The Buckeye Institute

Founded in 1989, The Buckeye Institute is an independent research and educational institution.

Founded in 1989, The Buckeye Institute is an independent research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to advance free-market public policy in the states.

The Buckeye Institute Urges SCOTUS to Protect Americans' Access to Our Legal System 08/13/2024

Buckeye joins an amicus brief in Lackey v. Stinnie to protect access to our legal system for all Americans.

“Congress intended the awarding of attorneys’ fees to create incentives for lawyers to represent clients in cases vindicating important constitutional and statutory rights. And the government should not be allowed to evade paying attorneys’ fees by abandoning its claims after a plaintiff wins a preliminary injunction.”

The Buckeye Institute Urges SCOTUS to Protect Americans' Access to Our Legal System The Buckeye Institute signed onto an amicus brief in Lackey v. Stinnie, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to protect access to our legal system for all Americans. "Congress intended the awarding of attorneys' fees to create incentives for lawyers to represent clients in cases vindicating importan...

WHERE TO SEE — She Rises Up 08/08/2024

Buckeye may work on domestic policy issues, but we know that free-market policies work around the globe and a new film, , reveals the role entrepreneurs and small businesses play in reducing poverty.

introduces us to women from Sri Lanka, Peru, and Senegal who are fighting to build businesses that create job opportunities while also contributing to the reduction of poverty in their communities.

Get your tickets for the 8/23 Columbus screening.

WHERE TO SEE — She Rises Up Interested in bringing She Rises Up to your campus, classroom, or community? Let’s connect. BRING THE FILM TO YOUR AREA Please sign up! If we get 500+ sign-ups from your region, the chances are excellent that we can bring this film to a local theater near you. UPCOMING SCREENINGS AUG 2 - 8 | LO...

Hospital Construction and Amenities Raise Healthcare Prices 08/01/2024

“Given rampant inflation and rising healthcare expenses, it is not surprising that most American families find it hard to pay their medical bills.”

Buckeye’s Rea Hederman offers recommendations to keep healthcare affordable and accessible.

Hospital Construction and Amenities Raise Healthcare Prices As with groceries and gasoline, the sticker shock that consumers experience at hospitals and the doctor's office is real. Given rampant inflation and rising healthcare expenses, it is not surprising that most American families find it hard to pay their medical bills. To keep healthcare affordable...

In Columbus Gun Case, The Buckeye Institute Calls on Ohio Supreme Court to Uphold Ohio Law 08/01/2024

Buckeye filed its brief with the Ohio Supreme Court in Doe v. Columbus, calling on the court to reject attempts to have the court invent a new rule—inconsistent with Ohio law—that would effectively elevate the government above its citizens.

Learn more about the case at:

In Columbus Gun Case, The Buckeye Institute Calls on Ohio Supreme Court to Uphold Ohio Law The Buckeye Institute filed its brief with the Ohio Supreme Court in Doe v. Columbus, calling on the court to reject attempts by the city of Columbus and the state of Ohio to have the court invent a new rule--inconsistent with Ohio law--that would "allow the government to always immediately appe...

The Buckeye Institute Calls on SCOTUS to Reaffirm Nearly 150 Years of Court Precedent in Property Rights Case 07/31/2024

“Reliance on unwavering and enforceable property boundaries is a cornerstone of western civilization.” Buckeye files an amicus brief in Fiehler v. Mecklenburg, a Center for Individual Rights case.

Learn more about the case at

The Buckeye Institute Calls on SCOTUS to Reaffirm Nearly 150 Years of Court Precedent in Property Rights Case The Buckeye Institute filed an amicus brief in Fiehler v. Mecklenburg, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and tell the Alaska Supreme Court that the states have no authority to redraw federally established property boundaries. In its brief, The Buckeye Institute argues that the "[...

