Sigma Chi Clarksville Alumni Chapter

The CAC meets quarterly as called. Planned Annual Events include ΣΧ Brother's Day, APSU Homecoming

The mission of all Sigma Chi Alumni Chapters is to engage the continued lifetime involvement of our Sigma Chi alumni brothers, endeavoring to keep all of us active, aware, and engaged in the lifetime pursuit of the ideals represented by the White Cross of Sigma Chi. Our bond is a lifetime bond, based on adhering to the Jordan Standard, the Sigma Chi Creed, the pursuit of Friendship, Justice, and L


$50 2024 Clarksville Sigma Chi Alumni dues now payable to Allan Thompson, Alumni Treasurer.


Reminder: Andy Hooper's Sounds Sig Summer Social is tonight. Game time is 6:35 and a fireworks show will take place afterwards. Reminder, for those who have not driven through Nashville in the last decade, give yourself plenty of leeway to get there on time. If for some reason you can't make it, please message me so we can give your tickets to others so they don't go to waste. Also, make sure you personally thank Andy Hooper for organizing this. It has taken hours of planning over several days to pull this off. Come thirsty, hungry, & ready to dust off those old war stories.


The Dues increase to $50 annually was a decision by the alumni officers based on the following: #1: The alumni chapter officers want enough in the bank account to continue the Sig Sounds Summer Social. Andy Hooper has graciously organized this event each year and has fronted the money which is several thousand dollars, before collecting individual payments. This is Andy's last year of putting his personal money as collateral and we decided we wanted to have the money in the account to continue this tradition he has started. #2: We would like money in the bank to continue homecoming activities, other social events, & Brother's Day without having to beg for donations or benefactors. #3: We explored alumni dues of other nearby Sigma Chi Chapters and no one was below $40 and several were between $75-100. We felt $50 was a reasonable amount. #4: Alumni dues have fluctuated between $20-$30 the last 25 years. #5 Our chapter is not getting younger and unfortunately we have brothers each year that enter Chapter Eternal. We would like to tangibly express our love and appreciation for that brother by sending our condolences. #6 We would like for our alumni chapter to have a presence and voice at Grand Chapter. We would like to fund a representative's expense to the Grand Chapter in Colorado in 2025. There are very few tangible items, subscriptions, or dues from other organizations that have remained at the approximately the same amount for the past 25 years. . $20-25 dollars does not go as far as it did 25 years ago and we felt $50 was a reasonable amount.


Inaugural Sig Break for lunch was successful with 11 alums showing up. Look for the next Sig Break for breakfast to be announced soon for June. Hope to see some more faces. Forgot to take a group photo, but thanks for coming Lance Joyner, Phil Daniel, Bob Heriges, Johnathan Glasgow, Scott Glasgow, James Moore Rob Silvers, Sam Weems, Allan Thompson, & Ethan Moore!

Photos from Sigma Chi Clarksville Alumni Chapter's post 04/29/2024
Photos from Sigma Chi Clarksville Alumni Chapter's post 04/29/2024

Wicked Good Sandwiches Lunch. High noon on Thursday, May 9th. Menu listed.


Good morning Brothers,
For over the past five years (not counting last summer due to Eta Xi’s 50th Anniversary weekend being so close to summer), Andy Hooper has fronted the cost of tickets for the Sounds Sig Summer Social. It has always been a tremendous success and Andy has had more demand that he has tickets for past events. When planning for this summer, Andy had a large number of brothers who were interested for the game this year on May 24th when he requested interest on our Facebook group pages. Given the fact that the event has always sold out well in advance and the number of people who expressed interest, Andy reserved the larger closed seating section which has the space ,food, and drink for 100 people and fronted the entire cost ($3000) of the event himself, yet after over a month since, he has only had payment for only 21 attendees. The Nashville Sounds need a head count by the end of April to prepare for the amount of drink and food that they will make available and naturally Andy is feeling anxious about being left responsible for the remaining amount.

I get it, we all have tentative schedules that make it difficult for us to commit to anything beyond hard work deadlines and family commitments. It feels it has been that way my entire life as a working adult with a family and I doubt it will ever change beyond possible retirement. Yet, when I made the financial commitment each year for the Sounds Sig Summer Social, I somehow I found a way to make it a priority, showed up, and had an awesome time. The one time I could not make the event due to a conflict, I donated the two tickets to someone else who wanted to go, but had missed the deadline. It sucked that I could not make it, but knowing someone else could use the tickets, made the cost worthwhile. If you expressed interest for this event, then buy a ticket or two. If you don’t know your exact schedule, buy a ticket or two. It is amazing how often you can make things work when you have made a financial commitment.

