Arts and Sciences at Ohio State

The College of Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of The Ohio State University, where we provide

Organized youth sports are increasingly for the privileged 09/01/2024

A sweeping study of U.S. youth sports participation over the past 60 years found that there has been a significant increase over time in kids playing organized sports – but particularly among more privileged, educated families, said Dr. Chris Knoester in the Department of Sociology.

Organized youth sports are increasingly for the privileged A sweeping study of U.S. youth sports participation over the past 60 years found that there has been a significant increase over time in kids playing organized sports – but particularly among more privileged, educated families.A national survey found that about 70% of Americans born in the ’90s ...

How some states help residents avoid costly debt during hard times 08/31/2024

A new national study from Rachel Dwyer in the Department of Sociology and Stephanie Moulton in the John Glenn College of Public Affairs provides the best evidence to date that generous unemployment insurance benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic helped reduce reliance on high-cost credit use, suggesting that programs like unemployment insurance can play a powerful role in keeping low-income Americans from falling further behind financially.

How some states help residents avoid costly debt during hard times A new national study provides the best evidence to date that generous unemployment insurance benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic helped reduce reliance on high-cost credit use.Researchers found that lower-income residents of states with more generous benefits were significantly less likely than th...


College of Arts and Sciences students are enrolling in education abroad programs all over the globe in large part due to the generosity of the Monda International Experience Scholarships Fund.

Strategic Communication major and Korean and Music, Media and Enterprise double minor Rachel Darner's ('24) experience:

"Without the support of this scholarship, I would not have been able to fulfill my dream of studying abroad, which has been a goal of mine since elementary school.

Last summer, I attended the Global May Korea program, where I studied at Kyung Hee University in Seoul for a month. Through this program, I was able to increase my intercultural competency and advance my study of the Korean language through immersion. Some of my favorite experiences while abroad were visiting Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul and the Bulguksa Buddhist temple in Gyeongju. During the program I was also paired with a student at Kyung Hee University, who acted as a guide and with whom I engaged in cultural and language exchange. I included a picture from one of my favorite spots that we visited, Bulguksa Temple in Gyeongju.

This global education program was by far been the greatest highlight of my time at Ohio State, and I thank you again for your support.”

School of Music at The Ohio State University

Hugh Urban appointed chair of the Department of Comparative Studies 08/29/2024

Hugh Urban, a College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in the Department of Comparative Studies, has recently been appointed chair of the department for a four-year term that began July 1, 2024. Urban’s work focuses primarily on religions of South Asia and new religious movements in the United States.

Hugh Urban appointed chair of the Department of Comparative Studies Hugh Urban, a College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor in the Department of Comparative Studies, has recently been appointed chair of the department for a four-year term that began July 1, 2024. Urban’s work focuses primarily on religions of South Asia and new religious movements in th...

Science Sundays: "Responding to Terrorism: How Misusing Deterrence Can Fuel Extremism" 08/28/2024

Join us for Science Sundays on Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. in the Ohio Union! Prof. Laura Dugan from the Department of Sociology will discuss "Responding to Terrorism: How Misusing Deterrence Can Fuel Extremism." A reception will follow her talk. Learn more and RSVP:

Mershon Center for International Security Studies

Science Sundays: "Responding to Terrorism: How Misusing Deterrence Can Fuel Extremism" This lecture begins with a broad overview of modern terrorism and government efforts to stop it. In doing so, I introduce the framework of deterrence beginning with its original formulation in Cesare Beccaria’s 1764 book On Crimes and Punishment, which was used to establish the U.S. criminal justi...


Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University with Professor David Staley as your host. Professor Cynthia Young is the guest on this week's featured episode, "Making Universities Accountable, Accessible and Relevant."

Listen to the full episode here:

Department of African American and African Studies at Ohio State
Cynthia A. Young is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of African American and African Studies at The Ohio State University. She is particularly interested in how civil rights rhetoric has been appropriated by right-wing terror groups to promote white supremacy to a mainstream, white audience. Trained as a literary critic and an interdisciplinary cultural historian, she specializes in 20th century radical social movements, US civil rights history, 21st century forms of antiblackness and African diasporic cultural production reflecting the precarity of Black life facing economic exploitation, xenophobia and various forms of state and imperial terror.


It's , and we couldn't "paw-sibly" forget to honor the dogs of our Arts and Sciences community. Share photos of your pups in the comments to help us celebrate! 🐶

(📷 Phoebe & Mozzie — unofficial ASC "spokesdogs")

How Ohio State supports student-athletes’ mental health 08/25/2024

Psychology alum Jamey Houle '04 and his team at Ohio State Athletics provide care to hundreds of students athletes. For the Director of Sport Psychology and Wellness Services, as well as the other staff counselors, that often means attending practices.

