
Fitness & Nutrition Coaching


Unlock the Secrets of Longevity at Our Blue Zoneยฎ Inspired Cooking Class! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿณ

Join myself and Chef Jose for a culinary adventure Saturday, August 17th, at 4pm in the Rancho Mirage Room at The Westin Rancho Mirage.

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿณ What to Expect:
โœจ Experience Chef Jose's culinary magic combined with Yvonne's longevity-boosting nutrition tips.
โœจ Engage in a fun and interactive cooking demo.
โœจ Taste delicious creations and learn healthier cooking techniques.
โœจ Discover how to satisfy your sweet tooth without the sugar!

๐ŸŒฟ Take-Home Benefits:
๐Ÿฝ๏ธ Delicious, healthy recipes.
๐Ÿ“ Practical health advice.
๐Ÿท Antioxidant-rich wine and small plates.
๐ŸŽ A goodie bag full of surprises!


๐ŸŒฒโœจ Sometimes the most beautiful paths are the ones that challenge us the most. I captured this photo while hiking the Trail of 10 Falls - it doesn't even look real. The journey was far from straightforwardโ€”twisting trails, eerie trees, and an anxious moment as the sun began to set and fog rolled in. I even hitchhiked for the first time to make it back to my car before the gate closed.

It was a moment of anxiety and beauty, discomfort and achievement. Each step, though uncertain, led to something profoundly meaningful.

Embrace the challengesโ€”they often lead to the most rewarding destinations. ๐ŸŒ„๐Ÿ’ช


๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ”ฅ Healthy Summer BBQ Tips! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒฟ

Grilling not only makes food taste amazing but also offers some legitimate health benefits. When you're grilling, you're likely cooking for your family, which helps you control what goes into your meals. However, there are a couple of important compounds to consider when preparing food on the grill.

Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs)

These compounds form when meat is overcooked or charbroiled: Creatine, amino acids, and sugars in meat react together with heat.
HCAs can damage and change DNA. The Department of Health and Human Services places HCAs in the "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen."
HCAs begin to form at 212 degrees F, with the most harmful ones forming at about 572 F. Most people grill their food in the 375 F - 500 F range.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

These compounds form when meat is charred or blackened, or when fat from the meat drops onto the hot surface of the grill. This forms PAHs in the smoke, which then permeates the meat.
PAHs include over 100 different compounds formed by the incomplete burning of organic matter (oil, gas, coal, food, etc.) at temperatures in excess of 392 degrees F.
Ways to Reduce the Formation of HCAs and PAHs

Cut meat into smaller pieces to shorten cooking time.
Flip meat frequently to further reduce charring and burning.
Cook meat on medium to medium-high heat. Longer cooking times and higher temperatures can both pose health risks, so a moderate approach is best.
Cover the grill with foil to reduce drops and flare-ups.
Spices and Herbs to Reduce HCAs:

Rosemary: Can lower HCA formation by up to 90%! It also has an incredible capacity for destroying the most noxious form of E. coli, 0157, decreasing cancer and food poisoning in one shot!

Basil, Thyme, Sage, and Oregano: These herbs also decrease HCA formation.

Turmeric: Can decrease HCA formation by up to 40%.

Fresh Garlic: When used in marinades, it can decrease HCA formation by up to 70%.

๐Ÿฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ Try These Tips for a Healthier Grill Experience:

Marinate your meats: Using marinades with these herbs and spices can significantly reduce HCA formation!

Grill more veggies: They don't form HCAs or PAHs and are packed with nutrients.

Trim the fat: Less fat means fewer flare-ups and less PAH formation.

Choose lean meats: They cook faster and produce fewer drippings.

Enjoy your summer barbecues with these tips for a healthier, tastier grilling experience! ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ–๐Ÿฅ—


Remember to carve out moments for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle. It can be as simple as enjoying a quiet meal in a beautiful setting or taking a leisurely walk through an art gallery or park. These small acts of self-care can rejuvenate your spirit and help you appreciate the beauty and joy that surrounds you every day. Make it a habit to find these pockets of happiness, and you'll discover that they can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.


๐ŸŒŸ START your day with positivity and self-love! ๐ŸŒŸ

This inspiring piece from Laguna Beach is a beautiful reminder that:


Let these affirmations guide you through your day and remind you of your incredible potential. Embrace your inner magic, believe in your strength, and know that you are worthy of all the amazing things life has to offer. Let's make today extraordinary! ๐Ÿ’–


Taking regular breaks from our devices is essential for maintaining mental clarity and reducing stress. Unplugging allows us to recharge, improve our focus, and enhance our overall well-being. Make it a habit to step away from screens for a few minutes each hour to stay refreshed and productive!