The Sounds Sig Summer Social has been by far the most successful and long running Clarksville Sigma Chi Alumni/Austin Peay Alumni event we have had outside of Austin Peay’s Homecoming. Each year, Andy voluntarily takes the initiative, collects possible dates, reserves a date and reserved section, individually corresponds and collects payment from individual brothers after putting down thousands of dollars of his own money as a down payment. I am making a plea from one brother to another, collectively, let’s not cause Andy further anxiety and possible personal financial loss by punishing him for taking the initiative by organizing an extremely popular alumni event. Andy needs approximately payment for 25 more tickets at $80 per ticket including taxes to break even. Please step up and contact Andy or you may contact me if you need Andy’s contact information.
In hoc,



The Eta Xi Chapter of Austin Pray will conduct initiation of new brothers Saturday morning, March 16th. Please message me for details if needed.

Josh Smith


For those wanting who have committed to the Sounds Sig Social: Don't wait too long to reserve your seats!


$5 Tix for AP game this Saturday. Have won 5 games in a row. I will be there if anyone wants to sit together and grab a bite afterwards. Message me.
Josh Smith


Sigma Chi International Fraternity, in partnership with the Sigma Chi London alumni chapter, is exploring the possibility of establishing an interest group that would make Sigma Chi one of the only intercontinental collegiate Greek-letter fraternities in the World. Keep an eye out for our emails and social media campaigns for these efforts.
Do you know of a brother planning to study abroad in London or a current student at Imperial College, King's College, London School of Economics or University College London who would be a good fit? Direct message us his contact information, tag him below or use our recruitment referral form below


Congratulations to Significant Sig Kliff Kingsbury, TEXAS TECH 2002, for being named the new Offensive Coordinator for the Washington Commanders!


February 5, 2024

Greetings Eta Xi Chapter ΣΧ Alumni Brothers and Actives:

What started out as an appeal to assist a couple of our active brothers, and ended in a lengthy discussion among several alumni on what is needed and how to process future requests, I am pleased to make the following announcement. First, let me say we were able to raise monies to assist our two active brothers and had funds left over. Upon review of our discussions, the main theme focused on the need for scholarships to enhance our chapter by offering our active brothers monetary assistance with their education, and to seek future leadership skills that are worthy to our brotherhood - based upon the Jordan Standard that we all hold true. It’s with great pride that I announce a new entity: THE CLARKSVILLE SIGMA CHI ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION INC. As of today, the Eta Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi located at Austin Peay State University has at its disposal a fully licensed 501-(c)-3 approved by Federal and State operational as a scholarship fund. This is a huge win-win for our local chapter. It is something we have discussed for years that has now become a reality. We are in the process of setting up our scholarships with the goal to offer eight of our active brother scholarships for the fall semester of 2024.

There is still a lot to be done, but I would like to introduce you to our officers and board of directors:

Sam Weems: President
(Open) Vice President
Scott Glasgow: Treasurer
David Sowell: Secretary (thank him for our By-Laws!)
Jeff Turner: Scholarship Board
Rob Silvers: Scholarship Board

I want to thank two brothers who have assisted us and who we will continue to call up for support and guidance: Victor Felts and Lance Joyner.

Our goal is to offer eight scholarships to any active, graduating senior brother who plans to work on his advanced degree through Austin Peay State University. The applying brothers must meet the scholarship criteria and be in good standing with the active chapter and University.

The present goal is to offer eight $1,250 scholarships starting the fall of 2024. We are currently working on the criteria for our scholarship and when finished I will happily report and post a copy outlining the criteria.

It is with great honor that I announce our memorial scholarships in the name of the flowing Eta Xi Chapter brothers who shaped our chapter, and who we loved dearly, and hold in high regard:

a) Dr. Peter Minetos
b) Larry Carl Sheppard
c) Gordon James Meyers
d) Danny Lee Murphy
e) Paul Anthony Ilg
f) Thomas Newell Cunningham
g) Kevin Marc Harris
h) Gabriel R. Segovia


As I said we have work to do, I am appealing to all alumni brothers if you desire to make a tax-free donation for 2024 to any one of these individual brothers, please contact us. Any monies received that are not specified to an individual scholarship fund will be dispersed among all eight as needed. Our operating bank account is with Legends Bank and donations can be mailed directly to:

P .O. BOX 69

or contact one of us directly and we will get it where it needs to go.

