Polish American Congress

The Polish American Congress is an “umbrella” organization – a federation of more than 3,000 Polish American organizations, clubs, and veterans’ groups.

The individual membership is organized into State Divisions and Chapters. To see a short movie (approx. 10 minutes) about the first 70 years of the Polish American Congress please to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHMRyj9dZFM


by John Czop

On this 104th anniversary of the Polish victory at the Battle of Warsaw on August 15, 1920, The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we recall that the detractors of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski refused to give him credit for this successful counterattack that stopped the Red Army from conquering Europe. Pilsudski's opponents derisively called this Polish victory at Warsaw over the Red Army THE MIRACLE ON THE VISTULA.

Today, many do not recall the initial pejorative purpose of Pilsudski's opponents who coined the locution: THE MIRACLE ON THE VISTULA. The successful Polish counterattack forced the Red Army to retreat all the way back to Russia. Barefooted Polish peasant troops surprised Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, who were blinded by their own propaganda. They did not expect poor Polish soldiers to fight bravely for the Polish nation. Communism, an ideology that falsely claimed to be protector of the poor and oppressed, was shown to be false by Polish soldiers of all social ranks who fought at the Battle of Warsaw for God, Honor, and Fatherland.

The Battle of Warsaw was the turning point of the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919-1920. In March 1921, Poland and the Soviet Union signed the Treaty of Riga, which established Poland's eastern border approximately along the line of the Second Partition of Poland in 1793. This line was much farther to the east than what was proposed, in 1919, by both the Americans and the British, who supported the Curzon Line, very similar to the Ribbentrop-Molotov Line of 1939. Interwar Poland was expected by her western allies to play the role of a great power without western support for Poland within the pre-partition borders of 1772. More territory would have made Poland more powerful by giving her strategic depth. Poland was the top victim of the failure of Collective Security guaranteed by the League of Nations, which failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II when N**i Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939. Readers recall that the United Kingdom and France declared war against N**i Germany, but not against the Soviet Union.

As an important ally in the anti-Hi**er alliance, which was named the United Nations in the Atlantic Charter, Poland fought N**i Germany from September 1939 until May 1945. Poland had the fourth largest contingent of armed forces fighting N**i Germany. In first place was the Soviet Union after it was invaded by N**i Germany on June 22, 1941, followed by the United States and the British Empire. As a United Nations ally against N**i Germany, Poland had a stormy relationship with the Soviet Union, which of course invaded Poland as an ally of N**i Germany in September 1939 and put communists in charge of Poland's eastern provinces from September 1939 until June 1941 when the N**i Germany conquered this Polish territory occupied by the Soviet Union and put it under N**i German control.

When in 1943 N**i Germany announced to the world their discovery of the mass graves of Polish prisoners of war shot at Katyn Forest, Poland's relations with her Soviet ally became impossible. For several years, Poland’s Government in Exile in London persistently demand explanations from the Kremlin for information about 22,000 Polish prisoners of war captured in September 1939 by the Soviet Union. It was clear that these Polish prisoners of war were murdered by the Soviet Union at Katyn Forest in April 1940 and at several other killing fields in the western Soviet Union when Hi**er and Stalin were allies. In 1943, the Kremlin insisted that the Polish prisoners were killed by N**i Germany. The Polish Government-in-Exile refused to accept this lie and the Soviet Union broke diplomatic relations with their Polish ally. In 1990, the Russian Federation finally admitted that the 22,000 Polish prisoners of war were killed on Stalin's orders. The Nuremberg Tribunals accepted for political reasons Stalin's lie that N**i Germany was responsible for killing the 22,000 Polish prisoners of war. Agreeing to Stalin's Katyn lie was the price that the United States and the British Empire paid for Stalin's support to build a better post-war world through the United Nations Organization. This new collective security organization was stained with Polish blood.

