Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead

Isaiah 58 NH functions out of 2 locations: Isaiah's Place (Hampstead NH 603-952-8000) & Donation Center (Clothing, Appliances and Furniture, Salem, NH.

Hours: Call 603-234-1982 for appointment.) Our Venmo account is @Isaiah58maggie We are working to provide housing alternatives and supportive services for families and individuals in need of adequate housing options. We bring together social workers, politicians, clergy, business men and women, educators, land lords, realtors, counselors and concerned citizens interested in helping with adequate h


A huge THANK YOU to Pentucket Bank for being a Sponsor of our Annual Charity Benefit Dinner on October 3rd, 2024.
Pentucket Bank has consistently been a supporter of Isaiah 58 NH whether it be for our ACB dinner, property purchases to help house the homeless and day to day banking needs.
Pentucket Bank is truly a community bank!!!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/19/2024

Another Isaiah 58 NH success story. Your support of Isaiah really does change lives for the better.

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/19/2024

Today is an example of why Isaiah 58 NH works so hard to make sure the people we work with have the tools to move forward from a difficult time in their lives and succeed in reaching their goals.
Congratulations Bonnie and Billy on purchasing your home today!!! We are so happy for you- no words can describe what sharing today means to all of us.


Please consider visiting the Hampstead Hannaford's to make a purchase which in turn will donate toIsaiah 58 NH's mission to help end homelessness in NH!


Due to the small construction projects, please do not leave any donations for us this week.
Thank you!!!!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/13/2024

And its a wrap on this week. As we say goodbye to these amazing kids we are beyond excited to have our second group from Work Camp NE starting Monday. New week- new group! Stay tuned to see the finished projects!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/12/2024

This past week Isaiah 58 had the privilege of having Work Camp NE come and complete projects on our properties at 68 North, Friendship Drive and Lancelot Court. These kids are nothing short of amazing- working this past week in the heat and humidity. They are giving time out of their summer vacation to give back. The adult volunteers working side by side with the kids are mentoring and encouraging and laying strong foundations. This group deserves a standing ovation!! Tomorrow is our last day with these kids but it will not be the last time we think of them. They have given all of us a gift- above and beyond the work on the structures. They gave us the gift of selflessness, kindness,silliness,laughter,joy, happiness and a reminder that in this sometimes confusing and chaotic world there is so much good in all of us!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/11/2024

Enjoying and celebrating our volunteer kids from Work Camp NE!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/08/2024

A HUGE THANK YOU to Work Camp New England for volunteering their time and energy for the next 2 weeks on our 68 North Broadway location and our Lancelot Court Location.
These kids and the adults supervising them are such an amazing volunteer network.
Please look over the information here to learn more about this great organization- and enjoy the pictures!!!!!!

"n 1989, workcamp originated with 17 students and their adult sponsors heading out for a week-long mission trip to do home repairs for low-income/disabled families in Bolivar, Tennessee. After a couple of years the team decided that there were many under-resourced families right here in the Northeast who could benefit from the type of work they did. Beginning in 1995, camp began inviting churches nationwide to join in. A youth group from Illinois expressed interest in joining NE students. It was during this time, because of the increased number of youth and the need for more residents’ homes, workcampNE began working closely with Community Action Programs.

Current Directors Ken and Marcia Therrien have been providing oversight to workcampNE since 2003; joined by their son, Marc, in 2010. Ken had spent the previous four years as a crew leader prior to assuming his current role as Executive Director. A volunteer staff of approximately 20 people helped by lending a hand at various custom day/week events held throughout the year. The year 2006 saw wcNE expand to two weeks enabling campers to work on 45 different housing sites through the efforts of individuals. In 2007, workcampNE incorporated as a 501(c)(3); a federally recognized non-profit. 2010 was a year of growth for workcampNE. A third week of camp was added to open things up for Jr. High School students. At this time, Marc Therrien came on board full-time as wcNE’s Programming Director and his wife, Jessica, as the Sr. Administrator. Marc’s seniority surpasses all as he began his workcampNE career back in 1998 as a middle school student camper! Marc has since moved into the role of Director, while Jess has moved into the role of full-time-mom to their three children.

The ministry now runs between four to seven week-long camps each year. Over 500 volunteers work on repairs to 60 or more homes. Although some of the faces have changed, it still takes three full-time Directors and a volunteer team of 20 people to run the day-to-day of camp life.


