Just Pure Minerals

We are a 100% Vegan Cosmetic company in Boise, Idaho. You can shop on our page, or go to w They will be announced on FB and through the newsletter. :-)

At Just Pure Minerals each and every raw material we use create our handcrafted, vegan beauty products is natural, safe, free from harmful chemicals and absolutely not tested on animals. Feedback on Etsy - go see what people are saying about Just Pure Minerals' products and service! http://www.etsy.com/people/JustPureMineralsShop/feedback

DISCOUNT COUPON CODES: Enter them in Etsy in CAPITALS with


Well, kids, I'm finally using the cutie patootie lil sample containers I warned you about months ago. (My supplier stopped carrying the size I use for foundation, so I needed a replacement...)

I underestimated how cute they'd be. 😍

They look so small, but because they're deeper they actually hold the same amount as the previous sample containers. (The official size for both is "3 Gram," meaning it can hold 3 grams of water.)

For the next while, your orders may have both sizes. I'll print up a little explanation to slip in to the orders so that people who don't read stuff online will know this isn't (rightfully despised) Shrinkflation.

K. Love y'all! Have a wonderful summer!!! ♥️😊♥️


Okay, so y'all know the Etsy shop has been closed for virtually the entire year up to this point, right? Because of family medical-type stuff.

I just realized today that there are people (at least one, anyway) who have been waiting for it to reopen to be able to make their Perfect Face Kit final choices.

I'm a jerk for not making it clearer that I can finish filling that order for you NOW. GAHHH!!!

Sorry if you've been waiting on me. Lemme know what you want. And don't forget to choose your free samples that come with the full size items, just like when you buy them outside of the kit.


What do you think? Should I do it? I mean, they do describe themselves as highly professional, and frankly, that's a step up from me and my semi-professionalism, so...😉

I remember in the good old days when people were phishing, they'd offer thousands-to-millions of dollars. Not to brag, but there was a particular Nigerian prince who wanted my help, and really valued my contribution.

Thirty bucks a week?? Do they think the economy is still so bad that people who fall for scams have lowered their standards that far?? Those are "Winter 2020/2021" imaginary offers, bud. You're going to need to do better than THAT to pique MY interest.

Photos from Just Pure Minerals's post 01/16/2024

If you buy a balm, tinted or clear, and its label is bursting at the seam, congratulations! It's bigger!! 🤩

It's a lil chonky compared to the regular ones.😊 Not huge, but carrying a little extra holiday weight. (Kinda like me, now that I think of it. 🤔)

Anyway, I bought a bunch of these larger balm tubes. Enjoy the extra 10% or so while it lasts!❤️❤️❤️

The photo is a regular size Barely Beach and a larger Leah. 😃👍


A lovely customer asked me to duplicate her favorite lipstick color, so I did. Now it's MY favorite lipstick color.


I'm kind of catching up on orders. (I fell behind because of a family medical emergency - things are getting back to semi-normal now❤️)

I'm sorry for the wait.

I just noticed this on two etsy orders - both are shipping to the USA, but I wonder if the "Scheduled to dispatch" one chose British English as their language when setting up their etsy account. If so, I wonder if I should pronounce it "Sheduled to dispatch"...🤔


Hallooo gorgeous!
I have put the Etsy shop on Vacation Mode, and will be working some spotty hours as my mama recovers from a thing.

If you have an urgent need to order something, like, heaven forbid, you're running out of foundation, *gasp!* you can order it on my regular site. If it's TRULY urgent, make sure you let me know that, so I can try to ship it as soon as possible.

I hope we all have a wonderful, beautiful, and peaceful 2024.




I'm taking a few days off for a family wedding. ❤️

I'll be putting the Etsy shop on vacation mode, and hide the products on the website.

Anything ordered through this evening will be shipped by Thursday.

Meanwhile, please enjoy this video.

Photos from Just Pure Minerals's post 10/26/2023

I just accidentally made an extra batch of Ballerina Lipstick.

These make a great gift for all the girls in your life, young and old.

I originally intended it for children so they could have their own "play lipstick" that had safe ingredients. But it turns out we ALL want play lipstick. ;-)

I use it all the time. It's a subtle, sheer pink with a touch of shimmer.

These make a great, inexpensive gift for yourself or anyone else. If you have a Barbie fan in your life, they'll especially love the shiny pink tube

Shared last year and RE sharing for anyone that forgot this hack from @brunchwithbabs #pumpkincarving #michellesmason #oxfordms #lifehacks 10/22/2023

Time to do unspeakable things to pumpkins, what with it being the beginning of Candy Season and all. (...the most magical time is the year: pre- Halloween through post-Easter 🤩)

This lady knows of what she speaks. Sorry I don't have time to find the original video, so you have to watch it with the other lady sitting there, contributing nothing. Maybe I should have recorded myself watching her watch this video.

