Julie Glynn, Author & Mean Girl Transformation Coach

I'm a Mean Girl Coach & author of "If My Ass Were Smaller Life Would be Perfect & Other LIES the Mean


Give the Mean Girl in your head a swift shift and treat yourself to the Valentines love you deserve. Message me for details.


"If My Ass Were Smaller Life Would be Perfect and Other Lies the Mean Girl in Your Head Tells You" audiobook now available on Amazon.



Let’s end the year with self-discovery and empowerment!

I’m excited to partner up with Louisa VanDerberg of Four Pines Quilt Shop and offer our exclusive Reflection Board Workshop—a prequel to the powerful practice of creating a vision board.

What's a Reflection Board, you ask?

It's more than just a collection of images and words.

It’s acknowledgment that you are already whole and abundant.

This workshop is designed to provide you with a clear reminder you’re already complete and deserving of the abundance life has to offer, laying the foundation for approaching your vision board with confidence and self belief.

Here's what you can expect:

Guided Self-Reflection: You’ll be guided through reflective questions designed to uncover your strengths, values, and aspirations.

Interactive Visioning: You’ll translate your reflections into a visual representation of your authenticity. This precursor to your vision board, ensures your goals are intended to enhance your true essence rather than seek to fill empty spaces.

Community Connection: Engage with like-minded individuals on a similar journey of self-discovery. Share insights, gain inspiration, and build a supportive network.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Join us for the Reflection Board Workshop and set the stage for a year of intentional living, self-love, and achievement. Step into the next chapter of your personal growth journey with clarity and purpose.

Event Details:

Price: $35 (includes all materials and a copy of my book, “If my Ass Were Smaller Life Would be Perfect and Other Lies the Mean Girl in Your Head Tells You.”

Date: December 21, 2023

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Four Pines Quilting, 367 Washington St., Claremont, NH

Secure your spot today and gift yourself this holiday season with the transformative experience you deserve.

Register at https://www.fourpinesquilting.com/module/class/524292/reflection-board-workshop

For questions contact:

Four Pines Quilting at 603-543-3311

Or email [email protected]


I’m super excited about this. I have an award winning book. Maybe we can add award winning chili to the credentials. :-)

Seeing a bit of snow flying in the air gets us even more excited for Celebrate The Season in Downtown Hanover on Friday, December 1st!
🌶️ Get down to Allen Street for our Chili Cook-Off starting at 5:30 pm featuring homemade chili from Boloco - Hanover, NH, Black House Real Estate's Jennifer Snyder Fogg, Broker/Owner Black House Real Estate, PINE Restaurant at the Hanover Inn, Visions for Creative Housing Solutions, Verani Realty - Upper Valley, and Julie Glynn, Author & Mean Girl Transformation Coach. Taste them all and vote for the best!

Photos from Julie Glynn, Author & Mean Girl Transformation Coach's post 11/07/2023

YAY! My first bookstore! You can now find my book on the shelf at in Hanover, NH.


Have you seen that quote, "Do something that scares you every day"?

I thought about some of my fears.

Driving on icy roads.

Encountering snakes.

Walking in dark alleys at night.

I immediately decided not to do things that scare me.

I didn't give it another thought.

Recently I decided “I’m going to stop not doing things because I’m scared.”

I know the wording sounds wonky, but that’s seriously how it formed in my brain.

I asked for what I wanted, even though I feared rejection.

I said no, rather than agreeing just to please others.

I actively pursued opportunities that made me nervous.

And you know what?

Only good things happened.

None of the things I feared.

Intrigued by the quote, I decided to investigate its origin.

It was Eleanor Roosevelt who uttered these words.

Turns out she wasn't suggesting the scary things I had thought of.

Instead, her message is meant to encourage us to step out of our comfort zones and break free from the daily routines our Mean Girl tends to keep us in.

What's that one thing you've been wanting to pursue, but fear has held you back?

It's time to do it.

If you need a nudge or some encouragement, I’m here to help.


