Another Solution

Another Solution provides clinical evaluations to those seeking help for substance use disorders. Another Solution is the missing link to long-term recovery.

Substance use disorders existing with mental health complications may be as high as 60-70% of all cases. Both sides of that coin must be treated separately and simultaneously to work. Our Chronic Care Management system affords adolescents and adults comprehensive recovery plans. After providing a thorough Clinical Evaluation and Assessment, we match a regimen with their needs, vastly increasing chances for long-term recovery. All our services are free to those who need them. See Less


DON'T LET SHAME STOP YOU from getting help with addiction, anxiety, or depression. Help can be a phone call away! ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions and knows how to help.
Call us at 972-669-8395.

4 Ways to Deal with a Slip in Recovery 01/17/2024

A relapse (lapse, slip, setback) is one of the most frustrating, humiliating experiences you can face in recovery. Learn 4 ways to help deal with a slip. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions, and knows how to help. Call at 972-669-8395.

4 Ways to Deal with a Slip in Recovery A slippery slope can lead to relapse. One of the exercises utilized in treatment is the following. You made it through recovery treatment. You were doing well with your journey in recovery. One night, a coworker asks you to grab a drink after work. Just one drink, it cannot hurt, you tell yourself.....

5 Most Common Causes Contributing to Alcoholism 01/10/2024

Heredity and environmental factors can influence one's propensity to become addicted. Most of the factors are out of your control. Learn more here. Let us be there for you if you or a loved one need help getting sober. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions and knows how to help. Call at 972-669-8395.

5 Most Common Causes Contributing to Alcoholism You may understand what alcoholism is, but how does it start? What leads a person from having the occasional drink to full-blown alcohol addiction? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t so simple. Alcoholism results from a combination of genetic, psychological, environmental, and social factors. The mor...

How to Get Sober: A 7-Step Guide to Sobriety 01/03/2024

HERE IS A 7-STEP GUIDE TO GETTING SOBER in 2024. It’s one thing to recognize a need for getting sober; it’s entirely another to do it. If you or a loved one need help getting sober, let us be there for you. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions, and knows how to help. Call at 972-669-8395.

How to Get Sober: A 7-Step Guide to Sobriety It’s one thing to recognize a need for getting sober; it’s entirely another to do it. Sobriety means more than giving up drugs and alcohol. It is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to a substance-free life, which can be challenging at times. The most difficult step is often the first....

A Sober Holiday Survival Guide 12/18/2023

Here are some helpful tips to enjoy a MERRY, SAFE, and SANE and SOBER HOLIDAY SEASON. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ANOTHER SOLUTION knows addictions, knows recovery, and knows how to help.
Call us at 972-669-8395.

A Sober Holiday Survival Guide There are many reasons why the holiday season can be challenging, particularly for those in early sobriety. The pandemic has added more stress to the holiday season this year. There are many strategies that those in recovery have used to "survive" the holiday season sober. This particular holiday se...

Alcohol and Anxiety 12/14/2023

ALCOHOL USE/ABUSE CAN EXACERBATE an ANXIETY DISORDER or lead to new anxiety symptoms. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows addictions, knows recovery, and knows how to help.
Call us at 972-669-8395.

Alcohol and Anxiety Anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorder are common co-occurring disorders that can cause severe distress and impair your daily functioning. Alcohol use disorder can exacerbate an existing anxiety disorder or may lead to new anxiety symptoms and vice versa, meaning that a pre-existing anxiety disor...

Gratitude Changes Everything 12/06/2023

A GRATEFUL HEART CAN DO WONDERS for those in recovery and for ANYONE who practices its principles. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions, and knows how to help. Call at 972-669-8395.

Gratitude Changes Everything A Grateful Heart is a Miracle Magnet Gratitude is a powerful, positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative and is associated with several mental and physical health benefits. When you experience gratitude, you feel grateful for something or someone in your life and respond with kin...

Effects of Alcoholism on the Family 11/29/2023

SUBSTANCE ABUSE negatively affects an individual's health and well-being AND the FAMILY, FRIENDS, and other loved ones. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions, and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Effects of Alcoholism on the Family How Alcohol Use Affects Our Loved Ones Too People who have an alcohol addiction continue to engage in compulsive behaviors despite adverse consequences. Many of these negative consequences affect the individual's health and well-being, but family, friends, and other loved ones are also often affecte...

Thanksgiving - A Sober Holiday 11/15/2023

Holidays can be a trying time for those in early recovery. See tips for a fun and sober Thanksgiving. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery and can help. Evaluations are free for those who desire it. Call us at 972-669-8395.

Thanksgiving - A Sober Holiday Thanksgiving can be a difficult time for those in recovery, as many holidays can be. During these times, each person in recovery will have to deconstruct their expectations of the holidays and begin to establish new practices and traditions that can help support their continued sobriety. However, pl...


