Your Well First

Massage Therapy and Health Coaching in Kailua, Hawaii. Self-care designed for self-improvement.

Timeline photos 08/08/2022

Exposing yourself to sunlight in the morning helps to keep your circadian rhythms in sync so that you can fall asleep faster at night.

Challenge yourself to get some more morning sun this week and see how you feel!

This might mean that you drag your desk over by a window, or at least just make sure all your windows are open so that sunlight can come through.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 08/01/2022

You don’t need a special occasion to wear your favorite outfit! This week, spend a morning getting yourself put together, not for an event or another person, for YOU.

Bonus points for taking a selfie!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 07/25/2022

Meditation isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. Really, all it is is sitting/standing/walking quietly with yourself and breathing. You can meditate while you walk. You can meditate while you draw. You can also meditate while you sit cross-legged on a pillow.

Make time for a few minutes of meditation this week. Aim for at least two minutes each day.

Does anyone here already practice regular meditation? If so, can you offer any tips?

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 07/18/2022

Wake up without an alarm clock for one morning this week, and if you sleep in for longer than you intended to, don’t feel guilty; your body needed the rest!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 07/11/2022

This week, practice kindness by doing something nice for someone. Mailing a card, checking in via text, or sharing a funny meme are all great options!

If you’re able, you might also get some joy from treating a friend to coffee by sending them $5 to brighten their day or running an errand for a friend who hasn’t had the time to do it themselves.

Small things add up, and taking the time to make someone else’s day better will make you feel better too!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 07/04/2022

We tend to carry a lot of stress in our neck and shoulders, but rarely take the time to stretch them! This is especially important if you work at a desk or spend time looking down all day.

This week, make a habit of stretching at least once during your day. Here are some neck stretches to try right now:

-Look up at the ceiling and push your bottom jaw forward to stretch the front of your neck.

-Looking forward, tip your head to the left and gently pull your head toward your shoulder using your left hand. Repeat on the other side.

For more stretches, check out:

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 06/27/2022

It’s easy to forget to change our sheets as often as we should (once every two weeks), which means that we end up sleeping in sheets that are probably not as great for our skin and overall hygiene as they should be!

This week, change your sheets to show yourself that you’re worth the extra effort!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 06/20/2022

Laughter is a great way to boost your mood! What’s your favorite TV show or movie to watch when you need a good laugh?

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 06/13/2022

Humans are extremely social creatures who need to stay connected. A lack of connection can leave us feeling anxious and depressed. So it makes sense that when we do have a chance to chat with friends, strangers, or anyone in between, we get a little shot of serotonin that boosts our mood.

This week, call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while who would appreciate hearing from you. Maybe this is an elderly family member or a friend who has moved away. If you’re not a phone person, send an email, mail a letter, or reconnect through social media.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 06/06/2022

Some of us have developed the habit of making our bed each morning (if you’re one of these people, congratulations), the rest of us might be more inclined to brew our coffee before fluffing our pillows.

This week, if you’re someone who doesn’t regularly make their bed in the morning, try getting into the habit of it. Not only will you feel more comfortable as you crawl into a crisply tucked bedsheet, but you’ll also begin your day with a small “win” that makes you feel a sense of accomplishment.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 05/30/2022

We can’t please everyone. That’s just a fact of life. Unfortunately, that’s harder for some people to accept than others.

If you’re someone who always agrees to help even if they don’t have the time and energy to do so, practice saying no. Do it this week. Next time someone asks you to do something and you just really don’t have the energy for it (even if it’s a small thing), say no!

Do you have a fear of saying “no” to someone? What’s the worst that could happen if you were to say no? Share in the comments.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.


Buy yourself the flowers 💐 Take time to foster your own joy and happiness.

How do you make yourself smile? 👇Let me know!