At the recently opened Museum of the Victims of Communism at 900 15th Street, NW in Washington, DC there is a panel devoted to the Polish victory at the Battle of Warsaw that stopped the Red Army from carrying at bayonet point the Bolshevik Revolution to Germany and western Europe. It took 25 more years and yet another defeat of Germany in World War II for the Soviet Army to carry the communist system to the Elbe River.

Soon we will again commemorate the anniversary of the August 23, 1939, Hi**er-Stalin Pact, which was the political preparation for the invasions of Poland by N**i Germany and the Soviet Union in September 1939. This Pact, which divided eastern Europe between the totalitarian powers, surprised anti-Fascists who sympathized with the Soviet Union as the implacable ideological enemy of N**i Germany.

The HITLER-STALIN PACT showed that World War II in Europe was not, in fact, an anti-Fascist and anti-N**i crusade as it is presented to the public today. Instead, it was a three-way struggle in two phases. In the first phase, from September 1939 to June 22, 1941, Hi**er with Mussolini and Stalin were allies against the democracies: the British Empire, France, and Poland. In the second phase, Hi**er reneged, much to Stalin's surprise, on their alliance and invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. At this point, the British Empire, then standing alone against N**i Germany and Fascist Italy, sought an alliance with the Soviet Union to fight Hi**er's Germany. The necessity of an alliance of the democracies with the Soviet Union prejudiced the outcome of the war, especially for Poland. Our ancestral country became the victim of both totalitarian powers, N**i Germany, and the Soviet Union.


# LA 2028 Los Angeles będzie gospodarzem kolejnych igrzysk.

Już za kilka godzin w Mieście Aniołów wyląduje samolot, którym transportowana jest oficjalna flaga olimpijska. Otrzymała ją wczoraj w Paryżu burmistrz miasta aniołów Karen Bass, której towarzyszą kalifornijscy urzędnicy oraz dziennikarze. Podczas paryskiej uroczystości zamknięcia # # olimpiady, pokazano szereg elementów nawiązujących do Hollywood i Los Angeles.
Tekst i wideo: Małgorzata Margo Schulz

Polacy zdobyli w Paryżu 10 medali, w tym złoto w spinaczce sportowej wywalczyła Aleksandra Mirosław.
Amerykańscy zawodnicy wracają do domu z rekordową liczbą medali, bo aż 126, w tym 40 złotych.
Wczoraj późnym wieczorem podczas uroczystości zakończenia igrzysk w Paryżu zgaszono znicz, który po raz kolejny będzie zapalony za 4 lata, w Los Angeles.
Już za kilka godzin w Mieście Aniołów wyląduje samolot, którym transportowana jest oficjalna flaga olimpijska. Otrzymała ją wczoraj w Paryżu burmistrz miasta aniołów Karen Bass, której towarzyszą kalifornijscy urzędnicy oraz dziennikarze. Podczas paryskiej uroczystości zamknięcia # # olimpiady, pokazano szereg elementów nawiązujących do Hollywood i Los Angeles.
Piosenkarka H.E.R., zaśpiewała amerykański hymn, potem z Los Angeles transmitowano koncerty Billie Eillish i zespołu Red Hot Chili Peppers. W typowo kalifornijskiej scenerii, na scenie na plaży z widokiem na ocean, wystąpił także r***r Snoop Dog i Dr. Dre.
Natomiast znany między innymi z filmu „Mission Impossible,” aktor Tom Cruz wykonał uprzednio nagrany epicki popis kaskaderski, który rozpoczął na stadionie Stade de France a zakończył lądując ze spadochronem w Hollywood. Dalej flagę olimpijską nieśli byli i obecni olimpijczycy, biegnąć ulicami najbardziej popularnych dzielnic Los Angeles, jak Santa Monica, Hollywood i Venice Beach.
Los Angeles pełni obowiązki gospodarza trzydziestej czwartej olimpiady, co jest szansą na pokazanie światu rzeczywistości tego fascynującego miasta, ale też stawia wielkie wyzwania.
Podczas sobotniej konferencji prasowej w Paryżu, Karen Bass powiedziała, że miasto będzie potrzebowało trzy tysiące dodatkowych autobusów.
Zarząd Miejskich Autobusów zatwierdził 28 projektów, o łącznej sumie 20 miliardów dolarów, które mają na celu ulepszenie istniejącej infrastruktury oraz stworzenie nowych środków transportu publicznego.
Podczas igrzysk w 2028 roku Los Angeles, w którym prawie wszyscy są zmotoryzowani, ma być miastem bez samochodów. Wiąże się to ze zorganizowaniem sprawnego i wygodnego transportu dla olimpijczyków, widzów i pracowników, ale także dla mieszkańców Los Angeles, którzy będą zachęcani do udziału w igrzyskach i imprezach towarzyszących.
Podczas sobotniej konferencji prasowej w Paryżu burmistrz miasta Los Angeles powiedziała, że miasto będzie potrzebowało trzy tysiące dodatkowych autobusów.
Letnia olimpiada odbędzie się tutaj po raz trzeci, ostatnia miała miejsce w 1984 a na igrzyskach w 1932 roku złoty medal w biegu na 10,000 metrów, zdobył polski atleta Janusz Kusociński.

