Santiam Christian Schools

Santiam Christian partners with parents to provide Christ-centered PreK - 12th grade education. We're excited that you are looking us over!

There's a lot to learn about Santiam Christian Schools. First, we really are four schools in one: Preschool, Elementary, Junior High and High School. All of our students share our beautiful 18 acre campus, just north of Corvallis. We'd love for you to come for a visit! At Santiam Christian, we see ourselves partnering with parents, in the Christian upbringing of their children. The educational exp


Santiam Christian still has space in the following grades:
• Three year old preschool (Tuesday/Thursday)
• Four year old preschool (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) - Limited space
• Kindergarten
• First Grade
• Second Grade
• Third Grade
• Sixth Grade
We are completely full, with no space, in:
• Fourth Grade
• Fifth Grade
• Four year old/five day preschool
• Junior High (7th & 8th)
• High School

For more information or to apply, please visit the SC website at

Remember, Santiam Christian values church involvement. We ask that all applying families attend church regularly (defined as at least one time per month), in order to continue in the application process.


We invite you to explore the careers page at for more information and to apply today!


We are currently accepting applications for a High School Ag Teacher at SC! Check out our careers page if you're interested or know someone who would be a great fit!

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 06/14/2024

First Annual Eagle Classic golf tournament has kicked off! We couldn’t have asked for better weather!


Just a few short days away coming up Friday the 14th! We have room for a few more teams and would love to see you there!

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 06/03/2024

Saying farewell…

On Saturday we celebrated our graduates as they were presented to their family, friends and the board for graduation. It was a special ceremony, filled with sweet moments. Our valedictorian, Luke Neufeldt, humbly shared deep thoughts with the crowd. The Timothian award, SC’s highest recognition, was awarded to Luke, Danae Jolly and Leah Chariker. Musical performances, the class history and our traditional senior slideshow, all made this year’s graduation a day to remember.

51 graduates, 24 of which graduated with honors. With a combined scholarship offering of over $5M!

We couldn’t be more proud of them!

Congratulations, Class of 2024!


Don't forget to sign up today! We would love to have you.


More than a long weekend... We remember.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/24/2024


As our seniors walked away from their last high school chapel, there was a mixture of feelings. For some, it was the feeling of elation. For others, there were big nerves about the unknown as they leave the well-known. For many, there was a touch of sadness. For all, there is a sense of awe and wonder that this could be their last week of high school. No matter what they are feeling, they were met with joy, celebration and honor. They were celebrities!

“The Senior Walk.” It’s when our senior class leaves their last chapel. They circle the campus, which on our 29 acre campus, is a long walk. They are met with sidewalks lined with younger students, preschool through high school, teachers that have loved them since they were little, staff members, and their parents. With cameras clicking right and left, it’s as if they are walking the red carpet and the paparazzi just can’t get enough. With loud cheering, noisemakers, signs, and even pompoms, the seniors are engulfed by an adoring fan-base. Stopping for hugs and sweet moments all along the way, many of our seniors were overcome with emotion.

This is an emotional time. We are so excited for these seniors to move on to their next adventure. We’re a little sad, too. For today, we took a moment to remember that they are ours, to adore them and tell them we will miss them.

I’m not crying… You’re crying…

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/18/2024

Pioneer life – New for SC fourth graders

As our fourth graders finish up their study of the Oregon Trail, it is appropriate that they take time to reflect on what happened once the settlers arrived in Oregon. Pioneers had to create a life out of the few things they brought with them and things they could make.

This past week, our students visited the Yamhill County Heritage Center for their “Spring Pioneer Days.” History came to life as they rotated through the one room schoolhouse, blacksmith shop, sawmill and a one room pioneer home. They were able to make candles, do chores, put their hand to a plow, make music with pioneer instruments, and get a true sense of pioneer life in a myriad of ways.

