Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies

Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies

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Eschatology is a philosophical or theological term for End Times, a presumed or imagined cessation o


Post-Modern Theology-

Spiritual Evolution: Polytheism to Monotheism to Pantheism.

The Empirical Epistemological Evidence which is proof of this assertion is the fact (ref. 1 John 4:8), not an otherworldly “supreme being.”

God is literally AND figuratively Love. Allah is All. Dios es Amor. Gott ist Liebe. Jesus is One with The Father.

Only comprehending, defining and understanding the Godhead figuratively/metaphorically AND literally as Love (Agape and Caritas and Philios and Eros) can gain genuine Faith that G_d is omnipresent, omniscient AND omnipotent. This is THE “Freeing Truth” cited in John 8:32.

May the Blessings of Divine Providence be upon you Brothers & Sisters.


Thanks to all who wished me a yesterday.

Photos from GenPop Media's post 03/10/2024
Speaker and Reenactor 06/01/2022

We (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) encourage our fellow consumers to distinguish between which are entrancingly escapist from those which are educationally enhancing. The former feature the formulaic, increasingly tiresome (villain/victim/rescuer) trope which too often effectively mesmerizes viewer-voyeurs into states of implacable, often determined passivity.

Exponentially more edifying entertainments, on the other hand, don’t impose scripted sensationalist and often outlandishly other-worldly narratives which guilefully gull general audiences into timorous torpor, instead breaking through the “third wall” between actor & attendees to educe, or draw forth participatory play.

And play, which, by the way, is the natural language of children, doesn’t restrict to the unstably dyadic/duopolistic/binary “cowboys & Indians” kind of “zero/sum” game, nor to the trilaterally limiting, entangling and enervating roles of ostensibly powerless “victim,” faux-powerful baddie/malefactor/perp/seducer/villain, and thirdly, the fabled “Father figure,” classic hero, rescuer, savior, uber mensch of the outmoded and antiquated “Eternal Triangle” paradigm.

Brand hereby introduces the inclusively participatory and thus directly democratic concept of the ( ) a means to foster a new & improved which will bring forth (ref. John 8:32 & ) from out of our strictly nonviolent (ref.

The idea for the QQ originated at a 3-day workshop I attended as a then, circa ‘95, recently hired in my birth city of , and its equality establishing and -lessening and -eradicating roles are four: Observer, Task Giver, Supportive Friend, and Strong, Independent Actor. Adopting these four expressly “equal” roles at contextually appropriate times will reduce and eventually eliminate the psycho-emotional and socio-addictive neurotic transgenerational reactivity you see and feel (NEARLY) everyday ( ).

Ty, 4 Reading.

Speaker and Reenactor "All I am, all I hope to be, I owe to my Angel Mother..."

Sergeant News Network 03/16/2022

And, , Check this out:

My comment after viewing the short, less than 3 minute piece is from the late great media scholar Marshall McLuhan: "the medium is the message."

Sergeant News Network A Classic Example Of Misinformation!! SHARE this far and wide🇺🇸 Join Us👉


The ’s ’s inculcation of thru TV, and to a far lesser extent via Radio/podcasts, effectively numbs & dumbs down its viewer-listeners, thereby obviating the induced by dissent laced Thinking.

Christopher Bollyn 03/05/2022

Revealing unpleasant truths is a major part of we ’ (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers’) strictly nonviolent (ref. .com).

The ’s ’ so far highly successful strategy is .

Christopher Bollyn Christopher Bollyn is a well-travelled writer and an investigative journalist who has done extensive research into the events of September 11, 2001, the conflict in Middle-East and the health effects caused by exposure to depleted uranium.


Read Lewis Black’s bestselling (2005) for NEARLY life changing insights. .

Christopher Bollyn 01/19/2022

Ally with we (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) in a for (ref. John 8:32) and . Ours is a strictly nonviolent (ref. whose goal is (ref. Nelson Mandela).

Christopher Bollyn Christopher Bollyn is a well-travelled writer and an investigative journalist who has done extensive research into the events of September 11, 2001, the conflict in Middle-East and the health effects caused by exposure to depleted uranium.

Home - I Am The Face of Truth 01/15/2022

We CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers), especially those of us who’ve demonstrated perseverance by retaining our banners from here on this still dominant platform, wish you a Feliz Sabado and say to you: Shabbat Shalom.
And to the who would have turned 83 today, January 15th, had the not CONspired to murder him on April 4th, 1968 while he was exposed on the second floor walkway of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.

Home - I Am The Face of Truth IN OUR COUNTRY THE LIE HAS BECOME NOT JUST A MORAL CATEGORY BUT A PILLAR OF THE STATE I Am the face of truth Learn More 0 Banners-Made This is a revolution of awareness New to 9/11 Truth? The “official story” does not stand up to scrutiny. Learn what truly happened on September 11, 2001 … Home...


Happy New Year (despite the ’s lies (ref. Grant Peeples Artist Page)).





