Green America

The Green Business Network is a Green America program.

Green America's Green Business Network™ is the first, largest, and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country. The Green Business Network™ is home to both rising social and eco enterprises and the most established green businesses around. We provide the tools, the information, and the consumer base to help you thrive in today's competitive green marketplace.


TOMORROW: Join us for a webinar on gardening! RSVP at the link below. We'll chat about managing pests in ways that protect the environment and the organic health of your garden.

Join us on Wednesday, January 18th @ 3PM (EST; 12PM PST) to learn about managing pests in the garden in eco-friendly, ecosystem-based ways:

Rafaela Crevoshay is back to tell us all about it, as we continue learning strategies for the Transformational Garden.

Everyone who registers will receive a recording of the webinar!


We're moving! 🔑

To the Green America page, that is! Going forward, we will no longer be updating this page.

Please follow Green America to stay up to date on the Green Business Network and everything else we're doing across the organization. 👋👋👋


Are you curious about composting but not sure where to get started? No fear, we're here to help! Join us on Wednesday, June 29th at 3 PM EST for our next webinar!

Tell Kroger to cut climate-polluting gases in its stores 06/17/2022

Tell Kroger to cut climate-polluting gases in its stores Major retailers are leaking out super pollutant greenhouse gases called HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) in their stores. HFCs have thousands of times the warming capacity of carbon dioxide and supermarkets are leaking millions of tons every year. Some major chains like Target, Aldi, and Whole Foods are ta...


“Get the job done now and pass ambitious climate legislation."

Over 1,000 businesses call on and Congress to invest in the economic well-being of the nation and the health of communities across the country:


The numbers and testaments don't like: LGBTQ inclusivity is good for business, not only during , but all 365 days of the year 🌈


You still have time to take action! Hold Wall Street accountable for its emissions. The deadline to 🖊️ is June 15th:


The SEC's new rule will enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors. That's great, but we want to urge the SEC to strengthen the rule by including human rights! Join our webcast TOMORROW where you can take action on the rule!

Syracuse Cultural Workers: Yes, We’re Becoming a Co-op! 06/08/2022

It's time to celebrate! 🥳

Longtime Green Business Network member Syracuse Cultural Workers is becoming a co-op and we could not be more excited for their future!

Find out what this means and why it's so exciting:

Syracuse Cultural Workers: Yes, We’re Becoming a Co-op! Syracuse Cultural Workers is a mainstay for social and environmental activists. Now? It's becoming a worker operated co-op!

How to Recognize and Avoid Greenwashing 06/07/2022

"Eco-friendly, green, sustainable… ever see a word so many times it starts to lose meaning?"

Our friends at Naturepedic have advice on how to avoid greenwashing - the deceptive marketing some companies use to seem more sustainable than they really are 😠

How to Recognize and Avoid Greenwashing Eco-friendly, green, sustainable... Here's how you can avoid falling for greenwashing.

Now’s the Time for a Retirement Plan that Reflects Your Mission 06/02/2022

Even in a turbulent market, TODAY is the day to commit to a sustainable and ethical retirement plan.

Whether you're an employer or employee, there's a lot to learn about 401(k)s with "green" morals and how you can get one yourself:

Now’s the Time for a Retirement Plan that Reflects Your Mission Today is the day to commit to setting up a socially responsible (SRI) retirement plan for your employees.

Member Story: MuLondon 06/01/2022

Happy !

Meet one of our most colorful LGBTQ-led members, Bo of MuLondon 🌈

With skincare that truly, well, cares, and a business that prioritizes kindness, compassion, and inclusion and isn't afraid to say it, MuLondon is one of a kind.

Member Story: MuLondon “I have always believed in the healing power of nature,” says MuLondon’s founder, Bo, on creating a line of clean skincare for everyone.

Why Your Small Business Should Have DEI Training 05/26/2022

No matter how big or small your business is, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) education and training is essential ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

Mike Houston of the shares insights and personal experiences with DEI programs:

Why Your Small Business Should Have DEI Training A conversation with Mike Houston of the Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op reveals the challenges and importance of committing to DEI training.


