Engage Burkina

Engage Burkina

Find out more at http://engageburkina.com

Learn more about the needs of Burkina Faso https://vimeo.com/36785261

Learn more about John and Betty Arnold, missionaries serving Engage Burkina https://vimeo.com/40378679


Urgent prayer request: Our right hand man in Burkina, our business agent, and dear long time friend is VERY sick in the hospital with Dengue Fever. His name is Adama Boro.


Good to be back at our uS home again. Thank you for your prayers!

North Carolina Man Survives Bite From Gaboon Viper, One of the World's Deadliest Snakes 07/07/2024

One of our pastors told us 2 stories this week about the Gabon viper, a deadly snake feared by all here in Africa. Short, fat, mean and deadly.

1. The man was bit and the pastor was unsure if the prod could help this type of poison so they first went to the local clinic. They prescribed Amoxicillin, aspirin, and sent him home, the man died.

2. A woman later came bitten by the same type serpent. The pastor knew the clinic would not helped so he prayed for her and began the first treatment; a series of short shocks all around the limb bitten, and these treatments are given 3 times a day over 3-4 days.

The lady survived!

https://www.fieldandstream.com/survival/man-survives-gaboon-viper-bite/ #:~:text=North%20Carolina%20Man%20Survives%20Bite,of%20the%20World's%20Deadliest%20Snakes

This is one of hundreds of success stories using the cattle prod to save lives, ease suffering, and cure pain.

We call it God’s medicine, we always lay hands on and pray in Jesus name before every session, and then we treat the injured. Many have come to faith through this tiny life saving device.

North Carolina Man Survives Bite From Gaboon Viper, One of the World's Deadliest Snakes After receiving 44 anti-venom treatments, a North Carolina man has surprised doctors by fully recovering from Gaboon viper bite.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 07/05/2024

This is Seirge, and 2 months ago he was in a serious car accident where the vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed when it crashed and rolled over and over again.

He was badly injured but survived. His feet remain badly swollen and he has much pain in his feet and legs.

He reluctantly let our pastors pray for him and administer a few shocks with the Hot Shot Cattle Prod.

The next day he returned and said he had the first pain free night from pain since the accident AND he could tell the feet were less swollen.

He asked the pastors to pray for him again and this time asked for multiple shocks in both feet.

We have been using this since the late 1980s to treat snake bites, scorpion stings, boils, infections, etc.

We have about 600 pastors trained in its use with remarkable endless stories about how this treatment had saved lives, helped people with pain and rid them of infections.

I will tell later a few stories our pastors shared with us yesterday in some future posts.

Pastor Yusuf this week had boils start on his elbow and arm and was in a lot of pain. We prayed for him and I administered a series of short shocks on his arm and around the boils.

The next day he came and said he was pain free and had administered the shocks again that same night.

So many remarkable stories we have seen for ourselves over the years and have heard this week from our pastors who have these prods and use them.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 07/04/2024

One difference between an American and a Burkinabe':

1.If a fly gets into your food as a Burkinabe' you pick out the fly and continue eating and drinking with no cares at all. You NEVER waste food nor drink as both are limited resources here and not only appreciated but needed.

2. An American who has a fly land in their food or drink throws it out and begins again as most have never known true hunger, true lack of food or drink, they live in the land of plenty, excess, of waste.

3. I used to be, after many years here, a true Burkinabe'. Last night I proved to be half after years of breaks in living daily here.

The fly, a healthy one, flew into the mayo while we were eating with our pastors. I had spread it on my bread and saw it, thankfully whole.

I put it to one side quietly, then wrapped it in my napkin and forced myself to finish making and eating my sandwich.

I am only part Burkinabe' however as it bothered me to eat-my American self- but my Burkinabe self was able to treasure these resources that our Burkina brothers and sisters know to value and not waste.

We in the states live very blessed and privileged lives, we are blessed with choices, often abundance, but one day we may need to live as the precious Burkinabe' do.

Be thankful for all God has given you, be aware and thankful, and use your blessings to bless others in need.

Photos: The forgotten crisis in Burkina Faso 07/04/2024

185 Alliance pastors have been displaced

2 Alliance pastors have been killed

1 Alliance pastor is missing

156 churches have been forced to close

15 church buildings have been damaged

19,603 Alliance people have been displaced

37 Alliance members have been killed

Photos: The forgotten crisis in Burkina Faso For the second year in a row, Burkina Faso is the world’s most neglected displacement crisis, according to NRC.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 07/03/2024
Photos from Engage Burkina's post 07/03/2024

We spend our days surrounded by friends, eating, visiting, listening to their needs and stories, with others coming to our door with demands for food, medical help, and other needs. We begin to feel as our Lord must have felt as everyone wanted something from him while he walked this earth.

