Greater St.Samaritan AME Church

Come as you are to learn about and experience the love of God!!




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Loved “Good morning!❤️🙏

How to Take Your Life Back

"…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV).

Do you ever feel like things in your life are out of control? Usually that happens when we allow our circumstances to dictate our thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “Well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “This relationship is just too far gone.” But today is the day to take your life back! We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power, but it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God.
Take your life back by taking your thoughts back. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth make you free.
Today, as you take captive every thought and boldly declare His promises over your life, you are setting yourself up for victory. You are positioning yourself to receive every spiritual blessing, and you are taking your life back!

Father, thank You for empowering me to live in victory today. I choose to take my life back by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. Help me live a life that is pleasing to You, Jesus, today and every day in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have a blessed day!❤️”


Good Sunday Morning! ❤️

God Will Back You Up!

‘Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’
Matthew 18:18 NIV
God told Joshua, ‘Stretch out the spear that is in your hand toward Ai, for I will give it into your hand’ (Joshua 8:18 NKJV).

It’s amazing how courageous you feel when God is backing you up. When you know He is on your side, you can say, ‘No weapon that is formed against me will prevail’ (see Isaiah 54:17).

But overconfidence is self-confidence that’s not based on God-confidence. Our problem is, we plan, say, and do things without first checking to find out if God is behind us. Do you remember what the evil spirit said to those trying to mimic Paul’s ministry when they weren’t empowered by God’s Spirit? ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?’ (Acts 19:15 NKJV). When you’re under attack, you need to know that 1) you’re in right standing with God (see 2 Corinthians 5:19), 2) it’s God’s fight as well as yours (see 2 Chronicles 20:15), and 3) ‘whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven’ (Matthew 18:18 NIV). There must be agreement in both realms. If it’s not approved where God is, it shouldn’t be approved where you are.

Your confidence comes from knowing you’re operating in His will. The Bible calls us ‘labourers together with God’ (1 Corinthians 3:9 KJV), so you can’t go off and do your own thing. Don’t try moving any mountain the Lord doesn’t want moved or raising anybody from the dead except the Lazarus He calls forth. We do on earth only what He has declared to be His will in heaven. And He backs us up! Amen!

Have a blessed day!❤️


Good Morning!💕

Prospering in Everything

"They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper."
Psalm 1:3, NRSV

Large trees represent power, majesty and stability. Have you ever noticed the difference between a tree planted by the water and a tree far away from water? The tree next to the water is much more healthy and vibrant. Its fruit and blossoms are more beautiful.

In the Bible, the Word of God is compared to water. When you are “planted” in the Word of God, your spirit is fed, and you grow strong just like the tree planted by the water. Trees planted by the water will yield fruit at the right season and will not lose strength. Today’s verse tells us that those who love and obey the Lord will prosper in whatever they do.

Do you want to prosper in your relationships? Seek God’s Word regarding relationships. Do you want to prosper in your health? Seek God’s Word about healing. Do you want to prosper in your finances? Seek God’s Word regarding finances. As you seek God and His Word and follow His commands, you will grow strong and prosper in everything you do!

God, thank You for refreshing me with Your Word which is truth that sets me free. I choose to seek You first, I choose to trust Your Word and follow Your leading so I can be planted and strong in You in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Have Blessed Day!💕


Good Afternoon!☀️
Happy Wednesday!💕

Don't Let Fear Stop You

Today's Scripture:
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
(2 Timothy 1:7, NLT).

Today's Word:
God’s desire is that we continually progress, that we reach higher heights and go to new levels. Oftentimes, as soon as we make the decision to step out in faith and obey God, the enemy brings in fear to try to stop us. He’ll bring thoughts like, “What if you fail? What are other people going to think? You don’t have what it takes.” He’ll do his best to use fear to try to convince us to shrink back and stay where we are.
The Bible says that fear is a spirit. It plays on our emotions and holds us back. But the best part is that we have power over fear! The Bible says that perfect love casts out all fear. When we receive God’s perfect love, we will have confidence about the future because we know His plans are for our good. I’ve heard it said that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Understand that fear is a lie. Today, choose to believe God’s Word and receive His love so that you can overcome fear and move forward into the good life He has prepared for you!

Prayer for Today:
Father, thank You for taking me to new levels. I know You have equipped me with a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Thank You for Your confidence as I renounce fear and press forward in victory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a blessed day!❤️


Good morning!