RECOVERY ISN'T JUST ABOUT ABSTINENCE; It has early-on CHALLENGES, too! Here, you'll be able to see what to expect. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions, and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

FIRST-YEAR RECOVERY CHALLENGES It’s not only Abstinence When people start thinking about quitting drugs and alcohol, they often imagine that recovery is only about abstinence. They believe they’ll be fine as long as they can resist drinking or using again. However, they soon discover that there’s a lot more to recovery. The...

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illnesses 11/01/2023

THREE MAIN PATHWAYS can contribute to the comorbidity between SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS and MENTAL ILLNESS. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Illnesses The high prevalence of comorbidity between substance use disorders and other mental illnesses does not necessarily mean that one caused the other, even if one appeared first. Establishing causality or directionality is problematic for several reasons. For example, behavioral or emotional problems ma...

Are You Addicted to Alcohol? 10/18/2023

THERE ARE "FOUR C's" regarding ALCOHOL ADDICTION. It’s a simple way of looking at alcohol consumption and determining if it has reached a concerning (and possibly dangerous) level. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery, knows addictions and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Are You Addicted to Alcohol? Denial is common for many living with addiction, but behavioral red flags don’t lie. It’s just a few drinks, right? Nothing to be concerned about. For approximately 15 million Americans with alcohol use disorder (AUD), that’s a statement of denial. Alcohol use disorder is a chronic disease oft...

Linking Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse 10/11/2023

Another Solution knows recovery, knows addictions and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Linking Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse The link between trauma and increased risk for substance use disorders has been documented in research for many years. People with a history of trauma use more substances and are at higher risk for dependence, substance use disorders, and related complications compared to those without trauma histor...

ADHD and Substance Abuse 10/03/2023

RESEARCH HAS FOUND that KIDS with ADHD are TWO to THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY TO USE SUBSTANCES than kids in the general population. Learn the best way to avoid problems. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY, knows addictions and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

ADHD and Substance Abuse Why teens with the disorder are at higher risk for addiction We know that one of the long-term effects of ADHD is a heightened risk for substance abuse. In fact, research has found that kids with ADHD are two to three times more likely to abuse substances than kids in the general population. This as...

How Anxiety and Alcohol Affect Each Other 09/27/2023

DRINKING CAN CHANGE THE BRAIN'S CHEMISTRY in a way that MAKES ANXIETY WORSE. Learn how to better deal with it here. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with anxiety, substance abuse, or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

How Anxiety and Alcohol Affect Each Other Alcohol can trigger or worsen anxiety. If you or someone you love is experiencing alcohol-related anxiety, there are ways to cope. Society would have us believe that there’s no better way to unwind after a long day than by drinking a glass of wine, cold beer, or sipping your go-to liquor. But tryi...

Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs 09/19/2023

TEENS WHO EXPERIMENT WITH DRUGS and other substances put their HEALTH and SAFETY at RISK. The teen brain is particularly vulnerable to being rewired at this stage. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY and PREVENTION. If you need help, call:

Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs The teen brain is in the process of maturing. In general, it's more focused on rewards and taking risks than the adult brain. At the same time, teenagers push parents for greater freedom as teens begin to explore their personalities. That can be a challenging tightrope for parents. Teens who experim...

Why Addiction Is a Chronic Brain Disease 09/12/2023

THE NEW DEFINITION OF ADDICTION focuses on what's happening INSIDE YOUR BRAIN. Addiction can manifest itself in many behaviors beyond substance abuse. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY, knows addictions, and knows how to help. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Why Addiction Is a Chronic Brain Disease Addiction is a chronic brain disease that's more about the brain's neurology than the outward manifestations of behavioral problems and poor choices, according to a group of addiction medicine professionals. In April 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) released its new Definition...


ADDICTION and MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES commonly CO-OCCUR. To not identify and treat them separately and simultaneously can result in a RECOVERY FAILURE. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY, and we can help.
CALL US 972-669-8395

THE COMORBIDITY of MENTAL ILLNESS and ADDICTION The Numbers Do Not Lie. Mental illness and addiction often overlap. Nearly 9 million people have a co-occurring disorder, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Yet, only 7 percent of these individuals get treatment for both conditions. And more than 60 percent r...

Adolescent Depression…Is it a Phase or a Problem? 08/29/2023

Adolescents too often turn to drinking or drugs as a means of self-medication to alleviate the negative feelings of their depression. This self-medication can grow into a much larger problem over time. Another Solution has added Teen Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment capabilities to its adult programs. We need to get ahead of the curve by helping our youngsters. Our services are free to those in need. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a family member need help, CALL US at 972-669-8395

Adolescent Depression…Is it a Phase or a Problem? Although most people think of depression as an adult illness, children and adolescents can develop depression as well. Unfortunately, many children with depression go untreated because adults don't recognize they're depressed. When teens are struggling with emotional issues such as depression, they....