The volunteers at the Yamhill County Heritage Center deserve a huge round of applause. Their expertise and hearts for children truly shone as they created very realistic experiences for our children to learn in a hands-on way. It’s more than a lesson in a book can do. The feel of things in their hands. The weight of a bucket. The smoke in the blacksmith shop. Even the smell of a shovel full of animal dung, all worked together to make history more than theory. Real life, lived by people right here, not so very long ago… Thank you volunteers for making it all real for our kids.



Has it been 25 years?? OH, YEAH!

25 years ago, this motley crew graduated from SC. Who do you see?

The Class of 1999 will be celebrating with a 25 year reunion on August 10th. For details and registration see the alumni page of our website.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/16/2024

Whew! It was a long journey, but they made it!

SC Fourth graders walked “The Oregon Trail” yesterday. For several weeks they have been diligently studying the Oregon Trail, divided into wagon train groups. They received their “identities,” prepared for the trip, talked through leaving their families, and then “experienced” the challenges faced by true settlers on their way to Oregon Country. They “packed” their wagons, choosing items based on weight, not overloading what their oxen can pull. Illness, injury, weather, natives, terrain, the breakdown of equipment – everyday packed new obstacles for their character to face.

Yesterday was the culmination of their wagon train experience. Dragging their wagons over hill and dale, our pioneers maneuvered through a wide variety of physical obstacles. Dressed in pioneer finery, they had to work together in their wagon train groups to make the journey to Oregon. It was long. It was hot. It was dirty. Pioneers were hungry and sweaty… And, it was just a few hours long. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Setniker, our fourth-grade team, were able to emphasize and compare their big journey to the real life journey of the settlers. At the end of their long journey, our settlers stopped to enjoy some dried fruit, jerky and hardtack. Mmm. Hardtack. Delicious.

We’re so glad that our fourth graders all survived the journey. We’re also grateful for our imaginative and dedicated teachers, who work tirelessly to create meaningful experiences for these kids that they love. Okay – maybe not tirelessly…

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/11/2024

A population explosion on campus…

51 SC High School health students are getting a taste of parenthood this week. For seven days, Monday to Monday, students in Mrs. Boshart’s health class have had the added responsibility of caring for a little bundle of joy.

Okay, it’s a bag of flour… Each baby has a body made of a five lb bag of flour, arms, legs and a head made from panty-hose filled with stuffing. Students could add facial features, eyelashes, a binky, and clothing and accessories of their choosing. Some of our “parents” used a baby sling, a belly pack, strollers, or a car seat carrier. As students carried their babies around campus, they looked pretty realistic.

Our students were responsible for every moment of their baby’s day. Baby’s couldn’t be set down and left for any amount of time. At least every three hours students had to log a feeding, diaper change and any time their baby spent being cared for by anyone but themselves (to total no more than three hours in a 24 hour period). As they sat in class, they either had to hold their baby, or make arrangements with their teachers for a “nursery” area. They were responsible for tracking a sleep schedule, bathing, and round the clock care. Whether taking an AP test, or playing baseball, the lesson has gone on. Lugging their backpacks, athletic bags, AND carrying their baby… Two of our babies are headed out on family trips this weekend. Going to church, games, parties… This weekend should be interesting, too. Did we mention that this is for SEVEN days?

From an educational standpoint, this hasn’t been just playing with dolls. Mrs. Boshart asked students what they were learning. They are practicing time management, taking care of someone other than themselves, practicing patience, planning ahead, responsibility, who they can rely on and trust, abstinence, and basic challenges of parenting. One even said they, “realize how much our parents do for us". Their answers told her that the lesson was meeting every goal.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/10/2024

Band goes to state!!

For the 2nd time in SC history, our high school band competed at the state level. They earned their way to that level with the fabulous, adjudicated scores they earned at the Northwest Band Festival last month.

State competitive level band includes performing a set of music lasting about 15 minutes, and sightreading. Our students have been preparing their music set for many weeks to be ready for this competitive season. To prepare for the sightreading competition, they've had to practice playing music they've never seen before. Mrs. Miller has been busy just keeping them in brand new music day in and day out to be ready.