In conclusion, the success of this fund (CSCASF) depends directly upon our Eta Xi alumni. Our hope in establishing this scholarship fund is that you will endow those scholarships so that they are funded 100% well into the future. Hopefully with your generosity we can expand the dollar amounts and offer even more scholarship opportunities that will benefit future generations of Eta Xi brothers at Austin Peay State University.


Sam Weems, Eta Xi 1982

NOTE: This foundation is separate from the Clarksville Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter.


Congratulations to the Sigs of the Eta Pi chapter at the University of Central Florida who are celebrating their chapter's 50th anniversary today! Here’s to many more years of Sigma Chi on campus! In Hoc Signo Vinces 🤝


Our 2024 to 2025 Academic Scholarships application portal is now available! For more information on our scholarship opportunities and how you can apply for an award, visit


Eta Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity,
Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tenn.
Officers & Brothers:
Consul: Grayson Proctor
Pro-Consul: Coltyn Stansberry
Annotator: Dylan Eddins
Recruitment Chair: Luke Beckham
Magister: Andrew Corley
Kustos: Jackson Bryan
Risk Manager: Marshall Lusk
Quaestor: Bradley Raymond
House Manager: Dusty Malone

Photos from Sigma Chi Fraternity's post 01/23/2024

Today, the Sigma Chi International Fraternity honors the legacy and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. across the world.


Today, on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, we honor all men, women and Sigma Chi brothers who work in law enforcement. If you are a brother who is a first responder, please visit to receive a Sigma Chi First Responder Recognition Pin.


Sigma Chi Brother’s Day

In 1981, Sigma Chi created a new and unique tradition—an annual Fraternity wide celebration called Brother’s Day. Generally held the third weekend of February, Brother’s Day is intended to be a special celebration during which all Sigs, young and old, gather to honor our Founders, our heritage and our friendships with each other.

The scheduling of Brother’s Day in February reaffirms the international strength of the Sigma Chi brotherhood. It was in February 1855 at Miami University when the dramatic meeting of the Delta Kappa Epsilon officers and soon-to-be Sigma Chi Founders took place. Nearly 150 years later, more than 200,000 living members celebrate the brotherhood born on that day.

Brother’s Day celebrations can be ideal alumni chapter events—introducing brothers from different chapters, class years, and walks of life. New bonds can be created while old ones are renewed. Be sure when planning your alumni chapter calendar to set aside the third weekend of February for this special celebration.


ICYMI: Congratulations to Miller Moss, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 2025, on being named the Offensive MVP in the Directv Holiday Bowl leading USC Trojans to a 42-28 victory over No. 15 Louisville. Moss finished the game 23-33 pass attempts for 372 yards with six touchdown passes. This broke the Holiday Bowl record and tied both a USC and Pac-12 bowl game record for touchdown passes.


Sam Weems, Treasurer, Eta Xi Sigma Chi House Corporation:

December 23, 2023

Greetings to all my Eta Xi Sigma Chi Brothers!

I would like to take this opportunity to provide a recap of the House Corporation financial condition as we close out the year. Our overall financial health is in a good place as we head into the future. We must not rest; the house is built but it’s not paid for. Our emphasis and goal are clear and precise, which is to pay the mortgage off as soon as possible. Again, the board wishes to thank all the brothers who have stepped up to support the building of the house with one-time donations and those who have given to various special projects that helped improve the property over the past year. In addition, the board wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude to the brothers who have continually participated in the ACH monthly program over all these years. The current 48 brothers have made a huge contribution to our financial condition and stability. To all my brothers who have given their hard-earned funds, from the smallest amount to the biggest, we appreciate your commitment.

A. Planters Bank Account
This account houses all our ACH monthly giving, currently at $1,902.55 being contributed by 48 Brothers. In addition, any one-time donations contributed by alumni brothers are deposited into this account. The Planters Bank account holds the security deposits of $5,000 for our active brothers who rent, as well as the Active Chapters’ contingency fund of $3,000 held in reserve.

Current Balance as of December 5, 2023: $29,910
Funds held in Contingency: $25,000 (Fixed sum)
Projected fourth quarter funds available on December 31, 2023, to be applied to 244 Marion principal reduction: $4,910.00.