Paryż/wspinaczka - Aleksandra Mirosław - pierwsza polska złota medalistka - Dziennik Związkowy | Polish Daily News 08/07/2024

Paryż/wspinaczka - Aleksandra Mirosław - pierwsza polska złota medalistka - Dziennik Związkowy | Polish Daily News Złoty medal olimpijski we wspinaczce sportowej na czas to największy sukces 30-letniej Aleksandry Mirosław w karierze i pierwszy złoty medal Polski na igrzyskach w Paryżu. W stolicy Francji Mirosław poprawiła też dwa razy swój rekord świata, który obecnie wynosi on 6,06. W Paryżu już w ...


Today we commemorate Poles, who were killed by Germans in Wola massacre. Germans killed in the neighborhood of Warsaw, Wola 40,000 to 60,000 of civilians in the month of August 1944. They had no mercy for women, children and elderly, including pregnant women with crying babies in their arms. They shot Poles in mass executions in the city and burnt people alive in locked buildings and churches.

Photos from Institute of National Remembrance's post 08/06/2024


80 lat temu – 5 sierpnia 1944 roku – rozpoczęła się Rzeź Woli. W ciągu trzech dni Niemcy zamordowali od 30 do 60 tysięcy cywilów...

Tego dnia, w grupie 1200 rannych i personelu szpitala św. Łazarza, zamordowane zostały młodziutkie sanitariuszki Armii Krajowej i ich instruktorka.

Dziewczynki miały od 15 do 17 lat. Przed wojną chodziły do jednej szkoły. 😢

Dzięki Wam udało się w 2019 roku wyremontować ich groby. ❤️
Wspólnie przywróciliśmy o nich pamięć.

Janina Jamiołkowska "Sława" (lat 16)
Krysia Gadomska "Granit" (lat 17)
Irena Matysiak "Ita" (lat 17)

Alina Gralewska "Alma" (lat 16)
Zdzisława Kempska "Strumyk" (lat 16)
Leokadia Wysocka "Giewont" (lat 15)

Zofia Riedel "Ster" (lat 15)
Janina Sławińska "Szczyt" (lat 16)
Adriana Wodnicka "Grażyna” (lat 16)

Danuta Bobik "Wisła" (lat 16)
Emilia Czechowska "Teresa" (lat 29)

Cześć Ich Pamięci❗


: the Loth doctors

➡ First-rate surgeon Felicjan Loth had been a prison doctor in the Pawiak jail, German-occupied Warsaw, for forty months, saving countless lives and helping the resistance. Released 31 July 1944, one day before the uprising, he immediately got to work in one of the insurgent hospitals.

