Stacey Schaedler

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Stacey Schaedler, 36 West Broadway, Boston, MA.

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 12/06/2023

Several of you have reached out to me asking if I could make a shareable 5 Day Challenge post so that you can send it along to friends and family for those who are interested … here it is!

Hard to believe that my journey with lower back pain and pelvic floor issues began FIVE WHOLE YEARS AGO.

For me it started as “I just wanted to be able to move my body freely without lower back pain.

I wanted to dance and not worry that my back would tweak.
I wanted s*x to feel like it before I had two kids.
I wanted to be able to get out of bed and not worry about the first steps I took.
I wanted to pick up my kids without a second thought.

I got SO MUCH MORE than I ever expected on my journey. Inside my 5 Day Challenge I’ll be sharing exactly what I did to start:
having more energy
letting go of unwanted tension
gaining real life strength in a way that is progressive + manageable even in the busiest of seasons.

For those who participate in the challenge you’ll have the opportunity to receive 2 FREE WEEKS of access to the Move Your Body Membership. If you were waiting for a sign to get started….here it is.

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 11/14/2023

Strength training is FREAKING AMAZING for women.

The thing is we aren’t men and our bodies need different cues and considerations ESPECIALLY if we have grown humans.

I am a strength coach that works with women who have a history of low back pain, hip pain + pelvic floor issues.

Here are 3 cues I DON’T use with my clients online:

1️⃣ Squeeze your glutes at the top of deadlifts, squats + hip thrusts.

Instead think about your feet pushing through the ground and find your ribs stacked over your pelvis. Many of my clients issues come from too much tension in the posterior pelvis 😳

This limits movement at the pelvis and WE NEED to be able to get in and out of both our left and right sides.

2️⃣ Brace your abs to feel your core.

If we can learn how to expand 360 at the ribcage and get a good exhale with the ribs stacked over pelvis … our core 🔥 is automatic.

3️⃣ Drive your knees out in squats, hinges and lunges.

One of the most IMPORTANT components of movement is INTERNAL ROTATION. We need access to this at all the major joints in our body. Allowing the knees to come in in the mid-range of a squat + lunge can help us to access out glutes without a ton of effort.

We are adding “keep shoulders back and down” “pull navel to spine” as well as “do the same thing on the left side” as additional cues I DON’T use anymore 🤗
How about you?

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 10/09/2023

You don’t have to be PERFECT, you just have to get started.
Started gaining awareness with your body’s tendencies and habits.
10 minutes will always be better than no minutes and YOU CAN MAKE THE TIME.

Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

When you start to become more aware of your breath you can start breathing through your nose on your daily walks.
You can stop clenching your ass in standing 24/7, you can start to RELAX a bit more.
You can see that slowing down is necessary in order to speed back up!

TBH My favorite part of this bundle is the BONUS Recovery workshop.

Exploring the diaphragm and psoas as well as the tension we are holding in our belly can really change the way we move!
When we LET GO of tension we can have more access to movements that were previously unavailable to us.

Sale runs through tonight at 11:59Pm EST 🤗
Lifetime access!

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 09/01/2023

It’s no secret I love to help busy women achieve their health + fitness goals!

It is SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL to hear it from a client perspective:

Listen up because this mom of two is on the 💰

The 30 Day Nutrition challenge has been eye opening and I am very thankful for all that I learned, all your motivation and the progress over perfection mindset.

I am so grateful I joined the MYB community this last year, these past 6 months have been the GREATEST I HAVE FELT in a very long time.

Challenge Highlights:
* Gotten between 8,000-10,000 most days this month.
* Did every workout in Month 5.
* My abs finally are feeling good and connected after baby #2.Making the breathing exercises a priority before every workout has helped immensely and should not be overlooked.

