Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy

Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy not only treats your symptoms but uncovers the root cause of pain and impairment. Get better, be your best.

Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy not only treats your symptoms but uncovers the root cause of pain and impairment. Visit our website for a full list of services, details on treatments, special offers and great advice! Instagram: @ReboundSportsPT
Twitter @ReboundSportsPT


Recover with the Rebound Team at this weekend's Earth Day Loveland Classic! We will have muscle rollers for your post-race comedown & friendly staff-volunteers to answer any of your questions!


tis the season for giving🎄

We are hosting a Giving Tree at each of our three clinics thru 12/21!
Your donations help serve families in need this holiday season!

to help serve our community thru a Rebound Giving Tree, Grab an ornament from one of our clinics, purchase the listed item, & place it underneath the tree!

to serve our community thru monetary donations, visit the link below!

Thank you for your donations!! ✨


Run. Finish. Recover... with Rebound!! Come see one of our physical therapists for a FREE post-race recovery session at the Human Race! See you there!

Photos from Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy's post 04/21/2023

Come and see us this weekend at the Earth Day Loveland Classic!! Recover the right way at The Rebound Recovery Room - free recovery sessions with a physical therapist! See you there!


Merry Christmas, Rebound family! Wishing you a safe & relaxing Holiday. ⛄️

Our clinics will be closed on Monday, December 26th, and will resume normal hours of operation on Tuesday, December 27th.


Oh what fun it is to RUN!
Don't miss out on the perfect gift for the runner in your life.
Merry Christmas & Happy Running!

Photos from Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy's post 12/20/2022

Rebounders spreading that ugly Christmas sweater (or kilt, or suit, or jumpsuit or elf costume) CHEER! Merry Christmas Rebound family!!

Photos from Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy's post 12/16/2022

Big things happened & changes are following. 👏🏼
Swipe to see our updated phone extension options and a full list of our clinic locations and addresses.
Don’t hesitate to call ANY of our locations with your questions.


Happy Thanksgiving Rebound family!! Wishing you a safe holiday weekend. 🦒 Do you recognize our friend in the turkey hat?


Welcome to our Zoo! 🐻🐨🦁🐯 Have a safe & FUN Halloween, Rebounders!


This week at Rebound we are celebrating a quarter of a century of patient care!🥳 We invite you to share your success story with us by submitting a patient testimonial form - Ask the front desk OR drop your email in the comment section below!
If you're celebrating with us in office for your appointment this week, grab a 25th anniversary Rebound sticker and some sweets while you're in!
THANK YOU for choosing Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy as your trusted physical therapy facility for 25 years!


You may have seen some new faces around the clinic this year 😎... Meet the newest Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy clinicians of 2022! We are so grateful for our amazing staff!!
Don't miss our future staff introductions... follow us on social media to get to know the Rebound Team!


Don't miss this Fort Collins staple event this weekend!! Come and see us at the Rebound tent for all your post-run recovery needs!

Last minute registers! Follow the link below!

Photos from Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy's post 07/26/2022

We had a blast this weekend at the 2022 bike event! Thank you to our patients, staff, families, and new friends for making the Rebound Recovery Room a success.
See you at the next event!


Recover with Rebound after your ride this weekend - come see us in the recovery room at 2022 FoCo Fondo
It's not too late to last minute register for Sunday... See you there!

Photos from Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy's post 03/29/2022

Hi NoCo Runners!

Are you wanting to get back to running without pain? ...but not sure where to start?

Through Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy we have 2 virtual Runners Strength Programs for injury prevention:

1) Strong Running Mama - specific to moms to help restore and rebuild core, hip and glute strength post-kid/s and then return to running without pelvic floor symptoms and injuries. (

2) Runners Strength Program- specific to ALL runners to help strengthen hips, glutes and core (and all of the important and underactive running muscles) to be able to build mileage/increase speed and prevent injuries.(

The next session start date is April 1st and the program will have on-demand access through the month of June (over 12 weeks of access!) If you have specific questions that aren’t answered in the FAQs on the website then please email [email protected]. We’d love to chat with anyone who is interested! : )

We also have an Instagram account on all things Women’s Health PT related including Diastasis Recti rehab, glute and core exercises, incontinence prevention tips, back pain help and how to stroller run properly & etc. so follow .


