Jacquelin Eickholt

Get healthy and glowing skin with simple lifestyle changes. Stop treating your symptoms and get rid

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 04/04/2023

Metabolism Kickstarter ⁠
Start your day with 12oz warm water, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and a dash of cayenne pepper. ⁠

Skip the Snacks⁠
Snacking between meals increases your blood sugars and causes insulin to be consistently elevated. ⁠

Sit Less, Move More⁠
Some easy wins are parking farther away from stores or taking the stairs. ⁠

Stay Hydrated⁠
Drinking water temporarily speeds up your metabolism, helps move food through your digestive tract, and keeps you full longer. ⁠

Lift Weights⁠
Muscle burns more calories than fat and aids in energy production. ⁠

Get a Good Night's Sleep⁠
Lack of sleep throws off your hunger hormones, leptin, and ghrelin. Aim for between 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night.⁠

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 04/04/2023

Metabolism Kickstarter
Start your day with 12oz warm water, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and a dash of cayenne pepper.

Skip the Snacks
Snacking between meals increases your blood sugars and causes insulin to be consistently elevated.

Sit Less, Move More
Some easy wins are parking farther away from stores or taking the stairs.

Stay Hydrated
Drinking water temporarily speeds up your metabolism, helps move food through your digestive tract, and keeps you full longer.

Lift Weights
Muscle burns more calories than fat and aids in energy production.

Get a Good Night's Sleep
Lack of sleep throws off your hunger hormones, leptin, and ghrelin. Aim for between 7-9 hours of shut-eye each night.

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 03/10/2023

We want only the best ingredients in our supplement products! So here are some common fillers, lubricants, and binders that are perfectly fine to use in Supplement products :)

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 03/04/2023

Having clear skin doesn't have to be a pipe dream! Studies have shown that reducing your carb intake can be an effective way to reduce acne and make your skin look glowy. Ready to give it a try? ⁠

Disclaimer: This alone will not fix your root cause, but it's a first step to clear skin with more proteins, vitamin, and a little bit of fiber. 🙈😇❤️

Will you try it?


Are you frustrated because of your acne? 🤯⁠

You might feel like nothing works, no one takes you seriously, and oh boy, all those anti-acne skincare trends are so overwhelming, right? 🤪⁠

Well, if this sounds anything like you - we have a date!⁠
Join me live and learn how to identify your acne root cause and how to get rid of acne for good! WITHOUT being dependent on a pill, product, or restrictive diet. We all love ice cream occasionally - but we also want healthy, glowing, and clear skin!⁠
And it is possible! You can definitely enjoy your life while working on your skin health!⁠

Let me show you how!⁠

See you soon?! I'm pretty excited alreeaaddy 😍⁠

This is what you will learn - clear skin will be served on a silver platter to you.✨⁠

🔴 Learn how to identify acne triggers and acne root causes⁠
🔴 Learn how to fuel your body so that it can fight acne-causing bacteria⁠
🔴 Learn how to choose the proper skincare⁠
🔴 Learn how to spot vitamin and mineral deficiencies⁠

IMPORTANT: I want to keep the group small to answer all the questions you might have - if you want to join live, make sure to register today because I will close the list if it's too full.⁠

Click the link in my bio to sign up!

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 01/24/2023

How to remove acne scars naturally?

Please read the captions in the post carefully; if you have questions about it, comment below.

If you are ready to take it a step further, sign up for my free online course ACNE ADIEU MINI.
ACNE ADIEU MINI is a 5-day online course - you will learn how to naturally get healthy and clear skin at home!

Click the link in my bio and sign up today; there are only 10 spots left for this month.
We will have a group coaching session after 14 days. ( Or go to https://www.acneadieu.com/mini-course-waiting-list )

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 10/11/2022

Click the link in my bio - sign up for ACNE ADIEU 6 - Month online anti-acne program, and use the code PRESALE to save 80%. Discount code is only available until October 17th.⁠

I'm so excited 💥


Best Beauty Products for every Skin Concern!

But please remember the best way to treat each skin concern is to identify your actual root cause and work on that.

If you are interested in finding the root cause of your acne, I recommend my online anti-acne course ACNE ADIEU.

What is Acne Adieu?

Acne Adieu is an online anti-acne program that helps everyone with stubborn, hormonal, and adult acne to get healthy, glowing, and clear skin. The S.C.I.N Method is a method that helps to treat acne root causes systematically and for good.

In 6 Months, you will learn how to identify your root cause and how to maintain your skin once you are clear.