I love to blow things off and be lazy.

I’ve been working hard re-structuring my website, while at the same time creating the Mean Girl 180° Online Membership and preparing to be gone for the winter.

I’d much rather curl up with my dog, a book and a blanket on this cloudy 50 degree afternoon.

I probably could. There’s really nobody to hold me accountable.

Except me.

Then I’d be really bummed tomorrow, next week and next month for not getting things done.

So I do it.

Later, instead of being bummed, I’ll be excited.

A few years ago we went to Florida for the winter.

When we came back I had forgotten how I’d left my car.

Usually I leave it without gas and in need of a good cleaning.

That’s what I was expecting.

Instead, I had a full tank of gas and it was shiny clean.

What an amazing gift. Someone had cleaned my car.

Except, I’m the one who cleaned my car.

I gave myself that gift before I left.

And I forgot about it.

I couldn’t have been more happy and grateful.

We forget we are worth it and that we can provide these moments of happiness for ourselves.

When you think about doing things to create happiness for others, think about what you can do for you to create happiness.

Is there something you need to do and Mean Girl keeps saying, “Oh I can do that later?” Do it now and see how much happiness it creates later when it’s already done.

I bet it’ll feel like you gave yourself a gift.


We start recording next week!

Photos from Julie Glynn, Author & Mean Girl Transformation Coach's post 10/12/2023

I’m not a fan of comments based on looks.

Regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

I think everyone, including Mean Girl, should dive deep & really see someone for who they are, not judge, good or bad, based on size, shape or appearance.

Then this happened to me:
My husband and I arrived at the track just before noon. When we walked in, he asked, “Will you go over there and get a program while I go to the bathroom?”

I agreed.

I haven't been to the track before.

I went over and picked up a program from the counter.

An older gentleman looked at me from behind some glass and said, “The programs are $3.75.”

I was taken back.

My brain was thinking, “I can’t place any bets without the program and I have to pay for it?”

He must have sensed my confusion so he asked, “You didn’t know you had to pay for it did you?”

I laughed and admitted I thought they’d be free.

We made a little small talk as I paid.

When he handed me my change he said, “The first race starts at 12:30.”

Again I was taken back.

"Oh?" I responded, “12:30?

"I could have swore when I called yesterday they said the first race was at 12:00”

He smiled and said, “Oh, we don’t allow any swearing here.”

I laughed and apologized.

He laughed and told me there was no need to apologize, then added, “But, we do offer confessions upstairs between 1:30 and 3:00”

I thought that was funny. I responded, “Do I have to pay for that too?”

He shook his head as he assured me, “Oh no. The confession is free.”

I told him that was a relief.

He went on to add, “But you will have to pay a penance.”

We laughed.

As I started to walk away he said, “Keep smiling, you’re a very pretty woman.”

I thanked him.

I was a little bummed though.

Our back and forth banter was pleasant.

But then the comment about my looks was disappointing.

After over-analyzing and reflecting, like my brain frequently does, it occurred to me, he probably wasn’t talking about my appearance.

Had I hollered and pounded the counter in frustration at having to pay for a program I doubt he would have found that pretty.

I think what he actually meant was:

You're pretty funny.

You're pretty personable.

You're pretty friendly.

I will gladly take those compliments.
When I wrote my book I created this design as a message to love and accept people regardless of appearance.

Visit https://see-the-beauty-in-the-soul.printify.me/ and check out the different ways you can display this image and help remind yourself and others that beauty radiates outward from the soul. It doesn’t rest on the surface.


If you want to be an entrepreneur the first thing they tell you:

Identify “What problem keeps people awake at night.”

Then, figure out a solution to that problem.

I disagree!

The problem isn’t "what" keeps people awake at night.

The topic of the sleeplessness is irrelevant.

Generally it’s not just one thing, it's one-hundred things all at once.

The problem is, "who" keeps them awake at night.

That would be the Mean Girl in your head.