Red, White, and YOU! 07/04/2024


Red, White, and YOU! Secret tips for a successful celebration. โ€Š โ€Š Celebrate Smart! Wellness Tips for a Joyful 4th of July โ€Š Start with the END in Mind No one wakes up the next day saying, "I wish I ate and drank more las

Lupin Bean Shrimp & Broccoli Dish 06/22/2024

Ready for your new summer staple? This recipe is made with ground lupin bean - the Australian legume that contains more protein and fiber than quinoa, chickpeas and oats!

This creation contains:
300 Calories
45g Protein
15g CHO
20g Fiber



Lupin Bean Shrimp & Broccoli Dish Ready for your new summer staple? This recipe is made with ground lupin bean - the Australian legume that contains more protein and fiber than quinoa, chick...

Cottage Cheese Bread 06/14/2024

Bread Without the Bloat: Dive into Delicious with My Low-Carb, High-Protein Cottage Cheese Bread!

Cottage Cheese Bread

Perfect Protein Wedge Salad 06/11/2024

Greetings, health enthusiasts!

Today, I am delighted to introduce my protein-packed Wedge Salad. Traditional wedge salads often contain excessive fats and sugars while lacking sufficient protein. My innovative version addresses these concerns, allowing you to savor it as a satisfying, guilt-free meal rather than just a side dish.

Perfect Protein Wedge Salad

Photos from RypT's post 05/07/2024

๐ŸŒŸ How Getting Fired from lululemon Freed Me! ๐ŸŒŸ

Many of you know that my relocation to the U.S. was far from smooth. I had put all my hopes into my job at lululemon, only to find myself out of work a year later. With my visa canceled, my lease expiring, my only form of transportation being Chip Wilsonโ€™s VW van, and my cell phone swept into the ocean, I faced a critical crossroads. From this challenging period, I gleaned three invaluable lessons that reshaped my approach to life and career.

๐Ÿ” 1. Every Rejection is a Redirection
Getting let go from lululemon was a shock, but it opened doors I never knew existed. What seemed like the end was just the universe nudging me towards a path better suited for me. Embrace the unexpected, because sometimes your true journey begins with a detour.

๐ŸŽ 2. The Best Gifts Come in the Worst Packages
Itโ€™s hard to see any good when youโ€™re handed that metaphorical โ€˜bad package.โ€™ But believe me, inside it was the gift of new beginnings. Losing my job forced me to reassess my values, passions, and the endless possibilities of 'what next?' It was the push I needed to venture into something greater that truly resonated with my spirit.

๐Ÿ’ช 3. With Your Freedom and Health, You Have Everything
This experience taught me the priceless value of personal freedom and good health. Without the constraints of a misaligned job, I rediscovered my health and happiness. Remember, as long as you have these, youโ€™re richer than you think. Keep moving, keep discovering, and keep living freely.

๐ŸŒˆ Iโ€™m here to tell you that sometimes, the universeโ€™s plans are better than ours. Hereโ€™s to turning setbacks into setups for better days! ๐Ÿฅ‚

I would love to hear which lesson resonates with you the most!
Thank you Jen Gottlieb for encouraging me to share my journey!


So great seeing you Spa Josephine! Lily and Cirrus miss their Aunti:). See you soon back home in Laguna. Love you!!!


Thank you for taking such great care of my precious fur babies!! I love the updates!


Home sweet home.


Say goodbye to the days of having to earn your carbs to enjoy pasta or feeling the pinch in your wallet for eating healthy! Stick around till the end as I dish out a creamy pasta delight that puts Olive Garden to the testhttps:


Here's some exciting information showing how increasing your veggie and fruit consumption can improve your mental wellness and decrease anxiety.

- A 2023 British study associated higher consumption of fruits with feelings of relaxation, confidence and energy.

- A 2022 Australian study of fruit and vegetable consumption in more than 4,000 women, showed that those who consumed at least five servings of vegetables a day had 19 percent lower risk of developing depression over a period of 15 years compared with those eating a maximum of one serving. For fruits, four portions versus one meant 25 percent lower odds of depression.

- A meta-analysis of 18 studies found that for every 100 grams of vegetables consumed, depression risk dropped by 3 percent.
A study of food diaries found that the benefit to mental health of eating more vegetables was equivalent to getting a job after being unemployed.

