Hear the Cries of the Children

Hear the Cries of the Children

Hear the Cries of the Children is a non profit Christian organization serving poor, orphaned, abandoned, and homeless children in India.

Most recently we have decided to go to Poland/Ukraine to give assistance to displaced orphans of Ukraine


I will be 79 years of age, Lord willing, on my next birthday in March 2025. I have been asked, “Do you plan to continue going to India or Ukraine or wherever until you are just no longer able to go?” My reply is always the same. “I plan to continue to go as long as God gives me the call and the ability. That’s His part, my part is to make myself available. Due to some health issues of the past and present, I have been asked, “Do you ever worry about something happening to you, about maybe, uh.. dying so far from home?” And to this I say, “Regardless of where we are, home is just a breath and a heartbeat away. America is where I live, Home is in my Father’s House. The footprints we leave behind tells others the path we have taken. The seeds we have sown along the way may be just enough to lead someone else Home!” Please continue to support us and always pray that we will always be a beacon.
Hear the Cries of the Children Charitable Trust International. c/o Rose Hill Baptist, 2100 Hamilton Road, Columbus, GA. 31904


Good day friends of Missions
I am presently at 32000 feet altitude travelling East at 459 mph so I cannot address morning, afternoon or evening as many of you are in various time zones and I have no idea what zone I am in. I am on the way to Atlanta. Thank God I am fine except for being very tired. Once I get a good nights sleep I will begin my evaluation reports. Recent incidents have changed the outcome of where primary sponsorship requests will be focused. Hear the Cries of the Children has built its reputation of high integrity by focusing on the primary interest in the safety, education and future of children in Child Care Facilities. Not all NGO’s are responsible care givers. My final evaluation of this mission will be made available by email or land mail to sponsors and donors by June 1st. Please continue sincerely praying for all the works we associate with in India and Ukraine. Pray especially for the Leadership and the fulfilment of the responsibilities upon their shoulders. Pray for Home In-charges that they will be an example of love and care for all children without prejudice or partiality. God Bless. See you soon.


Hello Friends of Missions
I have completed all the last minute documents checks and baggage contents for preparation to take my first of three flights back home to Columbus, Georgia. As I worked with my mobile phone I noticed a small drop of perspiration hitting my screen. It didn’t seem to be so warm as I am under a ceiling fan and inside out of the sun. So, I checked the post of the Weather Channel and WOW! 105 degrees that has a heat index of 126 degrees. I would surely believe we could fry an egg on the terrace today. See you soon.

Photos from Hear the Cries of the Children's post 04/28/2024

Praise the Lord. Today was a great Sunday in Care and Share. Our number one 10th Class graduate was presented with the monetary gift I had promised. With tears she was so grateful. She earned it. 457/500 marks. Other than the fact that it was the Lord’s Day, a blessing to all who believe, I also learned that it can actually get too hot for mosquitoes!!! True! Most evenings I cannot sit out and enjoy the nightfall due to being ravished my every mosquito within a 50 km radius that must think of me as an American Buffet. Today, temperatures soared and this evening I am enjoying the nightfall wonderfully. Not a single mosquito. Not one! Not a single bite or even an annoying sound. What a great day it has been!


A very good morning from India. Again I have so much to be grateful for to God first of all and to my love Salina secondly and then to everyone who lifted up the prayers. I truly was so reluctant to have the procedure done in India. The doctor informed me of the risk of everything due to the size of the blockage, the weakness of the artery due to long term cardiac disease and the location of the blockage. But, he assured me that it could not be postponed. I prayed about it, talked with Salina about it,and committed. The grace of God and your fervent prayers has again blessed me with more than I am worthy of. Today I am still in recovery. Some bleeding problems due to low platelets and cautionary procedures for infection. Thank you all. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. When I get back home I have so much to share about how God has worked in India. Bless you all sincerely.


Another warm day in Vijayawada. Sure would be nice to have a swimming pool. Unfortunately, swimming pools need maintenance and care. So I will have to wait until I am home to enjoy the luxury of a clean and well maintained swimming pool. 20 days until first flight.

