Higher Soul Sanctuary, LLC

Higher Soul Sanctuary is a holistic sanctuary that is driven to bring good health and happiness to those in the community.

This is done by actively getting involved with the community and by offering a wide variety of holistic practices and healings.


Hello Lovely Souls!!!
I am doing Tarot Readings all day from my Etsy account. If you want a tarot reading right now is the time to get them! They are 40% off right now



Time to start blessing the crystals I use for healing and getting them ready for the full moon on the 25th!



Pranic Healing Sessions are now done by Donation!!
What is Pranic Healing?
This is a tested form of energy healing that is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which heals the physical body. There are so many ailments that Pranic Healing can help with too! Anything from a minor ailment like back pain and headaches, all the way to cancer. This also includes working with psychological ailments!
Pranic Healing also isn't intended to replace orthodox medicine or therapies. Its a compliment to them!
Interested in booking a session or learning more? You can do that here-


Hello Lovely Souls
Today I decided to go to the park and re read the book “Miracles Through Pranic Healing” by Grand Master Choa K*k Sui. This is the guidebook for the Basic Pranic Healing Course. I thought with how beautiful it is outside today, that I might enjoy going back to my roots with Pranic Healing by re reading this book.

Nature is something that we forget to really take advantage of. Nature and the earth in general really let’s us connect back with our higher soul. I even suggest to clients to try and walk outside in the grass at least once a week. This is because of the amazing benefits that we have being connected with mother Gaia. So this is your reminder to go outside and get connected with mother Gaia again!

Blessed Be



Hello Lovely Souls!

I would like to talk about a service I offer called Chakra Overview Report.
The Chakra overview reading is designed to look at what is happening in the clients life that may be causing their chakras to be unbalanced. When a chakra is not balanced along with the others, situations such as health, mental health, and other issues regarding those may be affected. But also things like finances, stress, communications, and more may be affected as well. This is why knowing an overview of what chakras may be working overtime and others that might not be pulling their weight is important.

What is looked at?
11 Major Chakras and their activation levels
The Psychological Areas of ones life
Major Organs
Important Minor Chakras
Then the report of recommendations to help in any areas that might need to be worked on

Once this report is concluded I will also provide ways to better help the client keep their chakras well balanced and healthy. The other option would be to book a pranic healing session.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in then click the link here- https://higher-soul-sanctuary.square.site/product/chakra-overview-report/5?cs=true&cst=custom


Wednesday, July 20th Higher Soul Sanctuary is offering an Energy Healing Clinic. This healing clinic is to let you experience the healing benefits of Pranic Healing. In these 20-minute sessions, the focus is on your general health. For more focused healing sessions they should be booked for a full healing session.

*When booking, please select Wednesday! Only 6 sessions are available and is done online*



Pranic Healing is a tested form of energy healing. This energy healing is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which heals the physical body. The physical body is comprised of "prana" which is also known as "Ki", "Chi", or life energy. This prana is what makes up the human bodies health, energetic strength, and keeping the body alive. Prana doesn't just affect the physical body though, it also effects the mental and spiritual state of a human being.

When starting in life, the etheric body is balanced. Just by living ones life, the etheric body can become unbalanced. This can be done by trauma, disabilities, sickness, worry, and so much more. This unbalanced etherical body will make the physical body work un-properly. With Pranic healing, these physical and mental ailments are treated by balancing the etheric body. This will allow the patients body to heal properly and efficiently.

The Healing Benefits of Pranic Healing
✨Balance out the etheric body which will enhance the bodies innate ability to heal itself.

✨By healing the patient, the patient not only is receiving the healing, but so is the healer.

✨Works with and complements western medicine and procedures. Pranic Healing is typically seen to have the best outcome when combining the two.

✨Minor Ailments such as Cold's, Migraines, Cramps, and much more can be healed within just a few hours to 24 hours.