My biggest take-aways:
* DO NOT just eat the scraps or left overs off my kids plates. (It adds up!)
* 8-10,000 steps takes effort and planning to get to during the week with my job. However, going for walks every day is super important for my mindset.
* Tracking food is a pain, but so enlightening. Knowing a portion size that makes sense without having to weigh things moving forward IS SUPER helpful.
* I just need to go to bed at night.
* Wine is my treat on Friday and Saturday nights. I cannot have more than 1 glass of wine and sleep well or feel good at the end of the day.
* Eating the protein I need to reach my goal helps me feel satisfied. Snacking for me is really a big mental game.
* It is more of a challenge for me to stay on track on the weekends, but knowing how to balance 80/20 is super helpful.
* Tracking your water and food really is very helpful and powerful to get you moving in the right direction and keeping yourself honest.
* Being able to do all my exercise and nutrition goals each day couldn’t be done without early
mornings and my husband’s teamwork.

When you’re ready to get honest with yourself, have self trust, practice patience, be ready to DO THE WORK and to prioritize YOU 🌟

Deadline to sign up for the Nutrition Challenge is 9/8! If you have questions don’t hesitate to drop into the open house this morning 9:30AM EST link in bio it’s FREE 💛

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 08/31/2023

This Friday: Move Your Body Open House
Want to learn more about Move Your Body membership and the Nutrition Challenge?

Better yet, want to see some of how it works first-hand?

Plan to attend this Friday's Open House at at 9:30am Eastern.

* Get a tour of the new membership portal and programming
* Experience a Form Friday where I discuss modifications, cues, and members get feedback on their form
* See my coaching style and how I help members reach their goals
* See what membership is all about and meet other members (Hint: Community, support, and encouragement!)
* Q&A
The Open House is free and open to everyone (members + non members) so feel free to invite your friends/ family who may be ready for a new approach to strength training+ sustainable nutrition.

Link to sign up in bio ✨

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 08/30/2023

When it comes to making changes in your nutrition YOU MUST MEET YOURSELF WHERE YOU ARE.

If you want the change to STICK you have to KEEP THINGS SIMPLE.

You have to limit bull💩 rules and you have to start to PAY ATTENTION.

One of the hardest parts of my Progress Not Perfection approach to nutrition is the FREEDOM it provides.

Many women are used to being told WHAT to eat, what NOT to eat, WHEN to eat… that we don’t even know what we freaking like!!!!

First things first. I recommend logging your current intake for two week days and one weekend day to find an average then we can go from there. The act of tracking is an exercise in awareness alone 🤗

Second: start working towards your protein target. Plan to get 25+ grams of protein at your first meal of the day. Then progressively carry that over to all of your meals. Over time we can continue to bump that up.

It’s a lot simpler than you might think. Perhaps you simply need to increase the serving size of proteins you eat on a regular basis.
Personally I love combining proteins for tasty filling meals that satisfy me.

Think eggs, sausage and veggies OR shredded pork, cottage cheese and broccoli OR ground beef, green beans + Japanese sweet potatoes.
Try mixing a half scoop of protein in your Greek yogurt.
Get creative!

Fat + carbs will always invert when protein is high.
Pay attention to which YOUR body prefers naturally… more carbs or more healthy fats?

Are you a woman over 40 who isn’t currently strength training?
You may prefer FATS over carbs.

If you have strength trained consistently for a long period of time you may prefer CARBS over fats.

Experiment with what FEELS best, alongside other women and have a coach to ask questions along the way 💛

KEEP IT SIMPLE, don’t STRESS the small stuff.

In the end, the foods that make up your daily nutrition are completely dependent on YOUR personal preferences.

Ready to get back to prioritizing YOU? Ask me about My Progress Not Perfection Nutrition Challenge starting in September 💛

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 08/28/2023

This last year has been filled with learning more about my body and what it needs to feel it’s best.

You’re probably like yeah Stacey we know that’s all you do 🤣 But seriously. Listen up.

A little over a year ago I was returning from a trip where I got to speak to the most amazing women about pelvic floor and lifting weights! I should have been SO HAPPY and in the zone. Instead I felt anxious, experienced crazy headaches, was EXHAUSTED, random food intolerances, bloody noses, was generally irritable and not in the best place.

