Finger Lakes Audiology, PLLC

As a Doctor of Audiology, hearing healthcare is my number one priority.


🌡️As the temperature rises, so can the irritation in our ears – especially for those of us wearing hearing aids. If you're feeling the itch, you're not alone! Here are some handy tips to keep your ears feeling fresh and itch-free:

👂Know the Cause: Itchy ears can stem from various issues, including infections like otitis externa (aka swimmer’s ear) or dermatitis. If you notice any concerning symptoms like drainage or pain, don't wait – schedule an appointment with your doctor ASAP to seek treatment!

🔍Check Your Fit: Sometimes, the culprit could be your hearing aids! If they're causing discomfort, reach out to us. Even if we didn’t fit the hearing aids, we are always happy to help!

🚫Avoid the Itch: Tempted to scratch? Resist the urge! Scratching can worsen the itch and even lead to further irritation. Stay strong and keep those fingers away from your ears.

👂Be Gentle: Remember, never insert foreign objects into your ear canals – it'll only exacerbate the problem. And when cleaning your ears, don't overdo it! Too much cleaning can disrupt the natural pH balance and cause more issues.

If you're experiencing itchy ears while wearing your hearing aids, don't hesitate to give me a call.


Have you ever wondered what the signs of hearing loss are? 🤔 Based on my experience, here are some common signs that bring people into my practice for a hearing test:

💬Recognizing that someone is speaking, but having difficulty understanding the exact words
📢Struggling to follow conversations in group settings or in background noise
🗣️Feeling like your children or grandchildren are mumbling
📺Noticing the volume on your TV or radio is turned up high, but still having trouble making out everything that is said

📋Other factors, like a history of noise exposure, a family history of hearing loss, or undergoing certain medical treatments like chemotherapy, can also be reasons to get your hearing tested.

🎧If you recognize any of these signs, don’t hesitate! Reach out and schedule an appointment with me today. Your hearing health is important! 📞


Ever found yourself saying, "Gosh, I'm having a hard time hearing what they're saying," while watching your favorite TV show? 📺You’re not alone! Recent polls show that nearly HALF of American adults use subtitles at least sometimes!

🤯But here's the surprising part: the highest percentage of subtitle users are young adults aged 18-29, with a whopping 69% reporting sometimes, most of the time, or always using subtitles!

💬How about you? Do you use subtitles sometimes, always, or never?


Feel like you’re missing out on the conversation? 😔

✨Good news: I am here to help! After a thorough hearing test, I'll walk you through all your options and show you exactly how I can improve your hearing.

Remember, your age is far more noticeable when you're constantly saying "huh?" than when you're wearing discreet, effective hearing aids. Let's embrace better hearing together! 👂


💦Worried about moisture buildup in your hearing aids during the warmer months? I've got you covered!

🔋One of my patients recently asked about drying her hearing aids in the summer, especially now that she's using rechargeable devices. It's a valid concern, but fear not – I've got some nifty solutions to keep your hearing aids dry AND fully charged!

🦻Many hearing aid manufacturers offer desiccant bead inserts that you can pop into your charging case. These little beads work wonders in absorbing moisture, ensuring your hearing aids stay nice and dry.

📦But what if your charging case is already jam packed? No problem! Consider investing in a home dryer like Redux. In just two hours, this drying system works its magic, keeping your hearing aids moisture-free and ready to roll. Plus, you can schedule it whenever suits you best, they recommend performing the dry cycle once per week!

🗓️And don't forget – regular check-ups are key to maintaining your hearing aids. Swing by Finger Lakes Audiology for a thorough hearing aid check, where I'll use special suction tools and cleaning supplies to keep your devices in top-notch condition.


