FreedOhm Wellness

FreedOhm Wellness

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Luxxe White by Angela May
Luxxe White by Angela May

Offering Meditation, Life & Empowerment Coaching, Breathwork, Reiki, and spiritual Yoga. With love



Monday's full moon in Aquarius is a big one. It is asking us to expose our shadow. This invitation is for us individually and for us collectively. We are being invited to dig deep within and expose our darkness; that which we may have tried to hide, push down, or blame on others. This is asking for us to reveal and to love our hurt parts, understanding that our shadow was put in place by our ego in an attempt to protect us, but has now imprisoned us. We are being asked to bravely accept responsibility for ALL of who we are and to radically accept and love ourselves and each other... wounds and all.

It's time for a new story.

This lumination is lovingly (although it may not feel like it) offering a turning point in our growth and the expansion of our consciousness. This is not just personal, this is global and it's definitely NOT gonna be easy.

You are standing in an opportunity to


You, my dear, are an infinite being of God, here to express your Dharma in a very unique way. And you are the only one that has the authority to know what this is and how to bring it to the world.

Some beautiful questions to ask yourself and to answer would be :

Who am I?
Why did I come here?
What is my Dharma?
What did I come here to learn?
What did I come here to heal?
What unique and beautiful gifts do I have to offer myself and this world?

Be brave
Be honest

You are loved 🌕


For lighting the way home
For rediscovering my dharma
For accepting my divine nature
For loving my hurt parts
For personal responsibility
For stillness

Thank you, yoga.
I love you.

Sat Nam 🪷

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 08/04/2024

FreedOhm Wellness Autumn Equinox
Pop-up Boutique
Sunday, September 22nd @ 10am

Please join us at FreedOhm Wellness on Sunday, September 22 as we welcome local artists, artisans, and vendors selling their unique hand-crafted offerings to our community. Come enjoy music, tasty treats, and raffled gifts from some of our amazing artists!

This is a wonderful chance to shop local and support artists in our community! And if you haven’t visited our new studio in Long Beach yet, this is a perfect opportunity to see the space, learn more about our offerings, and become a part of our growing conscious community.

We’ll be showcasing some of the merchants on our Instagram page as they are added to the roster, so please follow us there for updates as the event approaches!

Let's Celebrate Autumn Equinox
Sunday, September 22, 2024
10am to 2pm
FreedOhm Wellness, Long Beach


We are still looking for a few local artists or artisans looking for an opportunity to present their offerings to a loving and mindful community. There is no fee for being a vendor at our pop-up boutiques and future events, however space for vendors is limited. If you are a local artist interested in joining us, please follow the link in our bio or scan the QR code to apply!


When my mind, with all of its convincing stories, becomes loud and my body begins to tense around the chaos, I drop into my heart.

It is here that I whisper the truth. "Everything is perfect in the center of this space."

I breathe slowly until the cells of my body release. This is the moment when the revealing of Truth comforts me and I am calm.

May you find your heart center
May you rest here
May you know that you are loved

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 07/25/2024

Wednesday Max Meditation™ at FreedOhm Wellness!

I am so excited to welcome Rachel Miller to FreedOhm Wellness! Rachel is a Metaphysical Teacher, Healer, and Spiritual Guide certified by the Modern Mystery School International.

Rachel will be leading group workshops, community events and weekly meditations at FreedOhm Wellness and I am thrilled to collaborate with her!

Beginning Wednesday, August 7th
Rachel will be offering our community powerful 1 hr. Max Meditation™ sessions most Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.

Max Meditation™ technique has 5 key components which are followed in a specific sequence. This meditation system meets you where you are at. For those new to meditation, Max Meditation System™ will teach you how to meditate. For those who have a consistent meditation practice, this will build upon your foundation to support you going deeper.

Meditation is universally acknowledged for its many health benefits. The Max Meditation System™ builds on those benefits by:

🍃Working with a trained practitioner who will guide you through the process with ease.
🍃 Deepening your relaxation through a process designed to soothe your mind.
🍃Addressing the physical, mental, and emotional components of your mental restlessness.
🍃Enhancing spiritual insight and connection by reducing the negative thoughts in your mind.

Please join Rachel most Wednesday evenings!

FreedOhm Wellness, Long Beach
Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Energy Exchange: $20 or 4 pack for $50

🍃Follow the link on our bio to see the full schedule and to save your spot.

🍃Walk-ins Welcome!


Vibration is always seeking to be matched.

Speaking aloud brings vibration to a thought, an affirmation, a mantra, a desire, an intention. It also brings vibration to worry or scarcity.

