Global Advance


Photos from Global Advance's post 08/16/2024

If you've been following along, you know that August has been a busy month for Global Advance! In the last two weeks, the team has encouraged, ignited, and mobilized changemakers in the Church and marketplace to advance the gospel and maximize their community impact.

Across 5 nations and 3 continents, it has been a joy to see how God is using these catalytic leaders and to come alongside them as they charge forward to lift the spiritual + economic capital of their nations.

Church leaders have been ignited with vision and tools to fulfill the Great Commission, and the marketplace is becoming an unstoppable missions force! Want to learn more about how you can get involved in igniting changemakers worldwide? Check out the link in our bio and join us today! ✨


This week, GA staff are in the field with changemakers like Bishop Stanley in Tanzania.

Bishop Stanley oversees every denomination in his region, connecting many churches, pastors, and businessmen from different cities and communities. Over the past few days, he and GA staff have ignited leaders across the region with the tools + vision to see Tanzania transformed by the gospel! They visited a local Bible school and worked together to strategize how to impact their communities + get resources to more leaders around the country.

Whether it's pastors, business leaders + entrepreneurs, next generation leaders, or women of influence, we're on a mission to ignite changemakers worldwide to fulfill the Great Commission! Will you join us?

Photos from Global Advance's post 08/09/2024

A young pastor named David, mobilized and equipped by changemakers in Uganda and following the Lord’s direction, opened a school with his wife in a refugee camp.

Digging their own clay and making bricks, they built as many classrooms as they could. Now, 100 children attend the school, learning to love Jesus and academics.

These changemakers are investing in Uganda’s future, raising the next generation of Jesus followers on a mission for the kingdom!

Photos from Global Advance's post 08/08/2024

When we talk about partnering with leaders who live and work redemptively, we’re talking about changemakers like *Carlos.

He started and runs a transport company that provides bus rides all across the city. All the bus fares go directly towards paying and hiring new drivers so they can expand the business, support missionaries, and support their local church. He even built housing on the property for the families of drivers or missionaries in need of a place to stay.

“This is a business that provides for the kingdom,” Carlos shared with the GA team during their visit earlier this week. He has already planted a church and teaches his drivers how to share the gospel with those who ride with them. His community is being transformed, and it all started with Carlos viewing his business as his ministry. Praise God for changemakers like this in Cuba! 🙌🏾

*Name changed to protect changemakers.


Nearly a decade ago, Pastor Ovi attended our marketplace training in Cuba as a young church leader, and it transformed his life. Since then, he has started 4 businesses, helped his congregation become entrepreneurs, and is now launching a Kingdom Business Network!

These 40 businessmen + women he pastors have now fully funded the expenses and needs of the church, making their impact on their community completely sustainable. Pastor Ovi was ignited with vision and given the tools he needed, and now his life and community are forever changed. Thank you for partnering with changemakers like him all around the world!

Photos from Global Advance's post 08/06/2024

Sebastian, a 24-year-old entrepreneur, owns and manages a co-working + co-living complex in one of the most vibrant corners of Medellín, Colombia. Iglesia Real, a partnering church with Global Advance, began leasing space in one of his buildings for their midweek services. Through meeting other young Christians who came to those services in his building, Sebastian came to know Jesus and joined the church. He is growing in his understanding of what it means to be a faith-filled entrepreneur.

Today, Sebastian is generous with his time + resources to be used by God and to further His kingdom in the city of Medellín. The marketplace has been an untapped mission field, but not for long! Join us today in igniting changemakers like Sebastian who are transforming their nations with the gospel. 🙌🏾


Tatiana opened her bakery with only $1,000 in her pocket and anger towards the Lord for years of hardship she had endured. After a customer bought her a Bible and shared the gospel with her, she learned about God’s love and now uses her business as a ministry!

After coming from a vulnerable situation herself, Tatiana has a heart for working single mothers and has made her business a place of safety and healing. Not only does she pay above-average wages to support her employees, but she also converted the space above her bakery into a daycare!

Since the pandemic, her business has grown from a staff of 2 to 18. As she continues to pour into the single mothers on staff + give back to her community, she also leads weekly Bible study groups for her employees to find community and hear the gospel.