✨Major Ailments such a heart ailments, kidney disease, Blood Diseases, Immune diseases, and more, can be healed within just a few sessions to a few months.

✨Reduces stress and creates a calming energy throughout the session.

✨Empowers a client to reconnect with their "Higher Soul" or their "true selves."

What does a session look like?
Pranic Healing sessions are going to look similar if it's done online or in person. Before the session starts for about 15 minutes both you and the healer will discuss any issues with physical or mental health, and a general look at your life. Then we will move to the healing. During the session, you can be lying down or sitting. From there the healer will then work on the protocol that has been tested and proven to work for the ailment that is going on. Once the session is finished then the healer will spend about 15 minutes talking about aftercare and what you can do to continue to get better. Sessions can be as little to as one session depending on the ailment.

Book Today!


Atma Namaste Everyone!
This is a weekly message for the week of June 26th through July 2nd

This week we see the cards Ace of Wands, Page of Wands, and Two of Souls. Right from the beginning of looking at these cards, I see wands or the element of fire has a big role in this week's energy. This jumps out to me as saying that we can expect this week to be focused on our projects, passions, friends, and family.

Now looking more into the beginning of this week we focus more on the Ace of Wands. The Ace of Wands is all about going for one's creative goals. I see this card speaking to everyone that our beginning of the week should be focused on the things that give us passion. Don't be afraid to start projects or goals during the week. Now we might have our heads in the clouds during this time too so remember this: without action, our thoughts will never become reality. The beginning of the week holds a lot of energy that you should decide on where to put it to.

The middle of the week we have the Page of Wands. I see this person in the Page of wands who looks calm but also serious. I take this to mean that during the middle of the week we should relax enough that the negative lower emotions like anxiety, stress, fear, and selfishness should be just fleeting emotions. Don't be afraid to let things go that won't do you good during this time. Trust in the fact that your creative projects or your instincts to step out of your comfort zone are going to be the right thing for you to do.

The end of the week has the two of swords. This card shows a woman holding two swords and considering what to do with them. What she does with them is yet to be known. Is she going to choose one word over the other? or is she trying to decide what kind of project she wants to use them for? We don't know yet what this is but she is taking it seriously and isn't using her initial feelings to make the choice for her. She has her eyes closed showing that she is thinking hard about this choice. I take this to mean that at the end of the week know that the choices we make and decisions that might come up must be made with clear intentions. Don't let others influence this choice as you might not make the choice that is best for you by listening to them.

General advice for the week-
This week our time should be focused on the things that we love. When hard choices might come up during the week think to yourself, does this make me happy? Do I benefit in the long run from this? If the answer is no then don't do it and focus on going through with the things that will make you happy. Now make your choices wisely and not out of haste like the energy of fire says for the week. Don't do anything that you'll know you will regret doing. Overall though this week is filled with energy that is focused on work and mental thoughts. It is up to you on what you want to do with that energy!



Hello Lovely Souls!
This weekend I will be attending the Midsummer Metaphysical Fair at Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids Iowa! I will be offering different types of services! I would love to see you there and support the other vendors that are going to be present as well! listed below are some of the services that I will be offering!

✨ 20-minute Tarot or Lenormand Reading
✨ Chakra Reading/ Scan
✨ 20-minutes General Healings
✨ 30 minutes Akashic Record Reading

Energy Healing for Mental Health 06/06/2022

Hello Lovely Souls!
Last month was mental health awareness month and it was hectic! But I decided to write a post on why energy healing is beneficial to mental health! This post does focus more on Pranic Healing but know that when it comes to other healing modalities typically do have something to help with mental ailments!
Hope you enjoy!
Blessed Be


Energy Healing for Mental Health Energy healing methods such as Pranic Healing or Reiki have grown in popularity with healing people of their physical ailments. And throughout the last decade, mental health has been openly talked about more often and how it has affected millions of people’s lives. So would energy healing be able ...