Choose your words wisely, loves.

Say the above mantra aloud and send the vibration of abundance into the Universe. From here, the manifesting and magnetizing can begin.

May you be blessed 🪷


REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE - A day retreat

July 20 from 11:11am - 2:11pm

Have you been longing to go on a soulful retreat, but can't find the time to get away right now? I've created a solution with you in mind: local 'Day Retreats'! These retreats will be hosted monthly to help you reconnect with your true self and introduce you to a community of likeminded individuals. During this 3 hour event, you will experience a variety of healing modalities and other benefits including:

Gentle Yoga to get out of your head and into your body

Transformational Breathwork to remove subconscious blocks and reconnect you to your true self

🪷Sound Bath

🪷Guided journaling

🪷Connection Activity

🪷Spend time with like minded community

🪷Welcome Gift included

🪷Nourishing plant based snack & refreshments

COST: $75/per person - Link in Bio

LOCATION: FreedOhm Wellness Address: 5555 E Stearns St #108, Long Beach, CA 90815

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 07/03/2024

Time is an illusion! ♾️

Are you curious about your past lives or your multidimensional lives and the messages they could be sending you? Have you experienced “memories” that you cannot quite pinpoint, but that you feel deeply connected to? Does this all sound brand new to you and yet, you’re intrigued?

FreedOhm Wellness is so excited to introduce Mayra Rath, a leader in the Past Life Regression modality of holistic healing. Her offerings include Past Life Regression Therapy, QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), In-Between Lives Hypnosis, and her own technique, Soul Ascension Hypnosis which includes exploring multiple lifetimes, connecting with the HigherSelf, Reiki, and Channeling Light Language.

Mayra has regressed thousands of global clients over the past 25 years and currently works both privately and in groups to bring her clients into a deeper understanding of their many lives and lifetimes to empower them to consciously expand this one. Her sessions offer clients the opportunity to overcome anxiety, fear, scarcity, worry, phobias, and so much more.

For this immersive spiritual offering, Mayra Rath and Christine Fogarty have collaborated to offer our community a very special evening of deep healing through Group Past Life Regression, Reiki, Meditation and a Sound Journey. Join us as we lead you through a meditation and past life regression session followed by a healing sound journey, Reiki and integration time. After the offering, guests will be invited to gather together in community for support, sharing and connection.

Other lives and other realms await us. If you are looking to open the door, join us!

Friday, August 9th
7pm to 9pm
FreedOhm Wellness, Long Beach

Exchange - $65


As the mind, so the body...

The Greek word "Soma" means "Body".

The body's deepest wisdom comes to the surface when we attend to our bodies and relate to them with kindness, curiosity and patience.

Many people have associated yoga solely with physical fitness. We invite you to go deeper. Yoga, meaning Union, unites the body with its intrinsic healing processes and allows the body to become the compass which will direct us, always, to our true north. This union connects the body, the mind, and the spirit as the sacred triad necessary for us to lead an enlightened and fully embodied life.

Freedom Wellness 11 week intensive 200-hour yoga teacher training covers the deeply important work of somatics and somatic healing as a critical component of knowing ourselves deeply, and using the communication and language of the body to get there.

Our training is offered to ANYONE seeking a deeper connection to their body by discovering their unique mind-body relationship. This relationship leads to expanded self-awareness, expanded consciousness, and a knowing of who you are. This is Freedom.

Both our In-Person and Virtual semesters begin AUGUST 6th. Let's connect!

It would be an honor to guide you 🪷

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 05/30/2024

June Community Sound Bath and Reiki Healing 🪷

Saturday, June 22rd @ 7:30pm

On Saturday, June 22nd, we will be offering a deeply healing sound bath and reiki healing event. Our evening will begin with guided movement to foster physical relaxation, meditation, and breathwork to calm the mind and nervous system, and vocal toning to balance and align the chakras.

Following the integration and centering, all guests will be invited to relax, unravel, surrender, and release into a deeply healing sound journey.

During and throughout the sound bath, guests will be offered both collective and individual reiki healing. Reiki is a beautiful and Loving energy healing that assists with deep relaxation and realignment of the chakras and aura. In a deeply relaxed state, Reiki further assists the necessary openings in the physical body needed for pain, trauma and emotional hurt to be released and transformed.

If this offering feels in alignment with you, we would love to guide you.

Exchange = $44

Tickets have already begun to sell out so grab your spot soon!

