In The Garden Doula

In The Garden Doula

Christian • Certified holistic doula • Wellness advocate • 📍Fort Mill | CLT |Surrounding areas


Serendipity || When 2 years later, you birth your second son in the same room as your first. 🥹 What a cool start for mom to take notice of. 🤍

She also had a doula + twin sister with the same name. It was fate. 🥰


I seriously love the work I do. I’m so honored to support moms during this very special time and space! This mom blew us away with her strength and conquered her fears! Such a beautiful thing to witness and wonderful way to end 2023. 🫶🏼

As 2024 is shaping up to be a busy one- I am looking forward to holding space for all the moms + hubbys + little ones blessing this world with their presence! 🥹

I’d love to know- did you hire a doula for your birth? If not, would you for your next? Let us all know your experience!👇🏻


His way is the only way.

He IS the way.

Progressive Christians and the world don’t really like this because it’s not inclusive and is not an easy thing to grasp. It leaves out some friends- yes that’s true, but it doesn’t make this fact + the word of God any LESS true. We cannot pick and choose what we like from the Bible. It’s either true or it isn’t.

(Psst- it’s true)

I will be diving into the book of John over the next 30 weeks. Yep! Long, deep dive and I’m so excited.

30 min last night started with an overview. The book of John is all about the truth and that is that Jesus is the only way. He is the Father and all accounts of him and what he said and did point to this.

If you are new to Christianity or are longing to refresh yourself (you longtime Christian’s)…. Start with John.

I hope to be sharing in posts and stories all that I unpack. Come along for the journey. 🤍


3 C’s

Heard it || LOVE it!

Have you heard this before?

“We have to make a choice to take a chance, if we want to see anything change.”


We can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and hoping for different results.

This applies to SO many areas of life… don’t you agree?

Do it scared.

Just do it.


Philippians 4:8

I read in a devotional recently the paraphrase of this verse and I kinda like it.

We must fill our minds with the best, not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.

We must continually be filling our minds with things that bring life.

I immediately sent it to my SIL as we have continually been discussing this kind of thing, especially over the last several years. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the awakening- if you know what I mean- you get it.

We have to be careful to not let it consume us.

So here’s your reminder; Always bring it (literally whatever it is) back to the Word. 🫶🏼

Happy Saturday 🙏🏼


Just your daily reminder that you don’t need anyone’s permission to change course, start fresh….pivot 🛋️.

Say no
……or maybe it’s a YES
Fire them
Hire them
Let it go
…….or let it in
Take the leap

If you have prayed about it, that’s what matters. What He says or puts on your heart… do that. 🫶🏼


Hi! 👋🏻

Yes, I’m still here!

I have not been posting as much lately because I am doing this whole throw-back to the good ole days- remember those? Before social media when you just played outside and talked to friends? 🤣🫶🏼 Kinda kidding but mostly not lol

My summer has been filled with my sweet boys 👦🏼👦🏻, lots of popsicles🍒🍋 + pool days☀️👙, family visits and of course amazing birthing mamas🤰🏻!

Special shout-out to todays mom who completely rocked her birth- happy birthday sweet Eloise! Your mom was made to do this! 🙏🏼 And your sweet dad- man he loves you so much already. You can see it all over his face! So honored to have witnessed your special entrance. 💕

So anywho, my low social media engagement may be the new (or very old) norm, we will see! But I’m here and happy to serve you any way I can, just shoot me a message!

Enjoy the rest of your summer! ☀️🌊


Happy International Homebirth Day🤍

I loved birthing at home for so many reasons.

Don’t have to travel (if you have fast births like me… who really wants to be in the car)

My own shower
My own bed
My rules (without the hassle)

I could go on and on….

What’s your favorite thing about homebirths? 😍👇🏻

PS. Don’t feel you have to have a water birth. I feel like so many women think this. I liked being in the warm water the first time. The second I was in for like four seconds- the warmth felt good but I like to feel more grounded than I feel in a tub. 🤍

Photog: hubs.

This never posted so the date is off (lol) but worth the share late, none-the-less.


All the glory to Him ✝️



She trusts her body + her baby. 🤍


✨Declare it over your life✨



There are a lot of new faces here, so I thought I would reintroduce myself!