➡ In a wound-dressing station twenty-odd blocks away, his parents Edward and Jadwiga and sister Helena, all three doctors, treated hurt insurgents and civilians until 15 September, until a fatal bombing raid by German Luftwaffe that hurt the three Loth doctors beyong treatment.

➡ Three-fourths of the Loth doctors killed three-fourths into the Uprising. Felicjan survived.

Dr. Loth’s full story: https://www.facebook.com/ipngovplEng/posts/786731790157645
Photograph of Dr. Felicjan Loth courtesy of Muzeum Więzienia Pawiak - Museum of Pawiak Prison

Przedstawiciele prezydium Sejmowej Komisji Łączności z Polakami za Granicą z wizytą w siedzibie ZNP-PNA na zaproszenie KPA - Dziennik Związkowy | Polish Daily News 08/02/2024

Przedstawiciele prezydium Sejmowej Komisji Łączności z Polakami za Granicą z wizytą w siedzibie ZNP-PNA na zaproszenie KPA - Dziennik Związkowy | Polish Daily News W chicagowskiej siedzibie Związku Narodowego Polskiego (Polish National Alliance, PNA) odbyło się spotkanie przedstawicieli Polonii z deputowanymi z prezydium Sejmowej Komisji Łączności z Polakami za Granicą. Organizatorem wydarzenia był Kongres Polonii Amerykańskiej. Z wizytą do siedziby ...


Today, we commemorate all the brave men and women who stood up against the terror of the German occupation during the Warsaw Uprising, on August 1st, 1944.
On this day, 80 years ago at 5 pm local time, Poland’s Home Army (Armia Krajowa), started “The Warsaw Uprising”, which was a major operation by the Polish underground resistance to liberate Warsaw from German occupation. It was led by the Polish resistance Home Army. The uprising was timed to coincide with the retreat of the German forces from Poland ahead of the Soviet advance. The Uprising was fought for 63 days with little outside support. It was the single largest military effort taken by any European resistance movement during WWII.
It’s estimated that about 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed and about 6,000 badly wounded. In addition, between 150,000 to 200,000 Polish civilians died, mostly from mass executions.
On September 1, 1939, German armed forces led by Adolf Hi**er attacked the Second Polish Republic, and on September 17, 1939, Soviet forces led by Joseph Stalin attacked Poland. After the surrender of the Modlin Fortress on October 5, Poland, and all Eastern Europe, was partitioned according to the Secret Protocols of the Molotov– Ribbentrop Pact, which was signed on August 23, 1939.
Without a declaration of war, Adolf Hi**er issued the command to invade Poland with orders “to send to their deaths mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish origin and language.” In Poland, traditionally a tolerant country that was home to Europe’s largest Jewish population, German occupying forces established death camps, where millions were murdered, already then there was a death sentence for citizens of Poland.
Germans established a death sentence for helping Jews, despite this the citizens of Poland having the highest count of individuals, who were recognized by Yad Vashem as the Polish Righteous Among the Nations, for saving Jews from extermination during the World War II. Adolf Hi**er’s decision from, February 6th, 1944, that “Warsaw must be destroyed as soon as the opportunity arises,” is supported by photos and it was a planned and systematic demolition of Warsaw, that Germans conduced from September to October 1944.
Until today, Poland and Germany have not signed a treaty to end the Second World War. Therefore, the issue of reparations and compensation remains open and must be resolved.
The war losses caused by Germany are irreversible and have halved the Poles’ ability to generate the wealth and determined the fate of future generations of Poles.
There can be no doubt that Germany started the Second World War and committed both war crimes and crimes against humanity and caused massive material losses in Poland. The Olympics 2024 is taking place right now, Germans had no mercy for women, children and elderly, neither for the athletes. Janusz Kusociński Poland’s Gold Medalist at the Olympics in 1932 in Los Angeles, was killed in Palmiry on June 21, 1940 together with other noble society members and Olympians Feliks Żuber and Tomasz Stankiewicz.
In starting the Second World War, Germany breached the terms of Hague Convention, which states in Article 3:
“A belligerent party which violates the provisions of the said Regulations shall, if the case demands, be liable to pay compensation. It shall be responsible for all acts committed by persons forming part of its armed forces.”
Germany dissociated itself from German N**i crimes, its politicians asked the victims for forgiveness, but they have ignored the material side of reparations and refused to pay compensations to Poland.