📝 Sign and send the petition to the U.S. Senate to support legislation that would address the climate crisis! 📝 HFCs have thousands of times the warming potential than CO2 and are polluting the air:


‼️ 1 MORE WEEK ‼️

Is your business helping the planet thrive? 🌎 Then nominate yourself for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's awards 🏆

Applications are open until May 3⃣1⃣

Apply here:

Tell Amazon shareholders and Board: Vote to hold Amazon accountable and expose global tax avoidance 05/23/2022

We deserve to know how one of the largest corporations in the world is avoiding paying its fair share in taxes. On May 25th, Amazon shareholders will vote on a motion to hold Amazon accountable by requiring it to disclose its revenues, profits, taxes, and more relating to actual operations in each of the countries where it books income.

Amazon tried to kill the motion, but the Securities and Exchange Commission has ruled it must be voted on – essentially giving all of us some voice in how this giant corporation operates.

Join us in holding Amazon accountable by signing the petition ⬇️

Tell Amazon shareholders and Board: Vote to hold Amazon accountable and expose global tax avoidance In 2018, Amazon paid $0 in federal income taxes to the United States of America on $11 billion in profits. It paid a tax rate of just 5% on nearly $80 billion in profits the last four years. The average American taxpayer pays a 13% federal income tax rate. Taxpayers and Amazon investors, customers,....

Welcome! You are invited to join Green America's Countering Climate Disinformation webcast. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webcast. 05/23/2022


Sign up to join our webinar on climate disinformation! 🤓

Welcome! You are invited to join Green America's Countering Climate Disinformation webcast. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webcast. When trying to fight the climate crisis, disinformation – from the fossil fuel industry, conspiracy theorists, or their partisan accomplices – pollutes the discourse and draws attention away from the actual action and solutions needed. Unfortunately, time is running out to act, and we’re now a...


The SEC is now accepting public comments on a rule that would enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures for investors, but Wall Street pushing back. So we need your voice to make it a reality! Take action with us:

Welcome! You are invited to join Green America's Countering Climate Disinformation webcast. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webcast. 05/18/2022

Join us for a new webinar next week!

Climate disinformation makes it harder for us to fight the climate crisis. It pollutes discourse and draws attention away from the actual solutions needed! In Countering Climate Disinformation, we will talk about how you can fight back:

Welcome! You are invited to join Green America's Countering Climate Disinformation webcast. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webcast. When trying to fight the climate crisis, disinformation – from the fossil fuel industry, conspiracy theorists, or their partisan accomplices – pollutes the discourse and draws attention away from the actual action and solutions needed. Unfortunately, time is running out to act, and we’re now a...

Buffalo suspect may be latest mass shooter motivated by ‘eco-fascism’ 05/17/2022

Eco-fascism is one of the drivers of racist terrorism, including the recent murder of Black people in Buffalo NY by a white supremacist. The belief that immigrants and people of color are driving environmental collapse is based in racism and xenophobia. It is corporate greed, lack of governmental regulation, and rampant consumerism by wealthier people that are the primary drivers of climate change, deforestation, air and water pollution, and the dramatic loss of species we are experiencing.

Buffalo suspect may be latest mass shooter motivated by ‘eco-fascism’ Buffalo suspect allegedly calls himself ‘eco-fascist’ and blames migration for harm to the environment in document posted online


Celebrate by shopping all of our amazing fair trade green business members! 🛍️☕️🍫

Coffee, chocolate, and more await:

What Is Fair Trade and Fair Labor? 05/14/2022

It's ! 🎉

But... what exactly IS fair trade and why are we celebrating it?

Don't worry, we've got you covered on all things labor, justice, and sustainability:

What Is Fair Trade and Fair Labor? Learn why fair trade and fair labor are important for the next time you buy chocolate, clothes, or any number of products.

