Wong Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic is necessary for optimum health from the inside out.

One platform to connect | Zoom 07/29/2023

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Dr. Wong retired last year. Take care!!!


A preventative approach to health can be taken by following the chiropractor's advice. Chiropractors advocate for holistic care, meaning they recommend routine visits to their office at least once per month for long-term benefits. You must go before experiencing pain or discomfort.

Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Good posture talks by itself.

Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


There is a vast difference between treating effects and adjusting the cause. You are one adjustment away from having a better mood!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Trust in the process.
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Did you know that low back pain is the second most common reason Americans go to the doctor? Many people are turning to chiropractic for help that does not involve drugs or surgery. Wong Family Chiropractic helps people every day with pain and inflammation through adjustments, therapies, exercises which can improve your overall wellness!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Give us a call, text, or schedule an appointment online, and we would be happy to get you on our schedule this month!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


The benefits of chiropractic massage are nearly endless. These are just a few of our favorites. Give us a call to schedule a massage today!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


For many of us, the disruption to our health from being unable to work at home and exercise has been a struggle. Chiropractors are trained in diagnosing back pain or joint problems, which can lead not only to affected areas but also general wellbeing if left untreated for too long!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Get today started in the best way possible: with an adjustment!
Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


What if I told you headaches should not be a part of your life? Don’t settle...
*Get enough sleep
*Drink plenty of water
*Excercise regularly
*Avoid screens for long periods
*Visit us for an adjustment


Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


We want to help you understand how to listen to your body better. At the first sign of pain, give us a call⁠ at Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


You may find yourself with a lot of negative side effects from stress, ranging from headaches and digestive problems to pains, sleep disturbances and more. However at Integrity Health Center we believe in identifying the cause for these symptoms before anything else so that you can take care of your body properly. That's why chiropractic treatment is here - it looks into factors like tightness or inflexibility which are causing all those nasty pain-inducing sensations!
Want to know how much better life could be after experiencing this kind of relief?
If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


Are you one of the 80% that experience back pain? Hey, don't turn to long-term medication or surgery just yet. Our gentle and highly skilled team can help relieve your symptoms without any interference in life.

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


Are you ready to take control of your physical health?

Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


Do you suffer from pain in your neck/ back? If so, we can help! All of our services are geared to improving the way that your body functions. Just take a look at how good it will feel when all those aches and pains disappear for good!

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/

Make your appointment today at (808) 220-9474.


Your body is made up of trillions of nerve messages that control every function in your body, so when these aren't flowing correctly over time it can lead to a lowered state of health. Improper posture and poor joint function cause the spinal cord and nerves stretching which chiropractors call subluxation. Recent research by Dr. Deed Harrison correlates abnormal cervical spine postures with heart disease, decreased systemic health & accelerated arthritis.
If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


An adjustment is a controlled act that is only to be performed by highly trained health care professionals like Chiropractors, particularly certified Physiotherapists, Medical Doctors and Osteopaths. Chiropractors in particular spend over 450 hours learning this manual technique.
It is a high velocity low amplitude manual thrust applied to a joint with the intent of bringing that joint to its physiological end range. The purpose of this, is to restore motion in restricted, or what we call hypo-mobile, joints.

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/


If you are experiencing any back pain, neck pain, headaches, or pain in the joints, please contact our office to make an appointment at (808) 220-9474.

If you are interested in learning more about this health information, please explore the member wellness section of our website for exercise videos, wellness articles, chiropractic resources, and health facts specifically targeted to your wellness needs and interests. https://www.drbrucewongonline.com/

Nu Xtrax | New Science Protection 06/07/2021

I have never recommended a supplemental product in all my years of helping people get healthy until now...

iHercules is a Reverse Aging Product not Anti-Aging, which is completely different!

Click the link to watch the product video and the second and link to purchase your product and start getting younger and healthier!


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Nu Xtrax | New Science Protection iHerQles is new science protection using premium food extracts with zero contaminants. Simply spray 4 sprays every day in your mouth 15 minutes before your largest meal.


Recently, there has been a large number of children coming to me for chiropractic care. Bed wetting, digestive problems, ear aches, colic, seizures, headaches, skin problems, and the list goes on...

Most people believe chiropractic is for back pain, but the truth is the correct type of chiropractic allows you to increase healing and ultimately restore your health back to normal.