Timeline photos 05/23/2022

Singing releases the same feel-good chemicals as s*x by releasing endorphins and stimulating the release of oxytocin. Whether you’re in the shower, in your car, at your desk, or walking around your house, put on some tunes and sing along!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 05/16/2022

Naps are NOT just for children—adults need them, too! Stress sends our bodies into overdrive, and in order to recover from that output of energy, we need to sleep! If you’re having trouble focusing, are struggling to stay awake, feel a headache coming on, or you’re just really tired, TAKE A NAP!

And don’t beat yourself up about it!

This week, schedule a time to take just a 20-minute nap. If it goes longer than that, that’s okay too.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 05/09/2022

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, your brain is probably cycling through the same pattern of negative thoughts that are causing you to feel so stressed out. Throw a wrench in that cycle by writing down whatever’s going through your mind so that the thoughts can finally be unraveled and brought to your full attention.

You don’t need to dedicate a whole journal to this. You can just scribble something on scrap paper. You can even throw it out afterward. There are no rules for journaling!

While this exercise might not FIX your issues and worries, it should undoubtedly help organize your thoughts and help you wrap your mind around them in a more helpful way.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.


Your table is ready! 💆‍♀️ 💆🏽‍♂️ 💆🏾


Show the love to the caregivers in your life by tagging them below! 👇



Meet Jesa! My multi-talented, passionate and beautiful friend, and collab partner.

We met while teaching barre classes and quickly bonded over our experiences as performers, love of travel as and business owners. 💗

This girl gets sh*t done! She works to inspire open hearts and helping others find their inner light through yoga, aerial arts and at her salon.

Her training and vast experience in hair and makeup bring together the art and the science of letting her clients’ unique beauty shine.

is committed to evoking beauty on the inside and creating beauty on the outside.

Join us for our Beauty Inside and Out Workshop on May 15th - we’re focusing on creating and maintaining beautiful habits.

This workshop is for you if you…
Have you struggled with applying makeup?
Wondering what’s the right shade and color?
Want to learn makeup technique specific for you?

Jesa will guide you through 2 looks in detail with time for Q&A.

I’m bringing my coaching toolbox to discuss how to bridge the gap between new habits and routine and find joy along the way.

And because we love to celebrate, stay and enjoy a cocktail with us after the workshop.

If you like playing with makeup (or want to learn how to make more space for a makeup routine),
feeling creative and empowered and learning a little more about yourself, you’ve got to join us!

Space is limited! Register today with the link in my bio

Timeline photos 05/02/2022

Disorganization makes us feel stressed. Even if you wouldn’t categorize yourself as a “clean freak,” it’s highly likely that you still enjoy being in a space that’s organized and uncluttered.

Take some time this week to organize a small part of your house. Maybe you’ll walk around your home and pick up water glasses and coffee mugs and wash them. Perhaps you’ll fold or hang up clothes that are laid on chairs, dressers, and the floor. While you’re at it, wipe down your kitchen counter and maybe do a few dishes.

These small things will add up, and you’ll start feeling better about yourself and your surroundings.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.


I see you weekend🤩

I had tap class this morning and some meal prep tomorrow. And lots of down time in between.

Anyone else watching the Julia on HBO and loving it?!

Photos from Your Well First's post 04/27/2022

We’re REALLY excited about the next workshop in the Beauty Inside and Out Series!

Pairing an interactive makeup lesson and a discussion about how to make new habits stick is going to be SO FUN!

We have so much to share and know you can “apply” it to your daily life right away.

Space is very limited!

Comment below if you’re as excited as us and tag a friend to bring along.

Reserve your spot today - registration link in my bio


“Resting is not a waste of time. It's an investment in well-being.

Relaxing is not a sign of laziness. It's a source of energy.

Breaks are not a distraction. They're a chance to refocus attention.

Play is not a frivolous activity. It's a path to connection and creativity.”

Adam Grant said best! It’s important to get rest.

Photos from Your Well First's post 04/26/2022

You know that habit you want to stick to, that you know will help you feel more balanced, but you just don’t do it?