🦈Dive into this fact I stumbled upon during Shark Week! 🌊

👂We all know sharks have a legendary sense of smell, but did you know they're also rockstars when it comes to hearing? 🎶 While they can sniff out blood from a quarter of a mile away, their hearing abilities are truly jaw-dropping!🩸

🦈Sharks can detect movements in the water from MILES away, with a particular affinity for low-pitched sounds. 🔊In fact, researchers have even found that playing heavy metal music with plenty of low-frequency pitches through underwater speakers can attract these majestic creatures to specific areas!🎵

🌊It's incredible to think about the diverse sensory abilities of these ocean predators. So, next time you're out at sea, remember – you might just have an audience listening in from afar! 🦈👀


Lately at Finger Lakes Audiology I've been noticing some common questions popping up lately, and I'm thrilled to address them head-on! With summer in full swing, I know how important it is to keep your hearing aids in top-notch condition, no matter the adventure.

Here's a sneak peek at what's coming your way:
💦Moisture Control: Keep those hearing aids safe from humidity, pools, and beach trips.
🎵Concerts & Events: Tips for enjoying live music without compromising your hearing aid's performance.
⛵Boating & Water Activities: How to protect your devices while enjoying your favorite water hobbies.

❓But wait, there's more! I want to hear from you. Do you have any burning questions about caring for your hearing aids during the summer? Drop them in the comments, and I'll make sure to answer them! Stay tuned for some valuable insights and helpful tips.👍


“Are two hearing aids really necessary, or can you get away with just one?”🤔

👂👂If you're experiencing hearing loss in both ears, the answer is clear: two hearing aids are the way to go! While one aid is better than none, wearing two provides what we like to call 'surround sound' for optimal sound quality. 🦻

☝️Plus, many advanced features like background noise reduction rely on binaural processing, meaning you'll need devices in both ears to fully benefit. Ready to explore your options? Give me a call today to schedule a consultation!

I'll guide you through finding the perfect solution tailored just for you.


🦻Considering investing in hearing aids? Just like any major purchase, it's important to check the 'reviews' or satisfaction ratings before making a decision. 🌟And here's the good news – the feedback is overwhelmingly positive! According to nationwide surveys conducted by MarkeTrak, a whopping 83% of people with hearing aids are very satisfied with their devices, with 8 out of 10 reporting that their aids perform better than expected! 🎉

👏But it doesn't stop there – the satisfaction extends to their hearing aid providers too! A staggering 91% of respondents are very satisfied with their hearing aid provider, and get this – 65% even admit they should have gotten hearing aids sooner! 😮

At Finger Lakes Audiology, I am committed to ensuring that every individual with hearing aids is not just satisfied, but thrilled with their devices and the care they receive at my office! Ready to experience the joy of better hearing? Schedule an appointment with Finger Lakes Audiology today! 🗓️


🛠️👂 PSA for all the DIY enthusiasts, power tool aficionados, and home improvement gurus out there!

⚠️Did you know that even a short weekend project with power tools can expose you to harmful noise levels? It's easy to forget or underestimate the need for hearing protection when you're busy tackling projects in the comfort of your own home.

👂 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adults can safely listen to sounds up to 80 decibels (dB) for up to 8 hours at a time. Anything beyond this – whether it's a louder decibel level or longer duration – warrants the use of hearing protection! So, what common tools are you using that should prompt you to grab some hearing protection? Check them out below:

🔨 Belt Sander: 102 dB
🪚 Circular Saw: ~107 dB, with some brands reaching up to 111 dB!
🔩 Drill: 92 dB
💥 Grinder: 100 dB
🔨 Hammer Drill: 102 dB
🪚 Jig Saw: 100 dB
🔪 Miter Saw: 103 dB
🔄 Orbital Sander: 86 dB
🔧 Screwdriver: 88 dB

👍 The next time you reach for your trusty tools, remember to grab your hearing protection FIRST!

📎Save this post as a reference and tag a friend who you know works with these tools regularly! Let's keep our ears safe while we tackle those DIY dreams! 🛠️👂


⚠️Did you know that noise exposure isn't just bad for your ears, but for your overall health too?

It's true!

