First Command Educational Foundation (FCEF)

501(c)(3) public charity
Educating those who serve! Scholarships:

We award an average of $130,000 each year in scholarships.

Most of our scholarships, including memorial endowments, are done in partnership with other organizations. All our scholarships are available to traditional students, high school and college students. A few of our scholarships are available to non-traditional students, working adults returning to college. Our primary scholarship, the Carroll H. Payne (CHP) Memorial Scholarship, is done in partners


Happy Independence Day, everyone! Today, we honor the courage, resilience, and unity of our great nation. Let’s come together to celebrate the freedom and opportunities we cherish.


🎉 Congratulations Cooper! 🎉We are thrilled to partner with the East Bay Coast Guard Spouses Club to award Cooper a scholarship for his outstanding academic achievements and dedication to community service. As a dedicated volunteer at Alameda Food Bank, Mastek Senior Center, and Elks Club Veterans Committee, Cooper has made a significant impact by helping those in need.

From a proud Coast Guard family, Cooper embodies the spirit of service and resilience. Beyond his academic and volunteer commitments, he also a talented piano player, bringing joy to many.
Join us in celebrating Cooper's incredible accomplishments and bright future as he head to the University of Oregon! 🌟👏

With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!


Join Us in Promoting Military Consumer Awareness!

Help us spread the word and support our service members and their families by sharing these vital resources. Let's educate our military community about scams targeting them and inform them of the unique protections available when making both small and major purchases.

📢 Share to Show You Care!



Buying a car is one big decision made up of a lot of smaller decisions. Gain confidence at each stage of the process by doing your research, understanding what you want and getting your finances in order.

Learn more at:


There are currently about 12 million people in the United States with .

Even though PTSD treatments work, most people who have PTSD don't get the help they need. June is PTSD Awareness Month. Help us spread the word that effective PTSD treatments are available. Everyone with PTSD—whether they are or survivors of sexual assault, serious accidents, natural disasters, or other traumatic events—needs to know that treatments really do work and can lead to a better quality of life.

Learn more at:


Join us in congratulating Cale as one of this year’s Federal Civilian Employee Scholarship recipients! As a dedicated and passionate student, Cale will attend Ohio University majoring in biology. In addition to excelling academically, Cal actively engages in athletics and volunteer work. His Bridgeport HS track coach, Mr. Burton, writes, “Given Cale’s exceptional athletic abilities, leadership qualities, and outstanding character, I have no doubt he will excel at what he chooses to do.”
With such high praise from Mr. Burton, and others, we have no doubts either!


With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!


The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act can help you break your housing lease early with military orders. Make sure you’re prepared – and protected.

Learn more at:


In 1863 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas.

The holiday's name is a portmanteau of the words "June" and "nineteenth", as it was on June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas at the end of the American Civil War.

Juneteenth is also celebrated by the Mascogos, descendants of Black Seminoles who escaped from slavery in 1852 and settled in Coahuila, Mexico.

Celebrate by supporting the freedom of each person! Happy Juneteenth! ❤️


Join us and 288 of our closest friends September 20, 2024 at Bear Creek Golf Club. 100% of proceeds support scholarships for college and skilled trade students.
Our hole-in-one contest is open to all golfers, and the prizes are exceptional! Here’s what you could win:

• $40K Truck
• $500 Callaway Golf Shopping Spree
• Lajitas Golf Resort and Spa Vacation for 2
• Swing Caddie Monitor or Rangefinder

Go online and register today!


on your new family member! Amid the excitement, don’t forget to account for changes in your finances by using this handy checklist.


Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads…our and role models. Where would we be without you?! Thank you for always being there, for amazing and !


On June 14th, America celebrates the birthday of one of the most distinguished military forces in the world, the U.S. Army. On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress established the Army to fight for our country’s independence from Britain.

Learn more at:


Today is a Day to celebrate the adoption of the U.S. flag! Discover the history of the annual holiday and check out 13 facts about the American flag and how to properly display it.

Learn more at:


Resources curated by your service covering daily and monthly financial management, capacity to absorb a financial shock, freedom to make financial choices without regret, and understanding future financial success.

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D-Day was the name given to the June 6, 1944, invasion of the beaches at Normandy in northern France by troops from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries during World War II. France at the time was occupied by the armies of N**i Germany, and the amphibious assault—codenamed Operation Overlord—landed some 156,000 Allied soldiers on the beaches of Normandy by the end of the day.

