
Come for the science, stay for the humor. He has achieved a Master's degree in Applied Exercise Science with a Sports Nutrition emphasis.

Alex is a personal trainer and nutrition coach that can operate within multiple locations (including your home) in the Chicago area, but his nutrition and fitness services extend virtually to help those who are unable to meet in person. Additionally, he holds the title of a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association. He has roughly two dec

Affiliated Personal Trainer Application 06/19/2024

Referral opportunity! Chicago only!

As my schedule is nearing max capacity, I want to build up someone else’s schedule. If you’re in need of more clients and want the extra help, please apply below. I’m only looking for one person until I have successfully built up their business.

Current pay: $60-$96/session.

Who I am looking for, ideally:
- an independent contractor (required)
- AT MINIMUM, ACSM-CPT or NSCA-CPT + at least a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (kinesiology, exercise science, exercise physiology, etc)
- must train or be willing to travel within 5 miles of River North
- MUST have personal training insurance
- current client load is no greater than ~75% of where you want it to be (the more availability, the better)
- actively continuing education via courses, certifications, diplomas, schooling, conferences, clinics, etc

Brownie points:
- multiple client testimonials / positive reviews
- offer nutritional services + nutrition certification or licensure (CISSN, RD, CSSD, IOPN diploma, IOC diploma, Sports Nutrition Association certificate)
- hold one of the following titles/credentials: DPT, ACSM-EP / EP-C, NSCA-CSPS / CSCS / CPSS, aISCP (or higher), CSCCa-SCCC (or higher), EXOS-XPS, master’s degree or higher in a relevant field (kinesiology, exercise science, exercise physiology, dietetics, etc), N1 certificate, any other aforementioned title/credential

What I offer:
- an extension of your business promotion and client acquisition
- mentorship (if needed)
- access to other health professionals in my network (if needed)
- confidently, I could likely bring you about 1 new client each month until your schedule is full (I get about 1-3 serious inquiries a month with little-to-no effort, so this can be scaled upward)

- you get to continue to grow your own brand/business
- you get to train where you want
- you get to remain your own boss
- you get to set your own schedule
- you get to charge your own clients your own rates
- you get an expedited route to reaching your max clientele ceiling

Please reach out somehow with any questions or concerns.

Affiliated Personal Trainer Application Please click the link to complete this form.

May 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition 06/03/2024

May’s research roundup is live!

Topics of the month include:
- When To Consume Your For Performance
- The Ongoing Battle of Vs Continuous Activity For
- Training: The Current Evidence
- Various Types And Applicability of
- Heat Things Up For More ?
- Training: Does Training Status Matter?
- Is ?
- And : Hold Up The Hype Train?
- Vs Vs : Which Won For Synthesis?
- With Cold Hands And Feet?

May 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition In March’s Research Roundup, I recapped an extensive review article on caffeine. However, the time of day that is best for boosting performance is more of a novel topic, which explores how our…

Are High Protein Diets Bad For Your Kidneys? 05/21/2024

Continuing on with the conversation from my last post, the belief that high intakes can lead to a decline in and still lives on.

How much merit does this belief have? Or has the current body of evidence this ?

I discuss that here with a

Are High Protein Diets Bad For Your Kidneys? Number of Scientific Sources:

Whey Or No Whey: Which Way To Go? 05/13/2024

A new quick read for those on your lunch break looking to learn a little about protein supplements!

Whey Or No Whey: Which Way To Go? Number of Scientific Sources: 3

April 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition 04/29/2024

April's Roundup is available!

This month's research entails 11 different publications and topics, regarding health, , or :

1) How Long To Rest Between Sets For ?

2) No After Dark: Myth Or Merit?

3) Full Body For The Win?

4) : Misunderstood And Potentially Beneficial

5) As A And

6) : The Beneficial Body Enhancer

7) and Physical

8 ) Addressing : FAQs And Myths

9) Which Intensities Are Best For , , And ?

10) Is ?

11) Do Men Grow Easier Than Women?

April 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition Comprehension Level: Novice

4 Science-Backed Supplements That Could Actually Help Your Fitness Goals 04/05/2024

Another new read!

Which dietary are actually and potentially worth the investment toward your goals?

4 Science-Backed Supplements That Could Actually Help Your Fitness Goals Supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry. Although they are technically regulated by the FDA, they are very loosely-regulated at this time. This means that the products on the market can vary…

6 Surprisingly Nutritious Things Not On The Typical Grocery List 04/02/2024

Have you tried any of these in the list?

