Noell Yanik

Here are my tips on good health! I hope you learn from this site and that my passion inspires and en

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 07/06/2023

Coconut Cilantro Red snapper, Argentinian shrimp 🔸soy parmesan sweet potatoes 🔸 roasted asparagus.

I find it’s easier to keep it fresh while on vacation. We do a mix of wild caught fish from the market, burgers & tacos for dinner & we eat out at least once (there are a lot fresh food restaurants here in Hilton head 🙌🏻).

🏖️Beach Snacks
🔸Chopped veggies
🔸avocado (easy to cut & eat with spoon on the beach)
🔸my husband loves pimento cheese so we’ve got that around too
🔸🍎 & chopped🍍
🔸siete & 🥨 chips are also great for dipping
🔸🧂 n vinegar almonds are a family favorite
🔸nilla wafers can’t be left out (although I do mainly leave them out of my diet- the ingredients are a no go for where I’m at in my gut healing journey)
🔸roasted Turkey, wickels pickles & basil sandwiches (Costco has a compliant option for turkey meat! Check out the middle slides & you’ll see a picture),
🔸salmon salad (mayo, lemon, japeleno & celery mixed with wild caught canned salmon)
🔸splindrift & other fun non alcoholic drinks (see one of my favorites in the slides)

*This is primarily what you’ll see in our coolers at the beach. It’s all about balance. 80/20 everyday.

My weakness is chocolate but I’m more inclined to over indulge at home then here on vacation because the heat & being in the sun all day causes me to flare up enough as it is. Adding too many sweets or breads along with long beach days is a bad combo for me. I also choose not to drink although I may have a drink if I’m feeling it that day. It’s just that right when I start sipping I can usually feel my mouth swell & I get upper digestive unrest so… it typically is a no go for me.

It’s taken me a long time to get to a place where I’ve detached from food as a source of fun and while I DO find pleasure in eating I just don’t put as much emphasis on it. My pleasure is mainly found in being in my body & connecting with the people around me too. Beautiful food that fuels, heals & wakes me up is just a bonus ⭐️

I hope this helps as so many of us are vacationing right now! Let me know if you have any questions or want me to explain more about the food & vacationing philosophy I share in my training & with my clients in the comments 👇🏻.



Tis the season for distractions & falling out of our routines however your body mass can be maintained through it all. Here’s a quick, 3 point rundown on HOW…

1. Drink more water. Every body is different when it comes to H2O needs however all of us need more water in the dryer, colder seasons.
Around this time of year I try to get almost 1 gallon in daily. Hard to do! But it works for keeping energy high & bloat low when I can’t make all my workouts & when I can’t custom tailor all my food too.
Play around with your water consumption to figure out what your needs are and from there the trick is to BE CONSISTENT of course. Then you’ll get the benefits I listed above.

2. Pull bhandas up & in all throughout the day. That’s yoga talk for, engage your core- low belly pulled up & in with pelvic floor drawn up as well. This creates the bhanda lock & when it’s tight you can move functionally in all directions without risking injury.
I use this trick while I’m traveling - especially while driving or flying - bc it helps keep my spine erect & it improves blood flow to my legs as well.
What you might like best about it is that it sculpts your abs without moving at all!! This requires focus but it’s worth it. Try it!

3. Do rounds of push ups, squats & sit ups when you can. 3 rounds of 10 for each move will do OR 3min consecutive squats is somewhat killer & can make even advanced exercisers sore.
Sometimes I even grab a kitchen towel & use it as a slider for knee tucks. Getting out for a 20-15min run is a great idea too.

Every ounce of movement makes a difference so use your spare time wisely & choose to get it in. Even 5-10min will pump fresh oxygen to your muscles & brain which revitalizes your whole body! And while it likely won’t get you muscular gains… it will help you maintain what you’ve built & it’ll also serve as a pick me up! And who can say no to one of those?! 😅

Take care everyone & Happy Holidays


Blue spirulina taking my yogurt from ordinary to inspiring & photo worthy. 📸😍 The raspberry chia frozen treats are helping with the overall look & taste too!! Here’s the breakdown of what I put together for today’s mid-day snack which is high in protein, probiotics & nutrients too …

Greek yogurt
Blue spirunella
Pieces of frozen Raspberry, chia seed & Maple syrup. (Just combine these ingredients & place about 2tbsp dollops on parchment paper then freeze- they are so good!)

