Path Of Faith Ministries

Ministry that stands for the truth and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation is by grace through faith alone. The church is led by Pastor Sonny.

We hold our Sunday services from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. We invite everyone to come and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“They that are in health have no need of a physician;
but they that are sick. I am not come to call the
righteous but sinners to repentance.” Matthew 9: 9-13


Ecclesiastes 5:2
Don't talk before you think or make promises to God without thinking them through. God is in heaven, and you are on earth, so don't talk too much.


‭Ecclesiastes 4:5-6
Fools will fold their hands and starve to death. Yet a very little food eaten in peace is better than twice as much earned from overwork and chasing the wind.



I pray I find you well saints. George Washington once said, “Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” He was right. Most people have a price. A truly uncompromising man is a very rare commodity. But that is exactly the kind of a man and the kind of a woman that God looks for to do his work. When it comes to very special tasks, when it comes to very great privileges and opportunities, God wants uncompromising people with character. God wants choice servants for choice ministries.

Daniel was a man who would not compromise. Daniel was a man who had amazing character qualities. And God used Daniel as the vehicle through which he revealed the unfolding of the redemptive plan of the history of the world. Now, that’s a monumental assignment to be the vehicle through which God gives a prophetic perspective on all of human history. What a calling and what a privilege.

The whole marvelous plan of God for the nations, the Gentiles, the whole marvelous plan of God for Israel, a very special people, is all unfolded to this wonderful man, Daniel.

How about you as a child of God. Can God use you. Are you living an uncompromising life. To be honest no one can be trusted by God until they fully give their lives to Him alone and never to compromise in their own ways. I hope you will make up your mind from today, never to compromise and seethe hand of God unfolding in your life.


Heavenly Father we want to be the people fit for the Master’s use like Daniel was. Give us his kind of character. And though You can’t use us in this hour for revelation, You can use us to preach that revelation, to live that truth, to bring others to its knowledge if we are the kind of people You can depend on. Mold us, Lord, to be what You want us to be. For Your glory in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.


‭Ecclesiastes 2:26
If we please God, he will make us wise, understanding, and happy. But if we sin, God will make us struggle for a living, then he will give all we own to someone who pleases him. This makes no more sense than chasing the wind.


‭Ecclesiastes 2:24
The best thing we can do is to enjoy eating, drinking, and working. I believe these are God's gifts to us



In the Bible there are some stunning facts that shows God takes special care of His faithful, uncompromising people. I think of little Moses. What does Moses know? All he knows is he’s floating down the Nile River. Next thing he knows, he’s living in Pharaoh’s palace.

He just got picked up and stuck there. Even his own mother was there to nurse him. Who masterminded that? God did. We don’t need to use politics, self-effort. When we don’t compromise, we have an unearthly protection.

You know something? If you want to get somewhere in God’s kingdom, you do not have to play politics. Just don’t compromise. Let God put you there. If God wants to lift you up in a society, or lift you up in a church, or lift you up in a ministry, or lift you up in some kind of situation, live an uncompromising life, and let God work on the hearts of people who will draw you to that place. Do not seek it on your own.

Proverbs 16:7, says “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” So, what is the point in life then? Please the Lord. Live with an unashamed boldness. Live at an uncommon standard and gain an unearthly protection. It’s exciting to have that sense of being invincible.

Beloved, can I say this to you? The hearts of all men are in the hands of God. You see it? Not some men, the hearts of all men. And all you have to do is please God and He will control your heart. Daniel’s life and othere in the bible portrays what God will do for a person who is faithfully obedient to Him.

We ought to live an uncompromising and God's favor will be upon us.


Thank You, Father, for what You continue to teach us. Make us an uncompromising people with the same kind of love, the same kind of gentleness, the same kind of tenderness that we saw in Daniel. The same kind of gentleness and tenderness we see in Jesus, but never compromising on what we know is the absolute truth of Your Word.

Help us not to live the way other people live. Help us to choose a cut above. Help us never to be ashamed. To echo with the apostle Paul, “I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.” May we never be ashamed so that when we see You face to face You will never be ashamed of us.

Thank You, Lord, for calling us to this life and promising us Your protection when we live it. For the glory of Christ we pray. Amen.