A huge thank you to St. Lukes United Methodist Church in Derry for your donation of proceeds from the church yard sale!!
We appreciate your continued support!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 07/03/2024

Have a safe and fun Holiday!!!!!
Our offices will be closed tomorrow but our Hampstead office will be open Friday!


Summer Food Pantry Truck at The Upper Room in Derry, NH Starting June 23! The Upper Room is excited to share that it will be one of the Mobile Food Truck locations in Greater Derry this summer. The truck will be at The Upper Room on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and Fridays from 9:30 - 10: 00 am June 25 - August 23 distributing healthy meals to children.

This meal service is a collaboration between The Alexander Eastman Foundation and Heaven's Kitchen Mobile Food Pantry. See complete schedule on flyer.

Alexander Eastman Foundation Heaven's Kitchen and Saint Anne's Food Pantry

The Evergreen 07/01/2024

Thank you to The Evergreen for a wonderful article on Isaiah 58 NH. Please take a moment to read it- either here or download. The newspaper is filled with lots of updates, events,stories and articles on local businesses focusing on the towns of Hudson,Pelham,windham and Salem!

46 July, 2024 The Evergreen
The Evergreen July, 2024 47
Isaiah 58
by Kimberly Abare
Can you share a bit about the history
of Isaiah 58 and the inspiration behind
the organization? What was the moti-
vating factor to start the organization?

Isaiah 58 was created out of the vi-
sion of its founder, David Yasenka, from
Hampstead, NH. David served his min-
istry for over 30 years in the Salem area.
As a pastor, David was socially active in
the community and always encouraged
the faith communities to help feed and
shelter the homeless and offer support to
the ones with housing insecurity. As part
of his church’s ministry º his congrega-
tion helped to provide rent and utility
assistance to those who needed it in the
community. When David retired from
being a full-time pastor, he was able to
dedicate his time to what he believed in
so strongly « the ability to provide peo-
ple with basic needs of food, shelter, and
When David retired in 2014, he was
given a donation of a manufactured
home, his journey began to create Isaiah
58 NH and become a 501(c)3. David
was able to turn his full attention to the
struggles of finding affordable housing
for families and individuals. The initial
goal was to bring one affordable hous-
ing unit per year to help with this issue.
It soon became evident that Isaiah 58
could be more effective by using efforts
to assist multiple families and individu-
als by providing rental assistance, utility
assistance, food assistance, and support-
ive case management services to clients.
David worked tirelessly for nine years to
make sure the organization stayed on the
path to not only aid but to grow that as-
sistance each year through housing units,
grants, and donations.
David retired in 2023 and passed the
day-to-day responsibilities to Maggie
Martin as the new executive director of
Isaiah 58 NH. Maggie comes from a long
background in human services with 38
years in all aspects of case management.
While running Family Promise of Great-
er Rockingham County, Maggie and
David started working together to pro-
vide the first housing unit for a graduate
family FPGRC. Maggie’s beliefs in pro-
viding stable housing, access to food, and
the ability to have someone advocate and
be a voice for individuals and families
go quite a long way in promoting pos-
itive mental health. Michael Traficante
has been with Isaiah since the beginning
– 10 years – and truly enjoys what he
does. Mike works 30 hours. Mike works
1:1 with all the housed clients as well as
community outreach with people who
live in their cars, in tents, etc. Mike helps
to provide a connection with food pan-
tries, veteran’s services, etc., for people
who are living in less-than-desirable sit-
uations. Mike has the ability to connect
with people in a way that builds trust
and opens others to receive the assistance
offered. Mike came to Isaiah through a
work program from the state of NH and
has played a major role in the success of
helping Isaiah fulfill its original mission.
Taryn is our administrative assistant/ case
manager. Taryn works 24 hours a week.
She helps in keeping the office running
smoothly as well as completing intakes
with clients. Taryn volunteers her time
on the silent auction committee for our
yearly annual charity benefit dinner.
Taryn started out at Isaiah 58 as a volun-
teer and was offered a paid position as she
gained experience and confidence.

What are the most impactful stories
for Isaiah 58 NH?
While there are many stories from the
last 10 years, Isaiah 58 feels that being
able to provide housing for individuals/
families is the best success possible. We
currently provide housing units for 10
individuals and one family. We offer a
reasonable rent and the ability for them
to save money and become stable and in-
dependent. We offer case management,
we offer rides to medical appointments
and the grocery store, and we help with
connecting them to services and benefits
that they need.