Link in bio

Know that you are loved 🤍
Christine and Jess


Exploring Masculinity
Navigating What it means to be a man:

Do you feel stuck? Confused about who you really are? Is your identity wrapped up in the roles that you play in your daily life, of father, son, husband, partner, worker, boss? Do you find yourself going through the day-to-day routines on autopilot, distracting yourself with mindless entertainment or other unhealthy behaviors?

If you're like a lot of men, you have a strong sense of responsibility, but want to feel less weighed down by everything that you need to do. You want better relationships with those around you, but might feel that the dynamics of those relationships are too firmly set to change. Whether you understand this or not, what you really truly desire is the genuine happiness that only comes through a deep connection with your authentic self. But where do you start?

In this free, three-part introductory series, we'll discuss what it truly means to be a man in today's world in the context of:

• Curiosity, Contemplation, Quiet, and Stillness
• Change, Control, Responsibility, and Work
• Love, S*x, Aging and Wisdom

You may tell yourself that you haven't had time to focus on personal growth because of your busy schedule, but consider whether the real reason is that you haven't valued yourself highly enough. Until now. Come with an open mind and a willingness to expand the definition of who you are. The journey to everything you want starts with a step towards yourself.

I encourage you to take it.


This three-part series is offered by Shawn Alvira. Shawn Is a certified yoga instructor, husband, father, former pastor, and spiritual seeker. His passion is helping others to tap into their own power through self-awareness, and to bring their unique gifts into the world.

Join Shawn:
Tuesdays, June 11th, 18th, & 25th
6-7pm in Long Beach.

These first three workshops will be offered at no cost/donation.

Register to attend by following the link in our bio.


Our world is shifting... It's time to drop into reality.

FreedOhm Wellness Certified
200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

Many take our training to become certified yoga teachers... And many take our training to meet their inner teacher. This offering will bring you both.

If you are a dedicated student, new to yoga, or looking to empower your life by deepening your knowledge of yoga, spirituality, sadhana, and a dedicated practice, you are in the perfect place!

With a deep focus on spirituality and a yogic lifestyle, this training will help to expand your inner life to assist you in navigating the chaotic outside world.

11-Week Intensive:
August 6th - October 19th

* Tuesdays: 6-9pm
* Thursdays: 6-9pm
* Saturdays: 8am – 3pm

Where: FreedOhm Wellness
5555 E. Stearns Street #108
Long Beach, CA 90815

Early bird pricing available through June!

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need additional information.

Namaste 🌷


The other half of FreedOhm Wellness.
My twin flame. Together, lighting up the dark!


• Deepen your practice
• Understand the true meaning of yoga
• Discover your spiritual calling
• Expand your self awareness
• Find community and connection

Join us this August 6th through October 19th


Our Certified Yoga Teacher Training program focuses on yoga as a lifestyle and the spiritual practice of yoga.

Together, we'll discover the many ways yoga can increase personal self awareness and lead you into a life of Empowerment.

Oh, and of course, you'll be certified to teach yoga anywhere in the world 🌎

It would be an honor to guide you.


- Empower your life
- Deepen your sense of self-awareness
- Connect with a loving community
- Nourish your body, mind, and spirit
- Actualize the highest version of yourself
- Manifest love into the world

All the details can be found by following the link in our bio.

It would be an honor to guide you 🪷


Registration is now open!

FreedOhm Wellness Certified
200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

If you are a dedicated student, new to yoga, or looking to empower your life by deepening your knowledge of yoga, spirituality, sadhana, and a dedicated practice, you are in the perfect place!

Lead by expert yoga trainers and , Our certified yoga teacher training program will increase your knowledge of yoga philosophy, meditation, the psychology of yoga and how living a yogic lifestyle can empower your self-awareness and your life.

This training has been accredited by Yoga Alliance, which certifies you to teach yoga anywhere in the world! Here are all the details...

11-Week Intensive:
August 6th - October 19th

* Tuesdays: 6-9pm
* Thursdays: 6-9pm
* Saturdays: 8am – 3pm

Where: FreedOhm Wellness
5555 E. Stearns Street #108
Long Beach, CA 90815

Our certified Yoga Teacher Training program is rooted in Raja/Hatha/Vinyasa yoga and focuses on yoga as a lifestyle. We dive deep into the philosophy, psychology & spirituality of yoga with an emphasis on self-awareness.

Curriculum Includes:

* Yoga philosophy, history and lineage
* Meditation
* Pranayama (yogic breath work)
* Asana theory and practice
* Yoga concepts, terminology and Sanskrit
* Yoga anatomy & physiology
* Ayurveda, nutrition and diet
* Chakras (subtle body energy)
* The business of yoga
* Yoga for self awareness & Empowerment

Early bird pricing available through June!

