Tricia J. O'Brien, MD

I am a physician certified in the practice of functional medicine by the Institute of Functional Medicine dedicated to increasing your health and wellness.

As a physician, I have dedicated my life's work to promoting health and wellness. Our functional medicine practice was founded after a long search to find a doctor that did things differently; the kind of doctor who listened, one who recognized each patient as more than a diagnosis and was willing to offer more than a prescription as treatment. Healthcare decisions are personal and should be based


Gauging interest:
There’s so much misinformation and so many truly dangerous or useless products being sold as the demand is sky high for natural healthcare and far too few properly trained physicians in our area to meet it.

Would there be a demand for in person retreats to learn the basics of core health and threats to it, what to watch out for in the burgeoning market of supplements,, how to vet a potential provider, and high yield essentials?

I want this to be where you can learn how to help yourself; how to protect your wallet from the schemes and greenwashing.

Creating the material and arranging logistics is a huge job for a single Mum who’s already busy but I feel people are being hurt or left with no access and this is a potential way to help.


Are you a woman in a man’s field? Have you carved out a place as a female in leadership? Would you like to share you story and inspire / empower Girl Scouts?

I lead a troop of 6th grade girls who are tomorrow’s leaders. I’d love for them to hear your story, visit your business, or learn about your project as they discover their own strengths and consider what their future may hold.

Dallas area for on-site visits but anywhere in the world to share and teach!!!


A key component of health is connection to your community. For me, that is leading a Girl Scout troop!

If any of you would like to support them as they complete their Bronze Award, please listen to their video and click the link to their Amazon wish list below.

The Importance of Clinician Self-Care 03/08/2024

It is that time of year again when Living Magazine asks the community to vote for their favorites in all things...including Functional Medicine.

I would love if you would take the time to click below and vote for me.

Consider it an endorsement of my practice of personalized, patient-centered, mind-body spirit medicine.

The Importance of Clinician Self-Care In the following video, Tricia O’Brien, MD, talks about her approach to patient and clinician self-care.


My patients hear me say this all.the.time! Supplements are NOT all the same.

Please read this share from Dr Deanna Minich who is one of my personal heroes for all her work in nutrition, natural product development, and education.

I've worked in some capacity in the natural products industry for 20 years (since 2003). I've learned a lot about quality, R&D, marketing, and formulation. I actually started in 2003 as a product formulator and then moved into other roles that involved clinical trials and eventually education (which is how many of you know me). As a result, I've seen the "behind the scenes" on supplements. There are many questions to ask about a supplement before you start taking it. The first one starts with the company making it: what are their practices, certifications, processes, etc. Are they making the world a better place, or adding to pollution and other issues by not thinking of planetary sustainability? Secondly, the product itself and its characteristics, including some features I list below. When in doubt, always best to work with a health professional who asks the tough questions about products so you know you are in good hands. And keep in mind that companies, brands, and formulas are ALWAYS changing, so you can't just look at it once and buy them forever. Always, always be reading labels and asking questions...

What are some of the questions about dietary supplements that come up for you?

Texas Medical Board suspends license of medical director at Wortham med spa where Jenifer Cleveland was administered IV therapy 10/18/2023

Such an incredibly tragic story and a very precautionary tale. The topic of IV infusion and the burgeoning availability of the service everywhere from "drip lounges" to your own living room has been one I've long wanted to address. My patients hear me say this all the time.

1. Do not have IV infusions unless you are in a medical setting. Why? IV fluids have risks and consequences. Infusions of some electrolytes can cause cardiac arrhythmia that is deadly without immediate medical intervention. An IV is not a beauty or "wellness" intervention. It is intended to provide directly into the vascular system what cannot be absorbed through the GI system or what is required so immediately that it must be provided directly into circulation. None of that happens in anyone who is well and getting an IV doesn't make you pretty, skinny, or happier. Those patients who literally must be fed through their veins (TPN) wonder how the heck this is even a thing.

2. To my fellow physician colleagues: Do not sell your license to anyone, ever, for any reason! 13 years of training go into every decision I make, every diagnosis, every patient encounter. I earned that license and I take the fiduciary responsibility I hold for my patient seriously. It is a holy thing! If you want to give IV treatments, do them in your office/clinic, under your supervision, by a licensed professional, and follow every precaution we learned in training. Your patient and every patient deserves nothing less.