Photos from Hear the Cries of the Children's post 04/02/2024

Good afternoon from Buddhavaram Andhra Pradesh India. Another 100+ today. I’m loving it. I don’t do cold well but I have to admit a nice Fall and early Winter in Ukraine sounds so inviting. I have been in touch with our orphanage there. Things may not be so intense on the news channel but at ground zero in Dnipro, Lviv, Kyiv, and along the Donbas front lives are being lost and orphans are coming daily. Praying for an end to this madness! It is hard to believe that three months have passed so quickly here in India. Accomplishments have been good. I hoped to do so much more but always give thanks to God for every day a child is fed, clothed, educated and kept safe. Thanks you all for the support and please share our missions with everyone so that we may continue serving the least of these our brethren.


Today is Good Friday in India. For Christians it is a day of celebration with morning praise and prayer and a holiday from school for the children. It amazed me or rather I should say it amazes me that every day I can see children that are being kept but not taught. My dear friend Carol Faison sacrificed a great life in Italy to give so many children a beautiful place to live and learn and play. Children can never be faulted for their behavior until they reach an age where, being mentally and consciously aware of there actions, they choose to live against the proper responsibility. They cannot be faulted if never taught. At LIFEGIVERS HOME FOR BOYS you would not find a single piece of waste paper on the ground. After meals you would not have enough waste food to feed a small pet. You would never hear a bad word (meaning cursing) or see one boy strike another boy. The children are not just kept for the sponsorship, they are taught respect for the home, the land, the clothing, and for one another. They are kept but also taught. I have seen this to be true at Tommy’s Home in Kerala and at LYNY Children Home in Rajiv Nagar. It is also true about the orphanages of Ukraine and the safe houses in Ukraine. Hopefully one day it will be true at Care and Share again as it was when Carol was with us. Children need to be taught how to be a responsible person and a viable asset to society, not just kept.


Good morning mission friends. While Salina is telling me about the chilling climate in Columbus, Georgia and in the U. S. we have a saying, “Beware of a hard frost before Easter!” Here in India we are hitting 100 every day with a heat index upwards of 106!!! Here the celebration is all about an empty tomb and a promise of life resurrected for Christian believers. So much has been accomplished and I have so much to share when I return home for a short while before leaving for Ukraine. One of the most touching things I have seen. Many of these children were abandoned at a bus stand or train station or church, temple, or mosque. Some were left near a waste bin with a portion of the umbilical still attached. But even the most mischievous, unruly, disobedient child will be kind, helpful, and caring if only treated with love and respect. They may be called abandoned or orphaned or neglected or destitute by the Children Welfare Committee of Andhra Pradesh India but in all reality they are God’s lambs. My advice to everyone, “If you can’t love them as your own child, ask God to forgive you. Love your neighbour is never more real than in the confines of an orphanage.


Greetings from Vijayawada India. It is not full summer here but we are hitting 100 F almost every day in the index. In fact today we will hit 104 F according to the Weather Channel. I love it. I spend as much time as I can outside and I have begun the process of getting a volleyball play area set up on campus at Daddy’s Home. School will be over soon and it will be time for fun in the sun.


Good morning from India
Yesterday was another great day in the Mission. Some children are preparing for there 10th Class exams. (10th class is like 12th in USA). Here the government conducts the exams. There are preparation books for every subject. So, I went into the city and purchased some study guides for the soon to be graduates. Pray for their success on the exams which will be held on March 18. Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement. Continue to remember Salina in your prayers too! She is holding down the home front while I am deployed in the field. It’s tough for both of us but until support is sufficient it’s the life we have. Thank God my health has been good and a recent check up found no serious issues. Can you believe, in India a full medical exam including a CT scan cost less than $200.00! (Ps..Salina paid for the exam so we are thankful to her clients). Remember we still have several projects to complete and all donations are eligible for Tax Exemption under IRS 501c3. Bless you all.

Photos from Hear the Cries of the Children's post 02/09/2024

Good morning from India
Just a brief update with a little information for you future team travelers. Everyday we are seeing improvements taking place at Daddy’s Home. We still have a lot of improvements to see the Vision and Hope of the Late Carol Faison, Founder of Care and Share restored. New regulations for NGO’s, the untimely death of the beloved Founder and Covid-19 took its toll. Believe with me that hard work, prayer, God’s Unfailing Grace, and your faithful support we shall overcome all difficulties.
Now for some valuable lessons for future team travelers. November, December and January are best travel months although November can be a bit rainy. It is today February 9 and we are experiencing the beginning of Summer. India does not have a Fall and Spring as we have in America. This time of year, one will rise at 5:30am, take a warm shower to open the pores, dress comfortably, and within 30 minutes you will feel as if you’re still in the shower. Very high humidity and a morning sunrise temperature of 79 that feels like 85 and before the sun is an inch above the horizon. Hallelujah what a beautiful day in Buddavaram Village .
Thank you for all the prayers, encouragement and support . All donations are eligible for tax exemption under IRS regulations of 501c3