While many of us are aware of the link between noise and hearing loss, what often goes unnoticed are the other issues it can stir up. 🚨

❤️From cardiovascular problems to poor sleep💤, declining mental well-being 🧠, and even impacts on school and work performance – noise pollution is a force to be reckoned with!

👊But why does noise pack such a punch? It's all about stress. Noise acts as an environmental stressor, triggering stress responses in our bodies that can lead to a slew of chronic health concerns. 😣

While we might not be able to silence the traffic outside our homes, we do have control over other sources of noise in our lives – think concerts, power tools, lawnmowers, and even music volume! Take charge of your noise exposure and let’s safeguard your health together! 💪


👂🌍 Happy World Listening Day! 🌍👂Today, we're celebrating the power of sound – the melodies that move us, the voices that inspire us, and the rhythms that connect us all.

✨Whether it's the soothing sounds of nature, the bustling hum of city life, or the heartfelt conversations with loved ones, every sound tells a story. We have the honor of helping people re-discover the sounds around them, and it truly never gets old!

💫 At Finger Lakes Audiology, we're passionate about the art of listening – not just with our ears, but with our minds and hearts. We believe that when we listen, we not only hear, but we understand. And when we understand, we can make meaningful connections that enrich our lives and those of others.

👂 So let's take a moment today to tune in to the world around us – to cherish the sounds that bring us joy, comfort, and inspiration. And if you're on a journey to better hearing, know that we're here to support you every step of the way.

🌟 Happy World Listening Day, from our ears to yours!


💦Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. While some parts of the country, like the south, are more humid than others, everywhere deals with humidity at some point of the year! 😓

🦻Humidity can have some significant negative impacts on hearing aids. Humidity can get into your hearing aid and cause issues with the battery, the electronic components, and the microchips that are responsible for sound processing. Hearing aids that are damaged by humidity may become intermittent, have a crackling sound quality, or may sound softer than they should.🔇

🏠If you live in a very humid place, consider choosing a hearing aid with a higher IP rating (more water resistance). You also may want to think about purchasing a dehumidifier for your hearing aid. There are containers and cases that can be used at night to remove moisture from your hearing aid while you’re sleeping. If you’re interested in learning more about this, please contact the office. I am happy to help!


❌We all know that electronics and water are two things that don’t mix. That means that taking your hearing aids to the beach or the pool can be a little nerve wracking! It’s a difficult situation; you want to be able to hear what is going on around you, but want to keep your hearing aids safe. 😟

🦻What you should do with your hearing aids will depend on what you’re doing at the beach or pool! If you’re planning on getting into the water or spending time at the edge of the water, your safest option is to take your hearing aids off and leave them in the case in a cool spot.

☀️ If you’re going to spend the day lounging in the sun very far away from the water, you can consider leaving your hearing aids in your ears. Just be careful about how warm it is outside… perspiration can impact how hearing aids work just like water can! Make sure everyone you’re at the pool or beach with knows that you have your hearing aids in so they don’t accidentally splash you with water, either! 💦


🚫Do you regularly clean your ears with Q-Tips? It might be time to reconsider your routine!👂

⚠️Using Q-Tips to clean your ears can be risky. Did you know that instead of removing wax, Q-Tips often push it deeper into your ear canal? This can lead to wax buildup near your eardrum, potentially causing hearing loss or discomfort. Next time you reach for a Q-Tip, think twice! ⚠️

🤔Instead of risking complications, consider safer alternatives. At Finger Lakes Audiology, I offer several gentle and effective wax removal methods to ensure clean and comfortable ears.

Don't wait until it's a problem—schedule an appointment with me today to take care of your hearing health professionally. Your ears will thank you! 👍



“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, concerning those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, in the same way, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.” -1 Thess. 4:13-14


📉📈Once you have had your hearing test completed, I will go over the results with you. They will be able to tell you if you have hearing loss, in which ear, how much hearing loss you have, what kind of hearing loss, and what your next steps are.📝

🦻For some patients, the next step is a trial with hearing aids. For others, it may be a follow up visit in a year or so! This is also the time I ask for questions! I can talk with you about strategies you can start using immediately at home and how to prevent your hearing from getting worse. 👍


👏“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus (Greek Philospher)

👂Hearing is such an integral part of our everyday lives. Our daily activities can demand so much from our ears: from waking up to alarms, constant communication, phone calls, and more!

