Dedicated to improving people’s lives through greater health, education, and socioeconomic equity.

JSI is dedicated to improving people’s lives around the world through greater health, education, and socioeconomic equity for individuals and communities, and to providing an environment where people of passion can pursue this cause. JSI is also affiliated with inSupply Health, the Partnership for Supply Chain Management, JSI India, JSH Zambia, and JSI South Africa.


A successful is more than just efficient—it must also be responsive to the needs of the people it serves. 📦

At JSI, we work closely with ministries of health, local partners, private sector companies, and communities to address both supply and demand challenges.

By placing people at the center of our approach and applying , we gain valuable insights that help us improve supply chain performance and ensure it meets the needs and preferences of those it serves.

🔍 Learn more about our work: https://www.jsi.com/sbc-supply-chain/

Photos from USAID Middle East's post 08/26/2024
Increasing access to health care through a virtual Health Hub 08/23/2024

In , truck drivers use an app to stay connected to essential health services, including testing, while on the road! This was just one of the examples of innovative discussed during this most recent webinar from our Healthier Futures for Adolescent Boys and Young Men series.

Learn more: https://www.jsi.com/healthier-futures-abym/

USAID Zambia

Increasing access to health care through a virtual Health Hub In 2023, the USAID DISCOVER-Health Project launched the Health Hub: Men on the Move to provide digital and in-person health services to underserved populatio...


✨Exciting update from !

Susan Mwape is a registered nurse and adolescent coordinator at Healthlane Clinic Kalulushi in the Copperbelt Province of . She recently participated in an interpersonal communication training through the USAID Zambia Accessible Markets for Health project. The training, developed by JSI and John Snow Health Zambia, is tailored to the preferences and schedules of private sector providers and includes modules that align with their needs and areas of practice.

Susan reflects on skills she gained that will be essential in her work with and , like maintaining privacy and building trust with her clients. 🤝

Dedicated health professionals like Susan play a vital role in ensuring youth have access to services they need. If you would like to learn more about the project, click here: https://www.jsi.com/project/usaid-zambia-accessible-markets-for-health-zam-health-activity/

Voces que Inspiran el Cambio: Lactancia materna exclusiva 08/22/2024

We're excited to announce the launch of a new Spanish-language podcast series, Voces que Inspiran el Cambio, brought to you by the JSI-led and USAID - US Agency for International Development-funded Avanzando la Nutrición project. This five-episode series dives deep into key nutrition behaviors essential for promoting health and well-being, featuring insights from experts passionate about driving positive change.

🎧Listen to the first episode on exclusive breastfeeding: https://youtu.be/GmGT4T8TrGQ?si=HnzQ0ruIjgWRC8Xi

The first episode in the series explores the importance of exclusive breastfeeding, recommended from birth to six months of age. Elsa Victoria López, a nutritionist and expert in nutritional education, shares her expertise on how this approach not only supports optimal child development but also strengthens the immune system and nurtures the bond between mother and child. Listen to the first episode now and stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on feeding the breastfeeding mother, complementary feeding, feeding the sick child, and eating a balanced and safe diet.

Voces que Inspiran el Cambio: Lactancia materna exclusiva Este episodio del podcast del proyecto Feed the Future Honduras Avanzando la Nutrición, liderado por JSI, se centra en la lactancia materna exclusiva, una pr...


During our discussion last week on improving access to and integrated health services for adolescent boys and young men, Emmanuel Chola and Oscar Otim emphasized the need to prioritize confidentiality and convenience when expanding access to HIV and integrated health services through .

Listen to what else they had to say: https://www.jsi.com/healthier-futures-abym/

USAID Zambia World Health Organization (WHO) HCDExchange USAID - US Agency for International Development

Photos from JSI's post 08/20/2024

"I can't lose another child to malaria," said Patrick Loumo from . After losing their youngest child to severe malaria, Patrick and his wife Rosa have taken a stand. With the support of the PMI Uganda Malaria Reduction Activity, they've embraced preventive measures, including early antenatal care and consistent use of insecticide-treated nets.