‭Ecclesiastes 2:20-23
I thought about all my hard work, and I felt depressed. When we use our wisdom, knowledge, and skill to get what we own, why do we have to leave it to someone who didn't work for it? This is senseless and wrong. What do we really gain from all of our hard work? Our bodies ache during the day, and work is torture. Then at night our thoughts are troubled. It just doesn't make sense.


‭Ecclesiastes 2:13-14
And I discovered that wisdom is better than foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. Wisdom is like having two good eyes; foolishness leaves you in the dark. But wise or foolish, we all end up the same.



We have been looking at the life of Daniel who lived an uncompromising life. God requires all of us to do that. The results of taking an uncompromising stand sometimes will be bad. Sometimes there is a great price to pay. Going against a pagan monarch was very, very dangerous. But Daniel had to do it because it was in his character to do it. And his three friends, those wonderful young men mentioned in Daniel 1:6, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, they took their stand, and they walked right into that fiery furnace. Daniel took his stand and he walked right into that den of lions. If that’s what it has to be, then that’s what it has to be. There still would be no compromise.

You know, many times when we want to get out of a situation that is really a spiritual issue, we give a reason other than a spiritual reason to get out of it. We don’t want to admit that’s it. Somebody says to you, “Hey, why don’t you come along with us? We are going to do this, and we are going to do that.” And we don’t say, “Well, you know, I don’t believe that’s right. I believe it’s sinful to do that and I wouldn’t compromise my commitment to Jesus Christ.” We say, “Well, yeah, it would be real nice but I got to stay home tonight. I got to do something and well, you know.” We don’t really establish the fact that there’s a spiritual issue here.

Frankly, for normal people, the Bible says the fear of man brings a snare. For most people, a fear of man traps us. Not Daniel. But those who have an uncompromising character always seem to have the unashamed boldness.

Do have the firm boldness today as a child of God. What areas have you compromised that you need to fix? We are all called to a character that should never compromise.


Thank You, Father, for what You teach us through Daniel. Make us an uncompromising people with the same kind of love, the same kind of gentleness, the same kind of tenderness that we saw in Daniel. The same kind of gentleness and tenderness we see in Jesus, but never compromising on what we know is the absolute truth of Your Word.

Help us not to live the way other people live. Help us to choose a cut above. Help us never to be ashamed. To echo with the apostle Paul, “I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.” May we never be ashamed so that when we see You face to face You will never be ashamed of us.

Thank You, Lord, for calling us to this life and promising us Your protection when we live it. For the glory of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


‭Ecclesiastes 1:4, 11
People come, and people go, but still the world never changes.
No one who lived in the past is remembered anymore, and everyone yet to be born will be forgotten too.



Saint a new week is upon us and we bless the name of the Lord. To be alive is a blessing. To live a compromised life is a loss and we miss our blessings because of such.

People of all shapes and sizes, we learn to lie, and we learn to cheat, and we learn to steal, and we learn to shade the truth, and we learn to do whatever is necessary to get what we want, so that compromise becomes a way of life.

Perhaps in the life of a Christian it’s nowhere more obvious than when you stand in the midst of conversation where you know you should speak of Christ, but rather than be thought evil of, or be thought less of, you keep your mouth closed and you are silent about Christ when He should be brought up. That in itself is a compromise. For the salvation of our own ego, for the sake of our own goals, we readily compromise.

And compromising standards and compromising truths has found its way into the church. In fact, we have compromised with the world so repeatedly, we have compromised with the world so often that frankly, folks, I think we don’t even understand what the compromises are anymore. Whenever the world comes up with something, we invariably will follow along. If the world wants to have a kind of a hippie movement, we’ll have a Jesus-hippie movement. If the world wants to have a rock-music movement, just give us time and we will have it, too.

We have so long compromised with the world, we have become so engulfed in its materialistic viewpoint, in its economics, and its style of life that there is little possibility that we can even understand what an uncompromising life really means. We fight to be separated from the world, and yet we are unable to define what that separation means because we’ve been so brainwashed by the system.

We have accepted the world’s thought patterns. We have accepted the world’s value systems. We have accepted the world's attitudes. In so many cases, we have accepted its economics. We are indulging ourselves. We have accepted its morality. And again, we are indulging ourselves. And even though we know the Bible teaches something, if we feel we want to do it, we go ahead and do it anyway.

We need to think seriously as Christians because our whole lives show in our deeds. Let us think twice about how we lead our lives. Would Jesus be happy with the way we follow the patterns of the world.