3. A layperson has no purpose other than want for profit to offer a service for which they lack the training, licensure, or authority to provide. It is a business transaction with a customer. Those receiving IV infusion are PATIENTS not clients or customers.

4. Do not believe that "IV vitamins are better for you". NO, no they are not. Many cause venous inflammation. If you cannot absorb iron or B12, for example, there are infusions that can be given and they are medical treatments. In the instances I see in my office, patients have been told they "can't" absorb nutrition and many times it just happens to come from someone selling IV infusions. Money best spent is to heal. They do. And they digest, absorb, and thrive.

Heal!!! Heal your body!! Ask W H Y you are not able to digest, absorb, or utilize the food you eat or the supplements you take. W H Y ? Healing is restoring function and vitality. You deserve that!

Work at the root cause of why you do not feel your best. Fatigue, brain fog, autoimmunity, menopausal symptoms, you name it. Healing is empowering because it comes from YOU, from within. That's what we do in my practice. I watch miracles happen by some of the sickest patients who choose the much harder work of healing.

May Jenifer Cleveland rest in eternal Peace and may not another person be put in harm's way by a business owner providing medical treatments they don't understand just for profit.

Texas Medical Board suspends license of medical director at Wortham med spa where Jenifer Cleveland was administered IV therapy Cleveland, 47, of Fairfield, Texas, worked at the radio station KNES Texas 99.1.


Click to log in if you have an active account or register as a new customer!


💲 25% off


Only a few days left!

👉 Enter promo code OBRIENJUNE23 at checkout on Wholescripts to receive 15% off your order.
Offer valid through 6/30/23.
🛍️ 👉


Time flies by. She’s almost 8!!!


🎉 Through the end of the month, we’re offering 15% off all WholeScripts orders!

👉 Enter code OBRIENJUNE2023 at checkout. Offer valid through 6/30/23.

Interested in ordering and becoming a patient? Visit our website.

Let us know if you have any questions. We're here to help!


Thank you for recognizing me and my work.

Cure for Aging is pleased to announce the winners of the Cure for Aging Awards in the category of Functional Medicine Providers for the Dallas / Fort Worth Area.

The 2023 winners are:

Dr. Jennifer Engles
We Care Frisco
Betty Murray, CN
Dr. Jennifer Kessmann
Jennifer Kessmann MD
Dr. Christina O Brien
Complete Health & Wellness
Dr. Deborah Bain
Healthy Kids Pediatrics
Dr. Tricia O'Brien
Tricia J. O'Brien, MD
Dr. Susan Attel

The Cure for Aging Awards recognize excellence in various categories of Looking Younger, Longevity, and other Health Services and Providers.

Congratulations to the incredible providers being recognized for significant contributions in their field. Your dedication to excellence and patient care is truly inspiring. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to advancing the science of aging and helping people live their healthiest, most confident lives.

The providers are extensively researched and evaluated by a panel of industry experts on quality of work, recommendations, surveys, mystery shopping, social media, and reviews.

The 2023 Cure for Aging Awards are being rolled out on an ongoing basis throughout the year and will include the top providers in Cities, States, and Regions. The awards for top providers across the entire United States will be released later in the year.

The most current list of announced Award Winners is always available at We provide links to their websites and social media so you can quickly evaluate these outstanding providers by viewing their work and their before and after photos.

Cure for Aging accepts nominations at\contact-us

Cure For Aging

Photos from NutriDyn's post 04/25/2023

I love this product! Add it to your daily regimen for the myriad of reasons below. Food is medicine but we can't always eat everything we need.

Come see me in my Frisco office and let's get you to your best. Everyone deserves a physician-partner to help them understand their own unique physiologic needs.

Appointments are long, our relationship is foundational, and your success is YOUR OWN! Become your own best caregiver by learning what's best for you instead of being told what's "good for you" by random health bloggers and influencers.


Hey Patient-Partners! 👋

As we continue to bring the office into a new and better place, we will be offering discounts and incentives on a monthly basis. This month, Dr O's loss is your gain...for your health and your wallet!

🍃 Spring and Lent are the perfect time for a Detox. While supplies last, we have Vanilla Dynamic Detox powder for a 10-day metabolic cleanse at a huge discount!