Click the Link in my Bio to learn more about ACNE ADIEU!

Or go to www.acneadieu.com


Yeah, and this is the reason why so many of us are frustrated with the look of our skin. The beauty industry is playing with our pain and insecurities. Please, guys, start working from the inside - out, not the other way around.

ACNE ADIEU can help you defiantly with that :)

What is Acne Adieu?

Acne Adieu is an online anti-acne program that helps everyone with stubborn, hormonal, and adult acne to get healthy, glowing, and clear skin. The S.C.I.N Method is a method that helps to treat acne root causes systematically and for good.

In 6 Months, you will learn how to identify your root cause and how to maintain your skin once you are clear.

Click the Link in my Bio to learn more about ACNE ADIEU!


Do you have purple stretch marks?

The reason for that might be hormonal imbalance, and you might have too much cortisol in your body due to high-stress levels or medication.
( Cushing syndrome )

What to do?

Reduce Stress
Eat Anti-inflammatory
Use Retinol Creams

In the following videos, I will discuss each step in more detail. Join the community if this is a topic that interests you.


Getting clear skin naturally at home is possible, but you need a good strategy. For the start, I have three simple and easy tips for you tip number one: Drink Peppermint and green tea. Both teas are amazing in balancing hormones and reducing sebum production. Tip number two: Sleep more and don't watch TV late at night. Tip number three: Eat food with a low glycemic index - write me a DM, and I will send you a list of low glycemic foods. Disclaimer: Those tips will most likely not fix your acne root cause, but they will work as a band-aid for now and will definitely support your health. If you are interested in fixing your acne root cause, I recommend my online program, ACNE ADIEU. Click the link in the BIO to read more about ACNE ADIEU & the S.C.I.N Method.


How to choose the best acne treatment for yourself❓️

Well, it is not your job to find the best treatment for your health problem, but it is your job to find an expert who can help and coach you through it.

❤️ Here are my tips:

💙Make sure the person who is going to treat you is focusing on the root cause
💛Neither a doctor nor a holistic coach should only be treating symptoms
🖤You need to feel seen and understood; your doctor/practitioner should see you as a whole
💚You might have more than one acne trigger; make sure they address this too
💗Listen to your gut, and no one should ever force or pressure you into anything. Also, nothing works overnight; if they promise it = red flag.

Learn more in my free online course ACNE ADIEU MINI - Link in my bio :)



There are 8 acne types out there. We can have only one acne type or a combination type.

These are the most common acne types.

1. Digestive acne ( Poor Gut health )
2. Skin sensitivity acne ( Poor Skinmircobiom )
3. Adrenal/Hormonal acne

In '' Acne Adieu '' we will identify your acne type ( Phase 1 ) and eliminate the root causes in ( Phase 2 ).

And if this is all new to you, then join my free online course '' Acne Adieu Mini '', Link is in my bio... you know the drill :)

Acne Adieu Mini is a 5-day online course and totally free! You will also be getting a link to our live Q&A sessions.

Hope to get to know you soon!

Sending love and light your way!

Timeline photos 06/23/2022

Acne face mapping is a huge trend but not always correct; if it were that easy to identify the reasons for acne, we would all have perfectly glowing and clear skin - don't you agree?
Acne around the jawline means you have to eat more tofu, and acne on your forehead means you have to drink more tea. How often does it work? I think it can be an orientation, and I like traditional chines medicine, which came up with acne face mapping, but I don't rely on it 100 %.

Let me tell you why you have acne on your cheeks or around your jawline.

The answer is simple. It's touching this area too often. The phone should be clean, as well as your pillow and the towels you use.

Try not to touch your face and give your skin three weeks to heal, track your acne lesions in an acne workbook, and write down improvements.

To get healthy, glowing, and clear, you also need to take care of other acne triggers and target them all at once; it's easy and possible, but you will need a strategy

If you are ready to work on it, I'm here for you to guide you.

Write me a DM if you want to learn more about Acne Adieu or apply for coaching - the link is in my bio

Timeline photos 06/21/2022

Mental health is so important!

Timeline photos 06/20/2022

Acne means that you and your body are out of balance. Most people think they have hormonal imbalances and therefore acne, but I saw just as many people having acne because of a zinc overload, high levels of cortisol ( stress hormone ), and almost always we have an overworked liver in clients with acne.
How do I know all this? Lab tests + Protocols and workbooks. Getting rid of acne is absolutely possible but going to the Derm one time will not fix it.

Bring your body back in balance first.