Dang. What a missed opportunity. 😉

Happy Candy Season to all who celebrate. ❤️❤️❤️

Shared last year and RE sharing for anyone that forgot this hack from @brunchwithbabs #pumpkincarving #michellesmason #oxfordms #lifehacks

Photos from Just Pure Minerals's post 10/21/2023

Some autumn reminders about how to support living things. 😍

You can pile up your leaves on your garden space (if you have leaves and garden space) and it'll protect and nourish the soil and earthworms all winter long.❤️

How you butter bread reveals hidden ‘layers of our personality’ — psychologist shares 9 ways and meanings 10/17/2023


Please tell me how you butter your toast. Thank you.

At home, I'm Total Coverage. At a restaurant, when they give you a little dish with your own personal butter, I'm a Tear-and-Spreader. It's the daintiest way to gorge yourself on butter, I think. And being dainty is part of who I am at my core. Heheheh

Technically, I'm only eating bread to keep my fingers clean while I eat the butter.

Thank you for participating in this important research. 😁

How you butter bread reveals hidden ‘layers of our personality’ — psychologist shares 9 ways and meanings How do you like your muffin buttered? A psychologist has claimed that how you spread butter on your toast actually says a lot about who you are. Human behavioral researcher Darren Stanton claimed that people are in different categories based on their spreading method — you could be a Glider, a Clu...


I just harvested a bunch of milkweed seeds. 😍

Last year, we had one milkweed plant in our backyard. This year, there were 5. I decided to actively try to have even more next year. I want to have butterfly-friendly flora. I hope to have some cocoons next year.

If you'd like me to send you some seeds with your next order, let me know. I'm happy to share.

If I run out (or if you don't need to order anything), you can Google "free milkweed seeds." There's an organization that will send you some. I think maybe they have you send a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Go outside. See what's gone to seed. Save them and plant them. 🌱

Look for stuff that grows in natural places. See if you can find plants native to your area. Add those to your own space.

The bees and butterflies and birds will thank you. ❤️❤️❤️


Hey! Remember how I was whining about how the product reviews weren't on the newly rebuilt site? They're there now. More or less. HUZZAH-ISH!

The kind folks at Yotpo, the company that does the review stuff (and other stuff I don't know about) were able to help scooch them over. They're very nice. If I knew how to review them, I'd give them ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I've noticed that the reviews that are showing up seem to be appearing on products they have no association with, so that's weird. But we're getting close.

I also just realized that some products, including lipstick, hello, have no reviews showing up. That's even weirder. See photo. Turn up volume to hear the crickets. ;-)

If you have been wondering what you could do with your free 2-5 minutes right now (like that ever happens ;-) LOL) maybe you could pop over and review a product that you've purchased and like? It would be cool to have a review or two be on the right page.

K. Thanks. Bye. Love you.

Photos from Just Pure Minerals's post 10/11/2023

Can these two lil containers hold the same amount of product? 🤔

Yes. Yes they can. 😀👍

My regular supplier stopped carrying the larger sample containers that I use for foundation, face powders, and lip gloss. 😕 So I hunted for replacements, and had another company send me samples.

They didn't have the right shape in the size that I needed, but they did have these lil cuties on the left.

I was skeptical about the size. 🤨 I didn't know the volume of my original containers, so the numbers were meaningless to me. 3 grams? Okay. If you say so. 🤷‍♂️

I tested them by filling them with water and they definitely have the same volume. 3 grams, as advertised. 👍

There's an upside for you - they're easier to open. The bottom half's edge sticks out farther, so your finger can push down on it more effectively. Yay! 😄

Another upside is that they're adorable. 😍

A possible downside is that you'll need to pour more carefully when you're putting powders back in. 😉

Ooo, hold up - they're gonna be skinny for lip gloss. 😳 BRB.

Okay, I just took the 3rd photo. Unless you have unusually thick fingertips, you should be okay. Maybe use a pinky? I don't know. 🤔

Anyway, I'll be ordering these and phasing them in over the next while as I run out of the original containers.

Thank you for your patience as I deal badly with all the changes that keep getting thrown at me this year, you absolutely fantastic, beautiful people. ❤️💜❤️


Made some lipstick today - Merengue, Pinkie Swear, Natallia, and Sangria.


Hey, one thing that has happened as a result of needing to rebuild my site - I have lost all the reviews. it looks like Just Pure Minerals is brand new and no one has ever tried anything. GAHHH!!

When I figure out how to set up reviews (assuming GoDaddy doesn't charge too much more for that...😳 ) can you please go review products that you have bought and (hopefully) love?

I'll post again about it when I know something. At this rate that could be years from now. Heheheh

Just Pure Minerals 09/29/2023

Well, the new site is up and mostly running. HUZZAH-ish! The first few customers had free shipping because there was a default shipping option of "Free Shipping for orders over $_0_," and their orders easily met that qualification. You're welcome. LOL :-D (I was supposed to DESELECT IT, or put in a real amount. Heheheh)

ALSO, there was an automatic chat box that was there without my knowledge or consent, and I annoyed the heck out of about a half dozen people by not responding for days to their concerns because I didn't receive notifications of them. I needed to either set it up, or again, DESELECT the option. I had done neither.