RS Recommends: How to Find Eco-Friendly Bedding, to Help You Sleep a Little More Soundly 05/09/2022

Thanks for the shout-out, ! 👋

We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping - that's why picking comfy AND eco-friendly bedding is so important.

Check out some cozy options here that will put you right to sleep 😴

RS Recommends: How to Find Eco-Friendly Bedding, to Help You Sleep a Little More Soundly Bring an earth-conscious ethos to your bedroom with pillows, sheets and blankets made from natural, sustainable and recycled materials


🚨BREAKING: Fossil fuel executives are raking in record-high profits while heating the planet, forcing consumers to pay at the pump, AND denying oil workers fair and equitable workplaces.

That's why Greenpeace USA activists and oil workers are uniting on the water to demand fair wages and safe working conditions that allow us all to thrive.

Nearly 500 United Steelworkers with Local 5 at Chevron’s Richmond refinery in the San Francisco Bay Area have been on strike for over a month as they fight for a fair contract! And they have asked that Greenpeace support them in expanding their powerful picket lines onto the Bay.

Climate science and justice demand we phase out fossil fuels quickly, but that doesn’t mean we should cast aside oil workers in the process.

This picket line demonstrates that workers and climate activists are on the same side challenging fossil fuel executives. The only way we can break these companies' stranglehold on our wallets, our communities, and the planet is by standing together in the call for a livable future.

Green America Is Hiring 05/02/2022

Come work with us! We're looking for a self-starter, detail-oriented intern to learn about the nonprofit world through the Green Business Network 🤓

Green America Is Hiring Learn about opportunities to join the Green America team.


Support Safer Beauty for Everyone:

✅Ban the worst ingredients from beauty and personal care products
✅Disclose fragrance and flavor ingredients
✅Protect women of color & salon workers
✅Help companies get the supply chain information needed to make safer products

🗣️Urge your congressional representative to support the federal Safer Beauty Bill package NOW!


If you and your business are a Safer Choice Partner for environmental justice, nominate yourself for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's awards 🏆

Applications are open until May 3⃣1⃣

‼️ ‼️


Our longtime partner in sweets & sustainability Crofter's Organic is celebrating with a giveaway of eco-friendly prizes! 🎉☘️

The giveaway ends ‼️ TOMORROW ‼️

Enter today:


New report by The Strategic Organizing Center shows that Amazon continues its churn and burn model to be the leader in workplace injuries.


Sign to stand with workers:

Photos from Green America's post 04/22/2022

This year's Earth Day is all about investing in our 🌎

One way to do that? Proxy voting! Learn more below.

Join the FREE 2022 Food Revolution Summit 04/22/2022

If the world stopped relying on animal products, we’d free up 75% of the world’s agricultural land.

The 2022 Food Revolution Summit is delving into the best foods for health AND the environment. Have you signed up yet?

Join the FREE 2022 Food Revolution Summit Are you eating enough of the healthy foods your body needs? Get inspired to eat the healthiest food on the planet — and love it! Save your free spot in the 2022 Food Revolution Summit now!

How to Get Involved This Earth Day - EcoWatch 04/21/2022

Tomorrow's ! 🌎🌍🌏

Our friends EcoWatch wrote up a great guide on getting involved:

How to Get Involved This Earth Day - EcoWatch Earth Day is coming Friday, April 22, and this year’s theme is “Invest in Our Planet.” Regardless of how you choose to invest, there’s never been a more important time to celebrate this holiday. As humans run short on time to curb climate change and prevent catastrophic calamity, it’s impo...


Are social media firms transparent about their climate disinformation policies? Absolutely not, finds Friends of the Earth U.S., Avaaz, and Greenpeace USA in a new analysis.

The worst offenders? Twitter, Meta, and TikTok 😡

Read the full report:

Start a Climate Victory Garden and Cool the Planet 04/19/2022

Planting a garden has the power to change the world. All you need is a sunny windowsill to get started! Since anyone can do it... have you spread the good word to your friends and family yet? Gardening is always more fun together. 🌱

Start a Climate Victory Garden and Cool the Planet The Climate Crisis requires all of us to take action, do your part with a Climate Victory Garden.