Protein: 35g

Im spending the weekend studying advanced anatomy & it’s nice to re-visit this subject that I love so much… ❤️The Body❤️🦵👣🫀🫁🦴

I’ll never know enough.

I’m almost 15 years into studying the body, not just through text & trainings but through you guys… the bodies of the people I train 💚 and I’m still uncovering more about the intricacies of proper movement & how to help people recover & maintain the health of their bones, joints, connective tissues & muscles.

The goal is to live life in bodies that feel easy & effortless to be in so that we can do… whatever we want! Travel, walk with a friend, put away our own groceries, run after our kids or not throw out our backs when getting out of the car. It’s about freedom! And a we can all do something to improve the state of our body and gain more of that freedom.

Take care today.
Line your body up properly.
Move slowly & with control.
And show that masterpiece which is your one & only body some love!


In my program we set a 25g added sugar content max per day.

That comes to 175g max per week (7x25g=175g) which means we’ve all got wriggle room to have extra on some days & balance it out with less on others.

If you want really want some candy tonight (and only have it if you really want it- consider skipping it & holding out for something that really is satisfying) then take these sugar grams into account & use the rest of the week to balance out what ate.

Other ways you can help your body stabilize blood sugar are…
1. Movement- Stay on your feet & literally move that sugar through your system so it’s used as fuel.
2. Apple cider vinegar has been proven to stabilize blood sugar when taken before or after you eat. 1tbsp will do the trick.
3. Add protein & fiber to your meals! For reference- In my program we’ve got a 35g minimum for fiber & most people get over 100g protein daily.

Lastly, no mindless snacking tonight!

Eat nothing.
Taste everything.

Enjoy the evening everyone!!


Make it a game! How many nutrients & colors can you add to your meals?

Filling your diet with assorted foods has a lot of benefits like combating oxidative stress, reducing inflammation & therefore helping to ease the discomfort of auto immune disease.

Creating diverse gut microbiome (which impacts our immunity) also comes to play here. In one study it was concluded that the strongest influence on the microbiome is the diversity and composition of the diet- more than geographical location or type of diet like if you are a vegetarian, carnivore & vegan.

Also avoiding the development of food allergies is important to point out. In another study researchers found that food diversity lowered the chances of developing food allergies & intolerances- especially in babies age 6mos-1 year (hello parents!!).

Have fun with the reality that we thrive off of variety in our diets by following my favorite, simple & effective, daily rule of thumb to …

🌈eat the rainbow🌈

And like I mentioned before… make a game out of it for yourself!! For me- that motivates & makes everything more fun.

Other than that the only thing to do is your food fully. Here’s to eating & living well. Have a great night guys!

1. Cambridge “Human gut microbiota: does diet matter?”


Leftover chicken parm, radicchio & spinach with onion, parsley & cucumber. Roasted Brussels sprouts for the kiddos (microwaved then tossed in a pan with evoo & salt). Home fries from red potatoes with salt & pepper along with an always necessary lemon & avocado.

It’s all UBCPlus compliant, has properly balanced macro nutrients (40-50% protein, 20-25% complex carbs & 25-30% fat) plus the foods here represent almost all colors of the rainbow. This is nourishment for a family who lives on the fly!

If you’re struggling to get whole food meals on the table during the week then use these tips…

💛 Your environment matters when it comes to success here. Keep fresh foods on hand at all times (potatoes, berries, greens (2-3 kinds), bananas, apples, cucumbers, carrots) and use them before they go bad.
💚Buy frozen veggies so you can easily throw them in the microwave.
💙Buy meat in bulk 1x a month so you always have something on hand.
🖤Crockpot meals are never going out of style so set that thing up in the morning & voila you’ll have dinner that night.
💜Rinse berries in baking soda & vinegar & dry before storing in fridge so they last longer and are an easy grab n go snack.
💛Roast/bake nut mixes with any combo of spices on Sunday’s & store in freezer for another easy grab in for snack… I love them paired with an apple.
❤️Make extra meat each time you cook so it can be used for the next day’s lunch or dinner.


I’ve been teaching the concept of eating the 🌈 for about 7yrs and since then it has become a trendy phrase. And I am happy to see it gaining popularity! It’s an important rule of thumb to follow because you can get the -majority of- nutrients your body needs through fresh foods. Each color represents different vitamins & nutrients so making sure you eat all colors of the 🌈 throughout the day is an easy & considerate way to fuel your body properly.