Winter session of Strong Core Mama is officially up and running! ❄️

Want to restore and rebuild your core & pelvic floor in 2022? 💪

Our Winter session will run the first 12 weeks of the year.🎉

The goal of our Strong Core Mama program is to create the solid foundation you need in order to return to all the activities you love without any limitations.

What you get included with the Strong Core Mama Program:

⏺Learn the missing muscles of postpartum rehab from a Women’s Health Physical Therapist 👩‍⚕️

⏺Rebuild your core & pelvic floor post-kid/s with very specific rehabilitation exercises ⚕️

⏺Physical Therapist video demonstration and audio instructions to guide you through all exercises 📺

⏺Education on how to prevent common postpartum scenarios of Diastasis Recti, hip/pelvis pain, back pain/sciatica, pelvic floor dysfunction and much more 🚫

⏺Learn how to progress back into activity pain-free and symptom-free 👍

⏺Regular check-ins with a Women’s Health Physical Therapist to make sure that your symptoms and pain are improving and that you’re getting stronger📈

⏺Printable packets of the exercises in each class📃

⏺Empower you to feel strong and confident again by reducing your chance of injury in motherhood and reducing your fear over what you can and can't do in postpartum😊

⏺A group of amazing mamas to journey through the Program 👩‍👧‍👦

If you’re ready for a change then the time is now!!

Remember, even if your “baby” is 6 years old or 16 years old, it’s never too late to make changes! 👶👧🧒

➡️Head to the link to register today! (

❓Have more questions?
See our FAQ section on our website or send us a message ✍️


3 tips to prevent lightning crotch! ⚡️

A common and symptom I see in the clinic is SPD, Symphysis P***s Dysfucntion, aka Lightning Crotch.

Did you know that Physical Therapy can decrease SPD pain?

It makes me so sad when I hear moms say “There’s nothing that can be done for my pelvic pain!”

I firsthand experienced the difference that PT can make on SPD. During my first pregnancy I developed SPD at week 13 after running a Half marathon and I wasn’t even showing yet! 😭
It bothered me quite severely the rest of the pregnancy and it was very miserable to be honest.

But with my second pregnancy I practiced all of the things that I had learned in Women’s Health PT continuing education and in my clinical practice. I was able to prevent SPD up until 3rd trimester and manage my pain of SPD at that point so it was less than a quarter of what it had been with my 1st pregnancy! 👏

Most moms think that SPD is only for during pregnancy but in reality it can take some moms months or years to heal post-kid.

The goal of this video is to help you prevent SPD pain in pregnancy and to help get rid of it in postpartum.

👂Listen for the ways you can help prevent:

1️⃣Use SI belt (my preferred is the serola belt- I’ll link to it in my stories)

2️⃣Try to avoid Single leg activities (step ups, lunges, stairs, in/out car or bed, getting pants on standing up, etc)

3️⃣Sleep with pillow in between knees in sidelying

👉Raise your hand if you have had p***c symphysis pain! 🙋‍♀️
Share your experience below ⬇️

👉Share with an expectant mama to help her stay pain-free 😊

👉Check out the link in my bio for access to our postpartum programs


Mamas, do you have sciatica?

Back pain?

SI joint pain? 😫

Here’s a quick exercise to help with all of the above! ⬆️

You DO NOT have to just suffer through the pain...there are so many ways that Physical Therapy & a Rehab Program can help with these injuries!

One of the many ways is to reposition your loosey-goosey postpartum pelvis.🤰🏼

Watch to learn a simple way you can do that on your own. 👀

❓Are you sick of the pain &/or sciatica and you are ready for a long-term solution?

▶️Try our Strong Core Mama Rehab Program!

Next session starts Jan. 1 & runs through March 31st (link in bio)


Find a Women’s Health PT near you! (And if you’re in Northern Colorado then come see me at )

➡️Share with a friend who is also struggling with those mama back pains!


Happy to our Strong Core Mama Community!