Despite their success, some 4,000 Allied troops were killed by German soldiers defending the beaches. At the time, the D-Day invasion was the largest naval, air and land operation in history, and within a few days about 326,000 troops, more than 50,000 vehicles and some 100,000 tons of equipment had landed. By August 1944, all of northern France had been liberated, and in spring of 1945 the Allies had defeated the Germans. Historians often refer to D-Day as the beginning of the end of World War II.

Learn more at:


Join us in congratulating Krystal on her scholarship award from our partnership with the Shalimar office of First Command Financial Services benefiting the 96 MDG Nursing Services Committee at Eglin Air Force Base in AFB. Krystal is a medical assistant and military spouse who now has time to pursue her dream of becoming an RN. She writes, “…with the help of my family, I am able to put myself and my goals at the forefront and make my dream of being a nurse finally happen.” We are so excited to be a small part of helping Krystal’s dream become a reality as she completes her degree Northwest Florida State College!


With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!

Dionna Cole - First Command Financial Advisor


Choosing the best financing option is a big consideration when buying a home. Learn about options through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Learn more at:


There are many systems families can use with young children to help them begin to understand the concepts of and . The key is to keep it simple and age appropriate.

Jar System: Consider giving your child plastic jars for saving and spending. Clearly label the jars and help them distribute their allowance into each category. Clear jars help kids visually see what they have and the impact of saving and spending. It also begins to teach them to think about the way we categorize money for different uses.

Saving – money set aside for a special occasion or specific goal
Giving – money set aside for charity
Spending – money set aside to buy the items we need or want

Envelope System: The idea of the envelope system is the same as the jar system but slightly more complex. Kids can add more categories as appropriate. This is a good way to start introducing basic budgeting skills. Many adults use the envelope system to track spending, too!

Savings Account: Your child will get to the point that they have saved up cash and should put it in the bank. For older kids, this is a great time to introduce the idea of earning interest, reading a bank statement, online banking, and preparing a budget, so consider opening a savings account!

Learn more at:


, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America.


Join us in congratulating Ethan on his recent scholarship award from our partnership with TJ Gagnon benefiting the University of Wyoming ROTC Cowboy Battalion. Ethan is a member of the Wyoming National Guard and plans to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting and history. Last summer, Ethan earned his wings at Air Assault school at Fort Campbell.


With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!


Money can be a difficult topic to discuss. The key is to have a positive attitude and create a foundation of trust. Be open and honest, and if it is a difficult topic for you to discuss, that’s OK. Give your child(ren) the opportunity to ask questions, listen to their thoughts and help guide and focus them on their goals.

Above all, make sure to keep these discussions light and fun! Incorporate books and games into your conversations about money. Doing so can help your children learn important financial concepts.

Learn more at:


Are you a Special Provisions FERS Employee with questions about your retirement
benefits? Join us on June 12th for an all-day webinar to learn how to maximize your benefits now to ensure a healthy retirement later.

During the webinar we will discuss how to compute the FERS annuity, disability, survivor benefits. (Complete topic list below.) The presentation also includes a brief
discussion of key forms required. Course includes 5 -year pre-retirement checklist, downloadable copies of the presentation and our FERS Employee Benefits Reference Guide.

• FERS Retirement Eligibility
• Creditable Service
• Annuity Computation & Special Retirement
• Disability Retirement
• Survivor Benefits
• Thrift Savings Plan
• Social Security
• Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance
• Federal Employee Health Benefits and Medicare
• Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
• Financial Planning & Retirement Process

The cost is $50 per person. Space is limited. Sign up today at
For questions or more information, please contact Julie at [email protected].


Meet Ansleigh Carstens! A scholarship recipient from our partnership with Howard Rush benefiting the Auburn University ROTC. Ansleigh is a psychology major with a of becoming a 2nd Lieutenant in the . Her long-term dream is to be an intern at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and become a surgeon. After receiving her scholarship, Ansleigh shared “Your generosity will make a significant impact on my academics, and I am grateful to have been selected as a recipient of this scholarship.” We cannot wait to see her achieve these things! Best of luck!

With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!


Debit cards are a way to pay for things. You get a debit card from your bank or credit union when you open a checking account. Debit cards look like credit cards. But they do not work the same way. Credit cards use money that you borrow. Debit cards use money that is already in your checking account.

Learn more at: -it-is


is a presidentially-approved holiday celebrated on the Friday before Mother’s Day in May.