❗️Normally priced at $82.50 they are now $62.50
👉 *In office only and not available online*

Price includes a detailed guide that walks you through the day-by-day steps to have the most successful detox.

🗣️ Please send a portal message if you are interested in purchasing or have any questions.

Thank you, again, for your support during this period of transition and renewal.

Dr O'Brien

Photos from Tricia J. O'Brien, MD's post 02/09/2023

Things I love in my office. Starting with gratitude.


I identify with Low Dog. Much of the healing that happens in my practice comes from Love. Faith. Speaking truth. Learning forgiveness, especially for self.

My patients are a treasure.

As I've walked this healer’s path, I have learned that much of the “medicine” I offered was not a pharmaceutical or herbal tincture. It was in the relationship that unfolded as patients shared their stories, allowing me to lean in. To get close. I have learned that belief is powerful. That trust is essential. And that compassion is the cornerstone. Many who have come seeking my counsel over the years have been my teachers and my healers. The intimacy, the holding of hands, and comforting of hearts - it is a shared experience. I am humbled and grateful.


Juice cleanse? Noooooo 👎
Extended fast? Noooooo 👎

To effectively “cleanse” requires cofactors, amino acids, and CALORIES that you don’t get with either of the above.

Dynamic Detox contains a powerful blend of evidence-based nutrients that are integral for supporting healthy detoxification processes and promoting overall health and well-being.*

🔐 The key benefits of supplementing with Dynamic Detox may include:

🔑 Supports your body’s natural detoxification processes◆
🔑 Boosts antioxidant capacity◆
🔑 Supports energy production and vitality◆
🔑 Supports healthy immune function◆
🔑 Supports healthy gastrointestinal function◆
🔑 Helps you meet daily micronutrient requirements◆

Come visit our office and grab a bottle!

Dynamic Detox is suitable for occasional use or as part of a comprehensive cleanse program.
We have a full color 20-page guidebook that details how to go about a full cleanse for either 10 or 28 days as well as the Detox Support supplement that is recommended with the program.

You can also purchase online:

◆These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


A fantastic post from NutriDyn. Visit the website to order your Neuro Balance and Slender Drink now!

🥗 Nutritional Support For Healthy Body Composition◆

🗓️ A new year is a great time to reset your goals and begin working on attaining the healthy body composition you’ve been hoping for.
But there’s no need to tackle it on your own! This year, try Neuro Balance and Dynamic Slender Drink.

🔆 These nutritional products are packed with high-quality, whole-food ingredients that provide vitamins and minerals, along with other ingredients specifically formulated to assist you as you work to achieve a healthy body composition.◆

❔Are you looking for metabolism support for healthy body composition?◆
❔Would you like to assist the body’s natural ability to support healthy appetite and energy production through key appetite-regulating neurotransmitters?◆

🔐 Benefits Of These Products Include:
· Supports healthy appetite◆
· Supports healthy mood◆
· Supports blood and oxygen flow to the brain◆
· Supports neurotransmitter production and healthy neural tissue◆
· Supports healthy gastrointestinal tract function and digestion◆
· Supports healthy metabolism and body composition◆
· Promotes healthy stress response◆
· Promotes overall health and well-being◆

◆These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

A Quieting Yin Practice for the Winter Solstice and Longer, Darker, More Challenging Days 12/21/2022

A Quieting Yin Practice for the Winter Solstice and Longer, Darker, More Challenging Days The long dark days of winter can lend themselves to physical stagnation, fatigue, and hibernation. In this yin yoga sequence, we honor the pause.

Shop - Functional Medicine Dr. Tricia O'Brien, MD - Frisco, TX DFW 12/14/2022

Lots of upper respiratory virus activity causing prolonged cough and fatigue. Please, support your best function and let nature help you recover quickly.

Shop - Functional Medicine Dr. Tricia O'Brien, MD - Frisco, TX DFW Shop We partner with several supplement manufacturers and distributers to provide quality clinical nutrition options. You can conveniently order your favorite supplements through our online stores and have them shipped directly to your home. Shop Wholescripts Shop Metagenics Shop Fullscript Shop Nut...

Photos from Tricia J. O'Brien, MD's post 12/05/2022

I’m here and ready to rewire my autonomic nervous system! My practice is anchored in addressing what we think, where we put our attention, and how we respond to the stressors that enter our environment. You cannot heal your body without going BIG TIME…..mind, body, and spirit.