Read their inspiring story on how they are contributing to the fight against : https://medium.com//how-men-can-help-prevent-malaria-in-their-homes-patrick-and-rosas-story-bb82f0337f14


Did you know? Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals in , causing diseases like . Learn how the malaria vaccine is making a difference for under-fives in . Read more in the JSI-led USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization's blog post by Ruth Wanjala: https://bit.ly/4dcqdp0


We’re proud to have implemented the USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization project, bringing life-saving vaccines to underserved communities across . Our work to bring vaccines to the people is driven by local partnerships and innovative strategies. At we will explore the impact of our efforts: https://jsiindia.in/jsievent/


We’re reaching historic milestones in to reduce malaria!

We recently celebrated a monumental step forward in the battle against in the province, where the is being officially introduced through the existing routine immunization system in Mozambique.

With the commemoration of , JSI is proud to provide support through technical assistance to ensure the successful introduction of the vaccine. Lessons from this initial implementation will guide the scale-up to other provinces in 2025.

Photos from JSI's post 08/19/2024

In celebration of , we honor who deliver life-saving medications to those affected by crisis and displacement.

💻In , Emmanuela Juwan, a pharmacist with Relief International, updated logistics management information system forms and designed a data dashboard to capture and share data from health facilities. Her team began using key performance indicators to monitor the flow of health supplies, resulting in better project management and evidence-based decisions.

📦In , Nida’a Al Fathi, a senior health officer with International Medical Corps, improved warehousing of pharmaceutical and medical commodities; she established a warehouse for the mobile medical team, strengthened warehouse processes, and aligned staff job descriptions for a more effective workflow.

🩺In , Enas Abobakr Radman who leads the International Rescue Committee pharmacy department, optimized performance among health logisticians that she works with using construction feedback, coaching, self-assessment, and other tools. She identified and mitigated performance barriers and tracked the progress of her staff, nurturing a culture of excellence and showcasing the relationship between supportive supervision and project success.

Their mentorship was part of the Building Capacity to Improve Pharmaceutical and Medical Commodity Management in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings Program, which helps staff from international and local nongovernmental organizations by equipping them with training, guidance, resources, and follow-up support to strengthen their health supply chains. Learn more: https://www.jsi.com/project/building-capacity-to-improve-commodity-management-in-humanitarian-and-disaster-settings/


What is “adaptive management” and how can it improve social and behavior change programs? Join JSI’s Riley Auer and Patricia Ndebele and the CORE Group SBC Working Group tomorrow to find out!

Riley and Patricia will present on how monitoring programming and making timely adjustments are key to program quality. Don’t miss it! Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlf-2spjkpHtWR-JuBKtab7QHq7sZOr6uO #/registration


🌍✨ In 2022, 17,000 young voices from 166 countries demanded a shift in to tackle climate and environmental emergencies. From COY16 in Glasgow to the Transforming Education Summit in New York, are calling for hands-on, locally relevant education and a bigger role in decision-making.

JSI’s World Education division is answering this call with youth-led research in Benin and Saint Lucia, empowering young people to drive change through data and community action. 🌱📊

“We’ve found that when youth have the opportunity to present data to stakeholders, problem-solving shifts from top-down government, school, and community approaches to more youth-informed decision-making”-Estelle Day and Ben Vorspan of World Education. Learn more: https://jsihealth.medium.com/the-power-of-youth-led-action-research-in-improving-climate-education-and-action-f9c0f35c5a9f


Today, we’re highlighting how is bridging gaps in for young people in .

With the growing use of digital tools among adolescents and young adults, the USAID - US Agency for International Development Quality Healthcare Activity is stepping up to enhance health literacy and access. Through access to innovative mobile apps, we're empowering with crucial health service information right at their fingertips.

