had to have some additional repairs that almost certainly prevented another one. 1/3 of first heart attacks are fatal and another 1/3 result in permanent damage to the heart, neither of which happened to her, amazingly enough. I know many friends whose moms are no longer with them so I know how lucky I am to still have mine. ❤️

Instead of chest pain, heart attack symptoms in women include nausea, indigestion, and shoulder aches. My mom had all of these symptoms for about 3 weeks and had no idea she was actually having a heart attack the whole time. Coronary Heart Disease, which can cause heart attacks is the single leading cause of death in women in America. One of the things The American Heart Association does to support women’s heart health is to distribute as much information as possible about the differences in women’s symptoms versus men’s, and to raise awareness about the dangers and staggering statistics of heart disease in women.

Because of the lack of information we had about heart health, we were not able to see the signs my mom was presenting and it could have cost her life, which is why I wholeheartedly support the AHA’s mission to educate and prevent this deadly disease in women. Today is National Wear Red Day, so I challenge you to wear red and spread awareness by sharing some of the facts. Think about a disease or a cause that means something to you. Maybe it has affected someone special to you, or maybe it has affected you directly. Look on the Internet and find an organization related to that cause. Read about it, learn about it, maybe even try to volunteer at an event for it, but spread awareness. There is nothing more beautiful to me than seeing people show love by supporting a cause on behalf of someone they love and care for. Let this post motivate you today to make a plan, to make a loving difference! xo ❤️


Day 1
“Love is the bridge between you and everything “ ~Rumi

Let’s kick off the first day with something I am loving right now, rainbow eggs!! 🌈🥚
It is the first day of my favorite month of the year, not only because it’s my *Birthday Month* but because it is the month of LOVE!! 💗 For the 7th year I am going on on a mini journey centered around one of the most common visual symbols of love, another of my favorite things, HEARTS!!! And of course I am taking you along with me!

For the entire month of February I will share photos, quotes, inspiration, some of my thoughts, ideas, and sometimes advice based on my own personal experiences, all as it relates to love. Now I am certainly no expert on the subject, but love is what makes me who I am. Love is the core of my being. Love drives me to be my best self. Love is what makes my world go ‘round. Love feeds my soul.

My word for this year is connect so I will be brave, vulnerable, and real with the intention to connect with people on a level that is less superficial and more authentic. I hope to spread love for the next month, but also to inspire others to open up their heart and do the same.

I am always so inspired by other people and their stories so please join me on this journey by contributing to the conversation! PLEASE share your love and leave comments to encourage others to do the same! 💕
PS: I know I’m a day late but I’ll catch up! 😅

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 12/22/2023

**2024 Breeding/Hatching Season**
We will begin our test hatches in the next couple of weeks and we could not be more excited! 🐓

My chicks will be available every Monday at Meridian Feed Mill beginning Feb 26 - May 6.
🐣 I will not sell directly to clients while selling at the Feed Mill
🐣 I will post availability or other locations where I may be offering chicks after my contract ends with the Feed Mill on May 6

These will be available locally, directly from me on a first come, first serve basis and I will list availability every Thursday. What isn’t sold by Friday afternoon will be washed, packaged and sold as eating eggs on Saturday.
🥚 Pre-pay only (Venmo, PayPal, Cash)
🥚 No special requests for Rainbow Dozens
🥚 You may mix and match 1/2 dozens for an additional $5 up charge
🥚 I make no guarantees on the hatching success rate but will include a Hatching Tips Sheet with every order!

As always, it’s a pleasure doing business with all of you and I am extremely grateful for the continued support of our small, local farm operation. Let’s get this party started!! 🥳🥰


Hope everyone can make it!! We are going to have so many cool things available that we made here at the Rancho! Hope you can come join us! 🎄

One of our many door prizes for the Saturday Bazaar at The Feed Mill !!

Pure Vanilla Extract - Etsy 11/26/2023


Adding items to my Etsy shop all week starting today so stay tuned!

Pure Vanilla Extract - Etsy This Extracts item is sold by HummingbirdRancho. Ships from Boise, ID. Listed on Nov 26, 2023


They say one of the best things you can do when you are suffering is to focus your attention outward instead and give to someone or something else. This special girl was senselessly taken along with her mama, auntie, siblings, nearly 100 birds total when a predator viciously attacked and left them for dead. Losing her was painful for many reasons, but knowing I’ll never get to share her sweet personality with elementary school children again breaks my heart the most. 💔

Let her death not be in vain. Let her memory live on by helping me honor Miss FrizzlePants and give back to our community with the purchase of this tribute ornament. Each glass orb contains feathers from this beautiful barred, OE frizzle chicken, which were carefully and lovingly hand gathered by me, along with a small, silver plated wing charm tied into a jute bow.

I have decided I will donate all proceeds to the kindergarten classroom where she had made such a big impact. The children will benefit from her wonderful memory and maybe it will help mend my broken heart with time. 🙏🏻
Check out the link to get your special tribute ornament. 🪶❤️
And feel free to share with others who may want to help too! ❤️

Miss Frizzlepants Glass and Feather Tribute Ornament - Etsy 11/24/2023

For everyone who wants to support my Sister-in-law’s kindergarten class and honor Miss FrizzlePants, here’s the link! Thank you so much in advance! 🪶❤️

Miss Frizzlepants Glass and Feather Tribute Ornament - Etsy This Christmas Ornaments item is sold by HummingbirdRancho. Ships from Boise, ID. Listed on Nov 24, 2023