Describe Fund the Need and how it
works to assist families and individuals
on the list.
While we assist with a multitude of
people and their needs, Fund the Need
is specific to the cases that have the most
need financially. Each month we receive
donations for whomever the donor de-
cides their money should go to. The
monies are then placed into a restricted
account- Fund the Need. These dona-
tions are tracked in QB’s and are used to
provide monthly assistance to the specific
individual/family. All the names on the
list are confidential.

What are the biggest challenges you
face in your mission to end homeless-
ness in Western Rockingham County?
One of the biggest challenges that we
find is the inability to find affordable
housing for our clients. According to the
Living Wage Calculator for NH a single
person the hourly rate should be $23.58.
For a family with one income and one
child, the rate is $39.60, for two children
$44.53, and for three children $47.64.
For a two-income family with one child,
each needs to make $23.53, two children
$29.24, and three children $34.61. Our
minimum wage starts at $7.25. The pov-
erty wage for a single person is $7.24 per
hour. The poverty wage for a single-in-
come family with one child is $9.38 per
hour, two children $12.41 per hour, and
three children $15 per hour. In a two-in-
come family with one child, the wage
is $6.21 per earner, two children $7.50
per person, and three children $8.79 per
earner. Our individuals/families fall into
the $15 per hour wage. The average rent
for a one-bedroom apartment here in
NH is $1,713, typically with no utilities
included. If you compare the cost against
the earnings, it makes it quite difficult to
be able to live and put a roof over your
head. This does not take into consider-
ation the individuals or families living on
disability or state assistance. The second
challenge is the price of food/personal
hygiene items.

How do you collaborate with oth-
er local organizations and agencies to
provide comprehensive support to the
We work with all the local human
services agencies to help provide wrap-
around services for most of our clients.
We will get referrals from Center For
Life Management, local welfare offices,
churches, Southern New Hampshire Ser-
vices, 211, and other local organizations
like the Knights, Lions Club, Women’s
Auxiliary Clubs, etc. We will also reach
out to them to see if there is assistance
we can share. Involving many of the
nonprofits in our service area not only
helps to take the burden off us to assist
financially with the whole need. In turn,
it helps other agencies in the same way.
What kind of volunteer opportuni-
ties are available at Isaiah 58 and how
can a community member get involved?
Isaiah has volunteer opportunities in
the office – answering phones, filing, or-
ganizing, etc. Isaiah also has volunteer
opportunities to help with properties,
handyman services, moving furniture,
and so on.

What is a typical day at the donation
center like and the impact it has on
those who have a need?
The donation center is open on
Wednesdays. When someone comes in,
they are greeted and helped as well as
shown around. When they have retrieved
the needed items, their information is
captured so we can do a monthly total
of assistance given. Since we opened our
satellite office in the front of the dona-
tion center, it offers the opportunity for
someone to come in outside of Wednes-
days. The volunteers are amazing. They
sort and organize and fold and hang and
keep track of all the donations. The do-
nation center is clean and organized. We
have a washer and dryer unit – donated
by one of our supporters – that is used if
needed for slightly soiled items. We also
have a shower system, while not direct-
ly related to the donation center, it is in
the same building. The shower is in the
hallway bathroom on the second floor.
We can provide – with an appointment
– individuals with a place to get clean.
We provide all the hygiene items – if they
do not have their own. We provide the
towels and facecloths to them and then
we will wash after. This saves individuals
from using some of their money for gym
memberships to shower.