Age & Experience
Teaches it Well:
“The Good
the Enemy
the BETTER.”

Hell’s Bells,

“Better Watch Out
We Better Watch Out

our Chances
to Make

deleGATING to
the Youth
the Challenge
of Choosing
(or Not Choosing)
to abroGATE
What’s Good(?)
What’s Better(?)


Feliz Navidad.


This is an ongoing . !


LAW’s First FaceMeta Live Performance


November is Native American Heritage Month “celebrating the culture, accomplishments and contributions” of folk.

Digging deeper into we WASP’s (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant’s) ignominious history of mistreatment of non-whites, getting down into the nitty-gritty of the subject of the “13 original” colonies’, then the state’s and federales’ NEARLY four centuries of war & literal genocide of America’s indigenous peoples, “keeping it real” as the great Dave says, please support we Human Being ’ (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers’) call for the release of the American Indian Movement/American Indian Movement political prisoner .

He’s this, TheNation’s , unjustly imprisoned now for over a half century, and currently incarcerated at the Coleman Federal Prison Coleman Fla. near Ocala, Florida.

This month of Thanksgiving/ is high time demanded of our federal government to (ref. ).

Free Leonard Peltier, President Joe Biden! (Do it in concert with ordering the cessation of your Executive Branch’s ’s imperialistic, even sadistic efforts to extradite the Australian journalist here for what would be another sad , and it be even for US).


“It’s a beautiful morning…”


“1 person reached in last 7 days,” Yay!

Photos from Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies's post 09/11/2021

#9112001 ( #11092001 in Europe) was a workday Tuesday which dawned clear & bright in , the “Big Apple.” It was and sorrowfully remains THE that saw the get their desired (ref. ; ). Their mass murderous (ref. ) can now CONceivably be called THE “perfect ” because the perpeTRAITORS CONtinue to keep “in the dark.” Fortunately, (ref. John 8:32) is available and accessible at numerous unbought/uncorrupted websites:;;;;; et al.. Those who choose to go to even one of these sites/URLs for the first time, and thereby through do their own will usually be Shocked to learn have been Lied to by the about the for a score/twenty years, exactly two decades Today. The shock the reader experiences when this fact of authoritative “official” betrayal is revealed is called . It’s unpleasant and typically causes moderate to severe (ref. ). , folks, for the painful feelings of shock, denial/doubt, anger and sadness which result from a severe breech of Trust are the Stages of Grief one normally goes through after experiencing profound Loss. Specifically here, our socio-cultural level of Loss is THE loss of faith in our “experts,” our “authority figures,” our leaders; even in ourselves as long-held certainties are abruptly, disconcertingly overturned.

Those of US who’ve worked through the (ref. , dec.) to the point of Acceptance about the fact were purposefully perniciously Traumatized on #112263 ( ) and more so on #911, and then Lied to about what happened by ostensibly trusted “professionals,” and then for NEARLY three score years now “gaslighted” via propagandizing, are what I call (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers). We’re Awakeners. And ours is a strictly nonviolent (ref. whose goal is (ref. ).

, por favor.


Emotional Reactivity & US

Emotional Reactivity (ER) is a key concept of the late great Dr. Murray Bowen’s , aka Bowenism. It’s a feature of the mammalian brain far too infrequently referenced in the medical and psychological literature almost certainly due to its centered correlation with the pre-cognitive reptilian forebrain found at the top of the spinal column of we vertebrates called the cerebellum or cerebrum. It’s most familiar to the layperson as the site and source of the .

Photos from Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies's post 06/15/2021

PSA: Concerned CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers):

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry | Integrity, Accountability & Transparency 06/12/2021

This (ref. ) is the nefarious ’ latest DEMONstration of terrorizing theatricality (ref. & ’s “Little Drummer Girl”). by joining with we CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers) in the strictly nonviolent (ref. & whose aim is (ref. ).

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry | Integrity, Accountability & Transparency Integrity, Accountability & Transparency on Lawyers' Committee for 9/

Photos from Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies's post 04/28/2021

Regarding the effort to rename ’s Robert E. Lee High School, here’s this:

The Duval County School Board (DCSB) rule that no county/city public school be named after a person is arbitrary and unfair, as it advantages the Establishment’s current Jim Crow (read apartheid) honoring of the slave holding White supremacist rebel Virginia general Lee, while giving we stakeholders only desultory geographic names, or the ghastly numero treinte tres (33 was reputedly Jesus’ age when CRUCIFIED!) as choices. , especially we CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers), call upon our elected School Board members to allow we genuine “Heritage Heralds” born here, to reaffirm we Southerners’ righteous anti-racist tradition by renaming Lee HS for our “last moral President Jimmy Carter.” C’mon ya’ll! Are we “The Bold New City of the South” or not?


