Word Power Ministries

We are a Christian Gospel Ministry with a Calling to preach the good news of Salvation to all Nations


The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;He shall preserve your soul.
Psalms 121:7.
God is safely protecting you against invisible and visible enemies, keeping safe your "physical and inner person". He will always be there for you when you are awake and when you are asleep.



He was born into the World to be your light, enabling you to see what is right and wrong, good and bad; for you to make better and informed decisions, decisions that can give you life.

Let's take this example; walking in a dark room without light, the number of times you can hurt yourself are uncountable. Without light in a room, even your own useful household items will hurt you, chairs will hurt your foot, walls will hurt your arms, legs, head etc, because you can't see them and you can't choose the right path for lack of light.

Take another example of walking through a totally dark street, you will be walking in fear of meeting wrong people, dangerous objects on your way will hurt you, you may not safely complete your trip.

Now let's assume the dark room and the dark street is the World you could be living without Jesus Christ, who is the Light of the World, you could be not able to avoid being hurt by endless Worldly challenges which you unknowingly fall into for lack of light.

Accept Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today, He will illuminate your World/your path. He was born into the World to be your light, so that you can see your way and not walk in the dangerous darkness.
It's written; “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12.
Word Power Ministries.


Word Power Ministries is here to wish you a Happy Thanks Giving Day, thank you all for being part of us. We love you all and Give thanks to God for each of you.


Your very lucky, your language and region has the biggest number of Gospel preachers, and many people are taking advantage of your blessing of having many annointed gospel preachers and ministers of God to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ.
I was preached to by someone from your region, he preached to me using your language;- through interpreters, many of us were able to accept Jesus Christ to be our personal Saviour.
What are you waiting for to accept Jesus Christ to be your personal Savior?. Your language and residents are being used by God to give salvation to His people. Many are receiving Deliverance, salvation and miracles. The sick are getting healed, the poor are now rich, and many are at peace. Don't you need healing, what about a peace of mind and everlasting Life?
What is meant to be yours first, is being taken by people from a far, take it up now today my dear sister and brother, its the gift of Salvation which gives everlasting life, Mathew 8:11.
You will know how good and important it is when you embrace it, its the stone that all builders have ignored, yet its the chief corner stone, Mathew 21:412-42.


When I got tired of the World's problems, I accepted Jesus Christ to be my personal Saviour. I was tired of falling sick all the time, un bearable poverty, etc. I used to try on my own to make life better but all was impossible, I tried friends and family but they seemed to also have more challenges than I had. I went to hospitals and they could not see any disease in me, yet in pain every day, becoming disabled everyday that came.
But when I accepted Jesus christ to be my personal Saviour, my life never remained the same again, It was made better forever.
You too could be facing what i was facing at that time, or even more than what i used to face. I have got the best solution for you today, I pray for you that you are able to take up my free advise, try Jesus Christ the Saviour, He will heal you, and completely deliver you from all that is bothering you.
I personally know how much painful it is to have no solution to what you are going through.
The buddens that Jesus Christ talked about are real and do exist in the World, for that reason, He spoke about them in the Holy scriptures as below, "come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest", Mathew 11:28.
Its very true, Budens are there in the World, we live in the World where Satan has its throne, yet there is no any other World where we can go live and leave this one for Satan, we can only be empowered by Jesus Christ to defeat satan and take dominion of what was originally created for us, - the World and all in it.
Satan was cust from heaven to the World for its disobedience to the Lord, Jesus loved us and never wanted Satan to ruine all of us here in the World, He came to save us from Satan, that is why when you accept His salvation, your out of the rule of the Devil and your made free of this World's problems.
Problems are just outcomes of Satan's activities. I would not wish those activities of satan to be visible on you, please come to Jesus today.
Find any pastor or church near you and let them know you want Jesus to Save you from the World's problems, or you can contact me and I will help you to accept Jesus Christ to be your Saviour.
God bless you.
Word Power Ministries


Accepting Jesus Christ to be your personal Saviour is the best gift you can give yourself this Easter holiday. He was crucified on the cross to take away your sins and save you from death.
Its written; For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. - Matthew 26:28.


Did you know that your problem is smaller than your God, yes it is. He fills heaven and Earth at the same time, Jeremiah 23:24. So do not fear your problem but fear your God, He will surely crash it.

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles 12/15/2022

He annointed you and gave you all the desires of your life. His life in you, His spirit in you and all the abundance of His creation in the World was all freely given to you by God for loving you.

You are the most powerful one of all creation, you are the richest of all creation and you are the most Holy one of all creation because God lives in you.

Activate your anointing, Accept Jesus christ to be your Lord and Saviour, your Annointing and blessing will surely come true.

My dear friend, let me remind you this, the longer you take to accept Jesus Christ to be your Saviour, the longer your anointing, power and blessings lies idle. Accept Jesus Christ now, the Lord is calling you to serve him.

God bless you and merry Christmas and happy Holidays to you all. Take one minute to read this bible scripture below, you will be blessed. Isaiah 61:1-7.

Feel free to share this Gospel as much as you can.
Visit our online portal at www.wordpowerministries.org
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

We are called "Word Power Ministries", Feel free to join us every Sunday and Tuesday of the week at 6 pm (pacific time) for a powerful prayer and Bible study service.