Lord we need you because the world is taking hold of our lives. Without the Holy Spirit we find ourselves exposed. Change our lives Lord. Your word asks us to submit to you. The world tells is to submit to its economy so without your guidance we will be a doomed generation.

As we pray we know that shall make us independent from economics of the world to rely on you. We therefore pray for your wisdom and knowledge.

Let your name be glorified in Jesus Mighty name. Amen


‭Ezra 9:15
Lord God of Israel, you have been more than fair by letting a few of us survive. But once again, our sins have made us ashamed to face you.


Day 5 - Fasting and Praying.

Congratulations that you have managed to get this far. Today let us take time to worship and glorify God for His mercy. Have you experienced any change and if so how are you going to listen and follow Him.

As you thank God for answered prayers pray that God sustains you and you completely trust Him than man. Let His authority rule over you.


Lord, God Almighty what a wondeful Father we serve. You have been good to me all my life and I celebrate you as my God. Thank you for allowing me to win this battle of trust. Empower me and my family to live a life complete submission to you.

There is no one like you and here as I stand let your goodness follow me all the days of my life. Thank you Holy Spirit and for your inspiration. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

May you all prosper and be blessed.


Day 4 - Fasting and Praying

Jesus lived a life of prayer.
Jesus was always leaning into prayer.
And when we lean into Jesus…we will lean into prayer.

So let’s consider the words in Hebrews 5:7, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears. Do you have any fervent prayers or petitioning cries to God?
What is the cry of your heart.

Most forms of prayer in today’s world are last ditch efforts, empty rituals, or watered down prayers to bless our food or give us good days. Yet, God wants to hear the cry of your heart! God ultimately desires to form your heart and the things you are most fervent about, but to do that it begins with where you are today. What is the cry of your heart, right now? God does not grow tired of hearing you and He wants you to keep coming to Him, no matter what! Chances are you need to be encouraged in prayer as we begin day 4 of fasting.

Don’t give up in prayer
- Prayer builds your friendship with God.
- Lean into prayer
- Prayer precedes the breakthrough
- Prayer comes before the miracle
- Prayer is the pathway to God’s presence
- Prayer is the doorway to God’s power
- Prayer will build you up! 💪
- Prayer will deepen your faith
- Prayer will shape your future
- God will grow you through prayer

May God bless you


Day 3 - Fasting and Praying

Lord, Let me Live in Your Power and Purpose

Read John 14:16-17

As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to tune your heart and mind to the things of God.

Lord, I thank You for …
Your Holy Spirit who teaches and guides
Your Holy Spirit who counsels and reminds
Your Holy Spirit who empowers and comforts

Lord, I ask You for …
A fresh wind of Your Spirit on my life
A keen awareness of the Holy Spirit’s voice in my heart
A work of power from the Holy Spirit in my life so that I can fulfill my calling and purpose.

And now, Lord, I praise You. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit and His activity in my life. Thank You for not leaving me to serve You on my own, but for providing the One who can help me in every way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Day 2 - Fasting and Praying

Remember me Ooh God.

Genesis 35:8-9, Genesis 41:1-57
Genesis 40:14, 23, Genesis 40:1-23

Have you ever feel overlooked or forgotten? Maybe you wonder why your talents and abilities go unnoticed by others. Not so with God. He is the One who gifted you uniquely to fulfill His plans and purposes. Sometimes, though, our timing doesn"t align with God"s. Therefore, it is important to remember that His delays are NOT His denials.

Remember Joseph. After being sold into slavery by his own brothers, he was falsely accused of a crime and thrown in prison. Gifted by God to interpret dreams, he helped two fellow inmates understand what they’d dreamt. When one was released, he asked, “Please remember me.” Yet two years passed, and Joseph was still in the slammer! Finally, his former inmate remembered him and summoned him to interpret Pharaoh"s dreams. In God’s timing, he so impressed Pharaoh that he was put second in charge of all of Egypt.

As your Creator, God can and will use you to do amazing things. So, be patient because it will happen at just the right time.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for gifting me in unique ways. Help me remain patient and remember that Your delays are NOT denials. Your timing is always perfect. I believe in you Lord God Almighty that you shall remember me. In Jesus name, Amen


Day 1 - Praying and fasting

Extraordinary times require extraordinary people to pray extraordinary prayers. Just like we can’t expect to keep a close relationship with a spouse or a friend if we never spoke with that person. How much more important it is to spend time with the One who made us and who we live for? We are not only being called to pray; we are being called to fast.

