Melissa Kay Counseling

✨Clinical Psychologist✨Holistic Coach✨
✨Life Architect✨Healer✨
#lawofattraction #manifest You are the creator of your life.

Your thoughts and feelings determine what your life is about and
I can help guide you towards the manifestation of your dreams and happiness
in all areas of your life, such as relationships, marriage, family, body image, abundance, etc. I can help you find who you truly are and create the life you want.

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 06/16/2024

Happy Father’s Day!🖤😎

You taught me to stand strong on my own. To stand up for what I believe in. You have been there for me, your family, and your friends, through good times and challenges. We enjoy traveling the world, art, architecture, and good restaurants! You are a great lawyer, friend, grandfather, and father!

Love you always and forever!🖤


✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Life can be full of challenges. What is the main challenge you are facing? That is what you are here to transform. Once you become aware of it, you can now change it. It’s only playing out because of the beliefs you have held. And you can change those thoughts!💫

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 06/15/2024

Congrats Chase!🎓💫

I have loved you since the day you were born! I’m so proud of you and the person you are! You are amazing, kind, smart, funny, athletic, friend to many, and good looking. Although time goes by fast, enjoy each moment of your life! Let the challenges bring you to something better, and follow your heart and what makes you happy! Remember you can be, do, and have anything you desire!

Love you lots,

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


What have you decided you want in your life, abundance, love, happiness, a new career, a new home, a healthy body, etc.? Let the Universe know what you’ve decided you want. Be really clear about it becoming your new reality. Imagine it, feel it, and then let it go to the Universe to manifest! Give thanks to the Universe as if it’s already done! Act on any passion or excitement with no attachment to the outcome…🌟

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 06/09/2024

When the sun hits just right…☀️💙

Life is not perfect, and pictures don’t always tell the whole story. But no matter what comes my way, I rise up each day, focusing on what I appreciate. The beauty, magic and miracles that are in my life, and more to come. I love to get dressed up and explore, shopping, going to a good restaurant with friends and family, taking a walk, and talking about meaningful topics, especially spiritual and holistic. Time goes by very fast. Enjoy each moment of your journey…💫

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Your life is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. The more you love yourself, the more love you will attract around you. How you treat yourself is what you will allow from others. Be kind, gentle, and compassionate with yourself. Take yourself out on dates. Do something nice for yourself. Snuggle yourself. Soothe yourself when you’re feeling challenged. Believe in yourself and your worth! Life is a mirror to you. The more love you give yourself, the more love you can give others. You are the greatest love of all!💗

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/30/2024

C’est la vie…J'aime la vie.🖤🥐

This is the life…I love life.✨

Find things you appreciate each day. What do you appreciate about yourself, your life, and the people around you? The more you appreciate, the more good comes to you. Life is supposed to be good and fun!

10 Things I appreciate about life…

1. Restaurants with great food
2. Fashion
3. Travel
4. My family
5. My friends
6. My work
7. My clients
8. Nature
9. Music
10. Movies

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


The conditions help you decide who you are and what you want. When you focus on what you want, and practice feeling good regardless of the circumstances, the conditions will change to more of what you want. We are always growing and evolving and asking for more.👼🏼

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/23/2024

There’s nothing more important than your peace of mind.🪴💙✨

What helps you have peace of mind? Growing up I was always the peacemaker in my family. I wanted everyone around me to get along and be happy. But I came to realize that it’s not my job to get everyone else to be OK. I can’t control what others feel or do. I can only feel good myself. If others get inspired by that, great. Your alignment and positive mindset is what matters most, regardless of the conditions. When you feel good, no matter what, the conditions will change.✨

10 things that bring me peace of mind…

1. Soothing my thoughts
2. Daily affirmations
3. Meditation
4. Journaling
5. Inspirational audio/ books
6. Music
7. Shopping
8. Taking walks in nature
9. Yoga
10. Cooking
11. Movies

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Whenever I am going through something challenging, I say this and it helps me feel better. When you choose to look at something through the eyes of love, not fear, it changes your perception and the outcome changes. Love and appreciation are a high vibration. When you see all things happening in your life through the eyes of love, you realize that everything is always working out for your highest good, and you will get through it and become stronger for it. 💟

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/16/2024

I love gardens!🌷🌿🦋🌿🪻

Being around nature, plants, butterflies, etc. really grounds me and makes me feel good. My mom had the most beautiful backyard when I was growing up. She loved to be in the backyard gardening the plants, flowers and lemon trees. I would love to have my own fruit and vegetable garden! When I was a child I used to play on the hillside of my backyard. I was certain I saw fairies!🧚🏼🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♂️

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


I have been feeling off in my body for a few weeks now. I’m starting to feel better. But I recognize that the symptoms are not illness, but ascension symptoms. It’s important to check in with your body and see what you’re feeling. Ground and hydrate yourself with lots of water. I also found coconut water to be very helpful. Go out in nature. Meditate. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. And do anything else that helps to ground and balance you. Share below your wisdom, what helps to ground and balance your energy and if you’re feeling any symptoms…💫

