Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.

In Unity there is Strength Freemasonry is the oldest and the largest fraternal order in the world.

It is a universal brotherhood of men dedicated to serving God, family, fellowman and country.


Good afternoon Brothers. Thank you all for your commitment to the 19th Degree. A job well done. I appreciate you all!


My dear respected brethren. Thank you so much for joining us for our stated meeting. The food was delicious plenty of food. We always welcome visiting brethren. Great job, brother, junior warden, Abdullah Yusufzai

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 04/15/2024

Peace and blessings my brothern. Thank you for your support of the stated meeting April 2024. Brother Tousif Orion, returned his MM proficiency in open lodge. Job well done, congratulations.

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 04/05/2024

We opened on MM degree, had a great lecture by WB Jorge. Thank you for the great food. Congratulations to brother Orion Tousif passing his MM Profeciency, OPEN LODGE


Hello brothers, Thank you for your support, on Saturday at MMT for the Youth Observance program.

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 03/09/2024

On this Thursday, March 7, 2024, special thanks go to Susie Bendure, Janet McCans, and everyone who joined us at our GMOV for receiving and welcoming Most Worshipful Ted P. Bendure, Grand Master of Masons in Nevada (2024), his corps of officers, other past Grand Lodge officers, Past Grand Master Kevin P. McCans (2023), and Richard M. Graver, Jr. (2021), on the Grand Master's Official Visitation.

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 02/21/2024

Thank you, sheriff Kevin McMahill for keeping the MMAC engaged keeping our community safe. Keeping the different religious leaders United as one,
In Las Vegas.
Special thanks to. Captain Steve Connell captain of the Convention Center Area Command for hosting the luncheon.
Job will done.


Beautiful Vegas


"After Wednesday's unfathomable events, our hearts are broken, and we know yours are too. The Rebel community of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and supporters is a family connected by our love for UNLV, and we are all hurting today as we grieve for the victims of this week’s tragedy.

Collectively, we ache for the victims' families, friends, students, and colleagues, and our minds are already focused on what we can do to help. The university has established the UNLV Strong website to provide continuing updates on resources, campus operations, and ways you can help in the coming days.

I’m proud of how we come together in times of crisis and our Rebel community’s capacity for empathy and action. We are strong, resilient, and caring. We will be there for each other now, as before. I take comfort in knowing we will come through this together.

Please know how grateful we are for you, and we appreciate your outpouring of concern. In this sorrowful time, having you by our side means everything. Again, as always, thank you for your loyalty and support.

With Rebel pride,"


Urgent Update: There's a distressing situation at the UNLV. The business building and the student union is affected, and several people have been injured. My son Abdullah, who was on campus, is thankfully home safely. Please keep those affected in your thoughts.
Feeling a mix of relief and deep empathy right now. A distressing situation unfolded at the UNLV, impacting lives in the blink of an eye. My heart goes out to those injured. Grateful beyond words that my son Abdullah is safe. Let's come together in support and compassion during this difficult time. 💔🙏 "

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 11/20/2023

ANCOM 2023,of Grand Lodge of Nevada MW Kevin P. McCans, Visiting other Grand Master’s from the rest of the US, other dignitaries around the world, Grand WM of
Order of the Eastern Star, and Rainbow girls. Congratulations to all of new Grand Lodge officers who are elected.

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 11/20/2023

Special Thanks to WB Kirk for making the turkey. Brother JW, you did an amazing job of presenting and preparing the great luncheon at our Thanksgiving lunch at our Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.
Also Thank you, all Brethren and thier families, for coming through today, November 16th! The spread was amazing and delicious. There was plenty of food and I’m glad people took some home.

Have a safe Thanksgiving weekend, and if you’re attending F1, do be safe!

See you all in December 🤙🏼

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 11/11/2023

Special Thanks to all Masonic bodies for their help, volunteering, and support on Veterans BBQ event at VA Hospital.


Dear Las Vegas Community

We wish to express our appreciation for each person who is part of the Las Vegas Community.