Throughout history, God’s people have made fasting part of their worship and prayer. Fasting is God’s way of helping us take our focus off of the physical and get it on to the spiritual. Through fasting, we can experience spiritual breakthroughs.

When you look at a list of those who fasted in the Bible, it looks like a “Who’s Who” of biblical heroes of faith: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Nehemiah, Anna, Paul, and, of course, Jesus.

It's time we focus on God on this first day and look back at our lives. What is it that I can repent on and ask God to forgive me today before I can ask for anything.

God hears those who seek Him in truth and faith.

Have a blessed day



Saints the month of April is coming to an end and we welcome a new month this week. I pray that you are trashing away all that leads you to compromise your faith. We are having a good time on the study of the book of Daniel, a biblical example of a man who lived an uncompromising life.

My beloved, what I am saying is this, God calls us to live an uncompromising life to our faith, calls us to separation, and unless we are living a separated life we are destroying our worship and we are destroying our service to Him. There must be a purging and a purification in our lives.

Moses would not compromise, so is Ruth, and neither would David. Barnabas, that lovely man of God who we see in the New Testament, so instrumental in the life of the early church, in Acts 11:23 says of him, “When he came, and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.” Barnabas told the early church to be uncompromising and to cleave to the Lord.

Daniel drew the line of no compromise in his life on what the Word of God said. What, then, is the character of an uncompromising life? It is a commitment to draw the lines in your life where the Word of God draws them.

The character of an uncompromising life is based upon an absolute obedience to the principles of the Word of God. All I can say, beloved, is when the Bible says something, don’t compromise that, and hold your conviction with love. And when you live an uncompromising life, God is going to use you. God uses Daniel in ways that are just thrilling, be useful to God. Set a standard and live it every day.


Lord, I pray for the dear people reading this and for myself, that you would mold us into the kind of character that fourteen-year-old, or fifteen-year-old boy Daniel had. Some of us have been around a lot longer than that and are hard pressed to find such character in our own lives.

Father, I pray for our young men, teenagers, our young women who are literally bombarded by the garbage of the world, who are tempted to talk the world’s language, and get the world’s education, indulge in the world’s lifestyle. God, I pray that you will raise up in this world young people like Daniel and his friends, who will not be corrupted, who will not be polluted, who will not be stained, who will not be defiled, but will base their character of an uncompromising life on the Word of God

Lord, take our lives and You do wonderous things with them. And so, Father, help us to dedicate ourselves afresh to You, in Jesus Mighty name. Amen..



We as Christians, there is a measure that makes us who we are. The defining reality of true Christianity is a hunger for the Word of God; a love for the Word of God; a desire to hear the Word of God, to delight in the Word of God, and to obey it.

Jesus said, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.” This is the distinguishing mark of a true believer.

God brought us into spiritual life by His Word. Hebrews 4 says the Word is alive and powerful; nothing equals its spiritual power. You already know that. You have already seen the power of the Word. You have experienced the power of the Word in your life, and you must continue to submit to it. And that submission is expressed in three statements: quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.

So if you are a true believer, you hunger for the Word of God. It is your food, it is your meat, it is your milk, it is your bread. We waste so much of our time filling our brains with things that don’t matter, that bring us absolutely no satisfaction compared to what the true knowledge of the Word of God brings. This is the distinguishing mark of a true Christian: He is quick to hear.

And just to remind you, the Bible has to be interpreted correctly. The right interpretation is the message from God. So be slow to speak. That’s why Paul told Timothy, “Lay hands suddenly on no man.” Don’t be in a hurry to put people in positions of spiritual leadership. Verse 22 of 1 Timothy 5, “Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.”

James 1:26 tells us you may think you are religious, but if you don’t know how to bridle your tongue and conform your tongue to the truth, you are deceived, and your religion is worthless. People love to debate religion, don’t they? Everybody thinks they have the answer. This causes no end of hassle in the church, as people quarrel over doctrines, quarrel over convictions.

So if the Word of God is to produce the righteousness of God and if you want to be a hearer who will demonstrate the righteousness of God, then you have to be ready to hear, slow to speak, and very slow to anger when you hear something that you don’t like or don’t agree with. You would better be like the noble Bereans, that search the Scripture and see if those things are so.