- A U.K. study found that increasing oneโ€™s daily fruit and vegetable consumption by just one portion provides the same estimated increase in mental well-being as eight days of 10 minute walks.


๐ŸŒŸ Embracing the Power of Journaling this Anxiety Awareness Month
As we dive into April, let's shine a light on anxiety and the ways we can support each other through it. ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ This Anxiety Awareness Month, I'm reflecting on the incredible power of journaling in managing anxious thoughts and emotions. ๐Ÿ“โœจ

Why Journaling?

๐Ÿ” Self-awareness: By jotting down our thoughts and feelings, we gain insight into our triggers and patterns, empowering us to navigate them with greater clarity.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Emotional release: Pouring our hearts onto the page provides a safe outlet for our emotions, offering relief and comfort in times of distress.

๐Ÿ”ง Problem-solving: Through journaling, we can brainstorm solutions to our worries, breaking them down into manageable steps and finding our path forward.

๐ŸŒฑ Perspective shift: Reflecting on past entries reminds us of our resilience and the temporary nature of our anxious feelings, guiding us through moments of uncertainty.

๐Ÿ™ Gratitude practice: Incorporating gratitude journaling cultivates a positive mindset, shifting our focus towards the beauty and blessings that surround us.


I love my morning java! It's also the #1 consumed antioxidant on the planet! These days I'm more mindful of how it's processed. You don't have to sacrifice taste for health! Stick to these 3 tips and sip on some clean caffeine!

โ˜•๏ธ Organic Coffee: Conventional beans are loaded with pesticides and herbicides that cause disease.
โ˜•๏ธ Shade Grown: This is less acidic which is important because over acidity can drive cellular inflammation which causes
โ˜•๏ธ Arabica vs. Robusta beans. Conventional coffee contains robusta as fillers. Arabica is higher in antioxidants and lower in acidity.

Ballast Ball Core & Strength Laguna Beach 03/31/2024

Take 15 minutes out of your day to stretch and strengthen with me. Grab your Ballast Ball and let's go! And yes, the background is real...thank you BB....

Ballast Ball Core & Strength Laguna Beach Join me for a quick session to stretch and strengthen using your Ballast Ball with the beautiful back drop of Laguna Beach.

WestinRetreat2024 03/25/2024

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the "Unlock Your Purpose" retreat! Your enthusiasm and support made the day truly special. Check out the attached video to relive the inspiring moments we shared. Looking forward to continuing this journey together!



A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the "Unlock Your Purpose" retreat! Your enthusiasm and support made the day truly special. Check out the attached video to relive the inspiring moments we shared. Looking forward to continuing this journey togetherhttps:


๐ŸŒŸ Unlock Your Purpose Retreat ๐ŸŒŸ

Are you feeling stuck, frustrated, and unsure of your direction? It's time to break free from what's holding you back and step into a day of transformation and wellness at our retreat Unlock Your Purpose!

Join us for:
๐ŸŽถ Sound Bath Yoga to soothe your soul
โšก Energy Break to recharge your spirit
๐Ÿ Wellness Talk on High Vibration Eating for a healthier you
๐Ÿ“” Journaling to unlock hidden insights
๐Ÿ’จ Breath Work Class for inner peace and clarity

This retreat is designed for people who are tired of feeling weighed down and ready to release what no longer serves them. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to a lighter, more purposeful life!

Book your spot now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer! ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’ช

https://www.westinranchomirageexperiences.com/?fbclid=IwAR1vC02VJ4Y2PIf9grqIRyzEF-WqV49Ldh3HBSRDO2Z1Jm_TD-w8Cx8QPO0 #!/e/wellness-day-retreat-unlock-your-purpose-7d523822/


Great day at the Natural Products Expo!! This years' trends were low sugar, higher protein and definitely an emphasis on male hygiene to name a few. It was great to connect with my favorite vendors , , , .


Reflection from the Pharm in Oregon......

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Videos (show all)

Happy Sunday๐Ÿ˜ Join me in the kitchen today as I create a Tomato Basil Spaghetti Squash dish in just 5 minutes using my N...
Feel Good Stretch
Meet Me at the Barre!
Health Strategies for Sleep
For a more restorative sleep tonight, drop the sunglasses this morning.
How do you stay fit on the road?
Stay on Track with My Healthy Travel Tips
Health hacks for better sleep continued.....
Looking for a transformational new workout? Come join us for Rowing and Juvo Board.  Exclusively at RyPT Fitness.




1833 S Coast Highway, Ste 120
Laguna Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 6pm

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NASM Certified personal trainer. Certified in Nutrition Compete Competitively since 1993 My passion