Jillian Kaplan

Helping working Moms love themselves and find balance through healthy living. www.jilliankaplan.com This isn’t a quick fix or a fad diet.

I am a Trauma Survivor, Animal Advocate, Wife, Brand New Mom, Former Binge Eater Turned Health and Fitness Coach! So many of us are so busy taking care of everything and everyone else that we forget about ourselves. As a recovering binge eater and diet pill addict I have tried EVERY SINGLE fad and they do not work. I finally decided I was ready for a long term solution and started working out and


Over the weekend I celebrated a survivorversary. For those of you who have joined me over the last year here is a quick recap: 8 years ago, I was hit by a car while crossing a crosswalk in broad daylight. The driver was distracted. I have no memory of what happened by bystanders tell me that I was turned thanking the car who has stopped, when the car coming the other direction hit me at about 40mph. It landed me in emergency brain surgery and wheelchair bound.

I want to talk about having a not-so-visible disability and being in the workforce.

Physically, I am out of the wheelchair and I have to work very hard to keep it that way. It means I need to get up and do 5 min physical therapy sessions throughout the day and I often take all hands and 1x1 calls (where no screen is needed) on a walk so I stay mobile.

I live with a traumatic brain injury. I have a visible scar on my skull, but it’s often covered by hair so it’s not noticeable. However, it means that I have to write everything down so sometimes in meetings it looks like I am distracted because I am taking notes. It also means that if I don’t write it down (it happens) I have a tendency to forget. Side note: Because I write everything down, I can almost always pull up old notes from meetings and everyone thinks I am super organized 🤣

There are times after long workdays where my body is just done and I can’t go out and socialize. There are also moments where I have to be reminded about things that I forgot or didn’t write down. I also ask lots (and lots and lots) of questions.

I still have moments that I am self-conscious about both, but for the most part I have learned to embrace that this is who I am.

This is your reminder that it’s OK to be different and you bring a diverse perspective ❤️


Having a near death experience changes you. I love going out to celebrare just being alive but a close second is by moving my body.

I used to see movement and working out as something I HAD to do, after months and months in a wheelchair and the threat of never walking again, I see it as something I get to do.

I still have issues in my pelvis and I’ve for sure been skinnier. I’m not sure I’ll ever get back to ‘where I was’ but doing my best at outdoor is a privilege 🧘

Photos from Jillian Kaplan's post 08/07/2024

These moments are what the most amazing are made of. Not big amusement parks or fancy vacations, those are fun too, but we make our best memories enjoying each other and the simple things.


🫐 picking in our moose 🫎 pajamas is what summer nights are made of 🌸


The other day, I was sitting on the curb outside a building waiting for someone and some dude in {very expensive} car flys into the parking lot, throws the car in reverse and backs into the spot I was sitting in.

Then he gets out holding and talking on his cell phone. Still doesn’t notice me, walks right by.

This was a very fancy, brand new car so I’m sure he has all the cameras and sensors.

The guy who parked across the way saw it happen, walked by me and said ‘I don’t think he noticed you’. I would agree 😆

Please pay attention when you drive, it’s not that hard.

Photos from Jillian Kaplan's post 07/26/2024

I’m methodical and analytical to a fault, it’s the engineer in me. I make 99.9% of decisions with my head.

But every once in a blue moon, I let my heart take over. Welcome to the family, Ranger 🩷


F*I*T*I*S*H: adjective. Works out but definitely enjoys food 🍱

There was never such a shirt that described me so well. It’s been 10 years since I stopped the , spending hours a day in the gym and committed to a lifestyle.

There have of course been ups and downs, in both my motivation and my weight 😆 but this complete shift in has made sure my health will forever be a number one priority for me.

I’m still coaching, still working with my team and still working on myself, I’ve just been a bit quieter lately and that’s ok 🩷

What I don’t want to be quiet about is we just launched an amazing new 20 minute program that has me sweating up a storm and loving (or hating) every minute. Ready to join me before the is over? Drop me a message or drop a comment and let’s chat.