I knew I couldn’t keep up like this. I took a lot of things off of my work plate. I asked for help. I committed to making changes and trusted the process.

Anyone who has been a personal trainer knows about THAT EARLY MORNING LIFE 🤣 I’d gotten into the habit of not eating until AFTER I trained clients. I’d just drink water and coffee beforehand.
It worked until it didn’t.

1️⃣Making small chia seed puddings for my mini breakfasts on my work days made a HUGE difference!

2️⃣ I had ALWAYS drank water before having my coffee but with 2 kids and a busy business I found myself reaching for caffeine and it was affecting my sleep quality. I cut it out all together and started to SLEEP SO MUCH BETTER and have more level energy.

3️⃣I would always eat veggies but I didn’t focus on getting as much variety as I could. As someone who struggles with mental health, diversifying my gut microbiome proved helpful AF.

4️⃣I completed an HTMA + Gut Zoomer FIRST then later when I had a better handle on my minerals followed up with a Dutch Test. EVEN IF YOU JUST dive into the HTMA YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH that you can take action on! Chronic stress depletes mineral stores 🤯
For me focusing on sodium, potassium, magnesium + calcium rich foods eliminated many of my lingering symptoms that NO DOCTOR before had an explanation for. Got headaches? Fatigue? Anxiety? Clotty periods? Low s*x drive? Mom Rage? Struggling to gain/maintain muscle?

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 08/02/2023

1️⃣You are performing too many random exercises too many days a week.
Instead of spinning your wheels and cueing up random workouts. Try following a progressive strength training program that has 3-4 days of lifting.

2️⃣You are swapping out exercises every single workout.
I know it sounds counterintuitive but repeating the same exercises is actually the point. We want to connect your mind to your muscles and nail down amazing form with great breathing!

3️⃣You lack consistency and you give up on a program after a mere 8-12 weeks.
1 month is nothing. Quote frankly neither is 3! You must adjust your expectations and play the long game.

4️⃣You use the same weights week after week. NO. NO. NO. I’m not saying you have to have to increase weight every week BUT if you’re still using that set of 20’s GET A SET OF 25’s I’m talking to YOU 🫵 You’re much stronger than you think you are.

5️⃣You don’t track your progress.
Take the f🔥cking pictures. Take them every 6 weeks. Keep a notebook and write down your weights for your each workout. (If you aren’t a pen +paper gal… log em on your phone) Progress in all forms is motivation to keep moving forward.

6️⃣You don’t take enough rest days.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND two complete rest days a week. No weights. You can walk/ move your body + breathe but NO WEIGHTS. Recovery is a critical component of continued progress. You’re only as strong as you can recover from 💛

7️⃣You don’t know how many calories/ protein you are taking in. How can you get to a new place if you don’t know where you’re starting from?Nutrition is the key to body change. Shoot for 25-30g of protein at each meal/ snack.

8️⃣You don’t move your body outside of your workouts.
Omfg please listen to me when I say increasing your steps will serve you well!

Which one of the above is holding YOU back from making the progress you deserve? Make it your focus for the month of August 💛

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 07/30/2023

Every mom always tells you how fast the years go by but it’s not til you’re in it that you’re like 🤯

You are brave, adventurous, artistic, silly, creative, strong and full of energy. You love animals, drawing, swimming, discovering anything + everything outside, and eating.

You have taught me SO MUCH about SO MANY THINGS since you made me a mother 5 years ago.

I LOVE YOU to the MOON and BACK 🤗 Happy Birthday Eva


What if I hadn’t started making myself a priority?
Where would I be now?

In the photo on the left I was overexercising (mostly cardio) and didn’t pay attention to what I put in my body.

I drank too much alcohol, didn’t prioritize my sleep, and didn’t eat enough protein. I simply didn’t have the self-awareness that I do now.

Awareness of how the foods I eat make me feel.
Awareness of my tendency to eat ALL THE FOOD while I was drinking. Awareness of how prioritizing protein could keep me fuller longer.