The Buckeye Institute Appeals Cincinnati Union Wage Theft Case 07/30/2024

Buckeye filed a new union wage theft case today. This one on behalf of Necole Littlejohn, a hospital employee in Cincinnati. Necole quit the govt union, but the city kept taking money out of her paycheck and giving it to the union.

The Buckeye Institute Appeals Cincinnati Union Wage Theft Case The Buckeye Institute filed its appeal of a State Employment Relations Board (SERB) decision in Littlejohn v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). In its filing with the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas, The Buckeye Institute called on the court to tell the...

Greg R. Lawson: How more school choice means more school classrooms 07/26/2024

In The Lima News, Buckeye’s Greg Lawson outlines specific reforms lawmakers should adopt to meet the growing demand for EdChoice scholarships.

“Ohio should help ensure that every student in every family across every community can find a seat in the classroom that best fits their academic needs.”

Greg R. Lawson: How more school choice means more school classrooms With less than a month before the start of a new school year, Ohio families can take advantage of more school choice and K-12 education options than ever before. The success of Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship Program and an expanded public charter school initiative give students viable, affordable alt...

The Buckeye Institute Takes Union Wage Theft Case to Ohio Supreme Court 07/22/2024

Buckeye filed its appeal in Darling v. AFSCME with the Ohio Supreme Court.

Buckeye is calling on the Supreme Court to hear the case and tell Ohio’s lower courts that they, the courts, have jurisdiction in cases where public employees, like Buckeye’s clients, had money illegally taken out of their paychecks by their employers and given to a government union.

Learn more about the case

The Buckeye Institute Takes Union Wage Theft Case to Ohio Supreme Court The Buckeye Institute filed its appeal in Darling v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) with the Ohio Supreme Court, calling on the court to hear the case and tell Ohio's lower courts that the courts--not the State Employment Relations Board--have jurisdiction ...

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Falters in June 07/19/2024

Buckeye’s Rea Hederman commented on Ohio’s new jobs report, saying…

“Halfway through 2024, Ohio’s job market has cooled since the start of the year, adding only 11,000 private-sector jobs with unemployment climbing from 3.7 percent to 4.4 percent. While policymakers should be concerned about the rising unemployment rate and should adopt pro-growth policies to strengthen the job market, it is important to note that 4.4 percent is—historically speaking—a low unemployment rate for Ohio.”

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Falters in June The Buckeye Institute commented on the newly released jobs report from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, saying, "Halfway through 2024, Ohio's job market has cooled since the start of the year, adding only 11,000 private-sector jobs with unemployment climbing from 3.7 percent to 4.4...

The Buckeye Institute Files Brief Challenging Biden's New (But Still Illegal) Student Loan Forgiveness Plan 07/15/2024

Buckeye filed its 2nd amicus brief in Alaska v. U.S. Dept of Education, calling on to tell President Biden his new student loan forgiveness plan is as illegal as the old one.

And glad to have Kansas Justice Institute and National Taxpayers Union joining us on our brief.

The Buckeye Institute Files Brief Challenging Biden's New (But Still Illegal) Student Loan Forgiveness Plan The Buckeye Institute filed its second amicus brief in Alaska v. U.S. Department of Education (previously Kansas v. Biden), calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and tell the Biden administration, again, that President Biden's SAVE program--the latest attempt to shift student loan de...

Americans can’t afford Biden net-zero agenda - Washington Examiner 07/08/2024

In the Washington Examiner, Buckeye’s Rea Hederman shines a light on the dangers of the Biden administration’s net-zero agenda.

Hederman writes, “The Biden administration doggedly has pursued a ‘net zero’ climate-control policy since President Joe Biden’s first day in the Oval Office...And as anyone who has shopped at grocery stores in the last three years will tell you, it’s been all downhill from there.”

Americans can’t afford Biden net-zero agenda - Washington Examiner The higher price tag for each stage of food production, from field to fork, is a feature, not a bug of the Biden economy.