Mean Girl flips a switch at bed time and the thoughts in our head start bouncing around like the balls in a lottery gravity pick machine.

We can’t sleep.

Oddly, only 10 minutes earlier we could hardly stay awake on the couch watching television.

Why is that?

Perhaps because our thoughts were on the TV show?

So what do we do when Mean Girl is stirring things up?

Turn her off.

Reel in your thoughts.

Focus on breathing,

Focus on the quiet.

Focus on anything.

Just make sure you shut her down when she wants to analyze how you could have said or done something differently ten years ago.

Tell yourself a bedtime story that goes something things like this,

"When I go to bed I take control of my thoughts.

They are calm and quiet. I'm safe, happy and content.

I have nothing to worry about because I'm an amazing person.

I've done great things and I have faith in myself."

See if that helps quiet your Mean Girl so you can get some rest.

If not, please message me and I can help you.


Our Mean Girl speaks through us in mysterious ways.

And we believe what she says.

She shapes our vocabulary.

Then our belief system.

Ultimately who we are and how we show up.

That’s unfortunate.

Shifting her statements, even just slightly, could create huge changes.

For example.

Mean Girl says, “I don’t have time for that sh*t.”

Truth is, “That sh*t really isn’t important to me.”

That’s acceptable. Not everything is important to us.

But only one of those statements is correct.

Because really, we have time for those things we find important.

One statement makes us feel out of control.

The other gives us the power of choice.

Another example:

“I have to pick up the dog at 3:30.”


You “have” to?

Or you “get” to?

Yes!! “I get to pick up the dog at 3:30”

One statement subtly creates dread while the other creates excitement and gratitude.

I’m going to give you a challenge for the next week.

Notice the Mean Girl statements that your speaking (or thinking)

Do they create yucky thoughts & emotions?

Can you shift them to something that feels more empowering or exciting?

Try it for a week.

See what happens.

Let me know how I can help.

For more fun messages, follow me for or sign up for my email at https://tinyurl.com/nnxr96bn


Recently I went on vacation with my granddaughter.

Of course, we took a bunch of selfies.

Upon inspection of the photos, I commented I thought my hair was starting to turn gray.

She said, “Grandma, nobody cares!”

A little further into our trip we noticed people were referring to me as her mother.

I suggested fewer people would think so if my hair was turning grey.

Again she said, “Grandma, nobody cares!"

A few days later as we ate a late lunch, I casually mentioned my class reunion was that night.

She asked, with some dread, “Do I have to go with you?”

I told her I wasn’t planning on attending.

Jokingly, I added, "Especially not with all this new gray hair.”

She laughed, and again assured me, “Grandma, nobody cares!!”

Could she be correct?

Is it possible, nobody cares whether or not I have gray hair?

I mean, I know for a fact she doesn’t care.

She wouldn’t care if I had rainbow-colored hair.

Or no hair.

Sometimes our Mean Girl gets us hyper-focused on our own perceived inadequacy.

We aren’t even paying attention to anyone else’s gray hair.

What would it be like if we believed, as strongly as my granddaughter?

Nobody cares.

Is there something you can let go of?

Something that when you see it, you can tell yourself, in a 10-year-old voice, “Nobody cares!”?

Cuz, whatever flaw you think you might have.

I can guarantee you

I don’t care.


Maybe she’s right.

For information on my book visit www.julieglynn.com/book


When I was in high school my co-workers were adults.

I left school mid-day then worked afternoons in an office.

They’d listen to my stories and ask each other, “Wouldn’t you love to be in high school again?”

The answer was always the same, “Only if I knew then what I know now.”

I’m older now than most of them were then.

When I wonder whether or not I’d go back to my high school years my answer is a bit different.

“I’d only go back if I knew as much about myself as I do now.

When I was in school I was presented lessons in the basic skills.

Reading, spelling, writing, math facts and typing.

I wasn’t ever encouraged to discover anything about myself or how I fit into this world.

Learning who we are isn’t easy.

