NH Special Education

Our mission is to improve educational outcomes for children and youth with disabilities.

Special Education provides and promotes leadership, technical assistance and collaboration statewide to ensure that all children and youth with disabilities receive a free, appropriate, public education. The Bureau carries out its mission by
• Guiding the continuous improvement and monitoring of special education and related services;
• Supporting effective strategies and specialized support(s) fo



Ongoing is the key word here. Students grow and change and their transition plan needs to grow and change with them.

The best plans come from a combination of formal and informal tools and methods. Why? Formal assessments show the student’s academic or functional strengths and needs compared to others their age (e.g., standardized testing or adaptive behavior assessments), while informal assessments tend to be more brief, and focus on progress with specific skill development (e.g., self-advocacy or money management).

See more in our Transition Assessment Q&A at https://nextsteps-nh.org/resources/transition-assessment-faqs/


NH Post School Outcomes Survey Open from July 15, 2024 – September 30, 2024

The New Hampshire Department of Education is asking for your help to learn more about the after-high school experiences of students who had IEPs during the 2022-2023 school year and left school by June 30, 2023. The survey questions are about what you are doing now one year after leaving high school, and questions about how well you think high school prepared you for what you are doing now. If you are the parent of a student who has received this survey, you may help your child complete it or complete it on their behalf. This will help ensure that their experiences and opinions are included.
It is important to note that all responses are completely anonymous, so you feel comfortable sharing your experiences openly.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey by September 30, 2024. Your input is important in helping us shape the future of special education transition planning in our district and across the state.
To access the survey, simply click this link or scan with your mobile phone the QR code below. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete, but your input will impact the services provided to future students. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and information to improve education and employment outcomes for students with disabilities.

Photos from NH Special Education's post 07/19/2024

We are so excited about our new beautiful piece of art work for the Bureau of Special Educations office. We teamed up with PalletWorks out of Amherst, NH and they created this masterpiece for us.
We can not thank them enough. Be sure to check them out for any wood working needs you may have!

Photos from NH Special Education's post 05/16/2024

Today the Bureau celebrated the 4th Annual Assistive Technology Expo here at the NHED.

A big thank you to all the vendors, presenters, and attendees!

If you would like to check out the expo, it is going on until 4pm here at 25 Hall Street in Concord.

Hope to see you here for this wonderful event!


Dear NH Parents of Children with IEPs,

Children are more likely to succeed when parents and educators work together to develop and achieve educational goals for children with disabilities. The New Hampshire Department of Education is seeking feedback on how well schools are including parents in the planning and decision making concerning their child’s special education needs.

We invite you to participate in the annual Parent Involvement survey conducted by the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED).

This survey's purpose is to gauge the level of parent involvement in our schools and how it contributes to improving services and outcomes for children with special education. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand how we can better support your child's educational journey.

It's important to note that all responses are completely anonymous, so you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and experiences openly.

Please don't miss this chance to make a difference. Your participation is crucial in helping us shape the future of special education in our districts and across the state.

To access the survey, click the link below or scan the QR.


For staff who use NHSEIS: We are collecting information regarding user satisfaction with our NH Special Education Information System (NHSEIS). Please take a few moments to complete this short survey to assist us in collecting this information.

To complete the survey, click the link below:


Thank you so much for your help as we work to improve our systems!

Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions Qualtrics sophisticated online survey software solutions make creating online surveys easy. Learn more about Research Suite and get a free account today.

Share your opinion about inclusive postsecondary education! 04/17/2024

Share your opinion on inclusive postsecondary education by taking this survey!

Share your opinion about inclusive postsecondary education!


Seacoast Transition Fair

5/8/24 from 4-6pm at Exeter High School


Capital Area Regional Transition Fair!

When: Tuesday, April 9 from 5:30-7:30
Where: National Guard Edward Cross Training Complex
722 Riverwood Drive Pembroke, NH

Learn More About:

Independent Living
Benefits Counseling
Behavioral Health


Come join us for the 2024 NH Assistive Technology Connect Expo! May 16, 2024 from 11am-4pm at 25 Hall Street Concord, NH 03301

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: An Updated Legal Blueprint to Challenging Behaviors and Other Discipline Issues for Special Education Administrators. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 02/09/2024

Free PD webinar for special education administrators:

We’re excited to share that Jose Martín, Esq., is presenting a free professional development webinar for special education administrators later this month.

