Women's Health Consulting, IL, LLC

Board Certified OB-GYN & Aesthetic Services located in Chicago, IL & Glenview, IL


What Does Prenatal Care Cover?

Prenatal care is the health care you receive while you are pregnant. Getting good healthcare during pregnancy can help reduce complications and inform pregnant women about healthy choices for themselves and their growing babies. An important component of good prenatal care is choosing the care provider who is right for you. Most people go to see their care provider for the first time between 5 and 11 weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal care includes a physical exam, urine samples, weight checks, measurements of the fundus (the height of your uterus), and listening to the baby's heartbeat. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, your care provider may also recommend doing blood tests and ultrasounds. Prenatal visits should also include discussions about the health of the pregnant person, their plans for delivery, and any questions about their pregnancy. The further along in pregnancy you get, the more frequently you will see your healthcare provider. Most healthcare providers have you come once a month until you are 28 weeks pregnant, after that, you will see them every two weeks until you are 36 weeks. After 36 weeks you will see your healthcare provider once a week until the birth of your baby. Prenatal care is important for the health of parents and babies.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


What Happens at a Fertility Clinic?

Fertility clinics provide assistance and a variety of different services to individuals and couples dealing with reproductive health conditions or fertility issues. As such, what will happen at a fertility clinic ultimately depends on the specific services the fertility clinic is providing to you! Some of the services mostly Fertility Clinics offer are:
-Clomiphene Citrate Clomid or Femara (Letrozole) treatment for ovulation induction
-Egg donor services
-Genetic carrier screening
-In vitro fertilization (IVF), or gestational surrogacy
-Infertility testing, including the Episona s***m test and more

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Why should I see a gynecologist?
Your gynecologist is an essential part of your healthcare team, which is why it is so important that you find the best one available. Your gynecologist is your first-line of defense for some of the most important health issues faced by women. Your well woman exam will include screenings for breast cancer and cervical dysplasia, which can lead to cancer, as well as other medical issues. It is also a good opportunity for you to discuss any intimate concerns or reproductive questions you have with an experienced specialist. Our gynecology specialists can offer insight into contraception management and techniques, so you can choose the best method for you.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Why Does Menopause Occur?
Menopause is a natural process that occurs as the ovaries age and produce less reproductive hormones.

The body begins to undergo several changes in response to lower levels of:

- estrogen
- progesterone
- testosterone
- follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
- luteinizing hormone (LH)

One of the most notable changes is the loss of active ovarian follicles. Ovarian follicles are the structures that produce and release eggs from the o***y wall, allowing menstruation and fertility.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


What Conditions Do OB-GYNs Treat?
OB-GYNs evaluate and treat a wide variety of conditions. What you see them for may depend on your age, health, and reproductive goals.

You may see an OB-GYN about:
- abnormal bleeding
- pelvic pain
- ge***al itching
- urinary incontinence
- urinary tract or vaginal infections
- endometriosis
- breast disorders
- hormonal disorders
- infertility

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


What Is an Obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a doctor whose specialty lies in the care of pregnant women and the delivery of their babies. Our doctors know that every pregnancy is unique, and we strive to deliver a higher level of prenatal and postpartum care to mothers in our communities. We proudly offer prenatal counseling, birthing classes, and guidance that can help you make crucial decisions regarding your birth plan. Your OB/GYN will be present at the birth of your child, so it is crucial that you find a doctor with whom you can build a mutually respectful and trusting relationship. At our clinic, no question is too small and no concern you voice will go unheeded. We offer the necessary health services expectant mothers need to stay healthy and help their child develop normally in a compassionate clinic that is dedicated to the health and well-being of women. From prenatal nutrition plans to guided ultrasounds and elective genetic testing, everything you need to achieve a healthy pregnancy is offered at our practice.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


What Services Do Women’s Health Clinics Provide?

Here at Women's Health Consulting, our physicians are board-certified and are fully capable of providing common women's healthcare services and performing advanced procedures.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Prenatal Care