This is the heart of Marketplace Missions: to see business leaders ignited with fresh vision and kingdom purpose to fulfill the Great Commission. Changemakers like Tatiana are becoming an unstoppable missions force in the marketplace! 🙌🏾


Global Advance staff are on the ground + launching the very first Kingdom Business Network in Colombia! 🙌🏾

Are you passionate about Marketplace Missions? Get ready for some incredible stories, testimonies, and more directly from the field on how God's Kingdom is on the move in the marketplace!

From Business to Mission: Empowering Leaders for Global Impact - Lausanne Movement 07/31/2024

For 50 years, the greatest leaders, thinkers, and theologians in the global Church have collaborated through the Lausanne Movement to set the agenda for global Christian missions. This September, they are gathering again with over 5,000 men and women from nearly every country in the world. Representatives of the Body of Christ from every sphere of society will review progress toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission and strategize together on missional issues to see the "whole Church taking the whole gospel to the whole world."

Today, the Lausanne Movement released a podcast featuring Global Advance President Jonathan Shibley, where he shares the significant role of Christian businesspeople in transforming societies and spreading the gospel in developing nations.

Check it out in the link below!

From Business to Mission: Empowering Leaders for Global Impact - Lausanne Movement In this episode of ‘God on the Move’, Jonathan Shibley shares inspiring stories about the journey of faith and missions in the marketplace. Highlighting the work of Global Advance, he explains how investing in marketplace leaders is crucial for advancing global missions. Through personal anecdot...


If you've been around for a while, you know that we want to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission. So how do we do it?

We equip and empower indigenous leaders to reach their potential and advance the kingdom. We call these leaders changemakers, and they are strategically positioned in their nations to impact communities for Christ.

This is where you come in! Thanks to the generosity of faithful partners, 878,000 changemakers have been ignited world wide to fulfill the Great Commission. Now that is a kingdom win! 🙌🏾


Check out today's episode of the ADVANCE Podcast and hear from host Jonathan Shibley as he chats with changemakers from Sri Lanka about their commitment to rebuilding their nation through ministry outreach, economic development, and nurturing the next generation.

Link is in our bio! ➡️


Meeting immediate needs + offering aid opens doors for the gospel among the unreached. For many changemakers, this is how relationships and trust are built.

3 weeks ago, a small + impoverished region of South Asia experienced over 24 inches of rain in just one day. Since homes in this area are typically built with mud and wood, the flooding swept away many homes and livestock, destroying almost everything in its path.

Changemakers stepped in to help the displaced, provide food and shelter for the hurting, and create opportunities to share the gospel. These faithful leaders were able to distribute enough food to feed 150 people for a month and a half.

Thanks to the generosity of GA partners, 5 unreached people groups were impacted + heard about Jesus for the very first time! This is the gospel in action! 🙌🏾


A few weeks ago, changemakers equipped and mobilized pastors in Northern Nigeria to strategically plant churches, provide trauma healing for survivors of recent terrorist attacks, and to begin discipling other believers in their churches and communities.

Pastor Matu was one of 63 pastors ignited through this training, and he shared how he was impacted through their time together:

"I feel empowered and equipped to make a real difference in my community and beyond. This training from Global Advance has opened my eyes to the vast opportunities and challenges that exist in our world today. I’ve learned so much about effective communication and strategic planning, and I’m excited to apply these skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in my community. I’m ready to play my part in the Great Commission."

God's Kingdom is on the move! Thank you for igniting changemakers like Pastor Matu who are advancing the gospel in some of the darkest regions in the world.

Photos from Global Advance's post 07/24/2024

On average, most people will spend a little more than 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. This means that one-third of our lives are spent at the office, in the field, working in the marketplace.

This is why we are so excited about how Kingdom Business Networks are equipping + mobilizing biblical leaders in the marketplace to make a difference in their communities.

This week, a KBN in Kenya met two students who needed sponsorship to finish their education. Between the member's businesses, they were able to provide scholarships for both students + support their goals of becoming a neurosurgeon and lawyer.

With KBNs launching all over the world, the marketplace is becoming an unstoppable missions force! Check out the link in our bio to learn how you can get involved TODAY.


Global Advance exists to ignite changemakers worldwide to fulfill the Great Commission. So how do we do it?

Instead of sending missionaries to the nations, we focus on maximizing the impact of influential church + marketplace leaders in their nations.