The Importance of Forgiveness and it's 7 Layers 05/12/2022

Forgiveness, is actually what I believe is one of the ways to achieve true happiness. But forgiveness isn't easy and can take time. Forgiveness also comes at different layers, specifically 7 layers. Also not only do we see 7 different layers to forgiveness there are also physical benefits to forgiving others. If you are interested in reading more about forgiveness and it's 7 different layers, check out my blog post all about it!


The Importance of Forgiveness and it's 7 Layers Throughout my life one thing, I struggled with the most of forgiveness of others. I don’t know about you, but for those who have hurt me, I held the anger and resentment in. I later learned that this was unhealthy but the ways that I was taught how to forgive didn’t feel like they worked. I just...

Starting Your Tarot Path 05/09/2022

Hello Lovely Soul!
Starting your path with Tarot? Well, I remember starting my path and there is something I wish I was told before starting. In this post I want to talk about starting your journey and what is going to help you. I also included my own little white booklet of the cards in this blog as well. Hopefully, this will help you with your journey!

Starting Your Tarot Path Hello Lovely and Beautiful Souls! This week I started to go back to what started my path with spirituality and what brought me to where I am today. That is Tarot! Tarot came across my path when I was young and when I was given my first deck, I fell in love with them. I started to look up on YouTube....


Hello Lovely Souls!

So I wanted to do a weekly card pull and today I pulled from the Light Seer's Tarot. So when I pull for a week I typically pull 3 cards and then look at the bottom card. And today after some healing sessions I thought "it's been a while since i've pulled some cards" and so I grabbed a deck. I started shuffling and decided to do a pull for the week and thought it was an amazing pull for cards.

This week's cards- Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, and the bottom card was the Moon.

Starting this week we have the Ten of Wands. In this picture we see this young woman traveling with her hands full and has her things also on top of an animal. But if you look closely she came from just getting over this mountain. She has worked hard to get where she is. I think of this card and think of how amazing it is that she is about to reach the end of her journey. But I also think of the fact that she is putting some of this weight on this animal. I see that as symbolism as advice for the beginning of the week. When working on our goals and our own journey in life, think about what you can and can't handle. Are you taking on too much that now you put your baggage on another? This is advice on not to work ourselves too hard and know that success can come from many ways but not at the cost of our own health or others.

The Ten of Cups shows Two females looking over their children on the beach. This is a common representation of the Ten of Cups. I think of this being the card that tells us the good and bad of our emotions and us learning to control them. This is because the card tells us that inner peace is the path to our perfection. But that path of inner peace changes based on our emotional attachments. Our attachments can bring lower emotions and not just higher emotions. Because of this, I see the middle of the week as a time of testing ourselves in our own ego and path on our inner peace.

The end of the week is the Ten of Pentacles. We see a family again with kids and a dog playing. You can say this is "the dream" that we might be looking for. Now I see this card and just smile. This is because the 10 pentacles is the card that says the achievement of our dreams. I don't think this means that you're dreams will come true by the end of the weekend. But I do think this shows that we should be willing to be selfless and enjoy ourselves with our community or with others. I think this is important because it is a time where we shouldn't be greedy which can be easy. Learn to be selfless and be happy with others during this time.

Now what is the Theme and Journey of this week? Well we have the Moon Card. I think the Moon card is connecting this week really well. We see this young lady sinking in the river and the moon is high in the sky. She longs to be with the moon and not to be in the water. She doesn't know that she is only wanting to be her true self. The moon reflects the sun. She is becoming the moon as she continues to sink into her own abyss which is the water. This week is all about us learning more about ourselves and connecting back with our Higher Self. We are being guided to really see how our life is compared to our own dreams and what might need to change.

This week is going to be high in energy and if you are not prepared for it, it will sweep you right from underneath your feet. Spend time reflecting and making sure that you are making choices that make you happy and do not cause harm to others. I also see that if we are not able to detach ourselves from the things and events going on around us, emotional pain may follow. Learn to be selfless and trust in our journies this week. It will be okay but know that it will be a rollercoaster.