I’m Candice. 👋🏻 I’m a wife and mother to two boys- 2under2… so busy busy here! I am also a mama to a doggo and two kitties. We love animals in this house, so no surprise my oldest knows all the animals sounds and is obsessed with “neighs”. Boy after my own heart!

A few things I personally love off the cuff: birthing, a hot cup of coffee, a good book, freedom, horseback riding, sunshine, traveling and exploring cultures through food. 🤍

Anywho, I am the owner of this lovely space. I’m so glad you’re here. I began this journey to walk alongside women as they go through big life changes. It’s not an understatement to say no two experiences are alike. Not from me to you or even within the same family unit. Each birth and baby is unique.

I hope I can help educate, encourage, make you laugh and remind you that you are so capable! Your body is exceptional and you can do hard things! You know how to birth your baby! Trust yourself!

I would love to connect with you! Feel free to ask me anything and message me any time!

For birth support, I am currently booking Summer + Fall 2023. I would be truly honored to support you as you bring new life into this world.🤍

Happy Saturday!


Photo of me pretty freshly PP with my newest son. 🥰 Can’t believe he’s already 2.5 months! Time is going even faster the second time around. Cherish the moments- even when you’re at your wits’ end. 😅

Thanks for capturing some precious images Hannah!

Photography Bolder Images


Hallelujah 🤍


Good Friday ✝️

It was good for us, not for Him.


but it doesn’t end there …. 🙏🏼


Listen up 👂🏻

A membrane sweep IS an induction! If your body isn’t ready and there is no true medical indication-leave it alone!

Not only will a membrane sweep not work if your body isn’t ready, it can lead to what is known as prodromal labor. Think labor without true progression. 🫤 Talk to moms who’ve experienced this and they will tell you it’s exhausting. Do you want to feel like you’re in labor for weeks before actually being in labor? Probably not. 🫠

Also, allowing for a sweep can prematurely break your waters- which can lead to a whole different set of different problems.

An important thing to remember is that one intervention, will lead to another and another and so forth. A cascade of interventions we say.

Side note 👉🏻 If you are a mom who allows cervical checks, but do not want a membrane sweep- you better be vocal about it. Too often they are done without consent. 🚩So pay attention and advocate for yourself!

Candice | Birth Doula on Instagram: "⠀ Easy? Lol No ⠀ Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, that’s for dang sure… as I sit here in my workout clothes bc I had to stop mid-workout to attend to “needy” kids. ⠀ Annoyed? Yes. ⠀ It alw 03/15/2023

Motherood rant 👇🏻

Candice | Birth Doula on Instagram: "⠀ Easy? Lol No ⠀ Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, that’s for dang sure… as I sit here in my workout clothes bc I had to stop mid-workout to attend to “needy” kids. ⠀ Annoyed? Yes. ⠀ It alw Candice | Birth Doula () on Instagram: "⠀ Easy? Lol No ⠀ Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, that’s for dang sure… as I sit..."


Hands full of blessings

…more from Treasuring Christ when your hands are full. 🤍


“A mother’s work is never done.”

The Christian mother’s hands are full with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3) and her work in nurturing children in the fear of the Lord is her privileged participation in God’s work in uniting all things in Jesus (Ephesians 1:10).

- Treasuring Christ when your hands are full.

I am diving into this book 👆🏻, along with other recommendations and podcasts to remind myself of the purpose I have been given as a mother. To find meaning in the seemingly mundane and to treasure the little things along the way.

Photog: my husband 🤍

Early mornings with the boys. Sharing milkies with one and my coffee with the other (not really, don’t worry- I don’t share coffee 🙃).

This. Is. Motherhood. Is it not? 🤍🙏🏼

What recommendations do you have for other moms who trying to stay the course and find joy in the everyday moments? We would love to know! 🤍


For those who are watching, it feels like what’s going on in the world gets heavier and heavier with each passing moment.

This is your reminder today, tomorrow and always.

It is already written.

He is our hope.

We have nothing to fear.

The victory is His!

Photos from In The Garden Doula's post 02/01/2023

Beyond PPD

Please everyone follow for reminders for yourself and all the mothers you know.

Words by Karen Kleiman.

The hardest part about perinatal mental health disorders?

The symptoms don’t feel like symptoms that you can easily recognize as “oh that’s not right”.

They feel like WHO you are.

I BELIEVED I was a bad mom because that is what my mind told me.