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need additional information.

Namaste 🌷

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 04/26/2024

Heart's on fire! 🔥

Welcome to the world Yogi's! May your love, light and fierce compassion guide you on your journey.

Hari Om!

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 04/22/2024

Become a certified Reiki Practitioner!

Our next Reiki II Training & Certification will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 18th and 19th.

FreedOhm Wellness Reiki II Certification course is rooted in traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and is guided by Reiki Master Teacher, Christine Fogarty. This training is intended for students who have completed Reiki Level 1 and are called to move deeper into their connection to Reiki by becoming a certified Reiki practitioner.

Reiki II is designed and intended to strengthen your connection to Reiki energy as you begin to offer this beautiful healing modality to others in your life. Whether that be for family and friends or, for some of you, starting your own Reiki practice. This course will deepen both your personal practice as well as your overall healing abilities for others.

Following this training and secondary attunement, students will leave this beautiful weekend as Certified Reiki Practitioners!

If you are Level 1 certified and are called to grow in your practice, please join us as we dive deeper into this sacred healing modality by becoming a Usui Reiki II practitioner.

Saturday & Sunday
May 18th & 19th
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Space is limited. Save your spot today by following the link in our bio.

Namaste 🙏

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 04/16/2024

April Sound Bath & Cacao Offering

On Saturday, April 27th we will be offering our beautiful community a deeply healing Sound Bath and Cacao ceremony.

This immersive healing event is intended to cultivate connection and is open to all, with love.

Our evening will begin with the cacao offering. We offer ceremonial grade Cacao to all guests with the intention of opening the heart chakra and the breath pathways for healing prana.

Following the Cacao, lite breathwork and a guided meditation will be offered to settle and ground our energies into the space. From this fully relaxed state, guests will be invited to relax, unravel, surrender and release into a deeply healing sound journey.

We hope you can join us. 🪷

When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:30pm
Where: FreedOhm Wellness, Long Beach

Exchange: $55
Link in bio to save your spot

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 04/05/2024

It was an honor to speak at the City of Long Beach Mental Health Week yesterday. I spoke to amazing groups of people about the power of "Healing Communities Through Connection".

I love this city and commend them for their open commitment to diversity, inclusion, and tough conversations that are needed today in order to cultivate conscious leadership and accessible programs necessary to ensure health, longevity, and abundance for ALL of its citizens, particularly those who are underserved.

Connection is one of the most critical pieces of our survival. Our brains are wired to connect with each other and, in a world where many of us feel more disconnected today than ever, deep conversations about the importance of fostering connection, loving our neighbors and being an asset to our communities are paramount to our future.

Thank you to those who participated and especially to the city of Long Beach for continuing to put their best foot forward when it comes to sustaining abundant communities.

Here's to our bright future ✨


I am ready to receive the many blessings of the universe...


"We are all just walking each other home."

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 03/11/2024

March Community Sound Bath and Reiki Healing 🪷

Saturday, March 23rd @ 7pm

On Saturday, March 23rd, we will be offering a deeply healing sound bath and reiki healing event. Our evening will begin with guided movement to foster physical relaxation, meditation, and breathwork to calm the mind and nervous system, and vocal toning to balance and align the chakras.

Following the integration and centering, all guests will be invited to relax, unravel, surrender, and release into a deeply healing sound journey.

During and throughout the sound bath, guests will be offered both collective and individual reiki healing. Reiki is a beautiful and Loving energy healing that assists with deep relaxation and realignment of the chakras and aura. In a deeply relaxed state, Reiki further assists the necessary openings in the physical body needed for pain, trauma and emotional hurt to be released and transformed.

If this offering feels in alignment with you, we would love to guide you.

Exchange = $45

Tickets have already begun to sell out so grab your spot soon!

Link in bio

Know that you are loved 🤍
Christine and Jess


You are loved 🤍

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 02/13/2024

Let's normalize work as something that we "get" to do rather than something that we have to do.

In order to do this, it is up to corporations and workplace upper management to implement conscious wellness into the daily work life of their employees. And now more than ever, employees are demanding it.

What a beautiful opportunity to begin bringing balance to our work/home life. And seeing that many of us spend the majority of our time at work, the office is the perfect place to start!