How Ohio State supports student-athletes’ mental health Designed by go-getters, Athletics’ approach to providing care sends counselors to sports venues to build trust and access, Ohio State Alumni Magazine reports.

Q&A faculty spotlight: Elea Proctor 08/24/2024

Meet Dr. Elea Proctor! Her scholarship addresses the intersections of race, gender and sexuality in U.S. popular music and culture, paying specific attention to Black women’s musical performances in the wake of slavery. Trained as an interdisciplinary musicologist, her areas of expertise include the nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States, identity and performance, African American and Black diasporic musical cultures, and the history of slavery in the Americas.

Department of African American and African Studies at Ohio State

Q&A faculty spotlight: Elea Proctor Elea Proctor is an assistant professor in the Department of African American and African Studies at The Ohio State University. Dr. Proctor’s scholarship addresses the intersections of race, gender and sexuality in U.S. popular music and culture, paying specific attention to Black women’s musical...


College of Arts and Sciences students are enrolling in education abroad programs all over the globe in large part due to the generosity of the Monda International Experience Scholarships Fund.

Political Science major Gia Ditullio's experience:

"I am originally from Youngstown, Ohio and I am the oldest of five children to a single mother. We were always strapped for money and I never thought that I would ever get a chance to live the life I always hoped for myself. At the time of college decisions, I knew that I would have to move away from home to become the person I wanted to be, so getting the acceptance letter to Ohio State seemed like an absolute dream. It was very difficult for me, and to be honest with you, I wanted to give up. I thought maybe I didn’t deserve to be there and that I hadn’t worked hard enough for my spot. I was the first person in my family to go to college, as I am also the first person to go to Europe. It was everything like I had ever imagined and I can’t wait to go back someday.

While there, we studied art and history with the Siena Art Institute. We saw many of the incredible landmarks that Italy is known for and had a great time trying to fit in with the locals. We had day trips to Sangiminano and Florence, which were so cool to see. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity and I feel blessed beyond words.”

Hewitt appointed chair of Department of English 08/22/2024

Elizabeth Hewitt, a professor in Ohio State English, has been appointed chair of the department beginning July 1, 2024.

Hewitt’s areas of expertise include pre-1900 American and African American literature, economics and literature, and popular culture. Her current research focuses on the history of science fiction, with a focus on utopian fictions.

Hewitt appointed chair of Department of English Elizabeth Hewitt, a professor in the Department of English, has been appointed chair of the department beginning July 1, 2024.Hewitt’s areas of expertise include pre-1900 American and African American literature, economics and literature, and popular culture. Her current research focuses on the hi...

Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel 08/21/2024

ICYMI - Professor Robert Baker and his team in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry have found a way to efficiently synthesize methanol fuel from carbon dioxide. By observing the process using a special method based on in-situ spectroscopy, the researchers are beginning to understand what adjustments are needed to produce more of the desired end product, methanol, instead of carbon monoxide.

Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel Chemists have been working to synthesize high-value materials from waste molecules for years. Now, an international collaboration of scientists is exploring ways to use electricity to streamline the process.In their study, recently published in Nature Catalysis, researchers demonstrated that carbon....


Welcome back College of Arts and Sciences students! And to those of you who are joining us for the first time, welcome to the Ohio State community!!! We're so glad you're all here. 😊


Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University with Professor David Staley as your host. Dr. Robert Ward is the guest on this week's featured episode, "Celebrating 150 Years of The Ohio State University Glee Club."

Listen to the full episode here:

School of Music at The Ohio State University
Robert J. Ward currently serves as director of Choral Studies at The Ohio State University, where he conducts the Men’s Glee Club and Chorale. He has been honored with invitations to present concerts and lectures for National ACDA, National Collegiate Choral Organization. North Central Division ACDA, Central Division ACDA, International Kodály Educators, Organization of American Kodály Educators, Texas Music Educators Association and Texas Choral Directors Association, as well as Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Utah, Arkansas, Louisiana and West Virginia Choral Directors Associations. He is currently the editor of a choral series published by Santa Barbara Music Publishers.


What do you call a vegetable who goes to college? Scholared greens.

Happy !!!

Lake Erie walleye growth is driven by parents’ size, experience 08/15/2024

When you're a Lake Erie walleye, the size of your parents and their living conditions are the most important factors in how you grow up. So says a new study from Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology at The Ohio State University, led by PhD graduate Zoe Almeida and co-authored by professors Stuart Ludsin and Elizabeth Marschall, as well as Matthew Faust of Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Lake Erie walleye growth is driven by parents’ size, experience Parent size and the conditions in which actively spawning adults lived are the most influential factors affecting growth of Lake Erie walleye, a new study has found.The findings surprised the scientists, who expected recent temperatures and food availability to have the highest impact on walleye gro...