I have learned a lot in the last couple weeks. I find that very irritating. ;-)

ANYWAY, it's up. And if you see any typos or find things that aren't working correctly, PLEASE let me know. You are my eyes and ears out there... but mostly eyes, since the site shouldn't be making sounds. (Please let me know if it starts making sounds. I need to put an immediate stop to that.) If you see formatting that strikes you as weird, please let me know that, too. But mostly typos and malfunctioning stuff.


k. Love you all.

Just Pure Minerals always try free samples before committing to full size items


I'm *probably* breaking up with GoDaddy.

I'm already getting back out there, website hosting-wise.

(How is a web hosting company doing all their communication by phone? Like, TALKING on the phone??)


I'm back. 😃👍

Working on the website. Currently filled with rage. Have wasted an extraordinary amount of time dealing with problems that could have been avoided by the hosting company.

Looking at Ziggity's peaceful vacation pose helps. 😌 💜

I'm going to wait until Monday to open the Etsy shop, and wait until the new site is done to reopen that.

K. Bye. Love you. ❤️


Thank you to everyone who has responded to the survey so far. I appreciate all your input so much!!


There's a newsletter coming out first thing in the morning.

The most urgent bits are:
1. I'm going on a trip starting this weekend, so the site and Etsy shop will be closed while I'm gone. MEMO TO ME: train house sitters on how to at least fill orders ...

2. The site has been glitchy and goofy, and I will be rebuilding it after the trip. Do I know how long that will take? No I do not. But Etsy will be up and running when I get back, with a li'l sale running.

3. I have a survey I'd like all of y'all to fill out if you have a couple minutes. It will help decide the fate of a whole lot of my current products - possibly some that you LOVE - and you might have strong opinions about it. I want to hear those opinions.

If you're not subscribed, or don't know if you are, here's a link to the newsletter. There's a link within the newsletter for the survey.

K. Love you!


Photo of sweet Sasuke for your enjoyment.


Thank you, all you fantastic people offering to be my web designer. ❤️

For anyone else thinking of sending me a message: I do my own site, in the style of Web Template: Regular Ol'. It's not as spectacular as what you would create, but that's okay. I work cheap. Basically just for snacks and lip balm. 😁

If you'd like to leave links to your work in the comments so we can all visit the sites and see what you've done, that would be cool. I'd love to see your work! Maybe someone else who sees it needs a website. Maybe someone needs whatever product or service you're client provides.

SHOW US YOUR SITES!! (...please...)🤩👍




The wee Ziggity went to the park for the first time yesterday. He wasn't fully vaccinated and protected from Parvo until now.

We were there about an hour or so. Maybe more. He sniffed everything. He displayed terrible leash manners. He was calm and politely curious about humans and dogs and geese. All in all, it was VERY successful.

One thing I realized when we got home is that he had not gone potty once while we were there. So I brought him outside and he p*ed. A lot. 😳

The little sweetheart didn't realize he was allowed to p*e at the park, because we hadn't said the words "go potty" ❤️🤣

Ugh. I love him. 😍💗


FYI - the Just Pure Minerals site has not been editable for a while. There's still information on it about the sale from late June through July 3.

GoDaddy assures me that they are working on it. I have doubts.

Anyway, I thought you should know.

Here's a photo of Ziggy being traumatized by the neighborhood fireworks on the 4th. You can see the terror in his body language. Poor thing. ;-)


Don't use it. 👍

Follow me for more cleaning tips.


We're BAAAACKKK!!!!!


Hallooo -
Just letting you know that I will have JustPureMinerals.com and the Etsy shop closed next week.

On the bright side, I will have a SALE the following week. HUZZAH!

We're taking the puppy to meet his big human brother. Technically, that's not the PURPOSE of the trip, but it's a perk. ❤ Also we could not inflict this kind of sleep deprivation on our housesitter. I think there are Geneva Convention rules or something...? So he’s coming with us. 😊

In unrelated news, sleep deprivation makes ADHD 10x worse. Combined with constant interruptions and mini-catastrophes throughout the day, and I can't keep a thought in my head long enough to do ANYTHING.

So, obviously, this is a good time to take this show on the road! WOO! Yeah!!

Have a great week. Love y'all ❤

Here’s a pic of Ziggy learning to love his crate.😍

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Our Story

At Just Pure Minerals, all of our cosmetic products are handcrafted and packaged in Boise, Idaho.

We are a small company, determined to provide the finest quality cosmetics to real women who want to be as beautiful as they can be, without using harmful ingredients such as synthetic preservatives, bismuth oxychloride, nano-particles, synthetic dyes and fillers found in traditional cosmetics.

Another non-traditional, wacky concept we follow is that we won't discontinue our core products. Ever. Don't you hate it when you finally find a foundation you love, and you use it, and go back for more only to find that they don't make it any more??


Videos (show all)

I'm taking a few days off for a family wedding.  ❤️   I'll be putting the Etsy shop on vacation mode, and hide the produ...
The wee Ziggity went to the park for the first time yesterday.  He wasn't fully vaccinated and protected from Parvo unti...
What to do during lengthy computer updates.
How To Make Your Tiny Sample Last a Surprisingly Long Time
How to Open a Sample Without Flinging Powder All Over the Place


Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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