On Military Spouse Appreciation Day we honor the contributions and sacrifices made by military spouses. Their commitment and support help to keep our country safe. America’s military spouses are the backbone of the families who support our troops during mission, deployment, reintegration, and reset. Military spouses are silent heroes who are essential to the nation’s strength, and they serve our country just like their loved ones.

In celebration of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, the armed forces have special events and programs to inform, honor, and recognize military spouses around the world. Events range from spouse appreciation luncheons to educational workshops, and spouse employment fairs that pay tribute to military spouses.


Are you a Special Provisions FERS Employee with questions about your retirement
benefits? Join us on June 12th for an all-day webinar to learn how to maximize your benefits now to ensure a healthy retirement later.

During the webinar we will discuss how to compute the FERS annuity, disability, survivor benefits. (Complete topic list below.) The presentation also includes a brief
discussion of key forms required. Course includes 5-year pre-retirement checklist, downloadable copies of the presentation and our FERS Employee Benefits
Reference Guide.

• FERS Retirement Eligibility
• Creditable Service
• Annuity Computation & Special Retirement
• Disability Retirement
• Survivor Benefits
• Thrift Savings Plan
• Social Security
• Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance
• Federal Employee Health Benefits and Medicare
• Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program
• Financial Planning & Retirement Process

The cost is $50 per person. Space is limited. Sign up today!

For questions or more information, please contact Julie at [email protected]


The National Safety Council declared Motorcycle Safety Month to alert motorists to increased motorcycle traffic and reduce the number of motorcycle-related traffic fatalities.

Both motorcyclists and motorists need to be aware of their surroundings. Checking blind spots, and mirrors and using turn signals are necessary when changing lanes and when passing.

Distracted driving has been on the rise, too. Distractions during driving could mean the difference between seeing a motorcyclist or not when preparing to change lanes. Don't let one text change anyone's life forever!

Riders need to take precautions as well. Take a defensive driving course, wear protective gear and keep your bike in its best working condition. Also, be aware of any road hazards and dangerous weather conditions.

• Be alert to riders on the road. Take your time, signal, and check your mirrors.
• Leave enough distance between your vehicle and the rider in front of you.
• Riders, wear protective gear, obey traffic laws, and maintain your ride.
• Take a motorcycle safety course.

Most of all, enjoy your ride and make it home again!


Once again we partnered with Jeff Merchant - First Command Financial Advisor to award scholarships benefiting the South Dakota National Guard. Ciara received the scholarship and she has some amazing ! This month she is off to to become an avionic mechanic before attending Black Hills State University in 2025. Ciara’s long term goals include at BHSU, becoming an and in the military and owning her own business. We cannot wait to see her achieve all of these things!


With your help, we provide scholarships to help educate those who serve. With financial contributions from donors, we create a better future for military members, federal civilian employees, and their families. Every dollar donated helps students achieve their educational dreams and goals. Visit our website,, to learn more about our mission to educate those who serve. Donate today!


Moving can be more than a hassle, it can be a frightening proposition. Regardless of the size and distance, you want to protect your possessions and family. Either way, moving can be an adventure, too. New home, new places to explore. We expand our horizons and make connections. The possibilities are endless.
Follow these great tips and have a safe and successful move!

• Have a garage sale to help eliminate what shouldn't be moved then donate the rest.
• Make a checklist of each service to transfer.
• Update your mailing address with family, friends and the post office.
• Give each room a different colored marker for labeling boxes.
• On the day of the move, have a go-bag and cooler ready. Fill with one with essentials such as a change of clothes, first aid, emergency information, and medications. In the cooler, have beverages and snacks to keep everyone fueled.

Learn more at:


Saving up for R & R? Connect with on-base travel experts to stretch your dollars further and finally afford that luxurious getaway or fun-filled staycation.

Learn more at:

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Videos (show all)

On #givingtuesday we are trying to raise $5,000 for our 2022 scholarship and education programs.  Each dollar donated he...
Don’t forget! The Pro Shop is open 🙌🏻
2019 Scholarship drawing
10th Anniversary of 'Chip-In' for Education Golf Classic
Live from Sound Off for Scholarships!
On May 23, First Command Educational Foundation, Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce South Area Council, and the AVID Program...
Take a look at these amazing photos Joe Morrin took during this week's Project Sanctuary retreat in Marble Falls, Texas!...



1 Firstcomm Plz, Suite 210
Fort Worth, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 5pm
Tuesday 7am - 5pm
Wednesday 7am - 5pm
Thursday 7am - 5pm
Friday 7am - 5pm

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