SC band members have been preparing for this for years. Our small, but mighty, competitive band includes four seniors, who have been playing with Mrs. Miller since they were in 5th grade. Like any competitive activity, it takes loads of practice to be able to hold your own among the best in the state. That is especially true of band. It would be impossible to play at state without years under your belt. These four seniors have a combined 28 years under theirs!

At the end of the day, our SC Band will have done something that only a few other SC students have done in the history of Santiam Christian.


Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/09/2024

28 years ago, the class of 1996 presented Miss Knaupp with this quilt as their birthday gift to her. It is among her greatest treasures. On her birthday today, 11 of the students whose names are embroidered into this quilt either work at SC or are parents of current students.

We adore Miss Knaupp! She has been celebrating her birthdays with us, here at SC, since 1984. While known to be a teacher who expects a lot from her students, she is also known as their greatest cheerleader, encourager and champion. When a student needs help, even a small request for assistance will result in an onslaught of love, time and praise being heaped upon them. SHE IS OUR TREASURE!

We also cherish the relationships that we build with our students. That they would come back, either to work here or trust us with their own children – We are so honored. The riches that come from being a family and the depth of the relationships that we share are definitely treasure.

Happy Birthday, Esther! We love you!

Class of 1996 members who either work or have kids here: Michael Bittner, Rachel (Callis) Stith, and Ruth (Fitzpatrick) Perkins (all pictured). Dan & Patty (Corliss) Breyman, Kent & Heidi (Kenyon) Burkholder, Annie (Kennel) Hedlund, Tim Roth, Carrie (Trueax) James, and Duane Shaw.

2024 SC Benefit Auction 05/09/2024

It is our final day of bidding for our online auction! Bidding ends tonight at 9:00 PM. Make sure you check on those items you can't live without and grab raffle tickets for a week long vacation for only $25! Bid High, Bid Often!!

2024 SC Benefit Auction and are web applications designed to simplify and streamline managing fundraising auctions.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/06/2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Juniors and Seniors of Santiam Christian….

This weekend was our annual Junior/Senior and this year’s theme was a spectacle not to be missed. Mr. Ferguson became the ringmaster for an elegant circus, unlike anything our juniors or seniors have experienced before.

Donned in their glitzy finery, our seniors were honored and treated to elegant desserts, popcorn with fancy toppings, classic sodas, and even Barnum’s Animal Crackers. Our junior class, their advisors and parents put together an event that showered the Class of 2024 with a “Great Show” worthy of a movie.

They clean up nice, don’t they?!

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 05/03/2024

A Legend shares her parting thoughts…

After 20 years of sharing her “Maupin-isms” with the Eagle Family, today Mrs. Maupin shared some parting thoughts with the whole JH and HS. She was quick to tell us that they aren’t “dying thoughts.” She reminded us that she isn’t officially “retiring” because she is much too young. Instead, Mrs. Maupin is feeling God tugging her to veer from the path she loves here at SC, a path that she says is full of students, co-workers and families that she dearly loves, to pursue a new, less known path. After working at SC in Admissions, Curriculum and Instruction, as our Drama Director, and as our beloved eighth grade social studies teacher, she will be putting on yet another hat, but this time in a different place.

So, what were her parting thoughts? With her usual breadth of expression and depth of passion, she gave us five things. Ever the teacher, she asked us why teachers repeat things – because they want you to remember them. We repeated them with her.

So, with our five fingers, we remember:

The thumb – Cultivate Gratitude. Like a green thumb, grow and nurture a heart of gratitude.

The pointer finger (pointing at your heart) – Be Ye Kind. In the present imperative, this command is a continuous one. It should go on and on as a directive in our life.

The middle finger (above them all) – Seek Truth. Be honest with the facts, even when they go against what we want them to be. Be intellectually and spiritually honest.