This is both wearisome and a privilege to be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus here.


We received very sad news this morning.

Three nieces of our business manager who live up north in Tougan, a more dangerous area of Burkina, ages 12, 14 and 16 were going out to their field about 600 feet outside of the village in a donkey driven cart, and hit a mine and died instantly.

The villagers were out picking up body parts so they could be buried when Adama received the news.

The girls were all muslims killed by Jihadist who claim to worship the same God.

These types of murder are a daily occurrence here in Burkina now.

Please keep praying for this tiny nation of amazing people.

The good news today is the Burkina military killed a bunch of Jihadists today also.

We pray for this nation to be rid of these who are trying to take over the nation. This is in our daily prayers.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 07/01/2024

Last week the team worked on repairing two broken pumps on deep drilled wells. One pump was broken for 4 years forcing the people to walk for miles. The other pump
had been broken for 8 years.

The first pump was in the courtyard only about 5 to 10 feet from the local Mosque. The Imam, pastor, of the Mosque was there watching us work all day.

On Saturday the Imam and a delegation from their Mosque went to Pastor Yusuf to officially thank the church, the Christians, for this gift of water.

The muslims witnessed and will benefit from the Hands and Feet of Jesus supplying their needs, no strings attached.

We never discriminate from those in need based on their beliefs, neither did Jesus. Many have come to faith from all of these ministries.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/30/2024

Today we worshipped at Sector 30, our church that welcomes and ministers to the disabled community and the poorest of the poor.

The baby is the one whose mother was murdered by Jihadists and someone saved the baby, obviously newborn. We are helping with milk for this kind family who has agreed to take the child to raise as their own.

The Social Service may come along side this next week to help with milk also.

The little boy cannot walk properly and is being fitted with a pair of shoes. He wants to attend school this year and has requested a scholarship and a disabled trike.

The muslim lady in the wheelchair holding a baby just lost her husband and came today seeking aid.

The sea of needy humanity never ends and so we continue to help one person at a time for as long as we are able.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/28/2024

The Gift of Mobility

I cannot imagine living my life in this heat, dust, with all of its challenges AND not being able to move about freely on top of the normal challenges.

This week we had the privilege of giving 10 people the gift of freedom of movement.

These photos and video clips will tell you all you need to know about these dear people. The last photo is a taxi that came to help the disabled return to their villages with their new 3 wheeled trikes/legs.

One man was sick on the distribution day so his trike is being held for him.

This Engage page will not allow multiple videos so they will be posted one by one.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/27/2024

This is Sam and his wife Naomi, and their daughter Joyce.

Sam was cleaning up termites in his home and fell face first this past Friday fracturing his arm in multiple places. His wife wrote me and we received the news in the Istanbul airport on our way here.

We are blessed to be able to help him with his hospital stay and medical expenses.

Sam began as a cook for missionaries in the city as a teenager. He speaks English and as many team members know firsthand is a remarkable cook and man. We have known him for many years.

On our last terms here in country Sam traveled with our well drilling teams cooking for them in very rustic conditions. He has a heart of service.

On one of those trips John had to tell Sam that his first wife, a true love marriage, had VERY unexpectedly passed away. It was heart wrenching.

We love Sam and are so happy he found love once again years later with Naomi.

God is good even when times seem otherwise. We often do not understand but sometimes we are blessed to look back and see what we could not see at the time.


Meet Sophietta, a woman who appears to be in her 30s or 40s.

She was a faithful Catholic all of her life, attending mass at the local church. What you cannot see in this photo is that one leg is so badly deformed and twisted that when she would walk using crutches she was walking on the top of her foot, not the bottom.

For 16 years she repeatedly petitioned her church for a disabled trike to no avail. She also petitioned at some point the Muslim Imam over a period of 10 years. No-one was willing to help her.

Someone in her village told her about Pastor Yusuf and she came to the city to ask for help.

The pastor invited her to stay and for a week she watched and listened to him as he continually helped those in need.

In 1 week she was presented with her trike! She told Pastor Yusuf: I have watched you, I have listened to you, and I have seen Jesus in you. You must have and know the truth. I want your Jesus in my life. So, she prayed to receive Christ.

We are here, Engage Burkina, our local pastors and believers to be the hands and feet of Christ. This is only possible because of all of you who pray and give. These are your stories, you are vital to these stories and all of us cannot thank you enough for praying and giving!

Thank you from Sophietta, Pastor Yusuf, all of these who are helped through your generosity. Our hearts are full and I hope yours are too!