Mental Health Disorders and Teen Substance Use 08/21/2023

ALMOST HALF THE KIDS WITH MENTAL DISORDERS, if not treated, WILL WIND UP HAVING A SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER. Another Solution has added Teen Awareness, Prevention, and Treatment capabilities to its adult programs. We need to get ahead of the curve by helping our youngsters. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a family member need help,
CALL US at 972-669-8395

Mental Health Disorders and Teen Substance Use When teenagers are struggling with emotional problems, they often turn to alcohol or drug use to help them manage painful or difficult feelings. In this, they are not different from adults. But because adolescent brains are still developing teenage “self-medication” results can be more immediate...

Recognizing Symptoms of Depression in Teenagers 08/15/2023

WHEN A TEENAGER IS DEPRESSED, their suffering isn't the only reason GETTING HELP IS ESSENTIAL. In addition to the disorder itself, add-on effects may cause lifelong issues. ANOTHER SOLUTION can help your teen and your family.
CALL: 972-669-8395.

Recognizing Symptoms of Depression in Teenagers Your child might be more than moody Since adolescents are often moody, it can be challenging to recognize when your child has become depressed and might need help. The thing people tend to notice first is withdrawal, or when the teenager stops doing things they usually like to do. There might be oth...

How Alcohol Misuse Affects Family Members 08/08/2023

The reality is, PEOPLE WITH ALCOHOL PROBLEMS DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND the NEGATIVE IMPACT their actions have ON FAMILY and friends. Another Solution KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

How Alcohol Misuse Affects Family Members Addiction is a chronic, brain-based disorder that involves brain chemistry, the environment, life experiences, and genetics. People with an alcohol addiction continue to engage in compulsive behaviors despite adverse consequences. Many of these negative consequences affect the individual's health an...

Addiction and the Power of Denial 07/31/2023

DENIAL is a STATE in which you DENY or DISTORT what is happening in substance use disorders. ACCEPTANCE is critical to SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY. Another Solution KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

Addiction and the Power of Denial Acceptance is vital to accepting and understanding reality, making changes, and planning for the future. When we are in a content state, acceptance comes naturally. But when we are hurting, acceptance can be much more complex, and we may enter a state of denial. Acceptance is necessary to begin the....

How to Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs 07/25/2023

TEENS WHO EXPERIMENT WITH DRUGS and other substances put their HEALTH and SAFETY AT RISK. Learn how we all can work together. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

How to Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs Teen drug abuse can have a significant impact on your child's life. Find out how to help your teen make healthy choices & avoid using drugs.

What Is the Role of Family in Addiction Recovery? 07/19/2023

SUBSTANCE ABUSE and ADDICTION damage family dynamics, erode trust, and weaken communication. See the roles family members may play. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one are experiencing problems with substance abuse or addiction, WE CAN HELP!
Call: 972-669-8395

What Is the Role of Family in Addiction Recovery? The role of the family in addiction recovery is both significant and broad. For many in recovery, family support is critical to achieving and maintaining sobriety. Substance abuse and addiction can damage family dynamics, erode trust, and weaken communication. Family members who experience a loved o...

Willingness is Key to Recovery 07/13/2023

The WILLINGNESS to GET INTO RECOVERY is often driven by despair. If the subject is willing, achieving successful recovery is easier. ANOTHER SOLUTION KNOWS RECOVERY. If you or a loved one needs help, contact us:

Willingness is Key to Recovery Willingness is when you are willing to do something out of choice, not because someone forced you. This is an important quality to have when

Teen Drug Abuse: Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs 07/05/2023

TEENS EXPERIMENTING WITH DRUGS and other substances put their health and safety at risk as their brains are rewired from their use, overloading the reward circuits. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery. If you or a loved one needs help CALL US, we can help. 972-669-8395

Teen Drug Abuse: Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs Teen drug abuse can have a significant impact on your child's life. Find out how to help your teen make healthy choices & avoid using drugs.


HAPPY 4th of July!!!

Biology of Addiction 06/28/2023

Substance abusers need much more than good intentions or willpower to break their addictions. ANOTHER SOLUTION knows recovery. If you or a loved one need help, CALL:

Biology of Addiction People with addiction lose control over their actions. They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, or other substances no matter what the cost

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Our Story

Formed in 1997 by Lois Jordan, a well-renowned expert in the field of recovery, Another Solution began as a tool to assist individuals she was seeing through her outpatient recovery center.

Today, Another Solution, of Dallas, Texas, is a non-profit organization providing free evaluations and free scholarships to treatment for those struggling with addictions or abusing mind-altering substances that could not otherwise afford it.

Our mission at Another Solution is “Investing in healing and hope of recovery.” We do this by providing financial assistance to those seeking rehabilitation and recovery from various addictions that can’t afford the financial burden treatment imposes.

Individuals seeking financial assistance must complete an application showing financial need. All applications are reviewed by the board members of Another Solution. To complete an application, please visit our website at



4131 N Central Expressway, Ste 900
Dallas, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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