By harnessing the power of technology, we’re not just improving health outcomes—we’re giving the next generation the tools they need to thrive. https://jsihealth.medium.com/a-digital-gateway-to-health-behaviors-among-youths-in-ethiopia-f79c1bfd4468

Preparedness Assessment for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction in India: A Novel Approach - JSI 08/15/2024

🚀 Innovative Solutions for Vaccine Introduction! 🚀

The pandemic posed significant challenges to access and equity, particularly in expanding the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) in India. To address these challenges, JSI, John Snow India Private Limited ( ), and India’s New Vaccine Introduction team developed the PCV Roll Out Monitoring and Preparedness Tool (PROMPT), a digitized solution that revolutionized the preparedness assessment process.

PROMPT streamlined data collection, simplified progress tracking, and provided real-time visual analytics, empowering decision-makers to act swiftly and strategically. The tool's success was evident as it facilitated timely assessments across all states, supporting the aggressive PCV expansion timeline in 2021.

💉 https://www.jsi.com/preparedness-assessment-pneumococcal-conjugate-vaccine-introduction-india/

Preparedness Assessment for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction in India: A Novel Approach - JSI The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented challenges in vaccine access and equity. In India, it hindered expansion of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

The Youth and Adolescent Peers Program in Northern Uganda 08/15/2024

🌟 In northern , prevalence used to be higher than the national average, and often kept many, especially , from seeking testing and treatment.

Through the USAID - US Agency for International Development Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services North, Lango project, the Youth and Adolescent Peers (YAPS) program made a powerful impact. By training local youth to deliver HIV services and offer peer-to-peer support, YAPS contributed to reduce stigma and encouraged young people to get tested and treated.

Watch Sandra Akello’s inspiring story as a youth peer in this transformative program, highlighting the strength and impact of youth-led initiatives in improving and reducing discrimination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwwE3mojz5s 📽️

The Youth and Adolescent Peers Program in Northern Uganda This video describes one of the programs from the USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services North, Lango (RHITES N, Lango) project in Uganda. In ...


🌍 In celebration of , we spotlight the strength and resilience of young people shaping their futures with holistic, integrated support.

In , Ethel, Talandira, and Yankho have faced and overcome significant challenges— from incomplete schooling to limited job opportunities and health risks. By building individual agency, working together across different areas, and creating strong support systems, we can tackle challenges from all angles and create lasting change.

Read the full story: https://worlded.org/a-holistic-integrated-approach-to-youth-development/

World Education

Photos from JSI's post 08/14/2024

Optimal is critical for infant health and a key element in preventing malnutrition. In partnership with ADRA Yemen, our USAID - US Agency for International Development Strengthening Healthcare Access Project in commemorated World Breastfeeding Week with an awareness campaign to educate mothers, mothers-in-law and fathers about the importance of optimal breastfeeding, including the proper latch technique, the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, and colostrum. Health workers and community midwives led the sessions, addressing barriers to optimal breastfeeding and fostering a supportive environment for mothers.

This campaign ensures that mothers have access to the information and support they need to breastfeed successfully for a healthier future for their children.


🚀🌟 A Supply Chain Solution Opening Doors for Youth! 🌟🚀

Our USAID - US Agency for International Development eSCMIS project is doing more than digitizing ’s supply chain—it’s investing in young people! By implementing an advanced electronic system, USAID eSCMIS is not only cutting down on medical product shortages and waste but also empowering young Zambians through coding and technology training. 💻📦

This initiative is nurturing a dynamic workforce and creating exciting career opportunities for the next generation. Let’s celebrate the dual impact of innovation and empowerment! 🙌 https://jsihealth.medium.com/a-supply-chain-solution-opens-career-opportunities-for-youth-4fd4f1159c19


🌍✨ Celebrating International Youth Day with a spotlight on and impact! 🎉 Through JSI’s Digital Health Activity - DHA, young entrepreneurs in are driving change in their very own communities. 🌟

Meet university student Eden Zewdie, who, through her work with the youth enterprise initiative, carved out a career in STEM while building out the electronic medical records system in her community’s health center.