The thing is: Our bodies don’t differentiate between work stress, life stress, diet stress, and exercise stress.

If I have learned anything from my experiences it’s that LESS IS MORE.

Less food restriction, less hardcore workouts.

More sleep, more walking, more movement outside of workouts, more mindfulness in how the foods you eat make you feel.

You don’t need another DIET or more hardcore HIIT training.
You don’t need to eliminate carbs or eat 6 mini meals a day.
You don’t need to exercise intensely 7 days a week.

THAT S**T DOESN’T WORK for the long haul 👎

What you need to do is learn how to prioritize YOURSELF, and simplify your nutrition + exercise so that you CAN FINALLY be consistent!

I truly work out less now at 39, than I did at any previous point in my life.

I’ve put forth a lot of effort to understand myself and my body.

It wasn’t all 🌈 + 🦄 AT ALL.

Because of the effort I put forth to understand myself, I have so many other things that are important to me other than obsessing over food and exercise.

Fitness + food ADD to my life instead of ruling it.

Being 30, 40, 50, or 60 doesn’t mean you have to be in worse shape than you were in your twenties!

How do YOU want to FEEL in 10 years, 20 years?

Think about it.

You've got to start now 💛

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 07/03/2023

These are the ways I work with women these days 💛

If you’re working with limited time but ready to explore the breath and get back to exercising start with Ass + Abs!

If you’re ready to follow a progressive plan that you can do at home 3-4 days a week and have a coach to ask questions… Move Your Body is for you! This community is amazing + supportive of you are ready to put in the work 💛

Got some specific issues you want to address while strength training? Book a 1-1 and I’ll guide you through specific drills to get you moving in the right direction with clarity + focus.

Need more accountability check out my Live Classes or inquire about Small Group training.

Don’t be shy if you have questions 🤗 I am here to help!

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 06/18/2023

Happy Father’s Day
What would we do without you?!?!
You make the best breakfasts + treats. Your coloring is out of this world, thanks to lots of practice. You keep this family together, it’s the real reason you fall asleep at 6pm. I’m gratefull you’re able to tame your mini because we know I cannot. There’s no one I’d rather do parenting with but you 💛 Look at those little girls we made…We LOVE YOU!


Here is a basic variation of a long lever bridge that I love for proximal hamstrings. In all the exercises I’ll be sharing in this series you want to make sure you aren’t clenching your ass cheeks and or overly moving through your low back/ ribs.

A mama inside of my Move Your Body Membership was feeling awful after walks ( especially at an incline).
It’s SO important to learn how to use your proximal hamstrings and lower abs to better control the position of your pelvis postpartum so I decided to share some of my favorites!
This isn’t JUST for newly postpartum women either. It’s great for those of us who tend to lock out our knees or
experience knee pain in general. You will feel so much better in your body when you have to run after the kids or rush to get to camp pickup on time.

Got a wall... give it a a shot 10-15 reps/ leg and let me know what you think!

Sometimes it’s a long and slow road back to feeling amazing and strong in your body after having kids or getting injured BUT I assure you the ups and downs are all worth it...SO KEEP FREAKING GOING 🤗

Look out for a fav progression tomorrow!

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 03/23/2023

“Last night, I was chatting with my husband and I said I’m at the point where I feel fully healed from my prolapse and tight pelvic floor issues. And that I feel physically able to have another baby. (WE ARE NOT HAVING ANOTHER).

But I NEVER thought those words would come out of my mouth.

Lately I’ve been carrying my 3 year old around even when she doesn’t ask and it feels like I’m making up for lost time since there was a long period where I had to avoid holding her as a newborn and beyond.”

-Meredith (BAD ASS HUMAN + MYB member)

If you’re feeling hopeless, broken, trapped in a body that doesn’t feel as good as you know it can, MOVE YOUR BODY is for you.

If you’re ready to commit to doing the work, eager to learn more about your body and what it needs to feel it’s best… MOVE YOUR BODY is for you.