We are a connected and diverse community, and we are committed to the safety and well-being of every member. Compassion, kindness and thoughtfulness will serve us all well during these difficult times.

We know that, given current events, it is understandable that nerves are taut and people are feeling anxious—social media and news reports have only added to the tension and anxiety. More, there is particular attention being paid to today, Friday, October 13th, and we have received inquiries regarding the Muslim community.

I work closely with the local Law Enforcement Officers and other leaders in our Las Vegas Community. Please know that every one of our decisions is based upon facts, data, and ongoing consultations with experts in law enforcement along with the county, state, and federal government authorities. With unanimity, law enforcement has informed us that there is no credible threat to the Las Vegas community today.

We would like to caution everyone regarding social media at this time because there is an onslaught of misinformation that is adding to the tension and frustration. Please look to our Law Enforcement for accurate and current information, direction and guidance with any questions regarding security and safety.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are always at a heightened security today and for the foreseeable future. We encourage everyone to be situationally aware on or around or anywhere else you may be, and if you See Something, Say Something to a person in authority.

If you have any specific concerns, please contact your local Mosque and they can let the leadership know about your concerns and can address them.

We are taking appropriate measures to protect our community.

Again—we know that this is a very stressful time and we appreciate everyone’s concern. Together, we will get through this challenge.

Rokai Yusufzai

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 09/11/2023

Official visitation of Most Worshipful Kevin P. McCans, Grand Master of Masons in Nevada, and his corps of officers to Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M. September 7th, 2023.
Special Thanks to our Brethren who made this event a success. Also congratulations to brother Jeff C. and Orion Tousif for returning their Fellow Craft proficiency open lodge, one at a time with their mentor Abdullah Yusufzai. The food was amazing, very multicultural.


We are delighted to extend our formal invitation to GMOV. This prestigious event is set to take place in Henderson Masonic Temple. Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M. We would be honored to have your esteemed presence.
Thursday September 7th, Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 will have its Grand Master’s Official Visitation. All Masons are welcome and even encouraged to attend. Luncheon will consist of multi cultural option with vegetables as a side dish. And it’s all free of charge! This wonderful meal will be prepared by Brother Junior Warden Ryan R. Lunch will be served at 11:00 am and Lodge begins at 12:00 PM. We hope you can attend, enjoy Fellowship over a fantastic tasty meal, We sincerely hope you can join us for this special occasion. Your presence would make the event even more memorable.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me, WM Rokai Yusufzai

Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to the pleasure of your company.

This amazing event will be ...
followed by an important and educational message from our Grand Master Kevin P. McCans

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 08/19/2023

What a blessing after the rain. We get enjoyed as beautiful, gorgeous sunset in Las Vegas today. At 7:29 PM.


Heads up, Henderson! ☀ Our cooling stations have been extended through Saturday, July 22.

📍 Downtown Recreation Center | 50 E. Van Wagenen Rd.
⏰ M-F | 11am-6pm
⏰ Sa | 11am-3pm

📍 Downtown Senior Center | 27 E. Texas Ave.
⏰ M-F | 9am-3pm

Find a location near you!


A Mason, who just moved to Town, walks into a bar after Lodge and orders three mugs of Beer.
He sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn.
When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three more.
The bartender approaches and tells the Mason,
"You know, a mug goes flat after I draw it.
It would taste better if you bought one at a time."
The Mason replies, "Well, you see, I have two brothers I usually drink with after Lodge.
One is in Arizona, the other is in Colorado.
When we all left our home Lodge in Texas, we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank together.
So I'm drinking one beer for each of my brothers and one for myself."
The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there.
The Mason becomes a regular in the bar on Lodge nights, and always drinks the same way.
He orders three mugs and drinks them in turn.
One day, he comes in and only orders two mugs.
All the regulars take notice and fall silent.
When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, "I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your loss."
The Mason looks quite puzzled for a moment, then a light dawns in his eyes and he laughs.
"Oh, no, everybody's just fine," he explains.
"It's just that my wife and I joined the Baptist Church and I had to quit drinking."
“It hasn't affected my brothers though."