I made this appointment about a month ago and last week I thought I was gonna lose my mind waiting for it to come, my hair was SO long and heavy.

Feel so much better and ☀️ Thanks for the input, stayed away from a short bang! freshhair


After having Michelle and getting laid off (on maternity leave) I struggled with an identity crisis. I doubted that I could be a great Mom AND have a great career. Thankfully, I let go of dibialiting and was able to get back into the corporate world, and be a rockstar Mom 😉

A few years back, I started to share fun and engaging tech content on , with my own twist 😆 I made it my mission to turn my mess into my message and help other people in the industry find their own voice, while I found mine.

It’s paid off and I hit 10,000 followers…completely wild to me!

Here’s to a plethora of unconventional wisdom, more tech shenanigans, and more this epic journey. 🚀


I started working at a barn when I was 12 to help pay for my lessons because my parents said they couldn’t afford them and I was addicted to the sport. Fun fact: I got fired from my first mucking job because the stable owner was mad a 12 year old couldn’t muck as fast as the adults, the woman wasn’t even paying me 🙃

By the time I was 14, I was working 7am to 4pm every Sunday caring for 10 horses by myself including feeding, turning out/in, mucking, cleaning etc. I never made a penny, it all went to my riding and lessons.

I never complained and besides the early weekend wakeups (I’m not a morning person) I really enjoyed it. I learned a ton, met some wonderful people and grew an appreciation for earning things you want.

Today, my childcare for Michelle fell through and I had volunteered to help at Charles River Association’s show as a ring steward for a few hours so she came with me. She was incredibly well behaved, very helpful and made lots of friends as she drew all the that came into the warm up ring. She handed out the portraits to the subjects as they finished their tests, it was adorable.

Most of the time, I think Michelle enjoys being around the horses (and the people) more than she likes riding. But either way, I’m proud that I’m raising her as a 🐴 and not an . Gotta earn your keep, kid 😉

P.S. I think my parents just wanted to teach me work ethic, it worked for sure. Did you have to work for the things you wanted as a kid.


How Michelle feels about having the best Dad in the world.

We love you to the moon and back…even though you still refuse to touch a horse 🙃


When I had my crash, they did a full body scan to figure out what was broken, damaged, bleeding as I was unconscious.

They had an incidental finding of a thyroid nodule that they asked me to get checked out once I left the hospital. I did and it turned out to be . After that, it did land me in the ER while I was pregnant and had to be drained 2x as it filled with fluid.

I have it ultrasounded every few years and this year they asked me to get another . It’s always scary but I know early detection and taking care of yourself are by far the best prevention!

I sort of wish I had a better story for this bandaid tho 😆

Now off to do my daily workout, another form of 🏋️


After 18 months of hard work, I’m wrapping up the coolest project of my 20 year career.

It started out as a fun outing at , moved into installing and on their canning line and then building a mini version and taking it all over the world to show the technology.

This has been my ‘baby’, ideating and building it from nothing has been incredibly fun. Getting to make mistakes, re-engineer and start over was super challenging but seeing it all come to life has been👌

I’m proud of the work we’ve done. From helping a local business, to the press, to the digital activation to building a demo to take on the road…

If you’re local and go into their brew area, look up on the wall and you’ll see a Dell Technologies sever, powered by NVIDIA .

And while we’ve wrapped up the work on this, the demo is headed to Ireland to live on in the Customer Solutions Center.

But what do I think of next?!


Let’s chat about gut health and IBS….

Check it out: https://rejuvit.co/products/rejuvit-belly-reset-waist-debloater


When you’re going to a dance party these pants seem appropriate, yay or nay? ✨



I read this quote and was reminded that you don’t have to be born the smartest, fastest, coolest, most talented…greatness comes from within. It comes from trying your hardest, learning, growing and working hard to get wheee you want to be.