I BELIEVED that I was failing because that’s how I felt and my daughter’s colic and reflux seemed to reinforce that.

I BELIEVED I was a burden, because I felt like I couldn’t do.

None of that is true, and I don’t believe it, now that I have gotten better. But gosh does it really feel like that way when you’re in the thick of it.

You are NOT a bad mom. You are NOT failing. You NOT not a burden.

You’re a great parent, you’re doing a great job and you deserve to feel whole and well and enjoy parenthood.


Nothing can stop the Lord’s plan for your life… nothing at all. 🫶🏻


Coming Soon!

Everyone focuses on the arrival of the new baby but mother is the real MVP.

I’m so excited to have a few things in the works for you mama! 🌿 You seriously deserve it!

Stay tuned! 🤍

Photos from In The Garden Doula's post 01/14/2023


No woman 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴 to tear, although this can also be out of our control.

Even still, there are a number of things to try during your birthing time to reduce your risk!

If they feel right for you, give them a try!


Did you tear? What would you do differently?

If you didn’t tear, did you prepare with any of the suggestions listed here or something else (such as a water birth) or perineal massage?

Drop a comment below for your fellow birthing mamas! 👇🏻


PSA: It’s YOUR birth!

You are in charge of your birth experience… YOU…This includes your pregnancy and postnatal period. This may be empowering for some and terrifying to others.

No matter your feelings on the matter, you have to own it. Take charge of your experience.

✨Do the research
✨Know your rights
✨Make the birth plan
✨Hire who you want
✨Birth where you want

Remember, it’s never too late to change your plan. Whatever that is, what is right for YOU and YOUR baby. 🤍


Birth Support Update

Hi lovelies! Doing a bit of house-keeping today!

I wanted to update my schedule for the beginning of 2023, as I am receiving a lot of messages! Great “problem” to have and I love it but I thought this would be the best way to update everyone!

🌿My books for February are officially closed for both in-person and virtual birth support.

🌿March and April- please inquire if you are needing assistance!

🌿May- I currently have two spots available.

During this period, I will still be offering birth vision planning unless otherwise noted! So, if you are needing a birth vision created just send me a message or contact me through my bio.

I am always happy to connect, so please reach out regardless of my schedule. If I can help in any way, point you in the right direction or provide local referrals, I am happy (and LOVE) to do so. 🥰

Wishing all the mothers happy birthings! 🤍


Hi, is it just me?

Hubby asks what I want for Christmas🎄🎁
Me: more supplies for my mama projects. 🤣

Super excited to have a few things in the works to offer all you lovely women out there. 😍

Anyone else getting more birthy stuff for Christmas? 🙃

Photos from In The Garden Doula's post 12/12/2022

Choose wisely!

I have so many thoughts and things to say about this…

Image reposts from the lovely .

I’ll leave it at- choose your program wisely.

Think about why you’re becoming a keeper in the first place. If you’re told you shouldn’t advocate then why are you even there? Isn’t that the whole point. 🙃

Literally my first program was all of this. It’s a well-known, long establish program too. Nah, it wasn’t for me, so I didn’t even bother to certify with them.

I chose another route with and can’t say enough good things about it. 🤍 True lovers of mothers + physiological birth.



Can we talk about this for a minute?

WHO is telling mothers exclusively breastfeeding will….

* prevent your period from returning + is effective birth control*

I’m gonna say this pretty clear. Exclusively breastfeeding is NOT birth control and does NOT guarantee you will not have your period return during that time. Someone women don’t have it at all when breastfeeding, while others have it come back in 6 weeks!

Also, women know you can get pregnant without a period right? Is this not taught anymore??

You can get pregnant if you ovulate ladies! You do not have to have a period to ovulate. I feel like this should be common knowledge and is quite important. 🥴

I see multiple posts about periods returning to moms EBF.

Feeding on demand MAY delay your period.

You know what won’t assist in the delay- all the moms wanting their EBF baby to sleep through the night. 🙃 Long stretches between feeds could tell your body it’s cool to reset and 🩸. We can’t have it all!

Still- all of this is just a big fat MAYBE.

We need to set realistic expectations for women. Nothing is set in stone. Be prepared for that.

PS: Also, yes a supply may dip during your cycle, but again, it may not! Stay encouraged.

Don’t you love all the concrete facts in motherhood… oh wait. 🙃

Happy Friday!

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