Some things are changing with my services!
I am now doing Pranic Healing Services by donation! This is a huge decision and change for me now! This is specifically for the Pranic Healing sessions and not my other services. With that said there are no Donation requirements.

If you want to book your session you can at https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com

Here is some more information on Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a tested form of energy healing. This energy healing is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which heals the physical body. The physical body is comprised of "prana" which is also known as "Ki", "Chi", or life energy. This prana is what makes up the human body's health, energetic strength, and keeping the body alive. Prana doesn't just affect the physical body though, it also affects the mental and spiritual state of a human being.

When starting in life, the etheric body is balanced. Just by living one's life, the etheric body can become unbalanced. This can be done by trauma, disabilities, sickness, worry, and so much more. This unbalanced etherical body will make the physical bodywork un-properly. With Pranic healing, these physical and mental ailments are treated by balancing the etheric body. This will allow the patient's body to heal properly and efficiently.

The benefits of Pranic Healing
-Balances out the etheric body which will enhance the bodies innate ability to heal itself.

-By healing the patient, the patient not only is receiving the healing but so is the healer.

-Works with and complements western medicine and procedures. Pranic Healing is typically seen to have the best outcome when combining the two.

-Minor Ailments such as Cold's, Migraines, Cramps, and much more can be healed within just a few hours to 24 hours.

-Major Ailments such a heart ailments, kidney disease, Blood Diseases, Immune diseases, and more, can be healed within just a few sessions to a few months.

-Reduces stress and creates a calming energy throughout the session.

-Empowers a client to reconnect with their "Higher Soul" or their "true selves."

If you want to book your session you can at https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com

The Difference Between Pranic Healing and Reiki 03/16/2022

Hello Lovely Souls!

I was asked about the difference between Reiki and Pranic Healing. This article is what I see as the biggest difference. I hope you enjoy it!


The Difference Between Pranic Healing and Reiki It's no secret that Holistic Healing has a wide range of healing modalities, but in this blog, I want to focus on Pranic Healing and Reiki. Both of these would fall under the healing touch category that uses energy to help the body use its natural ability to heal itself. So what makes these two moda...

Transforming Lives Through Pranic Healing 02/03/2022

I wrote my first Blog!
If you want to learn more about how Pranic Healing is a tool to transform one's life, I highly recommend checking it out. There's a lot of information here that talks about Pranic Healing, its uses, and even the training. Past that though, I also talk more about how just learning or experiencing this Healing Modality can change your whole life for the better. I have two lovely Healers who share their experiences in the blog post. They are Julie Preis and Nathan Ferguson. They both come from different backgrounds but both found a path that directed them to healing and helping others and their communities!
Go check it out!


Transforming Lives Through Pranic Healing Hello Beautiful Souls! I want to talk about Pranic Healing. More specifically more about what is Pranic Healing, how it can help you, the difference between Pranic Healing and Reiki, and how it can change people’s lives. So, Pranic Healing, what in the world is this? Well, Pranic Healing was creat...


Hi everyone!
I got a question from a client about Covid and if it's something I can work on. The answer is yes. I can work on those who are infected but it would be through distance healing. The protocol is intense but works. If you have any questions let me know!

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion 01/19/2022

I have 3 spots open for distant Pranic Healing sessions or distant readings on Monday January 24th between 9am-12:30pm! Message me here or book online at www.highersoulsanctuary.com

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion Higher Soul Sanctuary is a place of energy healing and peace, to help you reach your highest potential.


Hello Everyone!
Higher Soul Sanctuary is opening on 1-21-22! I am excited to be a part of the healing community here in Cedar Rapids. Services are stated below but please reach out to me if you have any questions!

