Prayers from the Heart

Prayers from the Heart

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Join Prophetess Robin Wigfall and the Prayer from The Heart Family as they gather to pray every first Tuesday of every month.

Join Prophetess Robin Wigfall and the Eyes of an Eagle Prophetic Ministries as they Present "First Tuesdays - Prayers from the Heart'. This is a moment where like minded body of believers dedicate time to seek the Lord's Presence through prophetically lead prayer and soul stirring praise and worship. If you have a prayer request that you would like to be included, please submit your prayer request either through sending us a direct message or calling us at (323) 609-8083.


Welcome to Prayers from the Heart". We are so very glad that you have chosen to join us for this time of prayer.

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Welcome to Prayers from the Heart". We are so very glad that you have chosen to join us for this time of prayer.

If you haven't done so already, please navigate to our page and Like and Subscribe so that you may be able to keep up with the exciting things we are doing within Prayers from the Heart!

Have you been blessed by our live on this evening, please consider sharing a love gift with us via CashApp:


Mar 22, 2024

Good Morning & Happy Faithful Fri-YAY!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“
"Defy The Odds!"

1 Chronicles 4:10, MSG
Jabez prayed to the God of Israel: ā€œBless me, O bless me! Give me land, large tracts of land. And provide your personal protectionā€”donā€™t let evil hurt me.ā€ God gave him what he asked.

Because his birth caused his mother so much pain, she named her son Jabez, which means ā€œpain, sorrow, suffering.ā€ Every time someone said his name, they were prophesying defeat and failure, inferiority and insecurity. Her estimate of what his life would be like was very low. But despite that negative label, he had the boldness to ask big, that God would bless him with abundance and protection, which God did.

We all face times when the dream seems too great, the problem too strong, the opposition too powerful. People rule us out and say, ā€œItā€™s never going to happen. You donā€™t have the resources or come from the right family. The medical report is not good.ā€ All the facts say, ā€œItā€™s impossible,ā€ but God will have you underestimated on purpose. When it seems the least likely, as with Jabez, thatā€™s when He shows up the greatest. Donā€™t get discouraged when youā€™re underestimated; itā€™s a setup. God put you in that position to show Himself strong. When you defy the odds, everyone will know His favor is on your life.

ā€œFather, thank You that when the odds are against me, You are for me. Thank You that when Iā€™m being underestimated, nothing and no one is more powerful than You, and that I can dare to pray bold prayers. I believe that You are going to bless me with abundance as You did Jabez. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€šŸŒŸ


Mar 21, 2024

Good Morning & Happy Thankful Thursday!!

Psalm 127:2, MSG
Itā€™s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Donā€™t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?

Itā€™s easy to get so caught up meeting other peopleā€™s needs and measuring up to their expectations that we put ourselves on the back burner. There are the constant demands of work, family, the maintenance of the house, and friends who are counting on us. We develop a hero mentality where we canā€™t let anyone down. We always have to be strong, always come through, cheer everyone else up, fix the problems, and stay late.

Weā€™re doing all these good things to try to keep everyone around us happy. The problem is that we can become depleted, drained, worn-out. Weā€™re making sure everyone else is a priority, but we need to make ourself a priority. Your first mission is to keep yourself healthyā€”emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Itā€™s not selfish to take time to get refreshed, to be reenergized. You shouldnā€™t be so busy that you donā€™t have time to be alone, to laugh, to exercise, and for recreation. Our God delights to give you rest and to help you stay in balance.

ā€œFather, thank You for giving me my body to live in and to care for as a temple of Your Spirit. Thank You that You made me to work and be productive as well as to rest and to be refreshed. Help me keep myself healthy and renewed, living a balanced life. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€ šŸ”†


Mar 19, 2024

Good Morning & Happy Terrific Tuesday!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "Overwhelmed!"

Deuteronomy 28:1ā€“2, NKJV
ā€œā€¦if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your Godā€¦all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.ā€

The Scripture says that when you honor and obey God, His blessings will overtake you. Other versions say they will overwhelm you and come in abundance. When you chase after God, you donā€™t have to chase blessings. They will chase and track you down. You never dreamed you could pay off your house or send your child to college, then suddenly a blessing comesā€”a promotion, an inheritance, a business opportunity. You never dreamed youā€™d be running your department at work. What happened? You came into a blessing. God took you from the back to the front, from renting to owning, from not having enough to more than enough.