Agree or disagree?


and alum. So excited about finishing this program, it only took my 3 years 🙃

I have earned a few other certificates along the way and I had NO intention of getting this far but what can I say? I am a nerd and love learning.

If you’re interested in the program, I am happy to chat, I loved it and it fit in well with my busy schedule.


I’ve finished COUNTLESS programs. I’ve had different goals for each, , , fitness, training for an event…

One thing remains constant, every time I finish that last , it feels good. I feel like I accomplished something and didn’t quit.

I just finished my one of my favorite programs ever and it feels as good as the first time I finished a program 💪

Have I always accomplished the goal I set for the program? Nope! Has stuff gotten in the way? Yes! Does it sometimes take me longer than excepted? Also yes.

I used to think every time I wasn’t perfect, I failed but you only fail if you quit.

Keep going,

Photos from Jillian Kaplan's post 04/16/2024

Michelle’s first , she loved it! Cheering on friends made it extra special.

As soon as we showed up she looked at me and said ‘Why am I not running?’



I legit have not changed mine since I got married because I’m not willing to add the numbers 😆 Does yours have numbers?


A few days ago (or so we think, because it’s a guess with rescues) the absolute best dog on the planet celebrated her 8th birthday 🎉

My friend Shawn sent me a pic of a very stumpy puppy and we agonized over if it was the right time to add a 2nd…the rest is history.

We adopted Sydney about 6 weeks before my crash. She was with me when I got hit and somehow was completely unharmed. Bystanders tell me she didn’t move from my side (I was unconscious) and the police found Doug’s number by her ID tag as I didn’t have ID with me. This picture is her visiting me in the hospital.

This alone would make her the best dog in the world, but since then she’s proven herself a million times over. She loves everyone, down for a long hike or a snuggle on the couch, somehow knows the difference between her toys and Michelle’s toys, we can bring her anywhere and she crates like a champ.

I am so glad we said yes when that little stumpy puppy picture showed up in my text 🐶

Happy birthday to the best dog ever!

Wyoming Backcountry Fly Fishing Trips - Soda Peak Outfitters 04/03/2024

Embark on an Adventure of a Lifetime with Soda Peak Outfitters!

I know that you all who follow me over here LOVE the outdoors and staying active, this trip allows you to do both!

Picture this: crystal-clear streams, towering mountains, and the thrill of reeling in Cutthroat Trout in one of the most remote and untouched locations in the lower 48. Soda Peak Outfitters' expert guides lead you on a horseback pack trip through rugged terrain, providing an immersive and unforgettable fishing adventure.

Whether you're a seasoned angler or simply seeking a tranquil escape into nature, this trip offers something for everyone. Plus, with comfortable camps, delicious meals provided, and the option to bring the whole family along (children over 7 welcome!), Soda Peak Outfitters ensures a seamless and memorable experience from start to finish.

Ready to cast your worries away and reel in the adventure of a lifetime? Book your Backcountry Fishing Trip with Soda Peak Outfitters today and let the spirit of the wild awaken your sense of adventure: https://sodapeakoutfitters.com/wyoming-backcountry-fly-fishing-trips/


Wyoming Backcountry Fly Fishing Trips - Soda Peak Outfitters Learn more about the backcountry fly fishing trips in the Teton Wilderness of the Bridger-Teton National Forest of Wyoming. Click To Learn More.


I’m not sucking it in or posing in the left, it’s me at a moment in time. Guess what? Same goes with the photo on the right. It’s me, a moment later in time.

Remember, bodies change, they look different in different moments and that’s a beautiful part of being human. Let’s celebrate our journey, embracing every twist, turn, and transformation along the way. 💖✨


I seriously wish that was a set formula. You eat a certain way, you get the results you are looking for.

Nope. That’s just not a thing.

You can legit eat the SAME things at the SAME time and move the SAME amount as someone else and have totally different results.

And as I’ve aged, I’ve noticed that things that previously got me results I wanted, just don’t anymore.