FreedOhm Wellness offers corporate wellness in two district tiers:

1. Corporate Wellness for Employees and Staff:
- This tier offers mindfulness based wellness presentations to your staff with a focus on defining some of the very common issues that employees are navigating through today, such as stress, worry, burnout, mental health and work anxiety. Each presentation introduces useful and doable daily tools that foster and cultivate awareness leading to increased productivity, office morale, shared vision and personal inspiration.

2. Developing Corporate Consciousness thru Corporate Leadership:
- This 2nd tier takes a more specific approach and works directly with upper management and the leadership team of the company. For companies interested in moving their business model into alignment with corporate consciousness, I work with upper management teams to assist them in aligning fully with their mission, their strengths, and their "why" or reasoning behind why they do what they do. From this understanding, I am able to guide leadership teams into shifting their perspective (and their protocol) into that of abundance by panning out to see the bigger picture. In this offering, we discuss some of the very important yet oftentimes overlook details in every corporation success, such as company culture, systems and protocol, company language and communication, upholding the company's values and missions and more.

The time is now for all companies to expand into Conscious Leadership and to begin being a light in the world. 🕯️


Yoga Suta 1.33

“...By cultivating attitudes of friendliness towards the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind retains its undisturbed calmness.”

Maintaining your undisturbed calmness of mind entails watching your action rather than defending your feelings. When your actions are those that are friendly, compassionate, delightful and that regard only that which is in alignment with these qualities, you hold the light. The light which, when magnified, can illuminate the world 🌍!

When the world is dark...
Hold the light 🕯️



Reiki II Training & Certification 🪷

FreedOhm Wellness Reiki II Certification course is rooted in traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and is guided by Reiki Master Teacher, Christine Fogarty. This training is intended for students who have completed Reiki Level 1 and are called to move deeper into their connection to Reiki by becoming a certified Reiki practitioner.

Reiki II is designed and intended to strengthen your connection to Reiki energy as you begin to offer this beautiful healing modality to others in your life. Whether that be for family and friends or, for some of you, starting your own Reiki practice, this course will deepen both your personal practice as well as your overall healing abilities for others.

Following this training and secondary attunement, students will leave this beautiful weekend as Certified Reiki Practitioners!

If you are Level 1 certified and are called to grow in your practice, please join us as we dive deeper into this sacred healing modality by becoming a Usui Reiki II practitioner.

Saturday & Sunday
January 27th & 28th
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Space is limited. Save your spot today by following the link in our bio.

Namaste 🙏

Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 01/06/2024

Moving into 2024 more connected to my body than ever. She's carried my spirit for 50 years and I love her. Finally... I totally and completely love her.

She has danced and played; stumbled and failed.
She's climbed and fallen; soared and crash landed.
She's crumbled to tears: cracked open with laughter.
She's strong and she's soft; wrinkled and smooth.

Every line on my face, every blemish on my skin; a representation of a moment of fully lived, and there have been many.

Thank you to my body for always loving me, even when I spoke negatively to you. Thank you for allowing me to feel all of it. Thank you for giving me the compass to my true North.

Here's to the next 50.
With joy!


Photos from FreedOhm Wellness's post 12/21/2023

New Year Mala Workshop 📿

What better way to start off 2024 then to create your own sacred mala in a community space rooted in love?!

The term "mala (माला, pronounced mālā)" is Sanskrit and means "meditation beads". In ancient times, the mala was given to yoga students by their master during a special ritual to help them on the path to enlightenment.

Mala beads are a tool that can be used for meditation, prayer, manifesting, and setting intentions for your life. They can also be worn as a piece of jewelry or a daily reminder of your intentions.

Join us for a uniquely curated community workshop where we will create our own beautiful malas! All beads and materials will be provided and everyone will leave with their very own handmade mala beads. 📿.

Christine will lead guests through a brief history and discussion of the meaning of malas, followed by a meditation to ground in the intention of this offering. Finally, everyone will be invited to share their intention for the coming year as we unite and create our own sacred malas.

Sunday, January 14th
11a To 2p

Space is limited so grab your spot today!
Link in bio to sign up.


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Videos (show all)

Officially said goodbye to Orange this weekend.HELLO LONG BEACH!This new location is just beautiful and we cannot wait t...
Interested in diving deeper into the principles of yoga, including the gift of our suffering?Our next in-person yoga tea...
Coming soon to Long Beach!!5555 East Stearns StLong Beach, CA. 90815
Interested in becoming a knowledgeable and compassionate yoga teacher? Looking to deepen your personal practice and unde...
Join us ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜



5555 E. Stearns Street #108
Long Beach, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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