If you are ready to start showing up consistently for your strength sessions and are open to a new approach to training for this period in your life… Move Your Body is for you💛

Move Your Body will be open for enrollment through 3/25 👊🏽As always DM me with questions, link in bio to enroll💪🏽


Does anyone in Boston/ North of Boston have an awesome bodyworker/ massage therapist/ physical therapist recommendation that has lots of experience with double masectomy + cancer patients wanting to return to exercise safely? THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE🙏🏽

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 02/27/2023

One year ago today I decided I was ready for a change. I was SO done being burnt the f*ck out, constantly rushing around, and getting so easily annoyed.

For the previous 2 years I had really pushed my business and myself.
I knew I wanted to be a more present mother, better partner/ daughter, friend and dog mom.
I was ready to help MORE women strength train without pain, adopt a progress not perfection approach to their nutrition and FEEL confident AF in the bodies they were given.

There will always be people that needs me BUT I NEED ME MOST. I was ready to PUT MYSELF FIRST.

I invested in coaches that helped guide me   and have my right hand woman  to help me keep what’s important top of mind. I began to dig deeper into my own health with . My goal was to increase my ability to handle stress and use food to build myself back up. AND create more downtime in my life and gradually this last year, I’ve done just that 💛


Cheers to all the women balancing staycation/ vacation life + their chosen career…I SEE YOU 🤗 Happy MONDAY the kids are back in school IYKYK 😉


I think the first step to sobriety is wanting to know yourself.
Then you have to really trust yourself.
Stop pushing down your gut feelings and being afraid of judgement because whether we like it or not I’d say we are all being judged 24/7 🤣

You will never be able to please everyone so you might as well PLEASE YOURSELF.

I was one of those kids who didn’t drink in high school. My little sister was 6 years younger than me and had some of her own issues so I always felt the need to “be good”. College meant no rules and I went REALLY HARD with the booze.
In college I was s*xually assaulted and there was alcohol involved.
After college I worked as a trainer and had the excuse of getting up early. The crowd I hung out with would still ask me to go out and when I didn’t feel like I “fit in” I would just get drunk.
My anxiety would disappear for the time being but would be CRIPPPLING the next day. IYKYK
I didn’t like how I acted, I didn’t like how I felt after. At 28, I met Anthony and he accepted me 💯 for who I was and alcohol wasn’t really A THING.
Until the yearly events that it was….

The first and last time I drank as a mother was went Julia had just had her 1st birthday and we went to visit Dave in California.
I was stressed about the trip and wanted to relax and the tequila flowed easily.
I ended up puking over the toilet bowl that night and into the beach in the morning. I missed hanging on the beach with my baby AND IT SUCKED.

How did I want to feel?
I called my sister as I laid in bed alone, she was on vacation in CO. We laughed about my stupidity and I took solace in her sisterly listening skills.

1 month later my sister died of an accidental overdose. She had just celebrated her 28th birthday. She had secretly been abusing alcohol and prescription drugs for some time.

I never drank again, it’s been 5 and a half years 💫
Continued in comments ⬇️

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 01/02/2023

1️⃣You are performing too many random exercises too many days a week.
Instead of spinning your wheels and cueing up random workouts. Try following a progressive strength training program that has 3-4 days of lifting.

2️⃣You are swapping out exercises every single workout.
I know it sounds counterintuitive but repeating the same exercises is actually the point. We want to connect your mind to your muscles and nail down amazing form with great breathing!

3️⃣You lack consistency and you give up on a program after a mere 8-12 weeks.
1 month is nothing. Quote frankly neither is 3! You must adjust your expectations and play the long game.

4️⃣You use the same weights week after week. NO. NO. NO. I’m not saying you have to have to increase weight every week BUT if you’re still using that set of 20’s GET A SET OF 25’s I’m talking to YOU 🫵 You’re much stronger than you think you are.