I dodged a bullet when, at the last minute, I decided not to enlist in the Navy.

That would’ve been a fiasco since I’m both claustrophobic and sea sick.

But I didn't really know that then.

Instead I went to nursing school and dropped out when I discovered I don't like blood and couldn't stick someone with a needle.

I didn't know that either.

Years later, in the my last semester of college, I withdrew and changed majors from English to education.

That added 3 more semesters to my program.

I love these powerful lyrics from my wedding song. (I Won’t Give Up, by Jason Mraz)

“I had to learn what I got and what I’m not and who I am”

In each of those scenarios I saw what I’m not and I felt like a failure.

What I didn’t see were the aspects of those roads not taken that appealed to me in the first place.

That’s not failure.

That’s learning what I’m not and who I am.

I really want to know,

Who are you? Who? Who?

What can be revealed from your previous paths that would uncover who you are and what your not?



When I start working with a client I often ask them, “If you could change one negative thought, what would it be?”

These are some of the responses I’ve heard:

“I’m fat.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I’m not worthy of love.”

“I’m stupid.”

“I lack confidence.”

“I have to be perfect.”

“My body is gross.”


Those are terrible thoughts to have about ourselves.

So I was thinking…

What if we treat and speak to ourselves like dogs?


A few weeks ago I told you about Romeo, my nearly two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

He’s 10 pounds of charm and holy terror mixed into one.

He’s always on the run and he eats everything he can find.

Try as I might, he finds everything.

I’m constantly digging stuff out of his mouth.

Socks, fur balls, the bed sheets, toilet paper, even a slug.


Nothing has kept me on my toes to the extent Romeo does.

Yet, I’ve never once spoken to him remotely similarly to how I might have spoken to myself.

I joyfully take socks from his mouth as I try to convince him the hamper is not a buffet.

The slug? Yeah, while I’m gagging, I explain, in my kindest dog friendly tone, how gross it is to chew slugs, especially on the furniture.

I’m not saying there’s a direct causal relation, because he is a dog after all.

I’d be willing to bet, if he could actually speak to me, he’d never say,

“I’m fat.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I’m not worthy of love.”

“I’m stupid.”

“I lack confidence.”

"I have to be perfect."

"My body is gross."

Nobody has ever spoken to him in a way that would create self doubt, never mind self hatred.

He's so self assured he thinks he’s bad, bad Romeo

The baddest dog in the whole damn town.

Badder than old King Kong

And meaner than a junkyard dog.

He even thinks it's ok to climb on top of the end table and just sit there.

We don't all have the same level of confidence and gumption as Romeo. That's because we've been spoken to in ways that resulted in self doubt and self hatred.

Sometimes from people who claim to love us.

And that makes it even harder to dismiss or rephrase those statements.

That’s not easy, I know. I can help you.

In the meantime, when you're about to talk to yourself ask, "Am I repeating old useless narratives that keep me down or am I treating myself like a dog?"

How can you change what you’re about to say into something encouraging?


Imagine a soft furry grey bunny frolicking in the tall grass.

A nearby hawk high on a tree branch spots the bunny.

The bunny stops to nibble some clover.

The hungry hawk glides silently over the unsuspecting bunny.

The bunny notices a shadow cast over him.

Instinct kicks in.

The hawk keeps a keen eye on the bunny as he soars gracefully overhead.

No desire in being the main course, the bunny zigzags through the meadow darting through bushes.

Just as the hawk descends the bunny races through a thicket of bushes, through a rabbit hole and into the safety of his home.

The hawk’s wings continue slicing through the air as he looks for some dinner.

Once the bunny assures the safety of his surroundings he takes a deep breath.

He greets his bunny wife as she tends to the baby bunnies in their burrow.

When Mrs. Bunny asks about his day, he tells her about the frolicking and the clover.

No mention of the hawk.

Later that night the bunny sleeps as soundly as can be.

No thoughts of the hawk.


Because he’s a bunny.