We specialize in prenatal care for women during their pregnancy. We provide physical exams, weight checks, delivery and much more.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Signs of PCOS
The main symptoms and signs of polycystic ovarian syndrome often include:
– Missing periods.
– Having irregular periods or very light periods.
– Ovaries that are enlarged or have many cysts.
– Excessive body hair (on the chest, back, and stomach).
– Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.
– Acne or oily skin.
– Infertility.
– Small pieces of excess skin found on the armpits or neck (also known as skin tags).
– Dark or thick skin patches often found on the armpits, back of the neck, and under the breasts.
– Thinning hair.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Menopause refers to the time in a woman's life when she stops having a menstrual period and is no longer fertile. The time leading up to menopause is called the menopausal transition, or perimenopause.
During perimenopause, a woman's ovaries start to produce less estrogen and progesterone. Changes in these hormones cause symptoms of menopause. Periods occur less often and eventually stop.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Prenatal care is the health care you receive while you are pregnant. Getting good healthcare during pregnancy can help reduce complications and inform pregnant women about healthy choices for themselves and their growing babies. An important component of good prenatal care is choosing the care provider who is right for you. Most people go to see their care provider for the first time between 5 and 11 weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal care includes a physical exam, urine samples, weight checks, measurements of the fundus (the height of your uterus), and listening to the baby's heartbeat. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, your care provider may also recommend doing blood tests and ultrasounds. Prenatal visits should also include discussions about the health of the pregnant person, their plans for delivery, and any questions about their pregnancy. The further along in pregnancy you get, the more frequently you will see your healthcare provider. Most healthcare providers have you come once a month until you are 28 weeks pregnant, after that you will see them every two weeks until you are 36 weeks. After 36 weeks you will see your healthcare provider once a week until the birth of your baby. Prenatal care is really important for the health of parents and babies.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Fertility clinics provide assistance and a variety of different services to individuals and couples dealing with reproductive health conditions or fertility issues. As such, what will happen at a fertility clinic ultimately depends on the specific services the fertility clinic is providing to you! Some of the services mostly Fertility Clinics offer are:
-Clomiphene Citrate Clomid or Femara (Letrozole) treatment for ovulation induction
Egg donor services
-Genetic carrier screening
-In vitro fertilization (IVF), or gestational surrogacy
-Infertility testing, including the Episona s***m test and more

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Menopause is the 'pause' of your me**es, to put it simply. Most women understand that when they stop having a regular menstrual cycle, they are considered menopausal. A patient is not formally diagnosed as menopausal until they cease having a period for 12 full months (1 year.) There is a large decline in hormone production (primarily estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) starting around age 40 and when it finally declines to a certain point, your hormone production is not enough to maintain a menstrual cycle and you are likely no longer fertile. This can be confusing for many because it's not as linear of a process as you might think.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Ultrasound imaging is one of the first steps a doctor will take in diagnosing an illness or internal injury, using high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the soft tissue inside the body. A small transducer (probe) transmits sound waves into the body and records the echoes that return from the sound waves.
Images can aid in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases and conditions. The majority of ultrasound examinations are performed using an ultrasound machine outside the body, but some involve placing a small device inside your body.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms, but some women with fibroids can have:
- Heavy bleeding (which can be heavy enough to cause anemia) or painful periods
- Feeling of fullness in the pelvic area (lower stomach area)
- Enlargement of the lower abdomen
- Frequent urination
- Pain during s*x
- Lower back pain
- Complications during pregnancy and labor, including a six-time greater risk of cesarean section
- Reproductive problems, such as infertility, which is very rare

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Menopause is when a female's menstrual cycle ends and is usually diagnosed when you have gone 12 full months without a menstrual period. Menopause usually occurs in your 40's or 50's, but the average age of women who go through menopause is 51.
Menopause is a natural process; however, the physical symptoms such as hot flashes, emotional symptoms which often disrupt your sleep, lower your energy and negatively affect your emotional health can be disruptive and cause issues.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


We're all taught about the importance of healthy habits, like healthy eating and exercise. But at a point in their lives, women have to learn about the importance of women's health too. It's really important and can even be vital, so for a woman, maintaining women's health is a major part of maintaining overall health.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


An ultrasound is used for many reasons, including to:

- View the uterus and ovaries during pregnancy and monitor the developing baby's health
- Diagnose gallbladder disease
- Evaluate blood flow
- Examine a breast lump
- Check your thyroid gland
- Detect ge***al and prostate problems
- Assess joint inflammation (synovitis)
- Evaluate metabolic bone disease

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


It is usually a good idea to see a gynecologist if you are dealing with irregular periods, as they could be a sign of an underlying condition such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), uncontrolled diabetes, or thyroid disorders. A gynecologist can also determine if any lifestyle habits or medications you are taking are contributing to irregular periods, such as stress, extreme weight gain or loss, hormonal contraceptives, or excessive exercise. In addition to isolating the cause of your irregular periods, a gynecologist can also prescribe medication changes, treat the underlying cause of your irregular period, and recommend certain lifestyle changes to help you develop a more dependable menstrual cycle.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


No one knows for sure what causes fibroids. Researchers think that more than one factor could play a role. These factors could be:
- Hormonal (affected by estrogen and progesterone levels)
- Genetic (runs in families)