Photos from Tricia J. O'Brien, MD's post 11/23/2022

I'm asked frequently what clean products I use and recommend. After many years of searching for truly non-toxic AND effective products, I am convinced Pure Haven are the best there is. They have crafted a full line of skincare with probiotics, candles that burn clean and smell soooo good, cleaning products that actually work!
Shopping link is below! #/shop/fromParty/9b95066f-971d-41af-acf1-645b7b496b99/byRep/4543?newsession=1


Treating the consequences of the impact of stress adaptation upon health is what I do. Yes, my patients have autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, irritable bowel, gout and all sorts of other diagnoses. But why? How did that happen in their body? Wellness or illness occur at the interplay with our genetic make-up and the sum total of our environment (diet, stress, toxic exposures, joy, etc).

FIVE MINUTES just looking at a live plant created an observable change in brain activity to a more relaxed state and improved mood.

Wonder what impact your lifestyle and environmental exposures have had on your health? Come see me and we'll walk together to uncover your story and optimize your health.

This is such a fun experiment! The researchers took 30 young adults and had them look at four different types of visual stimuli in a cross-over design: no plants, a photo of plants, live plants, and artificial plants, all for 5 min, while they measured their brain wave patterns. They found that their physiology was in alignment with their psychology: their brain wave patterns were consistent with reduced stress, anxiety, and tension, and their subjective mood state was more positive, with “comfort,” “natural,” and “relaxed” scores being higher when viewing the LIVING plant.

There you go: if you want to help someone be less stressed, buy/give them a LIVING plant!

Reference: Jeong JE, Park SA. Physiological and Psychological Effects of Visual Stimulation with Green Plant Types. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 8;18(24):12932. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182412932. PMID: 34948539; PMCID: PMC8702154.

Shop - Functional Medicine Dr. Tricia O'Brien, MD - Frisco, TX DFW 11/11/2022

Flu and other viruses are running rampant. In addition to all the great advice your Grandma likely gave you, there is strong evidence for the efficacy of certain nutritional supplements.
Always choose a pharmaceutical grade product whenever you can to insure the best purity, consistency, and potency. For more advice and guidance, send a message or head to the website and fill your medicine cabinet with what will keep you fortified throughout the season of viral illnesses.

Shop - Functional Medicine Dr. Tricia O'Brien, MD - Frisco, TX DFW Shop We partner with several supplement manufacturers and distributers to provide quality clinical nutrition options. You can conveniently order your favorite supplements through our online stores and have them shipped directly to your home. Shop Wholescripts Shop Metagenics Shop Fullscript Shop Nut...


Gabor Maté and his work on the relationship between trauma and health have been transformational. I highly recommend his book ‘When The Body Says No’.

On April 9, 2022 at 10:0am - 11:30am Pacific, join Gabor and SAND founders Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo for a community Q&A. Zaya and Maurizio will begin the with a short interview of Dr. Maté, followed by questions from participants and a discussion on current events, changes in trauma healing and thoughts for the future.

To learn more and to register:

In case you have not yet seen the Wisdom of Trauma movie, you can watch it here anytime by donation:


It was five years ago today that I wrote my exam to become an IFM certified practitioner. Since that time, my understanding of and commitment to a systems-based approach to medicine has only grown deeper. I have watched my long-term patients peel off the layers of what no longer served them and adopt new behaviors that feed their health. What have we learned most together?
Stress causes disease.
Does that mean only unhappy people get sick? Or that your symptoms are in your head? NO. It means that the physiologic state of stress--mental, physical, emotional, social, financial--causes disruption that leads to imbalance that leads to illness. My patients are happy, high-achieving people from all walks of life. Home-schooling Mums, CEOs, lawyers, teachers, software engineers, grandmothers.....they all have one thing in common: The stress on their body exceeded the rest, nutrition, self-love, self-care that they put back in.

As the demand for doctors like me grows, I encourage every one of you to first take the time to listen to your body. Take an honest look at your life. Don't reach for the latest supplement touted on myriad health blogs. Don't believe that food sensitivities are the cause of your symptoms....they themselves are a symptom and not the root of the problem. Seek healing instead of a pill or a potion or a diet scheme. First, most importantly, and most essentially, find your happy, secure your boundaries, and live a life that is authentic.
Where there is Peace, there is Health.