The session is entitled An Updated Legal Blueprint to Challenging Behaviors and Other Discipline Issues for Special Education Administrators. By attending, you’ll learn:
• Key public policies underlying the IDEA discipline rules
• How to approach the MDR requirement before disciplinary changes in placement
• Limitations on accumulations of short-term removals in a school year
• Situations where pre-eligibility discipline protections may apply
• The key role of FBAs and BIPs in managing student behavior
• Available options for challenging and serious behaviors, including extraordinary removal options

To register:

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: An Updated Legal Blueprint to Challenging Behaviors and Other Discipline Issues for Special Education Administrators. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. The discipline of students under IDEA is a complex dynamic that requires collaboration between IEP teams and campus administrators to achieve compliance with legal requirements. In this session, special education attorney Jose Martín, Esq. will review the fundamental limiting doctrines of IDEA appl...


The NHED has revised the Special Education Procedural Safeguards, effective November 2023

NH’s new Procedural Safeguards Handbook



Improving Educational Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

Register Here for the December 15th Listening Session: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xbohlkcab&oeidk=a07ek3zluwb46302077
Register Here for the December 18th Listening Session: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=xbohlkcab&oeidk=a07ek3zluxl32f7a25a


The New Hampshire Department of Education (NHED) Bureau of Office of Training and Monitoring will be hosting in-person and virtual trainings via Microsoft Teams in January and March. Trainings will be related to monitoring and compliance topics. The trainings are provided at no cost to help special education teachers build upon the basic knowledge they need to assist them during the school year.

Topics include: Written Prior Notice, Measurable Annual Goals, Indicator 13- Post Secondary Transition, and Specially Designed Instruction

To request the training calendar, please contact GaetanMarie Lacourse at [email protected]


Transition Fair and Family-Focused Sessions at the annual Transition Summit!

November 16, 2023
Grappone Center in Concord, NH

Click link for more information or to register, http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ejylpzig1689da7d&llr=xbohlkcab

Photos from NH Special Education's post 10/09/2023

NH Special Education would like to thank the students at Huot Technical Center Culinary Arts- Laconia for providing lunch for our professional development event on Friday. Food was well prepared and yummy!

The Evolution of ADHD: Examining the Last 25 Years — and the Future 10/02/2023

October is ADHD Awareness Month!

See this article from Additude Magazine for an overview of progress over the past 25 years!

The Evolution of ADHD: Examining the Last 25 Years — and the Future ADHD is lifelong. Comorbidities are the rule, not the exception. ADHD doesn’t have a single precise cause. And girls and women have ADHD, too. These and other findings are supported by the last 25 years of research. Here, we look back on how far ADHD has come, and what the future holds.


Are you interested in learning about Social Security Benefits- Youth Focused?


17th Annual Transition Summit
Thursday, November 16th in Concord NH
THEME: Different Paths: Each Journey is Unique/Nurturing All Students to Help Them Flourish
Workshops, speakers and practical tips and tools for helping NH students with disabilities achieve post-school success in future education, employment and independent living.
Registration link: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event...
New for 2023:
An expanded Transition Fair and afternoon workshops designed for families!!
Two registration options: Professional Path: $100, 8am-3pm; Family Path: $25, 1:15-6pm
Both paths are open to everyone.
Keynote at 1:30, for both Professional and Family Paths. Speakers Gina Gallagher and Patricia Terrasi will bring us The Movement of Imperfection.
Registration deadline: November 6th. This event is in-person only. No on-line option. Pre-registration is required. DEADLINE EXCEPTION: if you need an interpreter, please register by October 19th to allow NDHHS time to find available interpreters. CART services will be available for keynote sessions and other sessions if requested.
For more details, visit https://nextsteps-nh.org/.../transitio.../transition-summit/

Join us for 17th Annual Transition Summit

REGISTER BY NOV 6 AT: https://conta.cc/45dWOpa


Virtual Workshop: Basic Overview of NH's Special Education Process

Register Here: https://bit.ly/3P96B9N


Join Parent Information Center (PIC) for an in-person evening of learning and self-care!

Join PIC for an evening of exploring ways to deactivate our stress responses and maintain our calm brains so we can also begin to foster calm brains in our household.

Dr. Alison Roy’s approach to self-care is based on the work of Dan Siegel, grounded in mindfulness and a sense of learning how to actually give our brains a break - just like ultra athletes have to give their bodies an off day every now and then!

When: September 21, 2023 from 6:00-7:30
Where: The Brook
319 New Zealand Road Seabrook, NH

Human Resources | NH Dept. of Administrative Services 09/05/2023

Are you passionate about guiding the design of learning environments for access and agency for every learner? Can you see yourself supporting the application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in schools throughout New Hampshire? The NHED is looking for five experienced educators to join the UDL Implementation Team that will support UDL professional learning opportunities throughout New Hampshire. Apply Now for a UDL Implementation Specialist position through the New Hampshire DAS Human Resources site at https://www.das.nh.gov/jobsearch/ For further information, please contact Lynnette Lawrence, NHED UDL Ed Consultant, at [email protected] or 603-271-3294.