By Małgorzata Margo Schulz
The Polish American Congress National Vice President for Media and Publicity

Photos from Polish American Congress's post 08/01/2024

Poland is claiming reparations for the damage and loss caused by the Germans during the Second World War, and the continuing negative effects of that damage in numerous areas that continue until today. The war losses caused by Germany are irreversible and have halved the Poles’ ability to generate the wealth and determined the fate of future generations of Poles.
The amount of reparations that Poland is claiming is six trillion two hundred twenty billion one hundred and nine million Polish zloty, to compare the losses suffered by Poland as result of German aggression and occupation is equivalent of about 125% of the entire European Union budget for the period of 2021-2027.
There can be no doubt that Germany started the Second World War and committed both war crimes and crimes against humanity and caused massive material losses in Poland.
In starting the Second World War, Germany breached the terms of Hague Convention, which states in Article 3:
“A belligerent party which violates the provisions of the said Regulations shall, if the case demands, be liable to pay compensation. It shall be responsible for all acts committed by persons forming part of its armed forces.”
Germany dissociated itself from German N**i crimes, its politicians asked the victims for forgiveness, but they have ignored the material side of reparations and refused to pay compensations to Poland.
The Polish American Congress supports Poland’s compensation for war damages inflicted by Germany’s invasion and occupation of the Republic of Poland during World War II from 1939-1945. This issue still poses one of the most serious challenges in Poland’s post-war history,



„This is Poland calling. This is Warsaw calling. This is Warsaw calling. Warsaw calling. Warsaw calling all the free nations” - tak brzmiała odezwa, którą słychać było na falach powstańczego radia Błyskawica w pierwszych dniach powstania.

80 lat temu, we wtorek 1 sierpnia 1944 roku, o godzinie 17:00 wybuchło Powstanie Warszawskie.
Fot. Ruiny Starego i Nowego Miasta w Warszawie, 1949 r. Źródło: Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe

Biden drops out of 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns. VP Harris gets his nod 07/22/2024

Biden drops out of 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns. VP Harris gets his nod Biden plans to serve out the remainder of his term in office, which ends at noon ET on Jan. 20, 2025.


Today, we honor the anniversary of the birth of Henryk Sławik, a remarkable hero who demonstrated extraordinary courage and compassion during one of history's darkest times. Born on July 16, 1894, in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland, Sławik's legacy is one of profound humanity and selfless bravery.

During World War II, Henryk Sławik, a Polish diplomat and social activist, found himself in Hungary after the German invasion of Poland. There, he played a crucial role in saving the lives of over 5,000 Polish Jews. As the head of the Citizen’s Committee for Help for Polish Refugees in Hungary, he issued false identity documents to Jewish refugees, disguising them as Catholic Poles. His efforts allowed many to evade capture and certain death at the hands of the N**is.

In collaboration with József Antall, a Hungarian official, Sławik established orphanages and schools for Jewish children, providing them with a semblance of normalcy and hope in those perilous times. Despite the constant threat to his own life, he remained steadfast in his mission to protect the innocent.

Tragically, Sławik was captured by the Gestapo in 1944. Even under torture, he refused to reveal the identities of those he had helped, a testament to his unwavering moral strength. He was executed in the German N**i Mauthausen concentration camp in August 1944.

Henryk Sławik’s sacrifice and heroism earned him the posthumous title of Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

As we commemorate Henryk Sławik’s birth today, we remember and celebrate his legacy of courage, compassion, and unwavering commitment to humanity. His life is a powerful reminder of the difference one person can make in the world.