4 Tips for Greening Your Home Office 04/18/2022

Working from home? Here are 4⃣ ideas your small business or WFH set-up can use to make your home office sustainable.

4 Tips for Greening Your Home Office Running your company from home has an impact on the planet and these tips can help you reduce those effects.

The future cost of climate inaction? $2 trillion a year, says the government 04/18/2022

"With time running out to head off the worst damage from climate change, the United States government is starting to quantify the cost of inaction – for taxpayers."

The future cost of climate inaction? $2 trillion a year, says the government The federal government has begun tallying the damage climate change could do to the economy and its budget. This comes as scientists warn time is running out to avoid catastrophic global warming.

Six Water-Saving Steps for Your Small Business 04/15/2022

As a green business leader, do your part! 🚰

Here are 6⃣ water-saving steps for your small business (and your home):

Six Water-Saving Steps for Your Small Business Low cost, quick, and easy ways for your small business to save water amidst summer droughts.

Women Farmworkers Shouldn’t Be Forced to Risk Their Health 04/15/2022

Farm work is one of the most dangerous jobs in the US, in part due to pesticide exposure, and women’s share of the farming workforce is increasing 👩‍🌾

We must protect them:

Women Farmworkers Shouldn’t Be Forced to Risk Their Health Farm work is one of the most dangerous jobs in the US, in part due to pesticide exposure

Holding Corporations Accountable To Their Black Lives Matter Pledges 04/14/2022

A flurry of high visibility pledges followed George Floyd's murder - promises by corporations to provide significant funding to support Black communities.

What is the status of these pledges? Where are funds going?

Find out now 💰

Holding Corporations Accountable To Their Black Lives Matter Pledges Many corporations released BLM pledges following the murder of George Floyd. How many of the pledges have been fulfilled?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Green America's Green Business Network™ is the largest and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country.

The Green Business Network™ is home to both rising social and eco enterprises and the most established green businesses around. We provide the tools, the information, and the consumer base to help you thrive in today's competitive green marketplace.

Videos (show all)

Happy Earth Day from Green America


1612 K Street NW, Ste 1000
Washington D.C., DC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm

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FreedomWorks FreedomWorks
Washington D.C.

Government Fails. Freedom Works.

Defenders of Wildlife Defenders of Wildlife
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Washington D.C., 20036

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GlobalGiving GlobalGiving
1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 800
Washington D.C., 20005

We’re GlobalGiving, a nonprofit building a better world with community-led solutions. 21+ years, $910M raised for good in 175+ countries.

Center for American Progress Center for American Progress
Washington D.C., 20005

The Center for American Progress is a progressive think tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and action.

Young CEOs Young CEOs
Washington D.C., 22201

Community | Education | Outreach

The Case Foundation The Case Foundation
1717 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Washington D.C., 20036

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network - ACS CAN American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network - ACS CAN
655 15th Street, NW, Suite 503
Washington D.C., 20005

We advocate for evidence-based public policies to reduce the cancer burden for everyone.

Gay Men's Chorus of Washington Gay Men's Chorus of Washington
1517 18th Street NW
Washington D.C., 20002 Phone: 202-293-1548

Catholic Information Center Catholic Information Center
1501 K Street NW, Suite 175
Washington D.C., 20005

The Catholic Information Center is committed to making the Catholic Church alive in the hearts and minds of those working in our nation's capital.

Atlas Corps Atlas Corps
1100 13th Street NW, Suite 800
Washington D.C., 20005

We’re bridging the gap between opportunity and talent by empowering emerging leaders around the world and supporting organizations for long-term impact.

Association of American Medical Colleges Association of American Medical Colleges
655 K Street NW
Washington D.C., 20001

Tomorrow's Doctors, Tomorrow's Cures®