Here’s a more detailed list of what you’re getting from each color…

❤️High in antioxidants (vitC) and red-food carotenoids (astaxanthin and lycopene), anti-inflammatory properties & immune system modulation
🧡 Cartenoids, vitC, vitB, calcium & iron. They assist in endocrine-regulating activities, and play a role in fertility by supporting processes like ovulation.
💛 Rich in fibers to support a complex microbiome and assist in maintaining gastrointestinal health through gastric motility and/or digestive secretions.
💚 High in a variety of nutrients for cardiovascular health, such as vitamin K, folate, magnesium, potassium, and dietary nitrates.
💙💜Polyphenol-rich foods to assist with learning, memory, and mood (flavonoids, procyanidins (monomeric and oligomeric form), flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin), phenolic acids (mainly hydroxycinnamic acids)

Fresh food has all the power we need to change our bodies, guys! Do your part by making eating the 🌈 a daily game. I promise your body & clear thinking mind will thank you for the effort!!


Its a cozy, rainy morning, I just woke up (it’s 9 o’clock) & it feels so good to be rested. He slept in too! Which is rare.

What’s more important than diet & exercise is sleep. It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. It’s what allows our bodies to rebuild on a cellular level & flush out what’s no longer needed so we feel clear, fresh & charged back up again.

Want to really see the fruits of your daytime labor? By that I mean the results from your time spent in the gym & cleaning up your diet too, then I recommend stepping up your sleep hygiene.

😴4 things that’ll change your sleep game are😴
1. Wearing an eye mask. Crazy how blocking out all light allows the subconscious to rest.
2. Not eating 3hrs before bed.
3. Not over or under-exerting in workouts (tricky & I dont always get it right)
4. Setting the thermostat to 70. Research says the magic number is 68. But my bod says 70.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone!


Cinnamon, oats & collagen with nut butter, bananas & blueberries. All macros present, potent nutrients & cinnamon for a digestive kick. All of it creating a wholesome start to this holiday weekend. Hope you all are having a lovely morning ☀️


🎉Join us beginning Sunday, August 28-Saturday Oct 22nd for an 8week, results driven program that’ll get you losing weight & making the internal transformation necessary to keep it off long term.

💸It’s only $400! ($200 for each 4 week session)

⭐️Dm me if you want in.

Here’s more …

I call the first 4 weeks THE WORK. It’s an elimination style diet that includes fasting to give clients an opportunity to eventually become fat adapted. There are weekly live chats on eating to support your metabolism, hormones, uncovering food sensitivities, breathing & meditations for high level mind-body connection, stress relief & more.

The second 4 weeks is THE PARTY. This is where the fun & freedom comes in. I’ll help you customize your diet & from there I’ll teach you how to eat intuitively. That means you’ll be learning how to master your emotions so that over eating, emotional eating or responding to life with food! can become a thing of the past. You’ll start identifying how hungry you’d like to be before each meal & how satisfied you’d like to feel after you eat too. The major shift happens when we go through the practices of getting comfortable with uncomfortable feelings & I have a specific process to guide you through it.

You’ll spend 8weeks mastering the skill of knowing your daily caloric need based on how you FEEL. You’ll also get to know exactly what foods fuel your body & which ones absolutely don’t. You’ll know how long you need to fast, how to eat when traveling, with friends, family… all of it. You’ll learn how to fuel yourself in all circumstances. This yields true confidence & I LOVE watching you guys rise up.


This 😍 had to share Japanese dressing 🙌🏻 cooked carrot, pickled red onion, cucumber, micro greens, spinach & homemade nut mix…
Apple cider vinegar
Maple syrup
Walnuts, almonds & pumpkin seeds
Air fry at 400 for 5-8min.

You’d think this was good/healthy food for every human body & in so many ways IT IS… but it’s not that simple.

We all assimilate food differently. Not everyone heals their gut & loses weight through a raw food diet, or through Keto or the Mediterranean diet- although many people do! It’s no wonder why people are confused about how to reach their goals. But I’m here to tell you that the answer ly’s within your body.