There are 2 types of chiropractors, the first and most common is Symptomatic Chiropractic. This type was created out of the medical model for the treatment of symptoms utilizing insurance. If you're well educated, you know that there is nothing the medical profession does to make you healthier. In fact health is a conflict of interest to the medical profession and pharmaceuticals which drives their business. Think about it, if your doctor got everyone healthy, what would happen to their business? How about the pharmaceutical companies, if everyone was healthy and didn't need drugs what would happen to them? Does health insurance do anything for your health? We have been bamboozled to believe we have a health care system and health insurance that is in our best interest for our health when it's the furthest thing from the truth. Health doesn't come from treating symptoms. Where does health comes from?

The only true way to health lies on the inside of every person through a healthy spine and nervous system. Why? Your nervous system starting with your brain is the computer that allows you to adapt healthfully to your environment. If you cut the nerve to your heart, your heart dies because the very thing that gives it life and instructions for function is through the nervous system! If your nervous system is interfered with because your spine is out of alignment, then you can't be health and adapt to your environment and will experience symptoms.

Getting the correct type of chiropractic (Corrective Chiropractic) aligns your body, to heal not only your spine, and all other joints involved, like your hips, shoulders, knees and ankles. The benefit of getting corrective care is your nervous system will start healing your body. Healing has and always will be from the inside out! The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to come in for a check up and experience true health. My $99.00 Facebook Special is available on a first come first serve basis while it lasts...


Is Your Child Healthy?

Check out the post below...


Children's Health Issue - Birth Trauma

The modern birth process, even under routine conditions, is frequently the first cause of vertebral subluxation. (misalignment of the spine causing nerve interference and for health)

Due to the structure of the infant’s spine, spinal stretching from the birth process is more likely to result in spinal cord trauma with nerve interference than in damage to the vertebral segments and soft tissue.

“Brachial plexus injuries follow stretching caused by shoulder dystocia, breech extraction, or hyper abduction of the neck in cephalic presentations. Associated traumatic injuries, such as subluxations of the cervical spine may occur.”

Beers, M, The Merck Manual, Disturbances in Newborns and Infants, 18th edition.

“Spinal cord and brain stem traumas often occur during the process of birth but frequently escape diagnosis, and infants often experience lasting neurological defects.”

Towbin, A. (1968). “Spinal Cord and Brain Stem Injury in Newborn Infants.” Developmental Child Neurology

Dr. Godfrey Gutman conducted a study of 1000 newborns shortly after birth. He discovered that over 80% had suffered trauma to their cervical spine region.

Guttman, G. (1987). “Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome in Babies and Infants. Manuelle Medizine, pp. 5-10.

“Many birth injuries do not result in infant death but may still significantly affect the neurodevelopmental outcome.”
Faix R. M. Donn. S 1983. Immed10(2):487-505.

"The earlier abnormal spinal function could be recognized and corrected in a child’s life, the greater the opportunity that child will have for neurological development.”

Journal Am Osteopathic Assoc. 49;48-478-4

“Interference to the nervous system results in damage within a short period of time and therefore, Chiropractic care should begin at birth on a preventive basis.”
DR. ARPAD DENAGY, The Rockefeller Inst.

“Every newborn should receive a neck and spine examination and a Chiropractic adjustment if necessary. Is that idea too difficult to accept?”

LENDON SMITH, M.D., Pediatrician

If your child has any health issues or you want them to grow up with optimal health, call me to schedule their visit to wellness. Aloha, Dr. Wong (808) 220-9474


Hi Dr. Wong, I wanted to thank you and share what you have done for me. After one adjustment the bone in the back of my neck is not protruding...
Great adjustment...quick healing! After receiving my second adjustment the blood feels like it's flowing throughout my legs again and my skin appears to have a healthy color! Wish I had seen you sooner..but people tend to put their health on hold...not good.

What I also notice is that my body is constantly correcting my posture...like it won't let me slouch anymore after you started adjusting me.

God bless you Dr Wong. You are blessed with wonderful healing hands....you have brought joy to so many people and I hope you realize that.

Thank you very much!

Redeem Your $49 Sciatica Relief Voucher 05/13/2020

Back Pain and Sciatica / Neck pain and numbness in the arms or hands...

Check out my Special Facebook offer and please send this to anyone you know who needs my help. Don't let them suffer needlessly.