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/12/2024

Happy Mother’s Day!🩵🌼🤍

Mothers come in different ways. Whether you have children or fur babies or nieces and nephews, etc., nuturing and mothering comes from within your heart to others. Growing up, I always thought I would get married and have children of my own. But God has another plan for me. At first, I felt really sad that I wasn’t going to become a mother. But then I made peace with it and realized I have another calling. I had the most wonderful mother growing up, kind, supportive, and nurturing. When my mom passed, I was devastated. My sister, who is my best friend and the best mom, embraced me and let me be a part of helping to raise her children, who I love as if they are my own. In my therapy practice I’ve worked with many families and children to help heal them and feel that they are also a special part of me. So on this Mother’s Day, I want to celebrate all women, whether you have children or not, whether your children are with you or not, whether you were raised with a good mother or not, as important, valuable, and special in the way you nurture and care for others!🩵🤍💛

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Since I started talking to my body each day and telling it how much I love it, I’ve noticed a change in my body. My body has gotten healthier and slimmer. You can give appreciation to your whole body from your feet to your head and all the cells in between. I’ve also been more mindful about what I eat, and listening to my intuition. I’ve been eating more natural foods from the earth, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. Also do any type of exercise that inspires you each day, dance, yoga, weights, walking. Your body responds to your mind. If there is any pain or discomfort, talk to your body, ask it what it needs, and what it is telling you. The mind and body are connected.💞

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/04/2024

Stagecoach Day 2…🤍🌈🎡

Reminiscing about Stagecoach and all the fun! The music was amazing! I’ve always loved dressing up and fashion! My sister said it was like going to a big costume party!🤍

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Just like any appliance that requires energy to work, we also have to plug in and recharge to receive energy. After coming back from Stagecoach, I felt very depleted of my energy. It’s been taking about a week to get back on track. The more that you work on your energy, the more sensitive you become to other people’s energy. There are energy vampires who want to take from your energy. Especially your positive energy. Make sure to take deep breaths, meditate, drink lots of water, and do whatever else you can to balance and guard your energy.⚡️

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 05/01/2024

Stagecoach Day 1…🤠👢🌴

I’ve never been to a music festival and always wanted to go. It was so much fun! Life is short. Take chances, wear what you want, have fun!!🩵

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


We just have to let go of the resistance. That is sometimes easier said then done because we have beliefs and expectations we’ve learned from our family and society on who we are and what we’re capable of doing and being. But as you begin to let go of those limiting beliefs, you can begin to recognize that you are very powerful and have the ability to create anything you desire.

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 04/25/2024

Are you living in the past, present, or future?💙

I used to go to Carneys when I was growing up. Especially late at night after going clubbing. It was some of my favorite memories. We took my dad here for his birthday to make new memories. He always loves hamburgers and hotdogs! Do you live in the past, present, or future? It’s ok to cherish memories from the past but to also make new memories and live your life in the present, and dream about the future! You are exactly where you’re meant to be on your journey!✨

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


You are exactly where you’re meant to be on your journey. It’s all ok. Even the challenges. You will overcome them and be stronger for it! Let go of the resistance, and look for solutions. As you change and grow, what’s coming next will be even better and more exciting!💜✨

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 04/12/2024

Happy Birthday to my amazing dad!🧡🏜️

During the pandemic, my dad and I decided to take a trip to Sedona, Arizona. It was such a magical moment spending time with my dad in such an incredible place. We went on a jeep ride and then hiked to one of the vortexes. We had a guide with us. When we reached the vortex, the guide said, “can you feel the positive energy?”, and the second picture of my dad says it all. (Haha!) Then we went to one of the most beautiful restaurants I’ve ever been to with some of the best food. The door was made of crystals! I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share these special experiences with my dad and to have such a close friendship. I cherish every moment.✨

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Although there are things that show up in my life that I don’t like or want, if I recognize there is a message in it, then I can feel less resistance or fear. Since we are the creators of our life, we are manifesting our reality. If there is something we are manifesting that we don’t like, we can let go to the deeper reason it is appearing. Look for the message, embrace it, and let go to the solution and creation of something better.💞

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

Photos from Melissa Kay Counseling's post 04/10/2024

Let go to your “Authentic”self…🖤🌹🤍

Many of us were taught to change ourself for others. We are taught to do what we are supposed to do for our parents, school, friends, relationships, and society. I know for myself, growing up, I would try to morph myself into what others wanted. I would try to be what someone else wanted me to be, even if it meant losing myself. I would try hard to please others until I became exhausted. On my journey of self discovery, I had to go inward and find out who I truly was and what I desire. And to no longer give myself up for another. I now enjoy my own time to self reflect on who I am, my dreams and visions. Take the time to get to know yourself, your likes and dislikes, your fears, your comforts, your passions, your pain. When we can truly embrace our whole self, then we can share our “Authentic” self with others.🌹

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]


Remember to write down what you desire, your dreams and visions. Then meditate. Open yourself up to your highest frequency and vibration. Get ready to receive blessings from this new Earth.✨💙✨

✨I am a Clinical Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach and have been working with Law of Attraction and manifesting for many years. I use it in my life, and have helped many people apply it to their life to create the life they want. If you are looking for help with the Law of Attraction, manifesting and how to feel better, contact me @
[email protected]

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1601 Pacific Coast Highway, Ste 100
Hermosa Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm

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