By investing in bright young minds with the tools to succeed, we’re not just nurturing careers; we’re transforming lives and advancing health for all. 🙌💡 Read the whole story: https://jsihealth.medium.com/the-next-generation-of-ethiopian-entrepreneurs-how-the-digital-health-activity-invests-in-young-863f69ef2e18


🔊 Join us TOMORROW for an exciting webinar: Healthier Futures with Adolescent Boys and Young Men Digital Health for Adolescent Boys and Young Men! Register: https://jsi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X-EINZJ_TPeYZ2k8ka0EvQ

As we continue to celebrate , we want to highlight the opportunities that adolescent boys and young men provide in helping as a public health threat by 2030. Not only do they deserve access to quality services in their own right, but they can influence culture to stop , increase engagement in prevention, care, and treatment, and help lead the way towards an .

Join our webinar to explore how we can better support and engage adolescent boys and young men in the HIV response. We’ll discuss:

🔹 The complex challenges adolescent boys and young men face, including social norms, mental health, economic realities, and sexual health.
🔹 Innovative approaches to enhancing access to HIV and integrated health services, beyond just sports-based solutions.
🔹 Embracing technology to provide digital health solutions; expanding access and meeting the diverse needs of these young men.
🔹 An optional workshop immediately following the webinar, for attendees to discuss and apply the concepts introduced during the webinar.

Let’s come together on to be part of the larger discussion!

HCDExchange World Health Organization (WHO)

Photos from JSI's post 08/12/2024

✨ ’s youth are leading the charge against urban climate challenges! In a city facing increasing floods, young innovators stepped up during the Resilient City Hackathon, supported by the USAID-funded Project, The Asia Foundation, and GerHub. Their creative solution is tackling floods and making a real difference. 🌳💧

On , we recognize the power of youth in shaping our world’s future. Their energy and fresh perspectives are essential for building resilient cities and addressing . 🌍

👉 Learn more about the hackathon and the winning idea: https://www.jsi.com/asia-resilient-cities-ulaanbaatar-hackathon-youth/


🌍✨ Happy ! 🎉

Today, we celebrate the incredible power of young people in shaping our world. From revolutionizing and improving to enhancing , advancing , and pushing the boundaries of , their work and commitment are accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals ( ).

We are proud to support young people to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges. Continue to follow our campaign dedicated to this week as we share stories of at the heart of change.

Learn about JSI’s work with youth: https://mailchi.mp/jsi/international-youth-day-2024


🌟 A Recipe for Success! 🌟 Meet Nellie, a 22-year-old entrepreneur from , who’s turning up the heat with her own hot sauce business! 🔥🌶️ Her incredible journey is a testament to what young people can achieve with the holistic support from World Education’s Siyakha program.

Through Siyakha, Nellie gained valuable skills in agricultural practices, brand creation, and digital marketing. Now, she's not only building her own brand but also working towards getting her products into large supermarkets. https://worlded.org/a-recipe-for-success-how-siyakha-supports-youth-skill-building/


🌍💪 Meaningful youth engagement is key to tackling , especially in areas where young people are heavily affected. In , we involve youth in designing programs to ensure their voices shape solutions.

“To truly understand these contexts, we do not need virologists. The experts we need are the youth themselves, in all their diversity of lived experience” says Patience Ndlovu, vice president, Bantwana Initiative of World Education, a division of JSI.

🌟 Together, we’re making a difference! Read the whole story: https://www.jsi.com/youth-guide-discussions-improving-hiv-services/


🌟JSI’s Strengthening Egypt’s Family Planning Program (SEFPP) is at the forefront of change, working with the Egyptian government to address unmet family planning needs through evidence-based approaches. 🌍💡

Young people in Upper Egypt and informal settlements in Cairo and Alexandria are becoming advocates for their own health and community well-being. From the Youth University Competition to peer education, these SEFPP initiatives help advance autonomy and choices for girls and young women, and improve lives across . 🌱📚 https://jsihealth.medium.com/youth-as-change-catalysts-the-journey-in-redefining-reproductive-health-in-egypt-20403121c02b


🎭💉 Meet Damilare Ojo, a drama student at Lagos State University who turned his initial doubts about the vaccine into a powerful advocacy role! After receiving accurate information from the USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization project, Damilare now uses his talent in theater, dance, and spoken word to educate and mobilize his peers.