If you are ready for clear skin - write me a DM or schedule a free call with me :)

Timeline photos 06/17/2022

In case you've ever wondered what the difference is...

Nutritional Dermatology is one of the most beautiful things out there :)
Especially if you have acne.

Timeline photos 06/16/2022

What does acne mean? Another FAQ I get from my clients - here the answer :)

Acne means that you and your body are out of balance. Most people think they have hormonal imbalances and therefore acne, but I saw just as many people having acne because of a zinc overload, high levels of cortisol ( stress hormone ), and almost always we have an overworked liver in clients with acne.
How do I know all this? Lab tests + Protocols and workbooks. Getting rid of acne is absolutely possible but going to the Derm one time will not fix it.

Bring your body back in balance first.

If you are ready to learn more about it - write me a DM :)

Timeline photos 06/15/2022

Just before your period starts, estrogen and progesterone levels drop; this can produce more sebum production, which means more clogged pores and, therefore, more acne breakouts. The hormonal change can also cause inflammation in the body. Focus on a diet based on your cycle phases and start tracking your period in an app like flo.

Timeline photos 06/14/2022

How can I clear my acne naturally?

This is a question a lot of people have asked me, and it can be fast and easy with the proper plan and a system!

Write me a DM if you want to learn more about my system and Acne Adieu.

Focus on an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
Find a stress management system that works for you and which you can do daily for 10 minutes.
Eat probiotic foods.
Don't take supplements without getting tests done. ( Hair mineral analysis, Gut health test ... )
Drink enough water ( Do a togor test at home )
Sleep a lot! ( Sleep is more powerful than you think )
Eat lots of fiber

Timeline photos 06/13/2022

You didn't identify your acne type and therefore didn't choose the proper treatment
You are only targeting one acne trigger at once
Your stress level is high
Your skin microbiome is compromised because of aggressive skincare products you might use. ( PH is not between 4 -6 )
Your diet is not tailored to your goals and lifestyle
You take too little or too many supplements

My advice to you - find someone who can help you figure all this out, it can be overwhelming, and you don't have to do it all alone.

What do you think? Why do you still have acne? Something you suspect of doing wrong? Let us know in the comments, or send me a DM.

Timeline photos 06/12/2022

When you feel stressed, your adrenals enter fight or flight mode and your body is flooded with cortisol to help you deal with any challenges that come your way. In the case of adrenal fatigue, however, this stress response can become chronic, meaning that blood and oxygen are consistently circulated to more important organs and your skin becomes deprived of the key nutrients it needs to glow.

Cortisol is also producing sebum. This means High cortisol levels, and high sebum production which can lead to oily skin, clogged pores, and acne.

If you want clear skin, try to reduce stress, and support your adrenal health, I will talk about it more on my Podcast Dermi Diet. So follow if you don't want to miss out on it.

Write me a DM if you want to get rid of your acne :-*


Yes, it will if the underlying cause of acne is still there, it also will come back if you have acne because of hormone imbalances.
Accutane is not wiping out the root cause, it successfully treats the symptoms of acne. Everyone is different and acne type and acne severity are playing a huge role. So please identify your acne type first and choose a tailored plan.

Acne types

Androgen acne
Adrenal acne
Thyroid acne
Liver acne
Digestive acne
Perio acne
Meno pause acne
Skin sensitivity acne

If you are serious about getting healthy and clear skin for good, shoot me a DM.

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 06/08/2022

We need good and bad bacteria in our gut and on our skin. But when we have bacteria overgrowth from certain bacteria strange, our skin is not able to protect itself anymore, and bacteria in our gut are connected with bacteria on our skin. That's why it is important to get bacteria testing done when you have acne and to take supplements if necessary. ⁠

The science: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6678709/⁠

If you want to learn more about this topic in detail listing to my newest Podcast Episode on Spotify. ⁠

Search for Dermi Diet and let's talk about Nutritional Dermatology⁠


It depends on the

Type of scars (ice pick, rolling, boxcar, hypertrophic, or keloidal; scar type influences the response to specific treatments)

●Color of scars

●Depth of scars

●Location of scars

Acne scars can go away completely when the proper treatment is chosen. Acne scars with hyperpigmentation have an 80 % chance of entirely going away.

In my online anti-acne program, acne adieu, we will take care of it with the S.C.I.N. Method.

Send me a DM or book a call if you are interested in my coaching program.