While animals have the same fight or flight response as humans, once the perceived threat has passed they don't dwell on stressful experiences the same way humans do.

Unlike bunnies we have a more complex cognitive capacity.

When we experience stress we remember.

We ruminate

We evaluate.

We analyze.

And we’ve got Mean Girl.

She creates worry, fear, anger and guilt.

While these cognitive skills often make stress burdensome, they can also help us handle stress better.


Take control of our thoughts using a retrospective analysis.

Ask yourself what happened?

What went well?

What didn’t go well?

What did you learn?

What can you do differently next time?

This isn’t easy. I know.

It’s not meant to be easy.

It’s just a start. And I can help you.


Did you know laughter is part of self care?

And self care helps transform Mean Girl.

Laugher reduces stress hormones in your body and elevates your mood.

Deep breathing associated with laughter can help lung function.

Laughter also increases blood flow in your brain and body and improves cognitive function and cardiovascular health.

Are you getting enough laughter in your life?

I hope this story helps.

We drove 112 miles to Boston Airport to pick up Romeo, an 11 month old Cavalier King Charles.

In the first 3 weeks I was VERY diligent in sending messages to his previous owner about his his transition, his sleep, his p**p, his toys, his habits, his cuteness…(I could go on).

To be exact, I sent:

16 texts

11 photos

6 videos

Of course they’d be interested in how he was adjusting to his new home since he lived with them since birth.


They seemed interested and engaged.

They responded to every one of my messages.

I felt encouraged so I continued to share.

Then one of my messages got a strange response.

It didn’t make sense.

I was confused

Upon some discovery, I realized I never once sent a message to his previous owner.

Turns out I accidentally sent all of those messages to the person from Facebook Marketplace who sold us the doggie stroller we picked up our way to the airport.


There is laughter and humor everywhere.

Sometimes you create accidentally all on your own.

Look for it and enjoy it.

Check out my book for more strategies on transforming your Mean Girl at www.julieglynn.com/book


First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said, "When you give joy to other people, you get more joy in return.”

Meanwhile, the Mean Girl in our head lives in the land of negativity.

Therefore, focusing on bringing joy into the lives of others not only increases the amount of joy we receive, it also helps stifle the negative messages from our Mean Girl.

Plus, it’s fun.

There’s a server at my favorite restaurant who's grown to know me well.

Every time I go in I order water with a "ton of lemon."

When he sees me in his section, without even asking, he brings me what I call "a beautiful bouquet of lemons."

A glass of water with lemons completely surrounding the rim.

It brings me joy.

I sometimes wonder, “Why does he take the time to create this little masterpiece, just for me?”

Could it be he has, at some point, experienced joy from me?

I’d like to think so.

But it’s hard to know for sure when we bring joy into someone's life.

What we do know, for sure, is when we attempt to create joy.

It can be a lot of fun when you truly believe the more joy you give the more joy you’ll get.

Give it a try.

What simple act you can do for someone with the sole purpose of generating joy?

How do you feel afterward?

Do you feel joyful?

Do you feel empowered? Confident?

Does if feel like the negativity from Mean Girl has quieted?

I would love to hear your results from this experiment.

As always, if you find yourself struggling, I can help you. You can book a discovery call at www.JulieGlynn.com/coaching


Our Mean Girl is constantly on high alert searching for our faults.

One way to reduce her negative impact on us is by limiting her opportunities to criticize.

So don't give her faults to find.

You can do this by taking care of your future self.

Avoid situations where she can say, “If only you had done ‘xyz’ this wouldn’t be happening.”

Try to avoid doing what I did.

Back in April I felt like we needed some down time.

So I booked a cruise.

Short and simple.

3 day cruise to Cozumel.

Left in two weeks.

Port is 30 minutes from our condo.

Relaxation is on the horizon.

So I thought.

Our passports expired 3 years ago.

I felt panic in my chest.

My heart was pounding.

My Mean Girl wanted to jump in with questions like:

~ “Why didn’t you check first?”
~ “Why didn’t you renew your passports?"