We meet at our ministry location at North Hollywood in California USA, and Online via zoom, contact us for a zoom link.

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles Word Power Ministries is a Christian Gospel Ministry with a Call to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all Nations. Our Mission is to Share the Word of God and His Love with all people of all Nations.

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles 11/12/2022

Things of this World are usually not enough and will always get finished so first.

As little as they are, you can surely make them enough by sharing them with another person in need.

You can also make them not to get finished from you by giving some of them to others who are suffering.

When there was a famine in Isreal, prophet Elijah was sent by God to a window. The widow had very little grain flour and a small jar of oil, only enough for one meal, between her and her family. But when that little was shared with the prophet, it got enough for all of them and never got finished untill famine was done. It even turned to be a point of connection for a miracle in the widow's family to the extent that when the widow's child died, prophet Elijah prayed and he got healed. 1 kings 17:17-24.

Therefore, What you have used alone can get finished but what you have shared will never be run out.

Similarly, what you have given to someone else will always live forever and stand to defend you in case of challenges occur in your family. The one you have helped will never forget, that is as good as making your resources live forever.

Jesus Christ our Lord termed it as storing your Treasures in heaven, where thieves can not break into and steal, Mathew 6:19-21. Whatever is given to another is considered by God to be stored in heaven and whatever is stored in heaven abids forever.

The Heavenly store could be that neighbor in need, could be the homeless people around you, the widow, the Orphans or that servant of God near you.

It is written, one who gives to the needy lends to the Lord and he will pay back what he has given, proverbs 19:17.

God bless you.
This gospel has been preached by pastor Bob Tiwa from Word Power Ministries.
Feel free to share as much as you can with your friends for the goodness of the Kingdom of God.

follow us at twiter, Facebook, and you tube.
Subscribe to our website at; wordpowerministries.org

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles Word Power Ministries is a Christian Gospel Ministry with a Call to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all Nations. Our Mission is to Share the Word of God and His Love with all people of all Nations.


The Calling for us to reach every Nation and every region of the World with the Word of God was successfully done in Sironko District, Eastern Uganda, last week. We are blessed to preach the gospel of Salvation in those areas where it is most needed. Join us today at; www.wordpowerministries.org

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles 10/10/2022

Jesus Christ came into the World to take away the sins of many. He is the Love of God for everyone in the World. He did not come to condemn you but to save His people from their own sins and give them an everlasting Life, John 3:16-17.

Accept Jesus Christ today as your personal Lord and Saviour. He will give you a new life and all the gifts of God's Love.

We can freely help you to confess Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord today.

Call us at: 2133353083
Email: [email protected]
Or visit us at; www.wordpowerministries.org

Christian Gospel Ministry | Word Power Ministries | Los Angeles Word Power Ministries is a Christian Gospel Ministry with a Call to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all Nations. Our Mission is to Share the Word of God and His Love with all people of all Nations.


Everything created by God or manufactured by humans has got a name, their Names are in accordance to their likeness and purpose. Each of those names are given for identity purposes only. Non of our beautiful names has got authority nor power to give salvation to any one. The power and authority of bringing Salvation to God's people is only found in the Name of Jesus Christ.
It's written; "There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved except that of Jesus Christ, Acts 4:12. Accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour Today and be saved, Salvation is full of gains yet freely given.


Our Lord is a God of Hosts, Psalm 46:7. He is a God and commander of Heavenly Armies.

During His Capture for crucifixion, apostle Peter attempted to fight for our Lord Jesus Christ by cutting off one Ear of those planing to capture Him, But He told him, "take away the sword", replacing the ear and said, "don't you think I can pray to the farther and He sends here legions of Heavenly Angels and finish all those who are capturing me", but all happened to fulfill Holy scriptures for our salvation, Mathew 26:51-54.

When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, you became a Child of God like Him, John 1:12. You are therefore eligible to pray and the Lord will swiftly send you legions of Heavenly Angels who are also His Host/Armies to fight and defeat all your enemies.

For anything racing against you, just keep praying and believing God to intervene and fight for you. You will defeat all what the devil is attempting to do to you.
God bless you.


Don't give up before your victory comes, its about to happen. Keep up in prayer and supplication.

*See this Lesson*
For 12 hours, moses' arms were up, this meant praising, worshiping and praying for victory against their enemies- the Amalek.
Every time his arms were up, they won, when it went down, they were being defeated. Can you imagine, stones had to be put below his arms by Aaron and Hur to support them upwards untill the battle is won.

**Exodus 17:8-16*

Now Amalek came and fought with Israel in Rephidim.And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.”So Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill.And so it was, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.But Moses’ hands became heavy; so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun.So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.”And Moses built an altar and called its name, The- Lord -Is-My-Banner;for he said, “Because the Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.” - Exodus 17:8-16.


The Name of Jesus Christ will push away the Devil from you and even continue to Destroy it by the Holy Fire. For there is no Name under Heaven for which man can be saved except that of Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12.


The devil was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made, its target was to steal, kill and destroy all that was given to us by God, Genesis 3:1.
Thanks to our Lord and Saviour Jesus christ, through Him, the cunningness of satan against us was ended, John10:10.
Please accept Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour today and be saved, you will recover all which Satan had stolen from you, including; life, family, peace, wealth, love for God and others etc, John 3:16.

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