6 Surprisingly Nutritious Things Not On The Typical Grocery List Comprehension Level: Novice

March 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition 04/01/2024

March Roundup is ready for reading!

For those who don’t know, throughout each month, I keep my eyes peeled for the latest research publications on health, fitness, and nutrition. I hope to convert the into an easily-digestible summary to allow all who are interested to be able to understand.

Table of contents:
- For And ?
- During : Friend Or Foe?
- Why You Might Not Be
- Can Your Explain Differences In ?
- And : Are You Really At Risk?
- Addressing : FAQs And Myths
- Can You Choose Which Part Of A That You Want To Grow?
- As An Programming Assistant?
- Distribution: Thicc Thighs Save Lives?
- : But Without The Harms?

March 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition Self-massage, also known as self-myofascial release (SMR), is widely practiced in gym and rehab settings as part of a warm-up or physical therapy. SMR has been shown to alleviate pain/soreness and…

Fact-Checked: 10 Myths That The Fitness Industry (Probably) Told You 03/12/2024

New article published!

"Fact-Checked: 10 Myths That The Fitness Industry (Probably) Told You"

Table of myths:
1. “Everyone needs a comprehensive warm-up before they lift weights”
2. “Machines are for beginners, free weights are superior”
3. “Rounding your back is inherently dangerous”
4. “You need to fix your anterior pelvic tilt”
5. “The afterburn effect after exercise massively boosts metabolic rate”
6. “Building muscle massively boosts metabolic rate”
7. “You need to have 20–30 grams of protein right after your workout”
8. “You need to cut out diet soda if you want to lose weight”
9. “You cannot outwork a bad diet”
10. “Just eat less and move more”

Over 25 scientific sources referenced.

Fact-Checked: 10 Myths That The Fitness Industry (Probably) Told You Number of Scientific Sources: 28

February 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition 02/29/2024

Starting this month, I will be reviewing the most exciting and latest research publications from each respective month. The month of February brought us a few interesting articles. The topics I cover include:

- Lifting Weights for Heart Health and Cardiovascular Function

- Another Nail in the Coffin Against Training to Failure?

- Bypassing the Difficulties of Baking Soda as a Performance Enhancer

It is a short read this month. Feel free to follow me on Medium for future article updates!

February 2024 Research Roundup: Health, Fitness, & Nutrition Comprehension Level: Novice

Reversed Fitness Beliefs & Opinions: 2023 Edition 12/29/2023

New article to cap off 2023 and head into 2024!!!

I highlight previously held beliefs of mine and discuss why I don’t have those beliefs anymore. These misbeliefs are below:

1) Machines are for beginners
2) Full range of motion is better than partial reps
3) If you need straps, you shouldn’t be deadlifting that weight
4) Low dose training (low volume and low frequency) will be inadequate for gains beyond the short term
5) There is no point in training to failure
6) Lifting isn’t that good for improving cardiovascular health/ performance
7) Central nervous system (CNS) fatigue is greater with heavier lifting
8)Lumbar flexion (rounding of the low back) during exercise is inherently dangerous

Reversed Fitness Beliefs & Opinions: 2023 Edition Number of Scientific Sources:


I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving enjoyed their meals (and everyone who didn’t celebrate enjoyed their Thursday)!

There’s no reason to feel guilty about overindulging for a holiday, but in case you are, I have some Black Friday specials available:

- Personal Training Starter Package (4 Sessions): best for those who may not want a trainer, but may want help getting started in the gym so they’re more comfortable/confident with working out on their own.
- Customized DIY Starter Program (4 Weeks): a program is designed to satisfy your wants/needs/limitations that is meant for you to do on your own and can be re-cycled after 4 weeks.
- Strength & Conditioning Class Package (2 Classes): in West Loop, you can attend 2 small group classes for the cost of one.
- Nutritional Tune-Up: based on your age, s*x, physical activity level, goals, and preferences, your caloric and macronutrient recommendations are calculated for you so you have an idea about what to strive for on a daily basis.

Contact me here for more details:

These deals expire on 1/1/24 and cannot be reused by the same individual.

Fat Loss FAQs: From Genetics to Drugs and Everything in Between 03/31/2023

Fat loss FAQs for you!

50 scientific references made to briefly answer some common questions about losing body fat.

Fat Loss FAQs: From Genetics to Drugs and Everything in Between Number of Scientific Sources: 50


Summer bodies are made in the winter.

Take your Warm Up to the Next Level with PAP 02/17/2023

New article 🔊

8 scientific sources references. Short read. Dense material.