I did my best to ignore her and focus instead on:

“What am I going to do now?”

I turned to Google.

It said you don’t need passports for closed loop cruises.


I called the cruise line to verify.

They confirmed.

You just need your driver’s license and a birth certificate.

Seems easy enough right?


The name on my birth certificate doesn’t match my driver’s license.

I’ll need my marriage license and my birth certificate.

I'm in Florida with my driver’s license.

Those other documents are in New Hampshire.

Locked in my office.

I have that key with me in Florida.

I get in touch with my daughter.

Then head to the post office.

$92 to overnight the key and express deliver the documents back to Florida.

I wait.

Breathe deeply.

And wait.

We get there and the cruise line barely even looked at the documents.

We've applied for new passports.

Hopefully we won't ever have a situation like that again.

I encourage you to learn from this story.

Is there something you can do now your future self will thank you for?

What can you do today to eliminate a stressful situation later on?

Is there something you can attend to that will avoid unnecessary expenses down the road?

Taking care of your future self can seem insignificant or unnecessary.

Believe me, you'll appreciate yourself for doing so and I can help you.

To schedule a no obligation discovery call visit www.julieglynn.com/coaching


In my book title I mention “The Mean Girl” in your head

Who is this Mean Girl?

Mean Girl is that voice in your head.

You might recognize her as someone who:

~Shames, sabotages and minimizes you.

~Causes you to question yourself and discourages you from taking risks.

~Assumes strangers have idyllic lives, and you are a failure in comparison.

~Judges the foods you eat and convinces you to deprive your body of nourishment.

~Insists if your ass were smaller life would be perfect.

~Makes you doubt your intelligence or ability to succeed.

~Convinces you you’re not worthy of love and acceptance.

~Tells you it doesn't matter whether or not you try or give up; either way, you’ll likely be an embarrassment, a failure, or both.

~Encourages poor choices then inflicts excessive guilt and self-doubt.

When Mean Girl is left to her own devices, she is not a trustworthy guide for you.

She will try to keep you stuck in the same old cycles and keep you from growing and developing as a person.

In spite of all this, some of us have spent years dragging her everywhere we go, believing every word she says.

Why does Mean Girl put you through this hell?

Believe it or not, her job it is to keep you safe, help you avoid getting hurt, and make sure you survive.

How can that be?

We don’t generally associate safety measures with criticism and disapproval.

How is she protecting us with negativity?

She’s been programmed based on a culture that uses guilt, shame, and fear to foster positive change, like:

~“Do this, or else!”

~“Stop crying, or I’ll give you something to cry about.”

~“Wipe that smile off your face, or I'll wipe it off for you.”

~“What were you thinking? You should be ashamed.”

She simply parrots criticism she’s heard directed at you in the past.

She presents as aggressive, hateful, and intimidating, but that’s all she knows.

She doesn’t have the skills to deal with pain and heartache, you do.

Because she communicates harshly and uses scare tactics, naturally you’ll want to reciprocate in kind.

That won’t work.

Relationships don’t heal through conflict.

If you want her to be compassionate with you, you’ll need to learn to be compassionate with her.

For some of us, Mean Girl has been calling the shots for so long, we don’t even know how to push her out of the driver’s seat and over to the passenger’s side.

Or even better yet, toss her into the backseat.

You probably thought I was going to say toss her in the trunk, didn’t you?

The goal isn't that she's bound and gagged and locked away.

The goal is to teach her to let go of the criticism and wise-cracks and protect you and keep you safe from a place of love and encouragement.

The first step in transforming your Mean Girl is to increase your awareness of her.

Notice her negative comments.

Remember she's just echoing negative statements back at you.

You don't have to believe her.

I'm not a disgrace to the entire neighborhood just because I backed into the mailbox.

Notice when she's using scare tactics to keep you from learning, growing and moving forward.

Think of other times you left your comfort zone and didn't become the laughing stock of the community.