How does Isaiah 58 NH approach
case management and budgeting ser-
vices to help individuals achieve long-
term stability?
First and foremost, the individual
needs to be invested and open to chang-
ing their circumstances. I start off with
that because people become comfortable
and adapt to their surroundings. While
we may think someone living in a car or
in a tent would welcome assistance in this
area and welcome change – we see that
is not always the case. Sometimes, the
struggle to get people to see a different
avenue is deeply rooted – as in genera-
tional. This way of life – the struggling,
the evictions, living on state benefits or
Social Security for income – is all they
have known since being born. That is
the hardest cycle to break. Case manage-
ment through Isaiah 58 is geared toward
the person. There is no set rule when it
comes to providing this to someone. We
meet the person where they are and we
start to build. We initially meet with the
individual/family and fill out an appli-
cation. The application allows us to see
what the potential may be to increase in-
come, sustain an apartment, etc. We see
what support they may have – not always
financial – through family, friends, and
belief systems and try to build that into
a plan. We go over an extensive budget
questionnaire which shows how much
disposable income is left at the end of the
month/bill paying cycle or how much in
the negative they are. We go over wants
and needs and what that may mean to
the individual person. We set into place
an action plan with achievable realistic
goals. We meet with the individual/fam-
ilies with frequency decided upon at that
first meeting. We set a priority list from
high importance to minimal. We ask for
bank statements and copies of bills to see
where we can set this priority list. With
our housed clients, we have a slightly
different approach. Once they become
our tenant, we have 18 months to pro-
vide services. We review tenancy every
six months to see where the assistance
is the greatest. During these 18 months,
we work with them to save money – an
amount agreed upon separate from rent
and before move-in. This amount is put
into a separate account that accrues a
very small amount of interest and is given
back to them when their tenancy ends.
This helps to give them an advantage
with a security deposit, down payment,
etc. The majority of our individuals are
used to “in the moment” thinking so sav-
ing money can seem foreign to them. The
amount we start off with can be fluid. We
may start with a simple $5 a week and
then as time goes on – we can increase
that to an amount that is doable for the
client as they increase income. The rents
we charge all include utilities – including
heat – so the client can concentrate on
other bills they may have or need to catch
up on. Isaiah also will provide a small one-
time loan to an established client or one
that comes to us vetted through anoth-
er organization. The loan can be repaid
according to the client’s income typically
on a six-month to a year payback. We do
not charge interest and most of the loans
we do give out are for assistance due to an
unexpected life happening, such as a car
repair, injury/illness that did not allow
the person to work for a bit of time, etc.

What specific needs do you current-
ly have the most demand for and how
can the community best support those
Our specific needs are affordable hous-
ing for clients. While this is a huge need
the breakdown for help comes in the
form of donations. We have a great do-
nor support system as well as our annual
charity benefit dinner. We are also part of
charitable gaming and apply for multiple
grants. Due to the high costs of rents and
the high cost of goods, we are always in
need of cash donations. When we have an
immediate need, such as diapers, sheets,
towels, laundry soap, etc., we utilize our
page to put out an ask.

How can people in the community
who are facing homelessness or housing
insecurity get in touch with Isaiah 58
NH to seek help?
In addition to referrals from other hu-
man service organizations, people can
call our main number 603-952-8000.
They can reach us through our Facebook
page’s Messenger. They can also send us
a message through our web page at isa- and our general mailbox at
[email protected].

The Evergreen The Evergreen is a local publication providing news and information for Pelham, NH and surrounding communities including Hudson, Salem, and Windham.


Today starts the Bloomin'for Good Bouquets! Please consider buying some flowers to brighten someones day and helping Isaiah 58 NH!

Please consider visiting the Hampstead Hannaford's to make a purchase which in turn will donate toIsaiah 58 NH's mission to help end homelessness in NH!


Starting on FRIDAY, JUNE 28, End 68 Hours of Hunger will be distributing FREE food and snack bags each week at the following Derry locations:
Derry Public Library Teen and Children's rooms
Greater Derry Boys & Girls Club
Marion Gerrish Community Center
Taylor Library

Thank you End 68 Hours of Hunger for your support of our community!


We hope everyone has a wonderful Father's Day!

Photos from Isaiah 58 New Hampshire - Hampstead's post 06/14/2024

HUGE thank you to Salem Area Special Needs for the generous flower donation and to some of their members for helping us to w**d and plant at the Isaiah 58 mobile home units. Awesome job today - we really appreciate your support very much!!! ❤️❤️❤️.

Support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire | NH Gives 2024 06/12/2024

Just 2 more hours to donate to Isaiah 58 NH through NH Gives

Support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire | NH Gives 2024 I’m ready to support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire on June 11, 2024 during NH Gives 2024. Learn more about Isaiah 58 New Hampshire and all the other organizations participating in NH Gives 2024.

Support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire | NH Gives 2024 06/12/2024

Support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire | NH Gives 2024 I’m ready to support Isaiah 58 New Hampshire on June 11, 2024 during NH Gives 2024. Learn more about Isaiah 58 New Hampshire and all the other organizations participating in NH Gives 2024.


Milestone reached - Over $1 MILLION RAISED for NH nonprofits! Way to go, NH -- Let's keep the momentum going! 🎉🎉🎉


At 5pm NH Gives begins. Please help support Isaiah 58 NH by clicking on the link posted earlier to go directly to our page and make a donation!

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Hampstead?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Thank you boys for your generosity!!!
Isaiah's Donation and Distribution Center, Salem NH



472 Route 111 Unit J 102
Hampstead, NH

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm

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