For me I’ve been making some changes and when I sat down and looking at my nutrition, I simply wasn’t getting enough protein. My issue is that I don’t love meat so I’ve been working to prioritize .

It has only been about 10 days but I’ve noticed:
➡️ Better sleep
➡️ Less hunger
➡️ Less cravings
➡️ Less bloating

I’ve been seeing some other physical results too which I’ll share soon ❤️

Are there are small tweaks you are making?


I spent 20 years gaining and losing the same 20 pounds... always utterly disgusted when it was there, and NEVER satisfied when it was gone.

Until I hit my mid 30s, got clear about who I am and what I want out of life, had a baby, and decided that we are all here to feel good, have fun and be free.

This means I work out to live a good life, and no part of that includes obsessing over a little jiggle. *t

I love seeing physical changes as much as the next person (I spy with my little eye some arm muscles!) but obsession is where I tap out ✌️


I am a huge supporter of International Women’s Day but it has to MEAN something. Over and over again, we celebrate one day and then what? Is there actually positive change? Lately it seems like our rights are being ripped away

I challenge all the people and companies sharing about their support of to take ACTION on their words. So many of these people and companies do nothing the rest of the year, or worse their actions show they don’t actually care about women.

Just talking about it ONE day a year because it’s trending is not enough.

This is my ‘I mean business face’ 💥


I had an industry presentation to do last week on and at . I agonized on whether I could pull off the shoes. As a , everything I do is scrutinized and I used to think I had to fit in the ‘black suit box.’ But in the last few years I’ve let my unique style show through in the way I dress and look as well as my content on where I’m now a top influencer. Not everyone may like it, but not everyone is going to like me anyway…so I might as well be ME. I wore the shoes and rocked the session. Always wear the shoes.


I hate the term ‘ ’. Because if you are a Mom, you are working whether or now you get a paycheck.

I’ll just say having a full time job outside of being ‘Michelle’s Mom’ can be a challenge. And although I don’t do it often, traveling is one of hardest times for me. When I am at home, I put away my work to spend time with my family at night but when I travel, I don’t have them around to remind me to take a break.

And if there is one thing I know it’s that balance is a hoax. Balance implies that it’s 50-50 which is an unrealistic expectation. Instead I believe in and finding what works for you.

I’m proud of my career and while it doesn’t define my success as a human, it does bring me happiness.

Has a blast with today (anyone heard of them?! 😆) recording a podcast on all things and .

I feel lucky that I’ve found my happiness, for now ❤️


I had a moment today.

I went out on a trail ride and the dog with us somehow got his jacket off so I offered to hop off and grab it.

I could not get back on from the ground, I got SO disappointed in myself. I held it together but I felt like I was fighting back tears. My pelvis flexibility is terrible from the crash and I just couldn’t reach my leg up that high.

I always tell people to be kind to themselves but sometimes it’s hard. And this one was particularly hard for me.

Tomorrow is a new day ☀️


Legit, why do you care if she’s on the TV for 30 seconds? Where do you stand in this heated debate? Also why is it a heated debate?

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Videos (show all)

Let’s chat about gut health and IBS….
These two are the cutest together 🐴 I think she was singing him a song 🎵 #horse #equestrian #horseriding #kindergarten #...
People ask me this all the time and I legit have no idea. Looking back, it was all a blur and I took it day by day. To b...
🌟Embrace Self-Love Through Fitness 🌟 Embarking on a fitness transformation isn’t just about physical changes—it’s a prof...
Where are my #tech peeps at? Anyone feel like when you’re less than a month out from a massive #tradeshow. This sound fe...
Breaking the Binary: Shattering stereotypes as a woman in tech 💻🚀 Embracing diversity, challenging norms, and thriving i...
🎶 Things in my #homeoffice that just make sense 🎶 With the future of #hybridwork and #remotework we have to make sure ou...
Since I posted about my #survivorversary earlier this month so many people have reached out and asked me what happened. ...


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