Photos from Hear the Cries of the Children's post 02/07/2024

Good morning America!! Salina has returned safely although now she ha developed a cold . This is probably due to the change of climate from 88 to 38 degrees in just 26 hours. The mission is going well. A bit above budget but hopefully I will be able to complete all the HTC projects we intended to accomplish . The Bore Well repair went well for one day and then again a problem came. This project is most important for the large capacity purification water unit at the Daddy’s Home School. We have replaced the very small refrigerator in Luisiana Home with a much larger capacity model. At Life Givers Boys Home in Haunaman Juction we gave Rs 16,000 ($206.00) for about 1/3 monthly support. Care and Share Daddy’s Home Campus and School is seeing some slow progress improvements and for that we are excited to report and blessed to be a part of. Please continue your prayers and financial tax deductible support for all these beautiful children .


Part time driver with reliable auto. Must be dependable. Drive designated trips only 12 to 14 days per month. Total mileage 235-240 per month. $500.00 cash per month paid weekly.

Please pass this request along to anyone who you would trust to be reliable and dependable. This is for Salina’s work transportation.


Good day friends and followers : If you have received our latest Hear the Cries of the Children Update. “Let’s Be Honest, We Need Help! Please, read it, pray over it, and share it. We need to get Hear the Cries Mission endeavors into more hearts and homes. Bless you and Thank you for a great year.


I want to take a moment to share a thought with all who follow my Facebook posts. The majority of the posts I share are in reference to the needs of Hear the Cries of the Children International or special requests of a personal nature. Very often I will receive a great number of ❤️ or 👍 or 🙏. I will receive words like, “Praying”, and of course prayers are always welcome and appreciated . This is especially true when the post is asking for all to pray for a need or a person close to our heart. But, I must say, when I post a special need for funding of a very much needed and important project. As much as I appreciate your acknowledgment with a ❤️or👍or🙏. It would be wonderful to receive the reply, “Giving” or “Sending”. And then to receive your gift, no matter how small, as God has directed your path! Have we forgotten, Proverbs 21:13, Proverbs 11:25, Matthew 25:44-45, Luke 6:28; and the list of scripture goes on and on. For those of you that have and continue to pray and to give, please pass the hope of Hear the Cries along to others. That one day every child will receive the love of a father and mother and no child shall be hungry.


PRAISE THE LORD! Why should we be surprised. Diane Hatcher, Juanita Bowen’s daughter posted a message that says, “Our prayers are working, Juanita is better today ! “. God is good! She is not out of the woods but the sunlight is casting away the shadows . Give the glory to God and continue to pray .


Mrs Juanita Bowens, for nearly 10 years, was the best Clerk, Secretary , and Treasurer a pastor could hope for! Age was not a deterrent or barrier that stood in her way. She was always there and always one step ahead of everyone including me. I became so attached to her faithfulness, integrity, and guidance that I began to address her as ‘MawMaw’! Juanita was always there for all who needed her, now she needs all of us. Her health is failing and she needs our prayers. Please join this chain and pray that God will bless her with a peace that surpasses all understanding.


Good afternoon or is it still morning or late evening ??!! My time zones have changed so often in the past three weeks that I am not sure about the exact time! Looks like early afternoon from my home office window so we’ll go with that. I am back in the U S A at least physically speaking. I have to admit that in many ways I am mentally and emotionally in India. The projects I went to accomplish were fulfilled very quickly and everything went sufficiently well. One minor difficulty came up unexpectedly. After completing the repair of the large capacity clean water system at the school, we discovered the Bore Well that supplies the water had a faulty submersible pump. The estimated cost of repairs was INR 25,000 (about $300.00). I had just paid INR 68,000 (about $765.00)to repair the purification unit! I was not about to let $300.00 stop the process of providing clean water to the entire campus and school. Thanks to a speaking engagement with the WMU at Emmanuel Baptist that Salina did shortly after I left for India, I had about half the funds. So, the job was in progress. As an additional project, Hear The Hear the Cries of the Children Trust provided a new water heater for a home with 20 small girls and a great meal for a home with 29 boys. God blessed this mission mightily. Hallelujah I look forward to the next mission. It may be back to Care & Share or Life Givers Orphanage in India. It may be back to the front in Ukraine. Or it may be a rescue / humanitarian aid trip to Israel. Wherever He Leads!