1 John 3:17-18


Sweet widow Claire, a longtime house worker who came to greet. She only has work 3 days a week now and said life is VERY hard for her. I gave her $100 and took her into the office and told our agent to have her come once a month for $40 to help her with her needs.

It is so incredibly sad to see so many we know and love struggling due to the terrorism and so many who left Burkina who used to employ them.

The millions of displaced people is incomprehensible. To hear their stories breaks your heart.

We in the US cannot begin to comprehend this level of suffering, grief, hunger, need.

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/26/2024

Yesterday 7,700 pounds of corn were distributed to those in need: widows, disabled people, displaced refugees fleeing their villages after Juhadist attacks, and others. 220 people received one large tin of dried corn each.

They take the dried corn, pound it in a pestle to powder, then pour the powder into boiling water until thick and pasty, and they dip it out using gourds where they let it cool to form patties. This then is dipped into sauces often made from boiled leaves.

The needs for food is overwhelming as in the nation there are over 2 million displaced people who have lost everything after Jihadist entered and murdered many, and they escaped and fled with nothing at all.

What do you do when needs are so overwhelming it seems impossible to make a difference? You do what you can, helping one life at a time, for as long as you are able with the resources God supplies. You do not give up!

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/26/2024

Meet Joseph Bonkian and Mike Pierce, Clean Water CEO. Jospeh’s brother Michel was a longtime friend and powerful Evangelist and Pastor. He was truly our brother, a part of our family but died years ago in a car accident.

Joseph and Michel were the Hands and Feet for Mike here in Burkina for overseeing and accounting for the digging, cementing, capping and reporting on hand dug wells. Even now with the dangers from Jihadist’s here Joseph continues to provide water, clean water, to those in need.

Clean water has to date provided 1020 wells to villages throughout Burkina to our people in need.

Water is life!

According to a report from Unicef 2 out of every 5 children here die before adolescence due to unsafe, unclean, polluted water sources.

How do we help such overwhelming needs? It is staggering and seems like too mych to take on, BUT, we do like Mike and his donors, by providing 1 well at a time!


This lady burst out in song as soon as she was given her three wheeled tricycle for the disabled. Imagine at her age for the first time having freedom to move about. She can now get water from the well when she is thirsty, she can get food when she is hungry, she can just move about town and look at people face to face for the fisrt time. This is why we come, why people give and pray! Thank you all!

Photos from Engage Burkina's post 06/25/2024

On the left meet Suzanne, her husband was one of our Pastors in charge of the Christian High Scool here in the city, and in charge of the city’s Awana Program for younger children. He passed away a few years ago from Hepatitis.

Suzanne was not only a pastor’s wife but she also worked for various missionaries as a cook, an excellent cook.

Now, as a widow, she runs a traditional Burkina restaurant to support her family but is still very involved in the local school.

This year she had a very serious motorcycle accident accident and fractured her leg in 4 places, and her foot was turned around backwards. Her hip was also popped out of socket.

Engage Burkina was able to provide her with medical care and surgery. She came to visit today and thank all of you who pray and give. It has restored her health, she walks perfectly, and can provide for her family now.

Her daughter Grace is 18 years old and thanks to scholarships has finished high school and is now in a 2 year program for technology. She would not be able to attend school without the scholarships. She is deeply grateful to have an opportunity at a better life.

Suzanne and I visited, had coffee and banana cake, prayed and both of us marveled at how blessed we have been through Engage burkina.

Thank you everyone. It is good to hear back “home” again.


Found this photo in our office today, a blast from the past we had forgotten about.

Pastor Yusuf was made a Naba, a Mossi “King”, the Naba of Peace, in this ceremony, a large gathering and celebration. Yusuf was called the Ambassador of peace, for all he has and is still doing for the poor and disabled in Sector 30.

John was also honored by the traditional Nabas in this ceremony as an honorary Naba of Peace, and Yusuf is presenting John with a painting showing birds flying over the ocean, representing the wells, and landing in Burkina.

Great memory!


After today’s service we had the honor of praying for people individually. This dear lady sat in the chair and told us she was asking for prayer for her adult son.

He was an electrician and had gone to another city on a job and was electrocuted, thrown across a room. He was in the hospital with severe burns all over the front of his body.

We placed our hands on her and all prayed aloud for her son. After we shook hands but my mother’s heart broke for her and I grabbed her and hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

Though she did not speak French or Jula and we could not communicate as I touched my heart then hers volumes were communicated.

After church she asked if she could have her photo taken with me.

If your heart is not touched, even broken, in this country then you must have a heart problem.

Thank you for your prayers!