In All Things, Give God The Praise! Psalm 13:6

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God. Have you ever been taken by surprise? You thought you knew everything about a person, place, or thing. Have you ever prejudged someone based on someone’s opinion about them? You never knew the person but every time you saw them, the opinions of others caused you to pass judgment. Have you ever been misunderstood? Your name and character was criticized. Has your heart ever been broken by lies and rumors? Have you ever had friends betray you? Have you ever been back-stabbed by someone you trusted? Can you relate to any of these questions? Do you know someone who can?

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you. After all the hurt you have experienced in life, God has remained faithful toward you. During your time of testing and enduring, God sustained you to the end. You were left for dead. You were left to raise your children alone. There have been times of difficulty. Through it all, God has been there. My friend, In All Things, Give God The Praise! While you think your situation is irreversible, in all honesty, it could be worse. If the enemy could have had his way, he would have loved to destroy you. The Bible declares in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. The scripture does not require you to give thanks for everything, but in everything. When you praise God in everything, you are acknowledging He is in control of all things.

My brother, my sister, what are you faced with today? What circumstance are you asking God to remove from you? After you prayed about it, did you offer praise unto God? In All Things, Give God The Praise! The Bible declares in Hebrews 13:15 - By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Your ability to praise God in spite of your situation, will always encourage you to hold on. God has not forgotten you. He is ever present in your life. When problems arise on your job, in your home, in your classroom, on the battlefield, at the church, or in your relationship, do not become consumed with worry and anger, but In All Things, Give God The Praise! The Bible declares in Psalms 34:1 - I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Thought To Remember: When things seem unbearable, learn how to offer the sacrifice of praise.

May God Bless you at Your point of need! Have a blessed day!❤️


Good Morning! Happy Monday!

Keep Trusting God - Job 23:10

There will always be situations in life where we will be required to trust God no matter what happens or whether we understand everything. This is why we often find ourselves saying to God,”What is going on in my life? What are You doing? What is happening? I don’t understand.” Sometimes the things happening in us seems to be taking us in the exact opposite direction of what we feel God has previously revealed to us.

This is when many people give up and go back to something that will be quicker and easier for them. If you are in a place right now where nothing in your life makes any sense, keep trusting God. He is close to you. He hasn’t abandoned you. He is going to see you through.
There is no such thing as trusting God without unanswered questions. As long as God is training us to trust, there are always going to be things in our life we just don’t understand. When heaven is silent, continue doing the things you have learned and know to do, and keep trusting Him. God will make all the pieces in your life work together for His purpose.

Have a blessed day! Many MIRACLES and BLESSINGS❤️


Good Afternoon! Let’s Pray!

Father God, we thank you for life today. Lord we thank you for the privilege of prayer. Lord i pray that our hearts are in alignment with yours. Help us to use prayer as our primary tool to face all situations. Lord we thank you for prayer and how it strengthens us and encourages us. Lord i pray that the atmosphere is set today for us to thrive and be at our best in all we do. Lord i pray that we realize how potent a good prayer life is. The power that prayer holds is far more than we can ever fathom. Help us to talk to you more each day.(1st John 5:14 states) He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. Amen!
Be Encouraged!



Sunday Morning Worship Service -
We're looking forward to worshipping with the saints in-person at St. Samaritan at 10:30. Here's the call-in information:

Dial-in Number: (720)740-9859
Access: 3820777 #


Good morning!

The Voice of Faith

And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak.
(2 Corinthians 4:13, NKJV)

Every believer has been given a measure of faith. In order to see the promises of God come to pass in your life, you have to give expression to that faith through the words that you speak. That’s why the Scripture tells us, “Let the weak say, ‘I am strong’”—not the opposite, “I am so tired. I am so rundown.” That’s calling in the wrong things. Let the poor say, “I am well off”—not, “I am so in debt.” When you give your faith a voice, when you start speaking the promises of God, the Bible says that He watches over His Word to bring it to pass in your life. The key is that we can’t allow words of defeat or negativity to come out of our mouths. Don’t dig up your seed by speaking against His Word. Instead, water your seed by continuing to declare the Word of God. As you give your faith a voice, you will see God’s promises come to pass.