Rekindle the spirit of independence by legalizing home distilling 07/05/2024

“A modern legal battle challenges the federal ban on distilling alcohol at home—a favorite hobby of the Founding Fathers.” For Reason Magazine, C. Jarrett Dieterle features Ream v. U.S. Dept. of Treasury, Buckeye’s case to end the federal ban on home distilling.

Dieterle writes, “Earlier this year, the Buckeye Institute…launched a lawsuit challenging America’s home distilling ban, arguing that it violated the commerce clause of the United States Constitution.”

Learn more about the case at:

Rekindle the spirit of independence by legalizing home distilling This Independence Day, discover the modern spirit of the Whiskey Rebellion, which is fighting for home distilling rights.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”


Three more wins for Buckeye.

In Foster v. U.S. Dept. of Ag, KC Transport v. Su, and Antonyuk v. James, SCOTUS granted cert, vacated the lower court’s ruling as Buckeye argued for, and remanded the case back to the lower court to consider further.

SCOTUS Decision Quotes The Buckeye Institute 07/01/2024

In the SCOTUS term that ended today, Buckeye’s influence at the court was further cemented with numerous citations in the court’s ruling in Culley v. Marshall.

And…In this term, Buckeye—the U.S. Constitution, and liberty—scored important victories in seven cases before the high court.

In Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the court agreed with Buckeye when it ruled that under the Administrative Procedure Act, the six-year statute of limitations does not start to accrue until an individual or business is injured by the federal regulation in question.

In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless v. U.S. Department of Commerce, the court heeded Buckeye’s call and abandoned the Chevron doctrine, calling the doctrine “misguided” and “unworkable.”

In Garland v. Cargill the court agreed with Buckeye and ruled that the Bureau of Alcohol, To***co, Fi****ms and Explosives exceeded its authority when, with the stroke of a pen, it turned more than 500,000 Americans into criminals

In Starbucks Corp. v. McKinney, a unanimous court agreed with Buckeye that when the National Labor Relations Board sues a private company, the government should not get special treatment on its request for a preliminary injunction.

In National Rifle Association of America v. Vullo, the court agreed with Buckeye that the state of New York’s actions violated the First Amendment and degraded our free speech protections.

In Sheetz v. El Dorado County, the court agreed with Buckeye when it ruled that governments cannot use building and other permits to extort money from citizens.

That is a wrap on what was an exciting SCOTUS term with The Buckeye Institute continuing to make its mark.

SCOTUS Decision Quotes The Buckeye Institute In the U.S. Supreme Court term that ended on July 1, 2024, The Buckeye Institute's influence at the court was further cemented with numerous citations in the court's ruling in Culley v. Marshall. In addition, The Buckeye Institute, the U.S. Constitution, and liberty all scored important victories...


“Chevron has proved to be fundamentally misguided.”

Big win for the Constitution. finally overturned Chevron.

Buckeye was proud to support Cause of Action Institute (represented Loper Bright) and New Civil Liberties Alliance (represented Relentless) in the excellent cases they presented to .

Learn more about the cases, the people impacted, and read Buckeye’s briefs (for the super legal nerds).

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

Buckeye’s and NFIB’s brief in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

’s case Relentless v. U.S. Department of Commerce

Buckeye’s award-winning brief in Relentless v. U.S. Department of Commerce

Democrats’ Billionaire Taxes Still Have a (Slight) Chance 06/24/2024

“Fundamentally, the government won the battle but lost the war. There seem to be a number of restraints that might prevent the application of the wealth tax.” Buckeye's Robert Alt in The Wall Street Journal on decision in Moore v. U.S.

Democrats’ Billionaire Taxes Still Have a (Slight) Chance The Supreme Court ducked the question of whether the 16th Amendment requires that income taxes apply only to realized income.

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Sends Conflicting Messages in May 06/21/2024

Buckeye’s Rea Hederman commented on Ohio’s May jobs report saying, “While Ohio’s unemployment rate has increased, Ohio’s May jobs report does offer some good news. Employers reported adding 22,900 private-sector jobs…”

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Sends Conflicting Messages in May The Buckeye Institute commented on the newly released jobs report from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, saying, "While Ohio's unemployment rate has increased, Ohio's May jobs report does offer some good news. Employers reported adding 22,900 private-sector jobs led by jobs in healt...