For 34 years, our strategy has been to convene, equip, and mobilize these leaders to make + multiply disciples as they reach the 3 billion people still unreached with the gospel. Together, we are taking massive steps toward fulfilling the Great Commission!✨


Meet Dibo, a member of a Kingdom Business Network in India. 👋🏾

When he was introduced to the KBN, he was on the brink of abandoning his new business. With the support of faithful marketplace leaders in his community, Dibo watched as the Lord provided the funds necessary to keep his business alive and cover all outstanding payments. Since his financial stability was restored, he has been able to secure a prime location for his business and begin serving his community!

Stories like Dibo's are pouring in as marketplace leaders grow in their faith, business excellence, and impact on their communities worldwide. We absolutely love what is happening in India, and it wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our friends who are passionate about Marketplace Missions. ✨THANK YOU✨


As followers of Jesus, we have a task: to reach the 3 billion people still unreached with the gospel. 🌍

A people group is considered unreached when there is no indigenous community of believers with the tools and resources to evangelize their people without assistance from others.

When you partner with us, you are partnering with changemakers on the front lines of reaching the unreached & igniting leaders among them. God's Kingdom is advancing, and we couldn't be more excited. Together, we are seeing the Great Commission fulfilled!


Need some encouragement today?

Check out the newest episode of the ADVANCE Podcast and hear from host Jonathan Shibley and Pastor Joel Manderfield as they reflect on Joel's journey to the mission field and how God is opening unbelievable doors along the way. Head over to the link in our bio, and don't forget to subscribe!


For over a year, changemakers have been searching for a way into one of the most dangerous and persecuted areas of Northern Nigeria to convene, equip, and mobilize local pastors. And every time, they were met with opposition from Muslim extremists—until now!

63 pastors and church planters gathered last week with one goal: to transform their region with the gospel. Finally together, they prayed for their nation, strategized how to reach the unreached, and were ignited with the tools needed to advance God's Kingdom in their communities.

God continues to open doors for changemakers in some of the most dangerous places on earth, and with your help, they can continue to transform communities with the gospel! ✨


For this community, learning to bake is more than just a new skill—it's a new way of life.

For 2 years, changemakers in Bhutan have focused on equipping women with skills to provide financial sustainability for their families, build their local economy, and engage their communities. Last week, 15 women went through a baking + business class and are already growing their businesses and using their new skills to open doors for the gospel.

When you partner with Global Advance, you are igniting changemakers who are transforming communities for Christ. Click the link in our bio to learn how to get involved today! 🙌🏾

Photos from Global Advance's post 07/10/2024

Equipping + mobilizing women of influence is key to the gospel's advance.

That's why we're so excited about how God is moving through these frontline leaders! In Kenya, one of the biggest challenges for women in leadership is dealing with past trauma and a lack of confidence. Changemakers started small groups to disciple women to find their identity in Christ + walk boldly as leaders.

Since that group began, 87 communities are now engaging in women's discipleship programs, opening doors for the gospel, healing wounds from the past, + mobilizing women of influence to fulfill the Great Commission!


Ready for a massive kingdom win? 🙌🏾

We partner with changemakers in northern Nigeria who have an ambitious goal to establish a Christian presence in 500 villages among the unreached + heavily persecuted. So far this year, they have visited over 200 villages + distributed 1150 Bibles!

Pray with us for safety, provision, and open doors for these leaders as they advance the gospel and take huge strides toward fulfilling the Great Commission. 🙏🏽


Since the very beginning, we have been about the Great Commission.

While preaching as an evangelist in Nigeria in the 1980s, God gave Dr. David Shibley a burden to activate vision in the hearts and place tools in the hands of pastors in developing nations to fulfill the Great Commission. That burden became our mission, and it's still the same today!

When you partner with us, you are maximizing the impact of influential church + marketplace leaders in their nations. Join us today as we do our part to fulfill the Great Commission!


Kingdom Business Networks help marketplace leaders grow in their faith and business excellence. They collaborate to make an outward impact by meeting their communities' needs, giving generously, and discipling others to lift their nation's spiritual + economic capital.

Dennis has seen for himself the transformational impact KBNs have on the lives of others. With their help, he now has a thriving business and is making an impact by giving back to his church!

This is what happens when marketplace leaders are ignited, and we could not be more excited! 🙌🏾


Want to learn how to nurture an ecosystem of believers in the marketplace?