Most importantly, have faith.

Your Mean Girl can be reprogrammed and I can help you.

~ Message me for more individualized help shifting your Mean Girl, and we'll schedule a time to talk.

~My book has more strategies to shift your Mean Girl. For more information visit www.JulieGlynn.com/book

~Feel free to respond to this email with any questions.


Never have I ever...had blue toes.

Someone recently asked me, “What’s your favorite color?”

Without a thought I responded, “Pink.”

Then a follow-up question, “What do you have that’s pink?”

Umm, that question required a little more thought.

Turns out, I don’t have many pink things.

I like pink frosting.

I have a few pink shirts and some pink nail polish.

Otherwise, not much pink.

Then I wondered, “Why was I so quick to claim pink as my favorite color?”

Probably because pink was my favorite color when I was a child.

My room was decorated in pink. Even the s**g carpet.

My clothes, my backpack, my hair clips - they were all pink.

If pink was an option, I picked pink.

I was a little girl.

I’m not a child anymore.

I’ve grown beyond pink.

Yet my brain was on auto-pilot and had pink tucked inside the file for “favorite color.”

Except it's not. Not anymore.

Given this discovery, I turned off my brain's auto-pilot and did something different.

For the first time in my life I choose blue polish, instead of pink.

Our brain (Mean Girl) longs for the simplicity of doing the same thing over and over again.

Intentional thoughts and awareness create change that disrupts the flow of redundancy in our brain.

Our favorite color is an insignificant example of how our brain functions on habit. It’s a pretty easy fix.

Sometimes there are old habits that aren’t quite so simple.

Look inside yourself. Do you see any areas where your brain is circulating old thoughts that need to be updated or replaced?

Are they equally as insignificant or perhaps a little more complicated?

Either way, I can help you. Message me for more information.

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Having someone help and support you, who has travelled the same path, is perhaps the most powerful way to fuel change. As a coach, I provide accountability and support, but more importantly, a non-judgmental safe space to experiment with change. Change of thoughts, feelings, and old habits and the opportunity to create the perfect future for you. That’s the most important aspect of my coaching.

Secondary to my personal experience, I have two Master’s degrees, one in Special Education, and the other in Health & Wellness Coaching. I’m also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a Body Positive Facilitator.

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PO Box 5014
Hanover, 03755

The Nautical IFAK (TNI) is an online store, offering customers a premium Individual First Aid Kit.

Sugar River Equine, LLC Sugar River Equine, LLC
Hanover, 03773

CEMP providing equine bodywork to any age, breed or discipline in New Hampshire and Vermont

Moosilauke Visions Moosilauke Visions
23 South Main Street, Suite 2A
Hanover, 03755

Moosilauke Visions is a non-profit strategic-services company that partners with new and established mental health, wellness, and other social businesses to help them thrive. We pr...

Hanover Orthodontics Hanover Orthodontics
7 Allen Street, Suite 300
Hanover, 03755

We are an Orthodontic office, we treat Adults and Children, we use conventional treatment, and we ar

Wheelock Terrace Wheelock Terrace
32 Buck Road
Hanover, 03755

Our reputable senior living community provides exceptional care to seniors who require assistance.

Dartmouth Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program Dartmouth Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program
Vail 507A
Hanover, 03755

An interdisciplinary research program studying the way arsenic and other toxic metals affect ecosystems and human health.

Mighty Yoga NH Mighty Yoga NH
10 Allen Street
Hanover, 03755

Discover your practice. Discover your strength. Discover you! Learn from our talented instructors. Connect with our supportive community. Reconnect with your body, breath, and hear...

Maynard House Maynard House
17 South Street
Hanover, 03755

A guesthouse for hospital patients and their families since 1978.

Dartmouth LGBTQIAplus Student Advising Dartmouth LGBTQIAplus Student Advising
2 North Main Street
Hanover, 03755

The CGSE strives to foster student development with a focus on gender exploration and social justice in a safe and inclusive space.