Learn how to elevate your workouts with post-activation potentiation (PAP)! 💪🏽

Take your Warm Up to the Next Level with PAP Number of Scientific Sources: 8

Squats, Quadriceps, & Inadequacies 01/03/2023

New article! 12 scientific sources, short, but challenging if you don't understand biomechanics.

Can you just squat for big quads? (You can, but you're neglecting one of the primary muscles of the quadriceps if that is all you choose to do).

Squats, Quadriceps, & Inadequacies Number of Scientific Sources: 12

@atperform | Linktree 12/28/2022

Two new services are now live!!! 🚨

Are you getting ready to get going on your fitness journey for 2023 or simply looking for a sense of direction because your current routine is stale? I’ve officially added Personalized 4 Week Starter Programs and Nutritional Tune-Ups to those who need a little guide to get started.

The link is here:

Personalized 4 Week Starter Program ‼️
Tell me your goals, preferences, limitations, and equipment accessibility, and I will create a 4 week workout program that you can do to get started. These programs will be designed to be recycled for as long as you can continue to benefit from them until you need something more!

Nutritional Tune-Up ‼️
I will estimate your total daily energy expenditure based on your body measurements, age, activity level, and s*x, then provide science-based nutritional recommendations for you to follow on your own, ultimately pointing you in the direction of your goals!

As always, if you feel that you would benefit from a coach to hold you accountable and continually make adjustments to your unpredictable fitness journey, my online and in-person services are available to those desiring the next level.

@atperform | Linktree Linktree. Make your link do more.

Fitness FAQ for Beginners: Weighed in by a Personal Trainer, Backed by Science 12/23/2022

Being a beginner can be hard. There are a lot of questions you might have. Luckily, I’ve addressed the top 30 FAQs in this article!

- How do I start?
- How often should I work out each week?
- How often should I do cardio?
- How often should I lift weights?
- Should I do cardio before, after, or on different days than I lift weights?
- Should I lift weights or do cardio for weight loss?
- I hate running and it hurts my joints. What are my other cardio options?
- When is the best time of day to work out?
- Do I need to warm up or stretch?
- How much weight should I use?
- How many sets and reps should I do?
- Should I lift weights fast or slow?
- How much rest should I take between sets?
- Are body weight exercises good enough?
- Which is better, heavy weights with low reps or light weights with high reps?
- How long should work outs last?
- Can I choose where I lose fat or “tone”?
- Can I still work out if I am sore?
- What can I do about soreness?
- What did I do wrong if I am not sore?
- Should I still work out if I am sick?
- What are some tips for me if I am self-conscious about working out?
- How can I stay motivated?
- How do I find time to work out regularly?
- How should I work out if I can only commit to a few days per week?
- If I don’t want to exercise on an empty stomach, what should I consume beforehand?
- What supplements should I take?
- When can I expect results?
- What is one piece of advice you think every beginner would benefit from?
- I feel like I have graduated from being a beginner but I have plateaued with progress. What should I do?

Fitness FAQ for Beginners: Weighed in by a Personal Trainer, Backed by Science Number of Scientific Sources: 22

5 of the Hottest Takes of 2022: Nutrition Edition (in no particular order) 12/16/2022

Number of Scientific Sources: 50

Comprehension Level: Intermediate

5 of the Hottest Takes of 2022: Nutrition Edition (in no particular order):

1. Ketosis does not enhance fat loss (this shouldn’t even be a hot take anymore but low carb ideology never dies).

2. Worried about high protein intakes and your kidneys? Have no fear, if you are healthy and active.

3. All processed foods aren’t inherently bad, some may be good, and some may be better than unprocessed alternatives.

4. For weight loss, intermittent fasting is glorified caloric restriction.

5. A perfect diet could still benefit from supplementation.

5 of the Hottest Takes of 2022: Nutrition Edition (in no particular order) Number of Scientific Sources: 50

What is the healthiest diet in existence? 11/29/2022

Which diet is the healthiest in existence?

With 37 scientific citations, I go over what science suggests is the healthiest way of eating, providing answers you may or may not want to hear.

What is the healthiest diet in existence? Number of Scientific Sources: 37

8 of the Hottest Takes of 2022: Fitness Edition (in no particular order) 11/22/2022

It's been a minute, but this page is about to get resurrected. Let's start with my hottest takes of 2022 (fitness edition).

15 minutes of reading.

36 scientific articles referenced.