Lord we pray that You will cause these truths to sink deeply into our hearts. There are people who want to make the Christian life so complex; it comes down to concentrating on the rich, incomparable treasure of Scripture, and staying in the Scripture, looking intently at it, and by it being freed from sin and blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. We are the people of the Book. We want to be ever more faithful, that we may bear fruit and experience spiritual success and joy and fruitfulness.

We thank You for speaking to us in Your Word. May we desire every part of it to be our own. We ask this because we find in it our joy, the joy of obedience, and because we desire to glorify You. In Jesus Mighty name, Amen.


‭Galatians 3:27-28
And when you were baptized, it was as though you had put on Christ in the same way you put on new clothes. Faith in Christ Jesus is what makes each of you equal with each other, whether you are a Jew or a Greek, a slave or a free person, a man or a woman.



Last week I spike of God's wrath and I want to do the same again this week. Most people now teach about God's love which is true but they forget to earn people about how God can punish people because they ignore His will. Remember darkness does not meet light hence God does not like sin.

God is a God of wrath, people. He’s a God of anger. Now does that sound like a poor choice of starting points for the gospel? Think about it. The bad news has to come before the good news, doesn’t it? It’s kind of like going to the doctor and having the doctor say to you, “I have bad news. You have a fatal illness that has killed many people. But, I have good news. A cure has been found, and I have it right here.” See, the good news means nothing without the bad news, right? You have to diagnose the disease before the cure means anything.
The bad news is God hates. The good news is God loves. But you have to start with His hate. First the diagnosis, then the cure.

Everybody born into this world is a child of wrath. Everybody born into this world is a victim of lust and desire toward evil things. Everyone is born spiritually dead. “We are all,” says Paul, “condemned already - ” or says John, rather “ - condemned already because we believe not in Christ.”

Paul says it another way. He says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Like every other attribute of God, it is as perfect as His holy person. His wrath is righteous wrath. It is the right kind of wrath. It is holy wrath. The passion that we call “anger” in this world, the thing that we call “wrath” in this human world is always reflective of the evil heart of man. But we must not impose that on God.

God could not be God and be holy, and be wholly good if He didn’t react to evil. Do you understand that? He has to. He can’t be God. You cannot be holy and tolerate unholiness. It can’t be done. That’s why Habakkuk the prophet said, “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look upon iniquity.” God can’t tolerate it. The more Godlike you become, the more angry you will get at certain things.

We got to teach people about God's wrath in every situation we do evil and us as Christians ought to hate evil that when we do sin, we should humble pray and ask for forgiveness before we consider asking for anything.


Jesus, may we with boldness stand for You in a world of skeptics who know but suppress for the love of their sin the truth. Father, break through the hearts of some tonight. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.



Romans 1:18 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.”

Most of our contemporary evangelism purposely avoids that theme. We talk about love, and we talk about happiness, and we talk about abundant living, and we talk about forgiveness, and we talk about joy, we talk about peace. And we offer people all of those things and ask them if they wouldn’t like to have all of those things. But we really very rarely talk about judgment.

From Paul’s perspective, fear becomes the first pressure applied to evil men. Let them know about the wrath of God. Now admittedly, the wrath of God is a hard subject, and I am not here to tell you that it’s an easy one. I find it myself very difficult to begin in speaking to people about Christ at this point. And yet, it is the beginning of the gospel and the proper preparation for the announcement of grace.

How can people understand anything about love if they don’t understand God’s hate? How can they understand anything about His grace if they don’t know about His law? How can they understand forgiveness if they don’t understand the penalty of sin? Men cannot understand. They cannot seek grace and salvation unless they are affected with the dread of the wrath of God that is upon them. Unless men sense they are in grave danger, there’s no pressure applied to them to change.

God’s attributes are balanced in His divine perfection. And they are perfectly balanced. If God did not have wrath, and God did not have anger, then He would not be God. God is perfect in love, on the one hand, and He is equally perfect in hate, on the other hand. Just as totally as He loves, so totally does He hate. As His love is unmixed, so is His hate unmixed.

Hebrews 1:9, “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity.” And there is that perfect balance in the nature of God.