Church was long, warm and exciting to be back too. I am going to include three short video clips that made me think “What excuse do you use for not going to church?” (I can only attach ine at a time for some readon on this page)

One Story:
A Fulani muslim woman came to church today. After the service she told the pastor that her husband was shot by the terrorist in his hip and is now paralyzed. They fled to Ouaga and are in a make shift refugee section of that area. People do not trust the Fulani as they are strong Muslims and many have joined the terrorists.

She heard about the church that helps the suffering and asked if anyone could help her. We had the privilege of laying hands on her and all praying out loud at the same time IN THE NAME OF JESUS to help her. One of the team members gave her $10, which is a lot here, to get her immediate food and the pastor gave her a ticket for our food distribution on Tuesday!

So many stories, too many to tell all at once! Thank you for your praye


Our luggage handlers just called and they have our 5 trunks, flight arrived early! John, Mike Pierce and Adama Boro, our local business agent and long time friend just left to get them. PTL!

Sector 30 todays had crowds of people and the President of Burkina Faso sent one of his right hand men to meet the team and thank Engage Burkina for all that they (you who give) have done for the people/nation here.

One story from today:
A woman in a village placed her infant/newborn on the ground and was shot and killed by the jihadists. Someone rescued the baby which today appeared to be only weeks old. A local woman in the city agreed to take him, and had just gotten him.

The team said the baby was screaming and crying loud and long so much so that he was gasping for breath and coughing.

John sent someone with money to buy 2 cans of powder milk and a baby bottle and as soon as the baby received the milk he drank forcefully andcwas quiet. The child was literally starving to death. No telling how long he had not been fed.

Amy Riddering hung out with us this afternoon and is referring the baby to her contact in Social
Services where he can be put on a free milk program.

Just the first of many reasons to come being made clear to us. If only to see this one child in need then already this trip has been worth it!

John’s neck is less painful tonight. Keep praying as your prayers on our behalf means you share in all God is doing here. This is Kingdom work!


We had a great trip, but none of the 6 checked bags arrived, and one trunk has frozen chicken in it, so pray it comes on tomorrow night’s flight.

Spiritual warfare has begun: As we were sitting and sharing with our team members last night the office chair John was in flipped over backwards and John hit his head hard on the tile floor. He is in pain as his neck feels jammed. He appears to be swollen on one shoulder.

Please do keep your prayers coming our way!

Tomorrow the men go to one of our favorite sections in town to speak with the children who have received scholarships to go to school. The pastor who is here with his 22 yr old son, and another man have supported many of these children as well as his through his church.

The team is great, everyone meshing really well.

We are exhausted from the long travel and hope to get to sleep soon.

Feel free to share our news with any who will pray and who may be interested.


One of our pastors lost his leg due to diabetes and Engage Burkina was able to get him a prostetic leg and he is learning to walk again with it. He is still pastoring a church and we and him cannot thank you all enough for making this possible for him. Your generosity continues to help him and countless others like him. Thank you!


Update on our Night Guard Jean (John) who had the moto accident and was unconscious for over an hour. He is awake and sore but so far does not seem to have any serious issues. Thank you for your prayers, thanks from him and our business agent too!


urgent prayer request: our night guard in Burkina was almost to our home there when while on his moto another moto hit him. Our business agent took him to the hospital where he was unconscious for over an hour. Though now awake he is not out of the woods yet. His name is Jean (pronounced John).


As we plan for and are excited about our upcoming Burkina trip this summer we ask for your continued prayers for the instability and violence there. Also for our church and Engage who continues to minister and give aid to the thousands of refugees fleeing the violence from the terrorist attacks.

Hunger, lack of clean water, housing for these dispaced and suffering innocents is no small matter. As our people reach out to us to help and we pray we watch as God supplies and we are thankful. We thank you who care for our people, who are generous with their prayers and giving.

Pleae continue to pray for Burkina and for Israel, God’s chosen ones. We are living in tough times with so many hate groups today. Our prayers make a difference! Do not grow weary in your prayers, that is where we make a difference in these spiritual battles fought in the physical realm here on earth.


From John on a Mission’s trip to Guinea:

We finished the eye clinic today! Saw a record 340 people! It was awesome to be able to help people!

I had one boy 17 years old who could not even see the top line of the eye chart! We put a letter up that was 4 inches tall and he could not see that! I thought it was hopeless BUT God.

I put the highest strength lenses we had which was a B 5 and immediately he said I can see all the letters and he read down through line 7 which is 20/20. It was so amazing to see his face, a miracle:)

I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get some meds and when I walked in the pharmacist said Bonne arriver Docteur !!!

I had scrubs on like last year so he thinks I am a Doctor!