8 of the hottest takes of 2022: fitness edition:

1) squats are insufficient leg builders
2) deadlifts are low priority for hypertrophy
3) two days of rest between training the same muscles again is an outdated concept
4) high training volumes can be a sign of not training hard enough
5) muscle damage is not necessary for muscle growth (and possibly bad)
6) as long as you train close to failure, tempo (fast vs slow) or load (heavy vs light) does not matter much for muscle growth
7) physical activity outside of the gym is more important for weight loss than your workouts
8 ) partial reps have a place in hypertrophy training but most people do them wrong

8 of the Hottest Takes of 2022: Fitness Edition (in no particular order) Number of Scientific Sources: 36


Your diet is only a fraction of what influences your health. It’s a decently-sized fraction, but it’s not the only factor nor is it the biggest factor.

Honing in on single nutrients like fructose or saturated fat is likely a waste of your efforts. Remember, diet is only a fraction of your health and single nutrients are only a fraction of your diet. Further, foods containing fructose and saturated fat can also have many other healthy nutrients.

Your diet is a kaleidoscope of nutrients. What happens to the nutrients from your diet can depend on things like genetics, pre-existing diseases, the presence (or absence) of a caloric surplus, and physical activity level. In other words, context matters (as always).

If you decide to shape your diet based on a potentially unhealthy nutrient in a food, you’ll have to exclude fruit because of fructose, most animal products because of saturated fat, leafy greens because of oxalates, whole grains because of phytates, etc. Eventually, you’ve excluded so much that you’ve officially achieved malnutrition.

Worry less about the small things.


Who is this man who hasn’t made a post on Instagram since ‘Nam?

The common idea that supplements are a necessity for physique goals has me returning from my extended vaca away from IG.

Being overweight or obese happens for a multitude of reasons that are controllable (i.e. physical activity), difficult to control or have little control over (i.e. occupation, socioeconomic status, mental health), and uncontrollable (i.e. genetics, disease). None of these factors involve taking supplements.

Instead, you should focus on factors within your control that contributed to your weight gain. The central component revolves around behavior change. Good questions to ask yourself include:
- “What can I do to get myself to be more active?”
- “How much food do I need to be eating each day?”
- “How can I manage my daily stressors?”
- “Are there really no laws when I’m drinking all these Claws?”
- “It’s almost 4 AM on a Monday night, is it a good idea to sacrifice my sleep to watch another episode of The Office?”
- “Who was the Scranton strangler?” (Irrelevant but equally important)

Supplements are meant to fill in a nutritional insufficiency. They can also be a performance enhancer. But they are not your primary, secondary, or tertiary concern if you want to improve your body.


This news is a bit dated (probably suitable for ) because I finished grad school about 4.5 months ago, I received this about 1 month ago, and then I forgot about it because I started school again immediately after grad school.

I’m officially a master of bicep curls with an emphasis on protein shakes 💪🏽


Is it true that your metabolism decreases as you lose more weight?

It is TRUE!

There are many reasons why your metabolism decreases as you lose weight. A simple reason is due to the fact weight loss results in a decrease in tissue mass. For example, less body fat = less metabolic activity, since body fat is metabolically active.

Other contributors that are less understood are adaptive thermogenesis (aka metabolic adaptation) and mitochondrial efficiency.

Of note, the magnitude in metabolic reductions will vary dramatically between individuals due to several factors (i.e. the severity of a caloric deficit and baseline body composition).

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Personal Trainer/Online Coach

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN)

BS Exercise Science

Videos (show all)

It be like that sometimes
Summer bodies are made in the winter.
Is it true that your metabolism decreases as you lose more weight?•••It is TRUE!•There are many reasons why your metabol...



Chicago, IL

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2001 S. State , Phenomenal Fitness Gym
Chicago, 60616


Get Fit with Bill Witte Get Fit with Bill Witte
820 N Orleans Street #100
Chicago, 60610

Be Strong. Be Healthy. Get Fit with Bill Witte.

D's Fitness D's Fitness
3727 N Broadway Street
Chicago, 60613

My Personal Training buisness! Independent contractor. Get fit, feel great!! I’m known as the “

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Chicago, 60618

Tri-Fitness specializes in personal training and sports performance. We work with you to improve quality of life and achieve your personal goals.

Sweat to Reset Sweat to Reset

At Sweat to Reset, our mission is to improve employee productivity through movement. STR is your accountability partner to help you move. We offer team building movement programs ...

Alia Bhatt Fans Alia Bhatt Fans
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Catie Smiley Pilates Catie Smiley Pilates
2144 W Roscoe Street Unit B
Chicago, 60618

This is a resource for anyone looking to exercise in a meaningful and body-positive way. Follow the Services tab at the top for opportunities for us to move together!