Human Resources | NH Dept. of Administrative Services


The NHED, Bureau of Special Education Support is looking to hire 5 UDL Implementation Specialists to plan, coordinate, monitor and support the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by providing technical assistance and consulting services to local school districts and partnering agencies as a member of the Bureau of Special Education Support, Division of Learner Support.

For more information about these positions, please reach out to Lynnette Lawrence at [email protected]

www.nh.gov 07/24/2023

NHED, Bureau of Special Education is STILL hiring a Literacy Coach to work on our State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)! We are looking for the right candidate to come work with us to help improve literacy across the state. Check out our posting below!

State of New Hampshire Job Posting
Department of Education
Division of Learner Support
Bureau of Special Education Support
25 Hall Street
Concord, NH 03301

Education Consultant I/II
Labor Grade: 26/27
Position #13220
JOB ID #31782
https://jobsp.nhfirst.nh.gov/.../CandidateSelfService/lm... #
*See total compensation information at the bottom of announcement.

The State of New Hampshire, Department of Education, Division of Learner Support & Bureau of Special Education Support has a full-time vacancy for an Education Consultant I/II.

Education Consultant I:
SCOPE OF WORK: To plan, develop, coordinate, and monitor programs in LEAs to improve literacy instruction and increase reading proficiency as part of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) within the Bureau of Special Education Support, NH Department of Education; implement state-wide professional development to all LEAs through the implementation of literacy improvement programs statewide.
Provides professional guidance for the improvement of educational services in the area of literacy.
Interprets federal and state legislation and regulations for the purpose of ensuring LEA staff and faculty receive up-to-date education and training aligned with literacy standards.
Assists the Administrator of the Bureau of Special Education Support in preparing explanations and testimonies for current educational policies in literacy as needed.
Reviews LEA grant applications from eligible recipients, providing feedback in accordance with the State Systemic Improvement Plan.
Supports coordination and provision of professional development and coaching to the field. Provides training, coaching, and professional learning opportunities to provide current information, direction and support to educators.
Supports capacity building of school-based coaches to sustain implementation of literacy initiatives.
Participates in the Bureau’s monitoring program of LEAs to ensure they are in compliance with federal and state regulations.
Participates in site-base leadership team meetings assisting teams in the development and implementation of an effective school-wide literacy plan.
Serves as the liaison to LEAs. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
o organizing and facilitating meetings for Literacy and literacy coaching.
o supporting the work of LEAs, which may include collecting and analyzing literacy data, reviewing, and revising program competencies, developing and refining end of program performance assessments; and
o supporting development of site-based action plans.
Collaborates on, specific projects assigned by the SSIP Coordinator.
Master’s degree from a recognized college or university with a major study in Education, Special Education or related field.
Experience: Five years’ experience in the field of education, three years of which must be relevant experience in special education and/or teaching k-4 reading.
YOUR EXPERIENCE COUNTS - Under a recent change to the rules, an applicant's relevant experience now counts towards formal education degrees referenced below! See Per 405.1.
18 Months of additional relevant experience = Associate's degree
36 Months of additional relevant experience = Bachelor's degree
54 Months of additional relevant experience = Master's degree
Eligibility for NH educational or special education certification.
Possession of a driver’s license and/or access to transportation for statewide travel.
Preferred Work Traits: Knowledge in the science of reading and the essential components of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). Knowledge of evidence-based reading intervention programs. Familiarity with ELA curriculum development and lesson planning. Knowledge of the Language Essentials of Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) coursework. Ability to administer and interpret reading assessments and use data to make informed decisions. Ability to facilitate adult learning and deliver instructional coaching specific to literacy instruction.
Education Consultant II
SCOPE OF WORK: To plan, develop, coordinate and monitor programs in LEAs to improve literacy instruction and increase reading proficiency as part of the State Systemic Improvement Plan within the Bureau of Special Education Support, NH Department of Education; implement state-wide professional development to all LEAs through the implementation of literacy improvement programs statewide.
Provides professional leadership and guidance for the improvement of educational services in the area of literacy.
Interprets federal and state legislation and regulations for the purpose of ensuring LEA staff and faculty receive up-to-date education and training aligned with literacy standards.
Collaborates with the NHED English Language Arts Education Consultant to align literacy initiatives.
Assists the Administrator of the Bureau of Special Education Support in preparing explanations and testimonies for current educational policies in literacy as needed.
Reviews LEA grant applications from eligible recipients, providing feedback in accordance with the State Systemic Improvement Plan.
Supports coordination and provision of professional development and coaching to the field. Provides training, coaching, and professional learning opportunities to provide current information, direction, and support to educators.
Provides technical support to school-based literacy coaches to support instruction, implement curriculum, administer assessments, analyze data, design, and implement specialized instruction and utilize technology.
Supports capacity building of school-based coaches to sustain implementation of literacy initiatives.
Participates in the Bureau’s monitoring program of LEAs to ensure they are in compliance with federal and state regulations.
Participates in site-base leadership team meetings assisting teams in the development and implementation of an effective school-wide literacy plan.
Serves as the liaison to LEAs. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
o organizing and facilitating meetings for Literacy and literacy coaching);
o supporting the work of LEAs, which may include collecting and analyzing literacy data, reviewing, and revising program competencies, developing, and refining end of program performance assessments; and
o supporting development of action plans.
Coordinates, or collaborates on, specific projects assigned by the SSIP Coordinator.
Collaborate with the SSIP Evaluator to develop tools to support coaching.
Develops resources for inclusion on the NHED SSIP resources page of the website & NHED canvas platform.
Master’s degree from a recognized college or university with a major study in Education, Special Education or related field.
Seven years’ experience in the field of education, five years of which must be relevant experience in special education and/or teaching k-4 reading.