Father in heaven, I humbly come before You giving You my thoughts, my actions and my words. Help me to activate my faith by speaking Your Word daily. May my words and thoughts be pleasing to You always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Have a blessed day!❤️


God is that You?
Matt 14:22-33
Sunday Morning Worship


Do You Love Like God? 2/14/21
John 13:34
Sunday Morning Worship


Founder's Day Celebration 2021


S.O.S. -- The Strength of Suffering
2 Cor 12:6-10
Sunday Worship 2/7/21


Preparation for Destination 1/31/21
Sunday Morning Worship
Genesis 39:1-6
Genesis 41:38-41


Preparation for Destination 1/31/21
Sunday Morning Worship
Genesis 39:1-6
Genesis 41:38-41


If you have struggled to trust God, this sermon is for you


If you have struggled with trusting God, this message is for you.


Calling all Youth and Parents!! This event is 🔥🔥🔥!!! Please watch and share!!!


Sunday Morning Worship 1/17/21 - The Strength of your Testimony
Rev. 12:11


Don’t forget Bible Study tonight is on Conference Call at 6pm CDT
Access code
3181845 #


God’s Bigger Purpose for Your Pain
Gen 50:15-20
Sunday Morning Worship


Tonight's Bible Study will be on Conference Call
3181845 #


Sunday Morning Worship 1/3/20
Your M.A.P. to a Successful 2021
John 20:21


It all has meaning
Rom 8:28
Sunday Morning Worship 12/27/20


Wednesday Night Bible Study


Hope In Suffering
Matt 1:18-25


Wednesday Night Bible Study


We invite you to join the Northeast MS District Hour of Prayer on Dec 20, 2020


Your Perspective of Suffering
Matt 16:24-26
Sunday Morning Worship


Hey Family!!
My internet is acting up!! Neither Zoom not FB is letting me be great to do the Lives. Give me a few minutes to get this together. Sorry for the inconvenience.


The Product of the Pain
Sunday Morning Worship


Welcome to Wednesday Night Bible Study! 😀 We are going to start studying the book of Philippians! So glad you are here to join us!!!


The Fight to Love
Romans 13:8-14


I am thankful for each one of you for who you are to me and who you are in the world!!! I am grateful for your prayers and presence.

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Videos (show all)

Do You Love Like God? 2/14/21John 13:34Sunday Morning Worship
S.O.S. -- The Strength of Suffering2 Cor 12:6-10Sunday Worship 2/7/21
God’s Bigger Purpose for Your PainGen 50:15-20Sunday Morning Worship1/10/21
Wednesday Night Bible Study Philippians 2
Hope In SufferingMatt 1:18-25
Wednesday Night Bible Study 12/9/20
Wednesday Night Bible Study 12/2/20   Philippians
The Cross You BearLuke 9:23-25Sunday Morning Worship
Are you Vulnerable for Attack?Matt 3:16 - 4:17Sunday Morning Worship10/25/20




13536 Arkabutla Road
Coldwater, MS

Opening Hours

9am - 1pm

Other Coldwater places of worship (show all)
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465 Central Avenue, PO Box 347
Coldwater, 38618

We are a church on mission and engaged in ministry, making a real difference in our world for Jesus Christ.

Mustard Seed Ministries Mustard Seed Ministries
1017 Wakefield Road
Coldwater, 38618

we are a nondenominational Full Gospel church seeking to reach our community with the love of Jesus Christ.

New Independence M. B. Church New Independence M. B. Church
1530 Highway 306

Dr. Roney Strong Sr. - Pastor

Grace Bible Church Coldwater Grace Bible Church Coldwater
2045 Highway 306
Coldwater, 38618

Coldwater Church of Christ Coldwater Church of Christ
2008 Highway 306
Coldwater, 38618

A congregation of the Lord's people, seeking to model ourselves by the Scriptures.

Greenleaf United Methodist Church Greenleaf United Methodist Church
Coldwater, 38618

Greenleaf United Methodist Church. Come as you are, we can't wait to welcome you.

Mt. Zion Baptist Church Mt. Zion Baptist Church
9290 Highway 306
Coldwater, 38618

Mt. Zion Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.

Coldwater Youth Coldwater Youth
465 Central Avenue
Coldwater, 38618

We're here to help youth Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make A Difference.

1290 New Hope Road
Coldwater, 38618

New Hope Baptist is a family of Believers in Christ who loves Jesus, one another and our communityďż˝

Bethel Baptist Church, Coldwater, MS Bethel Baptist Church, Coldwater, MS
2206 Bethel Road
Coldwater, 38618

Sunday Worship Services 9am contemporary and 11am traditional Sunday School 10am