To live with hearing loss is to potentially miss out on all the sounds life has to offer. At Finger Lakes Audiology, I believe that hearing is essential to your quality of life. If you find yourself noticing gradual changes to your hearing, please consider scheduling a baseline hearing test. I am here to educate, empower, and guide you through all the solutions that can help you hear your absolute best!


❤️On this Memorial Day we reflect on its true meaning. It's not just about BBQs and gatherings, but about honoring the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

🤍This Memorial Day, my plans include, spending time with family and sharing stories of heroism and sacrifice. It's a day to remember and honor those who selflessly served our country.

💙How are you planning to honor Memorial Day? Whether it's visiting a memorial, attending a ceremony, or simply taking a moment of silence, let's come together to honor and remember our fallen heroes. 🕊️

As a friendly reminder, the office will be closed today, Monday, May 27, 2024 to observe the holiday.


🔤Another important part of a hearing test is called “word recognition testing.” Knowing how loud you can hear the beeps tells me about how your ears respond to sound, but we don’t listen to beeping sounds all day, right? So that’s why I need to check how well your brain can recognize words coming into your ears. 🗣️

🎧To do this test, I will either say words or play a recording of words into one ear while possibly playing some white noise in the other ear. Your job is to simply repeat the word back. So if you hear 'ball' 🎾, you just say 'ball' 🎾! Then we score the test to see how many you get correct 💯. This test helps me know if you’re a good candidate for hearing aids or if you should consider something like a cochlear implant instead.🦻

🗣️Outside of the standard hearing test, speech-in-noise assessments can be very helpful for hearing aid patients. This testing usually requires the patient to repeat back a sentence while background noise is played at different volumes. You can think of it as a cocktail party test or a restaurant test… how will you perform when you’re in a noisy place with lots of people talking at once.

This test can help me know what kind of features your hearing aid should have, if needed!


🚭There are many reasons to avoid ci******es. Smoking ci******es are well known to lead to issues with your lungs and heart, as well as cancer, emphysema, and COPD. Something that isn’t as well known is that smoking ci******es also can lead to issues with your ears!👂

🚬Smoking ci******es has been found to significantly increase your risk of permanent, sensorineural hearing loss and the longer you smoke, the greater the risk of hearing loss. There are a few reasons why ci******es can lead to hearing loss. Ni****ne has been found to be toxic to inner ear cells. Continued exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to reduced oxygen in the blood and reduced oxygen to the inner ear. Smoking also impacts the blood supply throughout the body, including the blood supply to the inner ear. 🩸All of these things can cause permanent hearing loss. 👎

😓We all know that quitting smoking can be very difficult, but luckily there are lots of resources to help with this process. If you have a history of smoking and are concerned about your hearing, please contact me to schedule a hearing test! I may not be able to reverse your hearing loss, but I can certainly help you hear better.


📣Ready to hear about one of the latest products to launch into the hearing aid industry?

✨Allow me to introduce Oticon Intent!✨

🧑‍💻This newest product utilizes Oticon’s “New BrainHearing™ insights, which demonstrates that people’s communication behavior reflects their listening needs and intentions via head and body movements. Intent technology incorporates the world’s FIRST 4D Sensor technology! 🤯

What exactly does this mean? Essentially, information can be gathered from head and body movements, conversation activity, and the acoustic environment! This groundbreaking technology seamlessly adapts to the user’s specific listening needs – even within the same sound environment.

🔊The 4D sensors in Oticon Intent analyze the acoustic environment, head movements, body movements, and conversation activity.

Curious to learn more about Oticon and their products? Call today!