Because no one knows for sure what causes fibroids, we also don't know what causes them to grow or shrink. We do know that they are under hormonal control both estrogen and progesterone. They grow rapidly during pregnancy, when hormone levels are high. They shrink when anti-hormone medication is used. They also stop growing or shrink once a woman reaches menopause.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Heart disease is the top cause of death among women in the United States. In the United States, one out of every four women Trusted Source dies from heart disease. Exercise is one of the most effective strategies to avoid heart disease and maintain your ticker in good shape. It is also good for your brain and bone health.
Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity at least four days each week. Aerobic, or cardio, activity is recommended. This includes: walking, jogging, dancing, and swimming.
Try new things to shake up your habits and keep your workouts interesting. Bring a friend along for accountability and support.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


We specialize in prenatal care for women during their pregnancy. We provide physical exams, weight checks, delivery and much more.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


Here at Women's Health Consulting, our physicians are board-certified and are fully capable of providing common women's healthcare services and performing advanced procedures.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


As we age, our muscles decrease in bulk and our metabolism slows down. These changes can contribute to weight gain around the time of menopause.

Other physical changes associated with menopause may include:

-Skin changes, such as dryness and loss of elasticity
-Vaginal dryness
-Hair growth (or loss)

These changes may affect a woman's body image and self-esteem and increase her risk of depression and s*xual difficulties. Taking steps to manage the symptoms of menopause can help.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


About 20 percent to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. Fibroids are most common in women in their 40s and early 50s. Not all women with fibroids have symptoms. Women who do have symptoms often find fibroids hard to live with. Some have pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. Fibroids also can put pressure on the bladder, causing frequent urination, or the re**um, causing re**al pressure. Should the fibroids get very large, they can cause the abdomen (stomach area) to enlarge, making a woman look pregnant.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


The best way to treat health and medical issues is with preventive care. Women who are healthy and aren't experiencing any reproductive health issues should get a preventive checkup once per year.
During this visit, your doctor may conduct evaluations, immunizations, or lab tests for certain diseases. Your age group generally helps your doctor determine which tests to order. Your doctor will also perform a pelvic exam. Depending on your age and health, your doctor may request additional tests or screenings.
In addition to your annual checkup, you should visit your OB-GYN when changes in your reproductive cycle occur. These changes may be routine, planned, or expected.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


How can a lack of prenatal care harm a baby?

The consequences of not receiving prenatal care can include a higher risk of infant mortality, higher risks of miscarriage and a lower birth weight than mothers who do receive maternal care from a physician or midwife.

A lack of prenatal care can also cause a great deal of discomfort and anxiety in patients due to a lack of information about what your body may be going through, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Staying informed about what is occurring will help you make the necessary lifestyle changes to ensure your own comfort and promote the health of your baby.

Contact Women's Health Consulting today! So, we can put you in touch with one of our expert OB/GYN.

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.


For couples hoping to become parents, difficulty conceiving a baby can be frustrating and unexpected. Many couples who struggle with infertility do end up having children, sometimes with medical help. An important early step is understanding the possible causes of infertility.

Infertility is generally defined as not being able to get pregnant after 1 year of unprotected s*x. Most experts recommend visiting a fertility specialist at this point. Because fertility in women is known to decline steadily with age, women who are 35 or older may consider seeking evaluation and treatment after 6 months of trying. Couples with infertility should consider making an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist doctor who specializes in managing infertility.

Couples with the following conditions, signs, or symptoms should not delay seeing their health care provider when they are trying to become pregnant:

For women:

-Irregular menstrual periods or no periods.
-Very painful periods.
-Pelvic inflammatory disease.
-A history of more than one miscarriage.

For men:

Suspected male factor infertility (e.g. history of testicular trauma, hernia surgery, chemotherapy, or infertility with another partner).

Women's Health Consulting - Call (312) 262-2976 to book an appointment or visit our website to get more info.

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Our Story

Founded in 1982, Women's Health Consulting, IL, LLC is an Obstetrics and Gynecology practice dedicated to caring for women throughout all stages of life. We provide the highest level of specialized medical and surgical care to meet your needs compassionately and confidentially. Our highly-trained medical and administrative team works together to ensure superior service in a convenient, supportive, and comfortable setting. Each patient is skillfully treated as an individual with respect and professionalism. We are committed to maintaining open communication and empowering our patients with the knowledge necessary to promote health and well-being. We welcome any questions or concerns you may have about our practice and encourage you to call us at (312) 263-5517 or visit us online at loopobgyn.com.

If you have signed up for our Patient Portal, you can access the login page here: https://loopobgyn.secure.force.com/portal/

If you have not signed up yet but would like to use the portal, please call us to request a registration link.

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