You're in luck! Episode 3 of the ADVANCE Podcast is out now, so check out the link in our bio to hear from Jonathan Shibley + this week's guest speaker, Baolerhu Ligden, as they share on Kingdom Entrepreneurship! 🙌🏾

Photos from Global Advance's post 07/01/2024

Over the last few weeks, we've been highlighting some of the amazing ways God is working amidst tragedy in Brazil. Today, we want to celebrate the faithful changemakers + churches who worked together to serve their communities + advance the gospel.

44 churches joined forces as shelters and distribution centers for food + clothing to help the hundreds of thousands displaced by the floods. Across these churches, 1500 Bibles were given to those seeking shelter + hope! 🙌🏾

Changemakers have sought to bring unity to the Church of Brazil for years, and they have seen prayers answered through the most unlikely circumstances. We are so thankful for the faithfulness of these leaders + their vision to see Brazil transformed by the gospel!

Photos from Global Advance's post 06/28/2024

➡️ Did you know that over 1.2 million Sri Lankans have left the country since the economic collapse in 2022?

In every region of Sri Lanka, changemakers are working with influential leaders in the Church and marketplace to equip and mobilize the next generation. With many Sri Lankans still trying to leave the country, these young leaders can transform the future of their nation, bringing unity among believers + igniting changemakers to fulfill the Great Commission.

This weekend, 80 young leaders were ignited with vision + tools to make disciples in their communities, schools, and places of work. When you partner with us, you are partnering with each of them as they transform Sri Lanka for Christ!🙌🏾

Photos from Global Advance's post 06/26/2024

Curious about how God is using Kingdom Business Networks to transform communities?​​​​​​​​​

Meet Dennis. 👋🏾 He is a small business owner in Kenya who sells boiled eggs and smoked sausages. After he lost his cart, he could not support himself and asked his pastor for help. He was connected with their local Kingdom Business Network, and they raised funds to buy Dennis a brand new cart. With their support, Dennis learned how to save money, and now he can afford food, clothes, and even give an offering at his church.

Amazing things are happening through KBNs across Africa, and it's all because of your partnership! ✨ New here? Check out the link in our bio to learn how you can get involved today.


Did you know that remote areas of South Asia have been enduring temperatures as high as 125 degrees the past few weeks? This extreme heat has caused severe disruptions to daily life, health, and has dried up all local water sources for both communities and their livestock.

These conditions have challenged local changemakers but also opened doors for them to care for their community and share the gospel with those seeking living water.

Thanks to the faithful generosity of Global Advance partners and the relentless efforts of these frontline leaders, there is water for all! 💧 Over 1000 people, many of whom have never heard the gospel, now have access to clean water. They are experiencing relief from the intense heat and have the opportunity to learn about the gospel.

Now, that is something to celebrate! 🙌🏾


For nearly 35 years, Global Advance has focused on fulfilling the Great Commission by empowering influential church and marketplace leaders in their nations. These changemakers are bringing the gospel to some of the darkest regions of the world!​​​​​​​​​

With 3 billion people still unreached, the task is daunting. But thanks to faithful partners like you, over 875,000 leaders have been equipped to make + multiply disciples. There is still work to be done, but that is worth celebrating! ✨

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Videos (show all)

Nearly a decade ago, Pastor Ovi attended our marketplace training in Cuba as a young church leader, and it transformed h...
Global Advance staff are on the ground + launching the very first Kingdom Business Network in Colombia! 🙌🏾Are you passio...
Check out today's episode of the ADVANCE Podcast and hear from host Jonathan Shibley as he chats with changemakers from ...
Need some encouragement today? Check out the newest episode of the ADVANCE Podcast and hear from host Jonathan Shibley a...
Want to learn how to nurture an ecosystem of believers in the marketplace?You're in luck! Episode 3 of the ADVANCE Podca...
Have you checked out the new episode of the ADVANCE Podcast yet? 🎧Head over to the link in our bio to hear more from Fou...
The Advance Podcast Season Two is HERE!Check out Episode 1 on all podcast platforms today and hear from Founder David Sh...
Sharon began her journey with Global Advance 5 years ago when she was equipped + empowered through a discipleship progra...
On this season of the Advance Podcast, we get to hear from guests from all over the world about how God is on the move i...
Over the last 11 years, Pastor Dauson has taken this small plot of land + turned it into a 64-acre, thriving farm that p...
Mark your calendars! Episode One of Advance Podcast SEASON TWO drops 6/4/24! 🙌🏽
Nyanza is one of the poorest regions of Kenya with over 60% of its population living on less than $1 a day. This is why ...


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