As most of you know I lost many of my specialty chickens last week to a predator and many people have graciously offered to help me in some way, which is beyond amazing! Now while I do plan to rebuild in the near future and may need some help doing it, I first want to turn something bad into good to help someone else while also maybe helping to heal my broken heart at the same time.
One of the chickens I lost was Miss Frizzle Pants. She was the sweetest and special for MANY reasons, but one of them stands out to me right now. When I would visit schools to talk about chickens I’d bring her with me because she was not only adorable, but she was gentle and docile and perfect to trust around children, so losing her is a huge loss on an even larger scale for me. BUT… since this is the week of thanks I would like to turn this tragedy into something tangible that I can PAY FORWARD to my sister-in-law who happens to be a kindergarten teacher in one of the classrooms Miss Frizzle Pants and I visited. But I need YOUR help to do it. 🙏🏻
With the feathers I salvaged from Miss Frizzle Pants (and her sister!) I have made these lovely little glass-filled ornaments. They are a small but special reminder of the joy that this beautiful chicken was in her short time on Earth.
The best part?! All proceeds from the sale of this particular and special ornament will go to her kindergarten classroom, which I will share with you all when I am able to present the check! 🥰
For your kindness I would also like to give something back to you too! For every person who purchases an ornament, I will put your name into a drawing to win a ‘These are good days’ coffee mug which has been generously donated by and ❤️
(BTW, They have a podcast by the same name and it is awesome, so if you haven’t listened to them you’re missing out!) Now, you guys know how much I love
The mug will come in a beautifully wrapped gift box with some of my own personal favorite things especially selected for you! 🎁
Okay so, who’s in??? 🙏🏻❤️

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 11/12/2023

The greatest compliment for a small chicken farmer regarding chicks or hatching eggs? Return purchaser + photos of the laying offspring’s eggs! These beauties were sent to me along with the following message:
“Words can NOT describe my excitement for my new egg today. Laid by one on my girls from my last hatch from your eggs. Cocoa speckled dark beautiful perfection!!”…….
And also…
“Photos do not do them justice!”……….

This is so exciting for me! This has been such a fascinating and interesting part of the farm business. I LOVE the different egg colors and it never gets old! ❤️

If you got eggs or chicks from me I’d love to see the eggs that are being laid! ❤️

We will be offering hatching eggs again once regular laying resumes, sometime after the first of the year. Don’t miss out! 🙌🏻🌈🥚
📸 Cheryl Heath


This tall, dark, handsome fella is looking for his new harem of ladies and his forever home! This black Croad Langshan is the most beautiful gentle giant and would fit in nicely with any loving family! Let me know if you’re interested in saving this one that’s just too good to cull. 🥰
Message me Hummingbird Rancho


Check out what my farm neighbor and I were up to this weekend! 😅


Check out what I made with some of the sunflower seed heads I have left from my driveway garden! It will be perfect to put out for the chickens and wild birds in December when I change up the decor and it’s difficult for them to find things to eat and keep them warm. 🙌🏻

I’m making more for my little Farm Stand so let me know if you’re interested. 🌻


Farm Stand today!!! 🌽🎃🌻🍐
Listed in the photo are only a some of the cool things we have available so get your b***y over! 😃

Hummingbird Rancho
Saturday Oct. 7

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 09/24/2023

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year primarily because of the color palette! Can you blame me??

When I put those tiny seeds into the ground in the late Spring, I had no idea what would happen but I couldn’t have imagined this result at all! It took faith, fortitude, and a whole lot of patience but suffice to say it paid off in a big way for me. I can grow things!! I feel so empowered now. I feel like the possibilities are endless!

Bryan and I kept saying this was a ‘practice’ year and maybe taking the pressure off is what helped me push through the fear of failure and actually throw the seeds down, but if I can do this just ‘practicing’, imagine what I can do when I actually put all the effort into it. Can’t wait to see it unfold next year but for now I am so proud and even more grateful for the land we have and what it’s future holds. 🙏🏻🌻🍂🍁

Photos from Hummingbird Rancho's post 08/05/2023

10am - 1pm
Check out all the cool farm fresh, all natural things available today including our Mini Apricot Upside Down Cakes and pasture raised eggs!
We also have hatching eggs and freshly hatched American Bresse chicks!!
**check out the photos for more**

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Videos (show all)

It’s been only just a year since we transformed this into beautiful, colorful garden space! Come visit the farm stand on...
FARM STAND SATURDAY JUNE 15 10am - 1pm #hummmingbirdrancho #lifeontherancho #thisisboise #localfarm
Limited Availability so come early and come say Hey! 😀
Chick Season, Best Season 🐣❤️ #lifeontherancho #hummingbirdrancho #chickseason
Sometimes you just have to take a chance! If you want this egg basket you need to RUN, NOT WALK to Meridian Feed Mill to...
Day 9.                                 My wish for you all today 💗🙏🏻.            #thisis51 #lifeontherancho #hummingbird...
Day 8.                               “The purpose of this glorious life is not simply to endure it, but to soar, stumble...
🌸 It’s never too early to get a head start and these are 3 of the major things I’m doing in January to begin my prep for...
GIFT TIP # 8.                      Wrapping It Up - think brown paper packages tied up with string but with a personaliz...
All I want for Christmas… ❤️🎄🎁.  PS: RIP Opal. You are missed!!! xoxox#teamsimpson #lifeontherancho #hummingbirdrancho #...
GIFT TIP # 7 (one of my faves!) Containerizing - This is where you can get super creative and thrifty too! You can use a...
GIFT TIP # 6.  Themed Gift - Creating a themed gift makes pulling all the things together easy because you’re sticking w...



9891 W M’ren Street
Boise, ID

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