Tune in.
Learn to notice the signals that pop up after you eat certain foods. Like this…

I ate… pizza… 30min later I felt sluggish.
I ate… a vegan protein smoothie… 30min later I felt satisfied & focused.
I ate… potato chips & immediately I noticed my mouth swelling a bit.
I ate black beans w chicken breast… 30min later I had heartburn. Is it the combo of foods here that threw my body off? Or just the beans? Or just the chicken? Further investigation is needed.

Cultivate an attitude of curiosity around food and keep discovering which things your body gets energy from & which things drain you too. I suggest making a list so you clearly know which foods nourish & which ones ones deplete.

This investigation work will help you create a diet that is all for you. 💚

There’s more I could say here but I’ll save it for future posts & for our online, UBCPLUS group training that begins soon! Here are the details. DM me if you want it!

💻 Begins August 21st
🤑$200 for 4weeks (program will run for 12weeks & you are welcome to stay with us throughout it all!)
💚lose weight, gain strength, heal gut, Lower inflammation, learn to customize your lifelong diet, get trained in thin thinking 🤔, workouts available if needed.

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 05/09/2022

I am a zoo keeping mom who loves her wild animals deeply!! And I am grateful to see my momma today too. To this day she teaches me (just through her example) & I am still soaking up all the rich lessons in love, motherhood, homemaking, friendship, work… all of it… that she has to offer.

Happy Mothers Day to everyone who nurtures & pours energy into the people, animals & world we live in. And to those who long to be a mom or miss their mom, I wish you warmth & comfort through whatever struggle you’re facing 💛

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 05/08/2022

Only the best fuel for these awesome ladies ❤️🔥

recipe modified from

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 05/04/2022

This title was a long time coming & something she’s been working toward for a while now. I am so proud of my client & friend !!!! The mental/emotional & body transformation she’s undergone over the past several years will always inspire me. ⭐️ Shine on 🍓 Queen!

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 02/13/2022

Happy Sunday everyone! ☀️

🍎Here are some UBCPLUS meal ideas for you to pull from as you’re prepping for the upcoming week.

💪🏻All of them are macro & calorically appropriate for our weight loss & muscle gain program.

👀There are more meal ideas from all our members in the UBC-Eats highlight reel too so if you’re in need of more inspiration be sure to take a look!


Almost all colors present & accounted for 🌈 Bright plates like this one make me so happy 😍🌟

Almond & cornmeal faux fried chicken + cinnamon sweet potatoes + kale, cabbage, 🥓, 🥑, 🫐 & 🍋 🍯 chia seed dressing.

And that’s a wrap on Wednesday. Almost anyway, post Covid laundry & the Matrix Resurrections await me! So stoked about this movie. And far less stoked about my least favorite chore… 🧺 🤨

Have a great night everyone!


Let’s keep it real.

And by that I mean,

Real fat. 🧈🥥🥛
Real sugar.🍯🍓🍌
Real flavoring & fresh flour.🎂

Our body recognizes these ingredients and knows how to break them down to be used as fuel which means that as long as your treats are made from REAL FOOD, they are a GO. 🙌🏻

On the other hand,
❌Artificial flavorings come from petroleum & other inedible substances which can cause, asthmatic symptoms, abdominal pain & other allergic reactions.

❌Low fat foods often hike up the sugar or sodium content to make up for the lacking taste. This makes the overall marcos (grams in fat, carbs & protein) way out of balance here so in most cases the best move is to stick with the full fat version.

❌Artificial sugars like sugar alcohols, aspartame, sucralose, saccharin & xylitol are also no go’s 🙅🏼‍♀️ and are found in many health food options so be sure to check out your food labels before buying.
Ive found through my self & my clients that they mainly cause bloat 😖 and slow the digestive process however there are many studies siting extreme consequences (from regular use) like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, mood disorders headaches & migraines.

✅Real fats & sugars should absolutely be used in moderation but they are practically guilt free when compared to their processed equals.

So cut the foods that come in packages and find simple recipes that allow you to make homemade goods in your own kitchen. Or do what I do… support your all natural, small town baker and buy out her goods .😉🌟👏🏻


Photos from Noell Yanik's post 12/07/2021

Fun night with the greatest anchors in my life ❤️Mom & Dad❤️ and who edits & helps produce my work 🤓 AND works out 🥵with me which means there’s a lot of love there 😉 (hubs is traveling btw!)

Congratulations to for the win and to all the nominees !