Emma, Rena, Jadyn and Abby share their at the Royal Palace of Madrid. Twenty-one Buckeyes are studying the multicultural and global history of Madrid on the Global May Spain education abroad program.

The 4-week interdisciplinary course examines the history of Madrid, a city which, like Spain itself, was shaped by empires, global crossings, immigration, migration and international commerce throughout history, long predating Madrid's designation as the capital. Students earn three credits of Spanish 2798.3 on the program.

Arts and Sciences at Ohio State
Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The Ohio State University

Meet 2 craft-beer brew masters with Ohio State roots 08/14/2024

Adam Benner ’06 and Walt Keys ’06 spent two years as roommates at Ohio State, occasionally talking about someday creating a business together. Their business turned out to involve craft beer, which Adam began home-brewing as a hobby, prompting Walt to design names and labels. In October 2014, they opened Land-Grant Brewing Company.

Ohio State English
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business

Meet 2 craft-beer brew masters with Ohio State roots Land-Grant Brewing founders Adam Benner and Walt Keys are Buckeye pals making a business brimming with college-like fun.

Xiu appointed chair of Department of Math 08/13/2024

Dongbin Xiu, a professor in the Department of Mathematics, has been appointed chair of the department beginning July 1, 2024. He previously served as interim chair.

Xiu’s research interests include machine learning, uncertainty quantification, scientific computing and numerical analysis. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Department of Energy and DARPA.

Xiu appointed chair of Department of Math Dongbin Xiu, a professor in the Department of Mathematics, has been appointed chair of the department beginning July 1, 2024. He previously served as interim chair.Xiu’s research interests include machine learning, uncertainty quantification, scientific computing and numerical analysis. His resear...


Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University with Professor David Staley as your host. Professor Anna Dobritsa is the guest on this week's featured episode, "Pollen – It’s More than Just an Allergen."

Listen to the full episode here:
Anna Dobritsa's laboratory studies formation of complex extracellular structures using the development of exine, the outer cell wall of plant pollen grains, as a model.


We would like to invite you to the 2024 Alpheus Smith Lecture featuring Dr. Anne L’Huillier, to be held at the Fawcett Center at 7:30 pm on Friday, August 16th.

You can read more details about Anne’s talk on our website page for the 61st Alpheus Smith Lecture.

Dr. L’Huillier was a 2023 Nobel Laureate in physics alongside Ferenc Krausz, and OSU Emeritus Professor, Pierre Agostini.

The Smith Lecture will take place in-person at 7:30 pm, in the Fawcett Center Conference Theater. The Fawcett Center is located at 2400 Olentangy River Rd, and there will be free parking. This event is also being live streamed on Zoom, and the link can be found at the webpage below.

The Alpheus Smith Lecture has been bringing leading-edge work of Nobel Laureates and other prominent physicists to the community since 1960. The free, public lecture series is endowed by Robert Smith to honor his father, Physics Professor Alpheus W. Smith. You can read more on his biography page on the physics website.

We hope to see you all at Dr. Anne L’Huillier’s lecture, “The Route to Attosecond Pulses,” on August 16th!


College of Arts and Sciences students are enrolling in education abroad programs all over the globe in large part due to the generosity of the Monda International Experience Scholarships Fund.

Sociology and Political Science double major and Theatre minor Haven Young's experience:

“My study abroad course helped me build a deeper connection with my academics as it personified the curriculum outlined in textbooks and lectures with real-life scenarios I experienced firsthand. Studying abroad helped me realize I want to work in social justice advocacy with non-profit organizations. Rwanda is able to heal and rebuild after the tragic genocide because their people advocated for their rights, safety, and liberty and I want to help apply this basic theme to all walks of life in order to make the world a better place. My educational journey would have never developed this way without this trip and your generosity.

Studying at Ohio State and Africa seemed like an absolute dream that I could never obtain due to financial constraints, but I have found various sources of financial support to help me achieve both desires and I will continue to share my gratitude for this. I come from a working-class background in small-town, low-income Appalachia in a little place called Hillsboro, Ohio. Blue-collar was the standard there, and not a lot of residents continued to higher education, including my mother, a hairdresser, and father, a school bus driver. Money was tight everywhere including public education funds as our lower income schools lacked the educational opportunities that helped most students get into college.

I would not be completing my bachelor’s degree at a dream school without the university’s help or take my studies abroad to the uniquely beautiful Rwanda without this scholarship. By lightening common financial burdens faced by students like me I can properly focus on my studies and branch out to new places no one from my background has ever seen."

The Ohio State University Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts

Using AI to scrutinize, validate theories on animal evolution 08/07/2024

ICYMI - By harnessing the power of machine learning, Professor Bryan Carstens in the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology at The Ohio State University has constructed a framework for analyzing what factors most significantly contribute to a species’ genetic diversity.