The ring finger (wiping under the eye) – Jesus Wept. He is a personal God, who weeps with us.

And, the pinky (in a pinky promise) – He will never leave you or forsake you.

Mr. Bittner said, “Mrs. Maupin is like a sports hero, where you retire her number and hang it from the rafters. She is a legend.” Yep. That’s our Mrs. Maupin – a legend. We’re so blessed and grateful that she has spent the last 20 years with us.


Calling all Eagle Parents!

Please be sure to join the SC Board and Eagle Family members for our Annual Membership Meeting on May 7, at 7pm, in the West Gym.

Remember, as a parent owned and operated school, your vote regarding important decisions for Santiam Christian and for school board members matters.

Quilt Roadside Harvest 04/28/2024

Auction Preview!! This stunning one of a kind quilt, made and donated by our very own Mrs. Roden, will be available to bid on at our in person event 5/11!

Grab your tickets now and browse the catalog that's already online, items are being added daily!

Quilt Roadside Harvest This item has over 2400 pieces of fabric sewn together to make this stunning quilt. This is truly one of a kind and made with boutique fabric from Corey Yoder.


Our Annual Benefit Auction is just around the corner and we would love to see you there! Tickets are going fast and are on sale now!
If you can't make it in person make sure you check out the catalog our online auction is open to everyone and there is truly something for everyone!

Careers — Santiam Christian Schools 04/17/2024

We're Hiring! Visit our website at to view our current openings. We look forward to reviewing your application and meeting you!

Careers — Santiam Christian Schools Join the SC Community Current Openings Teaching Elementary Teacher Substitutes Santiam Christian Elementary is currently accepting applications for Elementary Substitute Teachers. To apply, please fill out the "New Teacher Application." Return applications to Santiam Christian Elementary or email to...


Explorer’s Club

Santiam Christian has a wide variety of extracurricular activities. One of the afterschool activities in our elementary is the Explorer’s Club.

February 10th was Chinese New Year. Our explorers celebrated with some Chinese calligraphy. They used traditional brush and ink to write the character Fu. It means blessing. Our explorers learned that Chinese families hang it upside down on their doors because the word for “upside down” and “arrived” sound similar. So the upside down sign is a wish for blessing to come to your house. The ancient Chinese recognized that blessing came from Almighty God.

So, from our Explorer’s Club, a Chinese New Year wish for you:
May your family enjoy the blessings that come from God in this year.

Careers — Santiam Christian Schools 02/13/2024

SC is looking to hire a full time IT Administrator! If you or anyone you know is interested in this position, we encourage you to look at the job posting on our website, and contact our HR Manager. The IT Administrator will manage our school's computer infrastructure and supervise our IT department.

Careers — Santiam Christian Schools Join the SC Community Current Openings Teaching Elementary Teacher Substitutes Santiam Christian Elementary is currently accepting applications for Elementary Substitute Teachers. To apply, please fill out the "New Teacher Application." Return applications to Santiam Christian Elementary or email to...

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 02/12/2024

Train and compete like an animal, while looking like a princess…

That’s what it takes to be a competitive cheerleader. These ladies work hard! They train, learn difficult choreography, do extra tumbling classes (in addition to practice), lift weights (so that they can lift and throw their flyers over their heads), dance and cheer. PLUS, they all do sideline cheer, as well, supporting other SC teams. To compete, they are also graded on their uniformity - so hair, bow placement, even lipstick matters. They can’t just do their dance and cheer, focusing on "the business", but they have stage presence, showing some spunky sass and personality while performing, as well. Competitive cheer is a unique combination of a precision sport and beautiful performance. These ladies are so much more than their pretty faces! They are the whole picture!

Coach Carley is nearly bursting her buttons with pride, and for good reason!! This weekend our varsity cheer team took second in state. They performed flawlessly, amid strong competition. This win follows last week’s first place finish at the OE competition, where our JV team also took first, for an SC clean sweep. Now, the varsity team is preparing to travel to California to compete Friday morning at nationals.