Remember no one can escape the wrath of God, if He cannot get you now He will get you in the end. Non believers have to be reminded of the wrath of God in order for them to repent, Christians have to be reminded of the wrath of God to stop sinning. Darkness and light will never mix.


Father help us to be as if this were the first time we ever heard this, to rush out to warn men and women, young people of coming wrath.
May no one leave this prayer this week under judgment, condemnation, but may they accept the gracious provision of Christ who took that stored up dam of fury at Calvary’s cross, and may they climb to that island of safety, so that when the dam breaks again at the great white throne they will already have entered into the paradise prepared for them.

Lord, may this be a week of salvation in the hearts of many, not just in us but all around this country and the world where Your name is lifted up. May this be a week when heaven rejoices over souls that entered the kingdom, stepped out from under the wrath of God into the protecting love of Christ. AMEN


Day 5 - Fasting and Praying.

Thanksgiving and Praise

Scriptures: Psalm 69:30 “I will praise God’s name in song and glorify the Lord with thanksgiving.”

Psalm 100:4 “Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and God’s courts with praise; give thanks to the Lord and praise God’s name.”

Look back over the past 4 days and thank the Lord for every transition and shift, no matter how small, you have made (spiritually, emotionally and physically) during this period of fasting and praying.
Declare tody, your transformation and breakthrough will be complete according to God’s will and riches.
Decree that there is no going back to the old season. Speak completeness of turnaround in your healing, health and wealth in your spirit, emotions and physically.
Thank the Lord for every person who fasted and prayed during this period – that they too will experience the fullness of transformation and transition in spirit and circumstances.

May God bless you all and thank you all.


Day 4 - Fasting and Praying

Pray this prayer with me today.

My Father I confess all my sins, conscious and unconscious and ask forgiveness. I receive your love, mercy and peace. I forgive all that hold to have sinned against me. I release them in love. It is written of You Jesus, that when the enemy comes, he will find nothing in You. My Lord, every and any legal ground, the enemy might have and hold over me is hereby dismantled through Your finished work on the cross.

Negative, demonic covenants entered into on my behalf by my ancestors, parents, superiors or by me, knowingly or unknowingly, is herby annulled in and by the blood of Jesus. Every negative, satanic altar, powers, principalities, on earth and in the realms, enforcing these covenants, catch fire and burn to ashes (1 kings 13:5)

I reject and permanently cancel, every satanic date, schedule, plan and seasons agreed in the realm of darkness for me or my loved ones to die or be disabled by sickness, disease or affliction (Psa 79:11). I remove my name and those of family, all my loved ones from every satanic register of death, destruction and wastage, in Jesus name.

My Father, it is written that he who digs a pit, shall fall into it. I put out a announcement, sealed with the blood of Jesus. Any grave the enemy has dug for me or my loved ones, let the grave invite and swallow its digger, after the order of Haman. I cancel and annul every negative dream, vision and prophecy for my death, wastage and destruction.

From today, I unseal whatever the enemy sealed, with the keys that Jesus handed over to us- key of life. It is in my tongue. What I bind or loose, remains so in Jesus Mighty name. Amen

Happy fasting saints.

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2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, 75063

Worship with us at 9 or 10:45 a.m. every Sunday Learn more at

Grace Presbytery Grace Presbytery
6100 Colwell Boulevard , Ste. 100
Irving, 75039

Spirit-Ignited: Boldly Living in God's Abundance, Sharing & Creating in Christ.

Kids at IBC Kids at IBC
2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, 75063

We join with families in making missionary disciples of children.

First Irving Students First Irving Students
403 S Main Street
Irving, 75060

First Irving Students / Colossians 1:28-29 / Sunday Small Groups 9:30 AM / Wednesday Night Gathering 6:15 PM

Christian Temple Worship Center Christian Temple Worship Center
1909 E Shady Grove Rd
Irving, 75060

Christian Temple Worship Center is a Bible-based, spirit-filled fellowship that earnestly strives for the faith that was proclaimed by the apostles.

The Tubes The Tubes
2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, 75063

The Tubes is a great place to come hang out and just be a kid! Open to the public 7 days a week from 8am - 10pm. (Closed the last Wednesday of the month from 8-10:30am for cleanin...

Ann & Joe O. Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization Ann & Joe O. Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization
1845 E Northgate Drive
Irving, 75062

The Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & Evangelization offers certificate and continuing education programs for ministry leaders to transform the world for Christ.