Be kind to yourself. And give grace to others.

In Tune With Nature and The Moon

Voting is Now Open - Living Magazine 01/13/2022

We were honored to win Reader's Choice last year for Best Functional Medicine practice 2021. If your health has improved from your work with Dr O'Brien, we'd be so happy to have your vote again in 2022!


Timeline photos 09/20/2021



IMPORTANT and please share:
I have been checking for SARS CoV2 antibodies in my vaccinated and previously infected and recovered patients. We are now seeing convalesced patients (previously infected and recovered with detectable antibodies) test PCR positive for Delta. They have a more mild clinical course. Infection after vaccination is covered in the media. However, I think it is important to share with everyone that even if you had COVID (positive test or just think you did), you can be infected with Delta and be infectious to others. Especially the unvaccinated.

I don't want to argue about vaccination. I want to help all of us survive this pandemic and stop another round of unnecessary morbidity, mortality, economic loss, stress, anger, and disagreement over how to handle COVID-19.

If you think you are protected by prior infection, you are not. That leaves all of the convalesced and vaccinated able to be infected and shed virus to everyone else. In our case in Dallas-Fort Worth, the unvaccinated comprise over 90% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients and near 100% of deaths.

PLEASE MASK. If you feel even mildly unwell, GET TESTED AND QUARANTINE. We will continue to go through this, variant after variant, if we don't. The system is overwhelmed. It is NOT the time to become seriously ill with COVID. Protect yourself, your family, your community. And yes, that includes people you don't know, disagree with. People are dying and in a rare opportunity, there IS something we can do about it.



Guess what? We were just voted the Best of Functional Medicine 2021 in Living Magazine! My first time to win since opening my practice in 2014. Thank you for every vote and for entrusting me with your health and wellness.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Frisco?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

A key component of health is connection to your community. For me, that is leading a Girl Scout troop! If any of you wou...



4645 Avon Lane Suite 110B
Frisco, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 3pm
Tuesday 8am - 3pm
Wednesday 8am - 3pm
Thursday 8am - 3pm
Friday 8am - 3pm

Other Alternative & Holistic Health in Frisco (show all)
Health by Design Family Chiropractic & Spa Health by Design Family Chiropractic & Spa
11045 Lockshire Drive
Frisco, 75035

Offering Chiropractic, Skin Care, Massage Therapy, Nutrition, Family Counseling as well as other hol

GreatDoor GreatDoor

Shamanic healing work and soul coaching

Wellness Care Massage Frisco Wellness Care Massage Frisco
Frisco, 75235

Wellness Care Massage Frisco aims to alleviate physical ailments while encouraging a sense of peace and wellbeing – the integration of body, mind and spirit.

North Texas Healing Center North Texas Healing Center
6991 Pecan Street
Frisco, 75034

Helping you live a healthier life naturally!

Brittany Smith DC Brittany Smith DC

Chiropractor. Prenatal and pediatric certified. Family wellness. Acute and chronic pain.


“𝑰𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉, 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒊𝒕.“ ✨

Sonic 7 Chakras Sonic 7 Chakras
Stonebriar Mall Area
Frisco, 75034

Experience Sonic Sound Healing as you receive and create healing vibrations throughout your body.

Brio Nutrition - CBD Brio Nutrition - CBD
207 KING Road, STE 401
Frisco, 75036

Venus Healing Arts Venus Healing Arts
Dallas Pkwy
Frisco, 75034

Private Sound Healing Reiki Healing Yoga Therapy Somatic Movement

Vital Motion Chiropractic Vital Motion Chiropractic
11655 Independence Pkwy Suite 230
Frisco, 75035

Doctors specialized in preconception, pregnancy, Functional Neurology and Functional Medicine

Patriot PEMF Performance Patriot PEMF Performance
Frisco, 75033

Patriot PEMF Performance provides mobile PEMF services to the North Texas Area and at many stock shows and Equine events in Texas. We strive in helping Equine, Livestock, Pets and ...

The Balm Bodywork The Balm Bodywork
4770 Eldorado Pkwy. , Ste 500, Room 249
Frisco, 75034

Dedicated to helping you feel your best through self-care.