5️⃣You don’t track your progress.
Take the f🔥cking pictures. Take them every 6 weeks. Keep a notebook and write down your weights for your each workout. (If you aren’t a pen +paper gal… log em on your phone) Progress in all forms is motivation to keep moving forward.

6️⃣You don’t take enough rest days.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND two complete rest days a week. No weights. You can walk/ move your body + breathe but NO WEIGHTS. Recovery is a critical component of continued progress. You’re only as strong as you can recover from 💛

7️⃣You don’t know how many calories/ protein you are taking in. How can you get to a new place if you don’t know where you’re starting from?Nutrition is the key to body change. Shoot for 25-30g of protein at each meal/ snack.

8️⃣You don’t move your body outside of your workouts.
Omfg please listen to me when I say increasing your steps will serve you well!

Which one of the above is holding YOU back from making the progress you deserve? Inside my Move Your Body Membership we check all the boxes. New for January 2023 I am offering new members a 1-1 discounted assessment in order to decrease overwhelm and increase results 🤗 Check the link in my bio and get signed up! DM me with questions! Our first coaching call of the year is this Sunday!

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 09/26/2022

It’s pretty much the end of September. Turns out life didn’t slow down just because the kids are back in school. PRETTY MUCH THE OPPOSITE OVER HERE 😂

The fact of the matter is it is SO FREAKING EASY to just keep putting things off.

Anything new feels like just TOO MUCH TO TAKE ON.
I get it.
But your aches + pains aren’t magically going to disappear and your core isn’t going to just WAKE UP one day. (You'll need my 30-Day Ass + Abs Challenge for that 😉)

I want to remind you that 10 minutes is better than no minutes. And 6 minutes is EVEN EASIER.

Here are some questions you've asked about 🍑 + ABS:

Can I still complete Ass + Abs if I am pregnant?

YES! Ass + Abs is not specifically designed for pregnant women, but so much shifts with ribcage and pelvis positioning during this time. Ass + Abs is SUPER helpful 🤰

What equipment do I need?

You’ll need:

A yoga block
Foam roller
A door handle / TRX
A rolled up yoga mat/ wedge
A bench (a sturdy step, stair, chair, coffee table, or edge of a couch works well too)
Some wall space

How long do I have access to the program?

You will have lifetime access to Ass + Abs

Is this program more therapeutic than a full fitness routine?

Yes, this is simply a DIY program that includes a daily 6-minute video. The 30-Day Challenge will get you started with a solid foundation of the breath and the stack (the foundational pillars of my programming).

There is no access to Stacey or feedback on form included with this program. My Move Your Body Membership is full body strength training, recovery, and nutrition programming along with access to me, a private Facebook group, and monthly Coaching calls.

Maybe you don’t have the time to dedicate to 2-3 strength sessions a week, BUT YOU CAN COMMIT TO 6 MINUTES each day.

It doesn’t have to be hardcore to count. You don’t need to change EVERYTHING all at once to progress in the right direction.

Today is the LAST DAY I’m offering my ASS +ABS 30 Day Challenge as one time purchase and lifetime access!


What if I didn't start making myself a priority? Where would I be now?

In the photo on the left I was overexercising (mostly cardio) and didn’t pay attention to what I put in my body.

I drank too much alcohol, didn’t prioritize my sleep, and didn’t eat enough protein. I simply didn’t have the self-awareness that I do now. Awareness of how the foods I eat make me feel. Awareness of my tendency to eat ALL THE FOOD while I was drinking. Awareness of how prioritizing protein could keep me fuller longer.

The thing is: Our bodies don’t differentiate between work stress, life stress, diet stress, and exercise stress.

If I have learned anything from my experiences it’s that LESS IS MORE.

Less food restriction, less hardcore workouts.

More sleep, more walking, more movement outside of workouts, more mindfulness in how the foods you eat make you feel.

You don’t need another cleanse or more hardcore HIIT training. You don’t need to eliminate entire food groups or eat 6 mini meals a day. You don’t need to exercise intensely 7 days a week. THAT S**T DOESN’T WORK for the long haul 👎

What you need to do is learn how to prioritize YOURSELF, and simplify your nutrition + exercise so that you CAN FINALLY be consistent!