During the third quarter we were able to make a $14,500.00 principal reduction payment on our Mortgage. $10,000 one-time, $4,500 ACH third quarter ($1,500 per month)

Our goal for 2024 is to make Quarterly ACH payments of $5,600 (based on current giving levels) for $22,400.00 dollars to help retire our note. If more brothers come on board, we will adjust the number accordingly.

B. F&M Bank Account
This account houses all our operational funds and expenses. Our mortgage was $426,000.00 dollars. Our monthly payment is $2,384.99, and rate will adjust in four years. With our payments since house completion and our $14,500 principal reduction payment, our current mortgage is $399,599.00.

The current rent for the eight actives living in the house is based on two 5-month leases at $550 per month, with the Active chapter paying a monthly parlor fee of $500 dollars per month. During the summer months the active chapter pays the House Corporation a flat fee of $3,000 dollars for vacant rooms. The active chapter oversees securing renters for the summer months.

All utilities, internet, security, trash, taxes, and insurance are paid out of this account. One of the biggest benefits to happen for our organization’s operational account is the recent establishment of the Steven Tidwell Fund of Excellence Award for $100,000 administered through Austin Peay to guarantee that all future capital improvements, repairs, and major yearly operating expenses (taxes, insurance, security, trash, which are paid up on a yearly basis) incurred by Sigma Chi will be paid out of these funds. Once reimbursement occurs from Austin Peay the funds set aside for these expenses will be withdrawn from our operational account and used to pay down our mortgage note. This is a huge win-win for Sigma Chi. Thank you Brother Tidwell for this gift! Also, a shout out to Barry Kulback and Frank Pierce for their work with Austin Peay to get this established.

F&M Operational Account Balance December 5, 2023: $13,105.00
Major Monthly Expenses: Mortgage Note: $2,384.99
Utilities Monthly Average includes Internet: $1,000.00
General Miscellaneous Expense: $100.00 (Budgeted: Venmo expense)

Insurance: $3,800.00 (due September 2024)
Current Taxes City/County: $9,000 (under appeal due February 2024l)
Trash: $900.00 (due January 2024)
Security: $750.00 (due March 2024)

If taxes stay the same, The Tidwell Fund will reimburse the House Corporation’s operational account for $14,500 dollars this coming year. Those dollars will go for a principal reduction payment.

In closing, let me say it has been an honor to serve as the treasurer for the House Corporation over the past three years. It hasn't always been smooth sailing. I’ve grumbled, but looking at what the alumni have built and persevered with our Sigma Chi legacy at Austin Peay makes me proud to be part of the Eta Xi chapter. I appeal to all my brothers to get involved and help pay this house off in the next three years. I plead to all of you to sign up for ACH giving; it’s $50 bucks I never miss. Search within yourself and ask what was my Sigma Chi experience worth? Then make a yearly pledge and send it with a note “for house principal”. Please remember no amount is too small. We have guys who do ACH for $5 bucks, and those who mail me one time donation checks for $20, $25, $50. The whole point is to give and support your chapter.

I wish you all a joyous holiday, good health, and cheer.

Peace, Love, IHSV

Sam Weems Rho Bro ‘81
[email protected]

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Our Story

The mission of all Sigma Chi Alumni Chapters is to engage the continued lifetime involvement of our Sigma Chi alumni brothers, endeavoring to keep all of us active, aware, and engaged in the lifetime pursuit of the ideals represented by the White Cross of Sigma Chi. Our bond is a lifetime
bond, based on adhering to the Jordan Standard, the Sigma Chi Creed, the pursuit of Friendship, Justice, and Learning, and endeavoring to achieve our ideals as expressed in our Ritual.

As such, the primary operations goal of all Sigma Chi Alumni Chapters is to actively mentor and support our active brothers in our local chapters, as well as helping all of our active brothers throughout all of our chapters in North America.

Alumni brothers are encouraged to do everything we can to properly guide and mentor and help our young brothers in their lifetime pursuit of our ideals as expressed in our Ritual, as well as to ensure that our active brothers know that the strong arms of Sigma Chi brotherhood are there to assist
them to get a strong start in life through their college experience and then as they begin and further their careers.

The reciprocal bond of Sigma Chi brotherhood encourages alumni brothers to do their best to help our younger brothers grow in Sigma Chi, starting with their college experience and continuing throughout their lifetimes.

Videos (show all)

Video update of Sig House
Sigma Chi Groundbreaking


P. O. Box 69
Clarksville, TN

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