Photos from Dhahran Daylight Lodge #55 F.&A.M.'s post 06/25/2023



10 Reasons Why You Can't Be A Freemason

So, you want to be a Freemason. Let me tell you why you can’t.

1. You’re Looking for Fame and Fortune

The idea that Freemasons rule the world, that you can gain untold wealth and power within the Fraternity, that Masonic connections will get you ahead in life is tripe. Anyone who attempts to enter our organization for any of these purposes will be sorely disappointed if they can even get past the initial interview.

Do we offer wealth untold? We certainly do, although not of the kind you’re probably thinking. Our wealth is that of knowledge. Knowledge of self, to be precise. Knowledge of the Universe. Knowledge of moral ideas and philosophies unburdened by religion and politics. Wealth unmatched and of far greater value than gold or credit.

2. You’re Too Lazy

Freemasonry takes work and if you don’t put your time in, you won’t receive your wages. It is a profession, a career, that takes up time and energy. To be a Freemason, you cannot coast by—you should not! The wages to which I refer are not given in charity though Masons espouse that great attribute as the greatest of all.

To think that you may enter an esteemed organization such as ours and not contribute is ludicrous. Nothing of worth is delivered without a price and work is required to honorably earn that which is of worth.

3. You Don’t Have The Time

Time is a commodity that is precious and should never be traded for worthless pursuits. Thus it is with Freemasonry. To be a Freemason, one must dedicate time to the endeavor. In some instances the time committed is minimal. In others, it is consuming. Although Freemasonry is never to interfere with your necessary vocations, duties to God, your family, or your neighbor, you must still practice and work.

The development of your mind and consciousness requires that you devote time, and time devoted to improving oneself is never wasted.

4. You Don’t Want To Participate

Freemasonry does not need an audience. Participation is key to everything in Masonry. If you aren’t a person who can engage in the work, the brotherhood, the quality growth of the Lodge and Freemasonry in general, you’ve no business being a part of this austere organization.

Engaging in Masonic activities includes behavior outside the Lodge when you are required to represent the Fraternity to the Public. Engagement within the Lodge includes actively participating in Masonic education and filling in roles where you will best serve the Lodge. Freemasonry should benefit from your participation as much, if not more than you benefit from being a Brother. Selfish pursuits aren’t welcome.

5. You Don’t Have A Belief in A Supreme Being

This is a mandate of our Fraternity and will not be overlooked under any circumstance. A belief in a supreme being means that a person may be bound to their moral obligations. You are holding yourself to a higher standard of honor and integrity because God is always watching, He is always present, and you are not to disappoint the Supreme Architect of the Universe. Trust in a Brother is paramount to brotherhood and this trust extends to the knowledge that your Brother isn’t going to misrepresent the organization, reveal any of its secrets, or take advantage of another Brother.

6. You Have An Ego

Everyone has some ego. Without Ego, you wouldn’t be able to accomplish much in life. But I am not referring to your self-esteem when I say that Ego isn’t welcome in Freemasonry. The part of Ego that I’m referring to is a desire for power, unworthy advancement for the sake of title and prestige, a position of absoluteness that your opinion should reign supreme, or that you deserve more than the respect that is due all men.

We meet upon the Level and that equality extends beyond the walls of our temples and buildings. Humility, open-mindedness, and the charity of acceptance are what is required.

7. You Can’t Accept The Landmarks and Tenets Of The Fraternity

Freemasonry is an ancient and honorable organization that is steeped in tradition both in ceremony and practice. We stand for Good, Morality, Dignity for All, and all of our ceremonies are designed to promote the education of these attributes in Men. These traditions may seem cumbersome to those who have no patience for the historical conventions of our forefathers but to a wise man, the ceremonies and modus operandi found within our halls are ripe with lessons. If you cannot respect the landmarks and tenets of Freemasonry, you might as well look to a different organization for membership.