I truly work out less now at 38, than I did at any previous point in my life.

I’ve put forth a lot of effort to understand myself and my body.

It wasn’t all 🌈 + 🦄 AT ALL. Because of the effort I put forth to understand myself, I have so many other things that are important to me other than obsessing over food and exercise.

Fitness + food ADD to my life instead of ruling it.

Being 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 doesn’t mean you have to be in worse shape than you were in your twenties!

How do YOU want to FEEL in 10 years, 20 years?!? Seriously? Think about it.

You've got to start now 💛

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 09/17/2022

“Last night, I was chatting with my husband and I said I’m at the point where I feel fully healed from my prolapse and tight pelvic floor issues. And that I feel physically able to have another baby. (WE ARE NOT HAVING ANOTHER).

But I NEVER thought those words would come out of my mouth. Lately I’ve been carrying my 3 year old around even when she doesn’t ask and it feels like I’m making up for lost time since there was a long period where I had to avoid holding her as a newborn and beyond.”
-Meredith (BAD ASS HUMAN + MYB member)

If you’re feeling hopeless, broken, trapped in a body that doesn’t feel as good as you know it can, MOVE YOUR BODY is for you.

If you’re ready to commit to doing the work, eager to learn more about your body and what it needs to feel it’s best… MOVE YOUR BODY is for you.
If you are ready to start showing up consistently for your strength sessions and are open to a new approach to training for this period in your life… Move Your Body is for you💛

Move Your Body will be open for enrollment through 9/21 👊🏽As always DM me with questions, link below to join💪🏽

Build A Better B***y Pillar #3: Rotation for Integration | Stacey Schaedler Strength 09/09/2022

So, you want a “nice butt”?
You're lifting and doing all the “right” glute exercises.

But your body feels out of balance, your back hurts, and you aren't seeing the results you want in DAT B***Y 🤬***y-pillar-3/

Build A Better B***y Pillar #3: Rotation for Integration | Stacey Schaedler Strength Build A Better B***y Pillar #3: Rotation for Integration by Stacey Schaedler | May 18, 2022 | alignment, b***y, breathing, butt, corework, exercise, Fitness, glutes, pelvic floor, Smart Strength, strength, Strength Training, Uncategorized | 0 comments This is the third post in a series of 4 about ho...

Photos from Stacey Schaedler's post 09/03/2022

1. How you breathe matters. Each time we take an inhale our diaphragm descends and our pelvic floor SHOULD DESCEND (for lots of my clients it doesn’t). When we exhale our diaphragm SHOULD ASCEND and our pelvic floor SHOULD ASCEND. 

2. The stack is where it’s at! You gotta get those ass + abs! You’re going to get SO MUCH MORE out of your workouts when your ribs aren't flaring and your pelvis is underneath you. 

3. Regardless of who you are, you need access to BOTH internal + external rotation at all the joints of the body. Without access to internal rotation at the foot, hips and ribcage we have compensations. Back pain, Hip pain, knee pain… and this prevents us from progressing our training.

4. We all know a muscle must lengthen in order to contract. Like you wouldn't perform the top portion of a bicep curl only and expect it to grow!?!?!?Same goes for your glutes 🤯----> you gotta let em go, to help them grow🌱
We have to be able to breathe all the way down (to our vaginas + a**holes in order for our deep hip muscles to lengthen....only THEN they can contract to their full potential getting you strong AF + resilient over time.
When we can relax through the backside, we are able to shift into each side of our hips (accessing internal rotation) using that length to get a great contraction.

If you want help it’s any of these pillars you’re gonna wanna check out my FREE WORKOUT happening 9/11🍑Link to sign up in bio!

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36 West Broadway
Boston, MA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 5:30am - 9am
Wednesday 5:30am - 9am
Thursday 5:30am - 9am
Friday 5:30am - 9am
Sunday 8:30am - 12pm

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