The Buckeye Institute to SCOTUS: Protect Americans from Criminal Punishment Congress Did Not Specify 06/14/2024

Congrats to our good friends at the New Civil Liberties Alliance for their victory in Garland v. Cargill.

SCOTUS agreed with NCLA and arguments Buckeye made in its brief when it ruled that the “ATF exceeded its statutory authority by issuing a Rule that classifies a bump stock as a ‘machinegun.’”

The Buckeye Institute to SCOTUS: Protect Americans from Criminal Punishment Congress Did Not Specify The Buckeye Institute filed an amicus brief in Garland v. Cargill with the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that courts must interpret criminal statutes narrowly, with leniency towards the accused. Known as the rule of lenity, this strict level of review protects Americans from criminal punishment tha...


“O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave. O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Happy 🇺🇸

The Buckeye Institute's Legal Work Recognized with NCLA's George Washington Award 06/05/2024

Buckeye’s legal work was honored by the New Civil Liberties Alliance with its George Washington Award for our amicus brief in Relentless v. Commerce (an NCLA case).

“Their thoughtfully argued and forcefully written brief is a fine example of the continuing support provided by one of our staunchest allies.” ~ NCLA’s Mark Chenoweth

The Buckeye Institute's Legal Work Recognized with NCLA's George Washington Award The Buckeye Institute was honored by the New Civil Liberties Alliance at the Third Annual Georgies for Best Amicus Curiae Brief for its amicus brief in Relentless v. U.S. Department of Commerce. Buckeye received the George Washington Award for its brief and help in fighting the administrative sta...

The Buckeye Institute Appeals Case Challenging D.C.'s Pandemic-Era Emergency Orders 05/28/2024

Buckeye filed its appeal and a request for oral arguments in Flannery v. D.C. Dept of Health with the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C.

“This case is not just about The Big Board. It is about ensuring the government abides by the U.S. Constitution even during emergencies—perhaps especially then.”

The Buckeye Institute Appeals Case Challenging D.C.'s Pandemic-Era Emergency Orders The Buckeye Institute filed its appeal and a request for oral arguments in Flannery v. D.C. Department of Health with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The Buckeye Institute's client, Eric Flannery, is challenging D.C. Council's and Mayor Muriel Bowser's unconstitutional pan...

Unfair Ohio contract laws are hurting state’s craft brewers and need to be reformed: Greg. R. Lawson 05/25/2024

At, Buckeye’s Greg Lawson encourages Ohio lawmakers to update the state’s antiquated and anti-competitive franchise law, which is responsible for lopsided restrictions that unfairly favor large wholesale distributors.

“Ohio boasts an award-winning craft beer industry. But that industry and its small business owners have largely thrived in recent years despite — not because of — an unfair legal holdover from the Nixon era that should finally be changed, if not repealed entirely.”

Unfair Ohio contract laws are hurting state’s craft brewers and need to be reformed: Greg. R. Lawson Ohio should let the free market work for brewers. Consumers should be allowed to purchase products directly from producers, and distributors should be free to own breweries and tap rooms. Legislation currently pending in the Ohio General Assembly to exempt craft brewers from the onerous terms of an....

The Buckeye Institute: Streamlining Local Government Will Ease Property Tax Burden 05/22/2024

Buckeye’s Greg Lawson testified before the Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform, offering lawmakers several recommendations to ease the property tax burden on Ohioans.

New recommendations include:
Require county commissioner approval before putting levies on ballots;
Expand on HB331 to more easily dissolve underperforming villages; and
Limit local property tax breaks for developers and special interests.