Hey Honolulu, Hawaii! 👋👋 Sciatica and back pain... - Wong Family Chiropractic
Hey Honolulu, Hawaii! 👋👋

Sciatica and back pain should not be accepted as the new normal! There's now non surgical and holistic options available in Honolulu for those dealing with:

✅Pain shooting from the lower back to the legs
✅Throbbing, tingling or pulsing sensations
✅Numbness or restlessness of the legs
✅General back pain

I'm Dr. Bruce Wong, a Honolulu Chiropractor, and I'm doing something to give back to the community of this amazing area!

For a limited time, I've decided to provide your Initial Adjustment, Examination, & Report of Findings for just $49! As you can imagine, my time as a doctor is extremely limited so definitely take advantage of this.

Click here to claim your limited time voucher.
👉 http://bit.ly/31XFNjP


Redeem Your $49 Sciatica Relief Voucher Receive your voucher for your 1st Adjustment, Examination, & Report of Findings for only $49!


Who's your Chiropractor?

This may be the most important health question anyone has ever asked you in your entire life. Hopefully after reading this short, but informative post, you will start your search and find the right chiropractor to take care of your spine from now until you leave this earth.

I know some are thinking why do I need a chiropractor, I don't have back pain...

These simple facts will help you understand what kind of chiropractor to see and why:

1. There are TWO Types of Chiropractors

Symptomatic Chiropractic & Corrective Chiropractic

Symptomatic Chiropractors are like a 'regular or General practitioner in Dentistry.

Corrective Chiropractors are like an Orthodontist in Dentistry.

In Dentistry a General Dentist and an Orthodontist's only similarity is that they both work on teeth and that's kind of where it ends. A general dentist works on cavities or damage and an Orthodontist works on the alignment of the teeth.

Chiropractic is the same in that symptomatic chiropractors focus on treating back pain. While a corrective chiropractor aligns the spine. I know some of you are thinking don’t all chiropractors realign he spine. Honestly not at all. The following will give you an idea as to whether or not you are seeing a corrective chiropractor or symptomatic chiropractor…

As a corrective chiropractor myself, part of my standard first visit procedure is taking photos before and after and also a before and after balance test. The balance test is very simple, yet powerful. Two weight scales, one foot on each scale. You would be surprised to see how much imbalance people have. It is common that some patients have 10-15 lbs of difference from right to left foot, however, some much more. I have seen patients with much as 80 lbs of differential! Can you imagine, carrying even a 10 lb weight in one hand and now you do life like that every day? This will make one sore, tired and irritable at the very least. This weight difference, by the way, is from a curved or crooked spine. (One of the causes: sleeping on your side or stomach) Weight imbalance will wear down all joints involved much faster and also make muscles engage to compensate for the imbalance. This can causes neck, back pain and sciatica. (My specialty!)

I am able to balance 95% of my patients from the systematic corrective adjustment procedure that I follow. This means that post adjustment weight scale balance is even or very close. Most patients get their extremities adjusted and aligned from old sprains in the ankles to injured knees. In my experience this is critical to allow the adjustments of the spine to be much more effective.

Most of my patients have many other health problems they bring in that a misaligned spine causes due to nervous system interference like, headaches, digestive trouble, heart irregularities, breathing problems, menstrual problems, ED, constipation and the list goes on. I have helped many people with all sorts of health issues. I, however, make it clear that I don’t treat anything. My job is to align the spine and as a result, the patient's nervous system is clear to allow greater healing and normal function. This results in feeling great!

After adjustments the typical response is I feel so light and free like I did when I was younger. A common response also is easier breathing, better vision and a relaxed and calmness as the nervous system is cleared of stress. Other effects are pain is removed from, neck to back, numbness and pain in the arms, hands, legs or feet also go away. I have to admit, that my job is extremely satisfying. Helping people who have literally tried everything else is what really drives me.

If you have any questions or need help with your health even if you think chiropractic may not be related to it, don’t hesitate or wait. Please send me a message and let me help you! Aloha, Dr. Wong

ER Doctors Reveal Disturbing COVID Truths Media Won’t Tell You | LevinTV 04/29/2020

COVD19 Shutdown by what facts, numbers, or logic? This video is worth your time...


ER Doctors Reveal Disturbing COVID Truths Media Won’t Tell You | LevinTV Mark Levin reacts to a viral video of ER doctors revealing disturbing facts about COVID-19. WATCH more Mark Levin: https://blazetv.com/levin ► Click HERE to ...


Why Corona and other confusing things in this world?

Watch this and share: Out of the Shadows


OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY8Nfzcn1qQ outofshadows.org The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & ...

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