8. You Think Freemasonry Is A Chauvinistic or Racist Organization

Speaking of tradition, there are some very real misrepresentations of Freemasonry in existence even within recognized dispensations. Along with these misrepresentations which suffer from a misunderstanding of landmarks made by past and present cultural leaders exists misconceptions about the reason traditional Lodges do not allow women to be members. If you perceive our intentions to be chauvinistic or exclusionary for the sake of bias, you are sorely mistaken in your ignorance.

If you’ve been made aware of Masonic Lodges where minorities are not welcome, know that these are a misrepresentation of Masonic Law. Immoral and ignorant cultural tradition has been cultivated within lodges who should not be able to claim the venerated association with mainstream Freemasonry. These are in dire need of restructuring and their jurisdictions should be fast about that work.
As for our reason for not allowing women admittance into the Fraternity, the word Fraternity should be a decent enough explanation. Men and women are different creatures, not that one is better than the other for without one the other is left wanting by nature of the divine plan. Each desire and needs to spend time with their own s*x; a scientifically proven fact that supports the idea of same-gender, platonic time for the improvement of a man’s health, mind, soul.

Is Freemasonry entirely exclusionary of females? No. There are many appendant bodies that include women, focus on the excellence that is women, and promote the well-being and growth of the female spirit. And while, at one time, the reasoning was likely due to the ignorance and self-importance of men as well as restricting social roles, it is now upheld in traditional Freemasonry purely out of respect for the concept of fulfilling the needs of its members. Guy’s time where like-minded men can get together and philosophize, engender morality, and influence its membership in good and just ways.

9. You Don’t Understand The Difference Between Our Fraternity and Greek Fraternities

Perhaps you believe the jokes and misconceptions surrounding Freemasonry that involve goats and a lot of alcohol. If so, you’ve been influenced by anti-Masonic propaganda designed to injure the highly-regarded reputation of our organization from people who were jealous of membership or hateful of members. Such is the absurdness of these concepts that Masons have taken to sarcastically joking along with society rather than defending the Fraternity.

Colleges have adopted the concept of Fraternity from the ancient craftsmen fraternities wherein apprenticeships and sponsorships assisted in establishing skills and careers. Unfortunately, the rash and brazen nature of youth have caused the reputations of these Greek Fraternities to become seriously tainted. Movies, news stories, books… they have all painted this picture of college fraternities and sororities in a negative light.

Freemasonry is not a Greek Fraternity. Established in a time where being a part of a guild or fraternity was one of the main ways to gain a proper education, Freemasonry has kept its purpose, moving past the practice of Operative Masonry and focusing its efforts on the merits of Speculative Masonry for all good men who wish to become better men.

Alcohol distribution at the lodge is prohibited and though sobriety is left to the individual concern of each Brother, drunkenness is highly discouraged and frowned upon within the Fraternity. One of our charges is to “avoid all intemperance and irregularities that may impair one’s faculties or debase the dignity of your profession.” The profession to which this is referring is that of being a Freemason. Once again, this alludes to maintaining the respectable image of Freemasonry both inside and outside of the building.

Note: Rules about alcohol consumption and sales within Lodges vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. All jurisdictions that I’m aware of do not allow alcohol within a Lodge while at work.

10. You Have No Desire To Improve

If your sole purpose to join Freemasonry revolves around the potential for social interaction, partying, playing games, and “hanging out” then you’ve come to the wrong place. While Brotherhood does involve many of those activities, the primary purpose of Freemasonry is to provide education, culture, and associations that will assist a good man in becoming a better man. The very slogan that is presented to the public in so many forums and from so many platforms is “Making Good Men Better.” So if you are not interested in improvement, do seek another organization.
In summary, as an organization, we accept individuals who have determined longevity in the pursuit of self excellence, service, and the gaining of knowledge. Freemasonry is not a career for the average person. We require the cream of the crop, quality men who esteem their God, their families, and themselves enough to work at becoming the men that the Supreme Architect of the Universe has planned for them to become.

Are you that man, or am I right in telling you that you cannot be a Freemason?

Posted by
Lance W. Card

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