Working 1 on 1 with a coach can help make it happen!

As a health and wellness coach, I walk along side you as you build the new habits to feel your best.

I won’t prescribe or give you a program of steps to accomplish. I meet you where you are on your path and then we figure out together where to head.

Support your healthy lifestyle change with 1:1 coaching, accountability and safe space to explore.

Wondering if coaching is right for you? Schedule a 45-minute Discovery call with me to get answers. It’s free!

Use the link in my bio to schedule a meeting in person or virtually.

When we learn to care for ourselves authentically, we can care for our communities, family and world with less stress, burnout, and fatigue.

Timeline photos 04/25/2022

Most of us have social media feeds filled with images that make us feel “less than.” If you’re spending time out of your day scrolling through airbrushed celebrities, “fitspo” images that are unrealistic for the average person, or fancy vacations and getaways posted by travel bloggers, consider taking a step back and editing down your friend list.

Next time you scroll, take a moment to check in with how each image makes you feel. If it’s something negative, mute that person from your timeline, or unfollow them altogether. Instead, fill your feed with positive content that makes you feel calm, balanced, informed, and accepted.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Timeline photos 04/18/2022

Whether it’s a few minutes with the neighborhood cat as you pick up your mail, a game of catch with your dog, or a snuggle with your pet hamster, spending time with animals is proven to make us feel calmer and less anxious.

Seek out some extra opportunities to be around an animal this week. If you don’t have one at home, ask to visit with a friend’s pet!

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.


It’s time to unwind.

Book your next massage session online. Link in bio to see the full schedule.


Your world needs you to show up as your best self.

Are you caring for yourself or putting your health low on the priority list?

I whole heartedly believe if we learn to give ourselves permission to care for our mind and body, we can create stronger connections and communities.

A coach helps you take the steps and reroute your habits to feel healthy and happy to show up as your best self. Create boundaries, know yourself better and prevent burnout. 💖

Timeline photos 04/04/2022

We spend more time on our phones, in front of our computers, and staring at the television than we realize. All that stimulation is making us anxious, distracted, and taking away from our overall well-being.

If you still don’t think you spend THAT much time on your phone, try turning on your weekly screen time reports on your phone, or go through your settings to see how much time you average on an app. You’ll probably be surprised!

Try to set limits for yourself. You can do this with the help of your smartphone, certain apps on your computer, or just with sheer willpower. Start slow (cold turkey might be hard), and keep your phone in another room while you cook, do household chores, read a book, go for a walk, or do something else that doesn’t require a screen.

Self-Care is health care! If you’re looking for accountability for new healthy habits- you just meet need a coach.

Schedule a discovery session to learn more

Coaching helps you thrive by acknowledging your individual values and goals and holistically look at how to make a change. Find support in a non-judgmental space created for evolution and growth.

Health and Wellness Coaches are experts on lifestyle and human behavior change, agents of change who fill a critical gap in our global healthcare systems by empowering people to cultivate personal agency, set and achieve health goals and build new health-supportive habits. No other health profession has this unique skill set.

Coaching gives you structure and time to make the changes you desire in your life by looking at your whole self. We work together to shift your mindset and create positive habits to support your wellbeing.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Kailua?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

I’m in awe of the my clients who finished the marathon today! Congratulations!! #honolulumarathon #massagetherapist #spo...
You guys!! This moment has been two years in the making and I’m doing a big happy dance over here! I’m officially a Nati...
“ Oh, it’s so hard for me to relax!” 👈Is that you? Let’s try a meditation before your next session! Do you have difficul...
Did you know that I offer workshops for the workplace? I help teams focus on their wellness to improve productivity and ...
You’re busy living your life, but you want to make a change so it’s a better life, but you don’t have the time or energy...
Did you know that I take my health and wellness coaching on the road? I love creating customized workshops for groups or...


354 Uluniu Street, Ste 104
Kailua, HI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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