We agree with their coach. We are SO PROUD!! We can’t say enough about the work ethic and ability of these ladies. That fact that they are beautiful inside and out, that is icing on the cake.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 02/09/2024

Once upon a time, in a kindergarten classroom not so far away…

It was Fairytale Day! After a unit of studying the fairytale genre, our kinders spent today in their finest fairytale dress-up outfits. With bunches of royal knights, and princesses galore, our kindergarten became a royal kingdom all its own.

Eagle-landia?? Santiam-asia?? Whatever you want to call it, we call it adorable!!

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 02/08/2024

Healthy habits build healthy kids!

This week our preschoolers are talking about healthy habits. Of course, staying active and keeping your body moving is a great habit. A terrific way to do that is by participating in sports. Our preschool teachers enlisted the help of high school students to demonstrate and encourage our little Eagles in the different sports that they love.

Football, soccer, volleyball, cross country, cheer, wrestling, basketball, softball, baseball and track & field – Our big Eagle athletes were kind, informative, inclusive and enthusiastic as they shared the sports that they love with our little Eagles.

Our cross-campus opportunities are precious and intentional. We love the Eagle Family that we share.

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 02/06/2024

Teddy Bears on Parade

This past Friday, our first graders showed off their favorite teddy bear in their teddy bear parade. Enlisting the help of their parents, students were tasked with creating a “float” for their bear to circle the campus us. Their floats could be carried, drug, wheeled, strolled, pushed, or even self-propelled! With the help of their fourth-grade reading buddy, our first graders showed off their stuffies as they walked the parade route, all around the elementary buildings.

The whole elementary showed up to celebrate this special event with our littles and cheer them on. Their buddies, lots of parents and students from every grade – nobody wanted to miss out on seeing their sweetness!

We love our unified campus. It is part of what makes our Eagle Family truly “family.”

Photos from Santiam Christian Schools's post 02/03/2024

Second semester Choir is off to a big start. With 34 junior high students and 29 high school students, choir is on the rise.

Let’s face it, the COVID years were hard on the arts in schools. Here at SC, the choir was at an all time low. Hannah Riddle, our choir director, is excited to see so many students returning to music. They are sticking with choir and band well beyond the required single semester of JH music.

One glance of the championship banners on the gym walls shows our rich choral history. Earning state recognition for many, many years, Santiam Christian’s choir has been an area of notoriety and accomplishment. This current group is no exception. They sound GREAT! We can hardly wait for them to have an excuse to perform for us again.

Whether it is for our students’ personal enjoyment, the camaraderie, or the sheer love of music, the growth and ability of our JH and HS choirs is music to our ears!

Photo: Junior High Choir

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Videos (show all)

The Holiday Market is Here!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  First day of the new school year in Ms. Jones' first grade class!
Looking back at 2022-23 sports programs:Sports play a vital role at Santiam Christian, providing students with the oppor...
🦅🏀 Eagles Basketball Camp happening this week#WeareSC
These smiles say it all! Congratulations to the class of 2023! #wearesc #heylookmaimadeit #classof2023
🎉Dodging out of 5th gradeParents vs kids dodge ball game to celebrate the end of the school year
🚨🚔Our auction winners leaving the last day of school in style thanks to Albany Oregon Police Department
Amelia Earhart, George Strait, Winston Churchill, Lucille Ball, and several others were spotted on campus today at the 8...
👟🦅SC Track and Field heading to State Championships at Hayward Field!#letsgo #WeAreSC #breaksomerecords
🦅⚾ Eagles face off against Warrenton today at 5PM #letsgo #baseball #playoffs2023 #WeAreSC



7220 NE Arnold Avenue
Corvallis, OR

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm

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Corvallis, 97333

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Corvallis, 97331

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Corvallis, 97333

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