Special congrats to my Dad & his crew who produced of the banquet! It all went off without a hitch🎥⭐️👏🏻


Dia de Los Mu***os ☠️


Wagyu beef meatballs + sweet potato wedges + asparagus for the win tonight as we rush from karate to soccer then to Boy Scouts. Today is flying by as is time in general. How is it the end of October? I can’t believe Halloween is this weekend! I THINK we’re ready with costumes and all but I need to check on that 🙄 Cue the last minute Halloween store dash🏃‍♀️😅

Back to dinner…
I prep meals around 2pm each day so that the evening runs smoothly. No I do not get this done 💯 of the time because, LIFE! This dinner make look fancy but it’s not. The meatballs & 🍠 wedges were air fried at 400deg for 20min while the asparagus cooked in the oven for the same amount of time. Total prep time was 30min (again, done earlier in the day).

I seasoned the meatballs with loads of ginger & garlic, a shaved 🍎, green onions, soy sauce then added 1 egg & panko bread crumbs to make it all stick together. The sweet potatoes were cooked with a bit of ghee & seasoned with cinnamon afterward.

Oh and the topping! Its a family favorite of ours… pickled cucumbers & red onions. I make it (the kids help chop the veggies 🔪 ) on Sundays & it lasts throughout the week. It’s so versatile! We use it on tacos, nachos, eggs, salads and on any Asian dish too. I typically combine red wine vinegar with white vinegar then add honey, salt & whole peppercorns. Sometimes I add fresh herbs if I have them on hand too. You can’t mess up pickling veggies so get funky with it & experiment with different ingredients to see what you like best.

I hope you all are having a lovely Tuesday! Ciao for now!


Looks like the end of summer on my plate tonight.

Roasted okra, brussels & 🥕, Heirloom 🍅, bibb lettuce, cucumber, pumpkin seeds, almond/turmeric dressing, hummus & seed chips & 🍷🖤

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 08/19/2021

Cotton candy as big as your head & a girly day date to celebrate before her first day of Kindergarten tomorrow!


Can I get a hallelujah?! The kids are in a full day camp this week and for the first time in over 2 years… I’m off mom duty from 7:30-3pm. Love my little rascals - deeply - but this year has been the longest school year to date and I am so looking forward to having the time it takes to carefully consider & reevaluate where I’m at in my spirituality, my relationships, fulfilling my purpose & my work and making an intentional plan for the future. 🤍

And I do hear you guys! I am considering reopening an online group challenge in the fall. I love the comrade & I love using what I know to help you all feel better in your skin. So stay tuned for more news there! 💚

For now the online program is still being used by one on one clients & by some nutrition clients too. Click the link in my bio to get more info & sign up!

Here’s my Mid-day ⛽️
2 🥚with turmeric & black pepper + Ezekiel muffin + 🥑 + kimchi + spinach + walnuts + figs + pumpkin seeds + cooked 🥕

Photos from Noell Yanik's post 05/06/2021

What kind of dinners do you guys circulate throughout the week?

I used to experiment in the kitchen and take time to explore all kinds of cuisines & recipes but now that the kids are older and we spend more time outside of the house, we’ve got a short list of dinner recipes that we use each week.

Here are our top dishes...

1. Tacos (salmon, shrimp, ground beef, chickpea or pulled chicken- we like it all)
2. Spaghetti & meatballs
3. Cobb style salad (like the one in this post)
4. Cheeseburgers
5. Teriyaki salmon, greens & roasted potatoes
6. One sheet dinners like chicken thigh & a variety of veggies with homemade aoli.
7. Breakfast for dinner 🙌🏻 my favorite.

Let me know your dinner go-to’s in the comments below! to’s?


It’s pho real so good 🤤 And yes I know it’s pronounced Fuh. Not Foe. Still I think the play on words works here😜

And to think we’re indulging in this goodness for charity tonight... I’d say this weekend is off to a good start.

Pho is one of my top 3 favorite meals! Its fresh and always gives me comfort. It settles my belly and the nutritional quality is quite impressive. Here’s what is boasts:

💚bone broth for essential fatty acids
💚amino acids
💚many vitamins & minerals, meat for protein,
💚cilantro for phytonutrients
💚vermecilli noodles for... deliciousness. Ha these aren’t nutrient dense but the carbs break down into immediately available energy. They’re perfect for having a little umph for a post dinner walk. Or for laying on the couch. Lol You guys know your goals... you make the call here.