Oświadczenie Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej w Sprawie Próby Zamachu na Byłego Prezydenta USA, Donalda Trumpa.


The Polish American Congress Statement on the Assassination Attempt of Former President Donald Trump.

Photos from Polish American Congress's post 07/14/2024

Butler, Pennsylvania - former president Donald Trump was shot. He was injured but got up and was rushed off stage by the secret service and is now in the hospital. One spectator is dead, another injured and the shooter is dead.

Timeline photos 07/11/2024

we remember all Poles killed in massacres in Wołyń (Volhynia) and Eastern Galicia (Rzeź Wołyńska). July 11, 1943, turned out to be the "Bloody Sunday" for inhabitants of 99 Polish villages. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists along with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army attacked at dawn when people were still asleep. The massacres were part of an ethnic cleansing operation carried out in N**i Germany-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) from March 1943 until the end of 1944. Dmytro Klyachkivsky, a senior UPA commander, ordered the liquidation of the entire male Polish population between 16 and 60 years of age. However, the majority of the victims were children, the elderly, and women. Ukrainian peasants, who supported the UPA, attacked their Polish neighbors with axes, saws, knives, and hammers. The massacres were ruthless. Tortures and body mutilations were common. Once massacres were carried out, all the goods were looted, the villages burned to the ground, and all signs of Polishness were destroyed. The exact number of Poles killed in Wołyń is unknown, but it is estimated at 50,000-60,000. Some historians argue, however, that a lot more Poles perished.

Read more:


2024 NATO Public Forum | Day 1, 10 July 2024 07/10/2024

NATO Public Forum is live now, you can watch it by clicking in the link below:

2024 NATO Public Forum | Day 1, 10 July 2024 The NATO Public Forum is a public event jointly organised by NATO and the Host Nation Government with civil society organisations, taking place during the Su...



Dwukrotna laureatka Nagrody Nobla jest też jedną z pierwszych kobiet, która uzyskała prawo jazdy (1916), także na samochody ciężarowe. Być może związane to było z jej działalnością na froncie Wielkiej Wojny, kiedy to zorganizowała specjalne samochody z aparaturą, tzw. „małe Curie”, by w warunkach polowych wykonywać zdjęcia rentgenowskie i w ten sposób ratować rannych żołnierzy. Jednak na co dzień, by dotrzeć na uczelnię lub do laboratorium, posługiwała się rowerem. W ten sposób małżonkowie udali się w podróż poślubną, co było niezwykłe w tamtych czasach, zwłaszcza że Maria, aby ułatwić sobie jazdę, znacznie skróciła swoją suknię, co niejako obrażało ówczesną moralność.

✒️ ******
Pierwsza kobieta, która otrzymała Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki, i jak dotąd jedyna, która otrzymała Nobla z dwóch różnych dziedzin (chemia). Jest pierwszą kobietą z tytułem profesorskim na paryskiej Sorbonie i pierwszą damą wśród członków Akademii Medycznej w Paryżu. Jest również pierwszą kobietą, której szczątki spoczęły w paryskim Panteonie. Sercem i myślami Polka. 4 lipca mija 90 lat od śmierci Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie.

Kiedy Maria Skłodowska-Curie opuszczała w 1891 r. Warszawę, by rozpocząć studia w Paryżu, nikt nie przypuszczał, że stanie się ona jednym z najwybitniejszych naukowców w całej historii. Jej wpływ zaznaczył się właściwie w każdej dziedzinie życia – przede wszystkim istotny był dla fizyki i chemii, których rozwój dzięki jej badaniom nabrał ogromnego rozmachu, ale także dla medycyny, energetyki, przemysłu czy też ogólnie pojętych nauk przyrodniczych.

Dziś, w miniaturach historycznych Polonijnej Agencji Informacyjnej przybliżamy Państwu tę niezwykłą postać.