Previously recommended policies include:
Eliminate unfunded mandates on local govt;
Spend state resources on critical needs like public safety & core infrastructure;
Share state revenues with local communities in dire need;
Incentivizing local govt to share local resources or consolidate; and
More spending transparency to improve local accountability.

The Buckeye Institute: Streamlining Local Government Will Ease Property Tax Burden The Buckeye Institute testified before the Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform and offered lawmakers several recommendations to ease the property tax burden on Ohioans. In the testimony, Buckeye pointed out that with 924 cities and villages, 1,308 townships, more than 600 school dis...

The Buckeye Institute Calls on SCOTUS to End Discrimination-by-Proxy in Public Education 05/20/2024

Buckeye joined with Mountain States Legal Foundation on an amicus brief in Boston Parent Coalition v. School Committee for the City of Boston, calling on to hear the case and end discrimination-by-proxy in elite public schools.

The case is being argued by our friends Pacific Legal Foundation.

The Buckeye Institute Calls on SCOTUS to End Discrimination-by-Proxy in Public Education The Buckeye Institute, joined by Mountain States Legal Foundation, filed an amicus brief in Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Excellence Corp. v. School Committee for the City of Boston, calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and end discrimination-by-proxy in elite public schools....

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Continues to Cool in April 05/17/2024

Buckeye’s Rea Hederman on OH’s new jobs report…

“Although Ohio’s job market set employment records over the past year, it has now clearly cooled as higher interest rates and inflation take their toll on Ohio’s families and businesses. As the state begins to prepare Ohio’s upcoming budget, policymakers should continue efforts to reduce the overall tax burden on Ohioans in a sustainable and responsible manner that also constrains spending, protects taxpayers, and keeps Ohioans working.”

The Buckeye Institute: Ohio's Job Market Continues to Cool in April The Buckeye Institute commented on the newly released jobs report from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, saying, "Although Ohio's job market set employment records over the past year, it has now clearly cooled as higher interest rates and inflation take their toll on Ohio's families...

The Buckeye Institute Wins Big Municipal Income Tax Case: Cleveland Refunds Taxes Illegally Taken from Buckeye's Client During Pandemic 05/09/2024

🚨 Buckeye won a big victory in its Cleveland municipal income tax case 🚨

In Morsy v. Gentile (previously Morsy v. Dumas), Cleveland abandoned its appeal and agreed to:
1) fully refund the taxes that were illegally taken from Buckeye client Dr. Manal Morsy;
2) pay the interest owed to her according to Cleveland City Ordinance; and
3) reimburse her court costs.

Buckeye Jay Carson, the lead attorney on the case, said of the victory:
“Cleveland had no legal authority to tax income Dr. Morsy earned working at her home in Pennsylvania during the pandemic. By dropping its appeal and agreeing to issue a full refund to Dr. Morsy, with interest, and reimburse her court costs, the City of Cleveland has finally made it right.”

Dr. Morsy said of the win:
“I’m so thankful for the efforts of The Buckeye Institute in helping me obtain my refund and establish that Ohio cities cannot tax non-Ohioans working in another state. I am especially grateful for the outstanding support and commitment provided by Buckeye’s senior litigator Jay R. Carson to resolve my problem to its rightful conclusion.”

The Buckeye Institute Wins Big Municipal Income Tax Case: Cleveland Refunds Taxes Illegally Taken from Buckeye's Client During Pandemic The Buckeye Institute won a significant victory for its client Dr. Manal Morsy in Morsy v. Gentile (previously Morsy v. Dumas). The City of Cleveland abandoned its appeal in the case and agreed to 1) fully refund the taxes that were illegally taken from Dr. Morsy, 2) pay the interest owed to her ...

The Buckeye Institute: Even Families in That State Up North Deserve School Choice 05/08/2024

Buckeye joined Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty in filing an amicus brief in Hile v. Michigan, urging to hear the case and rule Michigan’s anti-religion Blaine amendment unconstitutional.