Using AI to scrutinize, validate theories on animal evolution By harnessing the power of machine learning, researchers have constructed a framework for analyzing what factors most significantly contribute to a species’ genetic diversity. The study, recently published in the journal Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, suggests that the genetic variation o...


Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University with Professor David Staley as your host. Professor Angus Fletcher is the guest on this week's featured episode, "How to Hack the GRE and Get into Yale."

Listen to the full episode here:

Ohio State English
Angus Fletcher studies literature’s usefulness, treating it as a practical tool for alleviating poverty, hunger, heartbreak and other physical concerns by employing a range of empirical methods, from ancient rhetoric to modern science. He emphasizes neural diversity, cultural difference, evolutionary variety, narrative flexibility, the infiniteness of stories, behavioral adaptability, practical problem-solving, personal growth, democratic pluralism and the biological benefits of curiosity, inclusion and tolerance.


Congratulations, Arts and Sciences summer graduates! We are so proud of you. Share your festivities by tagging us in your posts and let us know how you are celebrating! 🎓

White men weren’t the only ones who profited from slavery 08/03/2024

The traditional historical view that white women were rarely involved in buying and selling enslaved people in the United States is not accurate, a new study by Dr. Trevon Logan in Department of Economics - The Ohio State University shows. In fact, white women were involved in more than 30% of the transactions in the largest market for enslaved people in the antebellum era.

White men weren’t the only ones who profited from slavery The traditional historical view that white women were rarely involved in buying and selling enslaved people in the United States is not accurate, a new study shows.Researchers analyzed records from the time and found that white women were involved in more than 30% of the transactions in the largest....


College of Arts and Sciences students are enrolling in education abroad programs all over the globe in large part due to the generosity of the Monda International Experience Scholarships Fund.

Political Science and Economics double major Ella Todd's experience:

“I wanted to study abroad because I knew it would be an excellent opportunity to expose myself to new cultures and think critically about global issues. This is especially pertinent because I want to attend law school. I learned about people with different religions, cultures, and customs while directly engaging with them. I learned about how English history has shaped modern-day culture both in the United Kingdom and around the world. These are lessons that I will implement in my future classes. I will try to examine political issues from a global perspective and consider how American decisions may impact other nations.

This trip taught me a lot about myself and my future goals. While studying abroad, I developed my independence and organizational skills. Because we were only there for a month, I wanted to pack in as many activities as possible which required planning and itineraries. I learned independence by exploring the city both by myself and with smaller groups. I also realized how much fulfillment and happiness traveling brings me. It made me want to see more of the world and explore new cultures.

In the future, I will try to look for career opportunities that will allow me to travel, and I now think that I would be open to the possibility of moving to another country. It would not have been possible for me to participate in this program without this scholarship. I will cherish the friendships I made and the places I visited for the rest of my life.”

Department of Economics - The Ohio State University

Pelotonia | Peloton 08/01/2024

We're sending our best wishes to Team ASC and all of the Pelotonia riders! Here's to smooth roads, safe rides and lots of reasons to celebrate this weekend! ❤️🚲💚

Pelotonia | Peloton Pelotonia is a community that is determined to see an end to cancer. Together, we've saved countless lives. Help us save more.


At Ohio State, discoveries involving subatomic particles, using the shortest known increments of time, can take years. Yet the generations of students working in the Agostini-DiMauro Research Group take away important lessons every day. Professors Lou DiMauro and Pierre Agostini, a 2023 Nobel laureate, are developing the next generation of big thinkers.

Learn more:

Young scientists face career hurdles in interdisciplinary research 07/30/2024

Solving some of society’s greatest challenges in biomedicine will need researchers from many scientific fields working together. But a new study by Dr. Bruce Weinberg from Department of Economics - The Ohio State University finds that the young scientists who most embrace interdisciplinary research face “career impediments” not seen in their peers who focus their work only within their own disciplines.

Young scientists face career hurdles in interdisciplinary research Scientists agree that solving some of society’s greatest challenges in biomedicine such as food sustainability, aging and disease treatment will need researchers from a variety of scientific fields working together.But a new study finds that the young scientists who most embrace interdisciplinary ...

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Videos (show all)

Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State Universi...
Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State Universi...
Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State Universi...
Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State Universi...
Voices of Excellence looks at the amazing work being done in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State Universi...
Why You Should Go to See Zebras
Take a walk around The Ohio State University campus with us to check out some of the public art! 🖼️ 🌞 📍Modern Head, H.C....
Can those who know history avoid repeating it?
Folklore, Exemplarity and Politics
Peace and Hope in Dark Times
States in Waiting: Decolonization and Untold Histories
OPEEP: Empowering Incarcerated Voices


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OSU Master of Human Resource Management OSU Master of Human Resource Management
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