Czytaj więcej http://pai.media.pl/pai_wiadomosci.php?id=34631

Photos from Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy - Redakcja Polska's post 07/07/2024

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, D.C. Independence Day wishese trurly reflect on the importance of the value of freedom that binds the United States of America and the Republic of Poland.

Happy Independence Day to our American friends! 🎆🇺🇸

On this day, we join you in celebrating the 248th anniversary of the United States' declaration of independence. As proud allies, we cherish the enduring bond between Poland and the United States, built on our shared commitment to the values of freedom, democracy, and security.

The alliance between our nations is more than just a strategic partnership; it reflects our mutual dedication to protecting these ideals for future generations. Together, we stand strong in promoting peace and stability around the world.

As we approach the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. next week, we reaffirm our solidarity within the NATO alliance, working side by side to ensure the security and prosperity of our nations.

Today, as you gather with family and friends to enjoy the festivities, remember that Poland stands with you in honoring the sacrifices made to secure liberty and justice for all.

Happy 4th of July! 🇵🇱🇺🇸


Happy 4th of July!


Polish American Congress at VI Worldwide Polonia Council Conference in Warsaw, Poland July 28th- June 2nd, 2023.
(VI Zjazd Poloni i Polakow z Zagranicy)
At the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, the Republic of Poland's First Lady, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, delivered a speech to the delegates of the VI Worldwide Polonia Council Conference (the Zjazd). The First Lady praised the President of the Polish American Congress, Frank J. Spula, for his leadership in raising funds to help Ukraine.
The final session of the VI Worldwide Polonia Council Conference took place on Sunday, July 2, 2023.
This important Polonia Conference is under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda. The conference took place in Warsaw and Pułtusk. The organizers are: the "Worldwide Polonia Council" and "Wspolnota Polska." Over 350 representatives of the Polish diaspora from 45 countries and 6 continents came to Poland for the four days' Zjazd. The first Polonia World Congress was held in 1929.
The 2023 Conference began on Thursday, June 29 at St. John's Cathedral in Warsaw, with a Holy Mass for the intention of the homeland. Wraths were laid on the graves of Primate Stefan Wyszyński, Primate Józef Glemp and Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Then the delegates were invited to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.
Also speaking at the Sejm were Jan Dziedziczak, Government Plenipotentiary for Polonia and Poles Abroad, Jarosław Narkewicz, Chairman of the Council of the Polish Diaspora of the World and Dariusz Bonisławski, President of “Wspolnota Polska."
In the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, a plenary session of the Polish Community Council of the World "Country - Emigration - Community of Values and Actions" took place, chaired by Minister Jan Dziedziczak, Government Plenipotentiary for Polonia and Poles Abroad.

A key event at the congress was the reception of delegates by the presidential couple in the Presidential Palace. President Andrzej Duda thanked the North American Polish community for their support in the accession of Poland to NATO. The "Mazowsze" national Polish folk-dance group sang at the reception.
Delegates from 44 countries had the opportunity to take photographs with the presidential couple, and their gracious hospitality went far beyond mere performance of duty. The presidential couple emphasized that the Polish diaspora should feel that it is a co-host, and not an outside petitioner.
Dariusz Bonisławski, president of the "Polish Community," presented Minister Jan Dziedziczak with a badge awarded by the Council of the Polish Diaspora of the World, chaired by Jarosław Narkiewicz, in appreciation of his continuing efforts to build an integrated Polish community and care for the Polish Diaspora.
Poland's Ambassador, Adam Kwiatkowski, received the Professor Andrzej Stelmachowski Award from the "Wspolnota Polska."
The convention ended with a Holy Mass in the Temple of Divine Providence.
Author of the text: Małgorzata Margo Schulz Polish American Congress National Vice President for Media and Publicity.
In the photo from the left: Chris Nowotarski President of the Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation, Małgorzata Margo Schulz the Polish American Congress National Vice President for Media and Publicity, Piotr Bonisławski ,President of the “Wspólnota Polska," Frank J. Spula the Polish American Congress President, Bożena Kamińska Polish American Congress National Vice President for Polish Affairs, Alicja Kuklińska a National Director of the Polish American Congress and National Secretary of the Polish National Alliance and Andrzej Kamiński, Esq. President of the Polish American Congress Down State New York Division.