Blessings are not just material things. Theyā€™re also influence and prestige. People who didnā€™t give you credit or value your ideas will see you in a new light. Just keep doing the right thing and being your best. They may discount you now, but the day is coming when youā€™ll be in a position of honor and influence. Itā€™s going to happen suddenly. You couldnā€™t make it happen. Itā€™s the hand of God.

ā€œFather, thank You for Your promise that as I honor You and keep You first place, blessings are headed my way, tracking me down and overtaking me. Thank You that You have blessings in abundance. I believe that I will be overwhelmed by Your goodness. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€ šŸ”…


Mar 18, 2024

Good Morning & Happy Marvelous Monday!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“
"Not A Lion, Like A Lion!"

1 Peter 5:8, NIV
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Even though our enemy was defeated when Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, the challenge is that he makes a lot of noise, going about like a roaring lion. Heā€™s not a lion. He canā€™t overpower you. He canā€™t control your destiny. Heā€™s like a lion, which means heā€™s loud. Heā€™ll roar negative thoughts, such as, ā€œThat sickness will be the end of you. Youā€™ll never meet the right person. Youā€™ve made too many mistakes. Thereā€™s nothing good in your future.ā€ Do yourself a favor: Ignore the roar. Donā€™t believe his lies. When those thoughts come, just give him the zero sign. Remind him, ā€œYou have no power over me. Youā€™ve already been defeated. Because I belong to God, I will walk in victory. I will live and not die. I will prosper and succeed. I will stay in peace in the midst of the storm.ā€ When you know that what comes against you has already been defeated, it changes your outlook. You wonā€™t live in fear, worried about your future, or let doubt hold you back. Youā€™ll move forward knowing that God has already taken care of anything you face. The path has already been cleared.

ā€œFather, thank You that when the enemy is roaring, bombarding my thoughts with doubts and fears, I can resist him, firm in the faith. Thank You that he does not have any power over me. I declare that I will not be intimidated into backing down, and I will not believe the roar. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen." šŸŒŸ


Word of Encouragement!! There are more for you, than against you!! Keep going, you are unstoppable!
Greater is he that is in you!!! ā€¼ļø


Dec 7, 2023

Good Morning & Happy Thankful Thursday !!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "Keep The Negative Out"!

Exodus 14:14, AMPC
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.

You may be in a situation thatā€™s unfair, somebody did you wrong, youā€™re dealing with an illness, or youā€™ve gone through a loss. You couldnā€™t control what happened, and you canā€™t make that go away. You canā€™t stop the negatives and offenses from coming. You canā€™t stop people from doing you wrong, and you canā€™t stop the bad breaks. You could be worried, bitter, and upset. This is when you have to dig down deep and determine to not be controlled by what you donā€™t have control over. You have to realize that you control how you respond to it. Donā€™t give away your power by letting the negative in. You have to say, ā€œIā€™m keeping my walls up. Iā€™m not letting that negative into my spirit. Iā€™m going to keep singing praises and thanking God. I will remain at rest, and I know God will fight my battles.ā€ Heā€™ll pay you back for the unfair things. Heā€™ll bring beauty out of those ashes. He will take care of what is trying to stop you.

ā€œFather, thank You that You have power over what I cannot control. When I face problems that seem overwhelming, help me learn to hold my peace and remain at rest. I am believing that You will fight my battles and get me to where Iā€™m supposed to be. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€ šŸŒŸ


Dec 6, 2023

Good Morning & Happy Wonderful Wednesday !!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "First Place"!

Proverbs 3:6, TLB
In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

In 1 Kings 17, the prophet Elijah asked a starving widow to do something that seemed selfish. He said, ā€œBefore you make your final meal from the last of your grain and oil, make me a loaf of bread.ā€ But with it came Godā€™s promise of overflowing provision if she would keep Him first place and do as Elijah asked.