www.nh.gov Official website of the New Hampshire Agency Name Department


If you are interested in coming to this year's Family Support Conference, there is still time to sign up! For more information, please visit our website at www.familysupportconference.com. We can't wait to see you there!

Welcome to the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities 07/06/2023

The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities is currently looking to fill 2-3 parent representative seats. The council seeks to recruit members who are committed to working to improve the lives of all people with developmental disabilities statewide.

We strive for membership that is diverse and representative of the state. Council members are required to attend full Council meetings, currently from 1:00 – 3:00 PM on the second Thursday of every other month, and expected to participate in committee work. We have four engaging committees to get you involved:

Policy – Keeps the Council updated on laws and policies that affect people with developmental disabilities and their families. Helps the Council develop its official position on any changes.
Member Relations – Helps Council members to remain active and engaged and recruits new members.
Finance – Monitors the Council’s budget to make sure it aligns with the five-year plan.
Program and Planning – Advises the Council on the Small Grant Program and approves applications.

For more information on the council, please visit their website at

Welcome to the NH Council on Developmental Disabilities An official New Hampshire Government web site.


The Family Support Conference is seeking volunteers.

August 5th and 6th
DoubleTree Convention Center
Manchester, NH
For Information about the Conference or to volunteer:


New Hampshire Family Support Conference 06/28/2023

Family Support Conference

August 5th and 6th
DoubleTree Convention Center
Manchester, NH
For Information about the Conference click:

On Sunday, there will be a breakfast and a Closing Session, but no individual workshops.

New Hampshire Family Support Conference New Hampshire Family Support Conference brings together families through education, shared experiences and the ability to recharge.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Government Service in Concord?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


25 Hall Street
Concord, NH

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm

Other Government Organizations in Concord (show all)
NH Economy NH Economy
1 Eagle Square, Suite 100
Concord, 03301

Enhancing the economic vitality of New Hampshire and promoting it as a destination to live, work and visit.

NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food
25 Capitol Street
Concord, 03301

The NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets, and Food page contains info about events, issues, and more pertaining to agriculture. You are welcome to share to this site, but plea...

New Hampshire State Library New Hampshire State Library
20 Park Street
Concord, 03301

The state library, built in 1895, is part of the capitol complex in Concord, NH.

NH State Liquor Enforcement NH State Liquor Enforcement
50 Storrs Street
Concord, 03301

The Division of Enforcement & Licensing is responsible for enforcing New Hampshire alcohol, beverage, & to***co Laws, as well as administrative rules, throughout the state.

NH GOP Senate NH GOP Senate
Concord, 03301

The official page of the 14 member New Hampshire Senate Republican Caucus. Follow us on Twitter @NHGOPSenate

New Hampshire House Republicans New Hampshire House Republicans
Concord, 03301

Official page of the New Hampshire House Republican Caucus and House Republican Office.

New Hampshire Lottery New Hampshire Lottery
14 Integra Drive
Concord, 03301

Our Lottery, first in the nation and more than $2 billion to support education in New Hampshire!

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
172 Pembroke Road
Concord, 03301

NHSCA is a publicly funded agency within the NH Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.

New Hampshire Trooper's Association New Hampshire Trooper's Association
107 N State St
Concord, 03301

The New Hampshire Troopers Association proudly represents all of the Troopers and Sergeants of the New Hampshire State Police.

City of Concord, New Hampshire City of Concord, New Hampshire
41 Green Street
Concord, 03301

Official page of the City of Concord, NH

New Hampshire DCYF Foster Care New Hampshire DCYF Foster Care
Division For Children, Youth And Families Thayer Building, 129 PLEASANT Street
Concord, 03301

The New Hampshire Division for Children, Youth and Families: Foster Care Program Informational Page

The New Hampshire Senate The New Hampshire Senate
107 North Main Street
Concord, 03301

The official Facebook account of the New Hampshire State Senate est. in N.H. Constitution of 1784