🎧During a hearing test, you’ll go through something called “pure tone audiometry”… also known as the part with the beeping sounds. I will put headphones or earbuds on you so I can play sounds at different pitches and volumes. Your job is to respond when you hear the sounds… pretty easy, right?

🤔It actually can get difficult once the volume is very soft and you may find yourself straining to hear the beeping sounds. Don’t worry if you miss some, though. I double and triple check the softest volume that you can hear the beeping sounds at each pitch to make sure you have the correct response recorded for each ear! 📉📈

📊When you have your hearing tested, I evaluate multiple frequencies (aka pitches). The typical hearing test evaluates 250-8000 Hz, which is the main range of frequencies for speech.

🎧Pure tone testing can be completed with insert earphones, over the ear headphones, or through something called bone conduction.

🦴Bone conduction testing involves putting a snug headband on you with a box that sits behind your ear… it might seem strange, but I promise it’s supposed to go behind your ear!

The little box behind your ear vibrates at different pitches and transmits sounds directly to your inner ear, skipping over the outer ear, ear canal, and middle ear space. This lets me test your hearing nerve directly to identify the type of hearing loss present.

This is very important information to have when it comes to managing your hearing loss! 👂

22nd: About Audiology [video of Steps in hearing test - Speech & SIN


❤️There’s a reason that our heart is in the center of our body and a lot of focus is put on good heart health.

Healthy heart function is key for healthy function for all of our major systems and senses, including our hearing! 👂Heart disease, like coronary artery disease, has been found to be associated with both a greater likelihood of having hearing loss in general and a faster decline in hearing over time.⌛

🩸Our inner ear requires plenty of blood flow to be able to work the way it should, and cardiovascular disease can reduce the blood flow to the inner ear. This can possibly lead to permanent hearing loss and tinnitus.

🎧It is important to monitor your hearing if you have heart disease. If you start to notice difficulty with your hearing or new ringing in your ears, don’t wait to schedule an appointment for a hearing test. Message me now and I will reach out to help you schedule an appointment!


👂We know that noise exposure and age can lead to hearing loss, but there are a lot of other things that can cause hearing loss too! Hearing loss is a common health complication caused by diabetes. Hearing loss is actually twice as common in a person with diabetes when compared to someone without diabetes!

🔬Research has not yet proven exactly why diabetes leads to a higher likelihood of hearing loss, but the thought is that elevated blood sugar causes small blood vessel damage throughout the body, including in the inner ear. Our ears are very sensitive to any kind of blood vessel damage, so even a small reduction in healthy blood flow to the ears can cause permanent hearing loss.🩸

🎧If you have diabetes, you already know that it is important to monitor things like your vision and the sensation in your hands and feet. I suggest that you add your hearing to the list of things you’re monitoring. If you start to notice hearing loss, make sure to contact me to schedule an appointment.


💐This Mother's Day, let's honor all the mothers who fill our lives with love, wisdom, and the sweet sound of their voices. From lullabies sung in infancy to heartfelt advice shared throughout the years, mothers have a profound impact on our lives – both in what they say and how we hear it. 💌

💗Regardless of age, Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the special moments spent listening to our moms – their comforting words during times of need, their joyful laughter that fills our homes, and the countless stories they share that become the soundtrack of our lives.

👩‍👧‍👦As we celebrate Mother's Day, let's express our gratitude for the love and guidance they provide. Here's to all the moms who make our lives brighter with their love! 💖 I love you Momma!


👂When you come in for your hearing evaluation, we may perform a test called tympanometry. This test involves putting a small tip in your ear canal and presents a quick change in pressure, like you’re going up in an airplane or driving up into the mountains, for a few seconds. ✈️

🥁This test identifies how well your eardrum is moving. If your eardrum is not moving well, there may be fluid, congestion, or infection behind the eardrum that can impact your hearing. If you have a build up of wax in your ears, we can also use tympanometry to see if the wax is making a complete plug in your ear canal or if there is still an opening for sound to get around it.