We are giving 10% off both our Strong Core Mama (postpartum core & pelvic floor rehab program) and Strong Running Mama (return to running program for moms)

Both programs run virtually with unlimited access from Jan-March 2022. They are easy to access for busy moms like you all.

Make sure you buy before the sale ends on Cyber Monday! (Nov. 29th)

➡️Click link in bio now to signup with the discount BF10

➡️Send to a mama friend who you want to do program with!


Our hip flexors can cause MAJOR problems when they are too tight‼️

Hip flexors can pull your pelvis into an anterior tilt which is where the pelvis tends to be situated during pregnancy & also in postpartum (unless purposefully addressed through exercises...check out our Strong Core Mama Program to address this.*)

Tight hip flexors not only lead to an anterior pelvic tilt but also pull the back into hyperextension and causes compression of the spine.

This can lead to a lot of postpartum back pain that I see frequently in the PT clinic.

Try this stretch to help release your hip flexors (specifically the psoas & iliacus) in a safe way during postpartum and listen closely to the audio for proper cues on form!

⏺Focus on maintaining a posterior pelvic tilt (tucking your bottom in) while gliding forward

⏺Remember your breathing in order to get inhibition of the hip flexors- Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth.

*If you’re having back &/or hip pain in postpartum then check out our Strong Core Mama Program! (link in bio)

Thanks for this great exercise!


Any other mamas out there running with a stroller? 🙋‍♀️
I run about 1/3 of my weekly miles pushing a stroller and let me tell you as a PT & a mama- FORM MATTERS!

The 2 most common mistakes I see moms make stroller running are:

1: Moms typically run in an overly upright position with a rib flare (and anterior pelvic rotation). We don’t want to allow your pelvis to lead in front of your rib cage because then you will tend to overarch your low back.

Instead, we want to have your rib cage stacked over your pelvis. We need a slight forward lean because this will help you keep your abdominals engaged and get your pelvic floor underneath you while you run. Not only will this decrease impact loads on your pelvic floor but it will also help you to fully engage your core and glutes in your running stride.

2: Moms frequently get stuck in a pattern where they consistently only push with 1 arm on the stroller & they aren’t switching arms OR they get stuck pushing with both hands on the stroller at all times & they aren’t getting any trunk rotation at all.

Instead, alternate which arm is controlling the stroller every ~10 arm swings because we want to be symmetrical and always maintain trunk rotation. On uphills or big turns push with both hands (safety first!) but on flats and downhills then alternate which arm/trunk is rotating.

➡️If you missed our video on tips for running post-kid/s then go back and watch because this one builds directly off that! 🏃‍♀️

➡️Tag or share with a stroller running friend! 👩‍🍼


Our running form frequently changes a LOT post-kids! 👎

If we have bad running posture then that increases our risk of injury and none of us want that when we are already so ready to be back to running again post-kiddo/s! 🏃‍♀️

Here are 2 tips to improve your running form:

☝️Make sure your rib cage is stacked over your pelvis! It is very easy in mom life to flare your rib cage forward and get stuck in a forward pelvis position but this is not good for your back or your pelvic floor!

✌️Have a slight forward lean in your posture. This doesn’t mean be slouched but it is important that you don’t run with a stiff back. A relaxed back can allow for the needed trunk rotation in running and it will improve your overall efficiency.

👉Share with a running mama friend!

👉Follow for more tips in the future, including a video on running with strollers!

🙌Remember it’s not too late to sign up for our fall Strong Running Mama – see link at


Humpty Dumpty isn't the only one who had a great fall. 😆

Good luck to all the runners this Sunday!

Our Rebound team will be there for you post race to turn up your recovery!


Did anyone feel like they lost their b***y during pregnancy?
If so, you’re not alone!
A lot of us moms get what we call “lazy butt syndrome” in pregnancy & it frequently carries over into postpartum. 😭

Why does this happen? The pelvis position changes during pregnancy and the glut muscles stop activating like we need them to for our daily activities.🤦🏼‍♀️

Unfortunately what happens when we have these lazy bums is that we end up with a lot of issues like low back pain, pelvic floor incontinence, tight hip flexors or many other issues.