I couldn’t believe he remembered me from last year and he asked about Burkina:)

Great to talk to him for about 10 minutes 🙂


I want to bring you up to date on what is going on in Burkina in the past month. The terrorists are still attacking villages and chasing the people from their homes. Every week we are seeing more refugees and those who are needing help.

But the encouraging news is that the government along with the military are pursuing the terrorists with vigor. In this past month there have been some major victories against the terrorists as they wipe out some of these bands of terrorists in the North. The terrorists are making it difficult on the people in hopes that they will turn against the government which will make it easier for them to take control. Please pray for Burkina and its people, for protection and for it to come back to the country it once was.

My daily prayer is: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.
Dear Lord, Fight for the Burkina people, and strive with any who will accept you as Lord, but any of the enemy who will refuse you until their death, then hasten their days, and have mercy on our people. I thank you Lord for all who have come to know you through this adversity, and I trust you, but my heart aches for our people and our country. May your perfect will be done, and may I have grace to trust you completely as this time of adversity and persecution continues on. Amen

We have begun the well drilling season and also the hand dug wells. We have 20 wells starting to be hand dug and also have 10 drilled wells lined up for drilling with hand pumps. Pray for lots of water to be found for these projects. More wells are needed with so many people being forced into areas. No village is equipped to take in several hundred more refugees without another source of water being provided. Pray that wells can be provided where needed.

We have also completed the 5 garden project up North which has put 202 women and men to work. Already 34 women and 18 men, most of these are muslims, have come to Jsus Christ.

We are locating the next area for a garden project. These garden projects are key to so many. It has given many a sense of respect as they provide for their families.

These gardens have made it possible for these families to have food all year around and for the children to get the vegetables they need so that they are so much healthier. These projects have a drilled well with a solar pump that pumps water into concrete basins around the garden for them to pull water from to water the crops.

The crops are watered morning and at night. The crops feed the families, the excess is sold to help the kids go to school and care for the sick.

We continue to have medical emergencies, where people need help and unless they get it, they will probably die. I think about how fortunate we are to have medical help when we need it and to realize that so many cannot even pay for a $5 malaria treatment that would save them.

I want to share this story of a girl whose name is Pendg Wende. She is 17 years old. Her Dad who was a Pastor and her Mom were killed 6 months ago in a motorbike accident. She was left to take care of her younger brothers and sisters. Their extended family are muslim and so will have nothing to do with them, because they are Chrisian.

Pendg Wende joined some organization that sent her to Ghana to learn to be a tailor, while she was learning this trade in Ghana she was hit with a stray bullet from two warring tribes. The organization left her hanging out to dry. She was hit in the shoulder area and it richoced towards her heart. They were able to stabilize her in Ghana but she is going to need extended surgery to remove the bullet and repair her chest area.

The family would not help bring her back to Ouagadougou because she is a Chrisitan.

Pastor Yusuf from sector 30 got in touch with me to see what we could do. We have had her brought back to Ouaga and she is staying with the Pastor. We have paid for her to have x-rays and to see the possibilities of her having a successful operation.

It was discovered that she needs something that must come from France to be put in her body and it would be impossible for us to get it, BUT GOD!

The General in the military in Burkina is good friends with pastor Yusus and is very pro Engage Burkina, because of all the Engage does for the people. He personally is getting the needed item from France for the surgery. We are having to come up with $3000 for our part of the surgery and her aftercare.

Pastor Yusuf asked me if we had the green light, I told him even though we do not have the funds for this need as of yet, I gave him the green light to move forward. As soon as the piece needed comes from France then Pendg wende will have the surgery. Pray for a successful surgery and quick healing as she looks to take care of her siblings. Pray that through this some of her family will come to know Jesus.

Please continue to pray each and every day for Burkina and its People. They need our prayers more than ever. Many are coming to Christ each day as they see the love of Jesus being portrayed in acts of kindness and mercy!

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Our Story

Learn more about the work of Engage Burkina on our website at www.engageburkina.com

Videos (show all)

Watch these precious people come to chuch and then see how the lady in yellow worships. We can learn mych from these won...
The gift of mobility; Priceless in impact and $400 to give this gift to someone in need!
This lady burst out in song as soon as she was given her three wheeled tricycle for the disabled. Imagine at her age for...
Burkina worship
Dedication in@adversity
What is our excuse for not going to church?
Church was long, warm and exciting to be back too. I am going to include three short video clips that made me think “Wha...
One of our pastors lost his leg due to diabetes and Engage Burkina was able to get him a prostetic leg and he is learnin...
People desperate for clean water are very thankful! Changing lives, one life at a time.



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