Rocznica VI Światowego Zjazdu Polonii i Polaków z Zagranicy, w konteście przygotowań do szczytu NATO.
Małgorzata Margo Margo Schulz

W trakcie przygotowań do szczytu NATO, który odbędzie się w Waszyngtonie już za tydzień, warto wspomnieć, iż dokładnie rok temu członkowie Krajowej Rady Wykonawczej Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej, byli delegatami na VI Światowym Zjeździe Polonii i Polaków z Zagranicy w Warszawie. Prezydent Andrzej Duda, podczas spotkania z polonijnymi liderami w Pałacu Prezydenckim, podziękował Polonii północnoamerykańskiej za wsparcie w procesie przyjmowania Polski do NATO.

VI Światowy Zjazd Polonii i Polaków z Zagranicy, odbył się w Warszawie i trwał od 29 czerwca do 2 lipca 2023 roku.
Ta ważna polonijna konferencja objęta była patronatem honorowym Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy. Konferencja miała miejsce w Warszawie i Pułtusku, organizatorami są „Rada Polonii Świata” oraz Stowarzyszenie „Wspólnota Polska.” Na 4 dni do Polski przybyło ponad 350 przedstawicieli Polonii, z 45 krajów i 6 kontynentów. Pierwszy zjazd odbył się w 1929 roku.
Konferencja rozpoczęła w katedrze świętego Jana, mszą świętą w intencji ojczyzny. Złożono kwiaty na grobach Ks. Prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Ks. Prymasa Józefa Glempa i Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego. Po czym delegaci udali się do siedziby Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.

Natomiast w kancelarii prezesa Rady Ministrów miała miejsce sesja plenarna Rady Polonii Świata „Kraj - Emigracja – Wspólnota Wartości i Działań,” której przewodniczył minister Jan Dziedziczak, ówczesny Pełnomocnik Rządu do spraw Polonii i Polaków za Granią.

Ważnym punktem zjazdu było spotkanie z parą prezydencką, w pałacu prezydenckim. Prezydent Andrzej Duda, podziękował, Polonii północnoamerykańskiej za wsparcie w procesie przyjmowania Polski do NATO,” powiedział prezydent Andrzej Duda. Przyjęcie uświetnił występ Zespołu „Mazowsze.”
Pierwsza Dama Agata Kornhauser - Duda, wspomniała także zasługi Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej. Powitała Preza KPA Franka J. Spule i podziękowała mu za pomoc Ukrainie.
Delegaci z 44 krajów mieli możliwość fotografii z parą prezydencką, a okazana gościnność wychodziła daleko poza ramy, ustalonego protokołu. Para prezydencka, podkreślała, że Polonia ma czuć się tak, że nie jest petentem, ale także współgospodarzem.

Zjazd zakończył się mszą świętą w Świątyni Opatrzności Bożej.
Autor tekstu: Małgorzata Margo Schulz Kongres Polonii Amerykańskiej Krajowy Wiceprezes ds. Mediów i Promocji.
Na zdjęciu od lewej strony: Chris Nowotarski prezes Fundacji KPA, Małgorzata Margo Schulz Wiceprezes KPA ds. Mediów i Promocji, Piotr Bonisławski Prezes Stowarzyszenia „Wspólnota Polska,” Frank J. Spula Prezes KPA i PNA, Bożena Kamińska Wiceprezes KPA ds. Polskich, Alicja Kuklińska Dyrektor Krajowy KPA i Krajowy Sekretarz PNA oraz Andrzej Kamiński Prezes oddziału KPA w Nowym Jorku.

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