💜Lastly, If pediatric cancer and funding for research is close to your heart then you can join in and donate by going to

Thanks Theresa for the meal. The broth is outta bounds!!! It ain’t easy to feed a village. You get the community crown tonight 👑.

Much love to everyone and Happy Friday. 💓


All hail Nutella 🙏🏻🙌🏻😍

Here’s a good one that satisfies my chocolate cravings and has skin glowing benefits too🌟 I don’t eat much dairy at all bc I’m lactose sensitive but this recipe is worth every bite.

It’s all the cacao powder and scoop of collagen powder that gives the skin (and entire body) a boost. 💁🏼‍♀️ It also makes that time of the month feel oh so much easier to work through 🍫 🤤💃 And I’ll take alllll the help I can get right there!!

🌰Hazelnut Greek Yogurt🌰
1cup Greek Yogurt
1scoop collagen powder
1/4cup cacao
2tbsp monk fruit sugar
1/2tsp hazelnut extract
2-3tbsp almond milk
Top with Nutella & chopped dark chocolate.


Breaking my fast this morning with a savory gut healthy combo right here...

💚Ezekiel English muffin= fiber, minerals, nutrients & fast fueling carbs.

💚Korean kimchi= probiotics & spice because I love the fire baby! 🔥

💚Broccoli = EVERYTHING. Water, Fiber, many minerals & nutrients that promote cell recovery & help balance my hormones too.

💚Egg = protein, B vitamins & Omega 3’s

💚Black pepper = antioxidant rich vitamins that reduce inflammation & increase white cell count.

Mmmm it is mighty delicious for the win! 😋
How can you super charge your meals today?!⚡️


It’s a lazy Saturday and I’m going for an easy, nutritious & crowd pleasing dinner- this one fits the bill. I call it the Anything Goes salad because you can’t mess it up! Use whatever you’ve got on hand and trust it’ll turn out. Savory, sweet or a mixture of flavors- it all works.

This one isn’t all the way nutritious considering I added fried onions and that we’re eating fruit at night which I typically don’t do bc I find it helps to keep me from bloating, however it is all the way delicious so I’m gonna throw bloat caution to the wind & dive in. 😋

Here’s to Saturday nights everyone- I hope you are taking it easy, finding beauty and love around you too.

Anything Goes Salad
Spinach & iceberg mix + Pulled chicken + Onion + 🍓 + friend onion + celery + 🥕 + dried apricots

*Salt and pepper to tase.
*I offered dill dressing although I rarely need more than a dash of evoo & 🍋 to dress this tasty salad.


Celebrating his 41st & my 38th this weekend 🥳 Happy Birthday to us!✨

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🎉Join us beginning Sunday, August 28-Saturday Oct 22nd for an 8week, results driven program that’ll get you losing weigh...
𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜? 𝕋𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕚𝕥 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖. 𝕋𝕠 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕥. ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞...
Work deeper into your glutes, land a full body lovin’ push up and learn how to roll your spine for better coordination a...
🌟8min Core Quickie🌟
Introducing 🌸BEAUTIFY🌸


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Fountain of Youth Acupuncture is about treating the body inside and out. I treat and a range of issues with acupuncture ranging from digestive disorders to acne, wrinkles and scar ...

The Sweet Cure Center The Sweet Cure Center
1040 Edgewater Corp Pkwy
Fort Mill, 29707

Ear Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Color therapy, seed therapy, magnet therapy, Sujok Acupressure, holistic alternative approach to vibrant health

Lucid Solciety, LLC Lucid Solciety, LLC
Fort Mill, 29708

A space to build Community, provide Clarity, and achieve Expansion through holistic approaches to healing and support. Energy Healing, Self Mastery Coaching, Spiritual Advisement.

Brain Restoration Clinic Brain Restoration Clinic
1040 Edgewater Corporate Pkwy, Suite 106
Fort Mill, 29707

At Brain Restoration Clinic, our mission is to optimize brain function for anyone suffering from neurological challenges to restore hope, enhance wellness, and maximize quality of ...

Southeast Sculpting - CoolSculpting in Fort Mill Southeast Sculpting - CoolSculpting in Fort Mill
1686 Highway 160 West
Fort Mill, 29708

Southeast Sculpting + Rejuvenation is a medical spa dedicated to providing non-invasive procedures that help our clients look and feel their very best.