Distant Healing- Mondays 10am-6pm
In-office Hours -Thursdays- 10am-7pm
Salveo office hours- Fridays- 10am-5pm


(319) 536-2205
[email protected]

Main office-
1308 8th Ave Marion Iowa

Salveo Office-
1501 51st St NE, Cedar Rapids Iowa

Mission Statement-
Higher Soul Sanctuary is dedicated to healing others and helping them transcend into the Higher Soul that they are. But not only is Higher Soul Sanctuary dedicated to healing others but it is also dedicated to helping those in the community. This is done by donating 10% of profits to local charities and food banks and by volunteering. This is because the community that we live in is just as important to take care of as our health.
Higher Soul Sanctuary is also dedicated to opening non-profit healing centers in the community. These healing centers are to have Pranic Healers, Reiki Healers, and other healers of different modalities to be available for the community. The hope is also that these healings will be done in an affordable manner that is chosen by the patient as money should never be a reason to turn down healing. Though this may not be today, Higher Soul Sanctuary hopes that it will happen one day. These are the Missions that Higher Soul Sanctuary is dedicated to while growing their business.

Pranic Healing-
Pranic Healing is a tested form of energy healing. This energy healing is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which heals the physical body.

Read More on Pranic Healing- https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com/pranic-healing

Meditation on Twin Hearts-
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is all about blessing the earth, blessing those who live on it, with Loving Kindness. This is done by activating the Crown Chakra and Heart Chakra as well as using the Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Once activated, we then energize and heal the earth.

Read More on Meditation on Twin Hearts- https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com/meditation-on-twin-hearts

Tarot Readings
Tarot is a form of cartomancy that is used to bring guidance and support in one's day-to-day life by looking at the Past, Present, and Future. By looking into these areas and many more areas of the client's life, the reader is able to help the client make the best-informed decisions that they can.

Read More on Tarot- https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com/tarot-reading

Akashic Records Reading
The Akashic Records is an intuitive method of connecting with the Masters, Teachers, and Loved ones, to get the information to answer one's questions and help discover one's life purpose.

Read More on Akashic Records- https://www.highersoulsanctuary.com/akashic-records

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion 01/14/2022

Hi everyone I am at Salveo today! Because of the snow I am willing to do online appointments today or distant healings. If you want to book a distant healing which would mean either we do a healing session through skype/ zoom or right before our appointment we would talk on the phone about what's going on. Then for an hour you'll sit and relax while I work on you. When I finish the healing session we would call again and talk about aftercare.

You can book at www.highersoulsanctuary.com

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion Higher Soul Sanctuary is a place of energy healing and peace, to help you reach your highest potential.

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion 01/09/2022

Just so everyone knows, I am open and available for bookings! YAY!!! Services are at Salveo on Fridays and then starting the 27th my office will be open so if you book from now to then will be distance readings! But Pranic Healing can be at my office. I will make an official post later today! I hope that everyone has a great day and you can book your sessions at-

or by calling me at- 3195362205

Holistic Healing | HigherSoulSanctuary | Marion Higher Soul Sanctuary is a place of energy healing and peace, to help you reach your highest potential.


I am here at Salveo today! Every friday I will be here doing Pranic Healing as well as some Tarot/ Oracle readings if needed. I am doing online sessions today as well. Hours are 10am-4pm today but every Friday after this is 9am-4pm. Feel free to book online through my site below. If you book through Salveo then know that you would have to come in for a session.


Address to Salveo- 1501 51st St NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


I am excited to announce that starting this Friday, I will be working at Salveo alongside my own business. I am so excited to be working with them as this allows Higher Soul Sanctuary to help as many people as I can! I am excited to take this journey! If you are in Cedar Rapids or the surrounding areas, please come say hi and get a session! If you want to book through Salveo the links are below.

I strongly suggest checking out Salveo and their services as not only is their company goals and services line up with what I want for my business, but also for the community as well.


Book through my site!