So where do we start to address these “lazy butts”? We need to start by working on our brain-muscle connection so our glut muscles can fire when we need them to! 🧠

Try this exercise and it will help you walk stairs with less knee pain, run with less leaking, & so much more!!!! 🏃‍♀️


-Squeeze both butt muscles together but here’s the kicker: keep your thigh muscles relaxed!

-Once you’re able to squeeze your glutes together without your legs helping then start to alternate 1 side at a time.

-When isolating the R glute from the L glut pay attention to differences between the sides.

This exercise is the BEST postpartum glute exercise for so many reasons but one of them being that it’s the easiest for busy mamas to do on the go!
Practice them throughout the day while feeding your baby, sitting in your car at a stoplight, or standing and cooking in the kitchen. 🚗

You got this mama! Go firm your f***y & get that b***y back!


Check out these Fall savings! This September, we've partnered with Colorado Cardio Gym Equipment Outlet again to get you all of your fitness essentials. Plus, you can earn a FREE quarterly membership to one of our online programs. Check out their website today!


Do any other moms feel like they have a never ending pile of dishes and laundry?!? 🙋‍♀️

As moms we’re doing so many daily tasks – dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.

We all have asymmetries in our bodies- differences between the R and L side- and these often lead to pain, tightness, and injuries.

All of us are very patterned in our movements and we can get stuck in these patterns for our daily tasks.

We need to start to pay attention to differences between the R & L sides of our bodies and switch up these movement patterns!

Today I want to bring awareness to how we’re moving and doing our daily “mom job”

Here’s 2 things to pay attention to this week:

1) What leg do you stand on while washing dishes and cooking?

It might feel awkward at first to start standing on the other leg but try it!

2) What arm do you reach into the kitchen cabinet with?

Challenge yourself and reach with the other hand!

Mamas, let’s focus on using our non-dominant side more so that we can build some new neuromuscular patterns!
This will help us stay healthy and strong and avoid future injuries! 💪

Timeline photos 08/19/2021

It's Back-to-School time! That means a lot of after school sports are in full gear. 🏈

With fun, competition comes potential sports injuries for athletes of all ages. We are here to help our pediatric population to our college athletes. 💪

Many minor physical nuisances that go ignored can turn into serious injuries and it's never too early to get some physical therapy added to your routine. 🩹

Start the school year off right and don't let an early injury ruin your whole season. 😎

Timeline photos 07/31/2021

The summer weekends races are stacking up and we are ready for it!

From 1 mile to a half marathon - this race is perfect for anyone and everyone.

If you're still on the fence, don't forget this is hosted by Green Events which means Zero Waste, local brews, and all the community feels!

One more week! Register today!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Fort Collins?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

We have exciting news to share! ^^ Coming December 2022, Rebound North Fort Collins will open as our 3rd location! #getb...
3 tips to prevent lightning crotch! ⚡️A common #prenatal and #postpartum symptom I see in the clinic is SPD, Symphysis P...
Mamas, do you have sciatica? Back pain?SI joint pain? 😫Here’s a quick exercise to help with all of the above! ⬆️You DO N...
Happy #planksgiving to our Strong Core Mama Community!We are giving 10% off both our Strong Core Mama (postpartum core &...
Our hip flexors can cause MAJOR problems when they are too tight‼️Hip flexors can pull your pelvis into an anterior tilt...
Any other mamas out there running with a stroller? 🙋‍♀️I run about 1/3 of my weekly miles pushing a stroller and let me ...
Our running form frequently changes a LOT post-kids! 👎If we have bad running posture then that increases our risk of inj...
Did anyone feel like they lost their booty during pregnancy? If so, you’re not alone! A lot of us moms get what we call ...
Do any other moms feel like they have a never ending pile of dishes and laundry?!? 🙋‍♀️As moms we’re doing so many daily...
In honor of #diastasisrectiawarenessmonth we are sharing a good core exercise for all you mamas to try!In general, there...
We need to have spines that move and rotate well (see Video Mid-Back Part 1) but we ALSO need to strengthen our mid-back...
We are big believers in making exercise with your kids FUN so this is what it looks like! 🤪🤣🔹Follow @strongcoremama for ...



3500 John F Kennedy Parkway Ste. 120
Fort Collins, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 6pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 3pm

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