A well known speaker started off his seminar holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this."

He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it...?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We may feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value."

"Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE."

"You are special, don't EVER forget it."

If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope that it may bring.

Count your blessings, not your problems.


Please do not let the few hours of fun and games w the children deter your encouragement to support the “Tessa Project “. The need of the high protein diet at this moment is of the highest priority. We always do projects in order of prioritized need or available of funds. In this case the need is also a matter of life or death for the most seriously affected of these girls. Please consider your regular monthly contribution to the “Tessa Fund Project “ goal of $600.00 per month and send the tax deductible gift to Hear the Cries c/o Rose Hill Baptist Church , 2100 Hamilton Road, Columbus, GA 31904 or HTC, Mike Randall, PO Box 242, Fortson , GA 31808. Please designate your gift TESSA


Greetings from Care and Share to all our mission friends ,
Please pray for relief of a special medical need. “Tessa” is in desperate need of special and extended care . It was serious enough that she was HIV positive from birth , as many children under Care and Share are. Then she was diagnosed with Tuberculosis . Now she is having regular diarrhea , fever, and chronic cough. For a chance of survival , Tessa will have to have a High Protein Diet and medication. The “Tessa Fund” request is in addition to regular donations. There are 16 other HIV high risk girls, age 14-19, in Piera Home that could very easily fall as sickly as Tessa. I am hopeful to obtain the goal of $600.00 per month as a permanent “Tessa Fund”, today in her honor and in the future , whenever it may be , in her memory for the sake of all these girls.


Greetings from Care and Share Daddy’s Home India ,
The work on the project has succeeded very well In fact, extremely well considering the cultural standards of India . Here nothing gets in a hurry except traffic .
Of course there are many other projects that could be initiated and are needed. So my dear friends of missions, send Hear The Cries the funds and I will gladly oversee the work while I am here . I really appreciate Mrs Swarna Parimi for initiating this project . She is the resident medical director at Care and Share . She had requested of her cousin to fund a Water Purification Unit for the campus dispensary . She then sent to me photos of the unit and an explanation of what needs it would fulfill . I was so moved and motivated by the news and reached out to all of you . To God be the Glory the great things that come from the children of God for the least of these our children of india and throughout the world .

Photos from Hear the Cries of the Children's post 10/12/2023

Que Sera Sera!! Would someone ask, “How was your day?”, in the early morning?? If so, your reply might be, “Ask me this evening and I will have an answer!” It is much the same in the fulfillment of a needed project. The outcome is determined in the future, not at the moment of completion! To this I will add my personal assessment.
Where there is no LAW, there is only CHAOS! Where there is no DISCIPLINE, there is no LAW! Where there is no CORRECTION, there is no DISCIPLINE! This is an inverted equation as it begins and ends with example set forth from the leadership in - charge! The results of which will be seen in the manner in which one respects that which they have been given! This can easily be seen by the standard of life they choose to live.


Hi Friends, if you or anyone you know is going to Atlanta next Saturday, October 7, 2023, and would like to stop by the magnificent and interesting new International Terminal at Hartsfield International Airport by 4:30pm, I need a ride!!


Again today was ‘PAYDAY’ so to speak to our Mission Account and,….Hallelujah, GOD is GOOD. We are now only $1400.00 away from our goal!!! Bless you, bless you, bless you to all that we have received and praise the LORD for what will come. Please be in prayer for me as I prepare, physically and spiritually for the long trip back to India to oversee the work of this special needs project.


Well, today was ‘payday’ so to speak! Donations to Hear the Cries received are deposited on Tuesday and present to fulfill needs on Wednesday. It was some what a disappointment to see nothing was there, that is until I thought, scripture tells God will supply all our needs through Christ Jesus our Lord, and it is HIS mandate that pure religion and undefiled before God is that we visit the orphan and widows in their distress. By God’s grace they will have the pure water by filtration and by faith in Christ they shall drink of the water of life! Hallelujah!! Thank you for giving as I trust you will.


Hey Friends, I am not sure why my recent "Urgent" Post appeard three (3) times on the page. Perhaps to express the absolute urgency to raise these funds. So please, pray for direction and give generously to these special requests. Thank you for caring.

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