Allow me to Introduce Jacob Morrow. Jacob's full time job is in social work but he is in the process of getting his Pranic Healing Certification. He will be starting here on Fridays and will be offering Pranic Healing for all your holistic healing needs. Here's what he says about Pranic Healing:

"Pranic Healing is a tested form of energy healing. This energy healing is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which heals the physical body. The physical body is comprised of "prana" which is also known as "Ki", "Chi", or life energy. This prana is what makes up the human body's health, energetic strength, and keeping the body alive. Prana doesn't just affect the physical body though it also affects the mental and spiritual state of a human being.

When starting in life, the etheric body is balanced. Just by living one's life, the etheric body can become unbalanced. This can be done by trauma, disabilities, sickness, worry, and so much more. This unbalanced etherical body will make the physical bodywork un-properly. With Pranic healing, these physical and mental ailments are treated by balancing the etheric body. This will allow the patient's body to heal properly and efficiently."

Jacob is offering $15 OFF for the first 10 clients. This includes $15 off your initial consultation/session and $15 off three subsequent sessions! You can book with him through our website.
Help me welcome Jacob to the team!

New Years Workshop 01/01/2022

Hello Everyone!
Happy New Year, I wish everyone a happy year that is filled with love and kindness. For those who like to meditate here is a meditation I did this morning.
This mediation is guided by Master Co and is all about starting this new off on the right foot. For the next 7 days, I will continue to do this daily. I hope you guys check it out and if you have 2 hours to do it, then do it. The video will stay up until January 7th.

New Years Workshop We love sharing free content with you that will help you on your path! Please consider making a donation to support more free content with Master Co!


Happy holidays Everyone! I hope everyone’s day and the rest of the year is blissful and filled with blessings!

Sending Loving Kindness and blessings your way 😊


Hello World!
My name is Jacob, and I am the owner of Higher Soul Sanctuary, LLC. At the moment services are not up and running yet but I am looking to start services up by mid-January of 2022. The services are listed below but some may be added or changed the sooner we get to the opening date.

Higher Soul Sanctuary, LLC- Mission Statement

Higher Soul Sanctuary is dedicated to healing others and helping them transcend into the Higher Soul that they are. But not only is Higher Soul Sanctuary dedicated to healing others but it is also dedicated to helping those in the community. This is done by donating 10% of profits to local charities and food banks and by volunteering. This is because the community that we live in is just as important to take care of as our own health.
Higher Soul Sanctuary is also dedicated to opening non-profit healing centers in the community. These healing centers are to have Pranic Healers, Reiki Healers, and other healers of different modalities to be available for the community when needed. The hope is also that these healings will be done in an affordable manner that is chosen by the patient as money should never be a reason to turn down healing. Though this may not be today, Higher Soul Sanctuary hopes that it will happen one day. These are the Missions that Higher Soul Sanctuary is dedicated to growing their business by.

What Kind of Services is Higher Soul Sanctuary Offering?

Pranic Healing.
Pranic Healing is a tested form of energy healing. This energy healing is used to cleanse, energize, stabilize, and balance the etheric body, which will heal the physical body.

Meditation on Twin Hearts
The Meditation on Twin Hearts is all about blessing the earth, blessing those who live on it, with Loving Kindness. This is done by activating the Crown Chakra and Heart Chakra as well as using the Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

Tarot Readings
Tarot is a form of cartomancy that is used to bring guidance and support in one's day-to-day life by looking at the Past, Present, and Future.

Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is an intuitive method of connecting with the Masters, Teachers, and Loved ones, to get the information to answer one's questions and help discover one's life purpose.

With more services to come in the future these are the main services that Higher Sanctuary, LLC will be offering. These services will be offered either in person or by distance.

If you have any questions for Higher Soul Sanctuary reach out and get the answers to your questions.

[email protected]

Have a Great Day!
Blessed Be!

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2412 Towncrest Drive
Iowa City, IA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 4pm

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