God is saying, ā€œKeep Me first place in your life, let Me direct your steps and decisions, and Iā€™ll crown your efforts with success.ā€ When you wake up in the morning, donā€™t meet with anyone until you first meet with God. Take time to thank Him for the day. Thank Him for who He is. Thank Him that Heā€™s the giver of all good things, that Heā€™s your protector, your provider, your healer, and your way maker. All through the day, under your breath, you can talk to God and say, ā€œLord, thank You for watching over my children. Lord, help me to be my best at work today. Lord, direct me in everything I do and say.ā€

ā€œFather, thank You that You invited me into a relationship with You. I want, in everything I do, to put You first and have You direct my life. Thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. I believe that You will crown my efforts with success. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€ šŸŽ


Prayers from the Heart with Robin Wigfall will be postponed for Thursday! Be sure to join us for the last prayer encounter for 2023!!!

See you then!!!!


Dec 5, 2023

Good Morning & Happy Terrific Tuesday !!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "Joyously"!


Luke 12:32, TPT
ā€œSo donā€™t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom with all its promises!ā€

Too often, instead of believing that God will do something special for us personally, we believe the lies that tell us just the opposite. ā€œYou canā€™t ask for what you really want. That would be selfish. You donā€™t deserve it. Who do you think you are to even ask for it?ā€ Yet the Scripture says your loving Father joyously gives you His kingdom with all its promises. He says that so youā€™ll have the boldness to ask for big things, for God-sized dreams that honor Him.

In all the big things you ever ask God for, you wonā€™t hear Him say, ā€œWho are you to ask for that?ā€ Just the opposite. God will be whispering, ā€œYouā€™re the apple of My eye, My most prized possession. I love the fact that you come to Me and dare to believe that I can do the impossible.ā€ Of course, everything youā€™ll ask for wonā€™t come to pass, but there will be times when you see God show out in your life in ways greater than you ever imagined.

ā€œFather, thank You that You joyously give me Your kingdom with all its promises. Thank You for encouraging me to come to You and dare to ask big. I declare that I am asking You to show out through my life in ways I never imagined. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen". šŸ‘‘


Dec 4, 2023

Good Morning & Happy Marvelous Monday!!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "Change How You See Yourself"!

Genesis 17:5, NIV
ā€œNo longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.ā€

Itā€™s interesting that after Abram and Sarai had waited for the promise of a baby boy for over twenty years, God changed Abramā€™s name to Abraham, which means ā€œthe father of many nations,ā€ and Saraiā€™s name to Sarah, which means ā€œPrincess.ā€ He didnā€™t feel like a father, and she didnā€™t feel like a princess. But God called them what they were before it happened. As they spoke their names and heard others speak their names, the words pointed to the promise that seemed impossible and began to get down in their spirits. God was changing how they saw themselves through the words He gave them. They kept declaring it over and over, and Sarah finally conceived and gave birth to Isaac.

What are you saying about your dreams? ā€œIā€™m too old. Iā€™ve made too many mistakes. I donā€™t have the talent.ā€ Thatā€™s going to keep you from your dream. Itā€™s why itā€™s so important that all through the day you keep saying, ā€œIā€™m blessed. Iā€™m healthy. Iā€™m strong. Iā€™m successful.ā€ Keep declaring what God says about you.

ā€œFather, thank You that what seems impossible always remains possible with You. Thank You that You call me blessed, redeemed, forgiven, healthy, overcomer, and a masterpiece. I will call myself what You call me and become who You say I am. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen.ā€ āœØļø


Dec 3, 2023

Good Morning & Happy Sanctified Sunday !!

Todayā€™s Word ā€“ "Joined Faith"!

John 14:14, NIV
ā€œYou may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.ā€

Sometimes you canā€™t find anyone to agree with you about what youā€™re believing for. People may think what youā€™re believing for is too big, that the problem could never change. I want to come into agreement with you. I want to put my faith with yours and tell you that I am absolutely convinced youā€™re going to see the goodness of God. I am fully convinced that forces that are holding you back are being broken right now. I am fully convinced that the sickness, the trouble, the anxiety, or the depression is not permanent; itā€™s on its way out. I am fully convinced that you are coming into increase, promotion, abundance, overflow, more than enough. I am fully convinced that you will impact this world for the good, that your gifts will come to the full, that you will leave your mark. I am fully convinced that your dreams, your goals, what God whispered to you in the night, are on the way. Itā€™s going to be bigger than you thought, more fulfilling than youā€™ve imagined.

ā€œFather, thank You for every opportunity to join my faith with others and to believe You for more in our lives. Thank You for the promise that if we agree together in what we ask that You will do it. I am expecting You to do great things. In Jesusā€™ Name, Amen." šŸŒž

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