“Entrenched education bureaucracies and special interests are using Michigan’s anti-religion Blaine amendment to prohibit parents from using money they saved through the Michigan Education Savings Program for private school tuition. Not only is the state’s amendment unconstitutional, but it denies families in That State Up North the opportunities and benefits school choice offers.”

The Buckeye Institute: Even Families in That State Up North Deserve School Choice The Buckeye Institute joined the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) in filing an amicus brief in Hile v. Michigan, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case and rule that Michigan's anti-religion Blaine amendment is unconstitutional. Michigan's anti-religion Blaine amendment prohib...

Europe shows U.S. the economic pain of net-zero madness 05/07/2024

In The Washington Times, Buckeye’s Rea Hederman looks at the consequences of the Biden administration’s net-zero madness.

“On his first day in office, President Biden rejoined the Paris climate accords. American farmers and unsuspecting consumers will soon pay the hefty price of that decision…Europe has experimented with these heavy-handed policies for decades, and we know how the story ends.”

Europe shows U.S. the economic pain of net-zero madness On his first day in office, President Biden rejoined the Paris climate accords. American farmers and unsuspecting consumers will soon pay the hefty price of that decision.

Ohio HB 331 Advances Commonsense Local Government Reforms Championed by The Buckeye Institute 05/07/2024

Buckeye's Greg Lawson testified before the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee on the policies in Ohio HB331, which ensures that village governments that are unable to provide core services to their residents are held accountable.

Ohio HB 331 Advances Commonsense Local Government Reforms Championed by The Buckeye Institute The Buckeye Institute testified before the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee on the policies in Ohio House Bill 331, which ensures that village governments unable to provide core services to their residents are held accountable. The bill also makes it easier for village residents to vote ...

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Videos (show all)

Shut Down Indefinitely: The Big Board v. District of Columbia
Access to Health Care Made Easier: Promoting Best Practices in Ohio’s Telehealth Policy
Common-Sense Reforms in Senate Bill 3 will Reduce Costs and Save Lives
Sustaining Economic Growth: Tax and Budget Principles for Ohio
Workers Choose: Jonathan Reisman’s Story
Workers Choose: Jade Thompson's Story
Workers Choose: Kathy Uradnik's Story
Worker Voting Rights: Giving a Voice and Choice to Union Members
How Education Savings Accounts are Helping Families in Mississ...
How Education Savings Accounts are Helping Families in Florida
How Education Savings Accounts are Helping Families in Arizona
What is an Education Savings Account?


88 E Broad Street, Ste 1300
Columbus, OH

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Stonewall Columbus Stonewall Columbus
1160 N. High Street
Columbus, 43201

Central Ohio's LGBTQIA+ community center since 1981; producer of Columbus Pride & Lavender Listings.

Ohio Poverty Law Center Ohio Poverty Law Center
1108 City Park Avenue
Columbus, 43206

OPLC advocates for policies aimed at reducing poverty and increasing access to opportunities and justice for all Ohioans.

Greater Columbus Arts Council Greater Columbus Arts Council
182 E. Long Street
Columbus, 43215

Through vision, leadership, advocacy and collaboration, the Greater Columbus Arts Council supports art and advances the culture of the region. @GCAC_Cbus

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120 W Goodale Street
Columbus, 43215

Friends of Goodale Park is a volunteer led 501C3 organization founded in 1987 to clean, beautify and protect Goodale Park.

SoHud Music Collective SoHud Music Collective
Columbus, 43202

Supporting your local music!

Short North Civic Association Short North Civic Association

The Short North Civic Association is a nonprofit civic association focused on building a strong sense

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Columbus, 43215

NFIB is the voice of small business. We’re a member-driven organization advocating for America’s small and independent business owners in Washington, D.C., and all 50 state capital...

Ohio Military Kids Ohio Military Kids
2201 Fred Taylor Drive
Columbus, 43210

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." Walt Streightiff

Central Community House Central Community House
1150 E Main Street
Columbus, 43205

At our house, people are central.