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 06/02/2022

In addition to lifestyle changes, some supplements can help reduce stress hormones. Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to help reduce stress. Studies have shown that ashwagandha can help lower cortisol levels in the body. Rhodiola Rosea is another supplement that is effective in reducing stress hormones. Reducing stress hormones in the body reduces inflammation and sebum production; both things are essential to take care of when you have acne. ⁠



Acne Adieu coaching is now available :)


Mental health is essential! Not only when it comes to acne treatments!

When our bodies are under stress, our adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol. Cortisol signals the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, leading to acne breakouts.

Whenever I go through something or feel down ( which is normal sometimes ), I go to a therapist. Why? Because I'm an expert when it comes to acne, but not when it comes to my brain :D I know the medical basics, of course, but that's it.

And it's fun, and I always learn something new about myself :)

What can you do?

Start with simple stress management techniques.

Go for a walk
Talk to friends

I will take care of the rest :)

Acne Adieu Essentials is now online !!

Here is the deal:

One-year membership with workshops that will help you get healthy, glowing, and clear skin!

Live Events

Meal plans

Live Q&A's about acne and skin health


Acne Adieu Essentials $ 69.99


Since it's new you have the chance to join for free. All you have to do is write me a DM or post a heart under this post :)

After this, I will send you the link to Acne Adieu Essentials ( Free )


Acne should not be that difficult to correct. It is not a topical issue but an internal or biochemical one. If it's difficult for you to reduce, you are treating it the right way.

When it comes to acne there is a lot to consider, but you don't have to do it alone! I'm here to help you whenever you are ready.

This is how you can get clear skin with my help!

Option 1: Join Acne Adieu Essentials. A one-year anti-acne membership program. ( $ 69.99 a month )

Update: Join Acne Adieu Essentials for free; just send me a DM if you are interested )

Option 2: Book Acne Adieu Coaching

This includes Acne Adieu Essentials plus four private live sessions via zoom.

Option 3: Book a free call, and let's see if you are the right fit for Acne Adieu :)


Why do pores clog when we touch our face ❓

When we touch our face, we move dead skin cells over a pore and clog it - that is also why people mostly get acne in one specific area, often misinterpreted as hormonal acne.

And this is also why I do not believe in acne face mapping. Also, there is no scientific proof of face mapping - while there might be similarities, it is not 100 % sure that hormonal acne and jawline acne are connected. The reason is more likely due to touching the face in these areas.

Acne Adieu Essentials is now online ❕

Here is the deal:

💥One-year membership with workshops that will help you get healthy, glowing, and clear skin!

💥Live Events

💥Meal plans

💥Live Q&A's about acne and skin health

🤑 Price:

Acne Adieu Essentials $ 69.99


Since it's new you have the chance to join for free. All you have to do is write me a DM or post a heart under this post :)

After this, I will send you the link to Acne Adieu Essentials ( Free )

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 05/16/2022

Are you struggling with acne, bloating, and mood swings? If yes, a hormone imbalance might be the reason. But it doesn't have to stay that way.
It is easy and 99.99 % possible to reduce acne and hormone problems when having a strategy
Soon you will be able to leave the house without make-up, your mood will be balanced, and you will feel healthy and fit without bloating.

Let's talk about your next steps.

🛑Go to my website or click the link in my Bio ( www.jacquelineickholt.com )\
🛑Download the free hormone balancing guide to getting started
🛑Write me a DM or post a heart under this Reel, and I will send you the link to our Acne Adieu Community ( Free if you react to this post. $ 29.99 is the regular price
🛑Get to know the community and choose one live event with me ( Or more if you like to )
🛑After one or two weeks, book a discovery call with me ( free ), so we can talk about your action plan. I would also like to answer questions you might have.

Do it today, otherwise, you will forget it.

News & Updates

My Podcast Dermi Diet changed times. Episodes are going to be online once a week, every Wednesday.


My reasons for acne were bacteria overgrowth in my gut. As soon as I changed my diet and added supplements, I could see how my skin improved daily. Therefore also my mental health and stress hormone levels.

Taking antibiotics at 14 was probably the biggest mistake I could make - but I was 14; who knows stuff like that better than the doctor?

So what can you do? Look out for a holistic practitioner, naturopath, or skincare and repair nutritionist, as we will try to help you without drugs with side effects first.

Write to me if you have any questions :)

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 05/03/2022

Why salicylic acid is not working for you

Is this you?

Are you struggling with adult or hormone acne? Your skin is oilier, your pores are enlarged, and you have more blackheads?

Did you google: How to get rid of blackheads/acne?
And did google tell you to buy salicylic acid?