Thanks to MOMENTUM's efforts, over 15,000 students were vaccinated during the Campus Storm drive, and by June 2023, more than 974,000 people in and 3.6 million across five states were protected. Damilare’s journey from skepticism to champion shows how education and peer engagement can drive real change. 🙌✨


✨ In Belindar Kwamboka’s latest thought piece on the need for deeper, more impactful youth engagement, she explores how youth events can go beyond tokenism by offering actionable resources, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities. 📚🌟 Dive into her insights on transforming youth involvement from surface-level participation to real, lasting change.

👉 https://hcdexchange.org/youth-engagement-a-young-persons-perspective/



📢 Join us for an exciting webinar: Enhancing Access to HIV and Health Services for Adolescent Boys and Young Men! Register: https://jsi.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X-EINZJ_TPeYZ2k8ka0EvQ

Adolescent boys and young men are a diverse demographic with varied needs and preferences, making it crucial to move beyond a “one-size-fits-all” approach to healthcare to provide more . In our latest webinar, we’ll explore innovative strategies to improve their access to and integrated health services, tailored to meet the unique needs of these young people.

🔍 What to expect:
- Insightful discussion on co-designing health services that resonate with adolescent boys and young men.
- Exploration of different health service integration approaches, beyond sports-based, ensuring inclusivity for everyone.
- Examples of cutting-edge digital health solutions that are expanding access to integrated HIV services daily.
- An optional workshop immediately following the webinar, where experts from various fields and backgrounds can discuss and apply the concepts introduced during the webinar.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear valuable perspectives shaping effective and inclusive health solutions. We look forward to your participation and an exciting discussion!

World Health Organization (WHO) (YAPS)


We are excited to highlight how we advance public health and education through the lens of youth engagement! 🎉

For the next week, we will be celebrating how our dedicated team is collaborating with young people around the world to drive progress in areas like , , , and . 🌟💉💪 From innovative outreach programs to hands-on education, our youth-driven initiatives are making a real difference.

Throughout this campaign, we’ll be showcasing how digital tools and youth leadership are accelerating the achievement of the . By amplifying young voices and fostering collaboration, we’re creating a healthier, more informed, and sustainable world.

Follow along as we celebrate the crucial role of youth in this journey. Together, we’re not just imagining a better future—we’re building it. 🙌🌱

Learn about JSI’s work with youth: https://www.jsi.com/global-expertise/women-children-and-youth/

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Videos (show all)

✨Exciting update from #Zambia!Susan Mwape is a registered nurse and adolescent coordinator at Healthlane Clinic Kalulush...
As we lead up to World Tuberculosis Day, we're celebrating great strides made in #TB prevention and treatment. Venkatesh...
As we lead up to World Tuberculosis Day we're celebrating great strides made in #TB prevention & treatment. Dr. Obioma C...
As we lead up to World Tuberculosis Day in a few weeks, we're celebrating great strides made in #TB prevention and treat...
Strong governance and commitment to #nutrition are essential to improve health outcomes. Our work through USAID - US Age...
Adding #micronutrients, or the vitamins and minerals people need in very small amounts, to food is a cost-effective, hig...
Addressing #malnutrition is complex but sometimes making healthier choices isn’t. Our work through USAID - US Agency for...
Locally-led solutions are necessary for lasting change. In #India, the JSI-led USAID - US Agency for International Devel...
Person-centered Care: Trust, access, and the service experience
Person-centered Care: Trust, access, and the service experience
We are deeply grateful to all of our incredible staff members who participated in sharing their thoughts in recognition ...




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