👍This test is quick, harmless, and provides very useful information! Have you’re ears ever felt plugged?


👂Do you hear that? It’s the sound of progress!✨Hearing aid technology continues to advance each and every year, and with all the options out there, there is truly something for everyone.

👍At Finger Lakes Audiology, I understand that selecting the right hearing aid needs to factor in several important variables: your lifestyle, daily listening scenarios, finances, and more! This month I’ll be walking through some of the more recent upgrades I’ve seen hit the market in the last year.

🦻Are you curious to learn more about what hearing aids would be the best match for you? Schedule a consultation now! I’d love to sit down and understand YOUR needs and how I can help you hear YOUR best. 👏


🤔You'd be surprised to know that tinnitus is far more common than you think. Many of our patients find themselves thinking they’re alone in the noises they hear in their heads, however tinnitus is quite prevalent in the general population.

📊The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that approximately 10% of the U.S. adult population — over 25 million Americans — experience some form of tinnitus. That’s 1 in 10 people! Additionally, ~5 million people suffer from burdensome chronic tinnitus, and 2 million find it debilitating.

😥It can feel isolating when we think we’re alone in handling something that feels so overwhelming and permeates many avenues of our life. Work, family life, social life, and sleep, just to name a few.

Please know that at Finger Lakes Audiology, my goal is to help you find solutions that help you cope with your tinnitus. Each patient has a unique tinnitus journey, and I hope to equip you with tools, resources, and education that allow you to live a life less burdened by your tinnitus.

Call today if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation!


🤔It’s time to leave for your hearing test and you are probably wondering… what is going to happen during my appointment?

👀The first thing we do is take a look in your ears with an otoscope. This lets us look to see if you have anything in your ear canal. Some things we’re looking for include:

✔️wax build up
✔️redness or irritation
✔️signs of infection
✔️and even things that aren’t supposed to be in there!

☝️Sometimes, what is seen in your ear canal does change whether or not I can complete the hearing test that day, so it is an important first step!
Have you ever been told you have something in your ear canal?

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Dr. Amanda Malvica Snell, Au.D.

My name is Dr. Amanda Malvica Snell and I am a Chemung county native who after recently moving back to my hometown decided to open my own Audiology practice; a life-long dream of mine. My goal is to address hearing health while providing affordable solutions for my patients. Most importantly, I will provide our community with early detection and early intervention leading to an improved quality of life. My belief is that through my knowledge and compassion I will be able to help those in need of hearing services.

Videos (show all)

⚠️Did you know that noise exposure isn't just bad for your ears, but for your overall health too? It's true! While many ...
📉📈Once you have had your hearing test completed, I will go over the results with you.  They will be able to tell you if ...
🔤Another important part of a hearing test is called “word recognition testing.”  Knowing how loud you can hear the beeps...
🎧During a hearing test, you’ll go through something called “pure tone audiometry”… also known as the part with the beepi...
👂When you come in for your hearing evaluation, we may perform a test called tympanometry.  This test involves putting a ...
📋For individuals who wear a behind-the-ear (BTE) or receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) style hearing aid, another component to r...
🎤Another overlooked cleaning tip we can’t encourage enough is brushing the microphones on your hearing aids! 🦻The microp...
📋Another routine cleaning tip we encourage patients to perform is changing their wax filter. Different hearing aids manu...
📋One of the simplest cleaning tips we encourage our patients to do is to wipe down their hearing aids with a soft cloth ...
Finger Lakes Audiology is embracing Earth Day by celebrating the sounds of nature 🌿🌞🕊️🌧️I’m always amazed by how many pa...
🎧“Can my earbuds cause me to have an ear infection?”🎧Surprisingly, the answer is yes! Not in the traditional sense, thou...
“Get rid of the clutter and you may just find that it was blocking the door you’ve been looking for.” Katrina Mayer 🚪🧽 A...




63 Colonial Drive (Suite 3)
Horseheads, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:30am
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30am
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30am
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30am
Friday 8:30am - 1:30am

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