Happy Holiday,

We’re All Irish today, right? Well, never forget that ostensibly well-meaning politicians five score and change years ago succeeded in prohibiting ’s right to produce, sell, and, outrageously, even consume alcoholic beverages. Denying US the ability to imbibe “strong spirits” then, in the immediate aftermath of WW1, the “war to end all wars,” and mere months after the deadly “Spanish Flu” pandemic parallels our own situations now.

Please lift your voice in opposition to these seemingly hypocritical politicians who once again would unduly restrict our Freedom to take into our own bodies a now well-regulated, safe & effective substance, cannabis, with proven medicinal benefits and little, if any, harmful effects.

Thank you for reading and for your support.

Lew A (Lincoln) Welge


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ben Pollara, Florida for Care
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 6:57 PM
Subject: Thursday, 3/18 @ 9:30 am: THC Caps are back
To: Lew Welge

We knew it was coming: THC caps are speeding through the Florida House and on this week's agenda in the HHS Appropriations committee.
You know what that means! Time to light up the switchboards, servers and inboxes of the House once again and make sure we get heard! Tell your state rep that politicians should get the hell out of your doctor's office.
You know why they give you less than two days notice on these meetings? Because they don't want you to see what they're doing!
As a result of what we have already done together to fight THC caps, they already know that we are watching. And that we are not afraid to make our voices heard. And that when we do, we represent:
• the voices of the 71% of Floridians who put medical ma*****na into law in the first place;
• the 500,000 patients across the state;
• and the nearly 42,000 people who have signed our petition opposing THC caps!
We hit it hard last week - and we need to do it again before Thursday. Please pick up the phone again; write another email; tweet at your rep with the hashtag .
Don't forget, these guys get elected with less votes than we currently have names on our petition. Remind them that they are accountable to the people they serve.
Florida for Care · 3921 Alton Rd, Suite 272, Miami Beach, FL 33140, United States
This email was sent to [email protected]


NEARLY a year now after the oligarchs of the neoliberal order ordained cancellation of our beloved literal “March Madness,” the genuine “gaslighting” manipulation by propagandizing “Big Media” is NOT to return to the old Normal of “Consumer Culture,” but rather for US to obsequiously obey and unquestioningly comply with the New World Orders’ Huxleyan Orwellian Machiavellian Imperious Expert Scientists’ (HOMIES) Draconian strictures and mandates.

Anyway, I’m a score & two year Lincolnophile & Living History reenactor and I cordially invite ya’ll to freely subscribe at to chop kindling for conversation, share “old saws,” sometimes split hairs, and pile on the fun of affiliation with folks like US who like chewing the fat about Honest Abe, his Linkhorn ancestral and voluminous history, as well as his example and influence on we post-moderns. Namaste.

Photos from Eschatology For Mommies and Baddies's post 03/11/2021

Buenos Dias, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Good Day.
I like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s grassroots political campaigning and Congressional representation. I intentionally use the term “Grassroots” because it’s ironic that such a /rural term is so appropriate given her QUEENS-NY District’s urbanity. The “intersection” of City & Country is a subject eminently worthy of discussion, as it has been for centuries (ref. ; , et al). were/are a 60’s group, too. Aloha.


Steve Almond’s book addresses our angst, even, or especially, our animosities about our gladiatorial games’ stakeholders & fans.

A major part of our ambivalence stems from the fact “War is (literally) Hell,” and our “morally bankrupt” (ref. ) imperium’s current “Free Fallin’” (ref. ) is NEARLY the direct result of the “perpetual”(!?) so-called “war on Terror” which still embroils US.

Anyway, it’s , so, here/mira:

Lea/Canta, por favor

L-O-V-E (Florida)

F is 4 the First breath I drew.
L is 4 this Land we hearken to.
O is Original.
RI: Really Immeasurable.
D is our Devotion
A is 4 All our notions.

FLO is what We go with,
RIDing a Wave of NEARLY sheer UPlift
Ah, you know We Love it

FLORIDA’s 4 Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers.

Yeah, FLA’s for ME AND YOU!
YEAH, Florida’s *CREATORS are really True.

*CREATORS: Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer READy Socializers


Steve Almond’s book addresses our angst, even or especially our animosities about our gladiatorial games’ stakeholders & fans.

A major part of our ambivalence stems from the fact War is literally Hell, and our “morally bankrupt” (ref. ) imperium’s current “Free Fallin’” (ref. ) is NEARLY the direct result of the “perpetual”(!?) so-called “war on Terror” which still embroils US.

Anyway, it’s , so, here/mira:

Lea/Canta, por favor

L-O-V-E (Florida)

F is 4 the First breath I drew.
L is 4 this Land we hearken to.
O is Original.
RI: Really Immeasurable.
D is our Devotion
A is 4 All our notions.

FLO is what We go with,
RIDing a Wave of NEARLY sheer UPlift
Ah, you know We Love it

FLORIDA’s 4 Jimmy Buffet.

Yeah, FLA’s for ME AND YOU!
YEAH, Florida’s *CREATORS are really True.

*CREATORS: Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer READy Socializers

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