So now you are using it, but nothing changed.

Let me tell you why.

Using the wrong skincare products is not your acne trigger.
Your triggers are causing trouble from the inside out and not the other way around.

80% to 90 %of clients had acne or a change in their skin health because of an internal change/issue.

Only a small number of clients could fix their skin problems with skincare.

Should you use salicylic acid?
It depends. It can support your skin healing journey, but it is nothing I recommend doing first.

What are your next steps?
Look inwards. Is your gut and skin microbiome balanced? What about your hormones? Is your liver overworked? Is your stress level out of order, or is your body inflamed?

Those are all things you have to look at too. It seems like a lot - but it is double with the proper structure and plan.

The S.C.I.N Method

The SCIN Method will help you in my one-year coaching program identify your acne triggers with the best at-home testing kits, and you will also learn how to cut down and eliminate those triggers and how to nourish your skin once you are clear.
S= Spot & Identify Acne Trigger
C= Cut down and eliminate trigger
I= Illuminate & Purge
N= Nourish &

Photos from Jacquelin Eickholt's post 05/02/2022

Nutritional dermatology uses nutritional regimens, eliminations, and supplements to enhance the treatment and prevention of dermatologic disorders. In other words, a nutritionist specialized in nutritional dermatology can help improve a skin condition like acne or eczema without aggressive treatments, cremes, or drugs. A Skincare and Repair Nutritionist will also offer support and a guide if the client wishes to see a derm. Let's break it down. A Dermatologist can diagnose a condition and prescribe medication, drugs, and cremes. A Skincare and Repair Nutritionist can help you identify root causes with at-home testing kits and support you between 6 and 12 months to make sure you reach your goal from the inside out first. Acne Adieu Membership essential: Membership-based one-year program to support you with meal planners, checklists, skincare management plans, weekly live events, and workshops. Acne Adieu Membership + 1:1 coaching: Membership essential + one-on-one calls to tailor supplements, meals, and skincare products to your needs.


Many chemicals mimic and interfere with the body's hormone system.
Endocrine disruptors are found in many everyday products, including some plastic bottles and containers, liners of metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides.
This is not only really bad for our overall health, but it is also hazardous for people with a hormone imbalance.
So to reduce your acne or skin issue due to a hormone imbalance, you have to check your everyday products for the following ingredients.

Bisphenol A (BPA) — is used to make polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins, which are found in many plastic products, including food storage containers.
Dioxins — produced as a byproduct of herbicide production and paper bleaching, they are also released into the environment during waste burning and wildfires.
Perchlorate — a byproduct of aerospace, weapon, and pharmaceutical industries found in drinking water and fireworks
Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) — are used widely in industrial applications, such as firefighting foams and a non-stick pan, paper, and textile coatings.
Phthalates — used to make plastics more flexible, they are also found in some food packaging, cosmetics, children's toys, and medical devices
Phytoestrogens — naturally occurring substances in plants that have hormone-like activity, such as genistein and daidzein that are in soy products, like tofu or soy milk
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) — used to make flame retardants for household products such as furniture foam and carpets
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) — used to make electrical equipment like transformers, and in hydraulic fluids, heat transfer fluids, lubricants, and plasticizers
Triclosan — may be found in some anti-microbial and personal care products, like liquid body wash
Source: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/endocrine/index.cfm

Check your products at home quickly with the APP Code check!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

It depends on the Type of scars (ice pick, rolling, boxcar, hypertrophic, or keloidal; scar type influences the response...
Mental health is essential! Not only when it comes to acne treatments!When our bodies are under stress, our adrenal glan...
Why do pores clog when we touch our face ❓When we touch our face, we move dead skin cells over a pore and clog it - that...
1. PhthalatesPhthalates are chemicals found in color cosmetics that are linked to a host of health issues. Endocrine dis...
Why you need this 🔻This recipe is the perfect dessert for your Christmas dinner.Easy and healthy. Your skin will not bre...
➡️Get enough sleep: When you get enough sleep, your body produces less cortisol — the stress hormone. Cortisol can actua...
Whether it's yoga, deep breathing, journal writing, or meditation, have a go-to stress reliever that works for you. Prac...
🔻Mind-skin connection.🔻Our hormones and stress level can influence the whole body, especially our skin. Exercise release...
My new podcast episode is online. Search for Dermi Diet on @Spotify or @applepodcasts. Tomorrow I will also upload a ree...




Bradenton, FL

Opening Hours

Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm

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